Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 08, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    PIge1 fwo
Z '-ocal and
J Personal
The ticket agents of tho Southern
Paclflo railroad from southern Oregon
and northern California will hold a
mooting In this city this evonlng to
discuss affalrB relating to their busi
ness, especially the familiarizing of
the summer resort and tourist rules.
About twenty are expected to be In
attendance. Last year a similar meet
ing was held at Grants Pass, and the
year prior to that the meeting was
. held at Ashland. '
f After the fire It Is too lato to Insure.
Sea Redden & Canaday now.
The birthday present should be an
emerald. Get it at the Medford Center
Jewelry 8hop. 40
Fair and continued warm Is the pre
diction for Wednesday's woathor. Tho
present wave of warm weather lias re
sulted In most folks watering thtflr
lawns and gardons frequently with the
result that with so many Irrigating at
the Bamo time the water pressure is
low during the day and early evening.
The great eastern fad of French
Dollybags has hit Medford. Come In
and see them. Medford liook Store.
CroBcent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point, Sat., May 12th. 4
The condition of Dr. J. J.'Emmons
continues to show improvement, altho
he 1b still a very sick man, was the
latest bulletin from his beside re
ceived early this afternoon. .
Notice American Legion members:
A Bhort business meotlng nnd refresh
ments will be In order at the hall
Immediately alter first run of
"Flashes of Action," at the Rlalto to
night. 40
R. I. Red sotting eggB at DeVoo's.
There's a busy Business College
In Medford. OWN.
On Friday night, May It, the Phoe
nix C. E. society will give a May purty
to which all their friends of whatever
age, are Invited.
Emerald is the Mny blrthstono. Buy
them at the Medford Center Jewelry
Shop.' 40
Next Sunday will be Mother's Day.
Vollsnd and other famous cards. Med
ford Book Store. ' f 40
: Following the meeting on Saturday
night of tho Josephine county fair
board, tho ndvlsoiy commltteo and
those interested in horso racing, it !s
probable that the county fair tills your
will see some excellent racing. The
opinion was held by those In atten
dance that some such action is abso
lutely necessary to Insure tho success
of the celebration this fall, coining as
it does after tho Jackson county fair.
Committees wore appointed to look
Into the possibilities for the races
and to look Into the construction of
the track nnd gmndstandB. 1 The fair
dates set for this your are September
19-22, Inclusive. Grants Pass Courlor.
Nine cars of tourlstB were encamped
at the city auto park last night. They
were mostly people enroute to their
homes in Washington statu and Can
ada after having spent tho winter In
southern California.
Mattresses, new and made ovor.
Phone 104. 32 N. Grape. 56
Crescent orchestra dance, Eaglo
Point, Sat., May 12th. 43
D. E. Millard writes from Glondora,
Calif., that the city Is In tho heart of
the orange and lemon bolt and that
the new Christian church costing $80,-
000 Is one of the nicest In that coun
try Whtlo Mr. and Mrs. Mlllnrd will
enjoy the work there they Btlll retain
great love for the Rogue River valley,
Medford and the people hero. Mr.
Millard has withdrawn all the lots on
the west side of the river at Edgewood
park from the markot and only has
two left on the oast slilo.
Bargains in used pianos, while they
last: 1 Ludwlg worth 3ti0, just Uko
new, for quick sale, price $225, tonus
10 down, $10 per month. 1 Koohler &
ft Campbell, price $225, Borne tornis.
II. O. Launspuch, office phono 227,
evonings C4.6-R. .- 41
Do not buy an olentrto washor until
we have demonstrated tho new May
tag to you. Crator Lake, Hardware
Co., , tt
Out of tho Inky storm clouds ba
comes, the arch-enemy of all good
farmers. There Is nothing you
can do to stop him from reaping
his destructive harvest Though
you cannot prevent such dnmaga
, you can protect yourself against
' money loss by a 1
Hail Insurance
Policy ,
Rates reduced from 12.1. 00 to $15.00
per $1000 on fruit crops for the son
Bon of 1923. Might as well Insure
now and get protection for the entire
season as tho anmo rate per thousand
will obtain. Inmmrnco not effective
until 24 hours after application Is
. signed. 1 .
Insurance Agency
Modforvl JihH Bank IMtlg.'
. Rev. K. P, Lawrence and Rev. Jo
soph Angel of Phoenix, together with
Frank Smith went to Hutto Falls yes
terday to hold services Monday and
Tuesday nights and organize the homo
missionary work. Rev. Angel will
preach there on Sunday evenings the
coming year.
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes the Insurance Man.
Vanity boxes, priced at $5.50, values
to $11.50. Leather bags at $8.25, values
to $14.50, for this woek. Medford
Center Jewelry Shop. 46
Traffic officials from. Washington
and California and from various coun
ties of Oregon met at Salem yesterday
with the members of the state traffic
department in their annual confer
ence. Approximately 40 traffic men
woro In attendance. Traffic problems
and, the enforcement of traffic laws
were discussed. T. A. Raffoty, chief
of tho Oregon state traffic sound, pre
sided. Crescent orchestra dance, Eagle
Point, Sat, May 12th. 43
J. E. Enger of Rosoburg, roadmaster
of the Southern Pacific railroad spent
today in the city, having arrtvod this
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
East Main.
Crescent orcheBtra dance, Eagle
Point, Sat., May 12th. 43
Walker Whiteside and his company
who played "The Hindu" at the Page
theater liiHt night left on this morn
ing's train for Eugono where the at
traction plays tonight.
Hiking suits, sox and hats at The
Colonial. 41
You'll find Just tho card yon want
to send to mother at Swem's Studio.
Miss Arlene Normile arrived home
this forenoon from a visit at Eugene,
Corvallis and Portland since last Fri
day. Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Wed
nlte. 41
Just two more lots In beautiful Edge
wood park on Rogue river, to be sold,
or will exchange for light car. See
J. A. Millard, 531 Austin street. 40
The 400 mark membership goal In
tho Ashland chamber of commerce
lias now been passed and the organi
zation Is planning to Increase this to
500 by Juno 1, according tor tho Ash
land Tidings.
Studobakor Light Six $1190 f. o. b
Medford.- tf
. Six hundred pooplo Baw "Flashos of
Action," tho war picture, at the Rlnlto
theatre, yesterday, and all praised it
as an exceptional picture. This picture
Is tho property of the U. S. govorn-
mont, and will bo shown In Medford
tonight for the last time.
The firing squad of legion men at
tached to the advertising department
of tho signal corps war film, "Flashes
of Action" nt the Rlalto theatre, pa-
radod tho stroots again this noon fir
ing volleys of shots from tho rear end
of a motor' truck.
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. First class work and prompt
service. tf
Now .voile, dotted Swiss and ging
ham dresses nt The Colonial. 41
Soth Glonn of Medford Is one of the
inomheis of nn O. A'. C. nogatlve de
bute team that will make tho trip
from OorvalllB to Albany to debate
with Llnflold collogo in a dual meet
tonight. Glonn Is nn O. A. C. student
Valloy Fuol company are delivering
12-Inch groon slab wood and edgings
for $1.37 nnd up per tier, In lots of 1
tlor or more. 16-Inch at $1.75 per Mar
In lots of 3 tier or more. Investigate.
Mill blocks,. edglngB, and all other
kinds of dry fuol In proportion. Phono
76. tf
Children's hoso at very special
prices nt Tho Colonlnl. 41
Jack Williams of Dunsmuir, has ac
cepted a position In White's barber
shop on Ilartlett street.
Dunce. Jackson Hot Springs, Wed
nlto. 41
Next Sunday Is Mother's Day. Send
nor a grouting card. Swem's Studio.
' 41
A numbor of permits are being
taken out by Ashland, Medford and
Klamath Falls pooplo to build summor
homes on Lake of the Woods, accord
ing to the local forest service office.
Three now summer homos will bo
built on tho woBt Bhoro of tho lake
this season.
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
repairs. ' Electric Shop, Eighth and
rjnrtlott. tf
Monoy to loan from $500 to $1000,
on npprovod city or country property,
Attornoy Bordon. 4J
' The King Tuts, Modford's horseshoe
tossom playod a match with tho pitch
ing dologntlon from Applogato last
Saturday at Hooson's playgrounds.
Tho' match ondod practically a tie
with Burl Mlltor, Jackson county
champion, playing with tho King Tuts,
high man.
Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Wed
nlto. 41
Does tor sale at a bargain. Phone
627-L. 41
Tho shingling of tho now- grand
stand sections being built at tho Jack
son County Fair Grounds will bo start
ed noxt woek.
Kiddles' Kovoralls nt Tho Colonlnl.
' Vsod enrs nt your own price. Soo
Corwln ond of North Rivorsldo avonuo.
By Investing tho city's bond sinking
fund, Klamath Fulls will bo enabled
to reduce tho annual levy from $24,000
to $20,000, in tho opinion of Mayor
Arthur R. Wilson, who with tho city
council has worked out a plan of
finance which has boon plarod in oiv
erntlon through purchaso of $26,000
of city bonds. Klninnth Falls Herald.
For sand, gravel, sodlmont ana team
work see Snnuiol Batoman, 303 Maple
street Phone 912-J.
. Petite prunes 15 lbs. $1.00. Hutchi
son ft Luinsdvn. 42'
Attorney Jamos T. Chlnnock of
Grunts Pass spent Monday In the city.
We have good values In used cars.
Pat ton ft Robinson, Inc. tt
Colonial Garage for tiro sorvlce,
Goorge Nichols, Jr., Marsh Garrett.
and Gus Nichols will leave early next
week to drive 700 head of cattle for
summering In the Fort Klamath coun
try. '
Petite pruncB 15 lbs. yi.GO. Hutchi
son & Lumsden. 42
Sweaters in all shades and sizes,
from $2.50 to $16.50. 41'
Miles Cuutrull of Ruch spent Mon
day In the city attending to business
and visiting friends.
Newcomb has 16-Inch slabwood at
$1.76 per tier, at much as you want,
three tier or over. Also plenty of dry
mill blocks. Order early. Phone 631.
' McQuay-Norrls piston rings, from
2 to 6 inches diameter Inclusive, at
Riverside Garage. 43
The muny friends of Snm T. Rich
ardson who was operated Uxn at
Portland recently for stomach trouble
will be pleased to learn that he Is
convalescing rapidly, and expects to
be able to come home In a couple of
weeks. Ho spends a couple of hours
each afternoon In the lobby of the
Imperial hotel at Portland, and Med
ford residents in the motropolis are
asked to look him up.
Maxwells, Chevrolcts, Chalmers,
Hudsons, Buick Speed truck. Real
bargains In these used cars. See
Corwln, end of North Riverside Avo.
Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tt
11. D. Reod of Gold Hill spent Mon
day afternoon In the city on business.
Potlte prunes 15 lbs. $1.00. Hutchi
son & Lummlon. 42
Deuel's Lucky Day, April 26th. 46
Walter Miller of Los Angeles and
Tom Ray of Omaha, wrestlers who
have appeared at Gold Hill, will meet
at Marshfleld next Saturday, May 12.
Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co.
Spray hose 20 cents per foot Crater
Lake Hardware Co. tf
i George Erlckson of Trail spent Sun
day and Monday in tho city attending
to business and visiting friends.
Oladiola and Canna bulbs. Eden
Valley Nursery, 680-J-2. tf'
Deuel's Lucky Day, April 26th. 45
Glen Fabrlck, the Medford laundry-
man, was among the Shrlners from
southern Oregon attending today's
ceremonial. He is on his way to east
ern Oregon for a weok's visit. Mike
WomacK, well known mining promoter
and "nugget king" of the Rogue River
valley, Is a Salem visitor, on his way
back from examining a mining pro
spoct In Washington. Salem Capital-
Furniture repaired and made to
order; work called for and delivered.
Wm. Bradley, Phone 973-L. . 44
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. ' Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
E. Main.
Pnt Swayne and daughter of the
upper Applegate spent Monday after
noon in the city.
Auto Insurance. Brown & White.
Brown shoe renewing In department
2.' 103 North Central. 43
Dr. J. R. Robinson, tho pioneer phy
sician of Jacksonville spent Monday
In tho city.
Colonial Garage for tire service 319
How Ib this? Best quality baby
chick scratch $3.10 per hundred. But-
terpillk egg mash $3.00 per hundred
wnue they last Watklns Feed Store.
Phone 269. 41
Auto Insurance Brown & White, tt
John Dearborn of Dorrls, Calif., re
turned to his home Monday afternoon
after a short stay In the city.
Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co,
Brown has lots of boys' shoes. 43
Vou can got It at DeVoe's. tf
The Guggenheim lntorests have pur
chased the Towne copper holdings In
Mexico, according to press reports,
nnd this has given rise to the hope
that the Bluo Ledge mine in Siskiyou
county, nnd owned by the Towne In
terests will be re-opened at nn enrly
date. '
See Brown for shoes in department
one. 43
The Medford Vulcanizing Works
sells 3 0x3 Mi tires for $8.50. tf
II. G. Lnunspnch loaves Sunday by
auto for San Francisco on a business
and pleasure trip. Ho will be accom
panied by Mrs. Lnunspnch who will
visit her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. It,
Gurrottson, formorly of Modford who
now roslilo at Vallojo, Cal. They ex.
poet to return about June 1st
Anyone wishing any Durant stocks
or Hayes-Hurst Body Corporation
stocks phone Dr. E. H. French 915.
Tho Hayes-Hurst Corp. Is a subsidiary
of the Durant Corp. 41
Moved; Insuranco nnd Accounting
offices System Sorvlce Co. ovor Fnr-
mers & Fruitgrowers Bank. 39
Rnlph Stanley of tho Butte Falls
district was In Medford tills morning
transacting business and visiting
St Ann Altar sorloty will give
card party and tea at St Mary's Acad
emy on Thursday afternoon. There
will be a musical program after which
bridge and flvo hundred will bo playod
All former graduates of the school
their friends and ladles of Medford
are Invltod. 40
Rugs washed. Hamilton Beach sys
torn. Work called for and dollvorod
Phono 641. EU Davis. 41
Hob Gnlllgnn, Canadian war veteran
nnd popular local newsboy returned
tho end or last week from a three
weeks visit In Portland, Sonttlo, Tn
coma, Spokane,' Wonntrhee, Yakima
and other cities on tho northern Pa
cific coast Ho returned to work this
morning, issuing Portland papers to
hlB subalterns and crying 0'it his
wares on tho street,
' Sevoral loads of ashes, good for
filler or walks, for tho hauling, In rear
of Mall Tribune office. tf
' All kinds of rough and dresseii lum
ber. Wallaco Wood, phone 108. 711
E. Main.
Walter Antlo of 1-nko Creek as In
Medford this morning visiting friends
and transacting business.
We can still furnish spray hose for
20 cents nor foot Crater Lake Hard
ware Co. . . tt
Owing to the small amount of snow
In the hills, It Is -reported by altuches
of the local forest service office, that
the road to Lake of the Woods will be
open one month earlier than usual
this year.
Rellners for fabric and cord tires.
Medford Vulcanizing Works. tf
Tho tile' work on the front of the
Rex Cafe, which so Improves the ap
pearance of the building Is nearlng
completion. Considerable Interest In
the method of doing tho work has
been displayed during the past threo
days by pedestrians, many of whom
stop to watch the workmen shaping
and fitting the tile. -
Dance at the Shasta tomorrow nlte.
Refinement and good music. 40
. A year ago, today the weather was
much colder and quite rainy with a
maximum temperature of 60 degroes
and a precipitation reported of 30
hundredths of an Inch.
Car oak flooring at Modford Lbr. Co.
. tf
Little could be learned today, con
cerning the baseball game which was
played Saturday at Ashland, with the
local team contesting the high school
boys of that place. It Is known that
the score amounted to 19 to 4, In fa
vor of the Granite City team. -GrantB
Pass Courier.
Chnrles G. Thomson, superinten
dent of Crater National park Is sched
uled to address the chamber of com
merce forum of the Klamath FaUs
chamber of commerce tomorrow noon.
After a brief stay in Klamath Falls he
will make his first trip to Crater Lake,
going part of the way on skils.
Dunce at the Shasta tomorrow nite.
Refinement and good music. 40
Ralph Owen and Lon Owen of Ean
Claire, Wisconsin, who have been in
Modford for some time looking over
their extensive timber interests near
Butte Falls left yesterday for their
LANE Anna Lane died at the
home of Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcox in the
Orchard Homo district Sunday even
ing, aged 63 years, 9 months and 23
days. She was a native of Herford
shire, England, and had been a resi
dent of Medford for the past sixteen
years. She loaves one sister, Mrs,
Elizabeth Wilcox of Medford, Ore.
Tho funorul services will be held at
tho Perl Funeral homo, Wednesday,
at 2 p. m., Rev.-J. Randolph Susnett,
officiating. The Interment will bo in
I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Oppose Foreign Capital.
TOKIO, May The success of the
American loan to the Oriental De
velopment company has encouraged
other Japanese firms to seek capital
abroad. This is said not to be ap
proved by tho government and the
Bank of Japan, but companies assort
thoy cannot got tho money here. The
Osaka Kyoto railway company Is
among thoso seeking capital.
Artificial Silk Increasing.
TOKIO, May The manufacture of
artificial silk is steadily increasing
in Japan and much foreign machin
ery is being Imported with tho ob
ject of improving the product. The
output has Increased from 25i0,000
pounds to 850.000 pounds annually.
FOR SALE New - 7 room modern
. house, built-in features. Small pay
ment down, balance like rent 408
Edward St 42
WANTED A good reliable man to
mow and water lawn for a few
months. Phono 390-L after 6 o'clock.
LOST Pair or glasses in case, tor
toise shell rims. Name M. M. Van
Horno on case. Leave at Mall Tri
bune office and receive roward. 41
Handicraft Shop.
Buttons covered.
8c a yard.
1(M efficiency for you
til w
g tr
lion we correct your ejo
rouble. Kcn-soiuiblo
clininoo.' ' " ..'-
McElroyV Orchestra
Fair Grounds
May 10
A feature of the racing carnival at
the Fair Grounds on the 15th and 16th
of June wilj be a bicycle race for boys
ueiween me ages oi it anu to, accord
ing to George Gates, head of tho rac
ing committee who is sending out a.
call for entrants.
He says he wants twelve or sixteen
boys who think they are good lcycle !
boys who think they are good bicycle
Gates Auto company to make arrange
ments to enter the race.
The contest will call for one lap of
the track. , The winner will receive
$25, the boy who takes second place
will be rewarded with a ten dollar bill,
and the third place taker will leave
the track with five dollars in United
States currency In his possession.
These prizes make entrance in the
race worth working for. . It would
seem that a number of local youths In
the near future would pump up their
tires, clean and oil their chains and
coaster brakes and time themselves
for a mile and one-eighth.
Relieves Backache
"Have had kidney trouble and back
ache for many years and I tried sev
eral doctors but got only temporary
relief. - A friends advised me to try
Foley Kidney Pills, and before I used
two boxes I was entirely well," writes
A. C. Perkins, Summer Shade, Ky.
Kidney and bladder trouble requires
prompt treatment. -Foley Kidney Pills
give quick relief. Refuse substitutes.
Insist upon Foley's. Sold everywhere.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many friends
for their expressions of sympathy and
kindness in the loss of our beloved
daughter and sister. Also for tho
beautiful floral offerings.
J. H. DE JARNATT, Father.
D. W. DE JARNATT, Brother.
H. H, DE JARNATT, Brother.
It. E. DE JARNATT, Brother.
40 C. W. DE JARNATT, Brother.
F. & E. Theatre
Matinee Kvery Saturday 2 P. M.
Kiory Monday "COUNTRY STORE"
May 8 and 9
in his latest comedy
' MAY 20-21
Admission lOc-.IOc; Matinees 10c-20c
. Our meals are the
talk of the town.
Merchants' Lunch
Short Orders
We Suggest That You Qive
Them a Trial
The Shasta
To perform right, to stand up
to abuse, should bo equipped
right supplied with Quality
luhrlrnnt8. cared for as any
other picro of machinery.
For a sweet-running motor
and a car "always ready" get
quality supplies here.
The Auto Supply Co.
8t X. Ilartlett. Doc Wright
i "Flashes of Action,", Rlalto
! Tbentro, May 7 to 8.
The Trork Man"
80 N, Holly ... Phone COO
Version of a seven stars life in Holloywood
the India Rubber Man in "Tlio Artist."
She was a liar and beautiful
She was a hypocrite and kissable
She was a tyrant and adorable
She was a cheat and bewitching
Yet no one lifted a
hand against her
Tomorrow Thursday Saturday
Prices Adults 35c; Kiddies 10c
The amount, of money you receive has far less to,
do with your being able to have the things you '
want than the way you save.
And the only sure way to save-to spend less
than you receive is to SAVE FIRST.
Then instead of banking what you don't spend,
reverse the procedure, and spend what you don't
bank: Give that workable plan a fair trial.
Jackson County Bank ,
Member Federal Reserve
Established 1888
We have added a new electric welding machine to our equipment
and re now prepared to wold everything In steel. Iron or casting.
We also liave added a new 24-lnch Heavy Turning Lalhe and are
now prepared to do all kinds of Iilacksmlthtng, Wood Work and
Billings Carriage and Auto Works
Why buy a ready-made suit when
we will tailor you a suit to measure
. and ip ;
Springer & Lee
Opposite Rialto Theatre1