PA OR SEVEN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMarius MF.DFOTJD MATL TTJTTiUNE, "NTF.TVFOTvD, OTtF.GON". TUESDAY. JANUAT7Y S. 1924 i' JIC,Cl' ,tS'0l"bTED n " OW-aENNlNCt ' f XCb fE-b ( I'M bORR..1'VF.60T ( ! ( 4- O' I MY ;OIN, OVE;THE QW M" THE. eEiNNNC i'MVER-fMUCH 6EE1 COT fOUE W'-O-l UEFTTHE mO NOW I COOD.'l ' -sss . . ' jpT l l NEAipeRY ' )9?4 by IwT-t. Feature' Service'.nc. V'' :' : ' " ' " f-8 - ' -T 7 -r: : ' 1 ""' " ' V '" """ . - - II CONGRESSMAN REPLIES TO UPSHAW WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Represen i tatlve Hill, republican of Maryland, re plying today to. the plea for dry en forcement made last week by Repre sentative Upshaw, democrat, Georgia, charged that violations of the-Volstead In the latter's statn were fla grant and continuous. . "Mr. Upshaw and his fellow Anti Saloon leaguers," Representative Hill declared, "cannot enlist public sent!- ment In Georgia to onforco the act, Mr. Hill said the Georgia represen tative was not qualified to speak "for the majesty of the law," because "he sits In the house in direct violation- of the fourteenth amendment to the con stitution." Livestock. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan: 8. Cattle steady; receipts 20. Hogs steady; re ceipts 191. ' Sheep ' nominally steady; no re ceipts.' Eggs. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 8. Eggs three cents lower. Pullets 301832 mixed colors 3032c; henneries. 33 34c delivered Portland. Butter. PORTLAND, Ore., Jnn. 8. Butter firm. Extra cubes, city 45',4c; coun try 44 V. Si 45c: underirradcs 4244c prints 49c; cartons, 50c. Butterfat firm. Best churning cream, 50 51c f. o. b., Portland. Poultry. ' , PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 8. Poul try extremely firm, scarce. Heavy hens' 242Dc; lights 1820c; springs nominal; ducks, white Poklns 18 22c turkeys, live, nominal; dressed 2C 28c. Potatoes. PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 8. Pota toes firm SI. 26 1.50. Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 8. Wheat bids: Hard white, bluestem, baart, . softw hite, western white 99c; nor thern spring 96c; hard winter; west ern red 94c. Today's car receipts Wheat . 43; flour 7; corn 3; hay 11. Son Francisco Markets. ,SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 8. (TJ. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics): Eggs, extras 40c; extra pullets a&Vfcc; butterfat, f. o. b. San Francisco, 67c. ' Poultry unchanged. ""Mrs. A. C. Kellogg of Gold Hill made a business and pleasure trip to our town last week. ' Mrs. C. Chitwood has been visiting relativos in Klamath Falls for the past week. Mrs. Roy Martin and son Wayne, returned homo Saturday evening, hav ing spent the holiday with relatives in Roseburg. e Uenson, the miner, has chang ed his occupation and this week mov ed to his farm In the Applegate, re cently purchased from Mrs. Kate Stephenson. i : The Ladies' Guild held their regular meeting Thursday afternoon in the basement of the church. There was a very good attendance and some work acocmpllshed. Mrs. Btishby and Mrs. Holopcter served tea. The next meet ing will be lieid on the 17th ot this month and all the ladles of the com munity are requested and invited to attend. :' Jdr. and Mrs. Q. R. Chapman enter tained the employe:, and wives of the PERL FUNERAL DOME .w- Tatarwa At Tonr tomtom I7 or NIcM Information cordially Oina .-' Onr. ath and Oakdle ' . Year eve party last Monday evening. Music and games wore enjoyed during the evening and supper at 12 o'clock and a most enjoyable time was had by all. Amy C. Dow had as her guests at a New Year's dinner her mother, Mrs. S. A. Cantrall, her uncle, Andrew Can trail, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cantrall, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cantrall and son Harland, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Can trall and daughter Shirley, and Miss Hall. Miss Lenra Goddard has accepted a position in Albany with the S. P. Co. in the freight office. We are glad or V,eora's promotion but mourn her loss to the community. Mrs. Kato Stephenson and son Earn est spent a week visiting her sister at Slsson, Calif. Mrs. James T. Buckley and sons were visiting relatives in our city Saturday. Frances was lonving for Mt. Angel college to resume his studies after having spent the holidays with his parents in the Applegato sec tion. The Eastern Star met on Thursday pvenlng and installed the officers for the ensuing year. A good attendance and a generous supper was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Godard of Med- ford spent Sunday visiting relatives In oil.- city. Mayor Britt and Miss Mollie Brltt are enjoying a "Radlola Grand" gift left by Santa Claus. Mr. Lewis Ulrlch and family were visiting relatives In our city last Sun day. Miss Mabel Salle, nelce of Mrs. Ber tha Drake, whoro she visited tor sev eral weeks, loft recently for her homo at Gait, Calif. ,.,Mn,and Mrs. M. E. Foreman and grandson, of Kings highway, were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Handys. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Finney who are employed at the Von der Hellen camp are spending the week at their new home in our city. Mr. Roy Ulrlch made a business trip to Portland last Thursday for the As" Bociated Oil company of Medford In which company he is employed. Mr. Ulrich drove up one of the company's big Mack trucks to be loft In Portland for a few weeks while he returned by train Sunday. (Reported by Jertioft County Abetreot Co. Sixth Street enJ Central Amniok) Real Estaic: Transfers. E. B. Shaw to Eva Fierce, W. D. , . ; to lots 3 and 4, blk. L," Rail road Add. to Ashland ,10 Mary Wendt to Chester ' H. . - . Wendt, gift deed to lot in Jacksonville John A. Westerlund, et ux, to i C. Y. Tengwald, W. D. to SB of NW, SB sec. 24. twp. 37 8., R. 1 West 10 Chas. M. English, ct al, to Cora B. Treichler, W. p. to lots 7 and 8. blk. 17, Medford ... 10 D. E. Millard, et ux. to R. E. McElhose and H. E. Marsh, W. D. to lot 21, Edgewood Park 10 NEW AND USED CARS Get our prices before buying Our accessories are complete II BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO.. Treichler, W. D. to Vj i"t. In SW of SW sec. 3, twp. 37 8.. It. 2 West . . . : T. J. Honham to tleorgo W. Brooks, et ux, W. D. to lot on Tripp street, Medford Belle Cochran to City of Med ford, Q. C. D. to lots 1 to 8, block 6. lots 1 to 10, block 7, Riverside Subdivision to Med ford 10 Geo. H. Andrews, ot ux, to Alice E. Kllppel, W. D. to lot 8, blk. 67. Medford '. . . . Roscoe Hulse, et ux, to Ira A. Spencer, et ux, W. D. to SVi lot 10, all lots 11 and 12 block G, Medford Mary J. Grtdley, et vlr, to Bertha Laiuk, W. D. to land in DL.C 42, twp. 39 S II. 1 East .' R. H. Toft, et ux, to William Itelnhart, et ux, W. D. to lot on Main street, Ashland .... Catherine M. Wakeman, et vlr, to City of Medford, Q. C. D. to hits 4 to 11, inc., Sutheiiln Terrace Add. Medford John 11. 1'iutt, et ux, to Bon F. l'iatt, et ux. deed to lots 5, N. 8Vi feet lot 4, blk. 6, Olsen Add. Medford Ben F. Piatt, et ux, to M. E. lamb, et ux, deed to lot 5, N. 8 ,i ft. lot 4, blk. 6, Olsen Add. Medford Oeo. L. Treichler, et ux. to Charles M. English, W. D. to land in PhippB Reserve, Med ford DO 700 10 Enjoyed a Good Night's Sleep "I wish to say that Foley Pills worked O. K. on me in a couple of hours and the pains left mo at once. 1 took a couple of them In the after noon, went to bed and had 'a good night's sleep and have slept good ever since," writes Con Thiel, 118 E. Co lumbia St., Fort Wayne, Indiana. Fol ley Pills are a diuretic stimulant for the kidneys and will increase their activity. Refuse substitutes. Sold everywhere. Adv. Inventory Blanks Before starting your Inventory call at this office and see the specially HELP WA.NTED MALE WANTED Accountant experienced In Corporation, Partnership and In dividual Proprietorship accounting, is open for engagements for the preparation of income. Profit and Loss and Financial Statements and the comnllation of Income Tax Re turns. P. O. Box 777, Medford, Ore. 1 24B If your radiator freezes it will cost you a lot of money. ALCOHOL is cheap and will prevent freezing. Free Crank Case Service Jones & Kirkpatrick A Real Service Station A REAL BARGAIN CHICKEN RANCH SMALL DAIRY Eight acres of excellent alfalfa, put up 40 ton lust season, Irrigated and fine location, only one-hall1 mile from High School and Pavement. . Fair six-room house recently remodeled, electricity, fine grove, lots fruit and berries, good barn. ..... GOOD INVESTMENT AT $3500 FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Bldg, Medford, YOUNG MAN GO WEST , of Phoenix one-fourth mile and build a home on a new road just laid out through a beautiful grove ot laurel and oak. Natural shade on each five acre tract. When completed this will be one of the most delightful drives in the county. Deep, free soil. No better alfalfa, orchard or berry land any place. Ideal for chickens. Under irrigation. Lies perfect, llest of well water. PRICE $350 for 5 ACRES. $100 cash, $10 per month Your choice now. If interested, see me at once. Phone anytime, 784-L J. ruled and printed blanks, made up in proper .columns and tabulated to make inventory easier. tf IlKLP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Competent womnn or girl for general housework. Mrs. B. R. Elliott. Phono 115-Y. 247 WANTED At once, high school girl. Phone 622-R. 247 WANTED Housekeeper to help with invalid. 330 S. Fir St. 247 WANTED Girl for general house work. 'Phone 567-J-2. WANTED Expericnc e d w alt r e s a. Hotel Medford. tf WANTED SITtiATIONS WANTED Neat young girl would like work in or round Medford. Write Miss Strausur, Eagle Point. Ore. 246 WANTED Position as bookkeeper or office girl, experienced, any reason able wage. Phone lotiti-j for Inter view. 252 WANTED Steady employment for year; married man; 20 years ex perience on fruit farm. Oeo. If. Reynolds, R. 2, Phone 21-F-ll. Jacksonville. 249 WANTED Shrubbery pruning, land scape gardening, snraying, garden ing and odd Jobs. Phone 407-L. 249 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED All kinds of phonographs to repatr. J.loerly Kupair Shop. WANTED To rent three to five acres ranch, or will buy if terms are light. Box W A, Mall Tribune. 247 WANTED Upholstering, re-glulng, and ro-nnlshlng work uone at your home. A. N. Trlbault, Tel. SCO-It. 248 WANTED St. Louis prices for furs, less express charges. Johnson Produce Co., HI N. Fir Bt. Pnonn 97. tf WANTED House muring and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 48S-X. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath: men. 245 N. Grape. tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In modern home. 622 W. Tenth St. t '261 FOR RENT Well hented sleeping room. 340 S. Riverside. Tel 217-L. 247 FOR RENT Furnished room, good heat, close in. sleeping Call 322. tf FOR RENT Furnlshaa rooms at the Fountain I,odge. Modern, steam heated, center business district. No. 826 W. Main. tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Thrce room apartment with bath. 103 E. Eloventh. Phone 269. 248 FOR RENT First floor apartment, adults. 246 S. Riverside. 248 FOR RENT Two room apartment. 113 E. Eleventh. Phone 963. 248 FOR RENT Comfortable apartment sleeping porch, private entrance, electric range and heated with olec trlc ity. 618 S. Oakdale. FOR KENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms on ground floor. 234 E. Ninth St. Phone 956-R. 261 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms downstulrs, 221 N. Holly. . 247 FOR- RENT Furnished housekeep Ing rooms. 326 K. Jackson St. 260 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 611 S. Central. tt FOR RENT Modern Ttousekoeplng rooms. 345 N. Bartlett. Phone 763-M. 1 tf ALFALFA Ore, Phone 900 or 609-Y C. BARNES 8 South Central FOR RENT Two partly furnished houses. Phone 598-L after 5 p. m. 250 FOR RENT Five room bungalow, garage, laundry, wood house. See owner, 219 S. Central. 247 FOR RENT Six room modern bun Knlow, or will sell on easy terms. Phone 258. 246 FOR RUNT Seven room house close in. Modern, double garage, on puve ment. Phono D12-R. 1 tf FOR RENT 402 W. Jackson, rhone 452-R evenings. FOR RENT Houses, Brown & White. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT In Uberty Bldg., one room fronting on Main St.; also suite ot two rooms on Grapo St. faring chst. Large and well lighted, hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator and Janitor service. See O. A. Abbott, Janitor or Bert Ander son or Ralph Bardwell, owners, tf FOR RENT High class alfalfa and grain lands on either cash or share basis. River Uanks Farms, Grunts PaKS, Oregcn. 251 FOR RENT Largt modern office rooms In Sparta Bldg., with light, hent and Janitor service. IK per month. E. P. Tumy. Phone 40!. tf TAKEN VI TAKEN DP White sow.' ear 248 cropped. Phono 07-R-2. LOST Maxwell spare wire wheel and tire with cover. Return to Farm Bureau or phone S2t. lteward. 247 LOST Gold watch and watch fob with gold football engraved. Call C20. Reward. ' tf LOST Silver pin with largo blue lappis stone, Thursday, on central Point highway or Main street : of Medford. Return to this office. 247 FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE, RENT OR EXCHANGE For Medford property, 36 acres Bear creek bottom land half' block off highway, 2 miles from busy corner. 518 8. Oakdale. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Willys "". good condi tion, $125. Phone 92-M. 246 FOR SALE 1922 Ford sednn, excel lent shape, five gootl tires, extras, sacrifice for $386, including 1924 license. Win. Davis, 402 S. Central. 250 FOR BALE Ford bug, good condi tion, cheap. Also bull pup. I'nono 407-W. 250 FOR SALE RICAl ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acres In Sams Valley, 60 In cultivation. L. M. Fisher. Gold Hill. 247 FOR SALE OR TRADE 70 acres timber land 3 miles from town of Rogue River. Small payment down would handle: - or would consider trnde. John Mace, hi mile west Central Point. 248 FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 acre dairy ranch on Vaqulna Bay. 4 miles below Toledo, 8 miles above Newport, for property In or near Medford. O. W. Andrews, Box 133, Toledo, Ore. 248 FOR SALE Ranches, all kinds, and houses, must be sold at some low price, 10 years time, ' Gold Ray Realty Co. ' tf FOR SALE Mountain timber ranch. 120 acres, 3 miles SW Ashland. Im provements. Going east Jan. 1. Buy this month. $3600. Mrs. Miller, 1614 Bonita, Berkeley, Cal. 247 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Albers Molasses dairy feed, 80 lb. sacks special at $1.00 per sack while stock lasts. Excel lent feed. Monarch Seed Co. - Ford Touring, Wire Wheels $7500 Ford Coupe, Special $7500 1918 Chevrolet Touring, Cord Tires $125.00 Medford Auto Co. . Buick Dealers ' Specials FOR SALE 21 bead mules, 1200 to J 300 lbs., 4 and 5 years old. W. C. Spltzer, Talent, Ore. 161 FOR SALE Hrood sow ami seven pigs. Phone 1J2-L, J. .Nary. 254 FOR SALE Fresh milk goat. 303 2411 L'larK. I'ltone 627-v. FOR SALE Six head ot milk cows. Inquire' 604 Park St. 247 FOR SALE Puppies: also special watch nogs, rhone r.i-K-i. FOR SALE Entire dairy heril select cows must he sold, sell separately or any way. M. Wulsh. 1 tulle NE of Medford on Cratur Iako Road. 250 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Choice alfalfa delivered f 14 per ton. Phono 02S-X. 260 FOR SALE Complete set orchestra drums uttd traps. 7J8 X. Oak Kt 251 FOR SALE Rally's crib. 18x40 Inches, springs, disc wheels, lvnry finish. 1604 W. Main St. 248 FOR SALE Wheat. phone 26-J-l. 261 FOR SALE Singer sewing mai-nlnOi bet-stead, spring and mattress, oak dresser, wood heater, gas stove. Other household articles cheap. 681 S. Ivy St. Phone 427. 2411 FOR SALE Bedroom suite: black enamel breakfast set, brenkfast table, two Wilton rugs, one sewing machine, chilli's bed, army cot, set Harvard classics, one heater, two folding steel camp beds. 10 Rose Ave. Phone 92-.M. 244 FOR SALE Albers Mulnssos dairy feed. 80 lb. sacks, spuclal at 81.00 per sack while stock lasts. Excel lent feed. Monarch Seed Co. FOR SALE A few choice R. I. Red cockerels, also eggs for hatching. Order now. A. A. Ingalls, Wflder vllle. Ore. . . .... 30 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. t. Red hens nnd cockerels for small pigs. L. M. Greene, Prospect, Ore. 246 FOR SALE 100 tons alfalfa, feed lot. T. E. Pottonger. with 246 FOR SALE Oak dressers, rug, rock ors, hoater, fumed oak dining room net in fluo condition. 1023 W. Ninth. FOR SALE 1919 Henderson motor cycle, electrically equipped, com pletely overhauled. Easy terms. Phono 761 after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Manznnlta and oak wood, $4.60 tier tlellvere-d. Phone 21. Central Point F. W. 8., R. 2, Box 75, Modfort FOR SALE OR TRADE Phono graphs, records, furniture nnu uutoa. Bargain prices. 15 N. Grape. FOR SALE Largo mahogany table, reasonably priced. Phone 390-L or inquire 825 S. Holly. FOR SALE Black oak wood, abso lutely dry, noon cut two years. Phone 031-11. 619 N. Rlversldo. 260 FOR SALE Extra fancy turkeys, delivered; also geese. phone 1J2-11-2. B. W. Ocbhard. 262 FOR SALE 100 tons alfalfa hay. Will feed cattle or shoop. Goo. L. Williams, Applegato, Oro. 247 FOR SALE Wheat. Phone 6-F-2. 246 FOR SALE Oranges, 13.00 per 40- lb. box net by prepaid paroel post. No culls. H. H. Phillips, Corning. Calif. tf FOR SALE Pickled olives, $1.25 per gallon by prepaid parcel post. H. II. Phillips, Corning, Calif. tf FOR SALE Corn, meal time. Phone 691-J-2 at FOR .SALE Jonatnni,. Spirts, Bald win, Newtown and Delicious apples delivered 60o and $1.00 per box. Leave orders at Mann's store or see White Saturdays.' Public Market, tf WhyVyalk when you can buy a v - v FORD TOURING for $75" all in good shape Terms if Desired C. f. GATES AUTO 0. FOR SALE Seven room house, smalt payment down, halunce like rent. Modern, built-in furniture. 4 08 Edward. 247 FOR SALE Five room plastered semi-bungalow furnished thruout, on paved street, price (2D50. Terms. Phone 690-L. 252 FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished also acre age. Insurance. C. S. Butterfield, Medford Nation Banlc Phone I8. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys .. K. REAM EH Lawyer, office la Liberty Building. ' Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREEN E Abstracts ot Title. Rooms and I No. 32 North Central Ave., ut stairs. JACKSON COCNTT ABSTRACT CO. Ahstrncta of T 1 1 1 and Tltln luuuroncn. The - only uoniplote Title System In Jackson Couuly. '. ' , A; E. ' KELLOGG Abstractor ' of Titles.-Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jnckson County Abstractor. Over . twenty years experience In the county. Phone C-J-2 Gold Hill.' tf Building Materials MEDKORD CEMENT BRICK A BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building produota. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropodist DR. W. 10. I.ANTIS Relief given to nil foot trouble. 419 Medford Bid. Phone 655. Chiropractic Physicians DR. HARVEJ P. COLBMAN-Chlro-practlo and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 905. ' tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eolectm Physician. DR. LOUISE B, HEDGES Naturopathic Chlro praetor. Mechano-Therapy, tipon dylothcrapy, Food Scienoes, Chlro practice. Office: Stewart Bide, 235 E. Main St. Phones: . Office. 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlropraotla nerve specialist, ornce noun 2-5. 203-206 Liberty Bid. Ofio Phone 680; Res. 1027. Dentists , - ; ' :T DR. It. H. JOHNSON General Den tistry nnd X-Ray. Third floor Medt fo-i Bldg. Phone 426. . DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist,' 228 E, Alain bt over M. M. Dept. Btort, Medford, Oregon. Phone . 6881 Res. 1023-H. Office hours 9 a,- nr. 6 p .m. Evenings and Sunday bt appointment. . Expert Accountant '( WILSON AUDITING CO. E. If. Wit. son, c. P. A. Attention given, U anything in accounting and Incoiu Tax retiulromenU Look into odi simplified accounting method. 'Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone H7-H. Insa ranee EARL S. TUMY All forma ot Insur ance: Fire, Auto, Life, Accident, Bonds. Phone 402. 200 Liberty Bldjt. Honey to Loan 7 V. J. B. ANDREWS Buys and Mil , mortgages and loans money on good security, SI N. Grape St. Phone 83-M. Ut Monuments THE OREGON ORANITB CO; Monuments, if. A. Hicks, Genera) Mnnagor. P. M. Kershaw, Sain Manager, 108 E. Sixth St.. Md. ford. U Osteopaths DR. F. O. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAIN CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 416-418 Liberty Bid. Phone 904-J-t Residence 26 South Laurel Bt. i ,r , Piano Ynstrnctlon I- FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher tot piano and Harmony. Studio 111 Liberty Bldg., Phone 72." ' Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO, Office 48 North Front St. Phone SIS. Prices right. Service: guar anteed. DAVIS . TRANSFER A ' 8TORAGB CO. Anything moved, day or nlitht. Service guaranteed. S9 0. Crape. Phone: Office 644, or real' dence 1060 or 206. ' . Vpliolsterlng J. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materinls. Draperlos made to . order. We do nil kinds of uphol stering. Wo deliver and will call nnd show samples. : Phont 803i. Jacksonville, Ore, .