PAGE fWO MEDFOKTV MATL TRIBUNE. -MEDFORD. OREfiOy, "WEDNESDAY, MAY. Ifi, 1923 Thre was born to Mr. and Mrs. Tf 1 m J I cleave Wilson of Sams Valley on May M tlVAll 11 f LIZ 9th, a girl. m . ' si' Tlie attractive nay tile front on the B -)YQfYI ft I Rex Cafe, building was the work of ii. ii. iiouopeter or tins city. Air. Hollbueter Is a well known draftsman The ladies of the Oreater MedforU and builder here. Manners lor fabric and cord tires. club request persons who have flow era to donate them for the decoration of the Presbyterian ctlurcli, where the convention of the Oregon State Fed eration of Women's club will be held next week. . Anyone wishing to assist by glvjiig flowers Is requested to call Mrs. C. E. Blee. - Corsaga flowers for organey dresses Handicraft Shop, -j , Mattresses, new and made over. Phone 104. 32 N. Grape. . 66 ' Hiram F. Mender and wife leave today for West Danville, Vermont, for a three months visit. Eastern Star Social club will give a card party at the Masonic hall tonight. May 16th. '.Everybody welcome. 47' Write or telephone 444 and we'll come and get your application for, bail insurance. Holmes, the Insurance Man. 48 Jack Homstreet, caretaker of Crater . Lake lodge during lust winter and this spring, and who has been connected with the working force of Crater .Na tional park for several years, is of the opinion from his familiarity with open ing conditions at Crater Lake that by June 10th the road, will be open all Die way to the rim,. , Mr. Hemstreet arrived in the city from Crator Lake with. Superintendent Thomson yester day and will return there Sunday. - Newbury and Newbury .have re placed their typewriter equipment with a ,new Royal .purchased of .the Medford Book Store. 46 There's a busy , Business . Cpllego in Medford. OWN. , Mary Moore , dresses In original i BtyleB for children. Handicraft Shop. , 49 High school -"- physlaal . training classes are now allowed the privilege of Including swimming In the curricu lum and taking their physical educa tion period in the big pool at the Nat. which has been thoroughly renovated and remodeled. - . Eastern Star Social club will give a card party at the Masonic hall tonight, May 16th. Everybody welcome. 47 Crescent orchestra Eagle Point Sat., May 19th. 49 R. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe's. The city treasury will begin to bulge If It lias a few, more days like today. Last night a young woman and a whole flock of young men were creat ing a disturbance in varlouB parts of town. Residents sent out calls for the police and finally nine boys, whose ages ranged from 16 to 18 years were apprehended. The girl was said to be somewhat the worse for wear be cause of an over-indulgence In the moonshine of the bottled variety. This morning the girl. was assessed a flue of 860 In police court and this after noon the nine boys. were, each fined 110 for disorderly conduct. The dri ver's license was taken away from the girl '.for ..six months.rOrants Pass Conrjer, . i Let us with , your summor dresses by hemstitching. .Handicraft Shop. . - 49 Poxboii's dahlias half oft from list balance of season in lots of six or . more. R. H. Pnxson, Central Point. CO Crescent orchestra Eagle Point Sat., May 19th. . ". 49' R.H. Whitehead and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Pellett left Tuesday by, auto for southern California. They expect to be gone several weeks.' Fast color Swiss novelty, sport hand kerchiefs. Handicraft Shop. . 49 Hail! Hall! Hall! and no Insurance. Good-bye profits from your crop. Bet ter soe Holmes,, the Insurance Man. Studebaker Light Six 11190 t o. b. Medford. . , , tf Walter Bowpe'a special -roadster which baa. recently .come .out of the paint, shop has caused considerable interest and comment wherever soen. The oar Is a 1912 Stearns-Knlght .with a Bleeve valve motor which has seen eighty thousand miles .of service and has consistently Improved With use, according to Mr. liowno. It Is a rath er unusual car, the motor, and transmission- being Stearns-Knlght accom panied by a Cadillac roar axle, a Tim- ken front axle, Studehoker roar springs, Willys-Knight head lamps, llulck Sport fendors, Oldsmobile Igni tion switch and a "27-8 Petry cutout, the largest in Jown." When the mo tor was overhauled not a single new part,. was put. In, even the' bearlugs being, merely.. tightened, according to Howue. The epeclul work on the car has been, done entirely . In Medford, C. E. Collins body works making top and boy, 13. O. Bradley doing the paint job and the mechanics nt the Busy Cornor Motor company doing all tho work or alteration on the chassis. ', I am going to Brown tor my shoes. . . Kodak films at DeVoe's. REAPING, BENEFIT! From tho Kxpcrlonco of Medford ,. i ,JVoilv , We ore fortunate-Indeed to bo ablo to profit by tho exuorlonee of our neighbors. The public utterances of Medford residents on tho following subject Will interest and benefit many of our renders. Itend this statement. No be(tor proof can bo hud. II.' L. Kaufman, 843 N. Ornpo St.. Modford, soys: "I know tho vuluo of Dunn's Kidney Pills, ns 1 hnvo used them off and on for years with good result. At times my kidneys were disordered, due to a cold nettling on them and my bnck was In me and ached severely. My kidneys nrlod Ir rrguWly nt these times, too, but Bonn's Kidney Pills hove nlwnys re lleved .these troubles and put my kidneys In ood condition." ' Price 0c at all dealers. Von t sim ply ask for a, kidney remedy get Donn's Kidney Pllls-lhe nm thnt Mr. Kaufman had. Koster-Mllburn Co.. Mrfs.. Buffalo, N. Y, , Adv.! Medford Vulcanizing Works. tf Brown says be has a nice line of gymnasium tennis shoes. 4S A good time was reported this morn ing by persons who attended the holts' Shirtwaist dance last night. Herb Alford and the Imperial orchestra fur nished the. music and Alford and his musical saw were a feature of .tho evening. .Linen plllowtop to embroider on sale for 60 cents Saturday. Handicraft Shop. 49 Crescent orchestra Eagle Point Sat., May 19th. 49 , Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. ' .' . -tf .Oscar Knox and son OHn, according to the Jacksonville Post, left last week to take charge of their sawmill busi ness near Klamath Falls, i Joe Holub and Joe Wetterer went along and will be In their employ this summer. Mr. Knox has turned his mall carrying contract over , to V. L. Beach. Studebaker Light Six $1190 f. 0. b. Medford. , tf You can get It at BeVoe's. tf Valley Fuel company are delivering 12-inch green slab wood and edgings for 81.37, and up per tier, in lota of 1 tier or more. 16-lnoh at $1.76, per Her In lots of 3 tier or more. Investigate, Mill .blocks,' edgings, .and (ill other kinds. of. dry fuel in proportion. Phone 76. ..,.,' tf Unique advertisements printed on both Bides of a cardboard representing the shape of a fez, and calling atten tion to the big ceremonial that will be held In Ashland on May JiGth next,. by Hlllah temple, Mystic Shrine, were distributed In the business section of the olty today. Woven novelty handkerchiefs, war ranted fast color. Handicraft Shop. 49' Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. tf New showing of beads In all colors and varieties just opened. The Med ford Center Jewelry Shop. . DU ' The Memorial Day annual Issued by State Superintendent Churchill for the Memorial Day observance In the pub llo schools of Oregon Is being distrib uted to the commanders of the Grand Army of tho Republic posts, regents of the Daughters of the .American Revolution and to jtachers and super intendents of Oregon schools..' Grand Army men will visit most of - the schools on Memorial day to read the Memorial day orders and otherwise participate in the program. Studobaker Light Six $1190 f. o.b. Medford. tf Colonial Garage for lire service. ' All kinds ot rough and dressed lum- ber, Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. , . ' Mr. nnd Mrs. L. V. Elowadt of Eugene -who are. on an auto tour south arrived In the city this morning and are guests nt the Holland. The first day ot the special Pppso- dent coupon week 21 coupoiiB were presented t Heath's Drug store by those desiring free tubes of this popu lar tooth pnsto. The coupon offer lasts; all week. ,Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf All kinds of rough and dreBsed lum- ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Halo. ' John Reed, formor Gold Hill post master loft yestorday tor a month or Blx weeks In the east and middle-west on business. While gone he will visit bis former home In Kentucky. ' .Dance at the Shasta tonlte. Premier orchestra. ' 47 , Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Brown bos a tine line of sandals- little and big ones. 48 Chos. Nelson loaves today on a busi ness trip to Salt Lake and . Ogden, Utah. . Mnson-Ehnnan Co. have purchased tholr fourth Royal typewriter of the Medford Hook Store. All four ma- ohlnes being In dally use. 47 Take your kodak films, to Palmer's studio. First class work and. prompt service. tC After tbe tire It is too late to Insure. See Redden ,& Canaday now. . . F. C. Hollbaugh, former assistant county, agont of UiIb county end who has been Columbia county agricultural agent for the past two years, will Rive up his duties In that county to accept the management of the Mngruder farm near Clutskaulo, for five years. Hollbaugh Intends to specialize In thoroughbred Guernseys and Barred Rocks. . Ho has also boon appointed ndvlBnr for one of the Clatskunle banks on farm loans. The Medford Vulcanizing Works sells 30x3 Vt tires for $3.60. tf Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co. ' tf Dance at the Bhasta tonlte. Premier orchestra, 47 Among Medford visitors registered at Portland hotels this week are Wil liam Von dor Hollon and Goorge G. Hewitt. 1 O. Ii. Brown and Louis Mabln made trip to Bray and Weed, Calif,, Sun day on business. On their car was tho red nnd white sign advertising tho automobile rnce on Juno 15th and 16th which caused considerable comment. Mr. Brown Is convinced that Mod rord'B method of advertising tho races In advance Is exceptionally good. Soveral loads ot afthes, good . tor filler or walks, for the hauling, In rear of Mall Tribune office. tf For sale Homo churned buttermilk by the quart or glnns. Crator lko Confectionery, Modford Center Bldg. 49 Mrs. llnryey Fields, Harvey Fields. Jr., and Mrs. Fields' fnther, W. I). Rob erts roturnod the first of tho week from a two weeks stay In Portland. Tho trip was mado by auto. For sand, gravel, sediment and team I work see Samuel Dntoinan, 303 Maple streot. Phone 91I-J, I The baccalaureate sermon inclden tal to the commencement exercises of the Kogue River high school will be given on Monday evoning. May 27th in Hope Community church of that city. The Benlor class play,, "The Money' Lender," translated from the Spanish by the students at the high school, will be presented at the Com inunlty ball on Monday night, Muy 21 Dance at the Shasta tonlte. Premier orchestra. 47 ' Crescent orchestra Eagle Point Sat., May 19th. 49 Danco,. Hot Springs, Wed. nito. . 47 Arrangements are already being talked of for holding the annual con vention of the Huckhoiinds contingent of tho local lodge of Elks at Prospect in June or July. The best Utah coal $13.00 delivered. Valley Fuel Co. tf Watch .our window display local models with latest hair dress. Med ford, Beauty Shop, Medford Center Bldg. 49 Cloudy weather is the prediction for Thursday, the same a It was for to day's weather. A year ago today was quite a worm one In Medford with a maximum temperature of 92 degrees. The hlghOHt temperature of yesterday was 83 degrees. . ' Brown says he fixes them while you wait. , 48' Colonial Garage for tiro service. 319 Fred L. Colvlg was among tho Med ford business visitors who spent yes terday in Grants Pass. Dance, Hot Springs, Wed. nlto. 47 . Maxwolls, Chevrolets, Chalmers, Hudsons, llulck Speed truck. Real bargains in these used cars. See Corwln, end of North Riverside Ave tf This is the soason for planting dahlia bulbs to got good results for full flowers. Planting too early brings summer blossoms. Paxsons Superb dahlia bulbs are all choice. Write or drive to Central Point and get your choice. Try a shave with an Autostrop razor and note the difference. Complete with blades and strop, one dollar. Medford Pharmacy. 47' Used cars at your own price. Bee Corwln end ot North Riverside avenue. tf Miss Pauline Johnson returned this morning from a stay In Corvallls over Junior Week-end with Lydia Dean and Josephine Hartzell. Enroute home she visited Dorothy and Marie Myers at the University of Oregon. We bave good values 1n used cars. Patton & Robinson. Inc. tf Newcomb has 16-Inch slabwood at $1.75 per tier, at much as you want, three tier or over. Also plenty of dry mill blocks. Order early. Phone 631. tf Mrs. Poter Deitrich, who underwent an appendicitis operation at the Sacred Heart hospital yesterday morn ing is reported as doing us well as can be expected. Dance, Hot Springs, Wed. nlto. . 47 For a limited tlmo only c genuine Autostrop razor complete for one dol lar. Medford Pharmacy. 47 One less thing to worry about it you carry Hall Insurance with Holmes "The Insurance Man." 48 When the Medford D. O. K.K. band was first approached regarding giving Sunday concert in Lithla park the reply was received thnt they would be glad to do so, and would make no churgo for their services other than actual , expenses. Carl H. ; Lovolnnd, director ot the Ashland Concert band and also a member of the D. O. K. K hand, attempted to settle with the Medford organization yesterday. When he inquired as to the amount of the expenses, he was told the charge was nil. The D. O. K. K, bnnd gave nn excellent program that was attondei by an unusually large crowd. Ash land Tidings. ' We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. It costs less than ever bofore to pro tect yourself against loss by bail. Soe Holmes, the Insurance Man. 48 Business at the ity auto camp has been picking up this week. Fourteen cars ot tourists stayed at tile camp lust night. Fourteen cars parked there Monday night and 15 cars on Sunday night. ' v' Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Bartlett. tf A genuine Autostrop razor, complete "1th blades and strop,' one ( dollar. Modford Pharmacy. " ' 47 Lieutenants ' A. Crindle and V. Yates of the Salvation Army at Grants Pass are spending today in this city. The patrol of Hlllah Temple, ot the Mystic Shrine met at the fair grounds pavilion last evenlug for the purpose of getting in shape for the Shrine cere- pionial, which will be hold Muy 25. -Brown has lots of shoes. 48 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 isast Main. It was announced this noon from the Crater Natiopal Forest offices here that the forestry office had final ly succeeded In getting the road open to Lake of the Woods from the Klam ath side, but that It would be probably two weeks yet before the road to the lake would be open from this side of the mountain. Do not buy an electric washer until we have demonstrated the new May tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf Brown has lots of gloves and travel ing bags. - : ' 48 A bid of $04,341 by Wm. Von der Hejlen for surfacing eight and seven- tenths miles of road between Trail and Prospect on the Crater Luke high way was opened In Portland today and was recommended for award by the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. Your complexion Is one ot beauty's greatest charms; keep its youthful appearance. Medford Beauty Shop. Phone 191-L. 49 Sergeant Glle, who landed at Barber Field-on Monday from Sun Diego, took off this afternoon at 1:30 in the U. S. Army De Havilland, which he is piloting. Ho will arrive at his destin ation, Vancouver, Wn., at four o'clock this afternoon, according to his plans. Mrs. Hoskins of Trail is in Ashland this week undergoing medical treat ment. Wonderful d Ifi pin j of new creations In earscrews just opened up at The Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 50 Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf ; BASEBALL SCORES l , i , . . , American. At CleVeland! t , It.' H. Philadelphia .' ...6 ' 10 Cleveland . . .". . . 0 U ltoiniuell and Perkins; Smith and Myutt. Coveleskle, At St. Louis Now York '. St. Louis Hoyt nnd .Hchung; Fruett and Sovereld. H. II. E. ..481 ..1 4 1 Vangllder, CHICAGO, May Chicago pu.stponed, 10.-ruln. 'Wa.shlngton- DKTISOIT, May 1C troit postponed;, rain.. -Boaton-De- I Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends for their assistance during the Illness and death of our loved one, and express our gratitude for tho beautiful floral offerings. MRS. E. WILCOX. MR. AND MRS. L. A. WILCOX MRS. G. S. HOFFMAN. Iicvliitluin Sails for Boston. NEW POUT NEKS. Vn., May lO. The steamship Lovluthan sailed from Nowport News . today for Boston wherq she will be ilrydocked for the fli)h,hing touches .of her ro-conul- tloninir for trans-Atlantic service. E. - Nutlonal. . At Boston . 1 ' ' It. H. St. Louis .0 15 3 Boston , .... .... .7 ID 3 Doak, llarfont and Clemens, . Mc Curdy; Marquurd, ' Kllllngim, Benton nnd O'Neill. At Brooklyn R. Chicago" ,...'.. '- .... i. 2 Brooklyn' , -. : 8 M. Dumovle, Ofihorne nnd roll; Dickerman nnd Taylor. II. B. 7 1 13 i O'Fur- At Now York It.' Pittsburg ' 2 New York .0 Morrison, Kunz nnd Gooch nnd Hnyder. H. 13. 4 1 10 1 ; . Scott -C'onHt Ijcngiie, SALT LAKE CITY. May 16. Salt Lake-San Francisco game postponed, wet grounds. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION o Seats On Sale Tomorrow Noon MATINEE AND NIGHT, MAY 21 ST The Biggest -Musical Event in Southern Oregon's . . History ; , ' : THE . ': ' MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. TWENTY YEARS OF UXAJIATKII si'CCKSS HENRY VERBRUGGHEN, Conductor MATIXEE I'KICKS: Lower Floor $1.50; Unlcony 1st 4 roms.Vl.GO; next 4 rowH $1,00; Inst -I rows 00c; j , i w NIGHT PRICES: Lower Floor $2.r0; Unlcony, 1st 4 rows $2.!i0; next 4 rows $i!.MI; next 3 rows $1.50; lust two rows $1.00. - (Xo War Tu.v) 6 Bell-ans Hot water . Sere Relief ELL-ANS 25t and 75 Packages Everywhere TOO LATE ' TO 1 CLASSIFY FOR SALE Wood and coal ranKO ,liot water coils; good condition. Phone 951-X or 1020 E. Eleventh St." 49 WANTED Let me hear from a sales man, married .man preferred, who knows ho can sell nationally adver tised, guaranteed merchandise. Chance to eitrn $200 a month with opportunity for advancement. See Mr. Ilerndon, Hotel Holland. 47 FOJl SALE Alfalfa in field, $8.00 ton on runcn just west ot uencrai 1'oinc. Phone C0O-.1-4. It. L. Wilson. 49 PAfLF TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY 22 MAIL OHDIiltg XOW WW- fiOUB JU5ILEEC . P&CQMEW , HOW TO SF.CUKK TIOKKTS HV MAIL Make chocks, money orderg pajalilc to I'ukc Theatre, inclose solf-ndtlrcsscd Mampctl envelope, to Insure Bufo relurn. ' V ' .-' ; : .' i I'KK'KS (Including War Tax): Lower floor $2.75; Ilulcony, 1st 4 ; rows. $-.20! next 4 lows $1.05; next it vows $1.10; last two rows . 55c. llo.v office sale Friday Noon, Muy 18th, &IMIillllllk1IIIIIMmL-M,,.MM,lnJ Handicraft Shop. , . Hemstltohlug. , Buttons covered. . , l'lootlnK. 8o.o yard. F. & E. Theatre CKNTRAIj 101 NX Mntlneo r'ery Hnturday 3 "r. ' M, Kiory Monday "COVXTUV STOftK" Thursday and Friday Ruth Roland in "The Timber Queen" and ' "Across the Divide" Admission lOc-aOc; Matinees 10c-S0p Grand Opening SATURDAY I Rex Bread and Pastry Shop A Handicraft SALE Pillow Tops stamp ed for embroidery. Worth up. to $1.50. Your choice, 60c One Day Only Sat. May,19 The Handicraft ti Shop i' . . . 1 II i " , ;I1 ) -lrmfFllr' v TsTpw ThHav 1 ; I I Z ': . A show i for thfe grown-ups and the I . '" 'yaix ' children, for every man and every wo- I ;' ' man a picture 3,11 the world will love. vVi kB .":r?ak mm': mmmmmil ' I W '"S b fit l ' aced with action, thrilling scenes A I M' WW( I'Wii' and stirring adventure interwoven in . ..,1 11 ' Kjt' '' i ' a beautiful story of romance, pathos and . s 1 1 . WjW' laU8hter- ' ' I ii (M..., ' "Freckles" is seen in one of the I lj I greatest and most lovable roles of his II If I VitOl ' (to career, supported by a stellar cast II III ' M which indues Niles Welch, Ruth Ren- I H fm7 ick Russell Simpson, Richard Tucker U I and Eulalie Jensen. Century Comedy Pathe News III "mj ' : ' "Betty" Brown 1(1 'I IlW'f' at the Mighty Wurlitzer ill ill-' PRICES : SUNDAY I " lif jV'Vl - Adults 35c "Truxton :f jf 'Ji . m King".