PAGE TWO MED FORD MATL TRTBTjyE, MT1DFORD, OTIEOON. TUESDAY. DErEMDER 11. Tocal and JU Personal H. E. Vroman, son of A. L. Vroman and brother of C. C. Vroman of this city arrived in Los Angeles at the beginning of the week from Uolivia, South America, where he has been as a missionary for the Los Anseles Bible Institute the past three years among the Indians in that country Mr. Vroman will return home in a few days accompanied by Mrs. Vroman and their little daughter, who wan born In Bolivia. Highest grade Utah and Wyoming coal, absolutely free from slack, and dust. Hansen Coal Co., 84 South Fir. Phone 135. : Toys Jap Art Store Toys. tf Handkerchiefs, guest towels, fancy aprons, etc., for Xmas gifts In the floral dept. of Monarch 8ed Co. 226, The minimum temperature of 22.5 j degrees this morning, combined with J a heavy fog made today, especially thin forenoon, seem to be the coldeHt of the winter so far. The fog seemed frozen to the pavement and sidewalks this morning. However, there have been colder days this winter and last week one day there wtm a minimum of Id. 5. Rain is the prediction for ednesday. There's a busy Business College In Medford. GWN. Fifteen piece china tea set 12.96. Jap Art Store. tf Cletrac tractor for sale at a bar gain. Call 403-R-3, W. V. Barnum 230 A. Li. Blxby of Lincoln, Nebraska, one of the oldest and best known "colyumnlsts" in the middle west Is a Medford visitor today, coming hero to see his brother, R. A. JUxhy, retired locomotive engineer who in living on his ranch near Jacksonville. Mr. Bfxby for 31 years has conducted a special column of humor and light comment for the Nebraska Btnte Journal. While here he called on his brother In crime. Arthur I'erry of the Mail Tribune Smudge Pot. 1 have several Vlctrolaa with records taken In exchange for new Brunswlcks that can be bought cheap. Pee Launspach at Weeks & Orr. I'hone 227. tf 32x3 Mi cords, $15; 33x4 cords $17.60. Exchange Tire Co., 28 N. Klvcrsldo, Medford, Oregon. . 234 H off silk sale Jap Art Htore. tf Young beef at Public Markot Wed. R. L. Hague. 224 The I). A. R. will meet with Mrs. W. D. Welch at her home at 115 Mistletoe street noxt Saturday after nu6n, Dec. 16. Each member of the chapter is requested to bring some article of food to help make up the Chrlntmas bankets for the needy. Bcrnlce Klontman and K. C. Klont man left this forenoon for Dixon, Cal. Pianosl Bee Launspach. tf Notice: The Pythian Sisters will givo a benefit entertainment on Wed nesday evening. Dec. 12th at K. P. j hall. Cards and dancing and refresh-' ments sold. 224 ' -Mr? and Mrs. C. M. Houston arrived homo' Sunday night from their stay of about a month past nt Rochester, Minn., whero Mr. Houston was under observation and treatment at a fa mous hospital thrro. Mr. Houston Ih much Improved In health and is elat ed over tho fact that It was discovered In Rochester that an operation was not necessary, an ho has never been strong for this cutting up stuff since his boyhood days. He resumed hit duties at the pOHtofflce today. We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf 600 boxes Spitzenburg, Jonathan, Newtown, Missouri Pippin, A I be mn He Pippin and Winesaps on sale at Med ford Fish Co. store, 25, 60, 75 cents a box. If no money a box free, drape Juice 75 cents a gallon. We deliver. W. B. Smith. Phone 362. 224 Selling out new phonographs and records nil kinds half price. Gold Hay Realty Co. There Is eight Inches of snow at Prospect, on tho Crater Lake high way, at the present time and team work on the roatj construction had ueen cajioa on ior ino time ueing, according to Engineer J. U. Bromley. The steam shovel Is still at work and other shovel will bo added tho first of next week. Grants Pass Courier. Sheet music, hot from the press. Root Music Co. 225 Telephone 341-R-3 for reservations for breakfast or dinner for yourself and guests. The Bluo Flower Lodgo, Phoonlx, Ore. 227 You will be surprised at tho beauti ful things the Presbyterian ladles will havo Thursday at 1:30. Come early. 221 MIrs Lillian Roberts, Red Cross executive secretary, drove to Jackson vllln today to attend to Red Cross affairs In that city. A delicious turkey dinner will be served by the Presbyterian ladies. Thursday night at C:30. 75c a plate K 224 For Xmas cheer, buy a Ford, useful alA year. . 233 Vocation and Gonott rocords. Root MusVo Cc, . . J126 Mr.s. A. B. Davis and Mrs. Catherine Cole of Grants Pans spent yesterday In this city visiting friends. Clean cotton rags wanted at the Mnll Tribune office. Your nfeighbor using them. Are , you? ' MILK BREAD RAISIN BREAD Baked by FLUHRER A Baker of Reputation is Among out of town OreKonians temporarily sojourning here are Mr, and Mrs. Dean Thompson of Toledo, and the following from Portland: Mr. and Mrs. C. Norton, IX It. Groves, Mr, and Mrs. C. C. W. Troy. Ray E. Gar' ner, G. E. Jackson and M. A. Gold smith. Carnival dance at Jackson Hoi 8prlncs. Something new. You'll be surprised. Good music. Dancing until 2 a. m. Thursday. Dec. 13th. 2 The best hemstttchinp In Medford Sc per yard. Miss Lounsbury. The anity hup. 235 I'. F. Close at Riverside Garage specializes on lathe work and on re conditioning motors by the most Im proved methods. See him about those special Jobs. tf Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Tomllnson of Ashland drove to Medford last night to attend the Khvanis doings at the Hotel Medford. The first carnival dance ever held in Jackson county. Something new. Peppy music at Jackson Hot Spring Thursday. Dec. 13th. ; t 225" Bargains In used pianos; have six on the floor; prices from 1150 to 1250 See Launspach at Weeks & Orr. Phone 227. , tf Eventually & genuine VIctrola why not now? Palmer Piano House tf" Charles Walker, head of the North western School of Commerce In Port land, spoke to the Medford high school students at an assembly called this morning. A Kurd for Xmas; something they will all enjoy. 233 280 acres, Williams creok, 160 in cultivation, good buildings, level, fenced, water right. JS600. easy terms. 660 acres 6 miles Eaglo Point, 1 mllo from Crater Lake highway, V4 mllo to school, springs, outrange, $12,000. easy terms, 10 per cent discount for 'i cash. Hlx residenco lom In West Seattlo residence district. Lemon grove near San Diego. Fruit ranch near Sebastnpol, Calif. 40 acres alfal fa land near Central Point, Timber land near Medford. Apples, pears, horses, wagons, etc. If I don't adver tise what you want ask for it. J. B King, "Who advertises everything." vox til. - . 22 Bring your friction top tin cans to warnor. Wortman & Gore, 225 Dosnhutcs lodgo Knights of Pythias located at Bend, Is claiming the youngest chief of all the Pythian lodges In Oregon, and is ready to challenge the rest of tho United States besides. Clnrenco Gould, elect ed to tho office of chancellor-commander at the annual balloting of the lodge Is 19 years old. Special sale on. Ford accessories. Grease, oil and piston rings. The BuBy Corner Motor Co, . , tt Radiator covers, feu lined. Medford Auto Top Co., North Grape. 234 Tho Crater Lake O. A. C. club will meet tonight with Mr. and Mrs. Shlnn, H00 West Main street. All O. A. C. students that have ever attended are requested to bo present. A good time assured. Buy yuur Xmas Ford now, A whole year to pay. 233 Radiator covers for Xmas. Medford Auto Top Co.. North Grape. . 284 North bound tourists and local, Vreka and Hornbrook pooplo claim that the Pacific highway route be tween Vreka and Hornbrook is very dnngerous this winter because of its narrow, crooked road which runs nt nn elevation of from 50 to 300 feot high thru this section. It Is said that nearly every day there Is one or more acciflcnts caused by cars going off the road down the steep embankment. A Vreka man who camo to tho city this foronoon reported that yesterday an other car went off this road. Bring your friction top tin cans to Warner. Wortman & Gore. 226 Tho W. C. T. U. will meet at the home nf Mrs. M. O. Mordoff. 219 West Main, Thursday afternoon at 2:30 Instead of at the Y. W. C. A rooins. We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. Get mamma and walking doll free by buying season ticket. 13.60 doll free for 120 ticket, and $1.60 doll free for $10 ticket. Those season tickets are good for everything In Jap Art Store before Jan. 1st. 1924. tf Hamburger sandwichos at DeVoo's. At Any Grocer d 3 W. O. Webster of the. Associated Oil company left this morning for a week's trip to Crescent City. All the new Christinas novelties at Sinclair's Gift Shop. 228 I am now hooking orders for Clear- tnnd Radio sots, for Xmas deliver'. Get your order In early. Nino beauti ful models to choose from, $40 and up. Mlnltler, 408 Liberty llldg. 233 Read tho article In the December American about careless wrapping of parcel post packages. Thon bring your packnges to this office for pro per wrapping. tf W. A. Kinney, representing the M Seller company of San Francisco, Is In the city for n day on his return home from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Holmes nt Seattle. Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and repairs. Eloctrlc Shop, Eighth and uartiett. tf Buy your screen doors at Wnllace Woods' Lumber Yard, 711 K. Main. Phone 108. tf Our only business Is Insurance, but we cover every known kind of risk. R. A. Holmes, "The Insurance Man." tf Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Dunhnm and L. Scheld, of Chicago, Victor R. Swan son of Batavls, III., and F. A. Ayers are among tho visitors In the city from distant points. Bine cherry trees, the finest ever. Eden Valley Nurcory. Phone 680-J-J. tf Sinclair's gift show la now complete with the latest novelties for Christmas 228" Pongee on sale: $1.60 grado now 98c; $1.25 grado .now 88c; $1.00 grade now 78c Japanese Art Store. tf Among Medford men In Grams 'nss yesterday on business was A. 9. Knsenlmum of the Southern Pacific company. Watch for tho pink sheet, tho Med ford Exchange's furniture gift Hat at your doorstep. 228 Set of wind-up train with tracks. 76c and up. Jap Art Store. tf Yakima Netted Gem potatoes at Watkins Feed Store, Phone 29. Reports reaching here today sre that the 1'iicltlo highway at the sum mit forms very slippery going for cars. but. that the snow nt this point Is only a few inches in depth. Phonographs! See Launspach. tf If you want t , vnuact your fat stopi-j ami itnvs for .lutuiiiry find Feb ruary, tee Doc litevwis at the Nash Hotel, 58. Carl D. Long has been transferred from the Roseburg agency of the Singer Sewing Machine company to succeed H. O. Parkhurst. who for the past year and one-half has had th'i Medford agency of the company, and Is already on duty. Mr. Long haj purchased the home of Mr. Parkhurst at 319 King street. Mrs. Long and their 18 months old baby-will arrive from Roseburg today to Join the hus band and father. The company agency location will still be retained on South Fir street. You can get Kremmel Bros, famous Health Bread at DeVoe's. . Exchange your old furniture or stoves for new gifts, at tho Medford Exchange. , 228 Plant now, why wait until spring?, Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Tho high school student body held a meeting today to nominate tho staff of this year's "Crater." , Tho elections will bo held Friday. Palmer's Studio now making por traits, also a nice assortment of Crater Lake pictures, hand colored In oils, for Christmas presents, on Sixth street opposite M. & M. Store. tf Ellington and Baldwin pianos are guaranteed. Lofland. Phone 470-R 228 New and rebuilt tires, guaranteed vulcanizing. Prices right. Exchange Tire Co., 28 N. Riverside, Medford. Or. 234 P. M. Shackelford of Medford re turned, this morning from a short business trip to Portland. Mako it a furniture Christmas this year. Presents for the whole family. Select from the Medford Exchange list. . .. 228 Buy Xmas gifts, deposit 26 percent, we will save It for you. Jap Art Store. tf Apples! Get them of Rogers, Cra ter Lake Road, adjoining town. 227 The old dwelling house at the south east corner of North Front and Fifth streets Is being torn down and moved away, having beon sold recently by the owner, John I. Root. Tho lot on which it stands, 60 by 100, has been for salo for some time past and It Is now rumored that negotiations are underway for the election of a mod ern structure of some kind on this lot. Crene oaDer fie roll. neVoe'n. . pianos. Phono 470-R. 228 Who pays the agent, you or the other fellow? . Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. . tf Wo carry nothing In coal but the best guaranteed Utah or Wyoming. Our prices on all fuel we handle ire always the lowest, considering qual ity. Valley Fuel Co. tf John A. Perl arrived homo Sunday from Portland. He has been In the Good Samaritan hospital for the past five weeks after a serious operation. Mrs. Perl spent the past week in Port land and returned with Mr. Peri. Lookl Xmas tires. 30x3 tires $7.60; 30x3 hi tires $8.60. Exchange Tire Co. 28 N. Riverside, Medford. Ore. 234 New parts for all cars and trucks. Llttrell & Jennings Parts Co., 110 North Front. tf Sonora phonographs. Tho choice of those who've heard them all. Root Music Co. 225 Thos. J. Cecil, mnjor in tho United States army, is a visitor In the city, having arrived at the Hotel Medford yesterday. Read tho Medford Exchance on your doorstep this week for furniture ! gifts. 228 Cradles on salo at $1.00, $1.25, Dec. 5th and Cth. Handicraft Shop. 223 Christmas is coming, millions of gifts will go by parcel post during the next few weeks, if you want to make sure that those you send will arrive in good condition, or that they will arrive at all, have them properly wrnpped nt this office. tf F. Stickels, Eugeno blacksmith, was recently given a fine of $35 in police court when ho was arrested on a charge of failing to render assistance to a person injured in an automobile accident. Flowering shrubs, vines and orna montats. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. ., tf Get your magazines at DeVoe's. Jap crepe, all colors, 23c per yard. Jap Art Store. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, Phone 108. 711 East Main. A. B. Davis of Grants Pass Is visit ing in tho city today. Duplicating sale books for sale at this office tf You can get It at DeVoe's. tf Buy your shingles and roofing at Wallaco Woods' Lumber Yard.. 711 E. Main street. Phone 108. tf Mrs. Frank Do Souza Is to he the hostess ut a silver tea at her homo on Newtown stroet for tho St. Ann's Altar society this afternoon. Mrs. H. L. Walther and Mrs. Anderson are pouring. The afternoon will ho spent sewing on linens for the church. Blue and white lunch cloths on sale. 48x48, 66c: 60x60, $1-19; 70x70. $1.48. Jap Art Store. tf Conn saxophones. Root Music Co. .225 P. F. Close at Riverside Garage specializes on lathe work and on re conditioning motors by tho most Im proved methods. Seo him about those special Jobs. . tf Miss Irene Caldwell Is in Medford today visiting Mrs. G. R. Satchwell. Miss Caldwell was formerly a resident of this city and at prosont lives In Sulom., At Deuel's Hemstitching c tf A merry Xmas with a , Ford carl 233 Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Unity literature teaches people how to be well, prosperous and efficient. Free distribution. 310 8. Riverside, tf Eight nnd one-half Inches of snow are reported at the Josephine Lumber company a mill on i pper Jump-Off- Joe creek, which Is not operating at the present time. In Josephtne county. Mlcclli art violins. Root Music Co. 225 Travel home for Xmas In a new 1 Ford. 233 D. S. Weir, the Southern Pacific , district superintendent of this division i was in the city yesterday. Grafted Franquette walnut trees. ! Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. j , tf Specially reduced prices on all i automotive . accessories for Xmas ' presents. The Busy Corner Motor Co. 234 A marriage service was performed I in Justice Taylor's court yesterday ! afternoon which united Ida Moe Mac ! Intire and Harry DeJarnctt. O. W. ! DeJarnett and J. H. DeJarnctt. the! brother and father of the groom, acted as witnesses. j . Get soft paper school tablets at thi. : office. tf ' - Licenses paid for balance of 19 23 ! free on any new car purchased from I us this month. This permits Xmas delivery at no extra cost to you. The i Busy Corner Motor Co. 234 - George M. Roberts has returned : from Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Roberts j and the children remnined there as i Mrs. Roberts' father continues very 111. .. Buy your Xmas apples, nicest Spitz and Baldwins In valley 50c up. Butte Creek Orchard, Eagle Point, Phone 10-F-ll. 224 Hemstitching 8c per yard at Style craft, opposite Rlalto theatre. tf . Trade at home and bank the differ ence. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf George Hunt suffered a cut noso and burned eyes yesterday when he lighted a match to light a gas burner in the Page theater and some gas escaped causing an explosion that blew him over. Two wind-up automobiles with gar age 95c. Jap Art Store. tf Fifty different slippers, leather and felt, all colors and sizes, about 20 per cent cheaper than last year. Jap Art Store. tf F. C. Elliott, of Riveria park, was In town today for the first time in many weeks. Mr. Elliott says he is preparing for a much lurger tour ist business next' year than ever before and Is erecting a number of cottages: Toy electric trains $4.95 and up. Jap Art Store. tf Xmas cheer for the wholo year. Buy a Ford. 233 Attorney John H. Mlddleton is down from Portland on legal business today. He is nn old time friend of Judgo Wm. Colvlg and family and enjoyed a visit with them. Mr. Mid dleton says the state lost a very able man in the death of Pat McArthur. Carl Lovcland will Bing at the Armory. Dec. 20th, "Out Whero the West Begins." 214 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY By the CAOAD Save cn your - Xmas Oranges by buying now Buy them by the case as they are good keepers. Prices lim ited to oranges in this shipment. BY THE CASE Small Size . $3.39 to $3.69 Larger Sizes $3.98 to $4.49 By the Dozen 16c, 19c, 30c, 45c ECONOMY GROCETERIA GATES & LYDIARD STRAYED OR LOST About a week ago, Llewyellen setter dog, two black ears nnd two black snots on his rump. Name W. II. Watt on collar. Phone 4C8-R-2. 225 FOR RENT Unfurnished v house, close in. I'hono 950-W. 225 FOR SALE Spring registered Hump shire boar. $25: also weaned iiius. John Maco, mile west Central 1'oint. 229 EVERY KNOW.V FORM OF INSURANCE AND BONOS R. A. HOLMES "TM IN8URANCB MAN" " PHONE 444 JACKSON COUNTY BANK BUILOINO SINCE 1909 FOU RENT Furnished housekeep- ing rooms ana nacncinr apartments reasonable. ' 234 E. Ninth St. Phone 9nri-n: 229 Thousands Have Tobacco Stomach' Tho excessive use of tobacco Is one of tho most common causes of indi gent Ion and stomach inflammation. Whether you smoke or chew mukes little difference. The hlphly Irritat ing Juice of the weed la swallowed with the saliva', often setting up an acute Inflammation of tho stomach which may end In gastritis or chronic stomach inflammation. "Tobacco stomach" produces " a number of distressing symptoms first a loss of appetite, then an oc casional attack of indigestion. Per haps your food sours at times and you notice a peculiar burning in the stomach. These attacks occur with greater frequenry as time goes on. Finally, If neglected, the condition becomes chronic, resulting In loss of flesh and general poor health. Smith Hron- M. A. C. Stomach Ttonlc has proven wonderfully suc cessful in air forms of digestive trouble. It is sold on a positive guar antee of money back If the first bot tle fails to relievo stomach Inflam mation or dyspepsia. The very first dose should convince. Nothing on earth like- it. You can get a large bottle for $1.25. Heath's Drug Store, West Side Pharmacy, will supply you. Adv. Last Times Today This is one of those good pic tures that you don't want to miss. You have just today and Wednesday. PAGE SATURDAYS DEC. 15 RHEUMATISM NEURITIS Rtmarksbls haw treatment stops Rhsumatism or Nauntii in any form. Vsry worst eaass fjliovd at ". Thoussnds of cursr rsportsd. No need for anyons to suffsr. Asic any druggist for "All.n's Rh.u matio Tr,,tm.mV' in Tsblst Form. Prioa 11 par box. All druggists i'V m. H,rt M' AM" Lalor." Calif' BO ,!M0, L" A"lH". s i A' hmm Powell St. at O'Ra rrell, SAN FRANCISCO s Gose jfa Theatres and Shopping District. An.wly H.f.f A... ciicol New fanuahinft of vnuMul cHmi and comfefl. a lobby dtgnd to pnmd. th otnMopKefc of mmmm Kami .nd now Duust R001B. coOMdmoS .ono. of IS moot ioMfOtnof to AMooS COfltanlMl. to yowr vtlf.r.1 k m tho ..It kotf nth nuwios Ico Wt.t i. mrf nwi Sr IIL LW' rfrv. -' funopeANX'JJtX . ratis pf VMS HARVEY M. TOY, Managing ' Owner Prices: Nights E5o, $1.10, $1.65, $2.20 Matinee E5c, $1.10, $1.65 Don't Forget "ANDY" and "MIN GUMP" are playing on the same bill with Connie. IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS handy little .Page and Rlalto $5.50 Coupon Books for $5.00.-. Ask the Cashier. i .v STARTS TOMORROW DOUGLAS MacLEAN : . , . In k .... t "A MAN OF ACTION" The Elliott Orchestra ' r - ' . . , Canada's Famous Musical Family o 8 ARTISTS . ' Will Appear at (lie F. & E. Theatre Central Point In Full Program ' Wednesday Night, Dec. 12 - Admission: Adults 50c Children 25c Including Tax ; ?CXXCOOOOCX)OOOOCOOOfXX0 Hemstitching at Handicraft Shop A CEDAR CHEST THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT ' '' UsefiiT DiiraHc Orcamental Mothproof Order now for Christmas Delivery TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS EVERYTHING IN WOODWORK