PAGE SIX WEDFORD M2TJC TRIBUNE. BEDFORD. OREOOtf, MONDAY, MAY 7, 1023 L I v IN AWFUL SHAPE There lids been much complaint on the part of people who travol the road between here and Prospect about the deplorable stretch of road, about five and one-half miles In extent be tween: MoCloud and Prospect In' the Flounco Rock neighborhood. Tbo condition of this road is so bad that Superintendent Thomson of Crater National park declares It Is a disgrace to Oregon. . : The near approach T)f the Crator Lake tourist season makes It seem Imperative that the ruts and chuck Bolos in this stretch bo done away with as noon as possible. Superin tendent Thomson has mado arrange ments to bring the matter directly to the attention of the county court. Tho troublo 1b that although tho contract has been let for a now high way at this point, the work will not bo done until late next fall. The road between hero and Crater Lake is now open as far as the snow lino, about five and one-fourth miles boyond Union creek, which means that cars can now only go as fur as the .snow lino. According to James Grieve of Prospect nover before, so far as known, has tho road boon open to within such a closo distance of Crator National park curly In May. It breaks tho record in this regard by about two weeks. Tlioro are 10 feet and six Inches of snow at the lake rim, and six fcot and seven inches at Anna Spring camp. Superintendent Thomson expects to make his first visit to tho lake somo time this week, going in by way of Klamath Falls and Fort Klamath and from there on skiis. Ho expects to start In with a large crew on June 1st to clear away tho snow between the lake and the snow lino, bogln - nlng at the lake end first and work ing this way. mercy of the brigands this afternoon Troops were believed to bo pursu I tik' tho bundlt army. Among tho Americans reported held wore Hubert Scripps, tho news paper publisher: Major Pingor and two other officers of tbo American nriny, numed Jtoland und Allen, all three in tho Philippine service; four others whoso names wero given as Henly, Lee, Solomon and Levy. The passengers included 39 foreigners, and ten of them escaped or wero re leaned. Tbo outluw horde, having do railed tho forward part of tho train hy means of n broken track, fired a volley toward tho coaches. Major Plngor's two sons also were taken prisoner, but Mrs, Plngcr escaped. Tho cnptlves Included J. H. Powell editor of tho Weekly Ilovlew at Shanghai. i NEW YOltK, May 7. (Ity tho As sociated Press) The lure of t nival took Mlns Lucy Aldrlch, -ulster of Mrs. John I). Rockefeller, Jr., to China; whero she was captured by bandits. She was circumnavigating tho gloho for tho second time. Her brother, Wlnthrop Aldrlch, a member of tho Hoekefeller firm or attorneys, said today ho was glad to Rot the news of her release, as tho Ktandnrd Oil company s wire fucill ties had loft him In Ignorance, prob ably becauso its offices in China wero closed on Sundays. MIhs Aldrlch took with her as com panion Miss Mimilo .MuKndden of Providence, 11. I., and a maid. Uoth have been released. MIhs Aldrlch, daughter of tho late Senator Nclson W. Aldrlch of Ithodo sland, noted tariff maker, is wealthy in her own right. Small boys havo been snagging nu merous suckers in Hear Crook and leaving tho dead fish in tho vicinity of, tho Olty Auto Camp, thereby mak ing portions of the creek and bank offensive. They are warned to dis continue this prnctlco as well us that ' of snagging catfish. W. H. Coleman, deputy state game warden, announces that ho hopes the boys snag overy sucker in Hear creek, but warns them to take them away and not throw them bnck Into tho wnter or leave them on tho hunk to pollutes both atmosphere and wnter. 1 As to the cntflsh, It Is lawful to catch them only with hook and lino. They wore planted In Hear creek nlno years ago by V. J. Kmerlck' and n friond and nro now becoming Inrgo and numerous enough to bo caught once In a while. If they nro left un molested the youth of this vicinity will havo good and enjoyable fish ing id a row more years. If thoy aro snugged and otherwlso destroyed tho sport will also bo destroyed. lljcllfl Honolulu Conch, COUVAU.18, Ore, Muy Marshall HJolto, basketball centor of Oregon Agricultural College has accepted a position as director of physical edu cation at Ptinuhou preparatory school at Honolulu. Jtoliert Scripiw Caught. SAN D1I5CIO, Cnl., May 7. In pri vate telegrams received hero from Washington today, it was reported from China that Itobort Scripps, the newspaper publisher, formerly of this city, but now a resident of Washing ton, had been captured by tho Chi nese bandits who seized the Shang hai-Peking express train on. tho Shantung border yesterday. It was said, however, that tho other mem bers of tho party aboard Mr. Scripps' yacht were not on tho train. Ho had left for the interior alone, according to the telegrams. With Mr. Scripps on tho yacht were his wife, his father. K. W. Scripps and others whose names aro not known horo. Tho Scripps yacht, the Ohio, left hero March 10 for tho Orient. Tho yacht Is believed to havo remain ed at Shanghai whllo Kobcrt Scripps went to Peking. TOURISTS NEAR DEATH (Continued from Page One) following Americans wero on tho train held up by Chinese bandits near the Shantung border: A. L. Zlmnionuiinn, V. llalmovltch, L. Krlodmnnn, J. A. Henley, L. Solo mon, Mr. and .Mrs. Plngcr and two children, J. V. Powell, Major Allen with Mrs. Allen and child. MIhs L. T. Aldrlch. Miss MacKadden, Miss Schonberg, Messrs F. und K. Dlas apd 13. Cicnborgcr. -. ' . Men In Hanger. ! PEKINO, May 7. Reports trickl ing In hero slowly today from tho Shantung border at Ltchcng where oarly yesterdny 1U00 bandits seised the Hhnnghal-Pcklng express train on tho Tientsen Fukow railway and took captive ISO of Its passengers, In dicate that one foreigner, a lliitlsh subject named liothman, wus killed 'and thut a number vt Americans, probably men, stood In peril, at the Story of Bandit Attack TIENSTIN, May 7 (By Associated Tress.) A rollof train arrived here this morning with a party of foroign ors who escaped when the Shanghai Peking express train wus hold up yes terday by a largo force of bandits at Llnchong. In tho party woro Mrs. Itobort Allon and Mrs. Pingor and tho lntter's youn ger son. The women stated that their hus bunds, who nro majors In the Amer ican army nnd tho Plngors' elder son. were kidnaped. Tho Americans told a graphic tale of tholr oxporloncos. The bnndlts, they said, startud firing upon tho train before, it was derailed and swarmoil about it, smashing tho windows with tholr hatchets, when it was brought to a standstill. They then entered tho cars and robbed tho passengers of val uables, visiting some of the conches three tlmos -to bo sure of missing nothing. Ono foreigner was killed but his Identity was not known to the party arriving horo. It wns nearly two hours aftor the train had been shipped that a warning whlHtlo wns blown and the bandits decamped with tholr cuptlvos. A few of the foreigners escaped by hiding In tho long grass but more than twenty were carried off, Including six women. Mrs. Allen ami MrB. Plngcr wore loft behind when it wns found thoy woro unnhlo to koop up with tho fast pace sot hy tho bandits. Major Pingor nnd his wife kopt in touch for a time by shouting to each other, hut tho volco of tho major, who was ahead, grow falntor and finally censed, nnd his wlfo returned to tho train with hor younger son. It Is estimated that about 115 pas scngors wero kidnaped, most of thom in tholr night attire and without tholr baggngo. They woro forcotl to walk barefoot nvor tho broken glass in the vicinity of the train nnd woro hustled hy their brutal guards over the rough country as tho bandits fled In four of pursuit. Soldiers arrived at tho scono soon after tho departure of tho raiding party and tho government ordered the tuchuns (military governors) of tho neighboring provinces Immediately to tako up the pursuit. A complete list of tho kldnnped for eigners Is not available horo, but an American broker numod Henley, an Italian lawyer, Musso, and a number or Kngllsh women, nro bollovcd to bo among them. PORTLAND LEADS COAST LEAGUE, Purify your Blood mis spring mm OP cotirso you will purify your blood, you realize the im portance) of It. Many pooplo, howovor, ovorlook tho fact that Win ter, with its heavy meat diets, baa loft their LI..J 1 1. I .1 l14M,ir'''l(ilif'r '-A'i itnimi miin nun Sluggish. That listless, tired fueling creeps oyer tneni. tuoj- iooi unu something Is wrong yet. they can not Mr Just what! But Isn't It easy to throw off the Ills of winter! Tnke for Instance, 8. B. 8., the worlds best blood medicine for Ave gonoratlons. m im... ihQ hlnnri. It makes 0. D, D. puriuw . It clean nnd rich. 8. S. 8. stops rheu matism nnd skin eruptions; pimples, blnckhoads, actio, bolls, ecxomal It builds up rundown, tired men and women, benutltlea complexions, nnd makes tho flosh firmort S. 8. S. will glvo you greater enduranco, enorgy and strength! Mr. D. 8. Cintrtll. 1201 Kail 4th St.. Alton. 111., wrlltti "For tiro ytarfl wil troubled with pimplrt tnd bltckboadt on my lac tad back. Aftor taking S.S.S. tor only m abort whilo alt mf pimplaa ttartad to Iff. I taal 100 battat tad eau 4t moio than rtr, S.S.S. it a grand modicioa." Try It yoursolf. 8. 8. 8. Is sold nt all good drug stores. The largo site Is more ocouomlcal. Got a bottle today I SAN FRANCISCO, May 7 Ing of the clubs In tho Pacific league Including yesterday's follow: W. Portland '. 2t Vernon 20 San Francisco 18 Salt Lake 18 Sacramento 16 Soattlo 13 Oakland 12 Los Angeles 10 L. 12 12 U 14 17 18 21 20 Stand-Coast games Pet. .c:6 .625 .003 .B63 .485 .419 .304 .333 Close Race in Big Leagues CHICAGO, May 7. (Dy Associated PresB). Noarlng the finish of threo weeks of play, the races In both major baseball leagues have disclosed keen er competition than In most seasons. There wore only four places in tho American league when play started today. Ono team wns in first, two In socond, ono In third and four tied for fourth, and threo wero tlod for third In tho National. Though they lost to tho Philadel phia Athletics, the Bensntlon team of tho season 5 to 1, before 55,000 people, the New York Yankees man aged to start a road trip In first place, as both Detroit and Cleveland lost. By debating Boston 4 to 1, Washing ton became level with the Red Sox and enabled Chicago, which won its third straight from Detroit 4 to 3, and St Louis, which won a ninth inning thriller from Cleveland, 5 to 4, to go into a four cornered tie for fourth place. Chicago and Pittsburg both lost ground in the National by losing while New York and Boston wero Idle. Thru its victory over the Cubs, 10 to 4, St. Louis wont into a tie for third place with Pittsburg which lost to Cincin nati 8 to 7. Brooklyn mado a motion toward getting out of tho collar by downing Philadelphia 7 to 4. Rogers Hornsby, main homo run hlttor last year, mado two circuit swats, bringing his season total to four, and Charlie arlmm, Pirate first Backer, hit safely, lteoping his consec utive record for tho season cloar. lie litis hit Btifely in tho nlnotoen games played this season. Trls Sponkor of the Indians, Becnuse it is alleged he got exceedingly "lippy" townrd Umpire Ormshy Wednesday nt Dotroit, has boon suspended for a while. Yesterday's Baseball Results National St. Louis 16; Chicago 4. Cincinnati 8; Pittsburg 7. Brooklyn 7; Philadelphia 5. only three gamos. American Chicago 4; Detroit 3. Philadelphia 5; Now York 1. St. Louis B; Clovoland 4. Washington 4; Chicago 1. Coast Sacramento 8; Salt Lake 13. Oakland 3-6; Vornon 11-4. Los Angoles 7-3; Sun Francisco 1-4. Sonttlo 7-0; Portland 8-3. OREGON GOLF MEET IN THIRD PLACE SAN FnNClSCO, May 7. Wanor, San Francisco, having played In ton gamos and mode 24 trips to tho plate, has' pounded out thirteen hits, -which netted an average of 642.. Schang, Sacramento, Is next with a percentage of 629, and Jones, Portland, is third with .417 to his credit. Tho averages Include Saturday's games of the Pa cific Coast league. Other sluggers, who havo piled up fat percentages are Murphy, Vernon, .395; Walsh, San Francisco, .394. Coumbo, Salt Lake. .391; Peters, Salt Lake .387; Ellison, San Francisco .380; Krug, Los Angeles, .379; Valla, San Francisco, .37,4; Strand, Salt Lake, .373: Twomlily, Los Angeles, .370; Hendrlx, San Francisco, .3GG; Ynryan, Seattle, .367; Lane, Seattle, Leslio nnd Wilbcrt, Salt Lake, all .356; Compton, San Francisco and King, Portland, -each garnered a per centage of .355. Wolvorton, Seattle made ono trip to tho plate and pounded out ono hit,, giving him a percentage of 1000. For base stealing, Lane Seattle, easily outdistanced nil others in tho league by having copped eleven steals Kopp, Sacramento, was second wHh nine and Johnson, Seattle, came third with seven- to his credit. Valla, San Francisco, obtained six; Kllduff, San Francldco und Janvrln, Seattle, both got flvo, whllo Krug. Los Angeles, Grlssot, Portland, Hldred, Seattle, Cooper, Oakland, Mollwltz, ,. Sacra mento, Ithyno, San Francisco, Mc Cnnn, Portland nnd Hood, Los Ange les, all aro credited with four steals each. SPORT BRIEFS PARIS France has been declared winner of the international students' athletic meet over athletes from col leges and universities representing thirteen other countries. Charlos Paddock, tho only American competi tor, wns tho individual star. PARIS Georges Carpentler yes terday knocked out Marcql Nilles' In tho eighth round of their scheduled fifteen round bout for the French heavyweight title. HAVANA The bout between Jack Johnson, former world's heavyweight champion, and Wulter (Farmer) Lodge ot Mlnnosota, yesterday, ended without a decision in the fourth round aftor Lodge had declared ono of Johnson's blows' to the stomach was foul. MEXICO CITY Sam Longford, hoavywelght champion ot Moxfco yos tordny knocked out Andres Balsa, Spanish heavyweight champion, in tho third round. U. S. ATTACK CONSIDERED (Continued from page one) as likely that the negotiations will be halted until tho Chlheso authorities havo shown a willingness to mako adequate amends for tho Shantung bandit raid. Tho stato department Is depending on Mr. Schurman to take all neces sary steps to ascertain nil the facts ami to secure proper action' by the Chinese government. Moro detailed instructions will bo sent to him, how ever, when a clearer picture of tho situation is ohtnlnnhlo. Although they had no official list of Americans Involved in tho raid, of ficials here cheeked over carefnlly the lists of names carried in press dispatches und sought to establish the facts so far as poslblo from pass port and other records. At the war department It was said thero was no army officer by the name of Itoland Btatloned in the Philippines and it was believed pos sible that mention of Buch a name was due to confusion in tho nam6 of Major Poland W. Plnger, of the ord nance department, who is In China, accompanied by his family. The res idence of his mother is given in de partment records as Minneapolis, and he Is a graduate of the University of California. . Mujor Itobert A. Allon is nn offi cer in the medical corps, who was bom in Lena, 111., and before enter ing tho service was a practicing phy sician at Tncoma, Wash. Ho Is a graduate of Belolt collcgo and North western university. Stuto department passport records show that Jerome Arthur Henley, San Francisco, np plied for a passport to visit China. Ho is believed to be th6 J. A. Henley included in tho list of Americans on the train. Leon Solomon, New York City, also has a passport to travel in the fur east. John Powell, of Pittsburg, Pa., according to tho records, went to Italy from tho United States and thero obtnined an extension' to his passport which may havo been used by him in China. Ho gave his occu pation ns a chauffeur. J. P. Powell, an insurance agent of Memphis, Tenn., obtained a passport to Cuba, but tho records show no extension. Nothing is known hero of a Powell, connected with tho Weekly Review. Miss Edith Schonberg of Nnuga tuck. Conn., holds a passport and may bo the Miss Schonberg mention ed in press dispatches. After Every Meat, QUINCY. 111., May 7. John S. Powell, the newspaper' publisher of Shanghai, Chinn, announced .among those captured by Chinese bandits on tho Shantung border, is a former resident of Qulncy, and began his newspaper career hero as a reporter for the Quincy Whig somo twenty years ago. j t , Several years ago, Powell went to China, where ho established the Shanghai Weekly Review and became correspondent for several American newspapers. HANNIBAL, Mo., May 1. Verifi cation of tho capture of John B. Powell, former Mlssiourlan, by Chi nese bandits wns received today by J. P. Hinton of Hannibal, Powell's father-in-lnw, in a cablegram from Mrs. Powell who Is In Shanghai. The message stated that Powell had been captured in Shantung. Elinor Glyn Film On Dorothy Phillips in her brilliant story of life bohind tho scenes of pic ture making, "The World's a Stage,'' is the picture at the Page Tuesday. It is, marveloiisly true to life this picture. What occurs is doubtless taking place in the lives of hundreds, yes, thousands of stage and screen entertainers. "The World's a Stage" Is a distinct novelty which throbs with emotion. A big attraction on the Page's cur rent bill Is the Clyde Cook comedy, "The Artist," one of a series of new nnd most amusing releases. Other items include Bits of Europe and "Betty" Brown playing music you love to hear. Cheap School House. SAN ANDREAS, Calif.. May. The Calaveras county board of supervis ors accepted a bid ot $25 for the old Spring Valley grammar school house, located in the historic Bret Harto m'ning country. In pioneer days tho school housed many pupils, but has since been closed owing to lack of attendance. IM Sam lh , "A bite to eat-a bit of tweet" Alter a substantial meal, the children fiiiiiv want to ten . oil with a bit ol sweet. Give them VVRIGLEVS, the great American Sweetmeat. It combines the enoyment ol sweet with many BENEFITS. It cleanses the teeth, removing food particles that lodge in the crevices. It neutralizes the acids ol the mouth, soothes the throat, and lastly j WRIGLEVS helps the stomach by supplying saliva to aid in digestive work. v Made clean, kept clean, sealed v tight in a wax-wrapped package. The Flavor Lasts SI R.'.v,f. rl. beauty of the ScaiJet Get fc&sat Wrltiaag Urge - mm BUOFOLD COME to this store and tako n Parker Duofold on 30 days trial. Neat geld pocket-clip included free, or gold ring-end with Lady Duofold. Its balanced swing and super-smooth point mako writing a now delight you won't neglect your correspondence and youll be rated as one who can afford tho finest pen, . Lacquer-red with black tips or plain black, if desired. Ovcr-siza Duofold $7 Duofold Jr. 5 Lady Duofold g5 w? roUTI.AND. Ore., May 7. Finns tlm 1U2.1 Oregon stato golf cham pionship meet on Vavcily links here have been practically completed. Tho woniens qualifying round will ue played Monday, Juno 18, tho first elimination round Tuesday, tho men's qualifying round Wednesday nnd the qualifying rounds thereafter, tho championships closing Saturday. lir. O. K. Willing, winner of the championship Illinois In 1921 and 11122 will not be on hand to partlcl nittn In the tciinncy, ns tho Walker cup nm.ehcs are scheduled to begin on tbo sanio day that tlio stato ovoni opens. Onlv two special events outsldo of tho clock and ladder gulf foatllics are scheduled. The mixed foursomes will bo held Prlduy afternoon, June 22 and a men's hiindlcup on Saturday Afternoon, Juno 23. llulld Poi-tlnml Trnek PORTLAND. Ore., May 7. J. J. Mcfall, president and secretary of the Oregon-Washington Hnclng asso ciation, newly organised hna an nounccd that a ono-mllo track will he constructed within eight mllwi of Portland immediately to tnke euro nt tho Portland meeting of the circuit. Preliminary to tho circuit, tho as sociation is sponsoring several meet lugs, the first of which will be hold nt Vanrouver, Wash., next Sundny. If this venture proves n success it will bo followed by another meot in Juno on the sumo track. Tommy (tlhlious to Host. ST. P.U'U Mann., May 7. Con flrmatlnn ot tho signing of articles for his fight July 4 with Jack Dernp- soy, world's heavyweight champion, lias been received hy Tommy Ribbons St. Paul challenger, from his man ager. Eddlo Kane. millions will spend several days nt his new homo here before going to his summer collage, nt Osnkls, Minn., 'FLASHES OF ACTION' 5 REEL WAR PICTURE Official U. S. Signal Corps Film WILL BE SHOWN AT Rialto Theatre TODAY and TUESDAY Afternoon and Evening " AUSPICES MEDFORD POST AMERICAN LEGION Don't Miss It! Admission 35c No War Tax Don't Miss It! "The Best War Picture Ever Shown in Medford" j5S.S.maftw you feel like yourself again for a tea day rest.