Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 08, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
A carload of Anjou pears grown by
E. W. Carlton of tho Kodskin orch
ards was sold recently by Ouy Conner
for 2!)13.12. This 1h an average of
over ti per box and Is the highest
priced car of Anjous sold this year.
Unity literature leaches people how
to be well, prosperous and efficient
free distribution, 106 South Ivy. tf
Another one of those wonderful
dances at tho Oriental gardens Satur
flay nlb-ht. 273"
. . The Ladies' Auxiliary of tho Amer
ican LeKion post request the public
to remember the date, Feb. 11, to
ieend cookies for the soldiers ln: the
hospitals in Portland. Cookies can be
left at the Shasta, or 212 North Bart-
lett street, Monday morning;. '
I' There wilt be no meeting of Troop
No. 8 Boy Scouts tonight. - 273
': Tho Thrift 8hop wlll hav another
of their popular surprise package
sales on next Saturday; Feb. 8. Kach
package only 10c and worth more
than that. The shop has for sale
many, other bargains, among them a
boys' nice raincoat for 10 or 12 years
old, for only 7 5c, a child's beautiful
plush coat for only 13, several now
folding sealskin handbags for only 31
each! These are Just samples of what
you'll find here. 273
Tickets for the "Garden of the
Shah", the Medford high operetta
that will take place at the Medford
Armory tonight at 8.30 o'olock went
"on sale In Crowson's Wednesday noon,
and tickets tor the basket ball game
between Rofleburg and Medford to
'take place at the Armory Saturday
night went on sale this morning at 0
o'clock at Crowson's.
' Expected to arrive Saturday, Fob.
Oth, another Bhipment of pattern hats
from the east, The Emmy Lou Hat
Shop, M. M. Dept. Store. 273
Don't fall to attend the dance at
the Oriental gardens Saturday night.
Frank C. Ferguson of Salem, en
route to Long Beach, Calif., by auto,
is visiting at the home of his son, E.
C. Ferguson.
Home made cakes and salads nt
Marsh's Grocery tomorrow, 273
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A.
Wagner of Central Point In the Med
ford Community hospital, twins, son
weighing seven pounds, daughter
wolghing six and three-quarters
pounds. Mrs. Wagner and babies arc
doing nicely. .
A great artist eominff to Medford.
Renee Chemot, world's most famous
woman violinist. Second only to Fritz
Krelsler. First Presbyterian churoh,
Wednesday evening. Fob. 13th. Pro
rated membership ticket now $2.00.
This also includes concerts that fol
low. Medford Clvio club. "It scorns
like gilding rofined gold to attempt to
describe the beauty of her playing.
There are many violinists but only one
Chomet." Bristol Evoning News.
" Hence Chemot Is pne of .the.groatt'st
living women violinists..! Hei1 tnuo ix
firm, strong nnd roHonnnt, her bowing
supplo and finished, ns her Victor
records will attest. Hoar them at
Palmer's Piano House. ' 278
Mrs. C. F. Card, manager of the
Thrift Shop, and Miss Lillian Roberts,
secretary of the Red Cross, made a
trip of Inspection to the County Poor
Farm today to investigate conditions
Fuller brushes offlolent servants.
Tel. S36-R. 2H
Meet your future husband nt the
Leap Year ball, Saturday night, Feb
ruary th, Jackson Hot Springs,
aletropole Joes orchestra. 274
Ruben Vallard Close, of Medford,
and Mary Jean McKendrle, of Grants
Pass, Monday aftornoon obtalnod a
license to wed. Grants Pass Courier.
Cortlcelll stockings In the now
spring shades. Handloraft Shop. 270
$3.00 and 11.76 chamolsotte gloves
11.48 at The Colonial. 274
A big crowd of basket ball enthusi
asts will Journey over to Ashlnnd to
night to witness the game in that city
between Roseburg high, which plays
here tomorrow night at the Armory,
and Ashland high. News of tho out
come of this game will bo eagerly
awaited here by the stay at homes to-'
There will be no meeting of Troop
No. i Boy Scouts tonight. 273
$10,000 reward If caught not nt
'tending the Leap Year ball Saturday
night, Jaekson Hot Springs. Motropele
Jnss orchestra. Something new. 274
A letter written by a merchant at
Klamath- Falls last Monday to this
city told that fine weather win pre
vailing there and for tho first time
ever known f such a situation at this
lime of year there waa no snow be
tween Fort Klamath and Klamath
Falls. ...
Singer electric are the most highly
developed of all sewing- machines.
Investigate the features which have
placed them In a class by themsolvcs.
Tho Singer Store. 10 South Fir. 274
Try our wet wash on your next
wash day. IS pounds for 76c. You
can't do It at home for this amount.
Medford Domestlo Laundry. Personal
Domestic Ren-Ice. Thone lo. tf
Milk Bread
- ; baked by
A baker of reputation.
Al Any Grocer
Mr. nnd Mrs. Io J. Kahn of Chi
cago, W. H. Alexander of Salt Lake
City. Utnh, H. W. Clark of Boston.
Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Graf
of Bozeman. Mont., are among the
out of the state visitors In the city.
Expected to arrlvo, Saturday, Feb.
Oth, unother Bhipment of pattern hats
from the eaBt; The Emmy Lou Hat
Shop, M. M. Dept. Store. 273
Home made cakes and salads at
Marsh's Grocery tomorrow. 273'
Andrew Hearn was a Medford vlsl
tor from Phoenix Thursday.
Try our dry wash, 7c per lb., mini
mum 7 Sc. All flat pieces Ironed.
American Laundry, phone 873. tf
Dance Saturday night at the Orien
tal gardens.' 273
Lillian Owens of Medford was a
guest at the slstor dinner given Sun
day at the Kappa Delta Sigma frater
nity house at O. A. C. Eight sisters
of the fraternity were present. Miss
Owens Is a senior In home economics.
Columbia wall board. Cal
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Yard. .
Home made cakes and salads at
Marsh's Grocery tomorrow. 273
Lloyd Moss spent today at the trac
tor demonstration at Central Point.
Try our dry wash 7c per lb., mini
mum 75c All flat pieces Ironed.
American Laundry, phone 873. - " tf
Kavser 81.26 silk gloves 48o - at
Colonial. I 274
Fair weather for tonight and prob
able rain for Saturday is the weather
prediction. Ten more hundredths of
an inch of rain fell yesterday and last
night, making In all .82 of an Inch
that Iran fallen during the 48 hours
ending at 8 a. m. today. '
We repair all makes of phono
graphs. Palmor's Piano House. 278
There will be no meeting of Troop
No. 3 Boy Scouts tonight. 273
I pay cash for Used pianos. Herb
Launspach. Phone 227.
Vaudeville skits, Impersonations,
popular and classical songs will make
up the program of the Willamette
Men's Glee olub, which will play at
the high school Monday night, Feb.
Women's Walk-Over and Selby ox
fords, up to ten dollars, on sale Satur
day at The Hub Shoe Store at five
dollars. 273
The most beautlru ball room In
the northwest. See that now stage
sotting at tho Orlontal gardens Satur
day night. 273
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Ilolbrook anci
Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Bonesleoto of
Sulom, O. B. Nye of Hood River and
C. B. .Spencer of Albany aro among
the Orogonlnna temporarily In ' Med
ford, as are also the following from
Portland: Mr. and Mrs. B, F. Bloom-
flcld, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Sense, Mr.
and Mrs. H, W. Orton and son, Mr.
and Mrs. L. B. Connel, Miss Mabel
Stelee, G. H. Smith, Arthur Kelly, L.
K. Tillman, O. W. Smith, A. L. Brot-
ton, H. J. Cress, J. C. Fisher, J. C
Booth, J. A. Wilson, J. T.. Talbot.
O. F. V. Meyer and A. H. Mason.
An intensive evening course, the Art
of Judging Men or Human Nature
Study1 opens next Thursday at the
Medford Business College. Tho work
Is equivalent to a much longor univer
sity course In Appliod Psychology,
and will be In charge of Prof, Leland
J. Knox, of tho local high school
faculty. 273
Home mado cakes and salads at
Marsh's Orocory tomorrow.' 273
Robert Strang loft Monday morn
ing for Butto Falls to spend some tlmo
with Grover Corum on his homestead
located In that part of tho country.
Shoes at never before heard of
prices. Must vacate building. Buy
now. No. 11' North Fir. 278
Just 60 of tho $2.60 wash waists
loft to close out at 81.76. 274
Rev. F. R. Leach will pay a fitting
tribute to Woodrow Wilson Sunday
evening at tho Mist Baptist church.
when he will deliver a special memor
ial message on "A Study Character of
Woodrow Wilson the Prophet and
Idealist." There will be special mUBic
and an organ recital all In harmony
with the service. Further announce
ment of this special service will be
Dance ono of those beautiful moon
light waltaes at tho Oriental gardens
.Saturday night. 273
House for rent. C. A. DoVoe.
B. H. Smith and llonry E. Edwards
of Los Angeles, and J. E. Bridges.
Thos. Hcines and D. Corcoran are
among tho Callfornlans In tho olty.
Poclflo Package goods are the nign
eat Btnndard for needle work. See the
new artistic designs. Handicraft Shop.
Tf you love good niuslo attend the
danro at the Oriental gardens Satur
day night. Admission 10c. 273
Olo lArnon of Grama Pass was a
business visitor Thursday.
Leap Year ball ' Saturday night,
February 9th. Jackson Hot Springs.
Metropolo Jau orchestra. You'll be
surprised. 274
Two pair of children's 86o hose for
38o at the Colonial closing out sale.
Benton Bowers Of Ashland was In
town Thursday.
Columbia plaster wall board. Call
for prices. Wallace Woods Lumber
Homo made cakes and salads at
Marsh's Grocery tomorrow. . 2i3
There were about 25 Elks from
Ashland In Medford Inst night to at'
tend the Elks lodge doings.
Why use a treadle machine when
we will rent you a new White Electric
for $3.00 per month. White Sewing
Machine Co., 24 N. Bartlett.
You can gel It at DoVoe'a. tf
Charles Hensll of Portland arrived
In Medford Thursday and will remain
here for a few days attending to busi
Tho new .Rucilla Package, goods
havo arrived. Look them over. Han
dicraft Shop. 262
(let your mage lines at Dovoe's,
Chronic Invalids improve tinner our
care and treatment. 273
FOR SALE Refrigerator, two oil
atoves. two rockers, dining room
chairs, sot of china dishes. Phone
TO RENT Bam for riding pony near
S. Holly. Phone JU0-I. tt
WANTED Cheap lot In Medford. or
would buv cheap home and pay like
rent. Write or mil iit W. Twelfth
St. after p. In. !'4
FOR SALE Breeding toms. hens.
Incubator and brooder.' 42-J-t. 274
FOR SALE 800 o'l pots. 400 gals,
nil. sprnv rig. tro p.ns. picking
IwiiH, l.d.b'rn. lux box. plow,
harrows, two-horse disr. Irrigation
nmi'ker. Phone 6-F-l. Jii
Having appeared in formal tryouts
before their auditorium the high
school debaters will meet Phoenix
Friday afternoon. Following thell
decision Grants Pass and Medford are
to be taken on, and If victorious, the
team will meet other cities out of this
district. The question that hot) been
discussed Is, "Resolved, that the cabi
net system of state government should
be adopted In the state of Oregon."
Ashland Tidings.
Exchange your old piano for a new
one. See Launspach, phono 227.
The Hub Shoe store will place on
sale Saturday Women's Walk-Over
and Selby oxfords up to ten dollars
going Saturday only at five dollars.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Carlisle of Seat
tle have been the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Smith at the Hotel Holland
during tho last few days. Mrs. Car
lisle is a girlhood friend of Mrs.
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle are on
their way to San Francisco where
they intend to make their home in
the future, i .
Home made cakes and salads at
Marsh's Grocery tomorrow. 273
1 The Vanta garments are the best to
be found for tho baby. A full line at
fflie Handicraft Shop. 276
Ed B. Layman, representative of
Wilson Brothers from Chicago, Is in
Medford today on business matters of
his firm.
Phonographs! See Launspach.
Hemstitching, buttons covered at
the Handicraft Shop. tf
Included among the temporary visi
tors In Medford from the ; Btate of
Washington are Clara Sklnstad and
H. Portman of Tncoma, and D. K.
Milton of Belllngham and II. D. Coale
of Seattle. -
Chocolate toastod marshmallows.
regular 66o per lb., Friday and Satur
day 400 lb. The Roguo. 273
Genuine Bosch Magnoto parts and
repairs. Elootrlo Shop, Eighth anft
Ben Ribke of Portland is one of the
business visitors from the state me
tropolis In town today.
AH cookies regular ' 16o a dozen.
Friday and Saturday lOo per dozen.
The Rogue. 278
Removal sale. $8:60 Goodyear welt
shoes $4.60; $7.60 values $5.86; good
work shoes $3.00 to $4.60. No. 11
North Fir. 276
Mr. Caldwell of tho M. E. Smith
Co., of Omaha, Neb., was an out of
town visitor in Medford today.
Linen crepe, all colors, 980 yd. Jap
Art Store.
At Deuel's Hemstitching 8c. tf
' A meeting of tho park board was
hold yoslerday afternoon In the of
fices of the chamber of commerce and
final plans were adopted covorlng
proposed improvements and develop
ment of tho municipal auto camp
during tho lmmediato future. The
plans wore approved by, the members
of tho board and presontod to the city
council at last night's session. The
proposed plans ask that the city of
Ashlnnd. thru Its park board, be
authorized to Issue serial bonds in a
total sum not exceeding $10,800, to
bo retired at the rato of $1000each
year for a period of ton years, with
interest not to exceed 6 por cent, said
bonds to constitute a gonoral obliga
tion of the city. Ashlnnd Tdlng9.
There's a busy Buslnoss College
In Medford. OWN -.' '
Chocolate toasted marshmallows,
regular 65c por lb., Friday and Satur
day 40c lb. Tho Rogue. 273
Tho manager of tho National Guard
basket ball toam here is negotiating
with tho Roseburg National Guard
team for a game In tho near future.
Ono more five dollar shoo day at
Tho Huh Shoo Storo Saturday. Wom
en's Walk-Over nnd Selby oxfords, up
to ton dollars on salo Saturday nt five
dollars. 273
. Duplicating save books tor sale at
this office. tf
Miss Lillian Roberts will leave for
Portland this evening to attend to
some Red Cross affairs In that city
and will return Monday. -
Our only business Is Insurance, out
we cover every known kind of risk.
R. A. Holmes, "The Insurance Man."
New shlpmont . cotton ' crepe, all
colors, 23c yd. Jap Art Store. .
' The "Garden of the Shah" operetta
begins at 8:30 tonight at the Armory.
Before you buy- that piano see Herb
Launspach. He can save you money.
He knows pianos and Is rename, oi
flce and salesroom, 114 W. Mnln St.
Special mixed enndy, regular 60c
per lb., Friday and Saturday 86o lb.
The Rogue. 27 3
W. H..- Arnold or I'rioenix was a
Medford visitor Thursday.,
i Sellins out now phonographs and
records all kinds half price. Gold Ray
Realty Co. Open evenings. - .
Milk and cream nt DeVoo's. tf
Paul McKoe of tho Cnllfornla Ore
gon Power company loft yesterday for
San Francisco.
We fix any old thing. Liberty
Repair Shop. '
Cool briquettes. Clean and econom
ical. Exclusive dealers, Hansen coal
Co. Phone 239. tf
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cornell or me
Alexander Hamilton Institute, the
well known business correspondence
school, are staying at the Hotel Med
ford whllo they do business In Med
ford. ' -
All cookies regulnr 15c ft dosen
Friday and Saturday 10c per dozen.
The Rogue. 3?3
Crepe paper 6c rbll, DoVoe's.
Pntrlck Welch of Spokane arrived
In Medford this morning on a period
ical business visit.
Pianos! See tAUhspach.
Five Dollar Shoe sale at The Hub
Shoe Storo. Saturday, women's Walk
Over and Selby oxfords up to ten dol
lars on sale Saturday nt five dollars.
'' ' ' '-:i PHONfe 4 ' '"
8INCE 190
23 N. Fir St
Phone 244 ;
It was stated In last night's Locals
and Personals that tho debate be
tween the Medford nnd Grants Pass
high BchooU would tnke place Satur
day night. This is Incorrect. The
debate will take place tonight In the
high school auditorium and will be
over in time for all there to go to tho
high. Bchool operetta at 8:80. The
debate Is free of charge and the public
Is Invited. The Judges will be the
Rev. E. P. Lawrence. J. D. Thompson,
tho principal of the Eaglo Point
school, and E. D. Evans, principal of
the Talont .school. , ' I
Women's Walk-Over oxfords, up to
ten dollars, on sale nt Tho Hub Shoe
Store Saturday at five dollars. , Good
assortment. , 273
Look for the word "Everfast" on
the selvage of socnlled overfost goods.
If not there tho goods aro not "Ever
fast." Handicraft Shop. 270
Miles Cantrall and son of Ruch
were in Medford Thursday attonding
to business affairs, and attended the
Elks lodge doings last night.' ;
We have good values In used cars. 1
Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf
Special mixed candy, regular 60c
per lb., Friday and Saturday 36c lb.
The Roguo. 273
We will loan you money to build or ,
buy Holmes the Insurance Man. !
Superintendent Aubrey i Smith
drove to Ashland today to act as Judge
at the Ashland-Phocnix debate taking
place at Ashland, and H. A. Hnnby, :
principal of the Washington school ,
drove to Phoenix to judge the second ;
Ashland and Phoenix teams who are i
debating there.
Hemstitching 8c per yard at Stylo-'
craft, opposite Rlalto theatre. tf ,
Guy'W. Conner and A. S. Rosen-'
baum drove to Roseburg today to
attend to buslnoss matters In that city.
Hamburger sandwiches at DeVoo's.
. . . ,
Get spft paper school tablets at this
office. tf
An 'exclusive ladies and children's
hair cutting parlor is the latest inno
vation to bo introduced in Medford.
W. K. KelloKg, who recently moved
here from the east, has announced
that he would open such an establish
ment in room 423, Medford bldp., on
Monday. February 11th. Mr. Kellogs
has had considerable experience in
women's and children's hair cuttlnR
work and the news that he Is opening
an exclusive parlor here will be greet
ed with pleasure by Medford people.
C. E. "Pop" Gates, of tho Gate
Auto company who is a brother-in-law
of Mr. KellopK, is enthusiastically
backiAs him in this project. "KellogK
is, in my estimation, one of the very
best men in his lino I hay ever seen"
says Mr. Gates, "and I believe his new
establishment will bo popular thruout
southern Oregon. "
Mr. Kelloprff is now putting on the
finishing touches on his room in the
Medford building and installing ; a
special hair -culling chair for ladies,
dressing tables and hair drying ma
chines, and has"announced that It will
be ready for" inspection Monday.
BOWMAN Mrs.. Maggio Bowman
died nt her bovine In Central Point
February 7, aged 63 yenrs. 3 months,
2 days. The deceased was born No
vember 5, 1870 In Holland where she
lived but four yenrs of her life, on
arriving in the Unlteol States, the
rnmily made tholr home in Lincoln
Neb., where they stayed five years,
then went to Kansns. where In 1S94
Miss Smith was married to J. H. Bow
man, and to this union eight children
were born, six boys and two girls:
Curtis and Noble, residing in Port
land, Ore.; Mrs. J. D. Lenx of Sacra
mento, Calif., John, Wallace, Ray
mond, Wayne, and Grace, all of Cen
tral Point. In 1899 they moved to
North Dakota, then In 1908 to Spo
kane, nnd" eleven years ngo she came
... ism m. - r r i,
mm, .Tin. m..' . t!
Astounding Prevalence
rr IS appalling to realize that
probably 10 of the adult pop
ulation suffers with Piles or some
other form of Colon trouble.
Yet. I GUARANTEE to cure any case
of Pilei by my non-urgicl method or
refund the patient's fee.
Oa or .boat Htmnh Ft my AOki orxuU
, ... . ill h I .il in mr
Mais, difl7 opdo
Caort Homm. PortUxl. Orttoo
t itVJ
F.&E. Theatre
A Big Northern Picture by
2ENA KEEFE. with
J. Barney Sherry, Robert Elliott
and Gypsy O'Brien,
Admtuion iOn and SOo
Mtlnee every Sunday ?:3p P. M,
The Home of Bread Like Mother Made
,' A. -.. .':" . - ':' ' ''. ' C ; ' ' '.' '
ix Besides the big saving, there is a lot of satisfaction in trading
here: No standing around until a clerk can find time to wait on
you, and no clerk to hurry you when deciding on what you want; 1
Just shop around in themost complete stock of groceries in South- j
ern Oregon. If you can't find what ycu want, the floor man is
Golden Dates
always at your service
.2 lbs. 23c ,
Flni-iri .ran Fruit of tmod size 3 for 23c
Oranges Small but very sweet 3 doz. 39c
Oranges Medium size and sweet . . . . . .doz. 23c
Gobdy Goody Peas-rNo. 2 cans 3 cans 40c
Cream of Wheat . .1 . . -. .... , . .,; , ... . . " PST o
Hillsdale Asparagus. . . . .-..". . . .per can 30c 6 cans $1.75
Glass Tumblers .. J ; for 23c
14 and 17 qt. Dish Pans,' worth $1.00 49c and 59c :
Standard Pack Corn-No. 2 cans .... ..... '.. , . :,;,;- 3 35c
EXTRA SPECIAL Graham Crackers in 5 lb. wooden boxes
Fresh from the factory this Week while 100 boxes Tlastper
box . . , .-.-i t ?' ."';. . . . . . ; . t - 69ci
'(EdBinns) ' ' '
Morrell's Fancy Eastern Bacon, (corn fed), sugar cured and
well smoked, in slabs averaging 4 to 6 lbs each Special for Sat
urday per lb. 23c
Veal Stew . ;. . per lb. 10c
Veal Roast . . , ... . 4 .... .per lb. 10c
Sugar Coated Dcughnuts, of regular size and quality Special for
Saturday, up to our capacity to make per doz. 16c
Devil's Food or Mocna Cakes . each 23c
Hot Biscuits from 11: A. M. to nocn . . . . ... ... .per doz. 10c
Gates & Lydiard
Buy ere and B (ink Jthe Difference
to Oregon. About nino months ngo.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman camu to Cen
tral Point, where altho Mrs. Bow
man has been red ridden most of the
time she had mnde many friends. In
1900 Mrs. Bowman Joined the Dun
kard chtir-h. of which she had been
a fa';bful tnembjr ever rl"c.
She leaves to mourn her loss be
sides her many friends p.r.d clitldren,
her husband and ono sister formerly
of Kansas.
Funernl services will be held Sun
day, February 10 at tho Union church.
Central Point at 2:00 p. m., Kev.
Lanegar of Ashlnnd officiating. In
terment in tho Central Point ceme
tery. ...'. ...... . ......
JONES Mary Francis Jones, in
fant daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. Truo.
R. Jones of Butto Falls, died yester
day nt the hospital, a few hours after
being born;: -.A private, burial will be
made in the. Central Point cemetery
Saturday. Tmi"l?en;Fiinoral Home in
! A. F. & A. SI.
Medford Lodge" No. 103. A. V.
v a. Ai. special commumca-
x tion Friday evening, Feb. S.
1924, at 7:30 p. m. Work in F. C.
degree, by, ordar 'W.',M.-;
273 A. J. CUOSE, Secy.
Anderson Cots 1 to 2 Years
NEW YORK, Feb. 8. William IT.
Anderson, stato superintendent of the
Anti-Saloon league today was sen
tenced to from ono to two years in
state's prison for third degree forgery.
Instantly I "Papc'sDiapepsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
The moment you eH a tablet of
"Pape's Diapepsih" voiir indigcation is
gone. Xo more distress from a sour,
acid, upset stomach. Xo flatulence,
hcartb'.im, palpitation, or misory-nmkin:
pases. Correct your digestion for a few
cent. .Each packaj-o guaranteed l-v
dnli?T3st. to nrernnoi. .torT.! truhlp.
. ..
The Days of '49
When the stage coach galloped into the 'muzzle tff giirW '
and the masks of quick trigger men; when tha Vigilantos
were the law, and a rope and tree brought swift justice;
when the West was a world of wild adventure.
That!? the. setting for this vivid story. by the greatest of
Western winters, BRET HAETE. ,
y fv i fit Klv-.
i 'I'-' f VHir-"
N VN "f, v 4V r
., . .- with .
- . ; ' 50c V