MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1923 GOSPELTEAWIS TO ' i BRYAN SUFFERS r FOLLOWING UN SISTER'S 8TEP8 YOUNG WIFE FREED 5 BY KLAMATH JURY ANOTHER DEFEAT I'AOK TWO GobppI Iraini will hold services as follow next Bunduy, May 20: Union School House on tho Little 'Applo Riito nt 3 p. m. Every one on tho I.lttlo nnd Hlg lAunlrnato is invited to this service. Huv. K. P. Lawrence will hivn fhnreo rif thly tpnm. AImo services will bo held at the Tablo I to other business today. INDIANAPOLIS, iMay 18. With the work of electing a moderator out of tho way, the .general assembly of the Prosbyterlan church In the United States, In session here will got down Rock school house Sunday evening; at 8 p. m., by a team 1u churgo of CaHh Wood, Y. M, C. A. director for Jack son county. - Kov. Jnsoph Angel of Phoenix will preach at the 1'reHbyterlan 'chapel at Hutte Falls on 'Sunday evening at 8 p. m., to which service everyone the community Is Invited. You'll Say He Hit It when that big chocolate - covered caramel and nut Bambino Bar ttept up to the plate and ' twinge on that : fast-coming appe A Whole Mrnl for At this afternoon's session, the Rev. Lewis Mudge, the stated clerk, will report on overtures sent down to the presbyteries by the goneral as sembly. Dr. Charles F. WlBhart, presldont of Wooster college, Wooster, Ohio, was elected 'moderator at yesterday's session after a spirited race with Wil liam Jennings Bryan. Capacity'Iricreased At Lumber Mill "Work has been completed at the Brownloe-Olds Lumber . company which enabled them to start the sec ond side of tho mill on Thursday. This not only increased the number of ! employees, but greatly Increases the production of lumber,. both sides of the mill having a capacity of from 100,000 to 125,000 feot per day. The Jogging camps uro supplying plenty of logs, tho big pond at tho mill being well filled. .PARIS The three leading French K lift l s "Ks&vSb, i 58 I KLAMATH FATXS. Ore.. May 18 Mrs. Mabu Nichols, 23 year old wlfo of W. F. "Nichols of Ellensburg, Wash., was acquitted late yesterday by a Jury 'which deliberated forty five minutes on evidence adduced at her trial for the killing last Decem ber at Summit stage station of Rob ert Oreer, who she alleged Induced her to desert her husband and five yenr-old daughter. Earlier yesterday Mrs. Nichols on the stund told of being abducted from her home by Oreer "and taken to Bend,- Ore., and later to the stage station in "Klamath county, where she snot him In a quarrel when ho do clnred he would - force her ' into night life. . IS Dester Cummlngs of Chicago who Is rivalling his Bister, Edith Cummlngs, airplane manufacturers and the) noted woman golfer, for honors. His French government were ordered by French civil courts to pay f, 600,000 francs to Robert EBnault-Pelterle,1 In ventyr,or the steering and stabilizing control known as tho "joy atlck," jfo.r infringement of his patent. , playing so far- this year will rank him high In Intercollegiate" meets nnd ho Is likely to be the mainstay of the Tale team with absence of Jesse SweeUer. '"' '''''. "....., According to tho ronort recolved from Homo Sonice Headquarters of me salvation, Army there has been approximately J1500 raised which is half the amount needed for the main tenance of the local work for the coming year. . , ' There wi.'t bo a ' tag' day held to morrow at which time the Salvation Army representatives will be station ed at the principal corners fo dispose of tags. It Js the desire of the Sal vation' Army officials to wind. up the cnmpalgn . by Monday or Tuokday at tho latest. 'There are several friends of the army -who have, not yet been Been and who hovo not yet mo)lod In their check or their pledge card and by the time. these returns have been received, it is expected that the quoin will be almost cached. EUGENE, Ore. May 18. Mayor Peterson,' City Attorney O. H. Foster and Chief of Poice Christensen yes terday tendered their resignations to the Eugene city council to take effect May 28.' No public statement was made as to the reason tor this action but It 1b generally known that there has been friction, In the .council over the reappointment by the mayor, of roster and Christensen at the first of the present year.' WCHITO ' Mr. Roe Gordon of Beagle left Monday for Wallowa to stay with his daughter Olllo. Mr. French and . Mr. Sanderson have been helping Mr. Lucus build .their sheep dipping vat. Mrs. Chapman,, Ella and Victor Chapman attended the play at tho .high school at Moonvllle. Mr. Copley will leave shortly to go to work with his team. .... Mr. and Mrs. George Stacey and Mr.., Sanderson .drove their sheep up Tuesday to Mr. Lucas to dip. . Earl Case has sold all . his wood in the tree and will fell tho trees. Mr. Hull of the Modoo was up to W. C. Chapman's Saturday. Seven young men have taken up homesteads on the upper Evans creek district thlB winter and spring. Mr. ,C. S. Sanderson', .of Central Point,- made a trip to the Meadows the past week. , , Clare Vinson, who is working near Phoenix, was home Sunday to visit his paronts. - .Claude Chapman and family were out from Medford to visit home folks Sunday. . . ... .. , Snm Gordon, who Is working at Klamath Falls was home the past week visiting friends in Beagle and Antloch and left Monday to return, SHELL Gasoline is aheavydutymotor ; fuel"on the job"where ' the grades are steep " and tie going is rough. It has power for every purpose. Put it to the severest tests and you'll never find it c wanting. SHELL COMPANY 1 ) OF CALIFORNIA WOOD ' : ' t. ' We save you . money on Manznnlta, Oak, Fir and Pine, Call VAN FLEET, Phone 745-J WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRFST-O-UTB BAlTKRl STATION "Friendly Service" '-- Phone DOS Jt&H-i May 14 lfmi. -'TB? Uf" 3 KSI ' -i-RMM -1 Tia ' I & I -fluBJ U Dl JTti - DMI Ul f HI - TC- 1 I II . '"( frBl ,, H P&Jtl - IS, e!s5Jk II. i 'III yy" J:'",',,luvn'awgI,wi II " -r-'t May 14 to 19 12 LV'diiiiraA'ii'KfSt 'SI Your Place the Easiest Way YOU WILL FIND IT A PLEASURE TO USE THE GOOD TOOLS OFFERED AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: j Steel Rake, waxed handle...:..$1.3D Grass Shears '. .45 Dandelion Puller .1,25 Grass Hook, saw steel .75 '"Hedge Shears 1 2.25 Turf Edger 1.30 The highest grade Red Rubber Hose, Rainbow brand, per ft....20o Remember our prices are subject to 5 CASH DICOUNT. . , MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE CO. PAINT V? BRIGHTEN UP Your Home DURING CLEANUP WEEK Wo Have Some Attractive Values in PAINTS AND WALL PAPER ' Your selection in colors and shades of Paints and stains. A wide variety of Designs and Tints of Wall Paper. THOMPSON, THE PAINTER 126 N. Front St. - , Phone 464 WARM WEATHER BRINGS FLIES Begin the Faint-Up, Glean-Up Campaign by screening your windows and doors. We can make to order SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS ' ."EVERYTHING IN WOOD WORK" WINDOW GLASS TROWBRIDGE CABINETWORKS Cor. Grape and 10th .- Medford 4I7.Y ITn' During- T LX-Up Clean-Up Week" We're at your service in our new location at' 19 ' North Fir Street. - SHEET METAL-JIot airlicating, skylight and roof work. Down spouts' and gutters... Slowcrs " and ventilating systems. ' , . . ,' ... , "- ' PLUMBING High class fixtures, all plmlibing jobs. . HEATING Ilot water and steam heat Areola systems. -Phone 620 for Prices or Estimates ' MODERN PLUMBING & SHEET METAL CO. Beautify J,'S. ! During the "Paint-Up, Clean-Up" Campaign When you clean up jour yard, why not plant Flowers We can supply you bedding plants' of the finest quality. No investment can bring more real pleasure throughout the year than an investment in Flowers. MADDOX & BONNEY 1005 East Man St. Phone 374 DON'T FORGET YOUR CAR DURING CLEAN-UP WEEK We Have the Most Modern, Complete CAR WASHING RACK 'IN SOUTHERN OREGON Steam and warm water cleans motors and washes off grease'1 and dirt. Let Us Handle Your Next Job Prnof fl T BATTERY & ELECTRIC SHOP 1 1 Cai-U-Llie Remington and Willits 114 N. Front St. Telephone 903 Clean Up Your Ranch Discard tho old dilapidated fences and install a good PAGE FENCE. Place your order while our present stock lasts. Later factory shipments will cost you more. Mako your reservation now and wc will save you money. GADDIS & DIXON Phone 268 34 N. Riverside MAYORS CLEAN-UP PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: It bai been the ' usual custom to set aside a cleanup week (Turing the early Spring of each year, bo that our City will present the bent appearance during the summer season, nd ; WHEREAS: v It Is of the utmost Importance thnt this work be accomplished at once for the proper protection ot the health of our Cltlicns, as well as to eliminate every possible tire hazard during the dry months ot the year. NOW THEREFORE, aa Mayor ot Modford, I ask for the prompt cooperation of every clttcen during Cloan-l'p Wook, In cleaning up and removing all rubbish, tin cans, garbage and other refuse matter from on and around tholr premises; thereby elim inating all the natural Incubators for tiles. Also to remove any shacks or unsightly buildings, paint up other buildings so l.i'H possible, cut all weeds and grass from lots and park strips, payl n particular attention to vacant property. And further to take a special interest In helping to make our City the cleanest, healthiest and most attractive place In which to live. ' E. C. GADDIS', Mayor. During the Opening Week, of the - Paint-Up,' Clean-Up ' Campaign, we will bffer SPECIAL PRICES on DRAPERY, CURTAIN AND RUG (V CLEANING .... Yt; Quick careful work expert cleaning ofthe'; ! J finest of garments Phone 244 " - U R.B.HOLLGPETER DRAFTSMAN AND BUILDER Plans for all buildings. ' Tile work' and store fronts a specialty. A good show window is your best means of advertising Why not a tile front?