MEDFORD MA Hi TRTBITNE, MTCDFOTtD. OT?Ef!ONT. TTTTrRSDAY. FTCDmiARY 11. 102 J : 1 Medford Mail tkibunr AK IXI.RPKNOUMT NEWSPAPER PUBUSUEU EVEItY AFTERNOON KIOBPT ' SUNDAY, UY THE . , ' , ' IIRUFOBO PRINTIKQ CO. - Tbt Hertford Sunday Morning Sun la furnished ubacrtbsce desiring a aeven-aay u.iy newspaper. Office Mall Tribune -building. North Kir street. Phone 76. A consolidation of the Democratic Times, the Med ford Mail, the Jdedfonl Tribune; tHe tsouto cm Oregoulan, The Ashland Tribune. ROBEltT KUHL, Editor. ' H. BUM PTE It SMITH, Manager. hV UAH In Advance: IIhHv, with Kuodj)' (inn, year. ...... ...$7.60 lUtly, witb fcumUy Kun, month...... .76 Drfjly. without Sunday .Skin, year. ..... ,8.60 Lhtit'y, without Sunday Bun, month " Weekly Mail Tribune, one year 2.00 Hutiiliti Kun. one year....... . .... 2.00, UV CAIlHIKIt In Medford. Ashland. Jtukson- -flit. Otitriil Point, Phoenix, Talent aim' ou Highws: Dally, witb Sunday Sun, month...., Dully, without Sunday Sun, utoiitb. , Daily, without Sunday Sun. year....'. Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year..., All tertua uy terrier, cash in advance, ,.76 7. CO 8.60 Entered at second class mktter at Medtotd, Oregon, under act of March 8, 1870. Ths only Daper between fjurent, Or., and Bacrouienlo, Culif., a distance of over 60U mile, having leaned wire Associated Press Bervioe. Sworn daily average circulation for aft month! ending October 1, 1023, 8370, mom than double the circulation of any other paper published or circulated in jaukson yomtiy. -HKUBKItS OK THE ASSOCIATED PttKHH Tue Awortateu rress is exclusively emuieu i to Hi use fur republktatou of all new rlia i ptc-lis credited to It or not otherwise credit I'd In this paper, and uluo to the local n;ws pub '"! llshed herein. All rlghle of republloatlon of special dU : patches herein arc also rtserml. Ye Smudge Pot By Arllinr Vcny JAte ia ebbing fnet from the Ku KlUx.Klnn, and the great pious iiijd patriotic organization will he a glori fied goner, before the Oregon bullion, - born In the year lnpa carried wood for a flory crofut, liuvo a chance to grow up and be Klengleii. Vho remembers, away bock when a gentleman appeared bareheaded on the Main Stem, and the marshal told him to go nnd put hla hat on, or be cast In the dungeon? Out In the orchards the amp la run nlng,,and every once In a while a aup la discovered driving. ' ' ' y '' George Creel testified before the - senate, that he "harbored a personal ,'. illBluile" for Mr. Dolieny, the oil baron. One really can not blame him. Mr. Dohony gave Mr. McAdoo 1150,000 for legal services, a freshman lnsur . ance.agent could have done bettor, or ,118 well-i-und ' only pungled up . ' measley J5000 for Mr. Creel. ' 't ', (KiiRpna ItrRistcr) ' . ' ' Mrs. A. T.! Grout- was very pleasantly surprised a few days' ago, , by her ' slstur and hUHband ' vhose home Is near Heuttlo, driv ing In. ," ' .1 The Governor and Grand Lecturer . announces at a meeting, (the dlspatoh i did not state whother It wus at a lodgi convention, farmers' conference, woman's gathering) that "he appoint ed .no nngel as prohibition enforce ment officer,' This Is pure careless ness. , . -i. . . , ... Thera wore not so many out to prayer meeting at the , Robertson home Wednesday evening on account of slcltnoss, but those present had a good lesson. (Junction City News) They Just would go. C. Wig Ashpftle bus joined the golf club, but they'll never get him Into short pants. ; TUK TliAGlB ' (Albany J)uiuocrut) r -" This week has been a week of ; agents and customers trials as all tho school children In both ' , schools have been scouring the country with papers and pencils t until traffic was utmost blocked In many places. "And when Jofu was como to Jeitereel, Jezebel heard of It; and she painted her face, nnd arrayed her hair, and looked out of a window" (Ionian 12:23), The age of Join. TO WHOM CAN OltEOON B12 BOLD? (Hdllne J'ortlnnd Telegram) Oregon has been sold enough. Tho Single Tax will be an Issue be fore the "Intelligent voters" again. The Single Tux Is a flue thing, us all tho other taxes aro murrled, and have big families. "Wo nro not llko tho Corvallls paper," says the Eugene Guard. For which confession the Corvallls paper thanks tho good Lord. (Corvallls Guzette Times). A snappy come bai'k. Unless something Is done to revive ' the pugnacity of tho community, the f spring fighting will be below normal. AMBITION Bet eyes upon the mountain peak. i)ut keop your feet upon the road; . Dure any eminence to seek, Despising not tho dally load. ' Cerulean the light thut lies Upon the granite hills of gray; ' Look , not so much to azure skies, You see no primrose by the way. . Bet eyes upon the eagle's flight. 'Yet hear the warble of a thrush; Btraln not so mudly for the height. ' Vott hear no music In the hush. Above you stand the mighty throng Who now parnassus" neclur sip; . Hut give a comrade hero a song And learn the Joy of fellowship. ' Bet ejres upon the mountain peak, ' Hut keep your feet upon the road; A word of courage to the weak, .A hand to shure another's load. Give comfort to the thirsty soul That wulks beslife you on the way With still Tomorrow for your goal, Learn' how to live Today tndny. (Douglas Mulloch.) ALSO KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY. 'D wits excellent advice for Hill. It i excellent advice for our excitable citizenry today, eager for the advance on Teapot Dome. At tho present moment there is a great deal of promiscuous snoot ing orally, which -does no good and may do considerable harm. At best it's a needless waste of ammunition. At worst it may kill the rep n! at ions of innocent bystanders. , . So it's a pretty good idea at the present moment for the average citizen, to stop jumping at conclusions, and try to jump on a few ''acts. What is needed in the oil mess is not more oil, but more re- lincries. Uncle Sam has reached the saturation point, oilistieally speaking. What he needs, is some machine that will separate low grade from high, politics from facts, propaganda from triith. The truth however, is un elusive quarry particularly when its hab itat is greased. Moreover, trtith is usually camouflaged.' . For truth is seldom black or white, truth' is almost always an' elusive grey, a mean between two extremes. ''' -.'. "" Neither the ITiram Johnsons nor the Dcnbys are right in this oil controversy. The situation is not' as hopeless nor as harmless as the extremists on either side maintain.'.. All that tho fair minded person can know at the present time, is that there is something rotten somewhere, and he naturally wants to know, and intends to find out just where that rottenness is. The way to find out is not to treat suspicion as guilt or rumor as fact, as Mr. Vandcrlip virtually admits he did. The way to find out is to continue boring for information on one hand, and building oil tanks and refineries on the other. This is 1'resident Coolidgc's procedure, who wo feel should here after have his name accented on only proper procedure. "Don't shoot until you see the QUILL It isn't propaganda, however, pose. Still, it's a strange discrimination to keep Japs out and let in Mali Jongg. There's nothing crude about America's interest in Obregon ex cept the oil. Getting settled is just a slow business of letting business undo the work of diulomaev. Hint to lady sportsmen : The whero there is other big game. The widow's mite is the insurance money she has left after taking the advice of her friends. It's an odd situation when a only man it could elect, . '. - It is easy to be thin if the sight o? scales docs. Any husband is free to go and mind seeing his wife pout. The people of central Europo are the same tiling all the time. The national death rate is now OSS stop, look and listen. An astrologer says this will bo same old crowd will hang on to it. The most absorbing home stretch is the effort to stretch n pay check from one Saturday to another. '. A real Rport is a man who can children when ho has a tooth ache. And so America has no spectacular runners for the. Olympic games. U only we could enter our rum runners. A good hall player gets more would be disgraceful if he wasn't Correct this sentence: "I signed tho note with him," confessed tho husband, "but I'm not at all unensv about it." Rippling fy Walt MANY MKN' SiY thoro arc so mnny laws tlmy can't all lie obeyed, and nearer yet tho prisou draws, and hopes of freedom fade. Uy statutes worried and distressed men toil along their ways, and soon or later they're assessed en dollars or ten days. I hear much talk from weary men of ordinances vain which bring tho threat of jail or pen to every luckless swain. Yet as my jour ney I pursue, and shun the haunts of sin, no baffling statujes meet my view, and no one runs me in. I strive to treat my neighbors right, as 'one bedecked with bells, and no policeman looms in sight with talk of jails and cells. My neighbor's rights are quite as good as any rights of mine; this fact I long have understood, it is my guiding sign. And while it's pasted in my tile, in letters bright and braw, I may survey with easy smile the terrors of tho law. the excitable colonials at Bunker the first sylluble, and it is the whites of their eyes." POINTS unless it favors something you op Prince of Wales is going to Africa, political party is seared stiff of the ''..' of victuals affects you as the sight , come when he pleases if he doesn't not like us. They stay mad about 12 in 1000, from which wo infer that a year of change, but doubtless the resist the temptation to spank the than a . good governor, and (hat worth more. Rhijmos Mason fed LAWS. Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. Dr Noted Physician and Author Slgnad Utters pertaining to pcraonai nealth and hygiene, not to disease diagnoiit or treatment, will be answered by Dr. Brady If stamped, self addressed envelope Ja enclosed. Letters should be brief and written In ink. Owing to the large number of letters received, only few can be answered her. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Instructions Address Or. William Brady, In car of this newspaper. I ToM It Is a trick of the trage with me io tliscufts hny fever only out of-season. I do bo for the Barn reason that a good doctor gives a t?ntatlve diagnosis or makes an exploratory operation or eHsays a guarded prognosis. Maybe you have ' watched the cat stalking a sparrow. The spar row seems harmless enough to the cat. perhaps, yet tho cat takes no chances he keeps the eye of his tall on the path behind him, not the tail of his eye. For further particulars consult D a r w i n's Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals" (D. Appletou &. Co.), oneof. J the most absorbing works of that much mlsunderHtood scientist. Just 'how long ago it was I can't say offhand, but I hope a reader or two may recall that I recommended the use of calcium lactato or calcium chlorld (either) as a palliative for hay fever. I suggested a pretty good dose, taken well diluted with water, ini mediately after each meal, thruot the Improved by taking iodin as you sug usual hay fever season for the part 1c ' Rested to your readers. Question. ular Individual case. That the medi cine proved efficacious I am certain, because many readers testified fervid ly to the benefits they had received, uud a few testified hotly that tho stuff had upset their stomachs. It affords me great pleasure to re call this now, for since 1 suggested the medicine to readers subject to hay fever, not as my own discovery but as the dictum of medical experience gen erally, it has been found by scientific observers that the calcium content of the blood is lowered In persons sub ject to hay fever. This observation establishes the calcium lactate or cal- cium chlorld treatment on a fairly sound basis. It doesn't cure hay fever, remember. The only thing approach- orange juice Is so much given to in ing a cure Is treatment with gradually fants that are artificially fed to pre lncreaslng doses of a kind of homeo-lvent scurvy. Iemons or lemon juice pathio dilution of the extract of the particular pollen responsible for the particular case, doses which must be admlnlstered by hypodermic or intra- muscular Injection to be effective. But the calcium treatment seems to dimmish or even completely obliter ate individual sensitivity to the pe culiar poisoning or .intoxication by pollen which accounts for the syni- toms of hay fever. I have mover suggested calcium treatment for asthma, butUho scien tific workers find that in true spas modic asthma there Is tho same low ered calcium content in the blood, and that the same kind of treatment, with .calcium lactate or calcium chlorld, gives much relief in asthma. - Small . doses of calcium lactato or calcium chlorid seem sufficient for this purpose, 'provided the individual's The Screen There are many big "punches" in cluded In "Her Reputation," a film production dealing with the power of the press. The story Is that of u southern beauty who, on her wedding day, becomes involved In a sensational ftcandul. Her adventures, when ehe runs away from home, have been screened with spectacular effect. May McAvoy is starred, while Lloyd Hughes heads the fine supporting cast. "Her Reputation" closes at the Rialto theatre tonight. "Lawful Larceny," is due for a two days' run at the Rialto theatre to morrow and Saturday. The story, an adaptation of the stage success by Samuel Ship man, is a domestic drama featuring Hope Hampton, Nita Naldi. Lew Cody and Conrad Nagel. Radio News lMiiladelphia. Penn.. Feb. 14, 1S24 To Liroudcastlng Station KFAY, Medford. Oretron. - llroadcaHting special trans-Taclfic program 509 meters starting 10 a. m. eastern stardard time, Friday, Feb. 16, 1fl24. Please nntlfv this station of your reception time nnd modulation. Broadcasting Ktntlon Wit" Glmhol Brothers, Philadelphia. Pa. Indigestion May Lead to Appendicitis Repeated attacks of Indigestion often lead to serious Inflammation of tho stomach nnd intestinal tract. This inflammation may finally extend to the appendix.' which usually becomes infected through the presence of foul, irritating matter In the bowels. It doesn't pnv to Ignore even the most simple warnings of digestive trouble. Neglect is responsible for much misery.- Uneasiness at the pit of the stomach, sour taste in the mouth, oxressive gas, heartburn, nau sea, vomiting, bitter risings, constipa tion, biliousness. dlr.zy spells and pal pitation of the heart after eating are some of the most common symptoms of poor digestion. If you ave subject to any form of stomach distress, dout fail to try a bottle of Smith Bros." M. A. C. the guaranteed stomach treatment. This wonderful medicine usually gives prompt relief from all discomfort. In fact. It is sold on ft positive guaran tee of money back If the first bottle falls to do so. , A I urge bottle costs but $1.25. Heath's Drug Store. West Side Phurmacy will supply you. Adv. You So ductless gland functions are not SJ-eatly impaired. For, as I have re cently explained, the parathyroid gland hormone or internal secretion probably controls calcium meiabollsm or utilization in the system. Five grains of calcium lactate, taken dis- j solved in half a glassful of water, after food, thrice daily, for six or eight weeks, would be about right. : This has brought great relief In cases of hay fever and of asthma in two or J three days. Should it fail to produce -any appreciable benefit, perhups the ! fjLillll'A lu ut ri'ltklltilhltn tn Hunt load I Blond deficiency, which calls for tho individual attention of a physician. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa Is tea, coffee or cocoa harmful to the complexion? (T. F.) Answer. Not for persons over 10 years of age. Salt "VVo love salt, so I decided to use for cooking the ordinary wilt sold in bagj to bo used for tho bath, hoping to get the natural iodin ration. 1 am told it is sea salt. My mother, 72, a teacher in -the schools of , has been vastly What do you think of my plan? (Mrs. L.) Answer. Sea salt contains Iodin and If it -s agreeable to use it In place of ordinary salt in cooking and on the table, It would be a good plan. I am not sure, however, whether the suit you refer to is really sen salt. Lemon Juice Kindly tell me the value of lemon juice to the body and Its chemical pro perties. (K. I. C.) Answer. Same as orange, lemon having a greater amount of citric acid (about 1 per cent) nnd rather less sugar (about 2.4 per cent) than orange. Lemon Juice is rich In the . antiscorbutic vitamin C. for which ! or lemonade, like orange tmd grape- ' fruit, tends to make the blood more 'alkaline and the urine less acid. Lcm- on Juice increases the appetite sand probably aids in the digestion of other foods. Tho juice is cooling to the body. It increases the elimination thru the kidneys and the skin. It tends to aid expectoration and Is there fore good in many cases in which cough and expectoration occur. Lem on juice has some actual food value, is oxidized and utilized as food in the body. Lemon juice is excellent when a sour flavor is desired. Lemon juice does not reduce contrary to wide spread popular misapprehension. A fa t wo inn n migh t consu me a d ozc n lemons a day without reducing 10 grains, I am sorry to say honestly. Been use I like lemons, with plenty of sugar to sweeten 'em up - SECY. MELLON DENIES J! WASHINGTON. Feb. 14 Secretary Mellon, In a letter today to President Coolldge, declared unrounded, the charges of Charles D. Brewer, depart ment of Justice attorney, that there had been bond duplications in the bu reau of engraving. It also was declared that Mr. Wal lace W. Kirby of the army engineer corps had been dotailed today to act as director of the bureau, succeeding Louis It. Hill, whose resignation has' been accepted. Gas on Stomach May Cause Appendicitis Constant gas causes Inflammation which may involve tho appendix. Sim ple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc.. as mixed hi Adierika helps any case gas on the stomach in TEN minutes. Most medicines act only on lower bowel, but Adierika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all gas and poisons. Excellent for obstinate constipation and tc guard against appendicitis. Heath's Drug Store. Adv. Oregon Roses and other Beautiful Flowers Illustrated Catalogue Mailed Free Upon Request Clarke Bros. Florists 287 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon TEE 'GKEATKST THING IS TUE WORIiD by Laurel Gra Ifais a Girl a Rlfflil tn Be Skeptical. Asks Laurel Unm n eivl a Huht to be skeptical about love and marriage? the inquiry coming to me from Louise -today, , , f gives me pause. Here nre three reasons why Louise admits she is inclined toward s k e p t i clsm so far as the genus homo is concerned: 1. "I married a man who didn't love me enough to keep me inter ested. 2. "I am go '"B divorce him because I feel that loveless marriage is a waste of time. 3. "I believe nil men are careless of love's essential once they have ob tained possession of a woman." Dear me, how cold and business like. Louise ought to make a good efficiency engineer in a big industrial establishment one of those places where they select their employes with a lot of scientific aids and bar somo applicants because the color of their eyes doesn't match up with their peck ties. Skepticism Is sometimes justified, hut, like cynicism, it creates fearful imagines which do not exist. Just be cause one marriage experience is un successful Is no reason In the world why the Second Plunge shouldn't turn out all right. I have scant patience with a man or a woman who insists upon standar dizing her romantieexperlences. This Jack may turn out a terrible disap pointment for a certain Jill and yet prove a wonderful lover and husband for another Jill. Standards nre so elastic that skep ticism toward the whole race of men nnd man's way. is never justified. If Ruptured Try This Free Apply It to Any Rupture, Old or ltucrm, ljirRc or Snutll unci You Are on tho Koud That Has Convinced Tlio 'Siinds. Sent Free to Prove This Anyone ruptured, man, woman or child, should write nt once to W. S. Rice 1157C Main St., Adams, N. Y., for a free trial of this wonderful stimulating application. Just put It on the rupture and the muscles begin to tighten; they begin to bind together so that the opening closes naturally and the need of a support or truss or appliance is then done away with. Don't neglect to send for this free trial. Even If your rupture doesn't bother you what Is the use of wear ing' supports-nil youri llio? why suf fur this -nuisance?- Why ruri the risk of gangrene and such dangers from o small and Innocent little rupture, the kind that has thrown thousands on the operating table? A host of men nnd women are daily running such rlsg just because their ruptures do not hurt nor prevent them from getting around Write at once for this free trial, as as it Is certainly a wonderful thing and has aided In the cure of ruptures that were as, big as a man's two fists. Try and write at once, using the cou pon below. Free for Rupture. W. S. Rice, Inc., 1157C .Main St.. Adams, N. T. ' You may send nie entirely' free a Sample Treatment of your stimulating application for Rup ture Name Address State DYEE3 HATTERS CLEANERS 23 N. Fir St Davidson News Co. I' New Palm Block Cor. Fir and Main Magazine! Newspaper Agenolet Subscriptions Distributors to the Trade ' Phone 885 Confectionary Smokes Superior Radio Sets Representing Federal Telephone Mfg. Co. Radio Corp. of America Mur Rad Radio Corp. Magna vox Co. Crosley Radio Products Virgin's Radio Service 105 W, Main Th' tlUnjEr t do is t Kit even Willi our frictuK an ferfclt our enemies. Jnk IJoiilley is a ro tatiii' farmer. niV '11 raise a roar Instead o' wheat this year. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication Med XJT ford Lodge 103 A. 1 & A. M. ' " Friday evening, Feb. 15, 1924 at 7 p. m. ' Visitors welcome. . By order W. M. A. J. CROSE, Sees 279 ANNOUNCEMENTS STATE REPRESENTATIVES I hnve reprttientttl the people of Jackson County one term in the State legialuture anil ffl that the legislative experience galtietl hum fitted me for a lurtfer and iiior practical twrvR- In the future. I therefore announce myself as a cendhiafe for the Ntste Keiri-enUlive aubject to Uil republican primary. .lv. tf. RALPH COWC1ILL. t hereby announre my candidacy for ''elec Uon wa one ol Um two repmMnittitivet frma Jackson County to the State Lregislgture, aub Ject to the May primary. , I feel that n:- prevlourt service In the lefriala tiire ennblea uie to better serve the people. Adv. tl. JOHN U. OAK KIN. SHERIFF I hereby announce mynrlf a candidate for the looiitiution of Sheriff of Jacknon County on th 'epublicHD ticket, aubject to the Vutera of said -:ourity at the primaries tn May. If niiniiiHted iiid elected I pledge myself and the deputies whom 1 shall appoint to enforce all liws In eluding the 18tli Amendment with efficiency nd economy. If you do not want the laws en-, forced, do not vote for me. tdv. tt. ' D. a. LYONS, Central Point Ah a candidate In the Kepubllcan primaries1 for the office of Sheriff. 1 desire to clearly define my portion on the future conduct of thut office. If elected. , Uy experience af a deputy sheriff of Jackson County, and us a State Truffle Officer, has tauiflit me that no pence officer can give satis factory and efficient service to the public when his niiUioiity and responsibility are tdiured by another. The present unsatisfactory law en forcing conditions ia largely attributable to divided authority between antagonistic peac officers, elements that are certain to produce conflict. Inefficiency and useless expense. If elected I ahull ttinint upon ami expect to maintain the right to perform all the duttea of Sheriff In this County, and tt follows that I will he imcoinproinitdjigly opposed to special officers except Federal Agents, with whom 1 piedge run aim complete cooperation. I urn in thorough accord with both -the letter and spirit of the prohibition luwn snd pledge my actl um urn Adv. tf. ind untiring efforts in their enforcement. J9 J. J. itcMAHUN. CORONER I hereby announce myaelf as a candidate 05 the republican ticket, for nomination at the com ing primary for the offioe of ooronor of Jackson county. Hy virtue of my profession on an undertaker, I feel that I huve every qualification and th necessary equipment to properly handle any du ties which, m.iy arise. Ativ- n. W." CONQfctt. . I am a republican candidate for reelection for Coroner of Jackson county, aubject to pri maries May It. Platform: P.tperinice, 'personal attention, economic management. Being a auhutuutiiJ taxpayer I a tit interested ,n the economical management of all county offices. JOHN A. PlilEL. COUNTY CLERK f announce niyrtelf as n candidate for the r oublicon nomination for County Clerk, subject o the primary In May. If elected I promt n erform the duties of my offlca In an vconom ml and busiuetii-like manner, tdv. tl. YV II. CRANUALL, Eagle Point I hereby announce myself as a candidate ou 'Jie republican ticket for nomination for the of fice of County Clerk at the May pirmarlea. 1 have for the past five yeara been a deputy rmiiity rletk and am familiar with every braucu it the offk. and If elected. I will give close at mention to the duties of the office and feel con fident tliat I will prove worthy of voiir aup oort. DELILIA STEVfeNS, W- t'- Medford R. F. D. . I am a candidate for the office of County Clerk, on fh- republican ticket, subject to tha orlinuiy on May 16. If elected County Clerk I will give to the office that high degree of efficiency which the people are justified in demanding of a pubhc official CARL Y. TENQWALD, Medford. TREASURER I am a candidate for the republican nomina tion Inr lwnli.1 t.rm T t . ... ... ..... n ttcMmircr oi tiucswn county, subject to the May primary. If nom- mat,l ami lr,nA t ...I,, . . ... ... ... the pmt, in .ccoiJame wlih the Ian. of tlie a. o. walker. Adv. U JUDGE COUNTY COURT BelieTlng thut 1 may be of emlc to th. iieoplt ol Jacknon county I hereby intimlt my an.l,dacy for the republican nomination for luilB-e of th. rinutiiv ... u.. ""!. W. J. HARTZELL. A.I.. tf T hpntliv nnnnt.nAA Ji...... .... 1 ......uu..c miUIUVVJ for County Judge, subject to the dc-. u, u irt-mitcrauc primary, on he following platform: Rpilllr-A tllVAU Htwinnh nn . leal nnd buaineaa-like administration county airan-s. stop needless ex. i,ci,uuioc.i aim waste ana give proper upport nnd attention to good roads, Public Hchnnla arA n,hAn public necessities. Enforce the pro hibition lnw efficiently nnd properly throuRh proper nancies ana eliminate pedal lnw enforcing organizations which are now causing divided lllthnrltv inri na.i. . - , . ...... ii.vuicu VAJPI1H. U1V. to all a fair, square deal and mot b responsible to anv political (action, clique or organization. WILL AH CL.RICH.. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT . V , . ' u i . me May primaries far, the Republican nomination aa County Hchool S,inerintn.lnt t I , , w. ...ivu vouuir. . na erred the county for three and a half year. -- .,!rrmrrucnt. anu Will, tf agelS elected, work earneatly for the cuae tf edoca tion aa heretofore. SUSASSE Hnttrq niPTRBL w. . COCXTY ASSESSOR '1 I am a candidate for rannmlnatfon " the Republican ticket for the office of County Assessor, subject to the May primary. If nominated Mid slec-ted I promise to give the same emclent service in the conduct of the office that I have in the past. and. n i-ununue to worn ror a better Kiuallzatlon of nronertv vaii.M