f PlG-E EIGITT SIEPFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREOOy, THURSDAY, MAY jO, 102?, SEATTLE PEOPLE VOTE BIG TAXES, t : Mrs. EllNworth Schulor Is substitut ing as high school English Instructor during the absence of Mrs. Emerson Merrick who left recently for I'ortlani to be at the bedside of her husband who was operated several days ago tor appendicitis. Brown has lots of boys Bhoes. 43 Sheriff Terrlll left this forenoon for Redding, Calif., to bring back a man named lint, who was apprehended " 'SEATTLE. May 0. Despite the fact that Seat:le and King county toteni Tueaduy approved the plan of the Seattle port commission to pur chase the Kklnner and Eddy shipyard irtte for port development, any action j there on the charge of having com toward acquiring the property will niitted a burglary at the home of lie- opposed : by injunction proceed-j August Schuerman in Ashland on May Inga, E. s. Goodwin, president of the , , Tn .)r0CC0(Js ot the burglary tax limit league, announced today. I .,,, r 01,n,itv f clmlilmr a further " , " , 1 - 'The voters rejected the proposal to transfer $850,000 In bonds fi"om the Smith Cove development project to the Skinner and Eddy pur chase, and Mr. CJoodwin held that the .7 T,k , ., , 7 r''clty auto camp yesterday and 10 cars 7,TJ?IZ "B n",h, "hfn'U"l" rty'ot tourists camped at the ground last revolver and 11.30, Rellners for fabric and cord tires. Medford Vulcanizing Works. tf Dusiness picked up a- little at the -e had not been authorized -tVMembcrs f the port commission, however, said thnt approval of the fUrchaso extended the necessary nu ithttrlzatlon and that they would im mediately proceed to acquire the site from the United toonrd. night We can still furnish spray hose for 20 cents per toot. Crater Lake Hard ware Co. tf All persons Interested In oil deva states shipping opment in this county are invited to attend the oil meeting tonignt at it 'narrow majority, coinpleto returns from yesterday's election showed. The voters npproved a special three mill levy for school purposes, but rejected n proposal for the issuance of J760.000 ln bonds to erect school buildings, .Itobert HeskPth, rhillp Tlndall and Oliver T. Erlckson, incumbents, wore elected to the city council and W, 8. Lincoln, port commissioner, was returned by a nearly 3 to 1 vote. TULIP FESTIVAL frho proposition to Issue a JliOO.-1 o'clock at the Hotel Medford at which 00 bond Issuo for tho erection of a . a report of the trustees of the Trl bridge across tho Ijike Washington ! gonla Oil well on Its prospects and Its fcinnl leading to tho University of finances will bo given. 'Washington stadium, carried by a -i ma Anyone wishing any Durant stocks or Hayes-Hunt Body CorjKiratlon stocks phone Dr. E. II. French, 915. The Hayes-Hunt Corp. is a subsidiary of tho Durant Corp. 43 Kenneth Day, of gonol and Day, fruit distributors, G. S. Spanglor, assis tant sales manager, and C. W. McCul lngh, northwest manager, left this morning for Grants Pass accompan ied by C. C. Lemmon, manager of the local branch and Harry Stoltz of the local branch. They had been here for a brief business visit with Mr. Lem mon. Carl Spuhn returned the first of the week for a week's visit with his moth er, Mrs. John Demmpr. He had been in Oakland, Calif., and other coast cities for the past six months. He intends to return to Oakland the first of next week. Willis Stockam, who has been cm ployed on a Copco survey crew on tho Fall Creek line for the past month or six weeks, roturned Tuesday and has accepted a position in the drafting de partment of the local Copco office. Ray Long of Ashland has falcon his place on tho survoy. A large crowd is oxpected to attend the grammar school track meet be tween the girls and boys of Washing ton and Lincoln school sixth, seventh and eighth grades at the Holly street field Saturdny foronoon. Tho first ovent will bo started nt nine o'clock sharp. Showers nnd cooler tomporatiiro aro predicted for tonight and Friday. A year ago today there was a i'oKrt of A .24 of an Inch of rainfall. Miss Susan E. Kuter, Methodist deaconess, recently took up her work ns visiting doaconess for Centenary Wilbur Methodist church ot Portland. Miss Kuter wag deaconess at the same church about eight years ago. Since that time she has worked in Tacoma, and recently has worked In the Mctho dlst churches at Eugene and Ashland. BELLIXGHAM, Wash., May 10. Thousands of persons were flocking to Tulip Town today to attend tho fourth annual tulip festival, which opened this morning under sunny skies. At the government experi ment station it was reported that the bulbs were In better condition than ihoy had evor been during a tulip festival and tho grounds were thrown open today to visitors. It was esti mated that one million tulips were ln foora In tho city. iLE DUG IN PIER 9 2 I VCHICAQO, May 10. Tho hole In the ftfer through which It has boon ac tptod that the body of Loighton JjOunt was thruBt to luw twenty tnouths until the skeleton was found bust week, was cut nine months after tlfe- supposed interment ot the stu dent, who disappeared after an inter Class fight In September, 1921 from Northwestern university. L.Threo boys Inst night told Gcorgl Bnna Juul, policewoman who has pa trolled tho beach for years, that they chopped the hole In tho pier floor so that thoy might havo an "easy dress ing room." WASHINGTON Recent returns from municipal elections nt Haiti more, Chicago, Detroit and cities of lesser Blzo, plainly show Hint demo crats arc again united, thus strength ening confluence In a national demo cratic victory next year, tho demo cratic national cominltteo said lust night. Oil Meeting at Hotel Medford This Evening Ladies Can Wear Shoes .One size smaller and walk In com fort .by using Allen's Toot-Kane, the antiseptic, hcalin.g powtler for the feet. Hhuknn Into tho shoes Allen's Foot-Euro makes tight or new shoes fee easy; gives lustnnt relief to corns, bunions, nnd callouses, prevents mis ters, Callous and More Spots and gives lost to tired, aching, swollen feet. 1, ROD, 000 pounds of powder for the feet' wore used by our Army nnd Navy during the War. Hold every where For 1'ivc sample and n Foot Ease Walking Dull Address ALLEN'S FOOT-FASM, l.e Hoy. X. V. Adv. 1-! All Interested In oil development work In Ibis section are urged to at tend a meeting nt the Medford lintel this evening nt eight o'clock, when n report on the finance nnd progress of tho Trlgonla "11 drilling will be niauo ny ino trustees, -j-pero win e several short speeches, and a full dis cusHlnn uf the ell situation and work In this valley. OBITUARY HOCK KUzJilicth A Mm Knrk rtlud nt Jm-kminviUn May 10 from infirm- lHin ilu to old Hhn v1i nutul 81! yearn 7 inonthH nml 1 Uny, unit wuh a nutlvo of OiiMnl)rinr, Vot Virginia Sho luul boon tin Invalid for. tho mnt 12 yenrs nnd whs rnml for by vv Rood Indian of Juukmmvlllc. Hlir lmvi'8 no rolntlvcd, nnd whm In Rood health watt n devout memlttir of the (MirfHtliin church. Funeral hitvIcoh will In held nt t In Rrnvo In JnrUmm vlllo cemetery Friday nt 3 p. in.. Kv. llowo offlctntlnn. Tho remains urc nt tho I'erl Knnenil lloiiio, I ViV- - Henri Verbrugghen Conductor of the Minneapolis Sym phony orchestra at Page, Mar 21st, matinee and night. STATE SUPREME CT. E E ' OL.MPIA, Wash., May 10 The court will not stop in the midst ot a trial to pursue a collateral Investigation as to the legullty of methods used In ob taining articles of evidence unless the defendant makes an affidavit that he has not before learned of the Illegality of the seizure, the supreme court de cided today. The ruling was made in an en ban': decision ln the appeal of Joe Derisy from the judgment of the superior court of Paciric county convicting him of unlawful possession of intoxicating liquor. SALES TAX IS FAVORED BY U .S. C. OF COMMERCE R I ALTO NOW PLAYING 'The "KINGDOM WITHIN" A ilrnina tiniiHtint anil novel, with nil necessary Itpgmllcnl niltbsl to imikn It nit excellent entertainment. m SSEl.L SIMPSOV P.W LINE STAHKE l.STOX ;l.ss ICltXKST TOltltENCK , ftundflV 1III.L FAItM M In IIKAKS nIM.M.IK.TS NEW YOrUv. May 10. Formal recommondatlonH for changes In tlio federal tax laws were mado In the report of the taxation group of the chaniher of commerce. It recom mended that: Cnnitul snlna and cnpltnl losses nhould not be recognized for Income tax purposes; tho present 50 per cent maximum surtax should bo reduced to 25 per cent. There should ho n general sales tax of one half of one per cent on turnovers to mako up for proposed repeal of tho so-culled nulsanco taxes. "There should bo created n court of lueome tax appeals which would sit In various sections." HOSTAGES TO BE RESCUED (Continued from page one) hnl-Peklnj? express train when It was seized near Suchow early Sunday morning Miss ljUcy Aldiich, sister-ln-lnw of John D. 1 locke feller, Jr., and her companion, Mish Minnie. McFmld"n. arrived In Peking early today, having been accompanied from Tsluan Fu by Mr. llougbtnii of tho Union Medical college Miss Atdrich and Miss Mc- Fadden were put into an ambulance and taken to the. hospital whero phy siclnus prescribed several days of quiet. Under this advice, they declined to rebate their experiences while in lno hands of the bandits. They were led away by tho bandits, separated, and each held for 24 hours. They met nt Tnlimn Fu, exhausted, ill from shock and exposure. .The Chinese government hns pro mulgated n presidential mandate ordering investigations into tho af fair by the civil and military govern ments of Shantung province Tho government nlso instructed these ex ecutives yesterday to strain every ef fort to procure tho release, of the captives. l'oll tics Uelilml Itald. Another phaso of the situation boing discussed today In tho rhlncsc capital was tho theory, said to bo ac cepted freely In political circles, that tho bandit outrage was tho outcome of n larger plot than ordinary ban ditry. Tho jtupposed conspiracy was supposed to havo International poli tical significance. Tho effect of the affair on one political party or an other was emphasized. It was pointed out that tho Suchow bandits lu-omcd to have the semblance of an organlwitlon. They were wild, too, to be dominated by an element which wns displeased with tho recent successes of tho C'hihll military party in tho inngtsl valley, Tho Chlhll parly Is sponsor for the present government In Peking. TIhis tho effect of tho abductions to em barrass tho government In Its foreign relations was noted especially,- In considering n motive nsldy from rob bery. Jtellef parties with supplies and medical nld. wore rushed from for eign agencies In various cities to the locality dominated by the bandits. Fear for the condition of the captives was stirred by n ntewtage from I.ln-i heng yesterday that they wertv "alnwmt dead." from lack of food and clothing and from exposure, j 10 BE PRESIDENT ALBANY COLLEGE TOIITLAND. Ore., May 10. Dr. Clarence W. Green, former president of Hedding college, Abingdon, 111. today advised trustees of Albany col lego at Albany, Ore., that he would accept the post o ;,rcldent of the college. Dr. Greene will assume office Juno 1, At present Dr. Greene Is a mem ber, of the faculty of Columbia Uni versity, New York. ' Albany college will re-open In the fall as a self-help Institution where n student may enter without personal funds and earn his own way through the college, it waa announced today by college authorities. Dr. Greene is fifty years old and a native of Michigan, For sixteen years before becoming president of Hed ding college in 1920, Dr. Greene was professor of physics at Albion col lego, Michigan. ment had accedted to Japan's request for permits for Japanese to fish ln Siberian waters. TOKIO, May 10. (By AssociateJ Press). A Japanese syndicate, In com petition with American and Russian capitalists has obtained a lease of a large tract of forest land in the mari time province of Siberia, according to advices received here today. The lease, granted by soviet author ities, will run for 24 years. The Jap anese syndicate undertakes to pay tho soviet government 25,000,000 yen. befallen the Hawaiian Islands. An ap propriation of HO.000 is made avail able to carry out the provisions of the bill. BUFFALO. N. Y. For tho first time ln nearly a score or years the Great Lakes region was covered today by May snowstorm. Get the soft paper pencil tablets tor school at this offloe. . tt FOREST FIRE SEASON ' IS OLYMPIA, Wash., May 10. The forest fire season is further advanced in Okanogan, Chelan and Klttltus counties than in any year in tho his tory of the state forestry service, ac cording to reports received today by Stato Forester Fred E. Pape. Several small blazes have been checked in the vicinity of Wenatchee und along the Okanogan river, but the general situ ation Is threatening. The federal for est service has placed men In the forest areas of that section two weeks earlier than is customary, it was said Rainfall in western Washington is expected to remedy a bad situation on this side of the mountains. I Japan and Russia in New Trade Agreement TOKIO, May 10 (By Associated Press). Adolph Jofl'e, soviet emissary now ln Japan, tofluy confirmed news paper reports thut the Moscow govern- CHANGE OF LIFE LOSES TERRORS For Women Who Rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Greenville, Pa. "I took your medi cine through the Chango of Life and it dsd wonders tor me. I was down in bed when I started to take it and weighed 05 pounds. I had hot flashes and was so nervous and weak that everything would get black ana I could rot sec. I would sit and crv and did not know what I was crying for. Sinco I havo been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotable Com pound I feel younger than I did ten years ago, and my friends all tell Tie 1 look younger, and I owe it all to the Vegetable Compound. I do all my house work for a family of seven now.l will be glad to answer any woman who writes mo in regard to my case." Mrs. JOHN Myers, 56 Union SK, Greenville, Pa. Many letters similar to this have been published testifying to the merit of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. They are sincere expressions from women who describe as best they can their feelings before and after taking this well-known medicine. Many times they state in their letters their willingness to answer women who write them. It is an offer dictated by gratitude and a desire to help others. I SHANGHAI. Mny 10. (Itv the As soelated Pn-sn) The KImnKlml ltn tnry club has raided hendillialters of the Intel nntlonnl Association" of no tary i lulis In t'lilruKii, asking it te broadcast i,n nppenl to the 1.100 l!o- tnry clulm to deninml thai the for elgn governments lunure the protec tion of life and properly In China nnil put Into effect measures making ban- 7Tk.IV. All-VMUr Tri DON'T make the mistake of thinkingthatCood ycar quality is be yond your reach. Goodyear Cord Tire prices are remark ably low, as the fol lowing list of repre sentative sizes shows I 30 3 Clincher $17.53 32 x 4 Straight Side 36.10 S3 x Straight Side 37 JO 33 x S StraightSlde 58.20 At Goojyer Strvtrt Stmtien 9mil omf rnm- CorJi with Ihm fecvW All. :th.r T,..d .nW tart ' Co4raar farrfc Medford Service Station GOODYEAR "Wtr Mad PF Watr Tdt- NEW YORK, May 10. The chum-! ber of commerce of the United States concluding business Besions of Its annual convention, late today en dorsed entry of this country into the . world court, advocated Increasing byi two per cent the Immigration quotas' and urged state regulation of utilities rather than local regulation. ANTI-JAP BILL SACRAMENTO, Cal, May 10. Without a dissenting vote the senate yesterday passed a bill by Senator Inman, Sacramento, providing for strict regulation of foreign language schools and their ultimate abolition by 1930. The author declared the mea sure was directed against Japanese institutions to save the state from their Oriental domination which has "Lest We Forget" on An appropriate gift for mother. MOTHER'S DAY is a box of WHITMAN'S DELICIOUS CANDY, or a box of CRANE'S ARGENTONE STATIONERY. ' Heath's Drug' Store 109 East Main Phone 884 We are as near to you as your phone Sunday, the Thirteenth, Is Mother's Day ELECTRIC WELDING We have added a new electric welding machlno to our equipment and are now prepared to weld everything In steel, iron or casting. We also have added a new 24-inch Heavy Turning Lathe, and are now prepared to do all kinds of Blacltsmlthlng, Wood Work and Welding. Billings Carriage and Auto Works Ladies Dresses J BefQre buying your new dress let us show you our nifty models in Canton Creiie and Taffeta Dresses, made in the latest V styles, of the very best materials and workmanship, absolutely first class in every particular. We are offering these garments . V at greatly reduced prir-es. A real chance to make your pur- V chases and save money. HOUSE CLEANING A is now the topic of most housewives, and in many cases it calls A for New Curtains and New Draperies, We have a very attrac- A tive line of Curtain Materials in Scrims, nets and Voiles in dif- . f erent shades and patterns, also a well selected line of Cretonnes A for Draperies. Our prices are the lowest. A MOTHERS We call your attention to our Hose, half nnd three-quarter Y Socks, Spring and Summer Underwear for your hoys and girls. Also the well- j known "Ideal Underwaists" the most practical and serviceable garment on the market for the price. .1 i OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT displays those bright and cheery A colors, combined with the new becoming shapes so much admired for summer A wear by all well dressed ladies, at prices for less. A Z H Excella Patterns 20c to 35c SHIELDS 222 WMain Medford Wl faWWWl!! il iui !i ijllilliilii Ill 1 lil fflllllllHH Illlllllil Willi Notice to Water Users! Commencing Wednesday, May 9, 1923 - IRRIGATION HOURS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS 4:00 A. M. to 10:00 A. M. 4:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY, on the East side of the Streets running North and South, and North side of all Streets running East and West. TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, on the West side of all Streets running North and South, and on the South side of all Streets running East, and West. SUNDAY 4 A. M TO 10 A. M. on the East side of all Streets runnng North and South, and the North side of all Streets running East and West. SUNDAY 4 P. M. TO 10 P. M. on the West side of all Streets running North and South, and on the South side of all Streets running East and West. J h Wasteful use of water or USING AN OPEN END HOSE for irrigating will not be permitted. Corner property will be governed by the street on which the house is num bered. ..... WATER MUST BE SHUT OFF IMMEDIATELY IN CASE OF FIRE ALARM. ... DO NOT USE A NOZZEL LARGER THAN ONE -QUARTER INCH IN DIAMETER. Do not set sprinkler so that it will interfere with traffic on sidewalk. Do not have leaky faucets or fixtures on your premises. DO NOT ALLOW WATER TO RUN TO WASTE DOWN THE GUT TER OF STREETS OF ALLEYS. 1JU.UU1 Violators of the above rules will be punished to the full extent of the law. Above rules to be in effect until further notice. WATER COMMISSION. I'll'ftl'VT, litry Impossible.