Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 08, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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'Coke" Seizure From Rio Janiero
- and Skid
RJ 'Ml 111
mmwk -
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 8. The
amount of German money in foreign
banks In addition to the credit, bal
ances necessary to keep German In
dustry alive Is not sufficient to affect
French reparation demands, Frau
Adele - Schrelber, member of the
relchstag, who was given the privilege
of the senate floor yestorday, declared
today at a luncheon forum of the Na
tional Popular Government league.
She expressed the conviction that
Germany could not pay enough wrthin
the next two years "to make any dif
ference in reparations, If we are to
llva. be able to work and carry on our
Industries." since the "only ' source
from which we can .obtain money to
pay reparations is from profits on our
. S. Al
New York When the S.
grettl, of the Poyd BrazlHnro Uno
docked at pior 5 Brooklyn, three
of the members of the Customs
Squad searched the vessel. " The
purser at that' time became
frightened and rufthed Into the
cook $1,000,000 worth of "coke" In
amall bottlos as seen'inthe photo,
and four diamond rlnps appraised
at about $1,000,000 each. These
three men of the searching isquad
saw the move and searched the
galley immedlatoly; 'The loot,
came from Rio Janiero,1 and the
galley and handed over to ' the cook and puraer were arns.ed.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 8. F. Har
riett wns headed away from Los
Angeles and its city Jail today be
cause he knew how to speak French
in, a, pinch. He was awaiting trial op
a vagrancy charge in police court yes
terday when the case beforo the bar
required a, French interpreter. He
offered his services and the court ac
cepted.' " ' Then' his own case came up.
"What do I get, your honor?" he
. "Well, first you've got a dollar and
a half coming for your services as in
terpreter," said the judge, "and sec
ond "ypu'vo. got' 90. days coming for
vugraney; and third, the sentence is
'suspended. Take the $1.50 and get
put of town."
A WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. Charg
ing thatL Secretary Mellon had "at
tempted to sandbag the bonus, using
a formidable weapon, tho, pockotbook
of tho nation," Senator Copoland,
democrat, Now York, told the senate
today he did not consider tax reduc
tion and tho soldier bonus "so related
that one must die if the other lived."
ATLANTA, Jan. 8. With fail
weather predicted for today and the
assuft-ance, of warmer weather, the
south welcomed tho end of a cold
wave that took a total of nearly,
twenty deaths .from exposure to cold
and fire mishaps in this section. The
peninsula citrus crop, was threatened.
at 'Several -points, growers reported,
hut escaped with litU or no damugo.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 8 Fears were
expressed here today for tho safety
of a party of twelve missionaries Bent
to China by the missionary board of
the Christian church believed to be
not far from Ilatang, center of recent
depredations by Chinese, bandits.
Alarmed over inability to get word
to or from tho party. Dr. Royal J.
Dye, field secretary of tho board of
miwuinna Vin wivpri Ihp pp no roil honrl-
quarters of tho Chrlntlan church at ' Pointing out that the treasury soc
St. Louis asklnp that immediate ef- retary had sal that ln p" ion run
forts be made to Bot In touch yith the suax reduction which he had
tnem . promised, would bring an estimated
In 'the party, according to Dr. Dye. increaso ln revenue of. 5102,000,000,
wero tho Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Wohrlcy Senator Copoland proposed that this
of Pomona; tho Rev. and Mrs. Leland bB uscd a" thB for '" Payment
mn,..n an iw mrini..' ft,, of the bonus.
Kmmerson of Berkeley; Mr. and Mrs. I Doolarinc In favor ot nil-cash pay
C. A. Toterson and two daughters of "entn to the service men at the rate
Indiana,' arid the Rev. and Mr3. Jitnic3
Agden of Los Angeles.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. Russia
was debated at length yesterday ln
the senate with Senator Lodgo of
Massachusetts, republican leader,
speaking against recognition of tho
soviet' government, and Senator Bo
rah, republican, Idaho, urging that
stops toward recognition bo started.
In a carefully ptepnred address
Senator Lodge declared thore were
"interlocking directorates," between
the soviet government, tho commu
nist party and the Internationale with
designs Inimical to the American form
of government.
Senator Borah replied that tho time
had come to negotiate with the Rus
sian government to determine whether
recognition prerequisites laid down by
President Coolldge In his opening ad
dress could be 1 met.
Tho Idaho senator said he was "in
perfect accord" with President Cool-
idges statement on tho question, re
quiring settlement of Amorlcan
claims, adjustment of tho Russian re
public debt and cessation of conimU'
nist propaganda In this country, ai
conditions precedent to Russian recognition.
These ''fundamental principles,"
Senator Rorah said, wero universally
recognized as desirable.
Recognition of Russia, ho declared,
"would tend to bring nbout better
conditions throughout the world."
Senator Hrookhavt. republican, of
Iowa, asked what was tho present
status Of Russo-Amerlcan relations.
"Apparently one of war upon the
part of the United States," repllod Mr.
Declaring tho present government
of Russia had endured for six years
"desplto four invasions, munitioned
and provisioned by foreign govern
ments." senator Borah asked, "what
would take Its place if Mr. Hughes'
declaration consolidates sufficient
moral Influence 'n other nations to
overthrow It'?" . ' .
"None can ' expect anything but
chaos ana misery, unlimited and in
describable," he said.
TOICIO, Jan. S.-fBy the Associated
Press) The ' new Japanese cabinet,
completed early this week, will adopt
budget estimates for tho coming fis
cal, year as made by the ministry of
former Premior Yamamoto, which re
signed following the' attempted assas
Blnattdn of Prince: Regent Hirohito,
at'eording to nn Interview given out
by Kazueshoda, minister of finance,
and published in tho newspapers here.
The new cabinet, however, intends
to resort to foreign loans quite freely
when capital is required for useful,
productive undertakings, for which
the estimates of the previous ministry
failed to make provision, it was said.
Pomona to Shoot West Point.
CLARIS MONT, Cai., Jan. 8. Pistol
shots across tho continent will ring
out next week when the Pomona col
lego rifle squad will compete in a
trans-continental match with the
West Point cadets. The meeting will
be staged by telegraph with the re
sult of each team fifing sent" ovor
the wires.
Child's Best Laxative is
"California Fig Syrup"
Hurry Mother! ' A tcospoonful of
"California Fig Syrup" now will thor
oughly clean the little bowels and in a
few hours juu have a well, playful child
sgAin. Kven: if cross, fevcriRh, bilious,
constipated or full of cold, children love
its pleasant taste. '
Tell your druggist you want only the
'uonuine "California Fig Syrup" which
'ias directions for babies and children
of all ages printed on bottle. Mother,
ynu must say "California." Refuse any
. 'iniitfrtion,
principal. , -a-
Should the1 additional revenue Mr.
Mellon has promised not be realized.
tho senator said, tho surtax would be
restored, "because tho bonus must be
I paid."
1 I "The real purpose of the Mollon
Plan, of course, is to reduce the sur
PARIS, Jan.. 8. Tho Dutch banker, . taxea on tne rlch Senator copeland
Duyson, has been ordered expelled I declared, "and the taxes are cut in
from Prance by the minister of the In-1 half, from 60 to 25 per cent. The rest
tt-rior because of alleged alarmist of us, as usual under a republican
statements regarding the fall of the administration, get only the crumbs."
franc. tne cut Jn BUrtaxeSi that he refuses
Announcement ot the expulsion fol- to take anytnlng lesa, refuses to corn
lowed the arrest today of three for- promise at 35 percent, threatening to
elgnera who were said by the police to withdraw his bill If tho compromise Is
be unable satisfactorily to explain urged. If press reports can bo relied
their presence in the foreign exchange 'upon, the president shares his views.
r ',i- vi,,.,, "Great businessmen with whom I
room of tho stock exchange. . ,. . .
. , , ! have discussed tho matter in Now
These moves marked the opening Vnrk ,,,.,, ndnll,tl thnt the
of tho government's campaign against, bonus must bo paid, havo bogged mo
alleged hostile speculation ln tno to 'got It out of tho way Inone lump,'
franc.' (with this in mind, I shall present in
duo timo a bonus bill providing for
immediate cash payments such 'as I
have outlined." - .
Senator Copoland declared that If
a bonus wore paid In' cash ho would
bo unalterably opposed when it came
to providing the funds to issuing of.
' tax exempt bonds.
LOS ANOBLES, Jan. 8. -Accidental J(a deL.iarcd it was time tho federal.
deaths In Los Angeles loiaiou ioo BOVOrnment gave tho country an ex
during 1023, as compared with 427 limp,0 o tne I)r0per methods of fl
during 1U22, according io hbu. nancng public projects,
made public today by tne puonc saiei.y
department of tho Automobilo club of
Southern California. Motor vehicles
are charged with 21!) of the 486 fa
talities, electric railways with 31,
steam railways with six and asphyx
iating, drowning, poison, firearms,
burns, falls and Industrial accidents
with tho rest.
TOKIO, Jan. 8. (By the Associat-
of $1.25 for each day of service, Sena- d prcbs; ua-vnn ymen wun urawn
tor Copoland said the total of J1.464,- sworns gunruiu rim "'6'h ji.."
7-1 qei ,.,,i,i i. i iv I liiln this morning when he wont to
with a payment of ono hundred mil-1 the Yoyogl parody grounds to conduct .
lion dollars yearly, seventy-five mil- the annuui military review oi mo na
tions in interest and five millions in , , penai army. , t
In addition the-gri
gr6unas wero heav
ily guurded, .being surrounded witp
a cordon of police and gendarmerie
Tho elaborate - precautions taken to
protect tho prince regent wore tho re
sult of the recent attempt by a youthr
ful socialist to slay the former while;
he was on his way to a meeting of
tho diet. l ' ' ''
Accidental Deaths in
Lds Angeles' Increase
Niglit Fire Cuuscfl Pnnlo.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 8. Wall
street was thrown into a panic hero
early today when a rooming house
fire near Fifth street on Wall drove
more than 100 lodgers out upon the
pavement scantily clad. Damage esti
mated at $15,000 was done.
Plan Big Clean-up 7
Pennsylvania Cities
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 8. Tho lifo
of tho bootlegger, the bandit- tho
I gambler and other violators of tho
law will not he an easy one in a num
ber of Pennsylvania' cities if plodges
made in Inaugural addresses yester
day by the new mayors are carried
out. Not only ln Philadelphia where
Mayor Kendrlck and his director of
public safety, Bi'lgadler General
Smcdley D. Butler, served notice that
all forms of vice must cease at once,
but the mayors of. Easton, Coatesvillo,
Altoona, and other inland toVns also
Pngilism vs. Education.
MACON. ' Oa'.. Jan. ., W. I
afclhllntr- nr-hnolbov boxer,
was suspended from high school bo- I declared for strict enforcement of, the
1 . . MnW.
causo of too many absences.
I.' That the UnitP-l Stales shall
immediately entr . tho Permanrnt
Court of Internatfonnl Justice, umr
thfi conditions HUtM by Secretary
HiiKhcs and ' .'resident Harding' in
February, 1023.
H. That wifhouj; hocominff a mem
ber of the Leajrue of Nations a at
present constituted,, the United
Btates shall offer to extend Ita pres
ent cooperation with ttie i-nt;ue and
participate in the work of the Uaifie
i a body of mutual counsel under
conditions which
1. Substitute moral forc' and public
opinion for the military and
erononrid forr oriipnally im
plied in Articles X oud XVI.
J. Safeg'iard the Monroe loctrin.
S. Accept ttie fact that th United
States will assume no obJiRatinns
under the Treaty of Versailles
exrept by Act of Congress.
4. Propose that membership in the
League ahould be opened to all
5. Provide for the continuing de
, I op in en t of international law.
Mcdford Mail Tribune
Med ford, Oregon
Do you approve the winning plan Yes O
. . in substance? No O
(Tut an X inside the proper circle.)
'lease print.
City ...
Are you a voter? .
Mall promptly to ' 1
342 Madison Avenue, New York City
If you wish to expresa a fuller opinion
also, please write to the American Peace
THE PAS. Man., Jan. 8. Another
mysterv of tho northlnnd trail was
solved yesterday with the finding of
the skeleton of Edward Jackson, a
trapper, who left Nelson House for
Churchill last sprlnB, according to.
local polico authorities. '
Nothlnff more was hoard of Jack
son until two local trappers found tho
skeleton in a shack 200 miles north of
Nelson 'House. They said that Jack
son had killed bis dogs beforo laying
down in the shack to die. His furs,
they stated, were still on ,tljo sleigh
Tub VzilKkowk Hroicntii orm I
f VAMova Kscsirr Book avtuca I
Ointment s
A Time-tried Ilome Remedy,
for All Skin Irritations, Ec
tema, Pimp'en, Piles, Black
beads, UiUbiains ana
' rroiitblU
The pure, healing, toothing otoV .
mtnt, remsrkublo for Itk control
over all forms of Itching tkto
dlteices. Particularly bancfilal
In th Vtatment of tcicmi, that
torturing ail mtnt to which
many people art aubjeot Beat
for children chapped banda and
fact. Insect bltea, tort feat. Not
Injur! out to tha tboat dellcato.
tendar akin. Read below what
Mlaa Lillian Durgart of 136 B.
Miliar SL, Alpeoe.Michlgan, aaya t
T wilt wy that Dr. A . W. Chaae
Ointment helued m wonderfully.
1 1 took the ti inplca and black head
ofr my nona and mvie mr iktn
clear. You mny uae m teatlmo
nfal o tht It mar benefit otberi
u it did mo. -
You ean bur Dr. Cbatft Otnt
rhant at all drug ttorea. Tobeaar
of eattlni the gtnulno. that
portrait and signature of A. W.
Chate.M. D. are on tach bor your
proiaeiico agaioat unltauena.
197 Washington St., Buffalo, M. Y.
IT'S a mighty strong recommenda
tion to a far sighted tire buyer that
a C-T-C will travel farther and skid
less than any tire he can buy, isn't it?
That is why you are seeing C-T-C tires on
more and more cars every day and are
hearing their song of safety, as, they, swish
by on the wet pavement.
You can't afford to take the risk of driving those
pld skiddy tires. Put them by until dry weather
comes and equip with C-T-G's.
If you are in doubt of C-T-C superiority, go to
any authorized dealer before January 15th and
take him up on the following guaranty:
Simultaneously place a new C-T-C and any
other new tire of same size on opposite
If, or when, the C-T-C fails to outwear the
other tire, you will get a new tire FREE.
And remember, C-T-C'S DO NT COST
MORE than ordinary tires.
Columbia Tire Corporation
Portland, Oregon
1 1 - ' 11,1 i nn . j i r-vtx tTi am
i iH AND T U B
Columbia Tire Corporation,;
8th and Riverside
Central Point Service Station, Central Point
0. B. Holmes, Eagle Point Tick's Hardware, Jacksonville
1 on the
Hardie Mogul IS
.You will find the finest power planl; ever put iuto a power sprayer Tho Uardjogu
, . .1 O Till -l....l..nn AnmnA ' ' . I
iripil-X pilinp UIUl O 111. VUmillWU VIIK11W ,, , 1. ., 1 If I.
! ' tWo Mmn'il nmlinrlina nil that IB needed for ranid effective spraying. With its gauou i
per minute capacity and high pressure) you can achieve real spraying results and yet,dJ'J
rapid work. T ,-. ., , ;
' Its freedom from complicated parts, and the safeguards imch as our suction settling; ;
well and improved pressure regulator, give this pump the highest degree of reliability and V
service. . "; .;'!. . ''it '
, ' Note how well suited to the power sprayer is this 8 IIP Cushman engine, - , ...Si.-, 1
Weight: Less than 40 lbs. per house power developed. - - . . - j
Lubrication! Forco Feed Oiling system No worry on side hills. :-
Cooling: A series Of pipe coils immersed in the spray tank, connected with non-c.hok-ablo
circulating pump. ' , . i
Gas Consumption : Controlled by throttle governor. All the gas the load require!,
but no more. ' - - ; , . , . -
Ignition: Bosch Magneto with impulse starter. ; , ';
To obtain the utmost of spraying machine value ' ' "t'- :.; ,.'
Special Delivered Prices on Orders Placed Prior - ' '
; to January 15, 1024
Freeman, Wiley & Go
Phone 49
Central Point, Oregon.
.... j
;y t