Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 22, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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    VMIK . K 1(11 IT
If Back Hurts
Begin on Salts
Fluih Your Kidneys Occasionally
by Drinking Quarts of
Good .Water 1 "
No man or woman can make a mis
take by flushing the kidneys occasion
ally, says a well-known authority. Too
much rich food creates acids which clog
the kidney pores so that they sluggishly
filter or strain only part of the waste
and poisons from the blood. Then you
get sick. Rheumatism, headaches, liver
trouble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi
ness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders
often come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts, .or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irregular qf passage, or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, begin
to drink soft water in quantities; also
get about four ounces of Jad Salts from
any reliable pharmacy and take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your kidV
ncys may then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of gropes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and has been used
for years to help flush clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to activity, also to
help neutralize the acids in the system
so they no longer cause irritation, thus
often relieving bladder disorders. ,
lad Sails is inexpensive and can not
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink, which everyone can
take now and then to help keep the
kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby
often preventing serious kidney compli
cations. By nil means have your physi
cian examine your kidneys at least
twice a year.
11 to 2 p. m.
40c 50c
, Chicken Dinner
Daily 75c
2 P.M. to 8 P. M.
Also Short Orders
The Shasta
Practically' new clothes
for old the combina
tion our Dry Cleaning
offers. . ,
Remember: "We aro
not satisfied unless you
arc.!'. , .
City Cleaning
and Dyeing Co.
624 N. Riverside Phone 4J4
The Dajr of the Knight Is HKKK
Do you fear the
time when your car
is 20,000 miles old?
Willys-Knight Cars
Improve with use.
, . ' i i .
Let Your Next
5r Ca r B e a
The Busy Corner
Motor Co.
Tho Vmj of Uko Knight U HERB
Rev. L. K. Quick. In hie afternoon
mcHSiiKO nt the PreHhytorlan church,
yefitqrday on tho Gibeonites, tolllni?
tho story of thoir deceit it and frantic to tho leaders of Tsmet tr
Hparo their liven, wnd permit them to
live without molestation, phowed how
they symbolize the multitude of ap
peals thut come to the minister and
ChriMtiu.ii worker and the church of
today, some of which are evil but
many of which are Rood In their
place.' He cause of that they be com a
menace to the best Christian, life and
servlco, detracting, taking time and
means and energy which oUKht to be
given to the Master and his Kingdom.
Sometimes they assert themselves
until thYy claim first place unci Christ
in no langer exatted In the life.
At tho evening service, tho speaker
In unfolding the symbol of tho Laver.
one of the parts of tho tabernacle,
told how it was the symbol of the
greater cleansing and spiritual In
filling for the Christian, while the
altar of sacrifice represented the
sacrifice of Calvary, the step of re
generation and cleansing from the
guilt of sin. The Laver represents
thtf cleansing or freeing from' tho
power of sin. .
Tonight tho theme will bo, "Seeing
the Wind and tho Waves." tho story
of the thrilling experience In Peter's
llfo and the lesson of the faith neces
sary for tho saving of body and soul
needed today. Tho male quartet will
sing a couplo of numbers. The topic
for the afternoon service Friday will
be "Possessing. .There will be prayer
for healing at the close o the service-tonight.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 Promises
that (.1 rover Korgdoll will return to
this country from Germany if the
Washington government complies
with certain stipulated conditions,
said to amount to virtual immunity
fi)r him. have boon mado to govern
ment officials by attorneys and others i
speaking for tho Itcrgdoll family.
Thoso offers, tho government has
declined. Officials declared they can
enter no compromise agreement but
must insist upon a free exercise of
their power in the event the draft
evader Is captured or returned to
American Jurisdiction.
Old Marks Shattered As
Flyers Attain Dizziest
? Speeds Yet Known To Man
if ' ' ''hi w . ' -I A
It A kv 'M JW . '
NEW YORK Fast fastcTrr fastest I . j V
Those who Rasped at the news tliat'Lieiit.'AI Williams had
flown his plane an average of 4 miles an hour at the St. Louis races
recently and thought man's speed had reached its superlative, were
further knocked (or a row of lightning bolts when Lieut. H. I
Brow bettered this record at Mitchell Field, :L. I., last-Friday.
Brow attained I snccd of 265 miles, air hour, about four and a
balf miles a minute, His average was 259 miles an: hour. .
MANILA. Nov. 22. (lly Associated
Press). A constabulary force, under
Major Hubert K. Duckworth-Ford
which 1ms been purjulng Moro out
laws In tho Lfiko Lnnao region of
Mindanao, recently attacked a small
band led by Chief Santiago and broko
It up, according to a report rocolvcd
hero today.
Throe constabulary, soldier , were
killed In the eneounter. The number
of Moro casualties was not stated.
Tonic Pills
The Old Reliable Family
Kemedy for Building Up
the System. Nervous Dis
orders, Insomnia, etc
Neglect of sleeplessness, depre
lon and nervous dtsordertoCanv
bind,, I extremely dangerous Al
too mtnr mtn nd women, com
pelled to go. out Into tho world
and battle for living, neilect
tncir health to such an extent that
A nervous breakdown Is the in
cvluble reoulu It U betrt to be
warned In Ume, so that theaa
nervoue ailmeota mar be checked.
Read what Prank Sprrocel o( 45)
W. Jefferson St ValxarUae. In.
diana, says l
"Dr. A. W. CrMfR'S Tnnto WTk
are holplnir me In errry war pos
sible as 1 was in vory bad shape
when I neirnn tha ue of them. 1
am IWIInir batter every dar. Tho
treatment is workin wonders In
mr oiso m my rasa Is about
Uiirtr-oitbt ywanlaudlof."
Yon can buy Or. Chase Tonlo
Ptlls at all drug store. Tobasura
of ettina the aenulna. ae tK.
portrait and signature of A- W.
Chae.M.D.,areoneach bo your
protection against imitations.
Washington 9L,au0slo N.Y.
Medford Iron Works
Ou Bpectaltr
Medford Quartz Mill
Mlnbm and Sawmill Machinery.
Genera Foundry and Machine
; Work.
USB V, Central M.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. jV frank
Htatemont of' tho "InadoquacieH" of
tlio army air scrvico from a stnncl
point of personnel, flnanco, eqiilu
ment and otTor OHHcntial factora was
mado today by. Major Qenoral Mason
M. Patrick, chtof o tho army's avia
tion forces, In his annual report to
Secretary Weeks.
"Tho peace organization of tho air
service," Qenoral Patrick said, "now
bears no rotation to tho(war require
ments and affords little or no foun
dation upon which war requirements
in either personnel or equipment can
bo built." -
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. rians
for an nviation reserve system which
will train between 150 and 200 export
filers annually were received today
by tho navy department, Embodied
in the propnim is the basis of a new
policy which. It was said, constitutes
tho first concrete step toward bulld
Iiik the air service of tho fleet to tho
strength required by modern tastlcs.
OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 22. (By Asso
ciated Press) , C. S. Harrott of Union
City, (in., president of tho Farmers
Educational and Cooperative tin ton,
told delegates to the organization's
national convention today that "the
far mors as a body havo got to take
part in politics," and must use "club
methods" to obtain legislation to
which they aro entitled.
His advocacy of "club methods" In
cluded a statement, that ho had "seen
onough in Washington to make a
whole nrmy of farmers turn bolshe
vik," and another that "nlnoty-nlno
per cent of tho people knew nothing
of what Is going on there."
The farmers' union, ho asserted,
through co-operation, has discovered
the means of obtaining benefits In
legislation and hf applying thorn.
WAS1IIXHTOX, Nov. 22. Compul
sory nu'nmiros to link wntcr nnd rail
truffle mo rcrntmnonilrd in n report
mado pulillo tudny by n romnilttou of
the olmmbor ot common. of tho
United states. Tho committee nlao
xuKKeatn, nmong other proposals that
eoiiRrewi direct the corps of engineers
of tho United States army to consider
tho waterways of tho country as n
whole nnd in their relation to other
transportation agencies nnd to recom
mend a dcflnito development plan
and a schodulo of priorities.
Slkl IK-fhlcn to Slay In V. 8.
NKW YORK, Nov. 82. Kid Nor
folk's fists have dissuaded KattllnR
Slkl from returning tmmediatoly to
Kurope to move his family from Hol
land to France nnd tho SeneRalese
now Intnnds to remain In the United
States (or some time nnd. flKht all
tho opponents ho can find, his man
ager, IHib Levy, announced today,
SEATTLE, Nov. 21. When Walter
J. Harmon, alias Harold Stcon, who
Is on lits way to Portland from Ju
noau to answer chorees of forulnir
checks, went north November 3, he
was accompanied; by Pearl McGce,
with whom he hjul none through n
weddiliB ceremony In Vancouver, B.
C, and her sister Lillian McOoo, Mrs.
Marin. Dryctto of this city, motlior of
tho girls, said todny.
Mrs. Dryette said that tho marriage
rites wero enacted October 31 after
n courtship lasting throe hours. Penrl
McCieo wus living hero until about
that time .'and according to the police
chief Hurmnn nml shn came horo nnd
got Lillian jA'Geo before going to
Alaska, The girls started from Ju
neau for Scuttle before Stecn was ar
rested. ' ' ' '
The Secret
of Good
Baked Beans
does for baked beans
what it does for gravies
greatly adds to their
flavor and improves
their color.' - v
In Boston, where the
preparation of all kinds
of beans has reached a
perfection that is the
despair of all other sec
QUET is most liberally
Preparing for the oven,
add a tablespoonful to
a quart of beans. Pre
pare your , beans, the
Boston way.
9 Uuii!sayir S
n II rl i.rVpM.Ktl
I ruweu oi. ai urarreit,
end Shopping District.
A newly butfftxl Hli Atwmt
waits lh viwiet to San FrMs
cikoI New fumifiiinc f unuul
charm end comfort. lobby dtngncd
to pryvd tho- atmwphert 4
luntrioua hom -wrf mw Dm tag
Rowm. cooMdetad n e4 th ami
IntorMtias in AovcriM all centnbui
to yew wetfuref h u lh ly hotel
with ran mint lea Woteri vty i
Application blanks for Hecurlng
1924 motor vehicle llcensea have been
mailed by tho secretary of stato to all
motor vehicle owners In Oregon, and
they are urged to apply early so that
the license plates may be mailed so a
to reach them before January 1, 1924.
This action will avoid much trouble,
annoyance and unnecessary, delay.
License plates for 1924 will have a
bright red background and white let
ters and figures.
Up to October 31, 1923, there were
registered and licensed in Oregon 560
motor vehicle dealers, 13,824 chauf
feurs, 258,381 motor vehlclo operators
3101 motorcycles, 148,999 passenger
and commercial cars of less than one
ton capacity, and 13,201 trucks and
trailers, from which the total license
fcos aggregated $4,031,141.92. The
foe less administrative expenses, are
distributed one-fourth to the counties
from which the registrations are ro
ceived and three-fourths to the state
highway fund for tho prosecution of
road work throughout tho stato gen
erally. 1 The distribution of the 1923 regls-
,trations up to October 31, 1923, shows
that In Jackson county thoro were
licensed 24 motor vehicle dealers, 584
chauffours, 9240 motor vehlclo opera
tors, 70 motorcycles, 5205 passenger
cars, 1 ambulance and hoarse, 31
busaes and stages, 182 commercial
cars of loss than one ton capacity, 447
trucks of from ono to flvo tons capa
city, and 11 trailers of from ono to
five tons capacity, or a total of 5937
licensed passonger and commercial
vehicles. During 1922 there w;ts a
total of 5128 passenger and commor
cial motor vehicles licensed In Jack
son county.
. Between September 15, 1922 and
September 15, 1923, of the receipts
from motor vehicle licenses and fees
$967,492.19 was distributed to tho
counties of tho state, and there was
turned" over or transferred to the state
highway fund $2,902,476.56 during
that period. Jackson county's share
of the foregoing allotment-' to" tho
counties was $34,240.o9. ; ' ' 'y :
Every druggist In this county la au
thorized to say to. every rheumatic
sufferer that If a full pint bottlo of
Allcnrhu, the buio conqueror of
rheumatism, does not show the way
to' stop . the agony, reduco swollen
Joints and do away with oven tho
slightest twinge of rheumatic pain,
he will gladly return your money
without comment.
Allenrhu hn been' tried and tested
for years and really marvelous results
have been accomplished in the moHt
nevero cases where the suffering and
agony 'was intense nnd piteous and
where the. patient was helpless.
Mr. James H. Allen, the discoverer
c Allenrhu, who for many years
suffered the torments of acute rheu
matism, desires all sufferers to know
that he does not want a -cent of any
one's money unless Allenrhu decis
ively conquers this worst of all dis
eases, and he has Instructed druggists
to guarantee It as abovo in evcrv in
stance.- ; Jjloath's Drug Store and
West Sloe Pharmacy will supply you,
afnil orders accepted. v - Adv.
another favorite In a famous Unt.
The asjortment de luxeselected favoritej
from our Royal Rosarian, Princess, Prucilla
and Autocrat-dark, bitter-sweet and milk
chocolates; also caramels and nougats.
Crushed fruits in cordials and dipped nuts,
abound to tempt iscriminating taitet. ,
M V ":; 5 V Mellow Moonlight - jl '
. i I III
Ya mm bay all tha material for a con
plata bam direct from the manufatarar
and aav four profits on lumber, mill work.
Mfvjhama and labor.
. : I Fn Aladdin Catatom
Bcantiral Colonial Bancalow
AO the lumber for this charming bungalow
ts cut to fit by the Alnrtdin lyfttem (not
portable). Prowl Ravings of over 18
waste In lumber and up to 30 aavinps on
labor. Ask your nuet Aladdio nKhbor.
Aladdin homes are warm, ttroog and la-
Ins unlit everywnere.
Tmomtendm of aatiiflmd
Aimddin Casfomera
Stoiy-nd-a-HaIf Bungalow
A baauttfUl California type with shinctK
walla and dndfnied tn both one story and
story and a half floor plana. Latter contains
i our urn-
12 -Room Dutch Colonial
Price Qooted Include all lnmber cut to
fit, windows, doora. woodwork. rIms, painU.
hardware, rai!a, Inth. rponjig and complete
drawincs and instruction. 11 ithest trade
mtaner tor su interior woudwork. awliiM
and sjotaide nnkh. bend feodav fcv Vkae.
"jj Catalog No. 2335
C Mills and Offices
J Portland, Oregon.
Can You Guess?
In those days of modern affairs, nearly
everybody does business with a. bank. . The ,
only real question is WHERE to do your
banking. , ! ;
We would be pleased to answer that ques
tion. You want a strong bank, one that is
conservative yet modern in every way, one
that will stand by you, help you, one where
your funds are secure, in fact a bank that
insures Service and Satisfaction. THAT'S
;: OURS. ;,, , - y.V., .
u rjEDFoRD Oregon
Decide now to spend
for the round trip is the fare to he
in effect between all Southern Pa
cific stations where the oneway
fare does not exceed $45!00, with
minimum of 50 cents.
Tickets will be 'on sale Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, (Nov.:
27, 28 and 29) with final return
limit of the following Tuesday
(December 4)
l f lTnesj J
Ask agent for further Information regarding fares and train Bchedulos or write
Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager
t i - . . Portland, Oregon,
(. -
Southern Pacific Lines
of semi-annual assessments due
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the semiannual inatel-
ment (one-twentieth) nnd interest on paving, sewer and water
main assessments upon all properties for which application" was
made to extend time of payment, will be due and payable at
the office of the city treasurer December 1, 1923, and will ie
delinquent after thirty (30) days from snid date and shall hear
a penalty of five per cent (5) upon the amount of sucn de
linquency, i ;.:,r.
Thirty days after such delinquency the property will be ad
vertised and sold for the amount of such delinquency, together
with penalties and costs of such sale in accordance with. Sec
tion 148 of the City Charter.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 17th day of November, 1923
. Treasurer of the Ctty of Medford, Oregon.