PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, AlEDFORD, OnKNfOXDAY. rAV 14. 192.1 Medford Mail tribune AN IKDHPBN (1RNT NEWSPAPER PUBLIHHKD KVKKT Al'TKUNOON . EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY TI1M MBUFOKO PH1NTINO CO. The Medford Sunday Morning Sun Is rumisnea suoscriuers uesinug a sorou day dally newspaper. Office Mall Tribune Building. 16-17-71 North Kir street. Phone 76. A consolidation of the Dmooratlo Times, the Meilford Mall, the Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonlan, The Ashland Tribune. ROBERT W. RUHL, Editor. 8. BUMPTER SMITH, Manager. BY MAIL In Advance: Dally, with Sunday Bun, year..7.50 Pally,' with Sunday Sun, month 75 Dally, without Sunday Bun, yeur.. 6.60 Dally, without Sunday Bun, month .66 Weekly Mall Tribune, one year..-. 2.00 fiunduy Sun. one year 2.00 fiv I'AHHIKR In Medford. Ashland, Jacksonville. Central Point. Phoenix, Talent and on Highways: . Dally, with Sunday Hun, month. ... .76 Dully, without Sunday Bun, month .86 Dally, without Sunday Bun, year.. 7.60 Dally, with Sunday 8un, one year 8.60 Ail terms oy carrier, casn in auvauua, Bworn dally average circulation Mix months etullng April 1, 1922. ! for 3528 more mun uuuuiu uu uumuwii othtT paper publiuhed or circulated iinv in Entered aa second cmna matter at Medford, Oregon, unaer act 01 jwarcn b, IBfV. MH.MBE11S OP THB ASSOCIATED PREfW, The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also to tho local news published herein. All rlKhts of republication of special dispatches nerein are aiso reimrvcu. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. An organization flnuntlng at tho maBtlioad the title of "Ounrdluna of Justice," Is underway, and It nooks lady monitors only, and has for Its object the keeping or a watch nil eye and ear upon court proceedings, wheroln the defendant Is charged with cruel and Inhuman treatment of tho Prohibition law. They ought to ac- compllsh something, ns the lawyers will address tho audience Instead of the Jury. NO MATTER, HENNA WAY (Roseburg News-Review) Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: What causes a, child to have red hair when neither of the parents, or relatives aa far back as any one can remember, has rod hair? My daughter has fiery red hair, and so far as wo know there has been no red hair on either side of the family. , . . MAT. There were no fatalities on tho country shindig front over tho week end, though hoofs and linrd oak cluiis wore swung right merrily, Just uerore sun-up. . For Salor-Black Jersey Giants, nlno bens and ono rooster. All lay.- (Klamath Falls Horald). That's un usual. V. , .' The time Is fast approaching when somebody will bIiow a little business gumption and launch a servlco station and auto, camp, along tho Specific Ulo way. A3 WERE THE MEASLES (8tayton, Ore., News) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doll's chil dren are all' over tho measles and are going to school again. The children of Mr. and Mrs. U A. Stadler aro also nil over tho measles with tho exception of Paul. . The committee- in charge of tho Juno auto rncos Is hard at work, and hope to bo able to worry along with as many special officers aa customers. ' All Is quiet In tho Empire of Oregon, roalm of Hokum, with the excoptlon of a minor rumpus In tho Portlnnd province. "Ladles of the Invisible Eye," at a meeting, knockod tho pious ness and. patriotism out or a man, the Gazookus of the Noble Optlo; It will soon be time to skin but (or tho opon places, whore there la no discarded gum wads to stop on. AH, THERE, MR. SMITHI , (Eugene Guard) Mr. Smith coming homo at noon discovered Uie fire and wns soon put out before much damage was done. Tho first bashful candidate for the ITS. sonato, from this state next year, lma Rhnwn tip on tho political skylluo. Ho Is "well known," though nobody evor heard of him boforo. ELKS SHiriTWAIST DANCE TO MORROW NIGHT It might bo worso. Scandalmonging has bean commer cialized and put on n paying basis In the enst. Lot us tncoriorato locally. ' Ono of tho world's great musical organizations coinoth next Mon. It Is hoped that more than tho usual hand ful of music lovers will got arfoctlou nte and attend. A long-handled brush should bo a part of every household tMiulpiuont. (Sun)- Why boys leave homo. , Oalshovlkt, No. 8, ago 37, In hnly torror of abnormal plumpness, de voured a bushel of spinach last woek, and ft pound was lost In the battle for leanness. Many such fear fnt more than Death, and will talk about notli 1ng else. An old fashioned xlne wash board In tho good old' days was a won derful foe of obesity. The class of '23 Is on the verge of Uradtintlon, ami six of I he lot made the riffle without coming to school In the family , , A REAL GREAT .SOCIAL ciaiij,'".s are (,'oins on. in England, Ifcforo the war iniirriuKUH like those of Princess Mary and thy Duku of York would have created tremendous sensations, but the war was a great leveller of classes, nnd these non-royal personages are nowaccepted almost as a matter of course, Only a few weeks af,'o leaders with the nobility at Lady Astor's. lime was had by all. And now the with dukes and countesses and tea. ' This situation calls attention to ish social system, and the extraordinary' political adaptability of the British ruling class. Instead of land into another Ireland, the British aristocracy is running. true to form and is concentrating upon the task of yielding enough to satisfy Labor without sacrificing certain class. In all likelihood the campaign government eventually, no doubt, merit. England will still remain an and service, Monareliial in form, Quill The will of the majority is busted Very likely Eve felt a little over-dresseu when she got her first eoat of tan. A concession in Turkey is a small body of oil land entirely sur rounded by hot water. It isn't so very difficult for a used car on his hands. Why go on a vacation when for be equally uncomfortable at home? Somn people pile trash in the book shelves. Science can 'explain everything chunk of ice will fill a drip pan Still, as a general thing, the only people who would be shocked by naughty books are too respectable to read them. Every lnwbnnd should tell his wife about his past sins so she will have something to talk about when she has a headache. Correct this sentence: "He prayed much, not to ask for things, but only to express his boundless thanks for blessings received." Correct this sentence: "Sho and did not move the davenport to RippIingRhqns' BEHIND U-pIlE LECTURE will begin at eight," and early to the hall A I walk j and there for weary hours I wait before tho great man starts his talk. - No doubt his spiel is worth the price, a slice of eloquence sublime; with mo it cuts no grass or ice; he didn't turn it loose tin time. "This drug store opens up at eight," a pla card in the window reads, and at the door I stand and wait, until my careworn bosom bleeds. I want to buy a two-cent stamp, I wait and wait, no druggist comes; tho weary legions past mo tramp, the tral'l'io of the city hums. That pharmacist has lost my trade, I'll buy his cards and stamps no more; the lying placard he. displayed has been a hoodoo to his store. I'm always waiting for some men who think that any hour will do; they say they'll come around at ten, and don't show up till half past two. , I've noticed that the careless, lads are seldom lodged in Easy street; while other gents reap fame and seads they find it hard to make ends meet. To be reliable is great, to have men know, beyond a doubt, that you will keep your every ditto, though down with flu or plagued with gout. Anil if you say, "At half past nine I'll be on hand to piling your pump," bo there, or else take in your sign, and make headquarters at the dump. Even on the coldest mornings Shell tnnoline gasifies readily. One ctep on tl.e starter, then the purr of a smooth-running motor nnd your car glides on on wiiisi of power. "Fill up" at any deal er's that. shows the yellow and red Shell signs. SHELL COMPANY Or CAUPIIRN1A SMART SET. alliances of the. royal family with of the Labor party broke, bread According to press reports a jolly labor leaders are playing tennis talking polities over their dishes of '''''. the amazing elasticity of the Brit fighting labor, and converting Eng fundamental traditions of their will succeed. There, will be a Labor but it will not be a radical govera aristoerucy of family, intelligence but essentially democratic in spirit, Points by tile surviving relatives. man to get on his feet if he has a the same sum of money, yon can alley, and some keep it in their except the reason a fifty-pound 7:J2 times. gave the house its spring cleaning the other side of th room." TIME. 111 i Avar- .ES BIG LEAGUES DUE THIS WEEK CHICAGO, May 14. (By Associated Press). , There may be some changes in the positions of various leading con tenders in both the American and Na tional leagues when the end of this week rolls around. The New York Yankoos ore meeting with stiff opposition In the home of the Detroit Tigers with Ty Cobb's men striving to pass Cleveland, now 23 points ahead, for second place. Cleveland continues with the Wash ington Senators today while Philadel phia, In fourth place, again plays Chi cago. In the National league but twenty points separate Pittsburg, in third place from St. Louis In second, while Chicago, fourth, is but 22 points be hind the Pirates. The New York Giants continue to hold a big lead, with but six games lost out of 24. Tho Yanks were defeated by tho Tigers yesterday, 4 to 1. The veteran, Covelesklo pitched the Cleveland Indians to a 5 to 2 victory over Washington while the White Sox nosed out the Philadelphia Athletics at Chicago 3 to 2. St. Louis blanked Boston 3 to 0. There were only two games In the National, St. Louis, Cin cinnati, Boston and Philadelphia not being scheduled. Tho Giants defeated Pittsburg 9 to 0. Chicago trimmed Brooklyn 5 to 2. Harry Hellmann of Detroit brought to 19 the number of consecutive games In which he has hit safely. Kenneth Williams made his eighth home run yesterday. Yesterday's Baseball Results National Chicago 5; Brooklyn 2. Now York 9; Pittsburg 0. ' No others scheduled. American Detroit 4; New York 1. Cleveland B; Washington 2. Chicago 3: Philadelphia 2. St. Louis 3; Boston 0. Coast Portland 5-3; Los Angeles 3-4. Vernon 8-3; Salt Lake 17-8. Seattle 4-6; San Francisco 6-10. Oakland 6; Sacramento 10. W1LLARD AGREES TO NEW YOUK, May 14. (By the lAsooclated Press) The proposed fight between Joss Wlilarcl ana ium i.-i.,.. ,...t,,,u Mnlnrrlnv in the. nmlll bouts' of tho' milk fund show at tho Yankee stadium, to soloct nn oppo fti .ifif Domnsev. was a step nearer completion today when Wil- lnrd agreed to meet xno coutn aihw lcnn n June 30 providing satisfac tory terms wero arranged. Johnson Gets Decision. uavama Mnv 14. The national boxing commission has awarded Jack Johnson tho decision in his tignt wun l?nrnioi- T.nilim hero. MaV 6. TltO fight ended In tho fifth round when Lodge snlci he was fouled. ' If Mothers Only Knew Dining theso days how many chil dren nro complaining of Headache Feverlshness, Htomnch Troubles and Irregular Bowels und take cold easily. If mothers only knew what Mother Clrny's Sweet Powders would do for their children no family would evor bo without them. Theso powders nro so easy and pleasant to take and so effective in their action that mothers who once uso thorn, always tell others about them. Sold by druggists everywhere. Trial package sent FltHE. Address Mother Gray Co., Lo Hoy. N. Y. Adv. SPECIAL! Hawiian Hay 50c Per Pound A chocolate covered cocoanut MEALS 50c Music . The Shasta Medford iron Works Our Spoelnlty Medford Quartz Mill Mining nnd Sawmill Machinery, (frnr-rnl Foundry and Machine) Work. 11. 13 N. Central St. l ru no I ill SALT LAKE LAD U IL BAN FRANCISCO, May 14. Pnul Strund, Salt Lake leader of the Pa cific Coast lougue sluggers last year, came up to tho top again and now leads the league's hitters with a per centage of .3U7. Ho has played In 37 gumes, vlsitod tho plate 150 times and has pounded out 02 hits. Walsh, San Francisco also obtained a percentage of .397, but he bns only played In 24 .games. The tabulations Include Sat urday's games. Others high among tho lenguo slug gers nro: Peters, Salt Lake .395 Eldred, Seattle .394; Ellison, San Francisco -38G; Schneider, Vernon !372: Leslie, Salt Lake .308; Poolo, Portlnnd .361; Bodio, Vernon .861; Smith. Vernon .360; Twombly, Los Angeles .359; Gressott, Portland .357; Hendryx, San Francisco .305; Yarynn, Seattle .355; Jones, Portland .354; Wolfer, Portland. .349; Griggs, Los Angeles .347; Wilholt,' Salt Lake .340; Valla, San Francisco .345; Compton, San Francisco .343 nnd Chadhourne, Vernon .336. In Imiso stealing, Kopp, Sacramento, leads tho field easily, having obtained 15 to his credit. Lane, Seattle, li second with 11. Johnson, Seattle, got 7, whllo Twombley, Los Angeles, Valla, San Francisco, Mollwltz, Sac ramento and Cohen, Oaklnnd, each stole six. SAN FHANCISCO. May 14. The standings of tho Pacific coast baseball clubs, Including yesterday's games, is as follows: , W. L. PC. 25 15 .625 23 16 .590 23 16 .590 22 17 .564 22 17 .564 14 23 .378 14 24 .368 12 27 .308 Los AEYS COLDS are soon "nipped In the bud without "dosing bv use of S Oocr 17 Million 'an Used Yearly SYNOPSIS, OP THE ANNUAL STATE MBNT OP The Commercial Union Fire Insurance Co. of New York, In Jhe State of New York, on the thirty-first day of December, lUa, mailn to the Insurance Commissioner of the atate of Oregon, pursuant to law; Cap tnl. Amount of capital stock, paid up $200,000,00 Income. Net premiums received dur- the year $1,508,018.02 Interest, dividends nnd rents received during the year.. 00.270.23 Total Income $ 1 ,(13 -1, 1. 2Z Disbursements. Net loeaes paid during the year Including adjustment expenses $ 80S.303.48 Divldt-nds paid on capital stock during the year 20,000.00. Commissions and italarles paid during the year 4t3,03D.03 Taxes, llceimes nnd fees paid during the year 68,010.30 Amount of all other expendi tures 00.750.27 Total expenditures f 1,42U,Q03.74 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value). , . .$1,00,038.00 Cash In banks and un hand. 24S,' Premium in course of rollfi-- tion written since Septent- 1 bef 30, 1H21 312,003.08 Interest and rents duo and . accrued .... 22,173.00 I j Total admitted assets $2,200,777.17 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses un paid S 213,973.00 Amount of unearned pre miums on all outstanding risks 1.3S8.737.04 Due for commission and brokerage tl.onp.00 Alt other liabilities 4S.04U.&4 Total liabilities, exclusive .of capital stock $1,054,751.18 Hun In cm In Oregon for the Year. Net premiums received during th year 12.SR7.7 Net lositea paid during the year 15,220.58 Not losses Incurred during the year 10,852.58 COMMKBCIA1, rNIOV FIRE 1XHUB- ANCB COMPANY, president. C, J. HOI.MAN, pacific Coast lira ncli Manager and Attorney in Fact. Secretary, IRA P. B. REYNOLDS. Statutory Resident Attorney for Service, ' Hon. Insurance Commissioner. KOC.aS AND PIEUCE, ABcnts, Medford, Oro. ' We Carry HAYES SPRAYERS 1 1-2 horse power to 8 horse power i Most gallon pounds for your dollar Williams Implement Service 28 S. Bartlett Medford Kodak Finishing for thoso who domnnd tho best. Swem's Studio 817 K. MhIi Mo.lford VATCH YOUR BATTERY PRKST-O-LITK BATTERY STATION 'Friendly Servlco" 1'lione 003 7 YOUR LAWN! IS IT THRIFTY? , You ran chase out the YELLOW SPOTS in your lawn with G RO M O RE CEO-MORE is easily applied. r fJKO-MORE is odorless. ' (iRO-MOKE will change your lawn in a week's time. BUY A SACK TODAY Monarch Seed Co. Use Gro-More and Irrigate Less Phone 260 317 E. Main Elks Shirtwaist PARTY TICKETS $1.10 COAST TIRES "WEAR DEFIERS" Made in the West for Western Roads. We personally guarantee, and will adjust them right here. Our square liberal treatment and high quality pro duets should induce you to make our station your station. Veedol and Quaker Associated and Shell State Oils Products Monogram Mobile Oils We Alemite and Grease Your Car Armory Service Station Pacific Highway at Jackson St, Medford, Oregon Armstrong & Wolff $10 Down and $5 a-Week buys some good used cars, all ready to go. None of these cars are priced over $100.00. We have a good used Ford truck, new tires all around One Big Six Stude baker and a Biiick roadster. Excep tional bargains. ' HIT THE TRAIL FOR HITTSON'S Hittson . Motors 36-40 S. Fir Phone 57 TUESDAY MAY 15,9 P.M. Last Dance of the Season O.V.MYERS "The Truck Man" MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS W N. Holly Phone 86 GIM CHUNG k China Herb Store ..T,h.,B J" A rtlry thut oim Otinnif of Medford, Ore., has cure me of coltr and Htomnch trouble. 8. Ji. Leonard. 509 J St., Orasta Paaa. MTJi'"JsA cerl"y that Olm Chung ot iHecuora, Ore., has cured me ot rupture 413 H St., Orants Pass, Ore. Medford, Oregon, Jan. 18. 1917. Is "Ufy that 1. th under B, , ' .h?a ver' severe storoaoh trouble nd had been hothered for several year and lust AuBust was not expected to live, and hearing of Olm Chung (whow' nr'IVVS aL2!.4 8ou,h o "two. Hertford), 1 doclded t get herbs for my stomach trouble, and I started to feeling bottcr as voon as I used them and today am a wel- man and can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as I waa to see Olm Chung and try his Herbs. (Signed) y. It. JOHNSON. Witnesses: JVm. Lewis, Eagle Point ' W. U Chtldreth. Eagle Point M. A. Anderson, Medford. 8. B. Holmes, Basle Point. 9- $ -.'re' l?9 Pollt J. V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point. Oeo. Von der Hetlen. Eagle Point Tons. JB. Nloholm. EamTfcotnt HofelManx Powell St. at OFarrell, SAN FRANCISCO CVos? io Theatres and Chopping District Amolr b..uiil,.d Htltl Maiit wait, ike vinlor lo Stn Frui. eiaeol New fumuliinn of unusual chtm d tomlcn. lobby dealiud to Brando iho lmo.phtro of t hnoiknu Komo ond . now Din Room, coandered ono of tho moot intetestiai in Amend oil contnbulo to rout w.ll.i.1 h i. tKo oolr ho, el with nmning lee W.tei in even- roon EUROPEAN frX PLAN RATes iSOANOUP HARVEV M. TOY Managing owner. - 7J