V, PA (IK TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY, Ifi, 1923 ! : fit Hi It i ;M li ill tjEookJbr tfiis hi the Deahr'sUVinclow " 1 g . SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE COUPE ' I ;,:New Price I II Detroit .EfTjj ' II II The world has never known - J!- II an enclosed car of this type " j at a lower price. No car at "II I'. k any price has ever offered a, I I l greater value. w II llll Place your order , now to In- ,l HI r6ure early delivery. Terms - HI ' . if desired. : ... . l I I I Ileinemlior our Weekly Payment Plnn "I 11 I C.E.Gates Auto Co. J I III Comer 01 li unci Pacific llltiliway I I Wholesale Prices! . i We will mount not to exceed two high qunlity, i fully guaranteed tires at absolutely wholesale prices tui the first one hundred ears that appears at, our station with this advertisement. Quaker State Oils i Associated Products 1 Shell Products ", Armory Service ' Station i Pacific Highway at Jackson St, Medford, Oregon Armstrong & Wolff IBS YANKEES REFUSE TO TAKE CHANCES CHICAGO, May 16. (By the As sociated Tress) The New York Yankees start today on the last half of their western Invasion. On to St. Louis they go today having taken three of four from Detroit and two. all they played, from Cleveland. They battered Detroit for the third time yesterday 9 to 6 In all uphill game in which Plmer Smith starred as a pinch hitter. Cleveland made It three straight from Washington, 10 to 9, in a slam bang contest and. kept within ear shot of the Yanks and a respectful distanco above Philadelphia, whose mettle they measure today. Both tho Boston-St Louis and Philadelphia- Chicago games (were, prevented' by bad weather. John McCJraw utilized a day by casting .off two pitchers, on one of whom, George Walberg, the lumber- Jack southpaw, he saved JIG, 000 McGraw had until yesterday to pay (19.000 or return the pitcher to the Portland club of the Pacific Coast league. The other hurler, Fred John son, was sent back to the San Anto nio club of the Texas league from which he came. The re-instatement of "Rosey" Bill Ryan made the loss of one of the recruits an ,easy one and left the Giant manager with only one player above the limit. In the only game not called off In the National because of inclement weather yesterday, St. Louis beat Boston, 10 to 5, gaining half a step on the Giants. - W a i 'a 3 ; t r v X ,r f. Yesterday's Results. National. St. Louis 10; BoBton 6. Others postponed, rain. American. New York 9; Detroit 6. Cleveland 10; Washington 9. Others postponed, wet grounds. Coast. San Francisco 1; Salt Lake 6. Seattle 6; Los Angeles 6. Portland 1; Oakland 2. Vernon 11; Sacramento 4. ColU'RO , Base-ball. At Walla Walla: Whitman 4: Gon- raga 6. " i At Moscow: Idaho 6-8: Montana 2-6. At Eugene; . Oregon 4; Washing ton State 10. New Washington ShoU. BRATTLE. May 16. A new shell. the most ambitious effort of George Pocock'a life, will carry tho Univer sity or Washington crew when it races with the oarsmen of the east in tho national intercolleglato regatta at Foughkeopslc, June 88. The shell. Tyeo, in which two Husky crows have won every race except that at Pough- keepsle last year, will fall to the; freshmen for tho Poughkecpsle con test. - ' The new shell has foot rests made of four-ply, Philippine .mahogany, de signed to prevent tho rower's foot from slipping and to resist breaking. The outriggers will be conDcr coat ed ror effect on the eye. Pocock. working In a loft over the university boat house, laid the keel of the shell Maroh 19 and expects to have It In the -water May 24. . Mr Bout In Chicago, CHICAGO, May 16 Mickey Walk er, world's welterweight champion will meet Cowboy , Padgeett of Do lores, Colo., In a ten-round boxing bout here tonight and In the same ring Gene Tunney, the American ltght'-heavywelght champion, will face Jimmy j)elpey.' protego of Gibbons, tho St. Paul 'phantom, who Is a manager. Say "Bayer" and; Insist! t'ruVes too. see the name "Bayer" or package or on tablets you are not got liuff the genuine Barer product pre serihed hv -nhv-siciam over tvpratv-two years ami proved safe by millions fm Colds Toothache Earache Kcuralgia "Haver Accept Headache I.otmhago Rheumatism Pain, Pain Tablets .of Aspirin" onlr. Ksrh unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes ol twelve tablets cost lew cent. Drug gist also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin in the trade rosrk .of FUrer Msmifsrturo of Monoaceticacidostcr of Efelicvliracid. ' vWATCH YOUR BATTERY . raSST-OJ JTK RAXTXBt BTAT10!! "Friendly Sc-nTtc-a' rhone 008 Anne Roselle, Prima Donna The career of Anne Roselle, tho young Hungarian prima donna who will appear here with the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra Monday, May 21, matinee and evening, has been ' a series of startling successes and tri umphs . both abroad and in America. At the age of fourteen while singing at a Music Festival In Budapest, she attracted the attention of Franz Lehar the composer. He personally brought her to the notice of Mme. Sidy Ra flosy, director of the Rakosy Academy of Art, and it was in this famous acad emy that Anne Roselle began her studies. After three years she was elected to sing all the big parts in operetta at the Royal theatre in Buda pest, beginning there her operatic career. Anne Roselle appeared in the Merry Widow. Her brilliant success in this popular opera brought the young girl prima donna into world-wide promi nence. This was followed by a series of sensational successes and triumphs including "The Bat" She later took up grand opera and has been a won derful success. Miss Roselle is an artiste with a creative force underlying a perfect voice and operatic schooling. It is this unusual gift that makes her grand opera performances unique, infusing into roles old with tradition the pulse ot a new life. It is tills that makes her audiences thrill with strange emo tions and sweeps them off their feet. Banner Musical Comedy ' What promises to be the banner musical comedy of the season Is the coming engagement of Mclntyre and Heath nt the Pago theatre Tuesday night. May 22, in their new musical play called "Red Pepper." It might be of interest to know that "Red Pep per" Is a race horse, in which the two fun makers are interested. You will be surprised to learn Just how much trouble a race norse can make for a couple of humorous Negroes who have traveled to Havana in search of a fortune. Naturally the "trouble" fur nishes plenty of fun for the audience, but at the same time there is quite an exciting thrill when two thoroughbred horses race across the stage in full view of the stage, with "Red Pepper" winning by the tip of his tongue. The race track scene is ucrliaps the. most elaborate reproduction of the famous race course at Havana ' 'ever constructed. '. '. ' Wes Barry at Page Wesley Barry, the thirteen-year-old boy actor, in "Hags to Riches," opens at the Page theatre today for a run of four days. Wesley Is the same '.freckled, fun. loving, mischievous lad who dolighted thousands In "School Days"; the same youngster who runs the gauntlet of glorious ncraps and shuffles out of them with a coolness which has been the envy of every youngster and grown-up seeing him on the silver screen. .The taking of certain parts ot'Rags to Riches" is said to have been at tended by great danger to both Wesley Harry, the producer, director and cam eraman. In one Instance Wesley, hold ing fast to the side of a trestle while a train roared past, found his strength give way, and dropped fifty feet into the whirlpool below. Famous Screen Horse, Rlalto One of the most unusual attractions Is at the Rlalto theatre this week, where "Just Tony" is opening today. Jt Is based upon Max Brand's novol, "AlcatrBt," is the story of a horse a horse that is a leader of his desert band of mustangs. He Is finally cap tured by man and placed In an Inclo sure. Tho man beats and punishes him and the animal In his hatred kills the man and escapes back to the plnins and heroines, the leader of a band of wild horses. He hates all mankind and from thenceforth does everything In his power to Injure man kind. He lets loose their horses, and they In turn offer a reward for him dead or alive, and then comes the real man into tho life of Tony. The acting of Tony, who is Tom Mix's famous horse, is almost human. On the same offering Is a supercom edy feature called "Dandy Dan." Quick Starting SHELL GASOLINE YOU want perfect cpmbus tion. in gasoline. Shell deliyers it. You want, a con tinuous flow of power in ' your motor- Shell delivers it. - You want maximum mileage from casoline. Shell delivers it. When you get these qual ities in sasohne, economy i follows as a matter of course. ; For sale at any of the Yellow and Red SHELL Service Stations and at . . . , garages that display the Shell Signs. .SHELL COMPANY . OF CALIFORNIA Got the soft paper pon.cn tablets for school at this office, ti Greatest :Resources - of Jackson .County In the upper Rogue River Valley, hnlf way between Jletlford and the Crater Inke, from the foot of Mt. McLaughlin to the summit of tho Umpqua water shed, are located Oregon's greatest resources. They are timber, water power and play grounds. , The California Oregon Power Company, managed by Paul Bunyan McKee of Medford, is harnessing this great liquid hydro electric power as it tumbles from the summit of the Cascades to the sea. He tames this great giant and brings it as a servant to our homes. . This power is necessary for the development of the lumbering industry. . The Brownlee Olds Lumber Company is the pioneer developer of the timber. It is now actively engaged in the manufacture of lumber. With forty-five miles of railroad, reaching from it's mill at Medford to the foot of Mt Mc Laughlin, it taps this virgin forest, consisting of five billion feet of merchant able timber. i Through the. development of ejectric power and railroads there are now several tracts of timber available for immediate or future operation. Supply and demand determine the rapidity of the development of .these, re sources. Various industries will develop here as market conditions warrant. Give your moral support be a booster! t WOOD We save you money on Manzanlta, Oak, Fir and Piuo. Call VAX FLEET, Phone 743-J GIM CHUNG China Herb Stora This is x-y oerurj rnst aim cnung of Medford. Ore has oured m of. goltrt and etomnch trouble, 8. M. Leonard, 50 J St., Grants Pass. - This Is to certify tht Olm Chung ol Hertford, Ore., has cured me of rupture f four years' standing. F. O. Isham til 8 St., Grants Pass, Ore. Medford. Oregon. Jan. It, 1IT. This Is to rtlry that X, the under fljrned. had very severe stomach trouble and had been bothered for several Tears and last August was not expected to uve, ana Bearing or uim inung twnoea Herb store la at 114 South Front street, Medford), I decided to get herbs for my tomach trouble, and 1 atarted to feeling better as soon a 1 ueed them and today am a wel1 man and win heartily recam mend anrona afflicted as I waa to sea Olm Chung and try Ma Hrfc .(Signed) , W. B. JOHNSON. Witnesses: Win, Lewis, Regie Point. W. U Chl.Wh., RMgle Point. fl. A. Anderson. Medford. 8. B. Holmes, Ragle Point, " C. E. Moore, Kagl Point. v I. V. Melntrra. Eaa-la Point. ueo. von aer Heiien. Bag; Ft 111 as, K. Hlcaola, Baal Point. Point Community Hospital 843, East Main Street Medford Oregon For care of medical, surgical and obsterical cases. Complete surgi cal' equipment, combined with f ) a homelike environment. v ;, , ii-p. jt.r;' f "'V-