MPDFOKD MAIL TftinTTNK. MKDFOTtD, ORKflOtf, TtfttSDAV, .TAttAKY , 19S4 AIDBOYSCOUTS At the largest meetlnjj of the Med. ford notary club since Ha organiza tion at the Hotel Modford at noon to day It was decided to hold a dinner at the hotel next Tuesday evening, to Which representatives of nil . local organizations will be Invited as guests to perfect plans for putting over the local drive to secure funds for the local Boy Scouts. The Rotary club has already donat ed $4 SO, and the first contribution from outside organizations was re ceived today from the Modford Knights of Columbus, a check for 905 which the club recolved amid consid erable enthusiasm. . Ur. It. It. Johnson, surgical dentist was admitted to membership thin noon, after a welcoming address by Ur. Hobert Clancy and Walter Olea fion of the Portland Itotary club made a -fihort but forceful talk on the methods of securing funds for tho Hoy Hcout movement. L TO BOX AT BYLAND I ,' PARIS. Jan. 8. (Tly the Associat ed Press) The parliamentary session opening today will be closed by tho advent- of another chamber, for the mandates of the deputies sitting In this legislature expire on May 3 1 , Whllo the next, which Is to be elected In May, Is to be inaugurated on June 1. . Hills awaiting the attention of the legislature Include the enactment of the budget, re-orgnnlzatlon nf the army, ratification of tho Lausanne treaty and a mass of social legislation among, which Is n measuro for en franchising women. " In addition, the chamber will fin ish the debate on the foreign policy and take up the Interpellations oh the home policy, Tlioy'ro the Same Kvery where. . JOES MOIN1CH, la., Jan. 8. A local newspaper interviewed members of the Iowa legislature, in session at the state capltol here yesterday on their attitude toward the winning Bok pence plan, "Senator," ono legislator was asked, "What do you think of the liok peace plan?" The senator looked up blankly for n moment, then rose to tho emer gency. - . ,MOh,M he explained, "I wasn't hero when they punned that." Bobby Byland, wen known Minne apolis wrestling exponent. Is expected to arrive hero this afternoon for his match with Gus Bchneldau at the ar mory this evening. Byland and Schneldau are well matched as far as weight ana Rlze go and each one is anxious to win tonight. Ifenry Hurk, who is a well known wrestler himself, will referee this evening's go, which assures a good, square main event. Burk has issued a challenge against Hchnledau for a future match here and seems to be confident that he can win from the local boy. 'He claims two victories over Gus At Klamath Falls. As a special surprise for those who attend tills evening's smoker, promo ters have secured Johnny Carlson and !V1 Jordon. to fight for four rounds. This event, while only a preliminary for the Ryland-Hchncidau match, should be worthy of a main event rating. Johnny Carlnon's repij atlon Is known throughout southern Oregon as well as up Portland and Spokane way. Al Jordan is a colored scrap per, more or lo known In these parts. Those who know Jordon say that he's a real fighter and will give Carlson a mighty Interesting four rounds at tonight's smoker. Of course, there will bo a good eui tain raiser which promcers claim will put the fans in the proper mood for the Cni-lson-Jordon bout nnd the Bylund-Schnelrlau match. Tho entire program will be staged on tho center, elevated ring used for the bouts at the legion's New Year's day smoker. Tonights affair will begin at 8:30 o'clock. F MAY BE TOMB OF .0 , NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 8. The eastern border of Thibet, "tho roof of tho world," may be the burlul place of the second Nuahvlllo physician to give his life In the effort to bring Christian ity and modern science to the forbid den, land, !f the city of I3atang, in western Szechuan, China, Is taken by the Thibetan bandits who surround it, according to press dispatches. It is; believed the bandits hold as prisoners P17 William Hardy, representative of the Vine street Christian church, of this city, his wife, and three children. Dr. W. H. Duncan and wife, also of the Foreign Christian Mission society, and .1. P. Morso and wife of tho United Charities commlsslson. Dr. Hardy Is the successor of Dr. I.ofUs as representative of the Vine street church. He volunteered to go into the dangerous mission station as soon as news reached Nashville of the death from plague of Dr. Lol'tls sovera,! years ago. Dr. Loftis deuth was followed In 1022 by the death of Dr. Albert Leroy Shelton, several miles from Dntang, on February 17, at the hands of a band of robbers. Dr. Shelton was bur led beside Dr. Loftis. , WAR IN SALEM SALEM. Ore.'. Jap..' 8. The local camp of Spanish War Voterans last nlKht adopted n resolution protesting against a petition now in circulation to procure from the government a pardon for Mrs. Alma Louise Wurtz barger, who killed her husband at Chemawa, Ore., about three years ago. The action of the veterans is on the grounds that Wurtzbarger was a Spanish war veteran and that there is evidence indicating that the mur der was in cold blood. Mrs. Wurtz barger is a federal prisoner for the reason' that- the crime was committed at their home on the premises of the Chemawa Indian school. She Is held at the Oregon prison for the reason that her health would not permit her to be taken to a federal prison. The lornl post will ask -the state depart ment to request all other local posts in the state to take similar action. TACOMA SCHOOL IS ROBBED BY YEGGS TACOMA, Jan. t. A band of yegg man early this morning overpowered the watchman at the Lincoln high school here, knocked off the combina tion of the sr-hool vault, took 50Q In cash and Imprisoned tho wutuhiuan In the vault. The watchman was releas ed five hours later by a school Janitor. After robbing the school, the ban dits came to the business section hora and were attempting to enter the-j American Express office when they were Been by police. The bandits fled toward Seattle In an automobile. Se- . notified, and met I the bandits' car when it approached that city. Police nere were iimuicg that the bandits escaped after a run nlng fight with Seattle police, aban doning their car, which was stolen in Seattle last evening. : With Medford trade is Medford made MCST 1IAXO, SAYS COl'RT (Continued From Page One) MADE FAIR HEAD SALKM. Ore., Jan. 7. A. C. Mars ters of Koscburg was this afternoon elected prcsldont of tho state fair board to succeed J. E. Reynolds, of 1 41 Grande at a meeting of tho board here. Other officers named were F. E. Lynn of Perry dale, vice-president; A. N. Hush, Salem, treasurer; P. U. C'urrey of Ia (irande, secretary. De partment heads are. also to bo elected this afternoon. A financial statement for tho paHt year showed a fuvnruhlo balance of $8,U83.0r, with receipts U5.01 1.01 and expenditures nf $H7.r,27.nH. London and Scottish Assurance cor-; pnratlon, limited, et al, appellants vs. California Oregon Power company; appeal from Klamath county; action to recover damages sustained by thej Germain company as result of fire I when K os tor son mill was burned. Opinion by Justice McCourt. Judge A. Ii. Lcavltt reversed and case re manded. Petition for re-hearing denied in I Hartsel motion for re-reahlng on al lowance of motion to dismiss appeal in Moss vs. Woodcock, donled. Ia Grande Man Dies. LA filUNDK, Ore., Jan. 8. Turner Oliver, aged 64. prominent for many years In local and statu affairs, died jtt his home here yesterday evening. 3 MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Price ftiaNN'3 S3 . Wednesday Specials I At Mann's Clearance Sale 1 Don't Miss These Bargains Tomorrow Taffeta Silk S 36 inches wide; good colors; H regular $2.50 values. M J 0 Wed. special, yard . . I Wool Blankets 62x90 all wool English Bl an il kets. Regular price $4.00. Wednesday special, jJ2 35 3 pair Coating j 54-inch Boliva and Velour H Coatings; heavy weight, all H wool, good colors, $6.50 values. H Wednesday special, $2.98 E3 yard Ribbed Hose 5 Fine Lisle, all colors and sizes, H $1.25 value. Wed. 7C H special, pair Cotton Blankets 70x80 size, in fancy plaids, heavy quality. Regular price $4.00 Wednesday $2.85 special, pair ....... Outing Flannel 27 inches wide, in white only. Regular price 29c. Wed. 9 C speciaj, yard Underwear Women's . fine grade Union Suits; all styles and sizes. Reg- ular price 75c. Wed. ' 48 c special, sun EE Women's Coats Made of all wool materials, good styles and colors, $25.00 values. Wednes- $16.50 I day specials, each EE Waists new styles, $3.00 values $1.95 Mail Orders Promptly Filled Postage Dresses made of Jap Crepe $3.50 values $1.95 each Prepaid. Agents for Butterick Patterns Mann's Department Store The Store for Everybody Medford, Ore. llDeuefs JA Deuel's A if - TJP 'i7 jT9 I Domestic, at Low Prices ' ' 81x90 Pequot Sheets, $2.25 value $1.98 LlV I n I 81x90 Gibraltar Sheets, $2.00 valuc....$1.57 m JJ 3 42 inch Penuot Pillow, Cases 46 IjfSjJ I 9-4 Pequot Sheeting, white 78$ IVL . 42 inch Tiulian TTonrl Tnhino- 45 I 40 inch Indian Head Tubing..... 5U F5! ' ' 45 inch Pequot Tubing 50 ssseJ Hone Muslin ...... ...19tf LJ5! fl Berkeley Xo. GO ...29 TLI llll J-VVf.... ................................ i llll r . i t i t t t nr i dJ .. men j.naian neaci 1 i Yardage Values H! 'acets III! Mmi I, Silu... ! Inn u Si'A -:r I S llll . , 7 : : Pink and Blue 3?. ' .Zffi in i ummm i-)untin vvim rvnn i H 4.50 value ?3.65 5.50 valine $4.50 H (ll!.80 All Pure Wool $10.00 nil '..vow aii i lire wool aiii.aiF l II 1A 1 Towels and Toweling Reduced Turkish Towels, 18x36 -.1? 25(! values, 5 to a customer Huck Towels, 20c value .'. '. 15 Toweling, all linen crash 20 Bargains in Table Linens " 72 inch all Linen Damask, $2.75 value $2.20 72 inch all Linen Damash, $3.00 value $2-40 72 inch all Linen Damask, $3.50 value $2-80 72 inch all Linen Damask, $3.75 value $2.95 72 inch all Linen Damask, $5.00 value $3.95 27 inch Fa'ncy Outings.......... ....15 27 inch Daisy Cloth ....22 3fi inch Daisy Cloth 29 Cretonnes Two Large Assortments- 50c value. This sale Values to 90(i. This "sale.. .39 ...59 Velvet Corduroy, colors, for Bath Robes, $1.25' value '.89f Bed Spreads Jacquai'd Riplettes $5.95 Satin Bed . Spreads :...$4.75 to $8.50 Pink and Blue Satin Spreads r $8-50 All colors, Pure Silk Crepe dc Chine, $2.25 value Skinner's Dress Satine. Colors, $2.75 value $1.75 $2.19 bungalow Aprons $1.29 val ues. This Sale....98 House Dresses $2.48 val ues. This ' Sale $1.98 Satine Petticoats $1.25 qkif'-' $1-50 values y llAl values. now I mU now 98 IJ $1.19 Incomparable Values in Suits, Coats and Dresses Fashionable Dresses that have been selling to $32.50, This Sale $22.50 $19.50, This Sale :$14 75 Every Coat, Suit and Dress marked down for this sale. Luncheon Sets Fane yBridge Cloths......$1.25 Fancv Cloth with napkins . $4.75 All Pure Linen Sets .,....$4.95 Imported Linen Sets......$6.75 Pure Linen Pattern Cloth 68x68.....:..:...: ...$5.00 Napkins to match y dozen, $3.75 Ginghams "' Large assortment of 32 inch Dress . Gingham 29 27 inch Dress Ginghams 22 25c Challies 19 25c Percales '. .....21 36 inch Lingette Cloth, 85c value, now w Windsor. Underwear Crepo 35 ABC Silk and Taffetcx.1 ..59 Suuburst Silks, 75c values, now....59 10 DISCOUNT ON ALL CORSETS AND BRASSIERES FOR THIS SALE 10 Women's Underwear 40c Vests, now 29 70c Viiion Suits,' now 49 "$1.05 Merode Vests, now 79 $2.25 Alei-ode Suits, now....$1.95 10 off all Winter Garments Women's Hose 500 pairs Full Fashioned Silk Hose, values from $1.35 to $1.75. Special :. ...$1.00 Children's Imported Wool 3-4 Hose, $1.25 value 980s , French Kid Gloves Exceptional Values offered $3.50 values, 2 clasp $2.25 Beaded Bags $7.50 values $3.75 $5.95 values $2.95 25 OFF ALL OVERCOATS A $5 HAT WITH A KUPPENHEIMER SUIT DEUEL'S SALE PRICES FOR CASH ONLY Quality Why Pay More Economy DEUEL'S