Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 29, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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SAI,EM, Ore.; Jan.-,. 29.r-Justlce
O." P. Cosliow'a first opinion as a
mombor of the' state supreme court
was handed down by .the court today.
This was nn opinion affirming Judge
V M. Thomas of Jackson county in
1 he case of the Rutler and Thompson
company, appellant, vs. the City .of
Ashland, an action to determine water
rights, other opinions were handed
down' as follows:
V. . C. Repass vs. Estacada State
bank, appellant, appeal from Clack
amas county; action for accounting'.
Opinion by Chief Justice , MuBrldo.
Decree of Judge J. V. Campbeli modi
fied. . , . '
"'.In the' matter of the estato of
Charles ifoedler, deceased, James M.
DavisJ appellant, vs, Earl Smith and
X, P. Fin ley and Son;, appeal from
Multnomah county.. Action involving
administration of estato. v Opinion by
Justice Brown. . Judge .George Taz
well affirmed.
Petitions for rehearing denied in
Trippeer vs. Couch and Sbmmor vs.
Appointment of trustees in "Wemmo
case by Judge Bell confirmed by su
premo court.
The abovo action from Jackson
county was brought to enjoin tho City
of Ashland from entering into an
agreement to purchase watr from
the Talent Irrigation, and further to
enjoin tho city of Ashland, from
holding a special bond election to vote
bonds to pay for the water contract.!
Circuit Judge Thomas last November
set aside a restraining order. In the
matter, and an appeal was' taken to
the higher court on December 13,.
with above result.
May Lead to
.Repeated attacks of indigestion
often lead to serious Inflammation, of'
tho stomach and intestinal tract. This
Inflammation may finally extend to
the appendix, which' usually becomes
Infected through the presence of foul,'
irritating mattor in tho bowels.
It doosn't pay to ignore even tho
most slmplo warnings of dicestivo
trouble. Neglect Is responsible for
much misery. Unenslness at tho pit of
the stomach, sour tasto In the mouth,
excesalvo gas, heartburn, nausea,,
vomiting, bitter risings, constipation,
biliousness, dizzy spells and palpita
tion of tho heart nfter eating are some
of the most common symptoms of
poor digestion.
' If you nro subject to any form of
stomach distress, don't fail to try a
bottle of Smith Bros.' M. A. C, tho
guaranteed stomach treatment. This
wonderful medicine usually gives
prompt relief from nil discomfort.
In fact, it is sold oh a positive guar
antee of money back if the first bot
tle falls to do so.. A. large bottle costs
ut $1.26.
' Heath's Drug Store. West Side
pharmacy will supply you. Adv.
There was a splendid attendance
of merchants at tho meeting last night
to complete the organization of a
branch of the Oregon Retail Mer-
chants association and the enthusiasm
manifested shows that it will bo one
of the best organizations In the state.
It Is an organization to advance the
welfare and legitimate interests of re
tall business, to bring the merchants
and the buying public, particularly tho
farmer, closer together and to assist
the producer in martfoting his pro
ducts. Permanent ofifcers elected are:
President J. C. Mann; vice president,
H. S. Deuel; treasurer, C. L Roberts;
governors, Fred Heath and James Tay
A secretary is to be chosen by the
Committees wore appointed as fol
lows: '
Membership Fort Hubbard, chair
man, with one or two merchants from
each lino of business:
Banquet committee C. L. Roberts,
S. A. Kroschel, L. D. Jones.
Program S. Snmpter Smith, Louis
Ulrlch. n. W. Paul.
It was decided to meet once a month
on the second Monday at 6 p. ni. for a
i business session and banquet. The
committees will arrange for tho ban
' quet and for a good talk by some one
from another city on a topic of partic
ular interest to the business men. Tho
first meeting will be held on February
The membership committee will en
deavor to see every business man be
fore then and get them to join this or
ganization which prdmlses to bo a
very active ohe. Business men from
Cities in 'this' county are eligible for
"Resolved that Medford is a better
place In which t6 live than I-os An
geles" is the subject of a debate which
four of tho high school boys will give
at tho forum luncheon of tho Medford
chamber of com pierce, Wednesday
noon at tho Hotel Medford.
Kcva- Hutchison and Harold Fish
for the affirmative and John ilolz
gang and Kugerio Thomas for the
negative. Tho boys gave this debate
in tholr English chuv? and It Is under
stood that competition was keen and
excitement ran high. A -good atten
dance Is desired at this forum.
Dress , Making, . Tailoring,
Altering, Repairng, Clean
. ng and Pressing
At the
22 North Bartlett Street
Seed Store Display
. Attracts Attention
Much attention has been attracted
locally by the display in the window
of the Monarch Seed & Food store
at 317 East Main stret. This display.
arranRod by Raymond Mlksche of
that firm, is both artistic and un
usual and pictures ti farmer plowing
a field. This picture, which Is cen
tered in 'the window space, ' is done
entirely in" charcoal and Furls green
and the border is formed with seeds;
Mr. Miksehe's window displays are
always attractive and never full to
cnuso comment. .The prosent show
in?, however is unusually attractive.
Prices Smashed
Sale Starts Tomorrow!
Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords;'
$7.00 values
Boys' School Shoes;
all leather .
Children's Scuffers;
button or lace
Men's Dress Shoes;
$7.50 values
Dayton Logger Shoes
Men's' Extra Heavy
. ., i i . . i .
Brown's Shoe Store
,i nn un .
Advertising for bids for' the' pav
ing of : the Medford-Kuch road, tho
next legal step, will not tnken. by!
tho county court, until after a con
ference with the state highway com
mission) and a viewing of paving up
state, the nugust body having return
ed to its natural deliberative state,
after the sudden spurt of last Thurs
day, when a decision was made in 24
hours after tho mass meeting, to
build. .
County Judgo Gardner said Mon
day, the. county court doslred. tp de
termine what jvas tlie most suitable
and durablo' paving. material, also to
confer with tho stato highway com
mission, upon construction and other
phases of the work.
The county Judge also snld that he
had been informed, the forestry ser
vice had appropriated $22,000 for road
construction on Mule (Hill, a ticklish
strotrti on tho Big Applegnte, mid
way between this city and tho Blue
As soon as possible the county court
..-111 nntlln. I 1. . . ! 1 .1 ! n
..... iu.u uu..u g,.-u
for the Coming year. This, it is snl-.V.
will Include further work on' the Butte
Falls road!
One of tho largest Monday evening
congregations over to assemble In the.
South Methodist church wore prosonti
to hear Evangelist Hughes Ink night.;
His address made a deep Impression j
upon his hearers as evidenced by the.
response given his closing appeal.. The
same rare type of old fashioned gospel
preaching which characterized his
two former addresses was heard last
night. Tho modern tendency to sen
sationalism which is tho distinguish
ing mark of many evangelists la given
no place in tho plan and program of
this preacher.
' Services were hold today at 9:45
and 2:30 and will bo continued each
day. .Tonight .tho service .opens at
7:30, with another Inspiring song feat.
Indications Point
The- November term of the circuit
court, recessed beforo tho holidays
will bo resumed" at Jacksonville next
Monday, Fobruary 4th, and the regu
lar sprlnR term will be convened Feb
ruary 24th, and a now grand Jury
drawn, for convening a week earlier.
. For tho recessed term of court, a
speclnl jury venire has been drawn,
six mcmbors of the old venire being
retained, the law requiring such pro
cedure In special venire HbIs. Tho
retninod jurors are: J. A. Gammll.
Phoenix: O. C, Stnnwood, Phoenix;
Lester A. Day, Phoenix; Ralph Stan
ley, Medford; Loinon Charley, Eagle
Point ... . , ....
The new special venire is ns fol-
Dish, Allen W., Medford: nine, Lucy
V., Ashland; Bruin. Wm., Talent.
Cameron, Wilbur V Jacksonville;
Chattln, Jessie A., Ashland; Cook,
Clinton, Murphy; Corliss, Wm., Phoe
nix; .Cronemlllmy Mary F., Jackson
ville; Coffman, Cecil R, Phoenix.
Darby, Charles, Medford; Dlmmlck,
Ed Ebb, Rogue River.
Engle, Angle, Ashland.
Ferns, Chas. T., Phoenix; Finney,
Lottie, Jacksonville; Freeman, Leon
ard, Central Point. .
Gnddis, Kathorlne A.. Medford; Cilnn-
son, Emma, Central Point; Gortlove,
Laura B.. Medford.
Hartman, Alpha, Jacksonville: Has
kins, Gertrude O., Medford; Hohnan,
John K., Ashland; Holmes, Celia M.,
Eagle Point; Hoovor, Chas., Gold Hill;'
Humphroy, Ellen M Ashland.
Irwin, George, Ashland.
Kimo, Wilbur, Modford; Klncald, Ar-
chlo R., Ashland; King, W. Si, Med
ford; KnottB, Jerry, Gold Hill.
Lamb, Jessie, Medford; Lowd, Geo.
Rogue River; Lungrcn, A. T Jacksonville.
McCoy, Olin A., Ashland; Modynokl,
Ella E., Medford.
Norris, M. J., Phoonix.
Payne,-Frank D i Gold Hill; Peachoy,
Leo O.j Asllland; Pettigrow, Fred, Ea
gle Point. . " "
Weaver, H. II., Modford; Wortuian,
Harry Q., Medford. :
to Big Crowd
At Lincoln Banquet
Considerable intorqst Is boing mani
fested over tho county regarding the
coming annual Lincoln day banquet
in Medford Feb. 12, and indications
.point to a very largo attendance.
Ashland will send her usual delega
tion of about, 50, while Jacksonville,
C'cntrul Point, Gold Hill. Hogue River,
1-Jag!e Point, Phoenix, Talent and even
up as far as Butte Kalis and Prospect
word comes that thoy ' ropre
sonted. ...
. , Tho program busy fix
ing up a big treat and tho decorating
,and banquet committees aro prepar
ing for artistic decorations .and a
splendid feed.
Tickets are tl.25 for the banquet
and 25c for club annual dues. The
committees will bo rttit soon selling
E. V. Carter Bonds word that ho
has good pictures of Presidents Lin
coln, McKlnley, Roosevelt and Hard
ing and two big flags he will be glad
to bring up for the occasion.
The Jackson county grnnd jury, ;
which has been In session off and on ;
for six weeks, met Monday, and ad-
Journcd until next Monday, when it:
will make its final report. Circuit
Judge Charles M. Thomas Is sitting
on tho Douglas county bonch this
week. nni( will not bo able to receive
the grnnd jury's report until his ro
Change Meeting Date
St. Ann Society
f. e. theatre:
. Central Point
Tho silver ton, announced for Wetl
npKrtuy afternoon. Riven by tho St.
Anne Altur society at Mr8. M..S. Her
bert, has been postponed until Thurs
day afternoon on account of the spec
lnl meeting of tho Greater Medford
club Wednesday nt the parish houao
of tho Episcopnl church.
A good attendance is asked for each
Girls Use Buttermilk
To Remove FrccRlcs
Sunburn or Tan
Til's Delight Till New Vanishing Crenm
Containing Truo ltiittcrmllk Must
Quickly Show a Divided Improve
ment or Money Hack .lust Try It
Get a small quantity nt any phar
macy qr from youif fnvorito' toilet
goods counter, simply asking for Hut
turmilk Crenm, and massage it dully
Into tho face, neck, arms and hnnds.
Tho directions aro slmplo and it costs
so little that any girl or woman enn
afford it. ' Your . complexion must
quickly show a decided Improvement I
or your dealer in authorized to return
your money without question should
you' bo dlssnt'ianed,
No matter whether you aro
troubled with .wrinkles, hard, llttlo
lines around the inouth and eyes,
coarse, sallow, faded looking skin, or
simply roughness and redness caus
ed by wind and sun, you will find
that all Iheso trials qukHly disappear
with the use of this old-fashioned
beauty recipe brought -up' .to date. .
" Buttermilk Cream is only sold Oh
Hjiosltivo guaranteo of satisfaction or
money back. ' f' Z ' AdvT.
A Powerful Picture of the "Reconstruction" and the
25c and 50c FRED ALTON HAIGHT at the piano
"Wte not Satisfied
Unless lou Are
Here's our guaranty short and sweet without time limit, without
restriction. It Is easily remembered and quickly recalled when
needed. ' 1
Phone 474 ' 624 Wi hWirtfdlTj
Al Piche Becomes
Member of Local Store
Al Piche, who for the last year has
boon connoctod with tho . Medford
Hardware & Sporting Goods store,
has bought a half interest In that firm'
and will now be associated with M. M.
Herman in its management. Mr.
Piche assisted Herman in the original
organization of the Medford Hard
ware & Sporting Goods company and
it has been, to a great mcaaure, due
to his efforts that the store has built
up a successful business in southern
Oregon. Al waB formerly mannger of
the Southern Oregon Hardware com
pany which is now known as Young's
Hardware store.
The present organization of the
Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods
store comprises M. M. Herman, ' Al
Piche, J. V. Neff and M. M. Gault, the
latter two being connected -with the
1-epalr department.
Greater Medford Club
To Meet Wednesday
Wednesday at two thirty at tho St.
Mark's Parish hall the Red ' Letter
Day meeting of tho Greater Medford
club will begin. A pear tree is being
arranged with little pears on it con
taining tho .money made (byl each
branch of" the organization for the
scholarship loan fund.' After tho bus
iness of the meeting there will be a
program of speeches and songs and a
social hour and the hostesses of the
afternoon will servo tea; This 'Is the
biggest meeting of (ho club during tho
yeur and a Jargo' attendance is expect
ed. '. ' : . ' ". .'-
Enjoyed a Good Night's Sleep
"I wish to say that Foley Pills
worked O. K. on me in a couple bt
hours and the pains 14ft. rne at opco.
I took a couple of them In the after
noon, went to bed and had a good
night's sleep and have slept good ever
since. " writes Con Thlel. US E. Co
lumbia St., Fort Wayne, Indiana. 'FoU
ley Pills are a diuretic stlmulnnt for
Safe Fat Reduction
Reduce, reduce, reduce is the slo-'
gan of all fat people Get thin, bo
slim, Is the cry of fashion and so-
'clety. And the ovcrfat wring their'
;hnds In mortification nnd helpless
ness; revolting nt nauseating drugs,
afraid of violent exercise, dreadlngi
the unwjtlcome nnd unsatisfying diet,
until thoy hit upon tho hnrmless Mar
mola Prescription and learn through
It that they mny safely reduce stend
Jly and easily without one change In
their niodo of life, but harmlessly.
secretly, and quickly, reaching their
Ideal of figure, with a smoother skin.
better appetite and health than thoy
have ever known. And now comes
Martholn Proscription. Tablets frum
the dnme famously harmless formula
as the Mnrmola Prescription. It be
hooves you to learn the satisfactory,'
beneficial, effects of this great,- sate,
fnt reducer by giving to your drug-j
gist one dollar for a box, or sending
a like nmbtint to tho Marmola com
pany, "-4812"Woodwal-diAvenuor De
troit, Mich.,' with a request that thoy,
mail to you a box of Marmola Pre
scription Tablets. Adv.
I, 1 m ; r. 1
' ' ,i
We have Installed the only.
Between Portland and Sacramento. We can save yoj money arid save you the trouble of sending your
blades to Portland. ''
Parts msde Stocks made-Barrels Reblued and Finishes KoyB Filed Fish Rods Rewrapped arid Re
pairedTennis Racquet Restrlnglng. J. V. NEFF. t
Lawn Mower Sharpening Soldering Cutlery and Shears Reground Small Jbua In Tinsmith and Plumb
ing Heaters and 8toves Rellned 8aws Filed and 8et. M. M. Gault.
Harness and'-dn artleles made of -leather- repaired. .,We carry a stock of Sweat Pads Lines Halters
Collars Hames Latlgbes, etc. mVM. HErtMANl '' !'
- ,
All work strictly guaranteed.
,i - . . .t..,i
- ai rfthM '. . . Phone 296 . 327 East Main M.M.HERMAN
New Shipment of Attractive
-.ft - 1111
Just Received
Numbers that are sure to appeal to you. The table in these sets have the famous Londondinc
. " ' -. - : " ' )?," " r
Leaves are carried under the tables. Always available and handy when needed .
c , . ' a - ...
Mahogany finish, 6 chairs, blue leather
covered. Special
; ...... $94.00' V '
Walnut finish; 6 chairs; brown leather
. covered. Special
' - $103.00
Storage Space
For Rent
Weeks Orr
' 1 ' f. ,
Complete House Furnishers
Sherman Clay & Co.
Pianos Brunswick
C)"1'mfl"y l Pfnw MftLam Pftyimonfmpntm