. PAGE TWO 'MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGOX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER (5, 1923 Focal and Personal The Red Cross Thrift Bhon drive came tlva flticoofwful close yesterday For the purpose of collec-tlntc the bund tea the city was divided into , iwolve diHtricU with one woman In charge of each district. Those in charge were, Mrs. Phil Jluniill, Mra. Corbln Edgel!, Mm. Hamilton Pntton, Mra. Frank Owen, Mrs. Bniil Mohr; Mrs. Leonard Carpenter, Mra, Corninir Kenly, Mra; Hurry Walther, , Mra. L. B. Humphrey, Mra. C.r M. . Kldd, Mr. Helen M. Urown, Miu M. A. Robinaon and Mra. John We ilia. The problem of Chriatmna glvim? la old and perplexing. It la euaily aolved with Victor record a, which include ' every kind of muaic and ho pleaae all musical tastes. 1 There are inoro 'than GODO 'sclcdtlons In the Victor catulog to choose fro ih, and ho the person who lit to receive them, froe to make hta. or her own choice. Is sure to bo thoro ly pleased. I'almer Piano House, 2 '.1 4 East Main, 222 ' A Ford for Xmnai'aomothlnff they will all teiljoy. ' ; 23!1 Find hew beauty In life. ' Hundreds af w6inen have done so -and hundreds more can by attending tbo Oriental garden dance Saturday night. 220 Due to a heavy storm in Portland and ' the northern part of the state today, Which blew down ' poles and wires, this newspaper Was unable to receive Its 'telegraphic news us used from the north a large part of the forenoon. However, all wire nows was sent from Kan Francisco. . All hand-made models on salo at hull-Hive, Due. 5, 6, and 7. Handi craft Shop. 223 . O rut" tod Franquetto walnut trees. Kden Vulloy Nursery. Phone 080-J-2 tf Heo my display of fancy and ar.t work, beginning Dec, 10th. In the floral dept. of the Monarch Sued Co. , 223 Tho situation in the grade schools In regard to scarlet fever Is Junt the name, Albert Uaddis, who is a pupil of the lloosovelt school and who'eame down with scarlet fever during the Thanksgiving holidays Is doing fairly well and no new cases have developed though one case is under observation. .Licenses paid for balance of 1U23 free on any new car purchused from us this month. This permits Xmas , delivery at no extra cost to you. The Itusy Corner Motor Co. 234 Only a few cradles left on sale, Deo. 5th and 6th. Handicraft Shop. 223 .The secret of havlpg a wonderful time is unknown to many, lie at the Oriental gardens Saturday night and the key to the secret will be yours. 220 . Mrs. Jumes Henry Phlpps of Al mond street left last evening for Port land to which city she was called on account of the illness ' of her son, Laddlo Pierce. Buy your Xmas ' apples, nicest Spitz and Baldwins In valley ton up. Itutto Crook Orchard, 'Eagle Point, Phone 10-F-11. 224 Hemstitching 80 per yard at Stylo crnft; nooslte Rfalto theatre. tf The Woman's Foreign MtHHlonary society of tho M. H. church will meet Friday afternoon, Dec. 7th, at the home of Mis. O. M. Oaburn; 512 Hoiith Oukdale. Mrs. Homer Hillings of Ashland will glvo tho branch repo of the convention recontly hold tit Walla Walla. Mr, and Mrs. W. Leonard and son .Robert left for Corvnllls Wednesday evening to attend the installation of the Iteta Theta Thi of which Mr. Leonard is a member. Happiness can be yours! The way Is easy and delightful. Just attend tho Qriontul gurden dance Saturday nights. 220 Trade ut home and bank the differ ence, hide 11 Valley Nursery. Phone 6HO-J-2. tf Two wind-up automobilos with gar age l5o. Jap Art Store. tf :, Tho sheriff's office today picked up a. cur on tho highway uctlng upon ad vlues from Medford. According to the Medford police, the car was put In a garage last night by the speed cop ntul was taken out this morning by the tourists, who were from Los An geles. (Irants Pass Courier. Krause"s Chrlatmus mix nt the Crater, Lake Confectionery, Med. Iildg, ; 22a Xmns cheer for tho whole year, luiy a Pord. ' 233 Spot lights bought this month at Electric Shop Installed freo. 2J0 Mrs. J. H. Phlpps wont to The, I;t lies. Ore., yesterday to be with her boh, who is HI. Spoc4al sale on Ford accessories. Grease, oil and piston rings. The Busy Corner Motor Crtl tf Your car battery charged In 8 hours at the Blcitric Shop. tf Theosophlcal lecturo on "Power !and Use of Thought" will bo given by Dr. Nina M. Pickett of Imu Angeles nt Dr. IT. P. Coleman's office, Medford Rulldlng, Friday evening. Dec. 7 at; 8 o'clock. The public cordially Invited. - ' - 220 The fire department has had a , clean slate so far this month as re gards fires and fire alarms. Pianos! See Launapach. tf We have good values In used cars. Patton A Robinaon. Inc. tf 1 Added Proof of Its Superiority An imitation Milk Bread is' being of fered to the Med ford public. , ,' t)emand the ine Fluhrer's Bread. genu Milk , t At Any Grocer 2 Dr. and Mm. K. Howard Taylor, of! London, KjikIjhuI, and iiIku duriiiK , mie years of (.lumt inland Misnlon. years of China Inland Mission. . have spoken before some of the lar- jgeat missionary conferences In Europe , and America. Mr. - and Mrs. Taylor iwlll give a talk Friday night at 7:3') i p. m. at the Presbyterian church. Thelr work is international and inter denominational. People of all churches and those of no church are Invited to hear these widely used and widely honored workers. Rndlator covers, felt lined. Medford Auto Top Co., North Grape. 234 Buy your Xmas Ford now. A whole year to pay. 233 Oct your Christmas candles at the Crater Lake Confectionery, Med. Bldg. 223- Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Fisher returned today from Monterey, where they spent Thanksgiving day in company with their son William and- Law pence Duff, who are students at the Univer slty of Santa Clara. When in Ha r rapcisco their suitcase and traveling' bag were stolen from their car. Oct mamma and walking doll free by buying season ticket. I.CO doll free for $20 ticket, and 81. GO doll free for $10 ticket. Those season tickets are good for everything in Jap Art Store before Jan. 1st. 1924. tf We will loan you money to build or buy Ilolrm.'H the 1isurance Man Freo 1924 licenses given .away on all used cars sold until January 1st Tho Busy Corner Motor Co. 234 The Medford high school is about to begin basketball' practice fur the games of the year.- Tho armory floor Is to be used, and baskets will be pu up there. No definite schedule of games has been arranged, but plans for inter-class and iiiter-scholasti games are being' discussed. Ther will be a game- with the Hosehurg high school, which Is tho strongest contestant for the state championship this year. Specially reduced prices on nil automotive accessories for Xma presents. The Busy Cornor Motor Co. 1 . . c 234 Oot soft paper school tablets at thl office.) , tf Buy a Ford a family Xmas pros ent. 233 . Ilese .Welch arrived several day ago from Chlco,- California to live with her grandmother in this city, Mrs. Flora Welch. Eventually & genuine Vlotrola-- why, not now? Palmer Piano House. ,s tf I am now booking orders for Clear tone Radio sots, for Xmas delivery. Get your order in early. Nine beauti ful models to chooso from, $40 and up. Mlnkler, 403 Liberty Bldg. 233 Read the article in the December American about careless wrapping of parcel post packages. , . Then bring your packages to this office for pro per wrapping. tt A record quantity of apples Is being received at Liverpool this season, re ports from the United Kingdom to Portland shippers show. A total of 400,000 boxes had been received by November 7 from tho United States and Canada. Several large cargoes, some of them amounting to nearly 100,000 boxes are now on tho way or about to bo dispatched from Portland Genuine Bosch Magneid parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Bartlett. ! - tf Buy your screen doors at Wallace Woods' Lumber Yard, 711 E. Main Phono '108. tf Our only business Is Insurance, but wo cover every known kind of risk. R. A. Holmes, "The Inauranco Man.1 ' ;- tf At tho Elks lodge mooting tonight further arrangements for the annual Christmas tree event .of the lodgo will be made, and various committees will bo appointed to, havo charge of It. 1h Klecno, the housekeeper's friend, 20 cents per bottle. 1 221 Wing cherry trees, the finest ever Kden Valley Nurcery. Phono CH0-J-2 tf" Everyone hns a good time at J'vllle dance every Fri. night. 221 E. Denton returned last night after n two months sojourn In 1 southern California, Los Angeles and Hun Diego. He reports the weather as being mild and warm and business rushing. ' Hamburger sandwiches at DoVoe's. Set of wind-up train with tracks. 7fio and up. Jap Art Stliro. tf Beginning today and continuing th.s week wo will give 1& per cent dla count on all fur chokers, scarfs,, capes and coats In stock. Bartlett, at M. M Store. 221 F. W.' Ash nf Portland drove to Medford today from Klamath Falls. t Yakima Netted Clem pouitooa at Watktns Feed Store, Phone 201). Palmer's Studio now making par traits, also a nice aasortmeut of. Orator Lake pictures, hand colored1 In oils, for Christmas presents, on Sixth street opposite M. & M, Storo. tf You can get Kremmel Bros, famous Health Hreod at DeVoe's. . L. C. Falkenhagen of Grants Pass, arrived In the city Tuesday on one of his periodical business visits. Crepe paper Be roll, neVoo's. Ladles! You are Invited to attend X parlor sale of ladles Hngerlo and other needle work, nt JHotol Holland, beginning Monday, Dec. 8. 1923. 221 Another big dunce at Jacksonville. Frl. Dec. 7. Lyric orchestra- 221 Proprietors of 75 Independent gar ages and filling stations Tuesday night organised tho Retail Gasoline Sellers' association of Portland. To day the price of gasoline ut these stations was raised from 15 cents, whore it had been for tho ktst 10 days during a rate war between southeast Portland dealers, to 18 cents, the pre vailing price at oil companies stations In brief, tho association plans to maintain the "going price" of gasoline frown on rate wars, and continue to make a profit of at least 3 cents a gallon on gasoline, Portland Jour nal. ' Select your fur or fur coat while ntock Is good, and a amah deposit will hold it until Christmna. IB per cent discount this week. M. M. Store. 221 Plant now, why wait until spring? Edon Valley Nursery. Phonfl 680-J-3. " tf Pongee on sate: $1.60 grade now 08c; 91.35 grade now 8 He; $1.00 grade now 78c. Japanese Art Store. tf The local California Oregon Power compuny employes held their regular forum luncheon today ut tho Hotel Medford. Phonographs! See LnunsoAch. tf Buy Xmas gifts, deposit 36 percent, we will savo It for you. Jap Art Store. ... . f Who pays the agent, you or the other fellow?' Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tt Ainonn tempuritry BoJourntfiM in the! 'Jty from diHtitnt nuinU ur .Mia -Merle Merle M. McCHntock of Wnshlngtori i D. C, Major A. W. C'leury of the l S army, J. J. McElroy of St. Louis, J. B. Hanofir of Vancouver, B. C. Leo (ahn and J. G. Calvin of New York eiry ami w. t. Nome or Seattle. i ne air is run or tnings you snouia not miss Your theatre is In the air no admission fees, Your norne needs a Cleartone Radio, Mlnkler, .403 Liberty Bldg. 223 We carry nc thing In coal but the best guaranteed Utah or Wyoming. Our prices on all fuel we handle are always the lowest, considering qual ity. Valley Fuel Co. tf ' Get your magazines at DeVoe's. D. W. Fergeson of Portland,, repre sentative of the C. C Belknap Glass Co., Is la Medford for a few days on business. 15 per cent discount on all furs and fur coats In Htuck, this week only.. Select your fur and a small deposit will hold it until Christmas. Bartlett. ut M. M. Dept. Store. 221 Jap crepe, ull colors, 23c per yard. Jap Art Store. tf Dance at Jacksonville, Fri. Dec. 7 Lyric orchestra. 221 Sadie Hull leaves In a few days for Maddock, North Dakota, to make her home with her grandparents who re- aide there, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hall. AH kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods. Phone 108 711 East Main. ' Fifty different slippers, leather and felt, all colors and sizes, about 20 per cent cheaper fhua last . yeui Jup Art Store. tf Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. night. 222 A 'beaver weighing 70 pounds, the pelt of which is worth $150, Is on ex hibitlon at Corvallls. It was trapped in East River by Charles Young. Redden & Canaday write bonds and Insurance. Phone 720. tf Toy electric trains $4.96 and up. Jap Art Store. ' tf 24 pounds white beans for $1.00. Hutchison & Ltmuiden. - ' 222 There 'Was only three degrees dif ference between the, maximum tem perature of yesterday, 38, and the minimum of today, 3G. During the 24 hours .ending at 8 a. m. today mo.ro rain to the amount of .23 of an inch fell. It rained off and, on all day today, and. rain is the prediction for Friday. i . Highest grade Utah and Wyoming coal, absolutely free from slack and dust. Hanson Coal Co., 84 South Fir. Phone 239. r By having our own engraving ma chines we can stilt accept orders for Christmas cards. - Plain type printed engraved from plate. -. Phone Franklin 835-W. We will call and save you a trip downtown. .221 Toys Jap Art Store Toy?. , tt W. H. Hurley of Portland, assistant district sales manager of the Union OH company, arrived in the city yes terday on business with the local management of the company. Dance. Eagle Point, Bat. night. 222 There's a busy - Business College n Medford. OWN.. , Fifteen piece china tea eot $2.9C. Jap Art Store. tf William Von dor Hollon of Eagle Point spent today In the city on busi ness. ' -' 1 I have several Victrolas with records tit ken In exchange for new Brunawlcks that can be bought cheap. See Luunspuch at Weeks & Orr. Phone 227. tf Rudlator covers for Xmas. Medford Auto Top Co., North Grape. 234 Clean cotton rags wanted at the Mail Tribune office. H. L. Walthor will leave this even ing for Portland on a business visit. Sheet music, hot from the press. Root Music Co. ' 225 24 pounds white beans for $1.00. Hutchison & LiUinsden. 222 Telephone 341-R-3 for reservation for breakfast or dinner for yndrself ind guests. Tho Blue Flower Lodge, Phoenix, Oro. 227 ncluded among the Oregon out of town peoplo visiting In this city are Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Iogun of Klamath Falls, W. P. George of Salem. Z. N. fcgee, H. T. Holden. O. D. Herburt and C. F. Schmeer of Eugene, and the following from Portland: Mr. and Mrs. John U. Jhle, C. Parsons, H. H. Elllngsworth, J2. U. Rice, A. M. Mc Kay, S. W, Massey and E. M. Norton.' Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. night. 222. For Xmas cheer, buy a Ford, useful all year. 233 Vocnllop and Gonott records. Root Music Co. . 225 The scoutmnstors of tho Medford Boy Scouts met today at luncheon at; ho Hutcl Medford to discuss plans. . Tho beat hemstitching in Medford. 80 per yard. Miss Lou anbury, The, Vanity Shop, 236. Buriralns In used nlanos: have six on the floor; prices from $160 to $3fi0.r See Launapuoh ut Weeks & Orr. Phono 227. . tf- Judge Eclus Pollock spent Tuesduy Medford and Jacksonville atteml- ng to county matters. He reports that ho saw a Ford car, upside down y the sldo of the road near Rogue River when he was on his way up. R had evidently skidded on the Icy pavement. Grants Pass Courier. , New parts for all cars and truck,. Llttrell & Jennings Parts Co., M0 North Front. tf Sonora phonographs. Tho choice .of hose who've heard them all. Root Music Co. -22ft Cradles on sale at $1.00, $1.25, Dec. th and 6th. Handicraft Shop. 223 Because of rajn Inst night and today the public school children were in tough luck as regurds out door exer- lae, as tho playgrounds were filled with puddles of water and mud. especially that -of the Washington school, Girt wantod to sew furs at Burtlett's 8 N. Grape. -. - - Chrlatmaa Is coming, millions of lfts will go by parcel post during the next few weeks. If you want to make sure that those you send will arrive 11 good condition, or that they will arrive at all. have them properly wrapped at this offlco. itf Flowering shrubs, vines and orna mentals. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 6S0-J-2. tf 00 LATE TO CLASSIFY FOH SALE Kxtra fine Newtown apples especially graded and packed for Chrictmus-'trnde. Sixes 80's to 100's. $1.76 .per- box delivered. Court Hull. H3 KOH HKNT Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 90S Portland Ave. 12& foil HAl.K One complete set Honk wire wheels, corn tires and tunes, new, nt n price you will consider. Littrell-Jennlngs Parts Co. tt The Iloyal Neihhorn of America will nifffl in the American l.ouiui hull Friday evening. Dec. 7, for election of officers and also for initiation of sev- eral candidates. All Royal Neighbors urged to be nresent. .. Don't forget the old-fashioned hard j Times dance at Applegate hall. Satur- day, Dec. 8th. 222 Almost Chri-tmns' Rut we'nr vAt .accepting orders for engraved greot- Ing cards, plain type printed or en graved from plate. Delivery ten days. Call Franklin, 835-W. 221 Duplicating sale books for sale at this office. tf H. C. Noel Is spending the week in Ashland at the Midwinter fair in the interests of the RIley-Myer Motor company. . .: You can get.lt at DeVoe's. tf Oet the girlie a cradle which rocks Itself. On sale at Handicraft Shop. 223 Today at the high school an assem bly was held to make plans' for the debating teams during the coming year. Teams were organized and con tests discussed. The winning team ta to be awarded a silver cup that was presented to the school last year. For Xmas gift, Brunswick phonograph.- Investigate the Brunswick before you buy and be satisfied. See Launspach at Weeks & Orr. tf Buy your shingles and roofing at Wallace Woods' Lumber Yard. 711 E. Main street. Phone 108. tf Spragup Reigel has returnod from a few days visit with friends In Sun Francisco. . . Blue and white lunch cloths on sale. 48x48, 60c; 00x00, $1.19; 70x70, $1.48. Jap Art Store. . tf Conn saxuphortes. Root Music Co. 226. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I. Heath who have returned from a ten weeks vlait in Grand Rapids, Detroit. Port Huron and Hastings, Michigan and who were also In Chicago and other cities, had a very enjoyublo visit. Mr. Heath says business is very good in the east and especially in tha. cities which have such large payrolls In automo bile factories, Like all -other western folks- Mr. and Mrs. Heath are glad to be home .again. - - Handkerchiefs, for Christmas, all kinds, all prices. . Handicraft Shop. 223 At Deuel's Hemstitching 80. tf Miss Merle M. McCHntock of Wash ington, D. C, representing the demo cratic national committee, who is making a survey of western states, will speak at a meeting of the democratic women In Portland Friday. Miss McCHntock Is active in politics in Colorado. She la a former newspaper writer and arrived In Medford yester day enroute to Portland. Talk about servicol We are still able to fill your order for. Xmas cards. Your name type printed or engravod from plato. - Call 835-W and we will do the rest. 221 A gift that' is appreciated Is a pretty handkerchief. lxok at the wonderful, assortment' at .Handicraft Shop. 223, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hilton, newly- weds from this locality are at present aojotirning In Portland. 1 A merry Xmaa with a Ford car. 2331 Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Callforniana ' stopping In the city temporarily include" C, C- King and family of Oroyllo, MV, and Mrs, P. A. Prybergor of iLong Jieach, Mra." L. G. Royal Jrrf XIMmtlrria: B-.W. Bat man. D. N. i&Hh, R. K. Oraham and K. W. Hollonberg of San Prancisco. Micelli art violins. Hoot Music Co. 226 Travel home for Xmns in a new Ford. , 233 W. U. flmlth. the father of Superin tendent Aubrey Q. Hmlth, arrived several days ago to vlait his son and perhaps to spend the rest of the win-' ter In this city. Xmas gifts are all In Japanese Art, Store. tf, State Senator flooding of Idaho ar rived tn the city today and is a gucat nt the Hotel Holland, lie is enroute. by motor to Portland. .- Unity literature teaches people how to be well, prosperous and efficient. Pree distribution. 810 8. Riverside, tf, The many friends of Herbert Grey will be glad to know that he has re covered sufficiently to leave the r hos pital and is at his brother's in Oak land, Calif. Joe McMnhon. traffic officer, la re covering rapidly from the sprained shoulder and bruises suffered Tues day night when his motorcycle skid ded on the icy pavement throwing McMahon to tho ground.; He Is still confined to his home in Jacksonville, howevor, and enreful treatment la nocoaaary na thla is the third time ''Mac" haa had his shoulder thrown out. Attention Daughters of Civil Wnr Votorans; All persons eligible to become momhors of the "tent of Daughters of Civil War Voternns" nre requested to be present at meeting nt tho Amer ican Legion hall in Armory on Fri day, Dec. 7th nt 7:30 p. m. at which time a ten of Daughters of Civil Wnr Veterans will be instituted. All daughters or granddaughters of vet erans ore eligible. lie sure and bring credentials. Hy order of committee. For Information phone or see Mrs. n. A. Holmes 601-M, Mra. F. W. Scheffel. S5S-M. 220 EVFItV KNOWN FORM OF INSURANCE AND - BONDS R.A.HOLMES "THE INSURANCE MAN" PHONE 444 JACKSON COUNTY BANK BUILDINQ SINCE 1909 ' ' ALUMNI n nay of Medford High School You are requested to be gueitj of the Student Body at a dance In honor of the, Football Team a.t thj Armory Friday evening, Decem ber 7, 9:30 o'eloek. 1 - - 1 ' '.' LOCAL FIRE DEPT. RESCUES MOTOR CAR FROM TRAIN An odd happening tqok place night before last whep tho .Maxwell, touring car of a California man while driving across the railroad tracks , at the Fourth street crossing became Btuck. with the front wheels just over the west rail and the rear wheels just out side and against the east rail. Ho could nqt extricate the car and the night south bound passenger train, which was late, was due to show up any 'minute. .. , . t So the anxious nutotet left his car and hurried down to the fire depart ment, where he explained his dilemma to Chief Roy Elliott and the latter drove hurriedly with tlio chemical truck to the crossing where he hitched on and pulled the touring car away from the tracks. A few minutes later the train came along. MISSIONARY FROM HEART OF AFRICA IS COMING Miss Goldlo Wells who hns spent several years as a missionary in the heart of Africa will e in Medford over Saturduy and Sunday. She will he ac companied by .Mrs. Ward Swope of. Portland, who is the state secretai y for the .Christian Women's SlUitiion- ary work. There will be a luncheon at tho Christian- church Saturday ut Troubled With Your Stomach? USE SMITH BROS. M. A. 0. The Guaranteed Treatment If you want genuine, lasting relief from stomach distress, go to your drugglat and obtain n bottle of M. A. C, the guaranteed stomach treatment. Take a spoonful after each meal, aa directed, and see how quickly It. gives results. . The very first doae ahould convince you that thia medicine is ex actly what you need to forever end sour stomach, heartburn, nauaea, ex ceanivo gas, bloating, Indigestion or nervous dyspepsia. M. A. C. invigorates the-stomnch glands, promotes the secretion . of gas- trie fluid and cleanses the entire di gestive system of foul. Irritating waste matter. It gives you new appetite, new energy, new -interest in life. Hick headaches, dizziness, constipation or other Nymptoms of disturbed diges tion will vanish..completely when your stomach is--restored xo proper , work ing order. ' Jtemcmhor, M. A. ,C Is sold on an nltsolute guarantee of money back If the first bottle falls to relieve any case of stomach distress. Obtain bottlo today. Price $1.25. Heath's Drug Store, West side Pharmacy will supply you. Adv. O. A. C. SHORT COURSES Intensive practical Instruction In agricultural specialties varying from one week to 20 weeks as follows:, i General Agriculture. .Jan 2-March, 1C Horticulture Jan. 2-March 19 Dairy Manufacturing. . .Jan 7 -Feb. 2 Herdsmen and Cow Testers Jan. 2-Jcno 12 Farm Mechanics, Tractors, Trucks, etc. Jan. 2-Mnreh 19 Farm Mechanics (one week) Feb. 18-Fcb. 23 Third Annual Canner's School . . . . Feb. 4-Fob. 2; Land Classification und Appraisal Jan. 7-.Inn. 12 Agricultural Economic conference : i Jan. 21-Jun, 95 For furthor Information .regardlug nny course address ;-uv The 11EOISTRAR $t.. . UltUUUN AUKlUULTUJtAU , ..C.OLI.BC.E, , Corvallls. Oregon. ; ;'. r r2 -. Christmas Candies Pure Sugar, 10 mixed, lb IOC Christmas QArt Mixed, lb. .. .; 4)Q Candy Canes for Everybody. See Big Cane in Window SUGAR BOWL 12:30 to which all who are Interested In the missionary enterprise uro in vited both iiibu und women. Follow ing the luncheon .Miss Wolls wiil speak on her chosen life work, anil conduct a round table discussion. i i..A.nna u.tn n-oitt in on tlip African (curios:" Jrtlss Wells Is an Oregon girl, educated in the public schools and at. Eugene Hible college. She is visiting many conventions and churches during her furlough. An nouncements for the Sunday program will appear later. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Send tills ad and ten cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Bheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.. wrltliiR your name and address clearly. You will receive n ten cent bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and honrso Kness, also free sample packages of I Foley's Pills, a diuretic stimulant for , the klrinova mill Pnlev Cathartic Tab- lets for Constipation and Biliousness. These . wonderful remedies nave helped millions of people. Try them! Sold everywhere. Adv. Special communication of yKr Medford Iodgo 103. A. F. & 1J" A. M., Friday. December 7, ' 1 1923. The M. M. Degree will be conferred on five candidates com-ineiiL-Ing nt l:u p. m. Dinner nt 0:30 p. m- . All Master Masons invited. IJy order W. M. A. J. CltOSE, Secy. Notice to Subscribers - All our carrier boys are supplied with whistles with instructions to blow them when delivering papers. We will esteem It a special favor if you will report to us when the boys do not blow whistlep or If there is any irregularity in the delivery of your paper. tt Wonderful! Magnificent! . , . . . .Vi Marvelous!' - - 1 1 NOW ' '1 PLAYING! t 1 ,i?! ' NORMA i ALMADG JL j t "ASHES of VENGEANCE" . V . ,THE FINEST ACHIEVEMENT , . .. OF HER SPECTACULAR CAREER MEDFORD HAS PLACED .ITS STAMP OF APPROVAL ON NORMA TALMADGE'S ' ASHES OF VENGEANCE . . . and the .unanimous opinion of the hundreds who have seen this stupendous production is ' . ' ' ' "There' Never Has picture, 'Betty Brown," Wonder Organist, Playing original musical score SUNDAY CONNIE TALMADGE as. the delightful Dumbelle "DULCY" Drink Water If Back or Kidneys Hurt Begin Taking Salts if You Feel Backachy or Have Bladder . Weakness , . ! Too much rich food forms acids whicB excite and, overwork the kidneys in),' their efforts to filter it from the system . Flush the kidneys occasionally to rej licve them like you relieve the bowels; removing acids, waste and poison, els you may feel a dull misery in the kid4 ney region, sharp pain? in the back oq sick headache,' 'dizziness, the stomach) sours, tongue is coated, and when th , weather is bad you have rheumatie twinges,- The urine is cloudy, full ol sediment, the) channels often get irri tateu, oDuging one iu gci up iwu o three times during the night. ,' . Tn helo neutralize these irritatini acids and flush off the body's urinous waste, begin drinking water. Aho get about four ounces ot Jad salts tron) nnv nharmacv. take a tablesnoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for H a few days and your kidneys may thenD act une ana niaaaer aisoruers Disappear; This famous salts' is made from tha acid of grapes an.d lemon juice, comJj bined with lithia, and has been used? for years to help dean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irrit tation. . lad Salts is inexpensive and, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-lj water drink which millions of men and; i i . : (. - i women urne nuw oiiu men w ihtii vent serious kidney and bladder dis orders. .'.'.". Bv all means, drink lots of good water every dav. Have your physician exam ine vour' kidneys at kast twice a year. Been So Good a k ) r