WFXOV TEN" STRDFORP MATE TRIBUKE," TCDFOHn, PfflfflBS. "TYEDNTSTffY, ' pfrmTBEK V 3D23 - OH BOY I THE SANITARY KISSUll IS UEUH AS CHIEF ISSUE WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Taxation, transportation,, the merchant marine, Immigration and International rela tions are listed In the forthcoming Jbhuq of the Nation's Bunlness, by J u Ilu8 H. Barnes, preuldent of the chamber of commerce of the United Htates, a the moat Important quoti tions, in tht, order named, before the present co n Kress. . t . ' Mr. Barnes finds "clear agree ment" among1 business men that the tax burden "could be lightened be tween 300 and 600 million dollars if there are' avoided. such drains on the: rtutlonal treasury as the proposed bonus bill. Warning against new transporta tfon legislation 'to Bet in motion theories which in the past have re stiicted credit, checked expansion of facilities, deprived, industry and th farm of ready markets, slowed up employment," he urges that th transportation act, under which "the great .revival of transportation Her vice has been registered," in the last year, be "altered with exceeding cau tlon, If at all." D XX)NDON, Dec. 4. (By Associated Press), The rowdyism that has mark cd so many political meetings in tho presont campaign, breaking up some and Interfering with others, gave wlnston Churchill a few anxious mo menta at Waltham Stow last evening when the crowd. In a demonstration agajnst him, smashed the window of his automobile. The police were sum moned to rescue from personal vio lence the liberal candidate In whose behalf Mr. Churchill was speaking. Conservative supporters are report ed to have attacked communist heck lers at Sheffield with the result that a free fight occurred. A liberal meet ing at Oxford, the newspapers learn, also was broken up. Most of the candidates scorn to be devoting these lust days of their strenuous campaign to an appeal for the votes of the women, whtise politi cal wooing is being pursued eagerly but the women still are keeping the suppliants In doubt as to how they In tend to vote. The passage of another day has yielded no information enabling the political prophets to Indulge In their specialty. Preparations for the announcement of Thursday's results Indicate that about 25 polls will bo declared before three o'clock Friday afternoon and the romainder during the later hours of that day. Fifty candidates have already been returned unopposed. Medical College Is Raided; 26 Students And Prof s Nabbed HARTFORD, Conn., Dep. 6. Elpht deputy sheriffs and a county detective raldod lllumor college Inst night and took 26 students and professors be fore the grand Jury which Is Invostlgut- Iiik fraudulent practice of medicine Tho grand Jury compelled the stu dents to reveal their occupations prior to their study of naturopathy. One had been a hod carrier, one a carpen ter, one n telegraph messenger and one a printer. Threo young women said they had been stenographers. Dr Louis lllumor. president, was summoned with the students. . To Cure a Cold inline Day Take Bromu Quinine, BROMO QUININE Tablets betfln Immediately to counteract the activity of Cold, Grip and Influ enza Germs and bring to a sud den atop the dangerous work of these dreaded disease germs in the human body. BROMO QUININE Tablets quick ly render these germs powerless and completely destroy their organic existence. The Tor.i? and J-axstlve Effect of Laxative BROMO QUININE Tablets la very beneficial to the system at all times. , , The box bears this signature Price SOc mmmmmnmmmm p. ); Say follers lot's all go on strike The girls are introducing the sanitary kisser, which Just about takes all th kick out of osculation. The kisser Is A heart-shaped lorgnette-like device, over which Is fitted a smull meshed screen. The device is placed to th lips and the kiss Is exchanged through this screen, thus preventing any -pos- Bible transmission of germs. U. S. A; AGAIN TO JOIN IN CONFAB PARIS, Dec. 6. (By Associated Press). At a conference between Premier Polncnre and Louis Barthou president of tho reparations commis slon last night, a revised text defining tho powers of tho expert committees which are to Investigate Germany'; resources and financial assistance was agreed upon. This text is worded In a way which reparation circles hope will overcome the objections raised by Secretary of State Hughes to partlcl patlon of the United States. M. Uarthou plans to submit this text to the reparations commission this afternoon and no doubt was ex pressed that U would -be-- upproved. In case the approvul Is voted, the French government probably will for ward an Invitation to the United States to take part In tho projected investigation. James A. Logan, the American represQntative with the commission will report tho proceed ings for tho information of the state department. Should the United States govern ment still feel that it could not take an offlclnl part in the work of these committees, steps will bo taken here to provide for unofficial American representation on thorn. . 1 V ! TOKIO. Dec. 4 (Ry tho Associat ed Press) Arrangements have been completed for tho consecration of H Motodu as bishop of the Kplscopal church at Toklo on December .? and of V, Nnlde as Episcopal bishop at Osaka on December 11. 1 The ceremonies will be of great bis. torical significance, religiously, ns It will b the first time that missions of churches of the Anglican communion bnve created Belf-supportlng dioceses, electing their own bishops under ca nona of their own church and become an Integral branch of the Anglican communion on nn equal standing with sister churches in America and Eng land. Tho bishops will have full cccleslns Ileal jurisdiction In dioceses for which they are to bo consecrated. Schools and hospitals, however, will continue under a government controlled " by foreign missions until the Japanese church ran guarantee their support. All territory of the dioceses of TO' klo and Osaka will continue under the Jurisdiction of the foreign missionary bishops. ' 1ATXOR, Dec. 6. (By the Associat ed Press) One of tho articles of Tut. enkhnmen's funeral state in which moderns, especially women, will take a sentimental Interest, is the- phur- aoh's great ostrich feather fan,- now awaiting treatment In tho tomb of Sell II, which has been fitted up as laboratory. The fan was found by opening nt random one of the many boxes In he chamber that opens off the bur ial room and the contents of which have yet to be Inventoried. The fan lay on other articles, discolored with age. Such Interest has been excited that a chemist Is coming from Knglund to examine tho best way of preserving the feathers, - - PAT ON CRAIG'S CONTEMPT CASE -WX8mft6TON, Deo. President Coolidge's refusal to pardon Charles L. Craig, comptroller of New York City while granting him a remission of the sixty day sentence for contempt of court-imposed by Federal ' Judge Mayer, is final, according to adminis tration offlciuls, regardless of wheth er he accepts the 'clemency or' insists upon serving the term. Attorney General Dougherty, Jn makfntf the recommendation on which the president based his action. suid Craig seemed "willing, if not desirous to assume the. attitude of a martyr' He held, however that the "comp troller Justly deserved the sentence" and emphasized that Its remission "should not be, In any sense a vindi cation." . The attorney . general found that, whlle4he arguments In favor of a pardon presented by the New York board of apportionment and estimate were "as unfounded and misleading ns was the false, malicious and libel ous attack of the defendant upon the court," the remission of sentence was advisable, among other reasons be cause of the effect its execution might have on the financial affairs of New York City. , ' MONROE DOCTRINE MONTEVIDEO Dec. 4. The Uru- gutiynn chamber of deputies voted yesterday to Bend a congratulatory message to the house of representa tlves of the United States on the oo- caslop of tho Monroe doctrine eentert- llllil. , ' V The motion authorizing the message wns presented by Deputy BueroMn( an act of American solidarity.'1 It started n debate on the significance of the doctrine during which Deputy Turena said the policy contained Im perialistic alms and was enunciated for the exclusive benefit of North Americans. : . . Deputy Buero asserted that his mb. tlon referred only to the doctrine Itself and not to the interpretations given it later by tho American gov ernment. It was unjust, he suid, to think ot the Uglted States only as a country of dollars and skyscrapers, for ' many fundamental reasons, he added, the United States desorved the ftdmiration of the world and the af fection of all America. BE FUNNY ALSO WASHINGTON, Dec.' 4. Henry Forrf, who camo to Washington yos- erday to appear before tho inter state commerce commission nt hear- gs affecting his railroad properties. had a brief conference with. Presi dent Coolldge, discussing. It Is under stood, tho stntus and disposition of he administration toward his offer for Musclo Shoals. ' V ' Mr. Ford, after seelnir tho presi dent,' reiterated that his offer for Musclo 8hoals now ' pe'hdtng before congress, stood. . Beyond- saying that he question wns discussed with the ptyjildont during thpiy) minute con ference, however, he would not dls $l&8e what details jwere considered. :; 1 On leaving the White House Mr. Ford was naked If he enred to make a statement as to his attitude townrd movements to secure his nomination as a presidential candidate. His only comment wsh: 'Humph! That would be funny, wouldn't 117" Mr. Ford also cnlled on Secretary of Wnr Weeks. The Secret of Tasty Cooking Meals prepared by some one else, fre quently taste better than your own. ,You can be sure people will say how good things tasted at your house, when yon use KITCHEN BOUQUET. It is the secret of tasty cooking. Start the meal with a real tasty soup. Add a tablespoonful of KITCHEN BOUQUET just before taking off , the stove. Your grocer sells lots of kntHM BOUQUET A CEDAR CHEST THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Useful Durable Ornamental Mothproof Order now for Christmas Delivery TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS EVERYTHING HI WOODWORK , . 1 Does Your Boy Know the - Value of a Dollar! Most modern youngsters have absolutely , . no conception of the value of money. To : them, money is something to be spent to yon; money is something to be earned.,; ; . Give, the lad a savings account at the Jack-'-son County Bank and provide him with a way to earn "a lfttle'TOoncy around home. ; 'j; ' ."- -You'll bo.'surprisc'd how soon hell 'get the .. ;( --.J-4 ' r " ' -Zu Add a' savings -account to his Christmas -. '.( gift. .. ' .", JACKSON ' CO U N TY BANK f. MEDFORD, OREGON m WITH MEDFOFD TRADE 18 MIDFORD MADS. 4 T StUllHUndle yfilBr Stag Handfs v . Jg,PTtm'.tt Handlt Ti i" ' fT" ssssam-MasssBBii sssps V: II Kill ' ii 2 jr-' No, R6863 '. raqj ,, Zo..jr Had . . . '...WSr----. thitn Gold Hi No. R3494 Pearl Handle RS3333 Stag Handle Where's the Man or Boy who doesn t want a Bang-up Knife for Christmas THERE'S something about a fine, sturdy pocket knife that reaches right down into the heart of man and boy alike. But it has to be a real knife make no r mistake about that I ' Here are shown a dozen Remington pocket knives as Christmas suggestions. Every one ia a practical cutting tool The ' blades are sharp and will cut. The handles hold on. The springs keep their strength. - Your dealer can show you these Reming- ton Knives and many others in all combina tions of blades and handles in a wide range of prices 50 to $1C(.'; . , Probably when you see them youH decide to give him more than one. ' . One for his pocket or watch-chain and an . other perhaps for working around the car. Or. a Remington Camparis Knife if he loves canip-. ing, hiking, or fishing. Anyhow, before you decide look at aff the dif- " " ferent kinds of Remington Pocket Knives at . the store. Be sure to see the Official Knife ' Boy Scouts of America. - ' - REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY. lac. New York City No. RG70S920 .. . Qrem and White gofct Handle THf AUTHORITY m FlftE ARMS. AMMUNITION S27 E. Main Handled in Medford by the ' - i; ' MEDFORD HARDWARE OX SPORTING GOODS CO. THE REMINGTON STORE "Where a Dime Is a Baby Dollar" Phone 296 MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO. for "' REMINGTON AMMUNITION AND CUTLERY i