"1 PAGH tWO iocal and Personal Although numerous parties of local fishermen fished Roguo river yester day from Savage Hupids to Elk creolt they met with Bmall success. The river Is fully a foot higher than It was a week ago, due to melting snow In the mountains and good catches were reported only in a few of the smaller streams. Despite the large number of anglers that went to the river ycster , day the exodus was nothing like that of a week ago Sunday when almost a record number went In quest of the, wily Rogue river trout. Elks shirtwaist dance Tuesday, May 16th. Last dance this season. 40 Studebaker Light Six $1190 f. o. b. iuedford. tt Dance, Hot Springs, Wed. nlte. 47 The condition of Dr. J. J. Kmmens Is about the same as it has been for several days past, a slight almost Im perceptable Improvement having taken place each day. The patient, however, is now rational mentally. For sale Hpmo churned buttormllk by the quart or glass. Crator Lake Confectionery, Medford Center Bldg. 49 Just two more lots in beautiful Edge wood park on Roguo river, to be sold, or will exchange for light car. See J. A. Millard, 631 Austin street. 46 Attention Knight! Claud Barrlck, grand vice chancellor will not visit , Talisman lodge tonight because of sickness. J. T. Perry, C. C. 46 J. E. Peterson, a Civil War veteran, ' woll known to Medford G. A. R. and W. R. C. members and for years Jose phine county treasurer, passed away Saturday at his home in Grants Pass. Mr. Peterson had been ill for some time. He took an active 'part in the work of the Grants Pass Q. A. R. and had held numerous offices with the local and district posts. He was 78 years of age last March. We can still furnish spray hose for 20 cents per foot. Crater Lake Hard ware Co. tt Watch our window display local models with latest bair dress. Med' ford Beauty Shop, Medford Center Bldg. 49 The best Utah coal $16.00 delivered. Valley Fuol Co. tf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang, Helen Strang and Bob Holmes motored to Roseburg yesterday for a visit with Mrs. Fred Strang. They returned laBt evening. . Brown says he fixes them while you wait 48' Colonial Garage for tiro service. 319" Dance, Hot Springs, Wed. nlte. 47 The Grants Puss baseball team de feated the Eagle Point nine yesterday at Eagle Point by a score of 12-6 in a contest that was interesting and fairly even until the last Inning. It is re ported that (lie Grants Pass toum made sovon double plays. Ovor 160 carB and about 600 people wore pros ont, many having come from a consul erahlo distance and having brought their lunches. Spray hoBe 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf Dehol's Lucky Day, April 20th. 46 The ilsttory & Electric Service Sta tion has completed Its new car wash ing rack, according to Mr. Pennington of that firm. This is one of tlie must complete racks In those parts and Mr. Pennington Iiiib cordially invited nil who are Interested to call and son It. The summer round trip faroB to the east go Into effect tomorrow, and a number bf Medford and valley people will depart that day for points In the east and middle west Maxwells, Chevrolets, Chalmers. Mudsons, Uulck Speed truck. Real bargains in these used cars. See Corwln, end of North Riverside Avo. tf For sand, gravel, sodltnont and team work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Mapla streot Phone 912-J. The Loyal Women cIsbb of tho Christian Bible school will meet with Mrs. Hazel, 1)6 S. Laurel Btreot at 2:30 Tiiosday nftornoon. May 16. All are 'cordially' tnvttod to this business and social mooting. ' More was no frost Saturday and Sunday night despite the Bomowhat chilly weather, which made tiros com fortable In the mornings and ovonlngs. Rain is the prediction for Tuesday. Try a shave with an Autostrop razor and ndte tho difference. Complete with blades and strop, one dollar. Medford Pharmacy. .47 ' Used cars at your own price. Sao Corwln end ot North Riverside avonuo. tf Medford merchants will observe "Baby's Week" this wook nnd nro ot- lug bags. 48 foring many, attractive bargains . in Do not buy an eloctric washer until merchandise for "buby." This is a we have demonstrated the new May national week, obsorved .throughout tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware tho Unltod Statos. ....... Co. , tt in the Spring. Why ? YOUR, blood Is thicker and more sluggish In Winter than in Summer It has to be to koep you worm. Then o o m o s warmer days and lighter clothes. Your blood, stilt thick and hoavy-uxdon, In slnw in tlima. off lt Impurities, mat happens Tho Impurities crowd out through tho skin bolls and plmplos appear you tool sluggish and tired I Tho remedy for this condition Is 8. S. S. It is tho Ideal blood purlflor, because the medicinal properties are purely vegetable. It hi I Two more bootleggers', autos went Construction of the highway to con the route of the public auction block nect Klamath Falls with Dorrls. Cal . Saturday In Portland in' compliance with tho orders of Federal Judgo Bean. Tom Olson's "buby grand," Belzed last fall at Medford, was sold to his brother, Harry Olson, for $297. A "flivver," which John Fenneq UBed for carrying liquor about Portland, was bought up by C. G. lileasdulo, a second hand dealer, for $226. Olson and Fenney paid $500 fines several weeks ago on the criminal charge of posses sion and transportation. We have good values la used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf Newcomb has lC-inch slabwood at $1.75 per tier, at much as you want, three tier or over. Also plenty of dry mill blocks. Order early. Phone 631. tf Tiie East Side circle of the First M. E. church vlll meet ut the home bf Mrs. T. a. Hoine, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. All members and friends cor dially Invited to attend and take as many pontiles as they are inches around the waist, for the new church fund. Thnro will tin a coral iirozram. t-,. ; o. ., nr.i .it. .xvuutu, uui o UJ, iveu. una. .it For a limited time only c genuine Autostrop razor complete for one dol lar. Medford Pharmacy. 47 The company, numbering twehty flve persons, which plays in "The Awful Truth", tonight at the Page theater, arrived here this forenoon on tho Shasta direct from Oakland, Calif. Everett Brayton, according to re port, was among the few successful fishermen yesterday. It Is reported that he caught 27 trout of nice size while fishing near Trail. One less thing to worry about if you carry Hail Insurance with Holmes "The Insurance Mnn." 48 We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. . With a total of 10,394 automobiles and trucks , registered during the nionth of April, total registration of motor vehlclos in Oregon this year has now reached 123,094. Receipts for the year to date aggregate $3,305, 293.60, or anly $36,000 short of the total receipts for the entire year 1922. It coBts less than ever before to pro tect yoursolf against loss by hall. See Holmes, the Insurance Man. 48 Wonderful diBpiaj of new creations in earscrews 1UBt onened un at The i Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 60 An Innovation was Introduced to Medford dancers last Saturday even ing at the fair grounds pavilion when Horbcrt Alford played several dance lilts on his musical saw, accompanied by the Imperial orchestra. The novel performance made a great hit with the crowd. Deuel's Lucky Day, April 20th. ' 45 Oonulne Bosch Magneto parts and repairs. Eloctric Shop, Eighth and Bartlelt. tf "Tuffy" King Is driving a catorpillor tractor on the Green Springs moun tain rond, Ho is spending the week end In tho city to get away from the mosqultos, which he Bays aro tremen dously thick in that vicinity, only ho did not Buy "tremendously." Ashland Tidings. A genuine Autostrop razor, complete with blades and strop, one dollar. Medford Pharmacy. 47 Brown has lots of shoes. 48 A number of Medford people yester day motored to Trail, Prospect and Union Crook, and some even as far as the enow line on the road to Crator Lake. The Pacific highway ttlso had Its usual large Sunday quota of local nutos between hero and Ashland and Grants Pass. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. . Wallace Wood, phone 10S. 711 East Main., ElkB shirtwaist dance Tuosday, May 15th. Last dance this seasor.. . 46 Cddlo Durno nnd Joe Flelgel left early Saturday evening for a fishing trip on Jennie creek. They returned yesterday with 41 trout of fair size. Elks shirtwaist dance Tuosday, May 15th. Last danco this season. 46 Your complexion Is one of beauty's greatest charms; keep its youthful appearance. Modford Boailty Shop. Phono I91-L. 49 All class I) radio stations, boglnning tomorrow night, will by a regulation ot tho Bureau of Navigation, bo divid ed Into districts and no two stations In the same district will broacast on tho samo wave longth. This will greatly enhance the easy reception of radio programs and is calculated to reduce Interference to a minimum. Class A stations already using 360 motors will he allowed to continue but are advised and requested to drop their wave longths to 300 meters or lens and to take wavo longths differ ent from any othor in tholr district ; Milk and croum at DeVoe a. , tt Brown bus lots of gloves nnd travel- changes a glorious fnct that S. 8. 8. has glvon now, long-torgotton Btrongth to older pooplo and has nindo many old and young people look yoars younger. Blood la llfo It's your foundation make It rich got blood strength we all nood It, especially rheumatics. S. 8, 8. will give you groator energy, strength and endurance. Mr. Hrry C. Btchmtn, 4735 Main Av. nue. Norwood, Ohio, writes l " htd tkitt twptiontplmplot tad bttckhotdt. i took S.S.S. tad wot htppllf turptind tt tit ruu'rs I ot la ha fftia ism wej fim.M . . Try It yourself. 8. fl. 8. Is sold at sll good drug stores. The large site Is nioro economical. Cot a bottle, today!. MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY. MAY 14, 1923 and on out to the Pacific highway at Weed is now under way. Klamath county has appropriated $40,000 to wards the work. Mattresses, now and made over. Phone 104. 32 N. Grape. 66 Write or telephone 444 end we'll come and get your application for hall Insurance. Holmes, the Insurance Man. . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Hasklns leave tomorrow night for Rochester, Minn., where Mrs. Hasklns will take treat ment In tho Mayo Brothers hospital for an Indefinite period. Mr. Hasklns plans to be homo in two or three weeks and she may remain for a longer porlod. . There's a busy Business College In Medford. OWN. Emerald Is the May blrthstone. Buy them at tho Medford Center Jewelry Shop. . 46 Fifteen carB of tourists were guests at the city auto camp last night, most ! of whom departed early tlrfs morning i for their various destinations north or south. Ten cars of tourlBts stayed at i the auto camp Saturday night. Dr. M. C. Barber has returned from a trip to Tacoma and will be in his office from now on, , 46 R. I. Red sotting eggs at DeVoe's. The Bummer session of the state normal school In Ashland will begin In that city June 18 and will continue to July 27th. The birthday present should be an emerald. Get it at the Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 46 I am going to Brown for my shoes. 48 Mrs. R. B. Strang and Bon, Robert, Jr., roturnod yesterday morning from a four weeks visit In San Francisco with Mrs. Strang's Bister, Mrs. Elmer Smith and family. Rollners for fabric and cord tires. Medford Vulcanizing Works. tf Brown says he has a nice line of gymnasium tennis shoes. 48' Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Orr, Mr., and Mrs. Fred Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Crowson, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Boise and family and Mrs. Ben Morris and Bon spent yesterday at tne weeks & 0rr Place at Edgewood Park on Rogue river. Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. tf You can get It at DeVoe's. tf Floyd Young, yie frost expert, was tho main speaker before the forum of the Grants Pass chamber of com merce this noon. The subject of his talk was on frost prevention damage which 1b of peculiar interest among the fruit men of Josephine county as the fruit crop was practically wiped out in that county, where they do not smudgo, by a frost of a week or so ago. Valloy Fuel company are delivering 12-tnch green slab wood and edgings for $1.37 and up per tlor, In lots of 4 tier or more. - 16-Inch at $1.75 por tier in lots of 3 tlor or more. . Investigate. Mill blocks, edgings, and all other kinds of dry fuel In proportion. Phono 76. tt Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Cp. . . tt Announcements havo been mailed to fire chiefs of Oregon calling atten tion to the . annual state convention of fire fighters to bo hold at Bond, July 26 to 28, inclusive. , Now showing of. beads in all colors nnd varieties juat opened. The Med ford Center Jewelry Shop. ' , 60 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. t A largo number of Medford people attended the band concert In Lithla Park yesterday afternoon. The pro gram was given by the Medford D. O. K. K. band and was greatly en Joyed by a big crowd. The D. O. K. K. baud will give a concert at Central Point tomorrow night it is reported. ' Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. D. W. Wbeolor nnd family aro mov ing from their homo on South Centrnl to a new home recently built on Al mond stroot. . . Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Hail! Hall! Hall! and no Insurance. Good-bye profits from your crop. Bet tor see Holmos, the Insurance Man. 4S Tho lamp post on the corner near the Holland Hotel was knocked over last night by tho Hotel Holland bus which was turning around on tho cor nor aftor having roturnod from the train. Tho driver was compellod to hit tho post due to another car which was coming down Sixth stroot and which forced him to dodge toward the Cost. The hotol bua suffered the loss of the side door but escaped without othor damage. Oladlola and Canna bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J-2. tf Colonial Garage for ttre Bervtce. Brown has a flno lino of sandals llttlo and big ones. 48 Tnko your kodnk films to Palmer's studio. First clnss work and prompt aorvlco. . , tf Warning signs aro bolng posted at tho approaches on all roads Into the city of Grants Pobs warning Incoming tourists to turn only at Intersections within tho confines of that city. Aftor tho tiro tt Is too into to Insure. See Hodden & CanadaV now. The Medford Vulcanizing Works sells 30x3V4 tires for $8.50. tt Blacksmith coal at Modford Lbr. Co. tf A warning lins beon Issued to all Elks attending tho dance tomorrow night, to remember It's a shirtwaist party, and that It Is apt to prove ex pensive for anyone appearing with 9 coat on. While It isn't a hard limes dance, ladles are not exported to dress In anything but plain clothes. Studebaker Light Six $1190 t. 0. b. Modford. tf . Several loads ot ashes, good for tiller or walks, for the hauling, in rear ii " iinn uiTirtii mini . 1 lunr on fIIMPO Tfl 1 II obituary. 5ALYAIIUIUKIM i UJtMAIfiinu IU KIME Ira J. Kline passed away at tho homo of his nephew, Wllbu Ktmo, ou Griffin creek, at 8 p. m. Sunday. . " Mr. Kimo had been In poor health for severul years, but his condition -was not critical until a few days prior to his death. . . . . , Ho was born in Elkhart county, Ind., July 22, 1859, and came to Oregon In 1873 and settled in the Griffin crook district where he has since resided. He leaves one sister and two brothers, Mrs. Magglo Prince, Duns molr, Cal.; Frank Kline, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Nick Klmo, Medford, Ore. Funeral services will be held at Conger's P'uneral chapel Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., Rev. Howe of the Christian church officiating. Inter ment in Jacksonville cemetery. The remains of the late Benjamin F. Mershon, who passed away at his home on Rose avenue, April 18, and whose funeral was held at the Conger chapel April 22, will be forwarded May 15 at 10:50 p. m. to Auburn, Neb., where a brief service will be hold and Interment made. The body will be escorted by Mrs. .Mershon, who will be accompanied from Omaha by George Mershon, brother of the deceased. SMITH Charles Franklin Smith died at his home In Gold Hill, Ore gon, May 12, aged 85 years, 9 months and 17 dnys. He was a native of Ox ford, Ohio and was born July 25, 1836. He was a very active man and was mployod at tho cement plant until May 4. Mr. Smith had been a resident of Oold Hill two years and of Jacksonville 40 years and ' was known by all of tho old timers. He was married to Deborah Henry at La do, Iowa, October, 1880, and to this union wore born five children, three of whom arc living. Ho is Burvlved by his wife, Deborah, 2 sons and one daughter, who are Mrs. Myrtle Cook, Clyde Smith of Oakland, Calif., and George Smith of Siskiyou, Cal. The funeral services will be held at the grave in Jacksonville on Tuesday, May 15, at 2:30 p. m.. Rev. J. F. Ijawrcnre officiating. Interment will be in tho Jacksonville cemetery, the services being in charge of the Per! Funeral Home. 1 , r i "My Wild Irish Rose"' 'My Wild Irish Rose" at the Pace theatre yestorday, played to crowds that laughed at tho fun and thrilled over tho dramatic situations of the story. Tho cast is headed by Pat O'Malley. who plays Conn, the old Bouclcault role, with Pauline Starke as his pretty Moya. Richard Daniel, with moro freckles than Wesley Barry ever had, causes many a laugh. To see him with his goat cart and his dogs and his little dudeen, Is to laugh before he doca a thing. !'My Wild Irish Rose" will bo shown again tomorrow matinee and evening, giving away today to lna Claire In "The Awful Truth." William Farnum at Rlalto At the Rlalto yeatorday began a throe days run of the . production, "BraBB Commandments." starring Wil liam Farnum. We find him giving heroic battle to that villain of the film realm, Tom Santschl. Again in "Brass Commandments" these two go at It hammer and tongs. When the battle clouds cloar away all Is sorene with a closonp of William Farnum viewing the sconory with Wanda Hawloy. Others In the cast are Claire Adams, Charles LoMoyno, Lon Poft and Al Fremont. Summing up tho production, It has an engrossing Btory of tho outdoors, an exceptional cast excitement nnd romance In propor proKrtlon and moro than onougli entortninmont qual ity to mako an enjoyable evening. La Grande Mud, Named. SALEM, Ore, Slay 14. Governor Walter M. Plorco today announced the appointment of E. E. Bragg ot La Grande as a membor ot the state Industrial accident commission suc ceeding J. W. Ferguson, offectlvo Juno 1. ROME Italy's roulv to tho Gorman note on reparations begins by express ing disappointment over the proposals. jFREE All This Week A 10-Day Tube of Pepsodeitt The New Day Dentifrice Only one to a family. 5lul this coupon TODAY to HEATH'S DRUG STORE 1011 V.. Main Wo Art' As War to You As Your Tvlcplioiio Phono 881 10-DAY TIHE FREE Insert your name and address, thon present this 'coupon to ilKATU'S DRUG STORE any day thlB week and receive the 10 lny Pepsodent tube KKEK. If out of town, mall coupon to HEATH'S and tho tube will be mailed to you. Name Address (Yon mast havo this coupon to receive tho Ercc Tulr.) ,. iook n'orn mo. ad ix this paper DRIVE IS STARTED, THWART -FP QUOTAIS $3000 Captain C. Ford, who has charge ot tho local branch of the Sulvatlon Army,- announces that today is tho opening day of tho Annual Homo Ser vice campaign, by which campaign It 1h tho desire of tile local Salvationists to ralHo the sum of $3,000.00 fur the work for the coming year. In view, of the figures Just pre sented ot the activities of the Halva tlon Army for the. past , twelve monthB, the work lias certainly been carried on on an extensive scale. Tho captain also unnounces that there wilt be a thorough houso-to-houso can vass made by Salvation Army lassies In uniform and also a canvass ot the business houses. It is just a year ago since the last campaign, was conducted and the principal reason for conducting these campaigns annually is. to eliminate the old-fashioned method of finance Ing the work of the Salvation Army by tho officers continually making tneir appeals. , So, it is tho hope of the local Sal vatlonists that th,ey will have the co operation of every phllanthroplcally minded citizen, who will be ready to roceive tno Salvationists when called upon with a liberal response. Tho statistical report of work done In Medford during the past twelve months shows: Keillor Work. Opcn Airs Held :...2C0 Open Airs Attendance ...10,000 indoor Meetings 261 Indoor attendance 5,000 Open nirs held 200 Conversions 80 No. of hours of Visitation .... 620 Junior Work. Meetings hold 1000 Attendance 2,050 conversions bo Relief Work . No. of persons glven meals . . No. of persons given lodging. . No. of persons given groceries No. of persons given Christ mas dinner No. of persons given garments 78 150 400 250 and shoes 255 Total number of persons helped 1,155 Total value of relief given ... $812.00 Gold Imports Grow WASHINGTON, May 14. Oold Im ports Into the United States during April exceed exports of the metal by moro than $8,000,000 according to fig ures made nubiic todav hv tho merce department The imiiorts were given as 59.188.470 and exnorta an $655,239. NEW YORK The New. York World makes a formal Dronosal Mint tho democratic national convention ho held in New York, saying ten national committeemen and twelve committee women favor It. F.&E. Theatre CENTRAL POINT Matinee Worv Snt'urilnv 2 P. M. Every Monday "COUNTRY STORE" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY "Flames of Passion" Supported by George Larkin. Ruth Stonehouse, Laura Anson and Al Ferguson. SPECIAL MVSIO HY I). O. K. K, ISAM! TUESDAY EVENING , Admission 10c-30c; Slatlnces 10c-20c Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching. Buttons covered. Piooting. ' 8c a yard. Alwnys fresh MEOFOKD BOOK STORE H. W. OONQEK UNDERTAKER Smoceuor to Weeks-Gongec Oo, Medford, Ore. Dl'ESSELPOKF, May 1-1 (By the Associated Pressl-Floating 'mines, similar to those used by the Germans In the North sea during tho war are being brought into play in effm H ' hinder coal and coke transportation from tho Huhr. it was announced to day nt French headquarters heie. At Ruhrort. one of the largest in land ports in the world, efforts we e made t .loXtrOV the gate of "l0 Ready for every emer ency quick on the "pick fttWiiP v INv ip;" power for the steep- hl'i,''m :st grades and heaviest tM'J. loads; and unbounded 4'yr speed for the long stretches of straightaway. $$&r&s&i&'' ''" SHELL COMPANY . . 'JPW PAGE PRICES rower Floor, $2.75; JSulcony, 1st 4 rows, $2.20; Next 4 rows, $1.05; Next 3 rows $1.10; Balance, 55c. Includes War Tax. DIRECT FROM FIVE TRIUMPHANT MONTHS AT HENRY MILLER'S THEATER, NEW YORK AND SIMILAR EMPHATIC SUCCESS AT , POWERS' THEATRE, CHICAGO. Tho Most Eagerly Awalled and Welcome Engagement of 'tho Year CHARLES FROHMAN ' Presents - INA CLAIRE Ami Her Company Including BRUCE McRAE In Arthur llichman's Delightful Comedy 'THE AWFUL TRUTH' PRODUCED BY HENRY MILLER Original Cast and Production Idt-ntlrnlly and Positively Intact TOMORROW "MY WILD IRISH ROSE" The Biff. Beautiful. Romaritir! and TViriincr tion vdth PAT O'MALLEY, PA'ULINE STARK ana Little RICHARD DANIELS. PAGE TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY 22 MAIL ORDERS NOW Show WTEST -IK Iff ,J " ' 1 TICKETS RY , , K(, inraire, inclose ..-u.t. miio rvmm. PRICES (tnrlmllnjt War Tnx) : rows $2.2; next 4 rows $1.05; ..i.x omre sale Friday Noon, ,m1. which. It bucckbsiui, would avo drained the canal and, the great ltuhr lock. Tho mine exploded pre- maturely uno uio u.""6 ub ungnt. Cripples to Play Football WINNIPEG, May. To demonstrate that despite physical handicap, a team IKissessing a true spirit of sportsman, ship can accomplish things unexpect ed, a football eleven, comprised ot one. armed votoians of the war, is to be organized in Oils city. NEW YORK The 1923 rewards of the Pulitzer prizes In Journalism went to Alva Johnson of the New York Times; William Allen White of Em-' poria, Kas., and. the Memphis Com uierclnl Appeal. TONIGHT MAY 14TH (8:30 curtain) 8:30 Curtain MAIIMiik chccM, money order sclf - ncldrcsscil stanped envelope . y T.owrr floor 2.(7S; Balconr M 4 nWM. 3 $JtO; las " rows May 18th. At TO 1(1V- V Id til TAr ' If MXm.t ( iBSOLCDMEWl pt Mall Tribune office. tfj