Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 14, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    Second Section
Four Pages
Medford M ail Tribune
Second Section
Four Pages
Dally Eighteenth Tenr.
Wsekly Fifty-Third Year.
NO. 278
.-i-fcOQUE .. RIVER, Feb. . 14. The
Clfy cQUncll met In regular session
Jtfpnday nlKht.ancl In addition to the
transaction:" of routine ' business a
Special park committee, consisting of
Messrs. Van Goethcm, Struhan and
(Jwacker. was appointed to look Into
And. arrange for further accommoda
Uong for tourists stopping at the park.
It la planned to construct a swimming
pool in the' river" bordering on the
' The stock and poultry show to be
staged here Saturday, February the
16th,' la the big event for the week.
Many Medford, Orants Pass and Gold
Hill pepple. will be present .during .the
day and evening. ' The exhibits will be
Judged by students of the public
school and prizes aggregating fifty
dollars will be awarded the students
allowing the best ability In judging ex
hJbltB. The evening program will con
sist .of short talks by many prominent
men Of the state and county. The
Weilson. orchestra of Orants Pass will
furnish music and the day will wind
up with a big box social and all the la
dies are requested to bring their boxes
with them. No admission will be
The Civic Improvement club met
last Friday afternoon at 'the library,
and after the transaction of Important
business pertaining to the welfare of
the city, a very 'enjoyable social time
was spent with Mrs. Philip Htiahan as
hostess. The meeting previous to this
ope was held at the home of the
president,' Mrs. A., K. Earhart, with
a good representation of the members
. present. Mrs. Eurhart entertained
them In her usual hospitable manner
and served delicious refreshments.
last Friday night the Sams Valley
boys and girls basketball teams disap
pointed the local high school teams
by .not Bhowlng up. The Ashland Elks
team - played the Rogue River town
team 'and the local team was beaten
by a score of 15 to 22. ' The Ashland
Elks team was much superior to our
boys. ijThis game (was preceded by two
preliminaries the high school girls'
team add the high school alumni, and
the high school- team and the grade
team participating;;,;' "'i'",','- ' -
Mrs. Bird of Walla Walla, Washing
ton, was tiie guest of Mr. and Mrs.
A- R; Brashear during last week end
While on her way to San Francisco
tor ft two weeks', visit.
The measle epidemic has Just about
passed and the attendanae at school
is almost normal. J
Salts Fine for
Aching Kidneys
When Back Hurts Flush Your
Kldnsyi as You Clean
Your Bowels
' Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, sometimes get sluggish
and clogged and need a flushing occa
sionally, else we have backache and dull
misery in the kidney region, severe
headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid
- liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
' You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
. region begin drinking lots of water.
Also get about four ounces of Jad Salts
from any good drug store here, take
a tablespoonful in a glass of water be
fore breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and is intended to flush clogged kid
l neys and help stimulate them to activ
ity. It also helps neutralize the acids
in the urine so they no longer irritate,
thus helping to relieve bladder dis
orders. , '
. Jad Salts is inexpensive; makes a
delightful effervescent lithia water drink
which everybody should take now and
then to help keep their kidneys clean.
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be
lieve in trying to correct kidney trouble
- while it is only trouble. By all means
have yoor phvsician examine your kid
neys at least twice a year.
"Friendly 8ervle ' Phone 903
Wong Pon
For Treatment
of Acuta and
Olronlo IMs
eases of Hen
and Women.
Cancer and tumor treated, ln
fluenn, kidney, bladder and stom
ach troubles, flU, hernia rupture,
colds, female troubles, paralys
fever, pneumonia, asthma and
throat troubles, rheumatism,
amenorrhoea, goitre, consumption.
Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Consultation Free
13 1 Bouth Front 8t., Medford. Or.
ASHLAND, Feb. 13. Twelve tons
of mall order catalogs were received
at the post office last Saturday for
delivery In and around Ashland. These
were mainly Sears and Roebuck and
Phillpsborn's catalogs, and were de
livered for two hundred miles both
north and south of here.
Mrs. J. S. Razor, a prominent wom
an in Ashland, was run over about
10:30 Tuesday morning and seriously
injured. The accident occurred in
front of the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Dodge. She) had just stepped
from the car and started across the
street, when a car driven by Dr. J. 1.
Chiuholm struck her, knocking her
to the pavement. Mrs. Will Dodze,
who saw the accident, immediately
rushed to the assistance of Mrs. Razor
and took care of her until the arrival
of the ambulance. She was Immedi
ately rushed to the Community hospi
tal, where It was found that she had
received a fracture at the base of her
brain, caused by a car wheel. Mrs.
Razor is about sixty years old, which
makes the accident more serious.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Razor returned a
few weeks ago from Aberdeen, Wash.,
and found their home burned, with
practically nothing saved. They have
been living at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. P. Porter until they could
move onto their son's ranch, which
they expected to do in a very short
time. Mr. Chisholm is a veterinarian,
and is quite well known here as such.
He lives in Bellevlow.
Glen Eaton, son of W. S. Eaton of
Talent, was in Ashland visiting Tues
day. Mr. Eaton is on his way to
southern California, and stopped here
to visit with friends here.
Dr. Mabel M. Bacon, of Vancouver,
Wash., stopped in Ashland Tuesday
afternoon to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Detrick. She is on her way to
Los Angeles where she wilt live In the
J. H. Churchill, the main speaker
at the chamber of commerce forum
luncheon Tuesday noon, spent the
afternoon in the Ashland schools, glv-
llng an address to the teachers of the
schools at 2:30. The children wero
dismissed from school, In observance
of Lincoln's Birthday; thus enabling
the teachers,. to hear Mr. Churchill.
A ' large crowd bt Ashland people
went to Medford Tuesday evening to
attend the Lincoln banquet, which
was held at the Medford hotel Tues
day evening. Amang them were
Hessrs and Mesdames E. V. Carter, T.
H. SImpHon, H. K. Tomllnson. Emll
.Pell, Louis Dodge, V. V. Mills, D.
Perozzi, A. E. Kinney, F. D. Wagner,
I If. C. Galey, F. G. Swedenburg, A. E.
J Woods, D. M. Spencer, D. H. Jackson,
Mr. E. T. Staples, Mrs. Minnie Jack
son, Hon. G. W. Dunn. R. P. Campbell
C. B. Watson and J. W. Oldfield.
The Llthians will, have a dinner at
the Plaza next "Friday evening.. This
will be in the form of a Valentine din
ner and the ladies of the Llthians are
also included. -
M. C. Reed returned Monday from
an extended trip in Iowa and other
points east. Mr. Reod reports that ho
saw some terrible weather while In
Iowa. Mrs. Reed is expected hojne
about the first of April.
I Quite a number of Ashland business
men and fruit growers and formers
-around Ashland are planning to at
tend the agricultural economic con
ference In Medford next week. A
number will leave Ashland about
11:30 Monday and plan to tuke lunch
eon together at the Medford hotel, at
tending the conference afterward.
j Charles Oglesby, former proprietor
of the Enders confectionery was in
Ashland Tuesday. He is now running
a candy .store In Grants Pass.
"Word has been received here that
Lloyd Mulit, who was cashier for the
First National bank here some time
ago, has resigned from his position in
the Bank of Italy, in San Francisco.
A few months ago It was reported
that Mr. Mulit had received a very
flattering offer from a prominent Los
Angeles bank, but It had not been
decided whether or not he would take
the position. People in Ashland are
wondering whether the resignation
was due to the acceptance of the po
sition in Los Angeles, or If he had re
signed for some other reason. '
Everett O. Smith Is developing one
of the largest and most complete
chicken ranches in Ashland. Mr.
Smith lives on the lower part of Oak
street, and has several acres of land
which he Is using for this purpose.
He also has an exceptionally large
hatching establishment..
Professor Irving E. Vlning. presi
dent of the state chamber of com
merce, Is at present on a tour In east
ern Oregon with A. S. Dudley, man
ager of the chamber. They will be in
Ashland soon and will take part In
the program for the annual banquet
which will be given by the chamber of
commerce at the armory on Washing
ton's birthday.
'Tape's Cold" Compound"
Breaks a Cold Right Up
Take two tablet every three hours
until three doses are taken. The first
dose always give, relief. The second
snd third doses completely break up the
cold. Pleasant and safe to take. Con
tains no quinine or opiates. Millions
use "Pspe's Cold Compound." Price,
thirty-five cents. Druggists guarantee it.
Ten Months In Sing Sing
' ,i Death House Makes Nervous
y ,!i Wreck Of William Creasy
MINEOLA, L. I. Ten months in the death-house at Sing Sine;
where he was sent upon conviction lor the murder of his school
teacher sweetheart. Miss Edith Lavoy. have badly shaken the spirits
of William Creasy, facing trial here foe the second time,
Re-trial was granted because certain letters from Miss Lavoy
to Creasy were ruled "improper evidence" by the Court of Appeals.
Creasy has shown extreme nervousness during the course or
. Hie second trial. Faced by the mother and brother of Miss Lavoy.
be turned deathly pale and fidgeted constantly. i
The Medford chamber of commerce
has been keeping a record of the
actual Inquiries of a serious nature
that have come to hand during the
past four years. These total to date
It is IntereHtinff to noto that Cali
fornia furnishes the largest number of
inquiries from any one state, about 20
per cent of the toUil.
The other states In the order of
volume of commuiilcatlunH is OreRon,
Washington, Illinois. New York, Oan
nda, Montana, Texas, Ohio, Idaho,
Colorado, Pennsylvania, Michigan,
Kunsus, MiHHOUrl, Mussarhusettn. Oth
ers In the list have less than 100 In
quiries each for the four year period.
It is significant that the three Pa
cific coast states lead and that Cali
fornia Is very much ahead of any
others. It may be that this Is becuuse
of the flow of unHettled tourists al
ways moving along the highways of
the 1'acifio coast seeking a pluce of
permanent abode.
As to the general Interest manifest
In Medford over the four year period
1920 and 1921 ran about equal. l2'i
was about 20 per cent better. 111113
fell a way off for some reason. It Is
apparent, says Secretary Frohbach,
thtU udvortising must be done to at
tract attention. Med ford's poor show
ing for last year may bo duo to tho
fact that greater publicity due to rail
road construction has come to other
cities In the same general territory.
Tho advertising fund that Portland
has raised will be spont for many
activities, but the first one that has
been given publicity is the Los An
geles bureau. It has boen recognized
for a long tlmo by those who have
studied the situation that southern
California is a fertile field to roach a
large part of the American public who
are on the move and who may be re
garded as excellent investment and
Hettlement prospects.
ATLANTA, Oa., Feb. 14. Paul S.
Etheridge, Imperial klonsel of the
Knights of the Ku Klux KInn, has Is
sued a Btntoment declaring tho con
tract by which William Joseph Slm
moiiB, Imperial emperor, relinquished
all rights and interest in the order
was "so tight ho, Simmons, cannot bob
up again," the Atlanta Constitution
says today.
The stntoment followed the purport
ed Issuance of a statement by Sim
mons In Jucksonvlllo liiHt night which
quoted him as denying lis hud "sold
out" for a consideration of $14 5, GOO,
and declaring he has merely severed
relations with the organization and
has discounted his roynlty of $1000 per
month, which was being puid hliu for
the use of the ritual which ho Is said
to have copyrighted.
Aittorney Ktholi'ldgo, according to
the Constitution, announced that un
der the agreemont with Simmons nil
litigation pending between Simmons
and Imperial headquarters, including
a libel suit filed by Imperial Wizard
II. E. Evans against Simmons far $150,
000 In Little Rock, Ark., would be terminated.
Reports from Little Rock stated that
the Imperial wizard's attorney In that
city has announced the suit would not
be dropped unless Simmons retracts
certain alleged libelous statements
concerning Evans.
CHICAGO, Feb. 13. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) A missionary needs to
be a Jack of all trades, according to
Rev. Ire A. Olllett, who nrrlvod he;i)
today accompanied by his wife on his
vay to Oregon utter five yearV work
for the Methodist KpUcopal church In
Iuhambane, Portuguese East Ai'.-lcu.
"I have prenched, taught school, dug
roads, pulled teeth, baptized babies
and grownups, sawed the horns oft'
bulls, built houses of stone, of dirt and
of poles and mud, been district super
intendent over .700 preachers, exhort
ers, class leaders and teachers In the
gold mining district of Transvaal,
whipped kids, killed .snakes, managed
a 1200 acre farm, TOde bucking mules,
suffered from malaria and jigger teas,
raided stills, and 'While robed In pa
jamas have chased a hyena through
the village with a shotgun by the light
of a friendly moon," he said almost
without catching his breath.
"Since this I (might for two months
In Japan at the Aoyama Oukiilu in
Toklo, which is the largest mission
school in the world, and 1 exect to
go back to it at the earliest possible
moment." ,
The natives In East Africa, Rev. Gll
lett observed, reverse their ' cigars
when they smoke, putting the lighted
end In . their mouths and smoke un
til there Is no cigar In sight.
Rev. and Mrs. Glllett are enroute to
Tangent, Ore., to visit his parents. He
attended the University of . Denver,
Oregon College of Agriculture and Obr
erlln college. -
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. J. Leo
Stack, a Denver oil man, testified to
day before the senate committee that
the Pioneer Oil company officials had
told him confidentially a week before
Teapot Dome was leased that Harry
F. Sinclair was to get the lease.
When the oil comrnlttee resumed Hs
hearings today, Stack, who testified
yesterday, was cross-examined by
Chairman Lenroot. Stack emphasized
the danger of drainage of Teapot
Dome by wells which would be opened
on the land surrounding the naval re
serve under the action which the in
terior department had taken In 1920
when the rights to operate on such
land had been sold at public action.
"In 1020 It was common talk among
the oil men that the reserve was be
ing drained," he said.
He declared that he -had never
thought of seeking to obtain a lease
to the entire reserve but was only
trying to arrange for the privilege of
driving offset wells to prevent drain
age of the entire reserve. His ad
vances to obtain an arrangement had
been rejected In 1017 by Admiral
Griffin and Commanders Stewart,
Wright and Shafroth.
Taking issue with George Creel, who
testified yesterday, Stack said the
former chairman of the committee on
public Information did know that E.
L. Doheny was associated with him In
the efforts to get a lease to drill offset
wells In Teapot Dome.
"I may not have told him the
money I paid him came from Do
heny," said Stack, "but he knew I had
none and that Mr. Doheny was back
ing me." '
Stack said the $5000 he paid Creel
was thq amount named by tho latter
as the "grubstake" ho would need.
Creel was employed, he said, because
he knew the officials In Washington
and was to represent the syndicate In
tho natlonul capital.
BERLIN, Feb. 14. The Inmates of
Prussian prisons have been put on re
duced rations to save expense. They
now get only 125 grams of meat week
ly, saccharine Is substituted for sugar
and baths are provided only once In
four weeks. Clean linen is Issued
Berlin newspapers denounce this
saving and contend prisoners - will
leave the jails worse than when they
"Cascarets" 10c
Best Laxative
I for Bowels
i Tn iit.i. ivi.:i vi ci
If you feel sick, dUzy, upset, If your
head is dull or aching, or your stomach
Is sour or gassy, just take one or two
pleasant "Cascarets" to relieve constipa
tion and biliousness. No griping nicest
cathartic-laxative on earth for Mpn,
Women and Children. 10c boxes, also
26 and 00c sizes any drug store.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 14. A cam
paign to "clean up the clly," which
was started by the police here Monday
morning has resulted In the arrest of
over 1000 portions, ninety of whom are
women. The arrosts of yeHtorday
which reached a total of 631 men and
women, including 3G well known
gangsters and police characters, are
said to be the largest number appro
hended In one day In the history of
the local department.
, Tuesday fourteen police captains
were placed on probation for thirty
days with orders to clean up their
districts or make arrangements to be
replaced. i
ROSEBUnn, Ore., Feb. 14. Rep
resentatives of the main automobile
stage line In Oregon met here today
to arrange final plans for the consoli
dation of theso linos Into the Oregon
stage system. Portland Is to become
tho distributing center for the Wil
lamette valley and Roseburg for
southwestern Oregon. Through auto
Htuges will start operating between
Portland and Roseburg on March 1,
a fleet of six busses being put In ope
ration at that time with two to be
added when needed. All busses be
longing to the system are to be paint
ed the same color, red tops, cream
bodies, black running gear. Publicity
booklets advertising southwestern
Oregon are, now being printed and
will be distributed, throughout the
northwest. The lines Included In the
consolidation ai'o Portland-Salem
Htago line. Central Motor Bus line,
Interurban Htage company, Bugene
Unseburg lino. Coast Auto line, New
port line, Roseburg-Scottsburg line,
Central Htngo Terminal and Hotel
Hn skins for Health.
It only
takes a little
seed and you
want that little good I
Sand ibr FRSB mcsoS
' C C. Moksb St Co.,SdGfom
339 Mwkcc Strwc t Sam Francisco
Let "Gets-It"
End Your Corns
The "Ots-It" painless wiy to end com for
ever li miles ahead of any thing else. Try it.
Simply apply two or three drops to any corn or .
callotu. In two mlnutea all pain will have
stopped completely. Soon you can peel the
corn or callous right off with your finum, root
and all. Coils but a trifle. Satisfactory re
sults guaranteed with your corn or money bick.
E. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago. Sod everywhere.
Idle Acres Yield No Profit
PROFITABLE crops should b growing on that un
cleared land of yours productive instead of idle acre.
And blasting stumps is now much cheaper and easier.
Pacific Stumping Powder Is clearing land quickly and
cheaply for the ranchers around here, because there are
bout 142 sticks of x (jj of PaciHc Stumping to tha
au-pouna case, xou win let one-hair more sticks for
each dollar spent for explosives for land-clearing when you
buy Pacific Stumping.. It has the same strength as other -standard
stumping powders. There is no danger of Its
f reeling, nor does Pacific Stumping cause headache from -handling.
Let us supply you with explosives this year. We carry
large stocks of du Pont dynamites for all blasting purposes
on the farm. Tell us your job and we'll tell you tie cost.
mora per dollar
Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. ,
Crater Lake Hardware Co.
A Pacific Northwest Product
Bear Creek Oil Emulsion
Wa will supply you a properly Emulsified Lubricating Oil Emulsion ready for usa at a
price cheaper than you can afford to make It And you know It will be right
Net Price $10.75 per bbl.
Bear Creek Lime Sulphur
This liquid .'concentrate, used by the valley last year aa a dormant t'clean up" acta ,
both acaleclde and a fungicide.
Net Price $8.50 per bbl. , , . .
Phone 401-R-l