Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 07, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
The city council met last niht in
the office of City Attorney Carkin be
. cause of the council chamber being
In ubo ax an election booth. Little
business wan done outside of approv
ing of the monthly payroll and other
routine matters, because of the ab
sence of Mayor Gaddis from the city
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Houston will
leave this evening for Rochester,
Minn., where the popular postoffice
clerk who has been in poor health for
some time, will undergo an examina
tion at the Mayo Bros, hospital. From
Rochester they will continue on east
for a visit with Mr. Houston's re la- .
tlves at Evansvllle, Ind.. and thence to I
Morgansfield, Ky., his old home. They
win return no me aooui uoc, iu or to
In time for him to help out In the
Christmas rush season.
Guaranteed vulcanizing and re
treading. Exchange Tire Co. 201
Befoie you buy that piano see H.
t G. Launspach. He can save you
money. He knows pianos, and Is re
. liable. Office and salesroom at
Weeks & Orr, Phone 227. .
A large delegation of wrestling fans
from Gold Hill was present at last
night's wrestling match at the Ar
mory. Dance at F. & E. theatre Friday
night nfter frst show. Imperial Trio.
Get mamma and walking doll free
by buying season ticket. $7.50 doll free
for $20 ticket, and $1.50 doll free for
$10 ticket. Those season tickets are
good for everything in Jap Art Storo
before Jan. 1st, 1924. tf
R. H. Holmes, recently of Medford,
has been transferred to Balem as
traveling agent for the Southern -Pa
cific company. His headquarters will
be maintained In the Southern Pacific
office In the U. 8. Bank building.
Salem Capital Journal.
Selected Delicious, Jonathan. Spitz,
Roman Beauty, Newtown fancy $1.25;
' extras $1.50. J. B. King, Lock Box
'401. ' 198
Keep In mind the sale of Pacific
Package goods at 33 L3 per cent dis
count. Handicraft Bljop. 200
Visitors In the city from distant
points Include Mr. and Mrs. H. V.
; Reals of Denver, M. J. Clark of Brad
. ley, Ohio, Gus Hess of Kockport, N.
Y.. C. A. Devlin of .Brooklyn, N. Y
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunn, Edward
Dunn, Jr., and Agnes Dunn, of Boise,
' Ida., and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N. Sigle
. and Mrs. F. Wltherspoon of San
80x3 V cord tires $10.50. Exchange
Tire Co. , 201
Get In on the soap deal at Warner,
Wortman & Gore's. 8 bars of Crystal
White sonp free. 199
F." 8. Salter Is among the Medford
men who have been sojourning In
Portland this week.
Dance at F. & E. theatre Friday
night after first show. Imperial Trio.
Crystal White soap special this
week only; 8 bars of Crytjtal White
free with each $1.00 soap deal.
Hutchison & Lumsdcn. 19K
There was no session of the New
York stock, bond, cotton or mercan
tile exchanges for tho day, yesterduy
i i ii .m.
being ., holiday In . buslncin hcrau.
of an election. Elsewhere markets
were open.
Twelve acres lemon grove near
Diego, 8 acres fruit near Sebastapol,
6 lots West Seattle residence district.
Sell cheap, or what have you? J. B.
King. Lock Box 451. 198
Tutoring In grade nrM high school
subjects by experienced teacher, uni
versity fraduate. 116 Mistletoe. 199
Dr. W. G. Hoffman of McMinnvllle.
Oregon Is visiting his brother. Dr. E.
W. Hoffman of this city. Dr. Hoff
man will spend a weok or more fish
ing and duck shooting.
30x3 fabric tires $7.R0. 30x3 Mi
fabrics $8-50. Exchange Tiro Co. 201
Two wind-up automobiles with gar
ago 95c. Jap Art Store. ; tf
Local friends of Mrs. S. Sandry,
of Rogue River, will be glad to know
that she Is Improving after a serious
Illness. Miss Gladys Sandry, whu has
been attending O. A. C. during tho fall
. returned to be with her mother and
will not return to school until the
winter term. Grants Pass Courier.
Another feature danco, Jackson
ville, Friday, Lyrlo orchestra. 198
November millinery sale. It's worth
your while to call. The Emmy Lou
Hat Shop. M. M. Dept. Store. Medford
BldK. 197
More Interest was manifested today
In tho outcome of tho election on the
Income tax measure of yesterday,
than was taken yesterday, when a
very light vote was cast In this city
and the county.
The shortest road from where you
are to where you want to be, a bigger
job and better pay, Is via Scientific
Salesmanship. Register now for
Evening Course. ' Medford Business
College. OWN. 201
Notice Pythian Sisters and fam
ilies are Invited to attond a social
Evening at tho K. P. hall, Wednesday,
Nov. 7th. Cards, dancing and refresh
ments. It's free. 196
Only eight cars and 25 persons
were overnight guests at tho city auto
camp Inst bight. I
The demand for
Milk Bread is grow
ing by leaps and
, Bounds
At Any Grocer
Among Washington state sojourn
era In the city are Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Hall of Roosevelt. E. W. Hale
of Blckleton, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Leon
ard and Mr. and Mrs. F. Hatto of
The rehearsal of the M. E. choir
has been postponed to Friday even
ing on account of the Woni&u's Home
Missionary convention.
Get our prices on Brush wool
sweaters. The Colonial. 196
Allan A. Bynon of Portland, assis
tant United States attorney who ha
many friends in Medford, Is In a hos
pital In that city this week Incidental
to undergoing a minor operation.
See us for music. We specialize on
i.nce and concert work. Lyric or
chestra. 26 Newtown. 199
None too early to begin an em
broidered piece for an Xinas gift.
Attend the sale. Handicraft Hhop
Thaddcus Slater Johnson leaves to-
nlht for Portland where he
attend the Portland Lovestock show.
Mr. Johnson plans to purchase a pure
blooded Orkney bull before returning.
Do you need a good dress make.
with original ideas? If so, call 879-X.
327 South Oakdale. party dresses
and children's clothes a specialty. 198
Get In on the soap deal at Warner.
Wortman & Gore's. ' 8 bars of Crystal
White soap free, 199
Another chilly temperature of Zi
degrees minimum" was reached early
today, following the maximum of 66
yesterday. A year ago today was much
solder with a maximum of 53. Fair
weather is the prediction for Thurs
Selling out houses and ranches, 10
years time, sacrifice prices. Gold Ray
Realty Co. 198
Crystal White soap special this
week only: 8 bars of Crystal White
free with each $1.00 soap deal.
Hutchison & Lumsdcn. 198
L. D. Elliott of the American Auto
mobile association arrived In Medford
yesterday and Is staying at the Hotel
Holland while he attends to business
In Medford for a few days.
Dance at Riverside Community
club Saturday night. Loveland's
orchestra. 138
Buy your shingles and roofing; at
Wallace Woods' Lumber Yard. 711
E. Main street. Phone 108. tf
II. L. Joust of Lawrence, Kns., who
has been in Medford for the last few
weeks installing the new pipe organ
of the Baptist church, left this morn
lag for his home after making fjnal
tests of the organ and attending Its
dedication last night.
Pleasant surprise for those attend
ing Jacksonville dance Friday. Lyric
orchestra. 198
Blue and white lunch cloths on
sale. 48x48, 66c; 60x60, $1.19; 70x70,
$1.48. Jap Art Store. tf
Claud Fageol who is In Medford for
a few days demonstrating a big mod
ern Fageol stage is a guest of the
Holland hotel.
Brunswick and Victor phonographs
and records one-half price. 16 N.
Grape street. 198
Radio sets "tailor made," rebuilt,
repaired. Installed. Guaranteed. L.
D. Minkler, 403 Liberty Bldg. Phone
163 201
The annual Red Cross drive for
membership In Ashland which started
Monday in Ingging, according to the
Ashland Tidings which says: 'The i
I rapid pace set at tho opening dato
t last year Is falling far short so far this
j unit inun mr u rcvivtu ui
, mme ,r , prevacd ,1gt
.. n rn ,.,., T
gjWick. chairman of the drive ' this
JJam-n nt Riverside Community
club Saturday night. '- Lovolnnd'H
orchcHtra. 11)8
Muko your selection early. Pack
ago good on Balo. Handicraft Shop.
Eillth Creed and Mrs. I. M. Creed
spent last week end at the Mansfield
ranch near Prospect ns the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mansfield.
See our display at Hub Shoo store.
Lyric orchestra, 198
100 per cent pure silk pongee, com'
mon grade 8Rc; extra heavy for shirts
34 Inches wide. 1.19 yard. Jap Art
Storo. 206'
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William t'randnll Tuesday at their
homo in Central Point.
Positively the greatest pleasure
producing event of the week. Tho
Oriental Qardons Saturday night. 198
Iiance, Eagle Point. Hat. nlte. 199
The records of the Thrift Shop show
that during the past 12 months, gnr
ments to the value of $378.69, were
given away outright to ncody people.
1 his docs not Include the new clothes,
shoes, etc., which they had to go to
tho stores and buy for dostttuto pco
plo because they dkdn't hapnon tc
have In tho shop, tho size or garment
-Dance at Riverside Community
club Saturday night. Loveland's
orchestra. 1
You can get It at DeVoe's. tf
Mrs. O. A. Morse, who was called
to Portland Sunday by the suddon ill
ness of Mr. Morse, there on a visit.
sent word home last evening that her
husband was much improved and
considered out of danger-
Molln Instruction. J. D. Wltham.
26 Newtown. 199
For Apple Week Anderson at tho
Publlo Market Is showing an extra
choico selection of apples. 196
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
ropalrs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
uartiett. tf
Xmos gifts are all In Japanese Art
Store. tf
A big box of discarded clothing ar
rived yesterday from Hilt. Cnllf.. for
the Red Cross Thrift shop In Med
An evening's entertainment for two
persons in New York costs $150, in
Los Angeles the same amusement
costs $50 a night, but in Medford
where there la a Metropolitan Orien
tal Garden a wonderful time can be
hnd for almost nothing. Dance there
Saturday night. 198
Get soft paper school tablets at thl.
office. tf
"The Finest Radio Receiver In the
World." Learn how you can ohtaln
one. L. X. Minkler, 403 Liberty Bldg.
Phone 163. 201
If. C. Stanley of the motor trans
portation department of the Associ
ated Oil Co., arrived In Medford this
morning to be here a few days to
Inspect tho local equipment.
The Truth About the Ku Klux
Klan. Free lecture at tho armory
Thursday night. 196
November millinery salo. It's worth
your while to call. The Emmy Lou
Hat Shop, M. M. Dept. Store, Medford
Bldg. 197
Redden A Canaday writo bonds and
insurance. Phone "20. tf;
Mayor E. C. Gaddis and Volney
Dixon are in attendance all this" week
nt the Pacific International Livestock
Exposition at Portland, from which
they are not expected to return until
Saturday or Sunday.
Yes, there will be another big pay
night dance at the Oriental Gardens
Saturday night. 19f
Salo of Pacific Package goods at
33 1-3 percent discount. Handicraft
Shop. . ; 200
Meet your friends at the Masonic
hall "Wednesday evening. Nov. 7th.
Cards, program and refreshments.
Among the Oregonians In the city
are Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Andrews, W.
T. Ice and H. A. Prathcr of Klamath
Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Brown of Portland. i '-
See Anderson. Public Market for
extra - select Delicious, Jonathans,
Spitz, Bellefleur and Newtown apples.
Get In on the soap deal at Warner.
Wortman & Gore's, 8 bars of Crystal
White soap free. 199
Buy your screen doors at Wallace
Woods' Lumber Yard, 711 E. Main
Phone 108. tf
Approximately 230 members of the
boys' and girts' clubs of the state, who
are In attendance at the Pacific Inter
national Livestock show together with
their leaders, were guests of the
chamber of commerce in Portland
last night at a dinner In the chamber.
The Truth About the Ku Klux
Klan. Free lecture at the Armory
Thursday night. 196
Kremmel's genuine health bread at
DeVoe's. tf
Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. 199'
Six hundred chairs arrived yester
day for the auditorium In the new
Armory. These were the first of the
furnishings to go into the Armory.
Better be sure than sorry, dance at
the Oriental Gardens Saturday night.
Brunswick phonographs, the
world's most popular phonograph.
Easy terms. H. G. Launspach, Phone
Crystal White soap special this
week only: 8 bars of Crystal White
free with each $1.00 soap deal.
Hutchison & Lumsden. . 198
Fred Champlln of Foots Creek was
the host at a duck dinner party at the
Hotel Medford yesterday evening. The
guests were John Tomlln. L. " A.
Banks, Harry Rosenberg, Chris Gott
lieb and Bert Anderson.
Buy Xmas gifts, deposit 25 percent.
we will save It for you. Jap Art Storo.
Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. 199"
Our only business Is Insurance, but
we cover every known kind of risk.
R. A. Holmes, "The Insurance Han."
K. H. Cook, district agent of the
Associated Oil company arrived from
Portland today for a two days visit to
the local territory.
If you want extra select Delicious.
Jonathan. Spitz, Bellefleur or New
town apples see Anderson at Public
Market. 196
Chicken and beef tamalcs. Gusher
Cafe. .-' tf
Highest grade Utah and Wyoming
coal, absolutely froe from slack and
dust. Hansen Coal Co., 34 South Fir.
Phone 239. ' '
F. Gordon Hart, pastor of tho Pres-
bytorlan church at Grants Pass, spoke
before tho chamber of commerco
forum today on "England's Bloodless
Revolution." E. P. Lawrcnco pre
sided at the meeting. Dan O'Con
noli, head of tho Southern Pacific
secret 'service, was a guest of the
forum. John Mann asked for unani
mous support of tho Red Cross drive.
beginning tomorrow and was assured
of tho same.
Don't forget the card party at the
Masonic hall Wednesday evoning,
Nov. 7th. Program, cards and re
freshments. 196
Special sale on Ford . accessories.
Grease, oil and piston rings. The Busy
Corner Motor Co. tf
Chile con carne. Gusher Cafe. tf
All kinds of rough and ' dressod
lumber. Wallace Woods. Phono 108
711 East Main.
A car driven by W. J. Wakefield
of this city 'collided with a Ford coupe
that was half across the Intersection
at the corner of Main and Riverside,
this forenoon at about 11 o'clock,
Tho rora was drlvon by a woman
tourist who was passing thru town, by
the name of McDowell. A spoke of
The cor was brokon and an Inner tube
Gray and tan pleated skirts. The
Colonial. J96
M1IK and cream at DeVoe's. tf
A good time, a flno program and
refreshments at the Masonic hall
Wednesday evening, Nov. 7th. 196
Miss F. W. Wltherspoon of San
Francisco arrived In Medford Tues
day and left this morning to teach
the grade school In Phoenix this
The Truth About the Ku Klux
Klan. A free lecturo nt the Armory.
Thursday evening, Nov. 8th at 8
o'clock. '"'16
Wo carry nothing In con!.. but the
best guaranteed Utah or Wyoming.
Our prices on nil fuel we hnndlo are
always the lowest, considering qunl.
ity. Valley Fuel Co. tf
Typewriters, all makes Wholesale
rebullts. Easy terms, $5' monthly.
Our guarantee means 20 minute repair
sen-ice. Medford Book Store, agents.
Just the moment you apply Men
tho-Sulphur to nn Itching, burning br
broken out skin, the itching stops and
healing begins, wnys a noted akin spec
ialist. This sulphur preparation,
made Into a pleasant cold cream,
giveg such a quick relief, even to
fiery eczema, that nothing ha ever
been found to take lta place.
Because of Its germ destroying
properties, it quickly subdues the itch.
lug, cools the Irritation and heals the
ecxema right up, leaving a clear,
smooth skin in placo of Ugly erup
Uons, rash, pi in pica or roughness, . 1
You do not have to wait for Im
provement, it quickly shows. You
can get a little Jar of Howies Men-Uio-Sulphur
at any drug store. Adv.
Captain R. Boyle of the army re
cruiting station at Eugene arrived in
Medford yesterday and will remain
hero a few days to visit the local
recruiting station.
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes tho Insurance Man.
There's a busy Business College
In Medford. OWN.
We have good values In used cars.
Patton & Roblnnon. Inc. tf
Col. I. A. Roble, owner of the local
box factory. Is considerably wrought
up today. Monday when he went to
Burs, ni round mat some oqo had
appropriated his pipe, which had
been his trusty friend for years. It
has developed that on Sunday some
one entered the box factory office and
carted off such things as could bo
used. An attempt was made to enter
the safe, the knob being filed, but
this was abandoned. All that wad
loBt was $1.60 In change from a
drawer, $3. B0 that belonged to the
watchman, the colonel's fountain
pen, and his pipe. He classes the last
article as the greatest loss of all.
Grants Pass Courier.
Special sale on Tuesday at the
Colonial Garage. tf
Chile con carne. Gusher Cafe, tf
Duplicating sale books for. sale at
this office. tf
ITemstltohlns 8o per yard at Style
craft, opposite Rlalto theatre. tf
Get Launspach's prices on pianos
before you buy. He knows pianos and
Is reliable. Phone 227.
Mrs. C. F. Cord of the Red Cross
spoke to a gathering of the Catholic
ladles In the parish hall of the Cath
olic church, Tuesday afternoon, on
the work tho Thrift Shop Is doing in
Chicken and beet ta males, Gusher
Cafe. tf
At Deuel's Hemstitching 8c. tf
Unity literature teaches people how
to be well, prosperous apd efficient.
Free distribution. 310 S. Riverside, tf
Your car battery charged In 8 hours
at the Electric Shop. tf
Company A, of the National Guard,
will drill tonight at the Armory at
Clean cotton raps wanted at the
Mail. Tribune office.
November millinery sale. It's worth
your while to call. The Emmy Lou
Hat Shop, M. M. Dept. Store, Medford
Bldg. 19 1
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
Studio. First-class work and prompt
service. tf
t .eieuruie jirmisuce aay in a suit
cleaned and pressed at the Pantorium
Dye Works. Phone 244. 201
Card, of Thank
Wo wish to thank our friends who
kindly offered sympathy during our
recent bereavement. Also for the
beautiful flowers.
Medford : Stores to Close
It has been decided to close all the
Medford business houses and offices
Monday, Nov. 12 at 11:30 a. m. In or
der to allow everybody to help cele
brate Armistice day. All are request
ed to close.
De Mulay meeting tomorrow
night. Qft. 8th. at 7:30. All
members' urged to bo present.
Over, 40' per cont bf the homes of
this country aro owned by the occu
pants, and more than .one-half of
these aro free from debt.
Rameiljr for
Eqzema and All Kinds of
Skin Diseases.
CURAZEMA Is the only known rem
edy, either in .'America or Europe,
which will remove Psoriasis, chronic
Acne and scabrous Eczema, including
hives, ringworm, dandruff, itch, bar
bers itch, trench itch, pimples on the
race or body, salt rheum, scaley or
scabby hnndB o)- skin. It destroys the
germs that cause these troubles.
Read what dme of them say:
Suoqualmle Falls, Oct. 19, 1920. '
Mr. L. H. Rogors: Words will not
explain what your eczenia cure has
done for me. 1 was down in bed most
or the time tor six months. Four doc
tors could not help me. Aftor using
eight boxes of your eczema cure I am
entirely cured and working every I
day. ours trtily,
Mrs. Vera Haynes, Seattle. Wash.
Aug. Ill, 1921. i
Discovered by U. H. Roger,
4201 S. Holly Street, Seattle, Wash.
For sale by Strang's Drug Store.
FOU SALE Oak dinlns table, kitch
en cabinet table, rocker. Ranitary
couch, baby carriage, kiddie koop.
ironing board, electric irons. Thone
II17-T. 704 W. Second St. 199
buggy nt
Gltien's Unrn.
F.&E. Theatre
Matinco Every Sunday 2:30 p.' m.
Admission 10c and SOo
8 Hemstitching
Handicraft Shop
Blackboard Sermon
Christian Church
The- tonic fur tonight at the Chris
tian cluilih is "'The Gospel Glide
Power," and wi-'l be a blackboard ser
mon. V There will also be -special mu
Members of all churches and espec
ially tho.'tc who are not members of
any church aro invlti-d and are guar-
' antecd a profitable hour,
i Tno sermon' l.-,t evi ninn- on
pare Ye the Wav of the Lord" was one
of the best of the rncetiriKS.
Liberty ISoiitlH.
NEW YOliK. Nov. 7. Liberty
I bonds closed: 3li's J!)9.21: uerond
4's 697.25J first-4 Vh $!-80: second
4'4's $!I8.30; third 4 's $911.20:
fourth' 4 H 's J08.'5t; U. S. Government
4U's 698 14.
6 Bell--mc
Hot water
Sure Relief
25 and 75 Packsifes Everywher.
f m x" y r 1
Kr' . n lit l w I i II A VI1 ! t r
ii 'in 'j it i iii i i runi : 11
I - A " mm
II I -vm. ; ,. . : : . . f .JtlCCU JJll II ft
.-. m - mm m J m tm-i bium jvu b'j k m itjaawu x.rv m m
irTr' ii vT-ir'ii ii ii i w
I mmmmmmmv mm mm " mJB at a M b m .
II I JL . ii ffsww a m mt a If II i
lllf Altw- fl IS SSiyf xmtk KA CJL A II II
mil iiti --u. 12 mm .hhn ir.iin 11
11 ' Ll y " ' orINIOKS
ii - ii
HI I " "If ou arc looking for excitement, 'Enomies of Women" I I
i Willi .- " u. oun r rancisco unronicie. i I
II lilllll I - " i" ""si uruiinni oiienngs the screen has seen I
I I llllll .1 I in mauv a dav. Ijnin nt r.mnov tt i.fl..A i 1 I I
i ibiviivI -J u.,o utrcu Hifeut in t a m
I " e" spent, too: Two words to tho wise are I
f ' sufficient See it San Francisco Examiner
Barrymore -
, ' ' "One of stho few pictures which come up to the promises'
ariu made in cdvanco." Portland Oregonian. 'r',
I Atmn Diiknnn i -'r
II ' I alms such as 'Ehenites nf Wnmon oiu, nin.
w m - .. mi v,iuauj uiaucs b nun a
the organ, has set "Ene
mies .of Women" to an'
ideal musical score.
PRICES: Adults
, Children 25c.
"Children of Jazz"
35c "Danderine" so Improves
Lifeless, Neglected Hair
Girls! An abundance of luxuriant
hair full of gloss, gW-aras anil life
shortlv follows a gpnuine totiinR up
of nejilccted scalps with dependable
Falling hair, itching scalp and the
dandrulT is corrected immediately. Thin,
Office Chair Pads
A real pleasure to sit nt the desk when you have Rcotnfortable
chair. ' The stenographer ns well as the hoss will do better
work. Then too, it saves the clothes getting shiny.
Medford Book Store v
34 No. Central
415S . author of
"When the makers and
aims such as 'Enemies of
film on the market, clergymen should be the first to recog- -nize
Us merit and commend It to their parishioners and to,
the general pub:tc." The Reverend R Keene Ryat,, pastor
Garfield Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Chicago.
it V M
dry, wisp7 or fading hair ia quickly in
vigorated, taking on new strength, color
and youthful Iw-auty. "Darwicrine" is
delightful on the hair; a refreshing,
stimulating tonic not sticky or greasy I
Any drugstore. . '
producers of good clean moral-
Women' actually place such