rEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, lfEBFORD, OTrROONT. WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, 102.1 RtOE TIIREE PROMISE BETTER Beautiful Los Angeles Woman Gives Tanlac Credit for Health. JURY LIST FOR Ina Claire at Page Theater May 14 E I IS H m : i n MRS. FLORA B. RUSSELL. Tho woflderful powers of tho Tnn- pac' treatment are again very forco- 'Ifully demonstrated. This time in the fcase of Mrs. Flora B. Russell, hlplily 'accomplished and esteemed resident ;cf 636 N. Orange St., Glendale, Cal. JShe says: ' '. 't "At tho time I commenced taking Ih'anlac I was suffering from anaemia cund a nervous, rundown condition. jkMy stomach was so disordered that everything I ate would bother mo Cnnrl fit tiniPH T cnnlrln't rptnin pvnn n 'J IrIiiss of water. I thought I would never be mvself analn. 4 1. paver it r "But H 'for sin kl .1 pvif But Tanlac Just suited my case. nee taking It I feel as well as J ever did. I have actuallv trained j twenty pounds in weight and I sleep t lko a child every night. I believe ''Tanlac will help anyone suffering S jike I did." IV Tanlac is for sale by all good ; druggists, i Accept no substitute, j Over 37 million bottles sold. j 1 Tanlac Vegetable Pills arc Nature's ipwn remeuy lor constipation. for salo everywhere. AHv i DANCE IMIroy's Orchestra Fair Grounds Thursday : .May 10 8:30 mm BOOTH A, 9 in "THE FLIRT" is such a story as Booth Tar kington has always loved to write full of dramatic situations, irresistible humor, and just enough pathos now and then to arouse the softer emotions. No one knows American lifo as Tarkington knows it; no one can depict it more graphically. CENTURY COMEDY PATHE NEWS Tho annual summer irrigation re strictions for water users commenced today, one week earner than last year and City Superintendent . Davis says tho regulations will bo strictly enforced. A new rulo this year Is that Sunday sprinkling hours will bo the samo ns all other days, 4 to 10 n. in., and 4 to 10 p. in. AH hours of sprinkling are ono hour shorter this year for every day, ending nt 10 a. m., or 10 p. m.. according tb where you live. Monday, "Wednesday, Friday nnd. Sunday morning are the times for those residing on the cast side of streets running north 'and south and north side of streets running cast and west. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon for all living on west side of streets running north and south sido of streets running east and west. Corner property is govorned by street on which tho house la num bered. City Superintendent Davis snys they are preparing to lay another line of 10-inch pipe across Bear Creek to connect with tho south Oakdalo lino to give better service In tho south part of tho city. Elect Congressman in Washington Sept. 25 OL.YMPIA, May 9. Tho special election to choose a successor to J. Stanley Webster, who has resigned as congressman in tho fifth district, was set 1or September 25 by Gov ernor Hart yesterday. The primary, to nominato candidates, was set for June 19. Congressman "Webster, 're-elected last November for tho term ending March 14, 1925, resigned to accept appointment as United States district Jndgp for enwtorn Washington. Was a "Bear Cat" "My wife was never an angel, and after five years of liver and stomach trouble she became a 'bear cat. No doctor or medicine helped her and wo thought there was no help for her. Our grocer told mo of Mayr's "Won derful Remedy, which had. helped him for tho samo trouble, so I brought homo a bottle, but she promptly threw it out. I got it back and after a week coaxed her Into taking it. .She is now enjoying tho best of henlth and deposition.", It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes tho catarrhal mucus from tho intestinal tract and allays tho In flammation which cnuBes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refund ed. For sale by all drugpists. Adv. A SHOW FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Masterpiece ADMISSION: Adults 35c; Kiddies SUNDAY "MY WILD IRISH ROSE" Tho Talented Actress Will Appear In "The Awful Truth." FORTTjAND, Ore., May 9. Frost caused serious damage to pears, peaches and apples in Josephine county during the past weok, says tho crop report' issued today by tho weather bureau here. Some local damage was caused in other coun ties. The cold weather at the close of last week and beginning in this week was unfavorable for pollination of apples and thero is some complaint of dropping of prunes and a light set of pears and cherries, but on tho wholo tho fruit crop is in fair to good condition and in some instances it is excellent. Winter wheat continued to do well In most sections of Oregon; it is stool- Ing out in central counties and is in the boot in some of the warmer west ern localities. Seeding of spring wheat and oats is generally nearly complete except in elevated districts. Early sown spring grain is doing well, but rain Is needed for thut which was sown late. r BEGINNING TODAY! Note: This show has the indorsement and been rec ommended by the Oregon Council, National Motion Picture League,, and Parent-Teacher Associations. BETTY BROWN'S flirty music. You'll whis tle it afterwards. 10c ISO BRAN SAVES DAY TULE LAKE AREA KLAMATH FALLS, May 9. M. C. Stewart and L. R. Regan, former service men with homesteads in tho Tulo lako area,, saved tho day for tho grasshopper drlvo when they return ed from Medford Saturday with 2800 pounds of bran, which they hauled in ono car with a trailer. When it was found, on tho eve of the poisoning campaign, that there was no bran available in Klamath county, tho two homesteaders vol unteered their servhies. Although tho load seemed excessive for a tour ing enr to haul, they successfully made tho trip, negotiating Topsy grade without trouble. Without the bran tho poisoning would have been at a standstill, and their volunteer services were h f gh ly n pprecialed by tho county agent's office. Stewart, who drove tho car, lost ono leg on tho Marne In France. Rea gan was with tho railway division in Fiance. Roth took up homesteads in the recent Tule lake land opening. OBITUARY YOUXG Lulu May Wood Young, wife of Georgo B. Young, died at Sa crod Heart hospltnl yesterday from influonza-pneumonln, aged 54 years, 9 months, 1 day. Mrs. Young wus born at Hloomflold, Indiana, Aug. 7, 1SGS and was married to Goorgo B. Young nt Long Island, Kansas, March 20, 1S9.1. To this union were born four children, Paul A; Embi;a S.: Mrs. L. A. Dcnzier; Philip T, Young, all of Modford, Oro., who with hor husband, survive hor. Tho family camo to Medford, thir teen years ago and ten years ago set tled in tho Orchard Home district. Mrs. Young also leaves five step children, four sons nnd ono daugh ter: Ray A. Young, Taft, Calif.; Mrs. N. Harper, WllBoy, S. D.: Glen Young, Springfield, 111., Leo Young, Virgil, S. D. : Goo. B. Young, Lisbon, Iowa, and two sisters and ono brothor, Mrs. Ora Holbert, Mrs. Ethel P. Weed, Long Island, Kas., Carson Wood, Me Cook, Nob. Tho remains aro at tho Perl Funeral Home. Funeral ar rangements announced later. News Summary of Last Night NEW YORK Testlnlony before fed eral trndo commission last night dis closed tho fact that well known motion picture stars received frdm $100,000 to $350,000 for each plcturo thoy work In, and for renewing contracts, wero awarded as much as $00,000. CHICAGO Any plan which pro vides for tho essentials of a pernio, nent world peaco should be acceptable to democrats and republicans allko, former Governor James M. Cox said, last night Miss Ciimmlngs Put Out. BURMIAM, England, May 9 (By tho Associated Press.) Miss Edith Cummlngs of Chicago, tho only American entrant In tho ladles' open championship of Great Britain, was eliminated today by Miss M. G. Wlck enden of Neville 5 nnd 4. Siller to Return In Juno ST. LOl.'Ig, Mny 9 George Slsler. star first banemnn for the St. 1ouis Americans, will return to his position somn time next month, according to Phil Ball, president ot tho club. . Tho jury list for tho May term of tho circuit court ' wns drawn this morning by tho sheriff and the county clerk. Tho grand jury will convene) Monday, May 21, and the petit jury Monday, Muy 2S. Tho first soven names drawn from tho box will constitute tho next grand jury. Tho list is as follows: Bella Miller, housowlfo, Cold Hill. Adio Williamson, housewife, Med ford. J. D. Morrison, farmer, Ueaglo. T. E. Daniels, retired, Medford. R. D. Sanford, farmer, Ashland. Harry 1J. Altken, machinist. Pros pect. M. P. Schmltt, insurance agent, Medford. G. H . Stowell, farmer, Eaglo Point. T. S. Nichols, merchant, Eaglo Point. M. E. Ward, farmer, Phoenix. Delia M. Hose, housowlfo, Ashland. Earl 0. Hrlscoo, farmor, Talent. R. Ij. Ray, farmor, Modford. C. II. Nickorson, retired, Ashland. Maudo Van Scoyoc, housewife, Medford. Mary D. Roberts, housowlfo Med ford. Ida Ponrl Jarl, housowlfo, Modford. J. J. Pollett, farmer, Tnlont. Magglo Burrowos, housowlfo, Mod ford. Ed Smith, farmer, Jacksonvllo. Daisy Dlnns, housewife,' Medford. Mary Browning, housowlfo, Mod ford. Ellis Call, farmer, Ashland. C. M. Howell, farmer, Modford. Jane Kent, housewife, Modford. .Tames Hardy, retired. Ashland. Nina Colvig, housewife Medford. Dexter Patterson, Ashland. Lee Black, farmer, Rucli. Pauline E. Greaves, clerk, Medford. Fred Dorn, farmer, Jacksonville Of the 31 names drawn, 13 aro wo men, and farmers prcdominato among tho men drawn. Medford fur nishes 14 of tho jury quoin, Ashland (1, Eagle Point 2, and tho balance ono onch from Ruch, Jacksonville, Ilcagle, Prospect, Gold 11111, Talent and Pros poet. WELL AT TALENT Consldernblo excitement was caus ed this liiornlnK In Talent by lllo re port that oil bad been Uncovered on the Tim Burnett place near that city. J no dlHcovery was mnno in a wen about 12 feet deep, which waa beiiiK cleaned out. For Homo time tho wntor has been unfit for household pur poses, and steps taken to find out what was tho matter. Tho water was reported covered with oil. An oil ex pert looked over tho situation, nnd as a result of his report which was fa vornblo, stopH will bo taken to de velop tho prospect. Absentee Meeting at The First Methodist "TheHour With the Absentees" at the First M. E. church last night was well attended despite tho storm that came up Just at tho time peuplo wanted in go. The bouse, however, wuh comfortnhly filled, and nil thor oughly enjoyed these "absentees," as they In turn, ono nfter nnotber, brought back tho old homo and the loved ones us they wero In our .child hood days. Just ns fnmilles of today, some had Had, palhetio memories nnd others full of fun and comics, which wub shown by some of tho evening's num bers. So, after nil, wo are all Just ono big family of Clod's children and life Is all very much tho samo happy and sweet If wo mnko It so, or other wise if wo cIiooho to havo It so. On a wholo, everyone was well satisfied with "I ho visit" nnd nro anticipating more such pleasant evenings together In the very nenr fdture. GOOD CIGARETTES GENUINE "BULL" DURHAM cm tW TOBACCO Wo Carry HAYES SPRAYERS 1 1-2 horse power to 8 horse power Most gallon pounds for your dollar Williams Implement Service 28 S. Bartlctt ' Medford 50 Want speed in gasoline ? Want power in gasoline? Want economy in gasoline? Then buy volatile gasoline. Drive in' at the nearest Shell dealer's and give Shell gasoline a thorough tryout. SHELL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA YOUR LAWN! IS IT THRIFTY? You can clmsc out tho YELLOW SPOTS in your lawn with G ROM ORE OKO-MORE is easily applied. GRO-MORE is odorless. " . CKO-MOItrc will change your lawn in a few weeks' time. . BUY A SACK TODAY i Monarch Seed Co. Use Gro-More and Irrigate Less. Phone 260 317 E. Main The Doctor Was Right When the good old family doctor was asked about baking powders, he said: "Use Royal. It is made from Cream of Tartar and is absolutely pure. You could dissolve a couple of tea spoons of Royal in water and drink it with benefit. That's'a health test , mighty few baking powders can; meet." .i The doctor was right. Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taite There Is Why Army Shoes Are the Best j , , . : TIIKV CilVK YOU IIO.VKST HKIU ; VICK AM COMI-'OItT 1HHMISH ' , . TIIKY KIT VOl'K I' KIOT ' Jfcrninn's Rnrrlmin Tnn, No. Wi, ' Anny Dross HIkw, No. 2IH $1.83 ; Herman's officers' Iross Hlion, plain loo Army Drew Hhoo, lli-nnan's No. 41, 95.13 Columliln Work Hhoo, No. 172 ...:!.HO Columbia Work Hho, No. illld ..I.H5 Army llol) Nulls, nl.o 8 ......$1.83 Army Marching Klion, (looilyrar Welti. $3.70 Old llonnsty Mix-rnsln I'nc, 0 In top ......$3.43 Old Honesty Moccasin l'acs, Vi Inch top '. $8.33 Buy Your Shoes at the Army Store and Save Money United Army Stores 32 Central Ave., South a Reason