PAGE rwo MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON,' MONDAY. MAY 7. 1023 ocal and Personal Yesterday saw more motorlnt? par ties from Medford on the hisihwuys and byways of the valley than any Sunday bo far this season. Many par ties -drove to Trail and McCloud on the Crater Lake highway and numer ous parties spent the day fishing on Rogue river and Its numerous tribu taries After the fire It is too late to Insure. See Redden &. Canaday now. The great eastern fad of French Dollybags has hit Medford. Come In and see: them. Medford Book Store. . ,. ' . . ' 40 ' Radio reception was poor last even ing according to reports of numerous devotees of the ether waves. The pro gram at the Methodist church was successful for several numbers but was ultimately spoiled by adverse con ditions. R. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe's. The St. Mark's Altar guild dance planned for Tuesday, May 8th, has been postponed indefinitely. An advertising committee for "Flashes of Action," the U. S. Army Signal Corps official war picture, rode up and down the streets of the city during the noon hour today. The skeleton squad of Legion men fired blank shells from army rifles at inter vals and gave the appearance of being as tickled as a bunch of small boys with a pack of fire crackers. There's 8 busy Business College in Modford. OWN. Next Sunday will be Mother's Day. Volland and other famous cards'. Med ford Hook Store. . 40 The news was received throughout the city Sunday and today that there had been a marked Improvement In the condition of Dr. J. J. Emmens, who is still critically ill with pneu monia. This improvement has been such as to encourage bis close frlenda as to the ultimate outcome of the case. The doctor's mind is clearer and the spells of delirium are decreas lng. He was also able to undergo u shave yesterday. The change from his extremely low condition of Satur day is regarded as almost miraculous. Mattresses, new and made over. Phone 104. 32 N. Grape. 60 Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Wed nlte. , 41 Will Nicholson of Fort Klamath has gone to Medford, and will spend some time attending to his interests there. Nicholson has a large ranch near the fort, and another near Modford. Klamath Falls Herald. Next Sunday Is Mothor's Day. Send her a greeting card. Swom's Studio. 41 Genuine- Bosch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Bartlett. tf Mrs. George Greer, of Gorrle, On tario, arrived In the city Saturday morning, to spend the Bummer with her brother, James Taylor, of 240 South Grape street Valley Fuol company are delivering 12-Inch green slab wood and edgings for 11.37 and up per tier, in lots of i tier or more. Ill-Inch at $1.75 per tier In lots of 3 tior or more. Investigate. Mill blocks, edgings, and all other kinds of- dry fuel in proportion. Phone 76. tf Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf ' Walker Whiteside and company who present "The Hindu" at the Pago tonight arrived In the city Inst even ing from Sacramento, Calif., their special Pullman, and baggage and scenery car being attached to the reg ular train. Studobakor Light Six $1190 C o. b Medford.. tf Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Wed nlte. i ' 41 Mothor'B day; set apart for the com memomtlon of motherhood, falls this year on May 13, next Sunday. This Will he the loth anniversary of the ou- norvanco of tliis day. When the day originated It was customary to wear a carnation, but owing to inability of florists to supply tho one-day domond, the custom has changed, and now It Is proper for onch person to woar his or hor mother s fnvorlto flowor. You'll find Just the card you want to send to mother at Swcm's Studio. 41 All kinds of rough and drassed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phono 108. 711 East Main. ' There was born, April 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Vroman, at tho Com miinlty hospital a seven and one-half pound girl. We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man- The Swing's the Thing The bif choco lata -eovertd caramel and nut Bambino. Bar doesn't shy off the plate until you've ripped the cover off that old 'tween. meal hunger, A U hnlr k Meal fur . If . a tun 9 An accident which must have oc curred Saturday night or early Sun day morning apparently resulted In no serious Injury Jo any of the occupants of a Velle touring car with Oregon license No. 59932, Oregon. The car had overturned in the ditch at the side of the Crater Lake highway near tho top of Reese Creek hill and was head ed away from town. Money to loan from 500 to $4000, on approved city or country property. Attorney Borden. 43 Andy and Mln Gump will arrive on the Shasta from the Windy City this afternoon to be present at the White Elephant Sale to be held tomorrow afternoon, May 8th, at the home of Mrs. J. A. Perry, 604 W. Main St. 39 A news dispatch from Eugene says that John Stark Evans, associatq dean of the school of music of the Univer sity of Oregon, is presenting Bernlce Yeo, sophomore in tho school of music from Ashland in rocital thore Tuesday evening Muy 8. Miss Yeo will be as sisted by Aubrey Furry, basso, presi dent of the U. of O. men's glee club, a graduate of Ashland high school In 1917. Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Wed nlte. 41 Dees for sale at a bargain. Phone 627-L. . 41 V, J. Emerlck and W. H. Coleman spent the morning Inspecting the work at the egg-taking station near Eagle Point on Little Butte Creek. . Used cars at your own price. See Corwln end of North Riverside avenue. Petite prunes 15 lbs. $1.00. Hutchi son & Lumsden. 42 A number of Medford people mo tored to the several Ashland swim ming pools and enjoyed Bwlmmlng parties yesterday afternoon. We have good values in, used cars. Pat to a & RobinBon, Inc. tf Petite prunes 15 fts. fj.00. Hutchi son & Lumsden. 42 Don Rader, formerly of Medford and former shortstop of the Portland Beavers, has been Blgned by the Ver non Tigers in the Pacific Coast league to fill the gap In the Infield caused by the disqualification ot Ray French, who has accepted terms offered by the Brooklyn Nationals. Rader has been Playing in the Texas league for ,he paBt couple of seasons. Newcomb has 16-Inch slabwood at $1.76 per tier, at much as you want, three tier or over. Also plenty of dry mill blocks. Order early. Phone 631. tf McQuay-Norrls piston rings, from 2 to 6 Inches diameter Inclusive, at Riverside Garage. 43 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weeks, and party, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Crowson and Mrs. Benn Morris and son Jack spout Sunday at Edge wood park on Rogue rlvor at the Weeks and Orr cabin. i MaxwellB, Chevrolet, Chalmers, lludsons, Bulck Spoed truck. Real bargains in these used cars. See Corwln, end of North Riverside Ave. ' ' ' ' ' tf Milk and cream at DpVoe's- ' tf "JoBephlno county motorists are given warning that their money , is bolng accepted lit Jackson county by thn officials without question, says the Grants Pass Courier. "Friday night H. Carter and R. C. Salton, of this city, wore ambling along toward the Jackson center of population when a special Jackson county traffic offi cer caught up and told thorn to report today. Tho report was made and Justice Taylor made his Btock state ment, 'Twenty-five dollars.' Tho warning 'is givon by several others who have been baled Into the court there that Jackson county Is maintain ing an eagle eye ror me stray snecKies that may drift in from the more pro gressive county to the west, so drive woll down toward the 30-mlle point or W1B iruilIU Wf iiirtjr FiUi. jvu. . Petite prunes 15 lbs. $1.00. Hutchi son & Lumsden. 42 Colonial Garage for tire, service. Fifteen cars of auto tourists were encamped at the city auto park last night, and nlno cars of tourists spont Saturday night there Deuel's Lucky Day, April 26th. 45 Cement and plasiur. Medford Lbr. Co. tt Major W. A. Pottlgrew, chief engi neer for the Hartmnn Syndicate, Arthur KIbsIc, assistant engineer and C' B. Watson, attornoy for the com pany wero In Modford on business to day. Judge Wataon went to Salem this afternoon. Spray hose 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hardware Co. tt Gladlola and Canna bulbs. " Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J-2. tf Tho grasshopper mooting at Fort Klamath yesterday was woll attended. according to Mrs. E. L. Davis, who roturnod lat ovonlng from the Fort Owners of 36,000 acres slguod tor in ot one cont an aero for grasshopper control. . It Is hoped to got 15,000 acres more signed up boou. Tho county matches tho fund subscrib ed by the rnnchors, making a sum suf ficient to buy poison and dlstrlbuto it over tho areas of Infestation. Klam ath Falls Herald. Save $5.00 on tires at Gordon Stout's. Tire cover froo. 39 Dcuol's Lucky Day, April 26th. 45 Miss Virginia Dow has acreptod n position with tho California-Oregon Power enmpnny whore sho will tak6 tho placo ot Miss Iona Dunlap at the telephono switchboard. Miss Dunlao lias acceptpd a position with Dr. R. W. Monro. Furniture repaired and mndn to ordor; work called for and delivered. Wm. Bradley. Phone 973-L. 44 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. Thero was sn Immense crowd In attendance at Llthta park In Ashland yesterday aftornoon for. the first Sun day band coucort thero of tho Benson Including hundreds of cars of pooplo from Modford and vicinity. Auto Insurance, Brown white. Brown shoe ronowlng In department 103 North Central. 43 John A. Westerlund was at his of fice today and walking around town with a cane, for the first time since his return several weeks ago from having spent the winter In San Diego. His health is much Improved, but he Is still far from robust and It will take some time yet before he regains his usual strength and vigor. An entertainment, "An Hour With the Absentees", will be given at the First Methodist church Tuesday even ing. Admission, adults 25c, children, 15c. 39 Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Fay Diamond reports having caught a dozen nice cut-throat and trout on Big Butte creek and in Rogue river yesterday afternoon Numerous other good catches have been reported and it is said that the trout In the river ere not now bashful about taking a fly. How Is this? Best quality baby chick scratch $3.10 per hundred. But termilk egg mash $3.00 per hundred while they last. Watklns Feed Store. Phone 269. 41 Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tt W. J. Virgin announces that the delay in Installing station K F A Y at the Nat Is due to the necessity of mov ing the hundred foot antenna poles from the Fair grounds and mounting (bem on the Nat However the sta tion may go Into openation the end of the week on 50 watts capacity if the poles have been moved by that time. BlackBmlth coal at Medford Lbr. Co. ..... .. . . . tf. Brown has lots of boys' shoes. 43 Decorations which carry out the war "atmosphere" have been installed in the lobby ot the Ttlalto theater by Tom Swem, advertising the exhibi tion ot the United States signal corps moving picture, "Flashes of Action." The film will be shown today and to morrow, under the auspices of the American Legion. Do not buy an electric washer until we have demonstrated the new May tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Co. - You can get It at DeVoe's. tf A queer thing occurred this morning when two quail flying across River side avenue at the Gates Auto com pany building crashed into a telephone cable at the same instant and struck the sidewalk In front of B. T. DeLosh who happened to be walking along there at the moment. The birds came from the direction of Bear creek. They were flying swiftly and as they struck the cable broke their necks. The birds fell nt two foet from each other. DeLosh picked them up and turned them over' to Bill Coleman, deputy state game warden who made a pres ent ot them to William Hanna. See Brown for shoes in department one. 43 The Medford Vulcanizing Works sells 30x3 tires for $S.50. ' tt Anyone wishing any Durant stocks or Hayes-Hurst Body Corporation stocks phone Dr. E. H. French 915. The Hayes-Hurst Corp. is a subsidiary of the Durant Corp. 41 Mrs. Mary Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Riddle and Mr. and Mrs. George Fra- tor motored down from Riddle, Ore., yesterday to visit friends in Modford and Ashland. They enjoyed a picnic dinner in Lithia park. Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. ' ' tf Rugs washed, Hamilton Beach sys tem. Work called for and delivered. Phone 644, E. L. Davis. 41 Dr. Eugene Rockey of Portland who had been here several days at the bed- side of Dr. J. J, EmmenB returned to Portland last night with the intention to hurry back to help care for the patient should occasion arise. Several loads ot ashes, good for filler or walks, for the hauling, In rear of Mall Tribune office. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main.. We can still furnish spray hose for 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hard ware Co. tf Motorists returning from over tho Crater Lake highway from Prospect last evening" had the novelty of run ning through a hot lane of fire be tween McCloud aud Prospect caused by workmen burning piles of slash ings along the road, which niado such a fiercely hot blaze that riding was uncomfortable and drlvors Bpeeded up to avoid tholr cars being scorched. W. H. Goro and family were among the Medford people who encountered this experience. Moved; insurance and Accounting offices System Servlco Co. over Far mors & Fruitgrowers Bank. 39 Rellnors tor 'fabric and cord tires. Medford Vulcnnlilug Works. tf For Band, gravel, sediment and team work soo Sumuol Batoman, 302 Maple stroot Phono 912-J. Notice, Odd Fellows All members, local and visiting, arc cordially invited to attend either or both of tho convention sessions to bo held tomorrow afternoon and evening at I. O. O. F. hall, beginning at 2:30 and 7:3Q o'clock. . Dogreo work, a good program and suppor In evening. 39 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIl SALE 50 gal. gasoline atornge tank, robe lock, Knit auto theft car lock 30XIIV4, running boartl water canteens at half price. Oris Craw ford. Phone 3S6-J. 39 FOR BALK One six hole Majestic wood or coal rnnso. polished stool top, with pin water heater front. One threo burner Potrolt vapor oil stove with oven. One small lawn inowor used one season. C. I., (ioff, 41 N. Itiverslde Ave. Telephone 387-M. 45 WANTKI) Kxicrlencd ranch hand, married man preforrcd. Berkeley Orchards. 41 W ANTKjO About 100 foot of pipe 3 men rr iBi-gvr. reiepnono as-r-.i. Jni-kninvlllo. P. C Preston. 45 LOST .Irense No. "2129. flee. Return to 41 this o ! COPS IS EXPENSIVE, 7 SPEEDERS FINED Spcedors beware! The "keen eyed" law enforcers of Jackson county turned out in full force Saturday and Sunday on pleasure and business and while motoring- peacefully along the highways were challenged to numer ous races each and all ot which ended in the challengers being fined from 110 to 25 before Justice Olcnn O. Taylor. The moral la: Be careful with whom you pick a race. U. A. Johnson pleaded guilty and was fined (10. The arrest was made by county officer Ingram. W. Maddox and Drew Maddox of California, driving a National and a Chandler from California to East ern Oregon picked a race with S. B. Santlefcr, county constable and special prohibition officer, and were fined $10 each after pleading guilty. Herbert Carter and R. C. Salton of Grants Pass didn't provoke the law by trying to race with a speed cop, but were just having a friendly uttlo speed tryoij. ; on the Pacific Highway between 6old Hill and Rogue River when county officer In gram arrested them. It cost them $25 each. F. W. Whitman, Jr., of Ashland hud the sagacity to pass Sheriff Charles Terrlll on tho highway at an unlawful rate of speed and was as sessed JIB. You can't tell who the fellow in behind you Is nowadays. CARLSON 10 FIGHT RIICHiyOLD HILL Upon tho request of scores of fight fans in this section Martin Bowers has arranged for' a six-round scrap between Johnny Carlson and Battling liiclile. This will be the last oppor tunity fans here will have to see both of these boys for some time as Johnny will leave soon for Spokane and Richie will fight In Portland the 14th of this month. It is Mr. Bowers' Intention to make fills fight the only feature of a short card, which will be held Friday evening at the Gold Hill Pavilion. ' While there is much doubt as to the outcome of this tilt. Gold Hill fans are backing their favorite, Johnny Carlson, to tho limit and claim ho will show Richie' some new angles of the fight gitme before he scraps next Monday in Portland. A largo side bet will assure those who attend a. mighty, good bout. Radio News SAN FRANCISCO, Mny 7. Pa cific coast radio enthusiasts will have their first "silent night" tonight, when tho broudensting stations in five western states will co-operate by of fering programs on a time schedule arranged to permit long distance re ceiving. From six to 10:30 p. m., Pa cific time, tho five stations will broad cast successively. All broadcasters will be shut iown except during tho special schedule which follows: 6 to 6:45 p. m., KLZ, 360 meters, Denver, Colo. . 6:45 to 7:30 p. m., KZN, 360 moters. Salt Lake City. 7:30 to 8:30 p. m., WBA, 400 me ters, Fort Worth, Texas. 8:30 to 9:80 p. m KFDP; 400 me tors, San Francisco. 9:30 to 10:30 p. m KGW,-. 400 meters, Portland. Oregon. ; PAGE Tonight 8:30 Sharp ISO 0K SEATED DIKING THE PHOLOGIE. SKATS NOW SELLING PRICKS:: Ixwer Floor, $2.78; llalrony, 1st 4 rows, $2.20; next 4 rows, f. 91.05; ycxt il rows, $1.10; Hulaneo 55c. Includes Tux. ' TRIUMPHANT TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR , ''V MR. WALKER . f. M WHITESIDE In Gordon Kean'e Glittering Mgttcrg Plag of the Wilt Wags of India " THE HINDU" Which Packed the New York and Chicago Theatres for Months WITH HISS SIDNEY SHIELDS AND HEW YORK COMPANY " The Hindu' Is a glamorous adventure filled with surprises and thrills." Charles Darnton, New York World. "Walker Whiteside seems to have created a profound impression by his performance of Prince Tamar in 'The Hindu,' an oriental mystery play." Percy Hammond, New York Tribune. " The Hindu' is worth filling the theatre to see. You will have to go " to have as good a time as we did." Amy Leslie, Chicago Daily Sews. The One Different, Pictnruqne, Fascinating, Thril'.idg Play of the Season TOMORROW ONLY! ELINOR GLYN'S version of a screen star's life in Hollywood "THE WORLD'S ASTAGE" ' with Dorothy Phillips and Kenneth Harlan K1 ,rv ' ..also " x f CLYDE COOK in his latest comedy "THE ARTIST" ALL-NIGHT OF AN INDIAN GIRL WASHINGTON, Aill The mod ern "society" flapper, with her com ing out party has nothing on the American Indian maiden, whoso mar-rlnRe-announcement party has been among the tribal customs from time immemorial. Among the "Washoe Indians of Ne vada thre is o. dance or ceremony known as The gin s aanee, in honor of the young girl who becomes eligible for marriage. Her white cousin.. however, would hardly care to be the atar of such a feast, for the guet of honor is allowed to eat nothing at all for four days previous. On the fourth night the dance storm, at aboiit eight o'clock and continues unti! sunrise the following morning. The Indians form a circle, joining hands, and move by short side-steps in a ring, humming a sort of chant without words or meaning. The girl, accompanied by an elder woman as a sort of chuperone, and carrying a long staff to support her because of the weakness induced by her long fast, weaves in and out of the dance, joining in the step. As the dance proceeds late into the night the girl's family givo money and other possessions to the dancers to keep them moving and to induce others to Join in. The greater tho number of dancers the greater the popularity of tho family. Shortly after midnight a feast is given by the gli s relatives, and all participate. The ceremony closes at sunrise when tho girl is taken to her tepee and attired In bunches of sagebrush in which money is concealed. She appears before the assembled dancers outside and throws the money to them, amid a wild scramble. A can of water is then dashed over her head as the concluding ceremony after which she is ready to receive a proposal of marriage. POCATELLO, Idaho, May The name "Harding Dam" has been sug gested by local residents for the big American Falls. Idaho, reservnir nrn- Ject to be built this summer on the onaice river. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching. Buttons covered. Picoting. 8c a yard. Next Sunday May 13 18 Mother's Day We have a beautiful line of Cards Volland, Little, Gibson and many other lines 5c to $1.00 Medford Book Store o Benefits ; of Teniae , Last, Says Anderson Declares Famous" Medicine Ended Stomach Trouble Two Years Ago and Has Felt Fine Ever Since. "Swan Anderson, 243 Knst 43rd St.) rortland, Ore'con. Ib nnother who has realized both immediate and last ins benefits from the Tanlue treat ment. In relating his experience, Mr. Anderson said: "Tanlac did me a "world of Rood two years hko and I ist ill feel its PAGE MAIL OKDKRS NOW SEAT SALE FRIDAY NOON PRICKS iMwer Floor, $2.75; Unloony, 1st 4 rows, $2.20; Next 4 . rows, $1.03; Next 3 rows $1.10; UiUunco, 55c. Includes War Tax. DIRECT FUOM FIVE TRI I'MPHAXT MONTHS AT HENRY MILLER'S THEATER, NEW YORK AND SIMILAR EMPHATIC Sl'tXESS AT POWERS' THEATRE, CHICAGO. Tho Most Eagerly Awaited and Welcome Engagement of tiio Year ' ii CHARLES FROHMAN ' Prcsenta INA CLAIRE And Her Company Including i BRUCE McRAE In Arthur RIchman's Delightful Comedy 'THE AWFUL TRUTH' PRODUCED BY HEXRY MILLER Originnl Cast and Production Identically and Positively Intact That is the kind of work you will get if our experts develop and print your films. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS Headquarters for Everything Photographic The Swem Studios 217 E. Main St. Medford There Is Why Army Shoes Are the Best TIIKV mi'K voir nnviiiT m VICE AND COMFORT HECAISE . M fsj b THEY FIT YOIR FEET Hoi-man's Gnrrison Tan, No. 05, (15.85 Armv Divhh Nllnn. No. iil.H SI.M5 Ilrnnnn's Officers' Dress Shoe, too $1.95 Army Dross Shoe, Herman's Xo. 41, . $5.15 Columbia Work Shoe, No. 172 .. $.'i.80 Columbia Work Shoo, No. 800 ..1 $4.85 Army Hob Nails, slzo 8 .' $1.85 Army Marching Shoo, Goodyear Welt....... M..-2-70 Old Honesty Moccasin Pac, 0 in top .....Xi.....-f!.X.$5.45 Old Honesty MiK-rasIn Pars, 12 Inch top... $8.85 ' Buy Your Shoes at the Army Store and Save Money United Army Stores 32 Central Ave., South ' ' ' f nt':pv SPRING TIME NECESSITIES WINDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS Files are a menace to health and happiness. They ara a nuisance and should be kept out of the home. Order your screens now. Our prices are risht, quality the best. CKD.UI CIIESTH store away your winter furs, bedding, woolens, etc., In one of our "Pacific" Cedar Chests and they will be freo from Moths, Dust and Vermin. Many sizes In stock. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS 10th and Orape Phone 338 splendid effects. For a lonB time I had been in a run-down condition and my Btoniach was all out of order. I had a poor appetite bad digestion, r and what I did eat seemed to do me ', very little good. My kidneys, were ; out of order, too, and I suffered from ; a dull pain across tho small, o$,my( back. . . I "Tanlac proved to bo just what I ! needed and a few bottles did away ; with my disabilities arid .left rae.wlth ' a good appetite, plenty of. new, life and energy and feeling like , myself : again in every wny.' . .1 :, ,. Tannic is lor sao by nil gopd .drug gists. Accept no subatttuto. ,pyyr ?7 i million bottles sold. ... .i Adv. MODAY NIGHT MAY 14TH (8:30 curtain) i YOUR FILMS DEVELOPED to bring out the best there is in them You want your films to 'lie carefully handled ! free from finger marks, scratches and fog. You want the delicate model ing preserved, the shad ows full of detail neg atives that will yield clear, snappy prints. a Reason - lt n , Ii , fa. y la plain i f 4