Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 31, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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T ocal and
AlmOAt nil places of business find
the city, county and federal offices
wilt bo closed all day tomorrow. Tho
postofflco will bo closed all day, but
the stamp and general delivery win
dow will bo open from 8 to 9 o'clock
in the morning.
Tonight's tho night of thi big New
Year's dance at tho Oriental gardens.
Be there. 24 0
Many forward-looking, up-and-coming
young people will make 1024
tholr Opportunity Year. You? In
tensive day or evening classes will put
you on a steady payroll. Medford
Business College. OWN 242
Hemstitching 8o per yard at Style
craft, opposite Rlalto theatre. It'
Kalph Jonnlngs of Klamath FallH,
was In Medford today visiting his
many friends. Ho Bays he will not bo
a candidato for sheriff.
You can never tell when fire will
break out, dance where you will bo
safe, at Medford Armory tonight. 240
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, Phone 108.
711 East Main.
Buy your tickets at Heath's drug
store for ball at Armory. 241
The new year will be ushered in
tonight with the customary sociul
activities and joyous doings.
Several good used Victor, Edison
and Brunswick phonographs with
records for sale at bargain prices, He
Launspach, phone 227. Office and
salesroom at Weeks Orr, .
Flowering shrubs,, vines and orna
mentals. Eden Valley Nursery, I'hone
680-J-2. tf
Moot pretty llttlo Miss Nineteen
. Twenty-Four at the Oriental Gardons
tonight. ' - - 240
'Joe Hurd, who spent Christmas
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. If.
Hurd, loft Sunday for San Francisco
to rosumo his duties with tho Matson
Steamship company of which ho has
been an employe for some time pant.
Buy your tickets at Heath's drug
store for ball at Armory Monday. 241
. Musquerade, Eagla Point, Monday,
New. Yoar'B Eve. 240
' Daneo whoro tho dancing Is good.
Medford Armory tonight. 240
Hotel visitors In tho city from dis
tant points Includo Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Cohon of New York City, John
D; Campbell of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Hulmo of Ft. Wayno, O. R.
Garish and family of Seattle, Mr. and
Mrs. Goorgo J. Hoffman of Marysvllle,
Calif., Mr. and Mrs. II. Kuhmann, Jr.,
of San Francisco, and Mr. and Mrs.
L. I,. Pond, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Uttlo
and Miss Louiso l.lulo of Tacoma.
Will pay cash for good used pianos.
H. G. Laiinspach. l'hono 227.
There's a busy Business Colloge
in Medford. OWN.
Welcome tho New Year by attend
ing tho dance at the Oriental gardens
tonight. A real Now Year's Eve parly.
Mrs. M. It. IUco, operator at tho
Southern Pacific ticket office has re
turned from a trip to Long Heach,
San Franolsco und othqr California
Wo carry nothing In coal but the
best guaranteed Utah or Wyoming.
Our prices on all fuol wo handle are
always the lowost. considering qual
ity. Valley Fuol Co. . tf
You can got Kremmol Bros, famous
Health Bread at DoVoe's.
You can attend other dances every
wook. l'alronizo tho Armory tonight.
What looked to bo n largo firo be
tween tho Orchard Homo and Griffin
Crook districts was observed from
high office buildings of tho cily early
thiB forenoon. It looked as If it might
bo a dwolllng house, barn or haystack,
but up to early this afternoon no such
fire had boon reported In tho city.
Balloons, serpentine, 1924 hats,
horns, favors and everything to make
a real New Year's party at tho Orien
tal gardens tonight. ,Be thoro. 240
We have good values In used cars.
Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf
Duplicating sale books for sale at
this office. tf
Charles I.oar has boon sent here
from IlOBOburg by tho stnto gamo
commission to act as gamo warden in
this district. Mr. Ijar has been with
the slato game department for tho
past three years as extra man and has
boon located in Douglas county for
tho pftst year. Ho has been hero for
Bevoral days and has already started
in his activities. Grants Tass Courier.
Property owners, oltontionl Janu
ary 2nd Is tho last day to pay city
assessments without penalty. S40
Do not overlook paying your ossess
monts before January 2nd. It will
eavo you a five per cent ponalty. 240
If you mut danco, dance at the
Armory tonight. Enjoy llfo whllo you
may. 240
Mr. and Mrs. C. I,. Swornstodt of
Boise, Idaho, aro houso guests of Mr.
nnd Mrs. F. E. Wahl during tho holi
days. Mr, nnd Mrs. Wahl nnd their
guosts leavo in a fow days for a trip
by auto to Ran Diego, I.oa Augolos and
other California points.
Clean cotton rags wanted at the
Mall Tribune office.
Best tone phonograph, your choice
of $5.00 worth of rocords, all for (r0.
nt Palmer's. tf
At Any drocer
Mrs. Lew D. Jones is home fnilt
. having Fpent ChrlMlimis with he
daughter. Mis. M. 1. Ackley of Tillu
mock, Ore.
I You can get It at DeVoe's. tf
Speefti! hargalns In player pianos at
: Palmer s. tf
I It's here! What? New Year's eve,
! nnd the big dance at tho Oriental gur-
j dens tonight. , 240
Tho county court of Clackamas
county will udopt the plan of purchas
ing all road equipment at wholesale,
Insofar as it Is possible to do bo. The
HUppiies will be distributed upon
requisition only, to the various road
Weather Strip shuts out tho cold
from around doors and windows.
Cheap and easily applied. Big Pines
Lumber Co. tf
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes tho Insurance Man.
Have your tiro repairing done now
for less money, Exchango Tiro Co.
Continued cold weather and snow
will probably greet the now year to
morrow, as the prediction is for snow
tonight and probably fair " weather
Tuesday. Today was one of alternate
cloudiness and sunshine, nnd occa
sional light falls of snow. There were
several light snow' flurries yesterday,
and during lust night heavier snow
fell, with which tho grouqt) was light
ly covered this morning. Sunday's
highest temperature was 41 degrees.
See tho genuine Victor, Victrolaa, at
Palmer's Piano Houso. tf
Crepe paper 6a roll, DeVoe'a.
32x3 V4 cord tires $16. Exchango
Tiro Co. 262
Among tho out of town Oregonlans
stopping in the city aro C. W. Master
of Hakor, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gatko
of Astoria, It. L. Warren of Klamath
Falls and the following from Port
land: Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Mungor,
Clark Thomas, H. S. Holnman, Mr.
and Mrs. Wado and son John, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth 8. Reed and Guy M.
Who pays the agent, you or the
other follow? Eden Valley Nursery.
Phone 680-J-2. tf
Get your magnzlnes at DeVoe'a.
80x3 tires for $7.60. Exchange Tiro
Co. 252
Miss Ida Dahl, county school
nurse, Is back In Medford after spend
ing a vacation In Portland.
Get soft paper eciiool tablets at thlJ
office. tf
Edison Now Diamond Disc phono
graph plays all makos of rocords, at
Palmer's. tf
Urand masquorado ball Monday
night. Medford Armory. Lot's go! 240
William Black of tho California
Oregon Power company returned last
night from Paso Itobles, Calif., whero
ho went to spend Christmas with his
Hcmcmhcr January 2nd is tho last
day to pay your city assessments
without ponalty. 210
Dnnco nt Rodman hall Tuesday.
Jan. 1. All Redmcn and Pocahontas
urged to attond. 240
Listen to tho genuine Victor Vlc
trolaB at Palmer's, comparo quality of
tono with others. tf
Thero is to bo 'a masked danco at
Gold Hill tonight, with a reward of
fered for tho best costumo. A number
of persons from Medford aro planning
to go there for tho evening.
Milk and tireum at DeVoe'a. tf"
Special snle on Ford accessories.
Greaso, oil and piston rings. The Busy
Corner Motor Co. tf
This offlco has Inventory blanks,
ruled and punched, sultablo for nil
clauses of invontory. if
Chniles Baker of Now York, tho
advance publicity manager for Pav
lowa. was In Medford Saturday at
tending to Iho arrangements for the
presentation January ,12. It was
necessary for Georgo Androws to wire
him in San Francisco today for a
fresh supply of lltoratido regarding
Madamo Pavlowa as tho supply that
was loft was destroyed In tho firo at
the Pago theater. ,
30x3 ',4 tires for $8.60. Exchango
Tiro Co. 262
Mnsqucrndo, Eaglo Point, Monday,
New Year's Evo. 240"
Highest grade Utah and Wyoming
conl, absolutely free from slack and
dust. Hanson Coal Co., 84 South Fir.
Phone 239.
Miss Ituth Young has returned to
liny ward, Cal., whero . sho teaches
school, lifter having spent Christmas
wllh hor parents in Medford.
Masquerade, Englo Point, Monday,
Now Year's Evo. 240
Como and bo tho lucky one Now
Year's evo at Armory. 241
Pay your city assessments boforo
Jununry 2nd and avoid tho ponalty.
It. R. Schlnn, of tho Oregon Grow
ers Fruit association, returned this
morning from a several days trip to
Eventually a genuine Vlotrola
why not now? Palmor Piano House.
. tf
Masquerade. Eaglo Tolnt, Monday.
New Year's Evo. 240
Yakima Nottod Gom potatoes at
Miss Mabel Wnll of Iho Roosevelt
school has returned from Portland to
take up her teaching after tho holi
days. Danco tho old year out, hnvo tho
I lmo of your life, Medford Armory,
Now Year's evo. 240
Win Ulns Feed Store. Phono 209.
Dnnco nt Rodman hall Tuesdny,
Jnn. 1. All Rcdmon nnd Pocnhontns
urged to nttond. 240
Members of tho Oregon High
School Athletic association, nt their
nnnual meeting In Portland Saturday,
took up tho mnttor of nllowlng Port
land Public High School leaguo ath
letic teams to competo with nggregn
tlons In tho stnto nssoclntlon, luit the
resolution was defeated, 30 to 21,
after a heated argument.
lTsed sewing machlnea. over 40 to
chooso from. Prices $5 to $60. All
guaranteed. Tho Singer Storo, 10
South Fir street. 247
Don't forget mnxn call, Modford
Armory, New Year's ovo, 241
Fun nnd room for nil. Ilo tho lucky
one. masquorado ball, Armory. 24d
Thero was a holiday party nt tho
Community club nt Rlversldo Satur
day night, to which a number of Med
ford pooplo had been invited. There
wero about fifty peoplo present. Tho
members of tho club supplied the
music, nnd refreshments of oyster
soup. Ice cronm and enko were served.
With winter weather coming on
much damage will bo gone In homes
by leaky roofs, frozen pipes, leaky
heating systems nnd other dnmngo by
water. Wo can protect you from nil
this with n wnter ilnmniro policy.
MIhh Jo:x'phJne Grieves leaves to
morrow for O. A. C, where she will
finish her school course after having
spent tho vacation in Medford.
Buy your screen doora at Wallace
Woods' Lumber Yard, 711 E. Main.
Phone 108. tf
Spot lights bought this month at
Electric Shop installed free. 240
Radio fans In Medford havo been
hearing from Havana, Cuba lately
early in the evenings. They aro also
waiting to hear from tho big broad
casting station which opens at Oak
land, Calif., tho first of the year.
Our only business Is Insurance, but
we cover every known kind of risk.
R. A. Holmoa, "The Insurance Man."
Unity lltoraturo teaches people how
to be well, prosperous and efficient.
Free distribution. 810 8. Riverside, tf
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rood are in
Modford today. Mr. Reed is tho gen
eral agent of ono of the big casualty
lnsuranco companies in Oregon, and
is attending to business in this city.
Hamburger sandwiches at DoVoe's.
Expert Income Tax help. BAB
College lildg., Phone 269-H. 261
Floyd Hart went to Roseburg Sun
day evening on a short business trip.
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electrlo Shop, Eighth and
Bartlett. tf
Weather Strip shuts out the cold
from around doors and windows.
Cheap and caBlly applied. Big Pines
Lumber Co. tf
Ceclle Creed is lenvlng soon to tako
up her school teaching in Taft, Calif.,
after spending tho holidays vacation
at home in Medford.
Trade at home and bank the differ
ence. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone
6S0-J-2. tf
Grafted Franquotte walnut trees.
Eden Valloy Nursery. Thone 680-J-3.
W. M. Shephard of the California
Oregon Power company plans to
leavo for tho east In a few days.
Selling out now phonographs and
rocords all kinds half price. Gold Ray
Realty Co.
Follow tho crowd to Armory Now
Year's evo. Grandest dance of tho
season. 41
A. S. Rosenbaum mndo a trip to
Grants Pass today on business for tho
Southern Pacific.
Redden & Canaday write bonds and
Insurance. Phone 720. tf
Woathor Strip Bhuts out tho cold
from around doors and windows.
Cheap and easily applied. Big Pines
Lumber Co. tf
Prince Calllson, high school coach,
returned to Modford Sunday from
Kugono whoro ho had gone to spend
Christmas with relatives, and Is at
li resent lining up tho basketball team
for tho Beason.
Plant now, why wait until spring?
Eden Valley Nursory. Phone 680-J-2.
Buy your shingles and roofing at
Wallace Woods' Lumber Yard. 711
B. Main street. Phone 108. tf
Jean Narregan, former resilient of
Medford, will return tomorrow to
Salem, whero ho Is employed by tho'
American Tobacco company, after
spending Christmas with relatives
Ring cherry trees, the bost ever.
Eden Valley Nursory. Phono 680-J-2.
Tho Daughters of Veterans will
nttond tho funeral of Comrade Pills
bury, Wednesday, Jan. 2, 1924.
Martin Bowers of Gold Hill, spent
Sunday in this vicinity.
Mardl gras ball, Jackson , Hot
Springs, Now Year's night, Jan. 1st.
Dancing till 2 n. m. 240
A number of young pooplo of Mod
ford who havo been sponding tho
holidays at home from collego are
returning, tomorrow for the winter
term. Among them aro Mario and
Dorothy Myers, Jo Ka.rtr.oll, Con
stancy Vance, William Godlovo who
go to tho University of Oregon; Joun
ilm, Helen Holt. Edith Lumsdon,
David Wilcox and Margaret Van
Scoyoc who go to tho O. A. C.
A repetition of a New Year's eve
In Paris, by Motropolo orchestra, Pa
cific coast prldo, Jackson Hot. Springs,
Now Year's night, Jnn. 1st. 240
J. D. Campbell of Chicago, an old
friend of C. E. Gates, was nt tho Hotel
Medford yesterday on his way thru
this stato. Mr. Gates nnd Mr. Camp
bell spont tho evening together.
Serpontino dnncos, confetti dances
till 2 a. m. Now Year's night, Jackson
Hot Springs. Motropolo orchostra.
One big, grand nnd glorious night. 2 10
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Reed and Mr.
nnd Mrs. Fred Grey of Gold Hill wero
Modford visitors Sunday.
Paul Smith of the Regno Rlvor
Lumber company returned this mor
ning from n four d"y trip to Portland. '
Yesterday's Tragedy
The loss of human life in yesterday's fire
makes the property loss seen in comparison a
trivial happening. Yet our buildings, our homes,
our personal belongings are necessary to our
health and happiness and deserve more than
gallant defense when threatened with destruc
tion. We should carefully and adequately proteft
our property against physical destruction and
we should further protect, just as carefully and
adequately the monetary loss by insurance.
This office furnishes careful insurance service.
Insurance Agency, Inc.
Medford National Bank Bldg.
Telephone "One Two -Three"
Wm, I.yman, putft commander, re
quests all veterans of tile civil war to
attend the funeral services of their
lato comrade, L. O. Plllsbury at the
Perl Funeral Homo at 2 p. m. Wed
nesday. Accountant experienced In Corpora
tion. Partnership and Individual pro
prietorship accounting, Is open for
engagements for the preparation of
Income, profit and loss and financial
statements and tho compilation of
Income Tax returns. P. O. Box 777,
Medford. Oro. 210
Masquerade, Eagle Point, Monday.
New Year's Eve. 240
Norma Tnlmndjro will bo tho star In
the wonderfully Btii'tfOHHful stupe play
"Within the Law," at tho Rinlto. Now'
Year's day. This is ono of M.38 Tal
madec's great surceases and should
be seen by all who witnessed the play
here several years ago, as well as all
others who enjoy a real drama.
J. Warren Kerrigan, and lous Wil
son appear at the Hfalto tonight for
the last time In "A Man's Man."
Xnlico '
Tho annual .meeting of the Stock
holders of the Jackson County Build
ing and Loan Association will be held
on January 7, 1924 at 7:30 p. m. at
tho office .of the Secretary, 3i. N.
Central Avenue, Medford, Oregon, for
the election of directors and tho
transaction of such other business us
may come hefnre the meeting.
O. C. BOCJC1S. Secretary.
Operated On For
Funeral .. Arrangements ... to
Be Announced Later
Many -times, no doubt, you havo
seen tho above headline In your nows
pnper. Very often it has told of some
friend suddenly stricken with .dread
appcndlcUsl. The newspapers, how
over, neglect to stato that appendicitis
Is usually preceded by stomach
trouble. They don't tell you that tho
afflicted person suffered frequent nt
tacks of heartburn long beforo ho
went to in nospuai.
Whllo heartburn is not always a
sign of an inflamed appendix, it is
always n warning that something Is
wrong. In many cases it rosulls from
indigestion, which Is ono of tho pro
disposing caiiHcs of appendicitis.
If you suffer from a burning,
gnawing sensation in tho stomach,
excessive gas, sour stomach, nausea
or other distress after eating, go at
once nnd obtain a bottle of Jimith
Bros. M. A. C, tho guaranteed stom
ach treatment. -This pleasant, harm
less liquid rids tho stomach of catar
rhal mucus, allays inflammation.
els of poisonous t. waste matter. Price j
$1.25- M,onoy ,buck if the f tot bottlo
West Sido pharmacy will supply you.
FOR SAT.K l.uick nix nt a bnncnln.
Owner leaving town. Phono 536-H.
WANTKD Accountant experienced
in Corporation'. "Tnrtncrahip and In
dividual Proprietorial Ip accounting',
is open for engagements for tho
preparation of Income, Profit and
I-sOSH and Financial Statements and
tho compilation of Income Tax Re
turns. P. O. Box 777, Medford, Ore.
FOR SALE Seven room house, small
payment down, balance Hko rent.
Modern. built-in furniture. 408
Kdward. ' 247
FOR RKNT Furniahed housekeep
ing rooms. Adulta. 436 N. Uartlelt.
FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn
Durha m bull. No. 1102 530, 2 yr.
old In March, weight 1200 lbs. Chiv.
Owens, Roguo River, Ore. 242
FOR KENT Two room house, partly
furnished, close in. Call f18-R. 240
FOR RENT Largo sunny room,
hath, phone, heat, sleeping or light
housekeeping. 616 N. Central. 242
feed stock.
Choice nlfalfa,
Phono 7HS-II-
24 5
Whv Bill Coleman
Is So Lucky
This is W. R. Coleman's 53rd birth
day and he Is celebrating, it was never
known why Hill was so popular and
i lucky until today. Ho was born 'ut
1 11:30 p. m. on December 31ct, 1870
I It was the best hour of tho last day
! In the last week of the last month
of tho year.
Although "Bill" has passed throe
years beyond the .summit of life's
journey, lie is still as frisky as a
spring lamb and says ho can outrun
any man his age in Jackson county.
KNIGHTON Mr. Kenneth Knight
on, formerly or Medford, died at
Portland, Ore., Dec. 23, 1923, of pneu
monia. Ha leaves to mourn his de
mise, his wife, Mrs. Ruth Knighton
(neo Ruth Short of Phoenix), his
mother, Mrs. Clark, and brother Lewis
E. Knighton. Durial Dec. 28, at the
Gresham cemetery, Grcsham, Ore.
SINCE 1909
F.&E. Theatre
The Little White Tigress in
Matinee every Sunday 2:30 P. M.
. . X
Handicraft Shop
Celebrate Now j
work afterwards
Hotel Medford
will have
Sunday, Dec. 30
Our Famous Regular
Sunday Dinner
Monday, Dec. 31
6:00 to 9:00 P. M.
Tuesday, Jan. 1
DINNER $1.25
Reserve Tables Emil Mohr
Morton Mills
Wishes for a
Happy New Year
For Wet Wash
Dry Wash Rough Dry
Phone 873
Wet Wash, pound5e
Dry Wash, pound 7o
Rough, Dry, pound 9o
Dr. A. W.Chase's
K-L Pills
For kidney and liver
troubles, constipation,
intestinal indigestion
and kindred ills.
If you have coated tongue, fickle appetite, pale,
muddy complexion, pains under the left shoulder
blade, or attacks of headache, your liver prob
ably is affected. Read below and act today:
Mr. C.Mahnlc,5l2S. Sheridan
SL, Bay City, Michigan, writes:
"I naye oiwd Dr. A. W . ChMCa
K-L Liver rill, and I think them a
woDderful Medicine. I had constipa
tlon and liver trouble so bad part of
tae time was not able to do mr
work. Since taking K-L Liver 1'illa
I am fccluiff fine."
Ton can bny these K-L Pills at all Drag Stores
To be Bur. of getting the genuine, Bee that portrait and signature
of A. W. Chose, M. D., are on each box your protection against
, . i Imitations
i i , , , j 2J7 Washington Street, Buffalo, N. Y. .
Important Price Reductions
on Pistons and Rings
Below arc two interesting announcements regarding price reduc
tions on automotive equipment:
Announcement No. 1. On January 1, 1924, the price of practically
all DeLuxe pistons materially reduced. See us for complete lowered
price list on those popular light weight grey iron pistons.
Announcement No. 2. On January 1, 1924, the McQuay-Norrls Leak
Proof and Supcroyl piston rings re lucod In price as follows: Leak
Proof formerly selling at $1.25, now 75c. Suporoyl rings formerly
51.00, now 50c. vt.
.These announcements come at an opportune time just when many
are contemplating having motors overhauled. DeLuxo piBtons and
McQuay-Norris Wainright pistons, rings and pins are manufactured by
two of tho largest automotive manufacturers in the .Unltod States and
they have been building steadily for years, each concern being among
tho pioneers in their line.
Wo carry sovoral hundred DeLuxe r'slons In stock and over 3200 .
piston rings tho four kinds put out by '.ho McQuay-Norris Co., namely,
beak Proof, Suporoyl, Jiffy Grip and Snap or step cut, as well as a
stock of tholr pins (in standard sizes) and pistons.
Other makes of pistons or rings can bo furnished if desired.
We specialize on motor reconditioning by rcboring and honing, and
on latho work, and strive always to give our customers prompt and
efficient servico in all linos of garage work.
Riverside Garage
P. P. CLOSE, Proprietor
; I
Is the night of the
at the ,
Oriental Gardens-
Balloons, Serpentine, 1924 Hats,
Horns, Favors and everything to make
a real New Year's party.
Admission 10 cents
Happy New Year!
The Jackson County Bank wishes you each
the happiest sort of a New Year. Let's
make 1024 a year of achievement and pro
gress. The year stretches before us like a
race ready for the running. Let's run it
with courage and determination.
Tnm VKix.Rmrm Mmicira or ra
rjwovt ucan Dock aoism
C. O. Dewey, Wattanville, Cak
ifornia, w riles: 1
"I can highly recommend Dr. A.
W. Chase's K-L Pills to anyone as I
have used them for several rear,
and they have done wonders for me
and my family. Hope this Trill
benefit others."
lew Year's Dance
Brown .v White Age.icy, Phono 130.
At Deuel's Hemstitching Sc. tf
American Laundry