..J..A - 1 Medfoed Mail tribune) AN INDEf'ENUBNT NKWBPAPKR - PUIiLlbUEU KVKUY API KJ NOUN EXCEPT . H1INDAV. HY THE MEUFOIID I'ltlNTlNCi CO. Tha Metfford Sunday Morning Sun tl furnished fuwcrtuera desiring a evenuay daily newspaper. Olflca Mail Tribuii Building, I6-S7-2D aorta Mr street, ruone 70. A consolidation of the Democrat io Timet, the Vedford Mail, (lie Uedford Tribune, tht Boutb rn UregoMlan, Tha Ashland Tribune. BOBKHT W. RUHL, Editor. i, 6UM1TER SMITH, Manager. IlY 11A1L In Advance: y Daily, with Sunday Sun, year $7.fiO . Daily, with Sunday Sun, month 76 Duily, without Sunday Sun, yar 0.6U Daily, without fcunduy Sun, month,.,.. .06 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 2.00 Sunday Nun, one year 8-00 IlY (JAKU.KK In Wed ford, Ashland. Jackson , villa, Central Point, fboeniJE, Talent antf on Highways: Dsijy, with Sunday Run, month 76 Dally, without Sunduy Suit, month... .06 i DuUy, without Sunduy Sun. year 7.60 Daily, with Sunday Sun, one year..... 8.60 All terms by currier, cash Jn advance. Entered aa second class mutter at Med tot d, Oregon, wider act of March 8, 1879. ,y Official paper of the rlty of Medford. The pnly paper between hugene, Ore., and Sacramento, Calif., a distance of over 600 mi), having leafed Wire Associated Press Service. . Sworn dally average circulation for six mouths ending Oetober 1, luifii, S87V, more than double Uie circulation of any other paper published or circulate in Jackson County. MKMBEKH OK TUB ASSOOIATKI) I'HKHS The Associated Tress is excluaivi-ly entitled tA tl.M imc (or reuuhlictuion of all news dis patches credited to it or not otherwise credited ( in Una paper, situ jmo hi uiw ucui jto jiuu lislied herein. All rights of republication pt special , dU- pa tehee herein are also reservrti. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur l'crrj Civilization, which Is tilwayB Jookr Ing forward going backwards now uses lothal gng to kill its murderers, the tlrst victim of tho advance being a Nevada Chlnamnn. Taking a hu man life, with a high-powered gns, is Just as barbaric as with a rope or a sledgehummer, but a trifle move unique, and not so mussy. It Is now the stylo for stylish young men to weur goatees. The goateu ought to bo Able to Klvo any living fool notion a close race for first pluce in. this state. The Third Battle of the Marne will be staged at' the military base this eve. John Coll is not well. Ills children have been coming quite often to soc him. (Sweet Homo News). Cause and effect. Singing of "America" at tho open ing of an oil meeting is highly patri-. otic, but It would have been good bus ness to have executed one stanza of "Drill, Ye Terrlors, Brill!" ' Quy Mulnno came homo for an In definite visit with his puronts. He was' accompunled by hla bride uf last week, (Brownsville Times). Anoth er local girl makes good. Will McAiloo for president, Is now Well McAdonb. llcrrin, Illinois, Is again In the throes of a community civil war. Hdrrfn is tho only town In America where organised hellralHlng was In vogue before the Ku Klux Klan gut there. The shirttailed hosts of right eousness have now arrived, and hull, thnt Is hell. ubldeth. Tho late downpour was short (1.37 of being a $1,000,000 rain. (Eugene Ilt'KlHter) ' Whore is tho heroic- cnmmls sloner who before election was '' going to shed his hulled collar, don overalls and i-oll his sleeves and get out in the ruin end build the iV'idges himself? ; iliis he fallon by the waystdo. , The power company is taking down the phone poles along the specific pleway, by old fashioned methods. This is no reflection upon the speod Jdlota, who did tho best they could, but were too Indefinite. 1 Adam Ellor, patient In tho hospital at- Bartonville, is resting easy today after having a steel harnetts buckle. threo inches in length, two pieces of coal, a piece of leather and three matches removed from his esophagus. (Peoria Dispatch ) . Peorlu Hill Gates can't place this fellow in his mind. SAM nEARD come home, all for given: if not, bo trouble. Wife (SK. Hulloitn.) A p mi I m fur Sam: The Senate starts nn investigation of the holier-than-thou Ku Klux Klau next Monday, and ought to start the junior and senior soedmmdors from this state broadcasting information about tho necessity of ro-pliiiulng the hillsides to fir trees. ' Mrs. Jennie Kdwards, of Alder Branch, has been ' suffering with a sprained ankle, caused by trying to ' escape from a mule that was chustim her. (Conway Democrut). Tiiuls of furm life. ' ;: - Tina TicsiiT none qi eicx rKfUut Marta .Moor llyer "Ped to walk upon a wire 'In her circus silk uttirc, Having limbs that men admire. How tho gaping crowd would eyo 'or While tho spieler or the crier Jlarked for Miss Maria liyer. ow this crier was Hi Ouyer. 'hen Miss Uyer broke the wire, flhe caused puyor to expire, Vor she mashed him in the miiol "After this you couldn't hire Me to take another flyer! If I don't hereon retire. You can shoot me for a liar!" Said Maria Meyer Hyer. (Spokane Spokesman-Review.) frYUh Medford tnsde U Ue4for4 mad. CUT OUT TIIK SOONER criminal proseeulioii starts in tin; Tunpot Dome scandal, the better for all concerned. During the past few days the oil investigation lias degenerated into little more than a political rough and tumble between the re publicans and democrats. Committee, proceedings are being con stantly interrupted by set political speeches, and for over a week congressional business has been lit a standstill, because leaders on both sides have been too busy hunting up more witneses to- throw mud at the opposition and store up a little more campaign material for the approaching presidential contest. With criminal action under way, the excuse for further political shadow boxing will be removed. , The question of facts will then be more important than the question of political advantage. The entire situation will automatically clear up, and the people will have a chance to determine just how much is fire and how much smoke in. the un fortunate mess. '("! raJi1Sgl& Moreover, congress will then have less excuse to delay action on important business. Unless the Teapot Dome free-for-all, is cheeked coon, the present congress will adjourn without a single coiistrucflye achievement to its' credit. i ' ' " So the most sensible action since the Roosevelt bomb exploded, was President Coolidge's immediate demand for criminal action. Such a policy insures not only prompt determination of. all the facts and prompt punishment for tho guilty, but it gives congress a chance to & pend a little time on the important business before it. QUILL Democracy: Soak the rich. T!cacc; A period during which going to jut?. "Dangerous men at large," says to congressmen at largo. Sometimes wc think Americanism joining something. A party leader is a man who convert it into a plunk. ' On tho other hand, an open mind hold a conviction.' More people got WOO.OOO In 1922 trot some of them in 192:3. No man who delights to bo naughty ever can forgive the narrow ness of the man who doesn't approve. It's a very raal pleasure to tuck tho children in bed, if you can manage to keep awake until the children come in. There's a difference. This time isn't defined as "solemn." The whiskey barrel mny have heeij taken out of polities, but the tfood old pork barrel is with us yet. When we think of the inortKK Uncle Sam holds we can't much blamo infants for (leclining to bo born in France. Correct this sentence: "My parly was a great success' said the wife, "ami I felt fine the next day." If there wero fewer fool laws to teach people contempt of law, there would be less need of martial law. It is easy to get nn education, once you learn thnt the things you learned in school do not constitute nn education. Heredity is the quality that is showing up when a father says, "I tlon't know what has got into that boy." Too many rich men's sons begin at the bottom only when standing on n street corner to "look 'em over." The nice thing about being a commoner is that you don't have to marry n royal half-wit to get somebody in your social class. Correct this sentence: "IIo's mother, "and he always wipes his RIpplingRhu READING. '" I'M OIjAD I lwiniod, when I was young, to ait mc down and rend, the lofty strains liy poets suns, and tales like "Adam Ilmlo." I'm tflad that leiinired a thirst for lore of every sort; I senrehed for it, tho best and worst, absorbed it by tho quurt. The reading habit stuck to mo till I prow bent and gray, and j)ov beneath the sunset tree I read old ape away. I sit among my cauliflowers and read tho bards sublime; I have no bored or M eary hours, I'm happy all the time. I see so many graybeard wifr!lits who find old uge a bore, their days arc dreary and their nights' make souls anil systems sore. They're tired of paeing withered lawns, of trips in noisy curs, they're tired of gloamings and of dawis, of watching suns and stars. And they might sit in comfy nooV.s and have the blamedest time, if they'd acquired the love of books, of stately prose and rhyme. And some of them have stored doubloons, and gems as large as beans; they have their spinels and jargoons, ziroons and tourmalines. They have ten thousand bones, I wot, where I have only one, but they eau't sit with Walter Scott and have a raft of fun. They havo fine ears and fauums oooks and hats from every clime, but they can't sit among Jho books and have n bully time. ' THE POLITICS. POINTS one can tell the truth without a headline. Probably a reference is an inherent inability to avoid cau lake a popular delusion and may be one that is to6 porous to than in 1921. The grand jury the referendum on the peace plan such n boisterous boy," said the feet carefully before coming in." Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D, Noted Physician and Author ( Signed letters pertaining to penooei nealth and hygiene, not to dlteata dlaoneilt or treatment, will be answered by Dr. Brady If a stamped, self addressed envelope Is enclosed. Letters should be brief and written in Ink. Owing to the large number of letters received, only few can be answered here. No reply ean be made to querist not conforming to Instructions Address Dr. William Brady, Jn car of this newspaper. .. v .. x , , . ,. The Treatment One of our favorite pastimes In the profession- of .course f. refer to the medical profession is complaining how Httle the lulty . a p p r o c hues us. , One of the fondest . 'pleasures the doc tor has 1 i a t e fl ing to &n eioquent after dinner speak er telling how richly he, tho fam ily doctor, deserves heaven, when . it is a Judge who pronounces . this verdict the doctor Is Just about ready to die. .5-4:1 Seriously,- tho, it pays even from selfish motives to treat a doctor right, for- that is the way to get tho best Hervice from the doctor. For instance: It should require no extraordinary intellect to understand that you can't appeal to a doctor's sympathy anony mously, yet many a luckless seeker for medical aid, any on a dark and stormy night, attempts something of the kind by curtly Informing the doc tor or his wife over the telephone that the doctor is "wanted' immediately at a given address. Some people approach a physician In a suspicious or secretive frame of mind and hesitate to give him confi dential information which is abso lutely essential for his proper under standing of the cuse. They betray their lack of information as to the law and tradition which preserves all such confidential communications sacredly inviolate. Unless one can trust the physic-Inn implicitly in this respect lt'is better not to seyk his ad vice at all. Whatever may have been the cus toms of our forefathers, the physician today resents the implication of lay men who are uninformed or mlsliw formed that he restricts his treatment to the giving of pills and potions and does not understand the use of other remedial measures than drugs. A modest woman makes no em bnrrasslng fuss about undergoing any examination or treatment her phy sician may deem necessary. - Some poople who are fairly well In formed in general but not about hy giene and health like to mix treat ments, using something of their own secret choosing along with the treat ment tho physician prescribes. If the result is unhappy, the doctor is con demned for It; if nothing untoward happens, the doctor is forgotten and the secret treatment or remedy ex- COMMUNICATIONS G. Mansfield Inquires. To tho Editor: 1 I notice 1 in., the morning paper a slowing account! of a meeting held nt Med ford In Jackson county, at which it wns proposed to tell the farmer how he could be prosperous. I have a curiosity to know whether thiB meeting took up tho question of how the apple growers of Jackson county who produce apples that in my opin ion are perfect, who In fact took blue ribbons for these apples can dispose of them at suoli'a price as will enable them to prosper and carry on the or chard business, and I call upon this conference to got the figures showing the cost of production mid the amount derived for the apple crop produced near Ashland nnd Medford, fruit thnt is as near perfect as in my opinion it will ever be practicable to produce. I would like to have this conference ex plain how the pear growers In the Hoguo River valley nnd Southern Oregon are to prosper under condi tions. like these. I am only quoting from memory, but I am sure the fig ures are substantially correct. In 1921 tho Btirtlett pears In the Medford district sold for about ?140, 000; of this amount the growers re ceived $36,000, the railways about $06,000, and the balance vanished in terminal, commission and other charges. What doeg this conference propose to do about this condition? Are the fruit growers of this district prepared to comfort themselves by saying "Day by day, in every way, we nre getting better and better." I nm of tho opinion that something more than this is required. Our people cannot 1 be convinced that they, are prosperous by any such silly formula, neither can they be convinced by In terviews with ! prominent citizens, sthtlng thnt the farmers are prosper ous, or by one thnt recently nppcured in the locnl and Portland papers from a banker of that vicinity, who "aid "Tho country must be prosper- oi s because tho banks nre full of nivney." I know nearly nit of the men en gaged in this sort of propaganda nnd I know thnt they are too intelligent to believe what they themselves nre saying. Thev are moved by a deep and selfish purpose; a friend of mine who frequently talks to farmer audi ences used to tell n story of a man who owned al mule, He rode this mule continually and carried enor mous loads on liim. The mule began to get thin to such nn extent thnt tho owner became alarmed, so he consult ed a local veterinarian. The veterin arian, after asking a lot of questions about the hay the mule received, and making n rlo.e examination, finally said to the owner I find nothing or gnnicnlly wrong with this mule, he is simply overburdened. The only way you can restore him to the proper condition is to get off of his back, to which the owner replied That Is the one thing that 1 nm not willing to do, nnd thnt is tho one thing that the hunch of gentlemen now holding the economic conference in Jackson coun ty are not willing to do: they ore not willing to get off the farmer's back, and so we come hack to the oft-repented formula We must take off of the back or the common people the of the Poctor tolled. This helps to make many good doctors enjoy fishing, hunting or checkers. QUESTION'S AXI) ANSWERS. Honey Is Hwvott Please tell mo If pure honey, direct from the hive contains sugar or starch. A drugless doctor says not. but a medical doctor tells a friend of mine that It contains !)5 per cent susnr. We are both being treated for diabetes, 'H. M. ; .... Answer-Porbapa. the doctor said that 95 per cent of the nourishment In honey is sugar.. Honey Is a heavy solution of sugar, practlcully speak ing. There is no starch In it. The popular idea that honey may bo taken by a. diabetic who cannot take cane sugar or other sweets is without foun dation. Alcohol Injection In Nerve. Kindly advise as to the usual time required fo rthe numbness or feeling of stiffness In the face to pass off after injection of the fifth nerve for relief of Inveterate neuralgia Injec tion with alcohol. M. O. Answer Six months to two years. Left Handedness. . Is a girl 11 years of age too old to change from left handedness to right handedness Would it be wise to at tempt to change her? Mrs. S. E. R. Answer If a child is naturally left handed I think it Is unwise to at tempt to force a change ut any age. And I know of no good reason why left handedness should bo objection able.. I Look to Food. : i What might be the cause of baby's teeth coming in decayed ? She is now a year old, has seven teeth, but the two middle upper teeth havo decayed spots and both arc chipped. 1). C. W, i Answer: Usually poor teeth are at tributed to faulty diet. All It Needs In ImpresHlve Tunnel. This is to thank you for sending the formula for cough medicine. J wlsh- Ivu iu B've ii u guuu iiiui, iiviii'e inf late acknowledgement. The medicine IS curiam ly gouu muKing tne uroii I chlal cough more "productive" with out killing tho appetite as most cough I mixtures do. My physician's cough medicine I ennnotl take and eat. N. M. O. . Answer One ounce of citrate of soda, one ounce of glycerin and the juice of a lemon dissolved In a pint of flaxseed tea, flavored with three or four drops of peppermint. Dose, a tablespoonful every two hours for two or threo days; for a child a tea spoonful Is the dose. present terrible system by which In fi nance, in transportation, in marketing and in taxation the back of the com mon people, not only on the farm, but in the c I ties'' and towns is' being broken. Can we get them off of our backs? The people of this 'great state and nation must answer that question at the polls. p , - GEO. A. MANSFIELD. ' Portland, Feb. 8. Tlmo to Kneel nnd nciKnt To the Editor: In view of the fact that the Bible declares, "that all liars shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstones " Rev. 21-8, and slnco the word of Ciod positively forbids division among God's people, 1 Cor. 1-10. and since it also positively declares that "he that sayeth I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar," would It not bo In order for ProtestnntH every where to fix a time for all of them to kneel at the penitent form and seek God's pardon, thereby setting a wholesome example to other sinners to repent and constitute the initial step towurd bringing about a grand revival. S. WO R DEN. . Phoenix, Oregon. Ilasklns for Health. tf At the Klalto - The final showings t "Snlomy Jane," which opened nt the Rialto theatre yesterday will taky place this evening. George Melford directed the picture, which includes Jacqueline Logan, George Fawcett and Maurice Flynn as featured players in the past. "The Bad Man," opens at tho Rialto theatre tomorrow. . Holbrook . Blinn nppears in the leading role, assisted by a remarkable and exceptionally capable cast which includes Enid Bennett, Charles A. Sellon, Jack Mul hall, Teddy Sampson, Walter McGrall, Marry Myers, Stanton Hock, Thomas Del mar and Frank Lanning. "The Bad Man", appeared on the stage for three solid years, with Blinn in the title role. Finally it came to Los Angeles, and during performances Blinn enacted the part before the camera. If you are seeking a "differ ent" kind of picture nnd a mighty fine one at that, see "The' Bud Man." Secured Relief Through Foley Tills John H. Gordon. Danville, Ill writes: "I have suffered with kidney trouble five years; could not sleep at night and was always tired. I was not strong and hard work made my back ache. I got some Foley Pills and after a few treatments I felt bet ter and could work with more ease, became stronger and could sleep bet tor." Foley Pills are a diuretic stim ulant for the kidneys, make them more active. Get a bottle today. Sold everywhere. Adv Kodak Finishing for tho.e who demand tha bert. Swem'a Studio 217 E. Main M.dford The Screen THE GREATEST THING IN THE wonio) j . by Laurel Qrsjr Here's a dialogue reported just as it was overhead: TTe "I bet you don't really love me." She "Why do you say that?" He "O, well. She "I think It Is you that don't fove me." He "O, go on" . S h e "W e 1 1, sometimes " He "You know I do love you'" She "I'll bet you don't not really." .He "Aw. honey, you know I do. Eut I bet you don't love mo." She-1-"! Jove you more man you fove me. I bet." He "Aw, go on." She "I just know I do." He "Aw, go on." She "Honest', honey, do you lovo me :" He "You know I do." She "Honest?" He "Honest." She r"Aw, gon on!" Sauces You Never-: Forget Certain hotels hare a country -wide reputation for their wonderful meals. It ia usually in the prep aration of some famous sauce that a chef gains his reputation. There is hardly a chef of repute who would be without KITCHEN BOUQUET, Try this mushroom sauce : MUSHROOM SAUCE 4UbJspoHb U aom stock mum a llett tortUr ! i ntwitw. add Meek wJtfc i ooofc M aminatav, tlntaff cftaai add . Thmt ji will Mno twKjr AA regard m .tisktr KITCHEN BOUQUET A CUT! A SLASH! For the next thirty daya we are making special prices on all our dry and green wood. Inves tigate. It is to your Interest. I VALLEY FUEL CO. - ' Phone 76 Coming to Medford Dr. Mellenthin .SPECIALIST In Internal Medicine for tha : past twelve years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at HOLLAND HOTEL MONDAY, FEB. 18 Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mollenthln !s a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and 'la licens ed by the state ot Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. Ha has to his credit wonderful re sults In diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart kid ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lunga, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon: , J. A. Smith, Ontario, OreC, ulcers of the stomach. T-eona Ford, Washougal, Ore., ade noids. V. II. Kellendonk, Estacada, Ore., high blood pressure. Mrs. Ed. Eborhardt, Solo, Ore., gall stones. E. C. Nichols, Lebanon, Ore., appen dicitis. Remember above date, that consul tation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompa nied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury BIdg., Los Angeles, California, A We Uln nil recall th' olo linnglii lamp an horno nn" phaeton tluys when ull th' family prominence wuz In dad'n name. Iut ever' thlng wo know of lias doubled in price, Vept wo kin still drive, over MrCnuley Creek bridge faKler'n a wulk fer th' same ole $.ri - fine. - ; ' " ' ANNOUNCEMENTS STATE REPRGSENTATIVE3 r hnua runruHHiitfil tli nffonle of .Tank son County one term hi tho RUte legislature uiftV (eel thut the legislative experience gaiiieii nu- fitted me for a larger and wore practical ttervice n the future. I therefore announce 'mvself ai a CPinUdnto for tlie Ktute KcpresenUtive , auujutt to tin renublieun primary, i Adv. tf. RALPH COWQll.L. I herebT announce my candidacy for elec tion as one of the two representative from Jack ion County to the State Leg lulu tur, nub. jec-t to tlie May primary. 1 feel thnt my previous service In tlie leglila ture enables inu to . better serve the people. Adv. tf. JOHN 11. OAK KIN. SHERIFF I herebv announce myself a candidate for tlie nominntlon of Sheriff of Jacktton County on the republican ticket, subject to the voters of fluid county at the primaries in Muy. If nouiiriHted and elected I pledge m.VBelf und the deputies whom I shall appoint to enforce all laws in cluding the lHth .Auiemlmeit witli efficient nnd economy. H you do not want ue wa en forced, do not vote for me. Adv. tf. D. A. LYONS, Central Point. Aa a candidate in tiie Republican prinmrteg for the office of Sheriff, I desire to cleurlr define my position on the future conduct of thut office, if elected. My experience aa a deputy sheriff of .Incknon County, nnd aa a State Traffic Officer, hns taught me thiil no pence officer can give satis factory stid efficient service to the phhlie when his authority and responsibility are shared by another. The present unsatisfactory luw en forcing conditions is largely attributable to divided authority between antagonistic peace officers, elements that are certain to produce conflict, inefficiency and useless expense. If elected I shall Insist upon and expect to maintain tlie right to perform all the duties of Sheriff in this County, and It follows that will be uncompromisingly opposed to special officers except Federal Agents, with wh.im I pledge full end complete cooperation, I am In thorough accord with both the letter nnd spirit of the prohibition laws and pledge my uctive and untiring efforts In their enforcement. Adv. tf. J. J. McilAllUN. CORONER '1 hereby announce myself aft &' candidate on the republican ticket, for nomiuatiou at tlie corn- i ing pri mary for the office of coroner of Juckson 0 county. liy virtue of my profession as an undertaker, , T feel that I have every qualification and tlie necessary equipment to properly handle uny du ties which muy arise. Adv. tf. H. W. CONOKIt. T am a republican candidate for reelection for Coroner of Jackson county, subject to pri maries May 10. I'lntform: Experience, pertona attention, economic management. 1 Icing ti fmbrttiintiu) taxpayer I am interested iti the ' economical management of all county officer. Adv. tf. JOHN A. I'KUL. COUNTY CLERK T Announce myself as n candidate for thp re publican nomination for County Olerk, subject (o the primary In May. If elected i pro mine to perform the duties of my oflie in an econom ical and business-like manner. Adv, tf. W. II. CUANOAIX, Eagle 10 In t I hereby announce myself as a candidate ot. the republican ticket for nomination for the of flee of County Clerk nt the May pinnarles. I have for the past five years been a deputy county clerk and am familiar with every branch of the office, and if elected, I will give close at tention to the duties of the office and feel con fident that I will prove worthy of vour sup port. PR LI LI A STEVENS, Adv. tf. Medford K. F. D. 2. T am a candidate for the office of County Clerk, on the republican ticket, subject to tlie primary on May lti. If elected County Clerk I will give to the office thut high degree of efficiency which the peoplt are Justified In demanding of a public offlcUL Adv.tf CARL Y. TKNGWALD, Medford. TREASURER I am a candidate for the republican nomina tion for a second term as Treasurer of Jackson county, subject to the Muy primary. If nom inated and elected I will conduct the office aa in tlie past, in accordance uilh the laws of the . state. A. C. WALK Kit. Adv. tf 4 ' JUDGE COUNTY COURT Bellerlng that I muy be of service to the people of Jackson county I hereby submit my candidacy for the republican nomination for Judge ot the County Court at the May pri maries. W. J. HARTZELL. Adv.4f I hereby announce my candidacy for County Judge, subject to the de cision of the Democratic primary, on the following platform: Reduce taxes through an econom ical and business-like administration of county affairs. Stop need lens ex-, pendltures and waste and give proper support and attention to good roads, public schools and other vital and public necessities. Enforce the pro hibition law efficiently and properly through proTJer agencies and eliminate special law enforcing organizations which are now causing ! divided authority and needless expense... Give to all n fair, square deal and not be rcsponstnie to any political .faction, clique or organization. , - Aflv.tf WILLIAM ULRICH. IK i , COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT-'1-'" I am a csrslidate at the May primarteft for the Republican nomination as County School Super! ntendent of Jackson County. T ' Iwve aerved the county for three and a half years as county superintendent, and will, if ain elected, work earnestly lor Uie cause of cduca tlon heretofore. Adr.t! SUSANNE fJOMES CARTER. ' COUNTY ASSESSOR I am a candidate for renomlnatlon on the Republican ticket for the office of County Assessor, subject to the Mny primary. If nominated and 4 elected I promlFe to give the same efficient service, In the conduct of the office that 1 have In the past, nnd will continue to work for a. better equalization of property values. AdV,U J, B. CoUiMAX, -