pagF'four v MEDFORD MATT; TRIBUNE,' MBDFORD, OKKflONV. THURSDAY, DF'RMBEU fi, ' 392.1 ' Medford Mail tkibune am iwnrurNfiffNT NEWHPAPRR PUBLISHED KVKBT ' AH'lillNOON EXCEPT IUNUAI, HI TIM - UaDFORD PRINTING CO. Th. lasdford Sunday Morning Bun la furnlahed aubaarlbera aalr)nc , m Offlos lfall Trtbnna Bulltlnc ll-IT-II North Fir atreet. rnona A consolidation of tha Damoeratlc Tin... UrAfnrA Mall, the Madford Trlbuna. the Oregonlao, . Ttaa aatiland iriDune. - . FOBK'IT W. BDHU Editor. 8. SUMPTER SMITH, Manager. BT MAIL In Advance: - -. Pally, mlin Sunday Bun, year.7 l)HT. witt Sunday Hun, moon .i DoilK without Hunday Bun, year- .50 Dally, without Sunday Bun. month ,G TV (. M . iiti. . I muiin, una i ' luiKlay Wun, ma year . - . BT'' ' A KM1KK In Medford. Ashland, jncaaaiiviue. u'"n Talent and on HlKHaya: - - Dally, with Sunday Sun, month;. . Dally, without Hunday Sun, monto .66 Dally, without Sunday Hun, year- 7.60 Dally, with Hunday Sun, one year 8.50 All terms by carrier, caah In advance. Bntered a seoonn era., jnattar at Wedtord, Oregon, under act ot alaron , I7. " " - Official paper or the City of Medford. re only paper nei-mseu tnigns, Ore., Saommenlo, Calif., rstance of over 600 mllea. having leased wire A"0- un.n .) ,, eirentatlon for Hi Willi ending 0-WlK-r 1. . more than doubFe tne circulation of any other paper publlahad or olroulate4 In .season '.u"mr. -. IICMBKBt - Oa THB- ASBOCIATKD PREBH. , , ;tk Aasoolatad Proas la "'"'''I titled to the uea for republication or all r,.n dlapatchea credited to " or not Stherwlae credited In thla Prr. J1 also to the local new publlahed herein. All rlghta of republication of special j;' "r r'BP Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Parry, . Crown Prince McAdoo," Democratic presidential candidate, admits that the railroads under his nblo anil effic ient manuRomont "won tho war," but bo far tho maHtcr mind liaH Htnadfast ly refused to confess that ho dirt the heavy thinking for General pcrshlng. " WANTED Some one who Is colng to Portland to rtrivo" riiy Ford (ft to morrow a.m. Phono 1023, room 31. t'EuRono Guard). Their favorlto direction. ThlB la tho kind of wonthor that catohes farmers with hay down, and sidewalk curbs sneak out and knock hind , wheels off automobiles, unex pectedly.' ' ' f ' ' ' assay of :i,waic Matthew ' ', greeni oksimno an office KoMkIous Fervor yiolont. ' Dryncss-'-Suhttrn. . . . Hands Shakos with either. Health Courthouso Itch. Hato Perfect exhaust. Emotions Hawls readily. ' Traits Fond of liablos: 1 'Appearanco Konps pants pressed. Qualifications None."' ' " "'' 'PB. Mr. (Ireon foil down the church, stops, in tho last campaign, and barked hiB shins. ' rft.. n . i" i ii " " ANYVAy, l)OQT(lt DIDN'T lX).W.I!r JUS HEAD ;.' 1 (CrCNWcll Nmvs) , ' ! Doctor Forbes had sovoral nils- ' : iortunos Inst Friday when ho with. . his family and Mrs. Horry and family spout tho day In KuRcno. In startlnR out ho had' to return ' to the housa for IiIb chock book nnd when gottlnR ready to leavo tho train at lOtiKono found ho had loft his (ii-lp In tho C'rcswoll depot : and nftor wnlkliiR tho streets of 'EURone tliscovored ho left his n ovorcoat' In tho train ana after ' ' 'conslderahle iihonliiK his coat was returned on tho next train. Keatllo slnRor'conimlts suicide nftor excbdtlnit solo. ' This is "Carrying the oxecutlon about as far as could bo cxpoctod or desired, or both.' ' Tho news Is forthconilnB that Oro K6n Rrbwn' mlsllotoo' Ih In went de mand, and will tiuiRlo this Chiislmns frhm chahdollors hgd firoplaco nmn los, "from Mulno to Oilifornla," and jialf way back iiKiiln. "JHIstlotoo Is a i?66d crop. It'ronuiros no pluwInR. BprnyliiR, culllvatinR, harrnwIiiR. anil tlooa not conflict with fishlnR. hunt ing, and RaddlnR. It urows of IIh own true will and accord, and whllo it will not pick Itself, Or-run 'down to tho freight cars under, Its own power. Is worthy of tho earnest consideration b( all forcslKhtod agriculturists. . ' A MKATj TtCKKTK. KTC. i. (l)ad(N Oil., Hiiniior) ' 'ladles of tho club bntorlalued 'their husbands and Kcntlonmn i friends Wednesday ovoninR. j . ''Good IIoUSekoeplnR'' says there oro 7 ways to cook potatoes, and .bloodhounds are hot on tho trail of a peanery chef adept In olio method. ''fit ' T. 'I11H Isaacs, tho eminent basso, will warblo in' no cantata this Yule tlflo, 'and, tho next step will bo Santa t'iauS without whlskrt s. ' ' i l .1 - 1 Sonio Onlshovlkls still think they can Jam' a No. 8 hoof. In a leather Edition of a vest pocket. 4 'i- f Mr. and Mrs. Anton llellor are the 'psronta of a baby boy, their first born pltice Inst week. (DubuiU. In.. Ga- ..- irtttef "Wla- TBO.) You are llvlns In tin ra.'of speed. r '.; ' f i ' The football conch of tho V at O. has quit.'-- It' has not boon dlvulRcrt yt. whether his religion or his poll tics were out of tunc. 4 v ? JKumors ore sfldnt 'of n promising ......... ,n lilnip nn the vprun of jaui'i ... jumP'oK from the soda fountain to tho moat market. A BUSINESS-LIKE MESSAGE. 'Mothers- .. y Don't yon know ynn can fnrn ' , distressed, fuverlnh. cotightng . chilllntnscoir.firtnbkianubap ?' i' '-pity smilinR one utmply by giTing i chamberlain's 'cough remedy T-j USINKSS-L1KH is pt-rliji js tin- most Hociirutii turm to apply to 13 ri-csident Coojiilge's loiifj-awuited message. Unlike most of ho messages of liis predecessors, tlicre is no tit tenipf at fine writing, no rhetorical flourislies, no appeal whutcver to tlie emotions. ,, ; ( , i . i . President Coolidge makes the cornep-sfone of his uddrcss, a thor-nuKh-goinK reduction of federal taxes and his more important recom mendations regarding the farmers' problem, the railroads, the mer chant marine, the foreign debts, even the Prohibition question, are all related to this major proposal, and .might all be placed under the genera) head of placii. g the affairs of the government upon a sound, business-like basis. ... . ', Like the report of tho head of a big business corporation to the biiard of directors., the Pr'dcnl s message is crammed full ot meat without either sauce or trimmings. lie uses exactly nine words, for example, in disposing of the most important issue from, a controversial and political standpoint: "I do not favor the granting of a bonus." ' ... . No apologies, no evasions, no rhetorical smoko screen. lie opposes n bonus to able-bodied men, because he maintains such an expenditure poor business at the present time He' favors the utmost generosity in caring for the dsabled service men,, two billions have been spent He favors spending millions more, but for a bonus nothing. ' ' So on all along the line. Next to if a biiHincm-liko tone, the most striking characteristic of the message Is its outspoken frankness. On not a single, issue is the president nebulous.- IIu pleads fop nothing, he straddles nothing. He merely states his case, states it clearly and goes on. , President Coolidge favors the world court, but he opposes the league. He opposes the cancellation of foreign debts, but he favors easy tcrnis for payment. Ifo opposes recognition of Jyiissia until Rus sia recognizes the rights of private property. He favors rigid en forcement of the prohibition laws, but ho demands civil service in the selection of dry enforcement officers, so that dry graft may at least be effectively combattedi There is no doubt the messirfeu will make a favorable impression upon the country at large. For while a few will miss the dramatic appeal, the majority will welcome the plain, unvarnished simplicity, the direct un pretensions meeting of issues, tho freedom from cant and the .common sense appeal for retrenchment, economy, and the abandonment of new-fangled notions all along the line. : ' Incideiitly the message probably marks the formal christening of t,ho Republican forces as tho Conservative Party. QUILL POINTS " "if. Iceland really .wants Prohibition, wo hit vo a lot of it that isn't being used. ' , . ': ' . .-" , '' ' -'"' ' ' - j Tho great need of the wheat farmer at present is fewer experts mid more exports. . , bk fc4-J ,. f " " ' n ' .'. ' ,.. ' ' ' ' ' '' i Tho club car has every convenience except some way to gag the man who tells that kind of stories. A, republic is a Jand in which people endiiro tyranny without com plaint because they know they are free. -" Our guess is that the more Mr. Ford learns about, political rings, the closer ho will stick to piston rings." As the reactionary, sees it, Hi Johnson means. that tho party must take iim to save itself from something worse. Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. Noted Phytlcian and Author 8lgned letters pertaining to personal health and hygiene, not to di sease diagnosis or treatment; will be answered by Dr. Brady If a stamped, self addressed envelope Is enclosed. Letters should be brief and' written In ink. Owing to the large number of letters received, only a few can be an swered here. No reply can be made to querlea not conforming to Instruc tions. Address Dr. William Brady, In care of this newspaper. v Kill or Cure Mi According to a recent story the big r-hk'f of one of our industrial corpora UoiiK has n, cpntruct with his phyni ciun, by tho terms of which he pays Ihev phyaiciari ,un annually incrcoslnfr r retainer for Ji.eepinK him well and makes deductions from' tho doctor's annual re tainer for any time lost hy Illness. This Is important if true; it naturally brings lip UKuin two asso ciated ideas.' ; The first is tho Idea that they do this very thing habitually in China, pay tho doc tor a retrular ntin'cnd as long as he keeps 'em well, but dock tho doctor when they fall ill. This idea, like a good many other occidental ideas about oriental life, is not truo. I know becauso I've asked several laundrymen about it and they all laughed. No doubt they'd like to ham? somo such arrangement on the doctors In China, hut It Isn't done. The second idea suggested by the trust magnate's alleged oriental con tract with his doctor is that no such nrranKement can ever become popu lar in America, because it would be not only Inequitablo but unethical. It would bo unethical for tho same rea son that it is unethical and dlsrepu tablo for a doctor to ''guarantee" to cur anything,. An honest doctor sim ply cannot guarantee to euro any thing becauso the ways of. Providence are not under his -control. " And by tho same token a doctor who is worth consulting at all certain ly would nbfeacccpt any such terms as the yarn tells us this big manufac turer has hung on his doctor taxing the doctor for any illness which be falls tho client. Is tho doctor, then, willing to acknowledge that ho is to blame for any Illness which does be fall? It would bo not only unethical but Just plain unwiso for a doctor to enter such a deal. Kemember the story of the shrewd Irishman who persuaded a doctor to attend his wife for a lump sum "kill or citre?" When the Woman died tho than failed to pay tho sum agreed upon. When tho doc tor trued, the man placed tho doctor on the witness stand and asked wheth er he was proparod to swear ho cured tho good woman. Of course not. Woll, then. wus tho doctor prepared to swear ho hnd killed tho woman?' The yurn about tho big industrialist Is not a total loss, however. It has no doubt served a"t useful purpose. This particular story probably planted in many minds the thought of having some' sort of. keep well supervision, sonio kind of periodic overhauling by an expert, something akin to health assurance, if there is such a thing to be 'had. Had ' tho yarn been woven without tho oriental touch it Would have' been a'dend one.' ' It was the notion' bf punishing tho doctor1 for the sins of the client that sold th yarn. And I'm going to; hang 'a series of talks like the! tail to a kite' on the question of purchasing individual health assurance while tho thing Is in the air. , ' ,' ' 1 ' l! " s'1 QrFSTIONS AND ANSWERS , All Hound Hound Willi Silk nnd Wool My son aged 10 months is still cot-ting-teeth and I am writing to ask whether he should wear a silk and' wool band and a silk and wool shirt. Some say a wool or flannel hand, oth ers cotton, others advise a cotton and wool mixture (one-fourth wool) for tho shirt. (II. U.) Answer. A baby ordlnnrlly needs no hand after tho second or "third week. ' Silk and wool, or cotton or' wool, for' undershirt is fine for 'the winter timo. Of course he -Is still cutting teeth ; if he Is a norninl young ster he will keep rlght'on cutting them for about nineteen years. But1 what has that to do with the baby's shirt, I wonder? . , . , Circumstantial Kvidcnce My husband has what you call a floating cartridge in his knee'. Ho had an X-ray taken aifd it showed a piece of tho cartridge between tho Joints. He has had water on tho knee a couple of times, lio you think it is snfo to operato on the knee to take the pieces out? Would it leave a stiff kne.e? (Mrs. P. K.) 1 Answer. There is no other perma nent rettef hut operation. Nowadays it Is safe to open tho knee Joint. . The loose cartridge is removed or properly anchored, and there need he no fear of a stiff knee. . Another Fuhit Squeal I am in receipt of your letter in which you tell me that the specialist. Dr. of is a humbug. Now can you toll me how I can expose him and get get hack the money I have sent him for his treatments? (D. G. C.) Answer. No; tho government per mits 'em to use tho mail. French occupation of Germany is just nn incident, after all. The English omic owncil France, you will remember. The (ruestion is not whether taxes can be reduced, -bift .whether ro duciiig them will got more votes than granting u bonus. When Willie becomes unnaturally good at this season, you can't It'll whether jic is thinking of Heaven or Santa Glaus. A correspondent asks whether the world is growing worse. Well, in tlicre were i:i(i,75(i fewer saxophones in uso than at present. Scientists have round a petrified nIuiII. The strange part is that they found it in Central America instead of an information bureau. Correct this sentence: "And then, Mamma," whispered the ex cited flapper, "he tried to hold luy.hand and I. (shipped him." Rippling Rhqmes PROBATION. T1IH WOliK that slew the farmer's fowls was captured in a trap; at midnight hour -its frenzied howls disturbed that granger chap. lie left liis warm and downy bed, to trap tho re paired, and to the snarling wolf he said, "At last I have you snared. You've freipientod my coops and pens and thus disturb ed the peace; you've slain my large Tolled Angus hens, and eaten priceless geese. Voit arc deserving'of tho' worst, that man made laws can do; and, looking out for safety first, I'd. promptly butcher you. Itnt I 'in inclined to mercy now, since you are in a bole; another chance I wil allow I place you on parole. I trust your honor to avoid toy well known henhouse door; in works of virtue be employed now go and sin no more." The humbleM wolf was moved to ten in, at least it seemed to-be; it frisked its tail and wagged its ear, so happy to be f'.ee. While gorged with chickens it was bent on courses most sublime, but soon it hungered, then it went to pull another crime. And so at dawn the farmer found bis chickens cold and tlead, his priceless roosters lying round, the coop all splattered red. "Oh, when I had that' critter jailed, it should lot "have been freed; the honor 6T a wolf," lie wailed!' " is bnt a broken reed." .... - THE GItEA'jfe.ST THING IN THE by Xaurol Grav . CoinpromlKcs. If you are goTifg 'lb be renll' happy I mean ItKAX in an honest-to- Roouncss way you must comaromisc. It isn't honor able nor even de cent to compro mlHo with' hon esty or virtue or ethical ' consido- ., t I n .. a T.. V-'fv vr, II when you are in Y??J 1 1 lnv'o ( ma rried or TA S-tiT Ja a', a a be) you must compromise. . I f your Mack bi your Jinny sud denly 1 dovolops q u a I I t i e that seem moan and petty and foolish, you must compromises with YOUR SKI.T about it. Above all don't try reforms. That's fatal. I could tnku tho whole of tills column and tho columns to tho right nnd left of mo with ghastly examples of .what hap pencd to giiis who mnrried men to reform them. It isn't always that the men were so awful but merely that tho girls set too high a standard and resolved that with marrlago they could bring about reforms .of char acter which, had they actually been accomplished would have tnado their husbands dull and stupid and even in competent io eurn a living. lor mm CAROLINA'S Gift io' .. lovely; .: ; woiwerv . Vfe'A CARO-CO COCO AN UT OIL SHAMPOO A PRODUCT OF THE SOUTH LAND THAT IMPARTS A BEAU TV. RAVISHING AND IRRE SISTIBLE TO THE TRESSES THAT HAVE FELTIT'S TOUCH. Heath's Drug Mora wiU supply you. ' 1 CARC CO." UNION. S. C. '"' 1 fcS- . must remember that tho same person ality that commits half tho minor crimes on tho calender Is tho same personality that . possesses half the lofty virtues, nnd charming qualities which first attracted tho party of the second part; None of 'us aro angels nnu privately, l (ion i Know .a man or' woman who doesn't possess some wonderful quality that redeems all the disagreeable" spots and defects. Yes, you may compromise in this "love busiue-i.' If you don't you are going to be nwfully lonesome! (Copyright John? y. Tulle Co.) MUST TOWN TALK" Cspled Right' By Mike THERE ARE a lot OF TENDER hearted people IN THIS world BUT THE trouble Is THEY ONLY get mollow ... - AND FREE-HEARTED liko WHEN THEY learn a ABOUT DISTRESS and suffering A LONG way oft ' THEY CAN Bttimulo ovor . POVERTY AND suffering ON THEIR own front pavement AND IT doesn't make - s a' AN IMPRESSION on them . BUT LET them hear i r. : i A SOB story m ABOUT SOMEBODY In Africa ... OR ON India's Coral strands ... AND THEY'LL shed - . . 1 . REAL SALTY tears : : ; '' - ' . ALL OVER tho scenery . . AND ONLY this forenoon I WAS discussing ' ' . THE TREND of poverty .... AND WORLD suffering ' ' -1 WITH CLARENCE Meeker WHO REPRESENTS ' ... LAW AND ordor ... OVER ON Contral . a AND HE agreed with mo THAT THERE aro folks j ' . a RIGHT HERE In Medford . . . SO POVERTY stricken ' ... THAT THEY cannot afford '-.'.--EVEN AN .automobile' , ' . ' AND WHILE wo chinned a A YOUNGSTER came up AND OFFERED to soil ua ..... . -.- THE PROSPECT Indepondont ' -' - " . ." - AND TOLD us confidentially ... THAT HE was helping out AS HIS father had been hurt . . MN AT terrific explosion If AND CLARENCE made tlio remark . THAT IT wasn't necessary .... TO GO fir from home TO BEC1N doing good SO WE both shelled out - . m AND THE youngster ... DO FT HIS hat ... AND CLARENCE inquired at' "HURT IN an explosion, oil? - .... "WHAT WAS tho causo of it?" - . . . "Well," SAID tho youngster ....... "MA SAID it was ... "TOO MUCH yeast .... . "BUT THE old man said . . "IT WAS not enough sugar" . I THANK you. ;, ;: Olo J loino towns aro pifM t' bi-k t n If we've lieen smw-fsful. I'tu-wrf ml vanity lias krpt itmnt folks Kpriiccil up an' one o' Jail ttiol. nil til' laws pver wrltlfii. Break a Cold Right Up with ; "Pape's Cold Compound" Toko two tablets every throe hours until three doses are taken. Tho llrst a a g'VM rolicf- ' Tll "' and third-doses completely break up the cold. Plpatmntinml a ln9..S0' T'"An?, or Pi"a. Millions uso "Pnpo's Cold Compouml." Price ' druggists fruarantee it. 8 Reddy & Co. . Southern Oregon's Leading Jeweler F Announce the formal opening of their magnificent ' , new jewelr' store on Saturday, Dec. 8 We have emliodied Ihe idea of service in every transaction to make business relations 'more jilcas ant, gratifying and advantageous to the large clien tele we serve. ' '1 o The name "Reddy.V on the gift box adds much : ih prestige'but nothing in price. iYou are asked to consider onr store a phlec to ' jneet your friends while jh Medford. REDDY & CO "The Treasure House" " Long famous for its diamonds. : Corner of Main and Central, Medford