MEDFOttn MATE rEBTORP, OREOON, MOSITAY. NOVEMBER 5B. 195a PACE SETTS? Dr. A.W. Chase's OINTMENT Ft Skin Irritations, Eczema, pimples, itching, chapped . hands and face, piles, chiU Ll : a. t.ii -. - -. uiuuis, iruesi uite, etc, eic, tniwMniiin.oniwni Remarkable In its extraordinary control over all , itching skin diseases. Pure, healing, soothing it is not injurious to the most tender, delicate skin. , Best for children. Read below what Miss Jose phine Martin, of Cham plain, New York, sayst : "Dr. A. W. Chute's Ointment U tha best - kind of Otntment I eer ate for pimples. -blackheads, and all klndaof skin diseases from 1 vstca it has entirely cured me and for which I am traly grateful and can certafnlr recoov sacad It to all angering tnm akla aiBrawra." Ton can buy this Ointment at all Drug Stores To bo aure of getting tha genuine, see that portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M. S an on each box your protection against ,- imitation, DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE CO. 257 Washington Street, Bunalo, K. ,Y. STAGE FARES REDUCED J By HOWARD & GRIM STAGES . ;' , Effective Nov. 19, 1923 Medford to Klamath Falls, one way $5.00. Bound Trip $9.00 I ;.. . Two trips daily. Leaves 8 A. M, and 1 :45 1 M. V' ..' Offieo and Waiting' Room at Hotel Nash Bldg. ' A CEDAR CHEST . THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Useful Durable Ornamental Mothproof 1 Order now for Christmas Delivery TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS EVERYTHING IN WOODWORK : WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRK8T-0-I.ITK itATTCRT . ... 'STATION ""HixmIIt Herri-- ' OA tha Jj of the Knight la HKKK Our real interest begins after cur cars are.delivered. Let Your: Next iCar Be -J, WILLYS KNIGHT TheBusy Corner Motor Co. c a The Day of the Knight It HKKC cJ HoldM anx Pcwell St. at Orarrell. SAN FRANCISCO end Shopping Disfrici Ascwlr beMtiWed Hti Manx cwmita tK viictvr to Sm Frtv ckscaf Nw rvrnisfunf of tmutuai ckini mmd torn oft, a tabby ttatfafd t ptvnAm , tW aimoatphw ot a Iubjuiws kon aneJ a mw Diamt fteaoav ceaadcd mc f uSt no laowsaytiMg ia Aaunea-HJt CMtntntc to yota-wcllarcl h ia t4nW-ry rrofl Ice Wtr m tmty room I MEDFORD WRITER HEADS LIST OF OREGON AUTHORS 00 Of Them Nobby Patterns All Wool to make up into ' Suits and Overcoats Any style you want, loose or snug fitting. Price $35.00 to $30.00 Made right here in Medford, too The Oregon Writers league was or ganised in teeember, 1921, with Miss Anno Shannon Monroe as president. She Is PtUt president and under her leadership a campaign for hotter book?, hetter acquaintance with Ore gon writers, and the development of a national literature, freed from European morals and manners, has made appreciable progress. The Ore gon Writers league was rated by 1t, H. S. Canby of Yaio, editor of the Literary Review as the finest example of local effort towards this end, to beJ found in the United Htatos. Kdison Marshall heads the fiction list with eight novels. Anne Shannon Monroe has two, and Eva Emery Dye the same number. The poetry list be gins with the silver tongued meters of the late Sam Simpson, whose works will live as long as the Willamette whose beauties he sang, runs. The league has not only grown In membership, but It has encouraged and developed its membership. Not a month passes but some of its mem bers are represented in the national magazines or in book form. The governor has. designated Nov, 28th to Dec. 4th as "Oregon Authors1 week." The state of Oregon has been re ceiving much publicity in the national press. Among that which is appreci ated, has been the favorable com ment on Its authors and writers, who have "arrived" with the eastern pub lishers and the magazines. One of these authors Is a hard working newspaper man, Charles Alexander of Albany, who has be come a hero to all lovers of dogs and the outdoors. He brings the cast a breath of our far-flung forests, and the Inhabitants. Albert Biehard Wetjen passed tha neophyito stage of his career in Oregon and came to love it, and its locale appears In many a stirring tale, Wetjen and Alexander are ciose irionus. Edison Marshall, who sprang Into fame with the "Heart of Little Skl- hara" has now seven oth(v books to hfs credit, Oregon and Alaska being the locale, ; Anne Shannon Monroe's .magazine articles keep her to the front, as well as her books, and there does not pass a month in which Oregon writers are not represented in, the national maga zines.. It may well be a matter of pride t Oregonians that In this day .-of jazz and sex, Oregon's writers have unl formly produced material free from the abominable sophistication that marks so much of present day litera ture. Hazel Hall and Grace E. Hall's workfe are well known, -as is also the ,-Doetry of quc irrepressible Mary Cava lyn Davfes. ' Anthohy Euwer's serious and somewhat less serious sermons and illustrations on everything from cats to forest fires and airplanes are now a matter of national recognition Add to these the naturalist Finley's works, Eliot on Birds, Illustrated by Ilorsfall, Bweetser's Botany and close the list with Edwin Markham of Ore gon City, post laureate of his native state, an international figure in the realm of literature, and Qregons place In the literary sun is secure. TAD JONES SORE BECAUSE WEATHER CRIMPED THE BLUE NEW YORK, Nov. It. Victory for Tale over Harvard, the first time slnee the resumption of gridiron play between the two after the war entail- tag, as it did, the drat Hlua touch-! down since Ted Coy went over In 1907 ! was a great relief to Tnle men but Hi was mingled with Joy and disappoint ment for Tad Jones. , Jones. Yale head coach, nubllshed his memoirs of the game today, re vealing the 1923 Blue eleven to be one of the greatest, machines In the uni versity's history art! that he lost full .Itla ,n this lullncttnt. Ivu Ihn wet and muddy gridiron which forced It to abandon lis lons-arrangea puma bhu play Harvard, s game, Yale's unbroken string ot eight vic tories, Including North Carolina, Brown, Army, Maryland, Princeton and Harvard, gave tt the "big three" title. Whether It will be tha eaBlurn champion, In expert, opinion, depends on the outcome ot the struggle at Philadelphia Thanksgiving day be tween Cornell and Pennsylania. urnnilne till jjome - a great jw team, some experts assort Cornell did not meet two Btrone teams in suceea- .. ... i .. nt, ini .i r- . j ii inn Quakers, Tale Is entitled to the palm. ine east was emes -4?r pj uhiuw; b 7 It iifntninf nVnP - UfthMI flb n . ROITin experts considering this as atonement r ..-.. I ... A ti .it f Arm. n tlfi Indiana eleven. ; Upstairs CUROPIAN ft. Are RATtS aLSO HARVEY M. TOY, Managing Owner NOTICE The few roninining lots on pave mqnt (about 100- are hereby with drawn from sale pending a re vision of prices upward to bring them in line with paved lots in ather towns in Oregon of similar size to Medford where they: are selling from $700 to . $800 and even $1000 per lot. CITY OF MEDFORD, Medford Iron Works Our Specialty Medford Quartz Mill Kialac and Sawmill KecfaiawrT. OeaeraJ Fooadrj aad MacttM , Wot. 11H If. Oestfral tt. DISTRICT CONVENTION OF LOCAL RMS HELD AT GRANTS PASS The eeTenteenth Rebekah district convention of southern Oregon dis trict No, 12, met in annual session in the I. O. O, F, hall at Grants Pass, Nov. 24, 1923. Over two hundred and titty mem bers from Jacksonville, Ashland. Medford, Grants Pass, Gold Hill. Rogue River, Central Point, Korby and Glendale were present. The eon vention was also honored with the presence of Mrs. Edyth Kolley of Roseburg, president, Mrs.Mary A Moss of l&ksview, vice president, and Mrs. Jeanle BUrke of Grants Pass, past president, ail of the Rebekah as sembly of Oregon.. Also Mrs. Sarah Clevenger who was president of the Rebekah assembly 23 years ago. At the morning session President Mrs. Edythe Keliey gave a very I prcssive address on 'The School Instruction." : Routine buslnoas was then transacted, -committees appoint- ed and reports of the different lodges given. ... At the afternoon sossion an address of welcome was given by Mrs. Bugene Coburn of Orants Pass, which mad- the members all feel very much at home, and was responded to by Mrs D. Jerozgi of Ashland In a very pleas ing manner. . "How Officers Can Make Meetings Successful" by Mrs. Cornell of Glondale was certainly success with its good advice and b; the vote of the convention a copy was sent to the International Rebekah paper. The memorial services for departed members given by Grants Pass lodge was very Impressive and well given and much credit was due to Mrs. u r K 6 lor its success. President Edythe Kelley gave address on "A True Rebekah," which was a great inspiration to all present. Short but appreciative addresses were also given by Mrs. Mary A. Moss and Mrs. Jeanie Burke. The following officers were the: elected and Installed: Chairman, Mrs, Carrie Rlckert; vice chairman, Mrs Mary Hull; chaplain, Mrs. L. A. Rob erts; secretary, Mrs. Zola Flck. At 8 o'clock the convention enjoyed the sumptuous banquet which was served by tha Granta Pass Rebekahs. Following which the degree work was conferred by Gold Hill lodge in a very creditable manner. After th closing of the convention a short program and social time was held, all present voting many thanks uVfcat at the humls of HHmbi to mar Us record. Minnesota fmitui hersHf in fourth place wllh its victories from Korlh weatern and Iowa a tie with Wisconsin and a Iors to MiultigHti. Town won half ami lost half of its sis gimirs. with vlrtories over Purdue, Ohio State and Northwest orn ami di'ftHl by Illinois, MMilcan anl Minn-sta, Tlil fti'tU pltifo was shuriut with liulUuuu The I.iatfs-frs dropped into seventh jouiion ai'nr iwinp; to Chicago on Saturday. Ohiu ftnbihetl ,Rhth, win ning only from Purdue, with losses to Michigan, lows. hhas and "IPmoh Purdue plnyed ninth while Xrth wentm without a vW-toryr HEAD N05E THROAT EARS K ON iXN "5 for H wd-c he, Dia, C W in Head. Dry Nose, Catarrh, Colda of mU kts4s. nrtor, Dea tiili, Bsr roaimnd KO NOON'S. 30 xeuftdaiss KpJiDON'S' mP" upcliaJ Mid-West in Tie. CHICAGO Nov. 2G. HUnohi and Michigan, each with an unmarred season's record, . today are sharing honors for the 1923 western confer ence championship. ; Michigan earned her place by de feating Minnesota n Saturday 10 to 0 in the final game, while Illinois lifted herself up on the championship ped estal with b 9 to 0 win from Ohio State. The season's outcome as consequence of them victories left Illinois with a perfect string of five wins from conference teams, while Michigan has its list of four straight conference decisions Michigan defeated Ohio State 23 to 0; Iowa 9 to 3: Wfafconsln to 3. Illi nois defeated Ohio State S to 0; Iowa 9 to 0 and Wisconsin 1Q to 0. Iowa crossed Illinois- goal line while no opponent was tthWTo'efeai touch down against the Michigan team al though two field goals were scored. Chicago, hy overcoming the strong Wisconsin team 13 to 6, In a hard- fought final game, earned for itself an undisputed clntm to third place in the conference with only the 7 to 0 ASPIR Beware of Imitations! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets yon are not get' ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-three years for Colds 4 Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis - liiieurrbalmtn 1 Neuralgia Pain, Pain . ; Accept "Bayer TaMeto of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains proven directions, Handy, boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drue pats also sell bottles ot 24 and 100. Aspirin ia the trade In ark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacoticacidestec ot Salieylicacid. HAVE YOUR XM AS PHOTOGRAPHS, made now. . ' - at the , Medford P, F. Studio ; iii our new and larger quarters High grade work at populai prices'. Over Medford Harness Co. f 228 E; MAIN FOR SALE Cockerels Trap Nest Stock. - Egg Record 2-19 to SOS t Price to reach ot 'all WHITE WiNO POULTRY FARM Phone 9-F-1J Phoenix, Or Special prices SMALL SIZE MEDIUM SIZE $4.50 $5.50 LARGE SIZE $6.50 Weir Ever Aluminum jj Roaster - Some folks have the itch for buying things they want instead of things they need,'' That's why they always have to scratch, A small deposit will htltl any article in our store Until Christmas time. - Carving sets $5.35, $6.85, $7.25, $8.65, , $12.50 Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. Phone SW THE REMINGTON STORE 327 E. Main minutes for a hot breakfast 1 QUICK QUAKER 1 Kinds of Quaker Oats , At Yowr Qracers - ; ' Quick Quaker atad Regubs - .: Quaker Oat. Get whichever you prefer. cooks in Vz ike time of coffee! Quaker Oats now comes in 2 styles regular Quaker Oats, the kind you've always known, and QUICK QUAKER. Quick Quaker makes oats the quietest break last dish. Cooks perfectly in 3 to 5 minutes i scarcely longer than simple toasted bread. Same plump oats as regular Quaker Oats, the kind you've always known. Cut before flaking, rolled very thin and partly cooked. And these small flakes cook faster that's the only differ-' .ence. .. ..v J '"All the rich Quaker flavor. Alt the good o hot ; breakfasts quwk I Today, try Quick Quaker.' TneTiresTnatAre Suataittid'.'!- to bfe Best A . C-T-C FREE If You Can Find Another Tire That Will Outwear It f rl f TiiilSS"have- so com-. - j it.: superiority over ordinary tires that ) we have teen permitted to offer the following remarkable, factory Guar anty on G-T-C tires bought from authorized C-T-G dealers before Jan- nary 15th. ; .,. . '.' ' - . . . Place a new C-T-C tire on any wheel of your Car opposite any other new tire of the same size you care to choose. Then drive the two .continuously.. vh. , If the C-T-C tire fails to outwear the other tire, oa will be given a new tire FRBB. This offer Is the most striking evidence of con fidence and good faith ever given the public by a tire manufacturer, and the PROOF of C-TXJ quality is put squarely up to YOU. C-T-C tires won't MA and can be driven at tow Inflation to "Conserve the Car." Thejr are the strongest, toughest, longest enduring wes bum. . BUY YO UPTIMES FOR SPRING NOW to spit of their GUARANTEED SUPERIORITY C-T-C's cost NO MOKE .than ordinary Urea. ffttimfk 1 f JT : - Tr TIRES IWHA AN aaaasaaeaaraaraaaaBfaaaajsaaaBBm O TUDEQ Columbia Tire Corporation! ' ' l Mi and rtlvrW '"" ' - Central Point Service Station, Central Foini Q, B, Holmes, Eagle Point : Pick's Hardware, Jacksonville to Grants i'asa,