PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE rEDFORD, OREGON. 7 THURSDAY, JANTTAHY 10. 1924 HffnFORD MAIL TRIBUNK THE BOK PEACE FIGHT. A iSVlt't-SUUST NEW PAPER tTBllxUZO t KKV Anfcfc.NU-uJi EXCEPT HUNuaT. by the HKIjCORD PRINTING CO. Tk HHotd Srdf Homin Sim la frrid Qrff Vail Tnboo Boildtoc. IW Itff fOMi Pfcoo 75. ' A coMotktatton of tb Dt-noer-tie Tim, the ni Oitfoaun, Tb A-hund Tribua. BOBERT W. RL'HL. Editor. - ft. bLUKTEB SMITH. fAfc. $7.50 .Si 1.00 t.00 BT AO- In Adrw: -'. DtUffrttb fiortdaj Hon. ywr , PHj,' with Hund-J Hon, KttOUl , p)JfW)tboQt HuttUf him, jr. . . . . ' Plljf ArU-t KmU; Sua. month..... Wk)jF Tnbuno, om jr , bun, on , Y -4KIE& In MMjforrf, AifcUftd. Jacfcaotv ; ntrJ Point, ittoenix. Talent oo ff fn-etri: ' - YWA mith floorfr Son. month 75 , laU 1 3 Withoot H urwlar Han, monlh... .66 hull .r Cln4- fin. - 1 (l 8.5 , cash in sdranc. f4Jl vttn Hubdiy Han. one jwf.,.i EiKeTHt u e6nd rla matter at ttedford. OrtMt ualer act of Matt 8, 187. Official paper of Ut city of Mwiford. flffctid paper of Jatfcaon Coanly. ' 8wora dally timgi drrnlatlon for' month eodinc October 1. Ia. J376. u tfcan-gouble the circulation of any other paper pttb)tabaf or cireolateti In Jcoo County. .. Tbt oalr paper between '. Ore., and 0rrxMtto, Ciit- a distant- of over 500 mi(ea, Itarinf leaaed wire Aaaociau4 Fr BEMfiERB OF THE AHHOCIATKD CHKn.S 7ta Aaaodattd fttm la eictoaoely euikied 10 Iho aae tor rrputilKtaioo of all new n Mtxfcea rredited to It or not otherwiae crediu-d in Uu paP' aid also to the ki oewa put- llaried Mr-io. 4U rfhU of republication of special dia- ptjet hertin are auo reaerveo. Ye Smudge Pot ;' - Br Arthur Herry Nobody Is tearing up the Saturday Evening Pout, bccaiuw Nina Putnam fr'llcox Handerson. a WTlter of charm tfuf tales for Its column, ui allexed to )iav attempted to hornawogKle an olhr lady out of her huaband. Vet It ! jupt aa bad as to have one'a chauf feur fthoot the itweetle of a dear girl friend. . ' The Governor auKKeita that "the Sheriffs co-operate with the dry offt or". Why not have the dry officers cooperate with the sheriffs. It It won't hal( work on political machines. TOking advantage of the fog, a reaklesa phone pole sneaked out into the" road Wed. night and inflicted serious Injury on a slow moving Vehicle. When, if ever, will, phope ph learn to keep their place? . Iflf lltMITIFX OP MATItlMOXy w M.'i- ' (Albany Herald) ,i.fn circuit court Judge O. a. .pfpgham granted a divorce to ! plaintiff In the caae uf Katie , tUifonlc vs. K. M. Chronic of Lei kn'on. ' ;. ; C:: ? . . ' v We' desire to inform our readers, th A the. use of the word "ablative" In thh column on the 9th Inst, was with out knowledge or consent, that we do not know what It means, and do nut TO JUDGE by the news dispatches there is nothing very peaceful about the Bk Peace Plan.. Not only are the irreeoneilible senators heafled by Hiram John son and Senator MeC'urmiek, belaboring the proposal tooth and nail, but some Democrats seem to detect in the plan a mysterious Coolidge conspiracy, and are opposing the measure on party grounds. I a boy reader writes: . ...I ,.,.,: ,.,..,, t... K ,....i .i;. 4t,;.l While talking with a very good ...... .... ... a"-.-. uj ....... friend a good many year older than Tailnre to capture the prize, are threatening court action to compel the 1 am th subject of change of blood ... . . . . . . , i t tw. i,i i came up. In the last year or so my U'stinguished judges to read every word of the 22,000 odd plans sub- blood has taken a sudden change and the result la that my face haa become full of pimples and blotches. Within .the last few weeks cer tain people ljave advised . . - . Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. NoUd Phytldam mJ Aathor The Price of Innocence It Is distressing to strugglo along, battling all the minor evils, while the drug evil , flourishes, and pioneer in placing religious faith In the hands of the legislature, to learn that this mute has no "accredited standard for pro fessors of vocal Instruction." , ' ; ' the distribution of relief to hungry German children, may bo placed In the .hands of the Y MCA. This will be hard ' luck for the hungry German children ( the organization's distribu tion' of cigarettes to soldiers. Is any Criterion. it fcOLUMBIA Phonograph for sale or exchange for used Kord. Phone 14'J-M tOorvallls Uaiotte-Times). The Ford must be In sound condition. Milking contests are all the rage among politicians after the farmer vote and; the agricultural element would likje to see them unhitch . a necktie, la the barn, after plowing all ;.' A "Fable: Twice upon a time, a double-chinned Gitlshevlkl eradicated same by chewing gum with a rotary rriovemen and not even her closest associates hud the si Inn lent Idea she was.chelng gum. It being vulgar anil below! her station in life. -i- i' , i ' ( IT Ml'ST IIK ' i( Ashland Tidings) ,i F10RhaI.K My pleusnnt cor ' nertiufie. 398 Uench Kt.; also pile v,of fertilizer; an excellent heavy buggy;! registered Jersey cow; . lveghorh pullets. K. D. Snnford. ! 'The Bole 1 Pence Plan Is a dandy, and considerably longer thun the Uuldun Rule.- . . 'f'PanetMarsh," Is a recent book too high-powered for the ordinary news tand,, with plenty of grounds for blushing, 'and has been taken off the market. Many who never heard of the book.' will now read It If It takes a lower-limb.. This belligerent furore, of course, lias its amusing aspeets, and yet it really represents in a superficial way, those strange uncivilized forces in our conglomerate human nature, which renders any' plan of world peace in our present stage of human development, nothing more than a futile gesture. milted, a considerable punishment we should imagine.. fin we fear our prediction that the Bok Plan, announced on the eve of a Presidential election, would not receive the serious conside ration it deserves, will be realized even sooner than expected. . What certain peo ple advised this boy Is too shameful to print, tho It Is a common enough evil, which thrives on the misinforma tion that exists un- dpl IhA nm Af InnnAnA T Kavo Theoretically all nations in the world want peace and abhor war. had many letters from young persons Put when this aspiration is brought down to cases,-applied practi- cuo" wch ThuT'boTTs6 geuing" (ally to conditions as they are, no nation strong enough to fight, is thanks to the unconcern of parents .... . . . ... . . . , , about the proper education of chil- willing to make those sacrifices which peace demands. !dren upon thl8 most Bcred de of So in our judgment there is only one practical way to end war, llte- i-can't print such letters because . ... . ., they are confidential and because that is for the nations of the world to organ lze an international po- they are not suitable for publication. lice force strong enough to enforce peace. And of course such a plan b"t1 ' le" yu convey messages . , . . . which would give any one with the will not be possible until cither international fear and suspicion are faintest instinct of humanity in him a replaced by trust and confidence, or untif another war so exhausts ,hA,erhave ou'oted here 0 a prevl. the world, brings the lesson of war's folly so poignantly home, that ous occasion, the studies of the United .. ... . , i . , States public health service officers, the nations of the world will by common consent, unite to put down wnen a brave effort was made during war, as they have united to put down pestilences and famine. jhe '"" to break- the conspiracy of ' ' (silence. Indicated that the average age at which boys' receive their first This does not mean the Rok Peace Plan should be disregarded. w'1 " Passions, too often thru vicious sources. Is 9 H years, but alas, . the Any plan for peace, not obviously foolish or dangerous, is worth the average age at which the boys receive , t n.t.i u ii their first sex Instruction from whole- trial. But it does mean that to hold out any hope for world peace Bome or proper gourcM .5,4 yearfJ. 'hrongh this plan or any other, is simply nonsense, as the present re- years too late. That is the par- The plan deserves support, not as a cure' for Th.e wisdom action demonstrates. QUILL POINTS It' tpok a hanging at iSalemi to re veal the "Oregon - Chapter of the World Disarmament Forum for the Abolishment of Capital Punishment, and League of Women Voters." .The enraptured valley booster, who "Ipves the fog; It does you good." has escaped to wicked sunny and prosper ous California. .. . TROUSERS LOST. In restaurant on Cicero and Chicago avenue. Finder Toll Austin 7700. Itewnrd &. (Chi cago News). Must have been dancing. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Null a edn, Sunday. (8. F. Bulletin). A Js'iitt Sunday. '.; MeVary. Holds on to Rent (lldlinc 8alem Statesman). What the mutter, senator? , . , : . , .Tablets ot sott paper tor schools at this ottlctv u of giving children war, but as a medium for educationg world opinion to the realization proper instruction can scarcely be 1 niibfltlnnil hv thA IntelHf'pnt tuirent of the high price that much be paid for world peace. ' , today. The only question is, how shall such instruction be given? A teacher must be especially - trained for this field, just as for- mathematics or the sciences. A few schools are making a grave mistake in attempting to have f sex instruction given ny tne regular Man's emancipation alwavs goes to his hend; woman's settles in teachers as a sort of side line, just as her trigger finger. ' a costiy farce of physical education. t ParenUs had better beware. I When a father does not feel com- An old-timer is one who can remember when the height of luxury petent to enlighten his son he should " n. naA n 1 ihqi anma ran ine- W'as to take a hot iron to bed. ,,. nerson shall elve the necessary " Instruction at least when the boy enters his teeiuv.and the instructor The old-fashioned woman who kept house, now has a daughter should be a person who can command ' . . 1 , ...... . ..1 n ,1 .1 1 thA who tloesn t keep anything but going. , ht t e particularly one who is j athletically inclined. Is a good coun selor to whom to refer a boy. A The final "e" in blonde is silent. A man who married one says it physician who has. the advantage of - personal acquaintance wun tne iwy r " - ; r " '' They say some bricks laid 200 years ago Took as good as new. You can say that for a cold-storage egg. is the only thing about her that is. -makes an Ideal adviser. A physical director In the T can fill the bill. It Is better for such a teacher to talk to the boy alone or with only a few boys present, not in large groups, for there Is something about group or crowd physchology which Interferes. The mother who finds herself at a loss bow to instruct her daughter may well refer the girl to a good woman physician for a bit of friendly instruc tion, one with modern education and sound knowledge of the sex. There should be nothing morbid in such In struction. Pamphlets and books are all very well, but can never take the place of personal instruction by good teachers, QUESTIONS AXD ANSWERS Interpreting the Signs I am an expectant mother and I feel fit as a fiddle every minute. They say that is a sure sign that my baby will be a boy. Is there any truth In that? ( Y. E. C.) Answer. They have the data, con fused, that's all. If It's a boy the father will feel that way. On the other hand. If he seems to sink into a state of despondency and spend his time poring over his bank book and figuring up the terrible days of- ex pense that have come upon him. it's a girl. Growth of Eyelashes ' Can you advise me it there is any preparation that can be used to im prove the growth of the eyelashes? My little nephew has destroyed his because his companions told him he was girlish because: his eyelashes curled. (M. B.) Answers. Yes; there are numerous preparations that can be used for the purpose, but none which will appre ciably improve the growth of the eye lashes. No doubt the lashes will grow to their original length In the course of four or five months If let alone. Glad to Help Would like to know If yon can help to remove bunions. What are bunions and are they curable? Let me know by the paper. F. H.) Answer. I should be glad to help to the extent of administering the ether or consorting with the surgeon on the job. Bunions are curable but not removable. A bunion ordinarily consists of a thickening of the head of the metatarsal bone ot the great toe. nartial dislocation of the joint and a thickened, inflamed or Infected bursa tnadl covering the Joint. The cure consUts in the excision of some of the head of the bone, removal or drain age of the Infected bursa, and dress ing of the toe In -a straigntenea posi tion. The patient must remain on the feet for two weeks. Tne gall 101 lowing this - operation is always an improvement upon the painful loco motion of a bunion victim, ana usual ly leaves nothing to be desired THE GREATEST TIIXVG EX THE . ' . WORLD by Laurel Orax Proud Girls Men marry Proud girls." Not stuck ttn virl. mind vou Droud fflrls. Men j respect a girl too proud for easy klss- ing.-'Men admire girls' , too proud to .trade a caress for. a box of cho . folates. Men find lofty Inspiration in a girl who is too proud to be silly. Silly court ships, the cuddle kind, with kisses as free as the air, never lead to the altar. A proud girl has nothing - to regret ever! The proud girl needn't be a prig; She needn't. Jbe offensively above the crowd.' 'There's a -certain quiet pride that. is. more effective in attracting the right kind of men. that has every other natural or cultivated device in the broad curriculum, of - courtship beaten a mile. An Intelligent girl realizes the sterling value of pride. In some girls it is natural; In others It Is a quality easily developed. You can't always tell. In the case of every henpecked husband we know, the bride's mother Wept at the wedding. I Years devoted to ediicaion arc not wasted. The car develops more power if you let it warm up in the garage. Every town has a celebrity who could write better things than the magazines print if he eared for such cheap triumphs. Correct this sentence: "Ami then, mamma," confessed the flap per, "he offered me a cigarette and I knew he was a wicked and .liingerous num." "JUST TOWN TALK" Opted Right By Mike Rippling Rhumos 7 m ft THE H00SEG0W. THE CITY'S JAITj an evil place, all full of deadly smells, and sad-eyed mortals in disgrace look out from musty cells; young men and old, in dismal ease, who might be wearing bells. And more are coming every day to swell the frowsy throng, the glowing youth, the dotard gray, who chose the path of wrong; ami they might all be blithe and gay, their lives a grand sweet song. "This jail was built to hold ten score," observes the war den blue; "it holds five hundred now, or more, there's not a va cant pew; and still we're swinging wide the door to take in con victs new." Oh, dice, it is a fearful sight, this dran imprisoned inoh! It fills my bosom with affright, I heave an anguished 'sob; I why did these men forsake the right, to slay or cheat or rob! I 1 ilo not see how any jay can visit in a jail, and not be then im- pellet! to say, "Crime's useless, beastly, stale; henceforth I'll tread : j the righteous way, and languish in a cell and not resolve to bravely to' to quit the path to hell, when he may breathe free air ami cry to prison doors, "Farewell." ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXX0000000 HARD1XG MKMORlAIi WK.KK r Jnnunry 6 to 1ft. 1 A' ' . - . ( To build a suitable resting place for President Harding's re mains In Marlon. To perpetunto his home as a Shrine for tho mementos of his lifo. To establish a means of educating men and women for govern ment service, as he desired. . ; To make of these a Memorlnl In affectionate remembrance of a mnn who gave his life In friendly, helpful, constructive service as citizen and President. You can mnke your contribution during this Harding Week thru the loral representative of the Memorial Association, the religious, educational, civic, or fraternal organization to which you belong, or send It direct to C. P. Oarlock. Chamber of Commerce, Mcdford, or to " ''- . ' .' TUB HARDING MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION C. P. Talent. County, Chairman. Phone (68. Room 215 Liberty Building, Mcdford. ' ' OOOOOCXXOOOOOOOOOfCXXXX)00000000000000000000000 I'M AT a loss TO KNOW just" who ' ' ' i I SHOULD address ' ' , '. m TODAY'S MESSAGE to HUT I'M bubbling over WITH A great desire ... 1 TO BRING about CERTAIN REFORMS ALONG THE line .. . THAT JUST at present '- POSSESS A tendency . TO CORRUPT the morals OF OUR generation AND IT has to do WITH BEAUTY preparations ' AND I'M In lavof OF APPOINTING censors ' TO PASS on names THAT ARE being given THE SUNDRY articles THAT COMBINE to make MILADY'S COMPLEXION . AND ELIMINATE therefrom CERTAIN TRADE names THAT MANY times . lEAVE THE wrong Impressions ' JUST BEFORE noon. . ! I STOPPED In .! ' "- AT THE West Side Pharmacy AND THEY were busy AND RALPH Woodford WAS DIRECTING activities AMONG TOILET , preparations AND THERE :was a line up . AND HE'D give uot . A PACKAGE of "Kiss Mo" And a box OF "HONEY Bunch" ' AND "THREE Roses" AND I stood there WITH ENVIOUS eyes AND THE next in line WAS SOME real "Folks" ' AND I could Bee THAT RALPH was preparing FOR A withering attack . AND HE put on . - HIS VERY best manners AND FINALLY said: "WHAT IS It, Please?" AND THE lady replied . . " 'LOVE ME' in the Flesh"' AND SOMEBODY giggled AND I laughed AND RALPH turned red AND THE lady went out WITHOUT the powder AND I'M willing to bet HER NOSE will be shiny ... FOR DAYS to come I THANK you. CHILDREN CRY FDR "CASTORIA" Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Cistorla h 1 been in use for over 30 years as a Fleasant, hsrmleM substitute for a&tor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcotics. Proven directions sre on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. The kind yon have always bought bears signature of STARTJANUARY21ST PENDLETON, Ore.. Jan. 10. Miss Nora Ellis, indicted' by the county grand, jury on a count "of first degree murder in connection with the death ot Gordon Mettle. Uklah stage driver at Albee. October 27, pleaded not guilty to that charge yesterday after noon. Her trial has been set for January 21. . ... j - YOUTHFUL I Hard lock often comes dis guised, sometimes painted up. " Tiler's lots o' good, fax offices within th' gift o' th' people. If we've got money .an' time enough to go after th' nominations. . "Cascarets" 10 c if Sick, Bilious, Constipated j uni trv u, ure., j.ii. i u. nar mer weather and rain last night wiped out the remains of . Portland's -snow blanket, which had been reduced to slush -by the rains of the past:fev days. . 1 - 1 ' ' Giff TO lovely women . YJw CARO-CO COCOANUT OIL' SHAMPOO ' .A PRODUCT OF. THE SOUTH- . LANDTHAT IMPARTS A BEAU TY. RAVISHING AND IRRE SISTIBLE TO THE TRESSES ' THAT HAVE FELT IT'S TOUCH Heath's Drug Store will Supply You. CARO-CO. UNION. S. C. -l Wong Pon 'Chinese ' Medicine For Treatment of Acute and Chronic Dis eases of Hen and Women. Cancer and tumor treated, In fluenm, kidney, bladder and stom ach ttoubles, flts, hernia, rupture, colds, female troubles, paralysis, fever, pneumonia, asthma and throat troubles, rheumatlam, amenorrhoea. -. Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Consultatlon Pre .41 South Front St.. Medford, ore. "They Work While You Sleep."' When you feel sick, diuy, upet, when your head is dull or aching, or your stomach is sour or gassy, just take one or two pleasant "Cascarets" to relieve Constipation and biliouBnesa. No griping nicest cathartic-laxative on earth for Men, Women and Children. 10c boxes, also 25 and 50c sizes any drug store. ANNOUNCEMENTS SHERIFF I hereby announce mself a candi date for the nomination of Shwlff of Jackson County on the Republican ticket subject o the voters of said county at. the primaries In May. . If nominated-and elected I pledge my self and the deputies whom I shaft appoint to enforce all laws including, the ISth. Amendment with efficiency and economy. If you do not want ths laws enforced do not vote for mev D. A. LYONS, -Central- Point,' v ' ' - -v. . - tf I CORONKR - I-hereby announce myself: as ft candidate on the republican ticket, for nomination at the coming primary f of .'the office' of coroner of Jackson n county. - --.. Tty virtue of my profession as ah undertaker, I feel that I have every qualification and the necessary equip ment to properly handle any duties which may arise. H. W CONOER. COlNTY CLKRK : I announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomination for County Clerk, subject to the primary in May.' If elected I promise to per form the duties of my office In an economical and business-like manner. W. H. CKANBALL. tf , . Eagle .Point. ' . .. . r !. T hereby announce myself as a can- dldate on the republican ticket . for nomination for the office of .County Clt-rk at the May Primaries. I have for the past five years. been , a Deputy County Clerk and am fa miliar with every branch of the. off ice and if elected, I will give close atten tion to the duties of the office -.and feel confident that 1 ,w ill prove worthy of your support. . : . DELILIA STEVENS. : . Medford R. F. P. 2. TREASURER - , : I am a candidate for the republican : nomination for a second . term as " . Treasurer of Jackson county, subject jto the May primary. If nominated 4, land elected I will conduct the office 'as in the past, in accordantrevlth, the I laws of the state. - i . ': i S,r t. A. C. WAUCER. Y Mt. Pitt $1.75? Marvel Loa$l v MORTON MIIXS ; Kodak Finislng for those who. demand' th best, Swem's Studio - 217 E. Main Medford The Best in Radio Sets MOVING ABOUT JANUARY "15 ife TO NEW LOCATION r Y will have modern Radio Store and will main tain a broadcasting station. , Virgin Radio Service