Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 06, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Focal and
The" season for catching trout over
, pix inches long will not cIomo until
Nov. 30th. By mistake yesterday this
newspaper published that the ueaHon
had closed for catching trout under
10 inches in length. Thirty fish
20 pounds may be taken in any one
day and 60 twh or 40 pound .4 in any
Beven comiecuUve days.
Hffoio you buy that piano see H.
O. Launspach. He can Have you
money. lie knows planus, and Is re
liable. Office and salesroom fit
Weeks & Orr, Phone 227.
Got mamma and walking doll free
by buying seoaon ticket. (3.50 doll free
for $20 ticket, and fl.50 doll free for
$1Q', ticket. ThoHe season tickets are
(food for everything In Jap Art titore
before Jan. 1st, 1924. tf
If you have not yet voted on the
Rtate income tax proposition at to
. day's . special election you have the
opportunity yet to do so, as the polls
do not close until H o'clock tonight. A
very jlght vote is being cast today.
Keep in mind the wile of i'ueific
IPrtckngo goods at 33 1-3 per cent dis
count. Handicraft Shop. 200
Get in on the soap deal at Warner.
Wortmnn Gore's. 8 burs of Crystal ;
,, Whlto-soap free. lUKj
Mrs. S. C. Godlove and Mrs. R. A
Ames are in Portland, called there by
the sudden death of their sister, Mm.
F. C. ltorgdorf, of Herkdorf, Idaho
Crystal Whito soap special this
week only: 8 bars of Crystal Whito
free with each $1.00 soap deal.
Hutchison & Jjumsden. 108
Tutoring in grado and high school
subjects by experienced teacher, uni
vcrsity fraduate. llfl Mistlutoe. 109
Attendance nnd receipts at the
Ashland auto camp ground for 1923
will exceed those of 1022 by nearly
100 per cent, according to figures
compiled and presented to tho Tld
Ings by Superintendent Doran. The
total receipts from the auto camp this
year will approximate $5000. The
number of cars registered totals 7811
with total registrations reaching liGGl
cars. Ashland Tidings.
Two wind-up automobiles with gar
ago UGc. Jap Art Store. tf
. pfovetnbor millinery salo. It's worth
your while to call. Tho Kmmy Iou
Hat Shop, M. M. Dopt, Storo, Mudford
Pldt;.- , HI 7
Mrs. jleauruont T. DcTosh left
Monday evening for San Francisco,
L.os Angeles and Long Beach on a
Notice Pythian Sisters and fam
- illes aro Invited to attend a social
evening at the K. P. hall, Wednesday,
Nov. 7th. Cards, dancing and refresh
ments. It's free. , 190
Get our prices on Brush wool
sweater;. The Colonial. 190
A novelty was received at the local
postoffico yesterday in a registered
letter from Germany, which it cost
the sender In stamps to send to this
country 72 million marks. Tho envoi
ope was obout 10 Inches long and
three inches In width, and tho 72 Ger
man stamps, each of the million dol-
lar denomination, were plastered all
over it. ;
'Mono too early to 'begin an em
broidered piece for an Xmas gift
Attend the salo. Handicraft Rhnp.
Oet In on tho soap deal at Warner,
: "Wort mini & Goro's. 8 bars of Crystal
White soap free. 199
This morning folt quite nippy and
frosty with ft minimum temperature
of 28.6 degrees. Fair M-qather Is tho
prediction for Wodnesday. Yesterday
With a maximum of was a much
warmer day than a 'year ago today
with its maximum of 54.
Crystal Whito soap special thli
wcok only: 8 bars of Crystal White
free y-lth each $1.00 soap deal
Hutchison & Lnmaden. ' 108
Buy your shingles nnd roofing at
Wallace Woods' Lumber Yard, 711
K. Main street. Phono 108. tf
A petition calling for the ousting of
Frod Baker, superintendent or the
Klamath Indian reservation, has been
drawn up by Klamath Falls attorneys
and Is holng circulated on tho reser
vatlon by certain groups of Indians
who are dissatisfied with Mr, Baker's
administration of agency affairs.
When sufficient signers havo been ob
tained the petitions will bo forwarded
to tho- secretary of tho interior at
Blue and white lunch cloths on
Wtle. 48x48, 6Cc; 60x60, $1.19; 70x70,
$1.48. Jap Art Storo. ' tf
Kadlo sets "tailor made." rebuilt,
impaired, - installed. Guaranteed. U.
I. M Inkier, 40S Liberty Bldg. Phono
163. ' 201
Mrs. R. F. Guth who has been visiting-
her mother, Mrs. K. W. Wall and
fa mlly Wt Monday morning for her
homo In Seattle
lv Malto your selections early. Pack
ago goods on Bale. Handicraft Shop.
100 per cent pure silk pongee, com
mon grade 8Sc; extra heavy for shirts
34 Inches wide, $1.19 yard. Jap Art
Store. 2 OH
Mrs. P. IT. McCurley nnd son are
leaving for Detroit, Mich., Wednesday
Dance, Ragle Point. Rat. nlto. 199
You ran get It nt DoVoo's. tf
Pete Loicnti-n was fined tea dol-Iiii-h
wli.'ii he was brought (n
Judge Clenn O. Taylor in the Justice
court today by J. J. .lcIahon. deputy
state motor officer Tor operations a
car without a driver's license.
Xmas gifts are. all In Japanese Art
Store. if
(let soft paper school tablets at thl.
office. tf
John M. Scott, the Southern Paclfij
company passenger official, who was
enroute home from having attended
the K. O. AlcCormlck funeral at San
11. M.
1 Knights
I.ove. 'laud I iarwh'k i
(ile.ison, three pi (itiiin
of Pythias from Poiilan
were here to attend the K. of P. di.
triet convention and initiation cere
monies yesterday
Chile con came, Gu.ihcr Cafe, tf
Duplicating sale books for sale a
this office. tf
Hemstitching 8c per yard at Style
craft, opposite Hialto theatre. tf
The Southern Pacific has received
thru its Ashland gateway 148 closed
Francisco, spent yesterday In visiting ttm ,ope" carMl whlh will relieve
Note the firm, even
texture of Milk
Bread. No
when you slice
It's the milk.
At Any Grocer
here and other valley points In co
puny with 10. S. Jtosenbaum, tho dis
trict passenger and freight agent.
"The Finest Itadio Receiver in tho
World." Learn how you can obtain
one. L. D. Minklcr, 403 Liberty Bldg.
Phone 163. 201
November millinery sale. It's worth
your while to call. The Emmy Lou
Hat Shop, M. M. Dept. Storo, Medford
Bldg. 197
All tho racing cars In ihe city are
tuning up for tho Armistice day racon
which will take place on the track o
the Jackson County Fair grounds, th
afternoon of Armistice day.
bale of Pacific Package goods
33 1-3 percent discount. Handicraft
Shop. 200
Get in on the soap deal at Warner.
Wortman & Gore's. 8 bars of Crystal
hito soap free, 109
Herbert Alford has moved from hi
office in the Associated Oil station
corner of Main and South Riverside.
to tho company's plant on the Pacifi
1 lighway.
Kremmel's genuine health bread at
DeVoo's. tf
Crystal Whito soap special thl
weok only: 8 bars of Crystal White
free with each $1.00 soap deal
Hutchison & Lumsdcn. 198
f Visitors In tho city from dlstan
points Inelude James J. Oahan of
Mooseheart, 111., Hurry Witters
Saginaw, Mich., and J. P. Greenwald
of Bay City, Mich.
Buy Xmas gifts, deposit 25 percent,
wo will save It for you. Jap Art Store,
Dance, Khgle Point; Sat. nlto. 199
- Ideal weather prevailed today bu
the situation in the business distrlc
seemed rather quiet with tho bank;
closed.. The courts and city and
county offices wero also closed be
cause of tho special stato election.
Chicken and beef tamales, Gusbe
Cafe. tf
Don't forget the card party at the
Masonic hall Wednesday evening
Nov. 7th. Program, cards and re
freshments. 190
Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Houston of
Klamath Falls loft that city recently
by car expecting to visit in Ashlam
and Medford before motoring to Call
fornia to spend tho winter.
The American Legion boys who
have In charge the wrestling and box
ing show at the Armory this evening
assure the public that the events wll
be high class In every respect nnd
ladles as well as gentlemen may at
end without fearing any obiectional
Special wile on Ford accessories.
Grease, oil and piston rings. The Busy
Corner Motor Co. tf
David Brown, formerly of the
motor vehicle and traffic department
In Portland and at present in tho fed
eral customs ho u ho In that city stop
lied hero overnight at the Hotel Med
ium, jio is a friend ot Clyde Gardner
with whom ho served together in the
Chilo con carno. Gusher Cafe. tf
All kinds of rough and d rosso d
lumber. Wallace Woods, Phono 108.
711 Kust Main.
Tho lloyal Neighbors will meet
with Mrs. J. II. Jones, 612 Ponn Ave.
Thursday evening, Nov. 8th at 7:30
Visiting Neighbors welcome.
Redden & Canadny write bonds and
Insurance. Phono 720.. tf
Meet your friends nt the Masonic
hall Wednesday evening. Nov. 7th
Cards, program and refreshments,
' ' 100
Mrs. George Carpentor entertained
a party of fourteen at luncheon at tho
Hotel Medford on Monday at 1
Buy your screon doors at Wallace
Woods' Lumber Yard, 711 E, Main.
Phono 108. tf
Da.nco, Faglo Point, Sat. nlto. 190
Among tho Washington stato visi
tors In Iho city are Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Isaacson, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Keen
and Mtv and Mrs. W. It. Fifer and
children of Seattle.
, Brunswick phonographs, the
world's most popular phonograph.
Kasy terms. IT. G. Lauuspach, Phone
Our only business Is Insurance, but
wo cover every known kind of risk.
H. A. Holmes, "Tho Insurance Man."
James Penrt of tho California Ore
gon Tower company at Prospect had
a bad nmash-up when tho Bulck car
ho was driving slipped off tho road
down a seventy-fivo foot embank
ment. However ho escaped uninjured
though the car was badty damaged.
Highest grade Utah and Wyoming
coal, absolutely free from slack and
dust. Hansen Coul Co., 84 South Fir.
Phono 239.
Gray and tan pleated skirts. The
Coloninl. iptjf
I'Yed Mlddlehusher of Trnfl was In
Medford today buying supplies nnd
attending to business.
Milk and cream at DoVoo's. tf
A good time, a fine program nnd
refreshments at tho Masonic hall
Wednesday evening. Nov. 7th. 196
Tho Perl Funeral Homo has added
to its equipment a hnndsome new
limousine hearse. While on their
eastern trip this summer Mr. and Mrs.
Perl visited the Meteor Motor com
pany's plant nt Picqua. Ohio, and
made their selection. It has all the
latest equipment and Is tho newest
thing out. Tho old stylo carved mod
els are a thing of the past nnd are not
used In up to date establishments.
William Hooker, chauffeur, drove the
hearse from San Francisco hero.
Wo will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes tho Insurance Man.
There's , busy Business College
In Medford. OWN.
Floyd Hart left this afternoon for
San Francisco and other California
cities on business connected with the
Tomlin Box factory.
We have Rood values In Used cars.
Patton Robinson, Inc. tf
Special sale on Tuesday at the
Colonial OarngP. tf
Mrs. Paul Orlett, slster-ln-low of
Ttlehard Antle of Medford will leave
today for her home In Pasadena. Cal.
Typewriters, n makes Wholesale
rebuilt. Knsy trrms, $5 monthly.
Our gunrnnteo moans 20 minute repair
service. Medford Book Store, agents.
materially tho car shortage In western
Oregon. Receipts of these cars was
reported to the public service com
mission November 1 by the railroad
Chicken and beef tamales, Gusher
Cafe. tf
At Deuel's Hemstitching 3c. tf
The community meeting and dinner
of Jacksonville held last evening
under the auspices of the chamber of
commerce of that city was a largely
attended and successful affair, at
which important affairs to the
county seat town were discussed by
local and outside speakers. E. H.
Hurd of Medford was one of the
Unity literature teaches people how
to be well, prosperous and efficient.
Free distribution. 310 S. Riverside, tf
Vour car battery charged in 8 hours
at the Electric Shop. tf
W. G. Drew of the California .Ore
gon Power company will soon leave
for Portland to spend the Week end.
Gouuino Bosch Magneto parts and
repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Bartlett. tf
Corning Konly is leaving for Chi
cago at the end of this week.
Clean cottar rags wanted at the
Mail Tribune office. ...
A total of 30,278 tourist automo
biles registered In Oregon during the
season ending October 31, according
to a statement Issued by Secretary of
State Kozer. Theso figures arei based
on registrations at tho 15 stations in
Oregon In which tho Medford station
led with 7413 registrations. Regis
trations for the season by stations is
shown as follows: Albany, 39; Ash
land, 5277; Astoria, 47; Baker, 272;
Itend, !5; Eu'geno, 493; Gold Beach,
235; Grants Pass, 1829; Klamath
Falls, 5S2; Medford. 7413; Ontario.
3H50J Pendleton, 2R64; Portland.
0520; Salem, 5374; The Dalles, 1148;
inspectors, 740,
Wo carry nothing In coal but tho
best . guaranteed Utah or Wyoming.
Our prices on nil fuel we handle are
always tho lowest, considering qual
Tho Roosevelt Parent-Teachers
circle will have a tea towel shower
at their regular monthly meeting next
v riday. Every member is requested
to bring a towel and a good atten
dance is expected as tho reports from
the convention will bo given at this
November millinery sale. It's worth
your while to call. Tho Emmy Lou
Hat Shop, M. M. Dept. Store, Medford
Bldg. 197
A. M. Simons, the new secretary of
tho Grants Pass chamber of com
merce, has arrived from San Fran-
isco and Is now on tho job at tho
hamber offices.
Take your kodak films to Palmer's i
Studio. First-class work and prompt j
service. tf j
Among Portland people in Modford
yesterday and today were Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Horsky and Mrs. Joslc
Poinasek of Albany, and Mr. and Mm.
I. S. Casey and Walter Glueson of
Do you., noed a good dress maker
1th original Ideas? If so, call 327
mith Oakdale. Parly dresses and
hltdren's clothes a specialty. Phone
50-L. 19S
C. J. Seymour had a narrow escape
from a bad accident when returning
from Grants Pass on Sunday evening
io rounded a curve and just missed
ho head of a man caught under nn
overturned motorcycle so that he
could not move. Mr. Seymour stopped
and released the man, who was un
injured but who was pinned down by
tho motorcycle so that ho could not
xtricnte himself.
Bookkeeper, experienced, would
liko to take set of books for several
hours a day. Phono 971-L. 105
Celebrate Armistlco day In a suit
leaned and pressed at tho Pantorium
Dye Works. Phono 244. 201
Charles Mooro, proprietor of the
Orchard Company, Limited, leaves for
San Francisco this evening for a short
business trip.
Got Launrpach's prices on pianos
icroro you buy. Ho knows pianos and
is reliable Phono 227.
William Von der Hellen wns In
Medford today 'from his construction
camp on tho Prospect road to attend
to business matters.
Tho auto tourist traffic thru and to
iri ford foil way down last night.
Tho city auto camp had only 14 cars
and 49 persons.
Tho Truth About tho Ku Klux
tan. A free lecture nt the Armory.
Thursday evening, Nov. 8th nt 8
clock. lOfl
The public market of today which
is a fairly good ono had a light
patronage, as many citizens thought
that because it was election day the
market would bo closed.
For Rent Commercial slzo Hoover
acuu m clen tier $2.00 per day ;
minimum charge $1.00. Phono 244.
Mr. Claire P. Holdrldge of Eugene.
Oro., graduate class 1020, II. of O..
well known to a number of Medford
people and a nephew of Dr. and Mrs.
Ilundy, Is now located in Central East
Africa. Mr. Holdrldge Is In tho em
ploy of the Belgian Congo Diamond
company (tho largest diamond min
ing company in the world) as geolo
gist and engineer. A letter ha8 Just
been rereived from him telling of n
hunting trip tliut hi was talcing for a
hiMM""""i'H on the Lumbar rlvw.
Tin- purty cujisists of himsi-lf. the only
white man, and the following number
f blacks: Om- conk, one table boy.
one valet, ono hunter who locates the
xuiiiu, one gun bearer, eight m"cn to
carry him ana sixteen men to carry
camp equipment. It takes u letter
three months to rtjach Mr. Holdrldge
from Oregon.
The Daily
Bank Robbery
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. Senator
Cummins of Iowa, president pro tem
pore or the senate, called on Presi
dent ColIldKe today to talk over plans
for the coming session of congress.
for yearsf the Iowa senator has
been a leader In shaping railroad leir-
Inlatlon and he re-affirmed at the
White House his conviction that a
consolidation program should bo one
of the main works of the cumlng ses
It was Indicated today at the White
House that the president expected to
reply to a considerable extent on the
suggestions for railroad legislation
laid before him by Senator Cummins.
Ho expects to begin formulation of
his decision soon.
SPOKANE,-Nov. 6. Repeal of the
City criminal : $ymli(-allsnv '. ordinaire
the hope of encouraging woods
workers to resort to Spokane more
generally is urged upon tho city
ouncll in a resolution adopted last
night by tho central labor council of
the city.
"The emergency calling for tho pas
sage of this ordinanco nnd justifying
lis passage 1ms long since gone by,"
the resolution rend, "and so far
lies in our power, it is desirable to
notify tho world that theso lumber
workers' may again freely return to
our cuy without fenr of belnir ha
assed through the threat of this law.'
SPENCER, Jnd., Nov. C. A band
of robbers variously estimated in
number from 14 to 20. robbed two
liankH here early today of approxi
mately $15,000 nnd wounded two citi
zens. Traveling in four automobiles,
the robbers first isolated the town by
cutting all telephone, nnd telegraph
wires, then posted guards to prevent
interruption while they blew open the
bank vaults.
The bandits remained in town more
than an hour and In gaining nccess to
tne bank vaults used several exol
slve charges, almost wrecking one of
the buildings. Tho banks entered
were the National Hank of Spencer
and tho Exchanbe State Bank.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. c. Three armed
bandits today robbed the Pacific Sav
ings bank in the soutilwestern part
of the city of f2H0 and escaped In
an automobile. Three employes were
compelled to lie on tho floor as the
trio scooped up the money. '
NEW ULM, Minn., Nov. 6. Five
robbers who blew the vault of tho
Klosser State bank four mile's north
of here early today, escaped with
11300 in currency and silver and $1200
In Liberty bonds.
WINONA, Minn., Nov. 0. Uobbors
blew tho vault of the First National
bank of Mabel, near here early today
nnd escaped with about J1000 in silver.
That OIH Fashioned
There's ho secret about that good
old time taste of Scully's Skookum
Syrup it's nature's pure cane
and maple sugar that does it
nothing taken away nothing .
added to it. Pure wholesome .
and always appetizing. That's why
everyone says "it's Bully." , ;
In air light, double sealed screw
top cans your protection.
Meet I us Western Oil Co.
There will be a called meetlnir of
tho stockholders of the Western Oil
Co. nt F. J. Newman's office, Tues
day, Nov. 6, at 7:30 p. m. to discuss
matters of vital Importance.
185 F. J. NEWMAN. Sonv.
KLIPI'EIv Miss Alllo Kllppel died
tho home .of her mother. Mrs.
Elizabeth Klippel, 228 North Holly
street, Medford. November 5. 1023.
She was born at Jacksonville, Octo-
er Hi, 1803 nnd is a member of one
the oldest pioneer families of the
alley, she lived most ot her Ufa 1"
icksnnville and Medford and hud a
ost of friends. She had been ill for
four weeks.
Besides tUe mother oho leaves two
brothers, J. II. Klippel of Portland,
Oregon, F. W. Klippel of California,
and a niece, Mrs. Emma Seougall of
Funeral services nt Conger's Under
taking l'arlor, Wodnesday nfternoon
at "two, ltev. Lawrence presiding. In
terment at Jacksonville cemetery.
ItOTHUOCK Funeral services for
Mrs. Lucy Jane Rothrock w ill be held
at tho Christian church nt Central
Point Thursday at 2:30 p. m. A brief
service will be held nt tho Perl Funer
al Home nt 2 previous to the service
at tho church. Itev. A. B. Khoades
and T. L. Thuemler will havo charge
of tho services. Interment lit tho
Central Point cemetery.
FOH SALE Ford sedan, model 21.
Clood condition. Call 519 S. Hnllv.
FOU SAI.K Four room house and
good lot. clone tn near N. Onkdnle.
If sold by Saturdny night goes for
only H100, on easy terms. Phone
FOIt ltKNT Ten nrr tract and
soven room bungalow near city
reservoir. Phone J17-L.
To Reduce Dangerous
Varicose Veins
Child's Best Laxative is
"California Fig Syrup"
Hurry Mother! Even a bilious, con
stipated, feverish child loves the pleasant
taste of "California Fig Syrup'', and it
never fails to open tho bowels. A tea
spoonful today may prevent a sick child
Ask Your dritpgist for genuine "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup" which 1ms directions
for babies and children of nil nn...
printed on bottle. Mother 1 You must
nv California" or vou mav t n..
nutrition tiir svrnp.
Add Our Experience to Yours
Tn r-onsuleriiir an investment, refinancing a
business, establishing credit or any of the
problems which may confront a business
man you'll find it a good policy to add your
in! imate knowledge of the case to our long
experience in 1 he field.
Here is the ideal combiiiaton of the business
and the bank." One with one side of the
problem, one with the other, and each speak
ing from experience.
fc ..
m t Mi' vvsf T;
Handicraft, Shop
Useful Durable Ornamental Mothproof ,
Order now for Christmas Delivery
Stronir, lNmcrhil, Yet Snfo SuiKi'tins
I'POM Tlpllon (nl led M (nine's ICuK'ialll
, Oil (lliis Astonished l'lijsklaim.
People who havo swollen veins or
bunehes should not wait until they
reaeh the bursting point, whleh means
much suffering and loss ot time, but
should nt once secure from anv i
liable druggist a two-ounco original
bottle of Moono's Emerald ofl (full
Ily using this powerful, yet harm
less germicide, treatment Improve
ment is noticed In a few days and by
its regular uso swollen veins will re
turn io inclr normal slzo and suf
ferers wll! cease to worry. Moono's
Emerald Oil treatment is used by
physicians nnd in hospitals and is
guaranteed to accomplish results or
hioney returned.
It reduces all kinds of enlarged
glands, goitres nnd wens nnd is used
exclusively in many largo factories as
an unfailing first aid to tho injured
Heath's Drug Store and West Side
Pharmacy can supply you. Adv.
Only occasionally are we privileged to show
a photo-dramatic creation of sucfi magnificence
nnd dramatic power as "Enemies of Women,"
tho brilliant picturization of Vlncente Ulusco
Ibnnez's famous novel.
We sincerely advise those who seek the
truly big things of the motion picture art not
to miss it.
More than , a million dollars was spent in
bringing to the screen this thrilling narrativo
of Kurope's gilded society life, with Its mag
nificent palatial settings, its unparalleled lux
ury, its great cast of prominent players.
Against the background ot Paris, Petrograd,
Nice and tho Riviera where the drama was
photographed, are staged the revels and in
trigues, the tragedies ot the Monte Carlo gam
ing tabies, the red course of Russia's revolu
tion, the echo of the battlo fields combining to
niaks ono ot tho most absorbing narratives of
screen history. . - . .
to the '
Radio Buying Public
Do not buy radio sets unless they
rt manufactured by a reliable fac
tory. t
At present there ar all kinds of
small (so-called) factories manufac
turing Inferior goods.
Some radio sets give results at all
times, some work - occasionally. Get
one that Is consistent.
Virgin's Radio Service
II- "vg.v--' wv. r
t . m cHV Jk :k -n-v t 1 mn-
II ..M mWiAWYS ' :- "
! -wsmm, ' r,. x 1 tonight!. -1 1
II 35?RWSy - in, X ' OLUnl ""' ILB'
Sg7- - ' . 4 - i SON and Antonio I g
' " ' - "' I a . Moreno In I
tnemies -a
' ' "' r. - mm C ergo BEN TURPIN
'" 1. I "t, m". tFMi a. IfJ "Wnerln' My
L ' l l , aBm I D iM WW l Wandering Boy
J " V A J 1 I 0 1 1 This Evening?"
r Bu Vicente Blasco Ibanez I
I 1 Ljonel Barrqmore ; '
Alma Rubens Ao
.un ond an all star cost , liL ..