PAflE TWO MEDFOIiD M.ATL TRTTITTXE. MET)FOT?D, OHEd'OX. TTirRSDAY. JAXTWTCY 21. 1 92 1 I! I. t ocal and Personal ' An epdemlc of meaalea has broken oot 11 the Lincoln school district and about twelve families hav it." "Every precaution is being taken by the school authorities to keep the epi demic under control and the parents are required to keep those children, who have the measles, in quarantine. Buy your screen doors at Wallace Woods' Lumber Yard, 711 E. Main. Phone 108. ,. ti Dance,-Eagle Point, Sat. nite. 2C2 There will be a meeting Friday , evening at 7:30 o'clock of the newly organized local branch of the Oregon i, meeting will be held at the chamber of commerce. Duplicating sale books for sale at this office. tf At the Hub Shoo store Saturday, Jan. 26th,. third annual sule of worn en's shoes, oxfords and pumps, up to $10 on sale Saturday at one price for any style in the lot, $5.00. Broken lines from Walk-Over, Selby and Arch Preserver lines. 261 The news of the death of Dr. Kher- man Loughrldge of Grants Pass, in a L II Portiund hospital last night, which was received here this morning, fol- lowLnff the fatal Injuries he received If sevoral days ago when his car went 1 off the approach of the bridge at Rogue River, threw a gloom over wide circle of friends and acquain tances In this city and vicinity. The veteran Josephine county physician was well known thruout this county. I The Lincoln club is desirous of U securing pictures of all republican. It the coming banquet, Feb. 12th, and 0 will ftunrantee their return. Hoe or Petite prunes, 20 lbs. $1.00. Hutchi li son & Lumsden. . 2GG II - The county nurse. Miss Margaret Duvereaux. suent toduv in attending j. . iu mo uuuvn ui no fjuamuii ui H .' Kogue River. ' m . Minkler's Radio Shop now located f in the new Palm Bldtf-. Main and Fir streets, 2 GO ' .Dance Haturduy night at the Orlen ff tul gardens. 260 . Miss Adella Pr.chnrd, of Portland, IT president of tho National AsRocIatlon H ' of Business and Professional Women's P ... ...i . j i ........... for a reception given in her honor last If-; night, by tho newly orgunized local it-, club of tho association, continued on " " tints .ii.nnu Inta Ual n I ivVi T Mnn Texas. f j if you have a house for rent, or BS wish to rent, one or borrow money on 1 real estate, phone 120-J, O. M. Cornl . tlus, 1st National Bank llldg. 260 j. Dance, Kagle Point, Sat. nlte. 262 ' . .tin- an In Mittncrinv .Inn 9 A nvni-v. thing n Thrift . Khop, . at reduced prices, Come and see for yourself. Dr. Halstead Is giving ten combined flrugless treatments fur $12. DO next 30 iays. ..'- 2 CO : Women's shoe sale at the Hub Shoe store. Saturduy, Jan. 26th. Third annual 'sale women's shoes, oxfords and pumps. UpAo $10 going nt one price Suturdny, $6.00, for good style shoes from Wulk-Over, Selby and Arch Proserver lines. , , 261 , As a result of an-unexpected meet ing with a burglar early this morning. W. D. Howard, who resides In the Leland home on, South Park street, bears the marks where he wns struck by a steel bur by the marauder. Mr. Howard was awakened by a noise in the house and started out to investi gate Just as he opened the bedroom door, he was struck over the head. He fired three shots at the burglar. who managed to make his escape. Grants Pass Courier. $ Call In at Tho Vanity Shop and see the very newest things In hats and dressesi 261 Tuxedo ' tobacco, 10 cans $1.00. Hutchison & Lumsden, 266 A party of Taconia residents en route .to southern California by nuto who are stopping off in this city tem porarily, consists of Mr. and Mrs. John S, Baker and children, Mrs. Hornbeck, and A, E. Knight, the chauffeur .-.Crepe paper 6a roll, DeVbe'a. Partly made children's dresses stomped- for embroidery, $1.00 each. Deuel's Art Department. 261 Mrs. Los tor Smith arrived home last night from a visit at Portland with friends and relatives. Hpecial, 20 lbs. choice dried prunes .for -$l-00 At Warner, Wortnwn A Gore. - , . ... fc 263 Party motoring to Oakland, Calif., Feb. 1st, would like two passen ger. Phone 21,. Central Point. 263 .Seventeen days after losing a full Bet, of tieth, W L. Stephens, Bend pharmacist, uuud thuiu again last Thursday after a Chinook wind' had blown away the snow. .. Government stamped pure silk pon gee 88o, and 98c. Jap Art Store. 270 " Metropolo Jazz orchestra, Friday nlte, J'vltle, dance till 2 n. m. ' 261 Mrs. A. A. Keliehor, and Miss Annie nnd Miss Katherlne Keliehor returned last.i night front a three months visit In Seattlo with. Mrs. John Slnnett. Dance, Friday ntto J'villo. Metro pole Jazz orchestra. 261 Jap store sells crepe 23o yard. 270 P. - You won't complain. "They all taste alike" - 1 . after j'ou have tried .FLUHRER'S PIES AND PASTRIES A baker of reputation. v At Any Grocer ! W. T. Lee. C. C. Kelly and Nate Otterbein of Klamath Kails who drove here from that city yesterday after noon by auto to attend the tourists and scenic beauty lectures of J. A. Ormandy and R. W. Price at the Armory last night, left for home this morning. They made the trip over yesterday In 2 hours, and say the road was good. Th newest in radio equipment headquarters for Super Hetnodyne, Neutrodyne, Reflex and Radio Fre quency sets and parts. Minkler, in tho new Palm Bldg. 260 Hear far as well as near, with a Cleartone radio. Minkler's, in the new Palm Bldg. 260 Dance, Kagle Point, Sat. nite.' 262 One hundred and twenty-five men ore now'engaged in clearing the right of way for the government section of the Roseburg-Iteedsport highway. and 250 more will be employed to do the dock work and grading. Milk and cream at DoVoe's. tf j Weathor Strip shuts out the cold ; from around doors and windows. I Cheap and easily applied. - Big Pines! Lumber Co. - tf j Third annual sale broken lines in Walk-Over, Kolby and Arc Preserver shoes; oxfords and pumps,' up to $10 all on sale at one price, $5.00, Satur day only. The Hub Bhoe store. 26 1 No one knew who this paper re ferred to last evening when it said "Mm" Coleman was a. candidate fur assessor, but everyone knows "Win" Coleman. Merely a mistake of the fel low who wrote It. ' ' Weather Strip shuts out the cold from around doors and windows. Cheap ami easily applied. Big Pines Lumber Co. tf tf, ""1 All kinds of rough and dressei! lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 71 1 Kant Main. Ited Mexican beans, 20 11m. $1.00 Hutchison & Lumsden. 26li K. W. Hpaldlnt; and C W: Fox were among the Medford men who spent yesterday In Grants Pass on business. See the Vanity Shop windows for tho season's newest models In hats nnd dresses. The Vanity Shop, Main at Hartlelt. 261 Coal briquettes. Clean and econom ical. Exclusive dealers, Hansen Coal CO. Phone 236.. tf 47c for two gold fish, 36 oz. globe miiu u imia ui j3iuzo s puis. . lieains Druir Store ' ' 1 '": : ' ! i) 1 i.' . ., .i.. . . " V,r K. U, Franklin or "Charleston. W. h" Vn. V "" -'".'V city, who arrived Wednesday and Is stopping at the Hotel Medford. Hemstitching 80 per yard at Style- craft, opposite Rialto theatre. ' ' tf See tho new mah-Jongg dress in the window at The Vanity Shop. 261 Dance, Kagle Point, Sat. nto. ' 288 , v viiiuy mik wucn mine un auring the night wns a disagreeable feature l?ay'ther-X"iaMed ttJttre ' . ' v-"""Jr tho prediction for tomorrow. Tho minimum temperature of this morn- for the ..,(.., whlch ncarl -Ing Was 27 degrees nbove. I , , , . ,r ,hT. Wo have good values In used cars. Pnltnn I,l.l I ... We enrry nothing In coal but the Vest guaranteed Utah or Wyoming. 'Our prices on all fuel we handle are Always tne lowest, considering qual ity. Valley Fuel Co. tf Third annual $5.00 sale on .women's shoes, oxfords and pumps, one. dny only, Saturday, Jan. 26, at the Hub Hhoo store. Good line of sizes and widths all going at J5.00. Broken lines from Walk-Over, Selby and Arch Preserver lines. 261 1 Mrs. U n Prnhnrh fo o hnirl inch Is a house ' guest at tno home ui wr. aim mrs. T. H. Simpson on Xorth Main street. Mrs. Frobach lives in Medford, but because of her former rosldonce here Is known to many poople. Ashland Tidings. . ' V Selling out new phonographs and records all. kinds half price. Gold Ray Realty Co. Open evonlngs. Get your magazines at DeVoe's. ' ' Petite prunes, 20 lbs. J1.00. Hutchi son & Lumsden. ' . 2(6 1 The Davidson News company ts now completely Installed In the new Palm building on tho comer of Fir and Main streets nnd accommodating all old customers of that firm. For years tho Davidson News company lias been one of the largest magazine distribu tors in this part of Oregon and they nro now' better prepared than ever before to handle their trade In south ern Oregon. Vou can get Krommel Bros, famous Health Dread at DeVoo'S. 1 1 .' Aberdeen Utah coal. v Utah's best. Hanson Coal Co. Phone 23D. tf ' For snlo cheap, one two-ton O. M. C. truck, in good running ord'eq, gooJ tiros, will givo terms nnd will accept Ford truck as part payment. Harri son llros., Ashland, Ore., phone 5)1. A largo number of Portland prople nro temporary 'vls-ltora In tho city. They Include Mrs. H. Yountf. Kverett KnrKhun, H. M. Cnlklnn, O. E. Jnck min. I. DretlKor, J. JI. Jonen. II. K. Moors, R. M. Armstrong. 1). DoVuK-lln Wnrilo Julinnnn, A. N. Onrd, T. K. Young, c. W. Dunnlnu, C. V. (loddnrd. It. A. Ilall, J. H. I'nllahnn, Wm, A. Nona, Julm T. Htovor. It. P. Slliley, 1j. I.. UcffunbHUtth. and A. Klntta- ton. Try our wet wash on your noit waah dity. 15 pounds for 7 Go. You can t do It nt home for. this amount. Aledford Domoatlo laundry. Personal Domostlc Service. Phone 166. tf Unity literature teaches, people how to bo well, prosperous and offlclont. Free distribution. 106 Bouth Ivy. tf Third annual shoe sala ut tin) Hub Sluie store, women's shoes, oxford and pumps, up to $10. all itoliu; on saile Saturday, one day only, one price. for Kood style shoes from Walk- Over, tSulby und Arch Preserver lines. .. . 261 Miss Otayce Telih Is spemllnK t day at Ijiko Creek with the) women of Genuine llosch Msirneto psrts and repairs. Klectrlo Khop, Eighth .and Bartlett tf For sale rheap. one two-ton O. M. C. truck. In uood. running order, aood tires. 'Will give terms nnd will accept Ford truck ns part payment. Harri son Bros., Ashland, Ore., phono 50. 262 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brady. K. X. Logan and K. L. Ward nro San Fran cisco visitors In Medford. How do you build fires, without old papersT (let thorn at 10c tho bundle at this office. tf Start our new serial tonight. "Around tho 'World In 18 Days." A blR proR-ram. & E theatre. S60 Murray .Massey returned 'Wednes day from Ban Fram-lm-a where he had spent two weeks intending; to business nf fairs. p.e.iiy nf ulJ nsper., for sal at this ulike. U Preparations are being made at iho schools for the end of the term exam inations which will begin January 29. The new term begins Monday, Febru ary 4 th. Get soft paper school tablets at this offlcs. tf Tuxedo tobacco. 10 cans $1.00. Hutchison & Lumsden. 266 'June Vroman, daughter of E. E. Vronian. who has been ill for the part two weeks, ia well again and ablo to return to school. There's a nusy Business College in Medford. GW.V There will be a talk on "The Eter nal PiIgrfm;M at Dr. Coleman's office on Friday evening, Jan. 25 at 8 o'clock by Dr. N. E. Pickett. Music by Sidney Barker and. daughter Winifred. Pub lic cordially invited. Admission free. 261 Mose Crawfordvof Talent was in Medford today attending to business. Red 'Mexican beans, 20 lbs. $1.00. Hutchison' & Lumsden. 266 At Deuel's Hemstitching fie tf J. A. Ormondy and R. W. Price of Portland who lectured here at the Armory last night left on this tnorn- lnr'a w1,r .nlr. nn-th T nni V.H j ln whlch clty ,t , underHtood they wllj Rive their lectured, slides and movies tonight. Immediately after which they will board the train for Portland. We fix any old thing. Liberty Repair Shop. Gold fish sale 47c, 2 gold fish, 36 oz. globe and a box of- lilazo's pills. Heath's Drug- Store. 261 Among the Grants Pass 'people At o piling In the city is J. G. Bromley. Petite prunes, 20 lbs. $1.00. Hutchi son & Lumsden. 266 T evei The Men's club of the Episcopal rch met In the Guild hall last evening for supper and a social hour. The gathering was well attended. Our only business is Insurance, but we covor every known kind of risk. R. A. Holmes, "The Insurance Man." ' tf Dance Saturday night at the Orien tal gardens. 260 E. R. McCanna of the G. E. Miller and Company of Portland Is In Med ford for a few days in the interests of his compnny. Medford Auto Painting, 29 South Front St., phone 934,' residence phono j 1048-Y, an up to date paint shop, 'the v.. .r ,.!.. i ... w" "'"l" ' .southern Oregon. We guarantee all our work T d.eMe5 ana,,e. 'Agents Tor Kelly Springfield tires, Crygtan0 aulo polUn,i lhe only poll!in that will protect your varnish. Call and see. our work; It is our best ad vertisement. E3. O. Bradley, prop. 260 Tuxedo tobacco, 10 cans $1.00, Hutchison & Lumsden. 260 According to the Grants Pass Cour- .n . u....i -....u , '.Ki- - 1 ;....- . i Bcurlne the concerts broadcast from tno coast stations, and the change In ,..0.h0 niitin. i. uia . .1 u 1 ........ """" ' """""" to exclude the noise. The disturbance nppears to bo general in the territory niljaceht to Grants Pass. The fans of Medford 'and vicinity have been Slav ing the same 'trub!e. Hamburger sandwiches at DoVoe's. Ttyise'who did not get to see the stage setting at the mask ball $ast night will bo ablo to see It by attend ing the dance at the Oriental gardens Saturday night. 260 T. F. Mersch and II. A. Stiles of ji,,,,, anj l. Forge of Eugene are j - th(( ftut nf !mvn vMt(.ra HO - JourninK in the city. Hed Mexican beans, 20 lbs. $1.00. Hutchison & Lumsden. 266 We want to call tho attention of tho business men to the fact that we sell all kinds of binders and loose leaf leduers that solicitors sell, and they cost you no more. . We also print all kinds of bills and loose leaf ledger shoots for bindors. Why not patron lzo homo. ' '. . ' ';. 260 'John III' Tomlln, who 'underwent a major operation at tho Mtiyo Brothers hospital at Rochester, Minn., several weeks apb Is reported to bo convalesc Ina; nicely and Is expected to leave for homo some time next week. If you havo a wreck, day or night, and wnnt car brought to town, phono 57, Hitman Motors. 264 Don't fall to see tho wonderful stago setting at tho Oriental gardens Saturday night. 260 Mrs. MeriilL Iletts of Gold Hill was In Medford today shopping and visit ing. We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. Oet rid of that old watch and secure tho new 'one you always want ed. . We accept your old watch as part payment. Iteddy & Co. 200 George Fife of tho Klamath Fnlla Mercauttlo company hns returned hoine from a husiness trip of several days In Medford Jap Art Storu 'sells mah-jongg sets J2.60. 270 Kadlo sets, parts and accessories at Minkler's new store, Palm Bldg., Main and Fir streets. 260 Buy your Sumluy pastry of ' tho Christian church ladles Saturday mor ning nt (he Public Market. 261 Twenty-five ton's of mnterlal. most ly copper wire,' for tho rebuilding of tho Pacific Telephone and Telegraph couiany's lines from Sexton mountain to Grants Pnss have been received here nnd are being store awaiting tho arrival of the construction crew next week, when work will commence. The company is rebuilding their entire toll line throughout the state, a by-go part of the work in southern Oregon hav ing ulreaily been completed. The line is to bo built from the foot of Sexton mountain to the south city limits of Grants Pass. Grunts Pass Courier. Buy your shingles ahd roofing nt Wallace Woods' Lumber Tard. 711 E. Main street. Phone 108. tf" ll2t Diaries and date books. Med ford Book Store 562 Weather Strip shuts out the cold from around doors and windows. Cheap and easily applied. Big Pities L.umlter Co. tf EVERy KXOWW FORM Or INSURANCE" AND BONDS R. A. HOLMES'" "THS INSURANCE MAN" PHONE 444 JACKSON COUNTY BANK BUILDING - SINCt 190 I Dr. . A. Gitzcn who has bet.-n ill with inf laiimuitory rheumatism at his home for bo mo time past has been a little, worse the last three days. Sat urday he will be removed to Sacred Heart hospital to undergo an opera tion for the removal of his tonsils. you can Kei it at DVoe's. tf Big sale Saturday, Jan. 2 6. Every thing in Thrift Shop at reduced prices. Win. Hosier and Louis Dodge were among Ann land visitors in the city yesterday. The ladies of the Christian church will have home cooUed food ut the Public Market Sat. morning". 261 Daughters. of Veterans meet at the Armory Friday evening. j A. F. & A. M. Special communication Med ford. Lodge Xoi lt3, A. P. & A. M., on Friday evening Feb. 25, at 7:30 p. m. Examination and work in E. A. degree. By order W. M. X. J. Crose, Secretary. 261 MARION', Ohio Mrs. Warren G. Harding,, widow of the late President Harding, is to become an associate editor of the Marlon Star which her husband conducted for 35 years. MOSCOW French communists ask that Lenlnels funeral be postponed until a Paris delpgation reaches Mos cow and the Petrograd soviet suggests that the city be re-named Leninegrad. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED By lady, position as cook on ranch or cump. Good cook, ex perienced, can give good references Phone 6-VH. V. -.. . ECi FOR It EXT I fousekeeplng rooms upstairs. Adults. 43C X. Bartlett. FOR KALE Sutherlnnd hotel nt v Grants Pass, 21 rooms, nicely fur - nislied, 2 year lease, rent $60, bote nnd cold water In most rooms, K""d business year around. $3600, terms, by owner, Mia. Ada Lambert. 201 FOK RENT Two housekeeping rooms $4 a-week. 408 K. Fourteenth Call after 4 p. in. 202 TAKEN UP About Jan. 11th, rod 2 year old steer, split and upper bit In riKM ear and hole in loft. Hrund ed with 17 un rlht hip. Ed Dutton, l-:a k 1 Point, phone 19-X-4. HG'l Do YOU Feel Blue? Does HI health make the future look dreary?. You cannot be strong If your blood Is not pure. To Ruin in health and strength you need Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, It adds vigor to the heart beat and tones up the nerves. This Discovery of Dr. Pierce's is made of herbs brought In by Indians from Reserva tions In the vicinity of Buffalo. A tonic for the stomach, stimulates the liver, puts tho blood-making glands in the best of condition. Your health is restored! Vim and vigor are yours!. Send 10c for trinl pkg. to Dr. Pierce's Invalfds Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. Glycerine Mixture Presents Appendicitis Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc.. as mixed In Adlerika is excellent to guard against appendicitis. MohIi n?iitlnea act only on lower bowel, nut AOieriKa acis on uu i m upper ana lower bowel and removes all gusses and poisons, Brings out matter you never thought wns In. your system. Helps nny case pas on the stomach in TEN minutes, lie on B. Huskins. Adv. CAROLINA'S Gift to lovely women. CARQ -CO COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO A PRODUCT OF THE SOUTH LAND THAT IMPARTS A DEAU- ' TY, RAVISHING AND IRRE SISTIBLE TQ THE, TRESSES THAT HAVE FELT IT'S TOUCH. Heath's Drug Store vlll, tjupply You. caro-co, union, s: c.;-'- Cascarets" 10c i Best Laxative v for .Bowels "They Work While You Sleep." It you feel sick, duty, upset, If your head is dull or aching, or your stomach is sour or passy, just take oue or two pleasant "Caacareta" to relieve constipa tion and biliiMianesA. JECo pipin-iiu-est rathartic-laxattre on earth for Men, Womra and Children, loc boxes, also 25 aud ooc sizesany drug store. ooooooooooooaooooooooooooo g ;; Hemstitching Sale Prices Heavy Blankets 98c Men's Bib (Tails $1.35 Wool-Mixt Sox 15c Men's Caps . 95c Men's White H'kfs 5c Men's Dress Shoes ' . $2.98 Men's Heavy Shoes $2.98 16-in. High Tops $5.75 Men's Work Shirts 50c 20 dollar Overcoats $12.50 , All-Wool Suits $17.50 Everything for Less Trunks, Suitcases - and Bags 2-room Apartment for Rent Houses and Lots for i Sale The Cheapest Store in the West Push the Money Under the Door Will H. Wilson 32 N. Front St. Tonight Last Times!, A Scream! Don't Miss It! i. '.. p. 'W k W ' 1 'H wise as Merry as Spring Begins Tomorrow Matinee! ' STEPPING fa: Speed ij'as in this wniriwmQ action Dr. Jud Rickehl RIALTO 1H 3 1 1 NO DROPS CSED 1 P 08 Last Malm StreJ We have heard so many convincing reports of success with KOW-KARE in treating Barrenness, Abortion, Retained Afterbirth, Scouting, Bunches, Milk Fever, Loss of Appetite, and similar cow ailments that we are always glad to give dairymen the benefit' of our experience. KOW-KARE cer tainly does wonders ia increasing the milk yield by improving general health and by strengthening the digestion and assimilation. BAG BALM, too. ought to be in every stable. A quick healer of all cuts, bruises, chaps, caked bag, inflammation, etc Monarch Seed S Feed 323 E. Main Other Cleartone models completely equipped, from $105.00 up ' L. D. MINKLER ' ' ' '' "RADIO HEADQUARTERS" New Palm Block, corner Main and Fir Gold Fish Sale For the next few days we are offering two Schlaghecks Gold Fish, a 38 oz. Glass Bowl'' and a box of the well;' known BLAZO'S PILLS (50 pills) for 47c. (Gold Fish Food 10c package) Heath's Drug' Store 109 E. Main St. Phone 884 ; ' We are as near to you as your telephone Heath, Mann and Eeatb j Stump Acres Earn No Money : T TNCLEARED land will "eat its head off" in taxes and in the loss of crops you could produce on it. Stumps , don't earn anything they're "squatters" and should be . . . ' i replaced with crops. 72 more per dollar ... Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. ' .' Crater Lake Hardware Co. w mr mm w NONrHEADACHE STUMPING POWDER A facile Northwest Product ' ' ". E. 1. DU PONT DE NEMOUP.S & CO., INC. " PORTLAND. OH1 csg " hit - .---f'TC,r-V'iikiteI 'Brincf sour iCWlroubles. To Us :: Co. The Cleartone Console A beautiful mahog any cabinet, contain ing a highly efficient 4-tube receiver, com plete with all acces sories. Priced at $275.00, Installed. AXPS-30 Phone 260 iggfTfil ti Hr- Mwii 3 The lower cost of clearing land with Pacific Stumping ia shown by the increase in the number of ranchers in this neighborhood who are using it today. It shoots, stick for stick, with any standard stumping powder, but you get ode -half more sticks for your dollar. Pacific Stumping doea the job riht more land cleared at less expense. And Pacific Stumping does not freeze or give a headache from handling. We can ejve you complete explosives service. Our stock include Pacific Stumping and other du Pont dynamites for use on the form. Let us figure on your requirements. .. . .1 , NON-FREEZING