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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1923)
MEDFORD MATT TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREflOX, FRTDAY, '.MAY .4. 1923 PAGE FIVE' More power to you when you use ' ji good dependable Shell gasoline. ' Ytw More speed, too and better mile-; age. Give Shell gasoline a thor- OhjAirVyk ough tryout and note the differ- VS ence. . . " ....... Kills Garden Pests Use NO. 5X-NICO-DUST for Aphis, Rose Thrip, Mildew. NO. 10X-NICO-DUST for Squash Bugs, Melon Aphis, Pea Aphis, Rose Snout Beetle. DOSCH GENERAL DUST for all leaf eating insects. Use Dust Freely, Enjoy Better Flowers and Vegetables Let us help you rid your garden of trouble some pests and make gardening a real pleasure. Monarch Seed Co, Phone 260-529 , 317 E. Main ' ' "At you service all' day long" " WEEKS & ORR 1 SWEM'S STUDIO MORDOFF & WOOLF DEUEL & SONS 1 MEDFORD HARNESS COMPANY Appreciation The Senior Class of the Medford High School wish to thank the following business firms for proporties loaned for their " play: ,: - ' -r PEOPLES ELECTRIC STORE CRATER LAKE HDW. CO GOLDEN RULE MODEL CLOTHING CO. ' ' PAGE-Monday Night, May 7th SKATS NOW SKI.MN'O PRICES Ixiwor Floor, $2.75; Halcnny, 1st 4 rows, $2.00; Next 4 rows, ft. Oil; Next 3 rows $1.10; llilnnco 5.1c. '" . Includes War 'Tax WALKCP UMTS IITUE- THE MEW Y06. - ffc' TIV, WITH MISS "SYDNEY RIIIFXfM AMI NEW l'OKK COMPANY SEVERE QUAKE IS ED. MAY BE IN THE PACIFIC CLEVELAND, May 4, The seismo graph In St. Ignatius college here re corded an earthquake shock at 11:42 o'clock this morning and a second shock at 11:47 n. m., Father Frederick L. Odoribach, In charge of the obser vatory announced at .noon. Father Odeubuch estimated the distance at between- 4000 and 5000 miles from here, but cannot say in what direction. WASHINGTON, May 4 The George town university seismograph today re corded an earth'tremor'whlch began at 11:36 a. in. and continued for about two hours, reaching its greatest inten sity between 11:66 a. in. and 12.04 p. ni. Father Tondorf, In charge of the Instrument, described the shock asJ"moderately severe," and estimat ed that it centered about 3700 miles from Washington. CHICAGO, May 4. The weather bu reau station at the University of CM- cago today recorded an earthquake estimated at 2995 miles southwest of Chicago. The first wave was recorded at 10:45 a. m. central standard time, maximum intensity at 10:64 and final wave at 12:35 p. m. SEATTLE, May 4. An earthquake shock of severity was recorded on the seismograph at the University of Washington today. Laboratory at taches said there was no clear indica tion of the direction, but that It prob ably occurred somewhere on a circle touching northern Mexico, the Pacific ocean near tho Hawaiian islands and the Aleutlilan Islands. Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., .May 4. Cattle and hogs nominally steady; no re ceipts. Sheer steady, receipts 70. Hut tor PORTLAND, Ore., May 4. Huttcr extremely firm. Prints unchanged. Cubes fraction higher. Kxtra cubes 37Mi3Sc; undergrades - Su&W 36 Vic; prints full boxes 40c; hulf boxes 4 0 V4 c : cartons 41c; dairy buy ing price nominal; btitterfut f. o. b. Portland 39c. Tori land Wheat PORTLAND. Oro.. May 4. Wheat, hard white, bluostem, baurt $1.32; soft white, western white $1.25; western red and northern spring 11.18: hard wlntor $1.17. Today's car recelnts Wheat Or flour 4; corn 3; oats 1; hay 5. Snn "Francisco Market SAN FRANCISCO, May 4. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) Eggs, undersized pullets 25c. SAN FRANCISCO, May 4. fut uuchauged. -llutter- SAN FRANCISCO, .May 4. (State Division of Markets.) Broilers 25tf 40c; fryers 3SJj 45c; hens 1931c; live turkeys 20 25c. Another Advertiser of Food Products Enters M. T. Columns A new advertised of food products to enter tho ' columns of the Mail' Tribune and Sun is'Krye & Co. of' Seattle, who are packers of the fa mous "Krye's Delicious Hums,'" clnm-l ed to bo the best on tho market.'' Their ad today directly interests the high school girls and evoryona , should read tho snmc. Another one of their slogans Is to , keep a Fryo'a ham in tho refriger ator or ask your dealer for Frye'a sliced ham." This advertising is placed by Wood & Jtober, one of tho leading ad vertising ngenlces of tho Pacific coast. News Summary of Last Night DUBLIN John Howard Parnell, brother of Charles Stewart Parnell, the famous Irish statesman, died last night. He spent many yenrs tn America engaged in fruit and cotton growing. DUESSELDORF The Ruhr will bo ruled with a firmer hand than heretofore, according to a zone an nouncement made at the French headquarters last night. OMAHA Opposition to the isola tion of America from European problems, advocation of a world court and approval of France's occu pntidn of tho Ruhr were expressed last night by United States Senator Irvine L. Lenroot of Wisconsin. WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. COMMUNICATION "Tho Covered Wngon.'t To the Editor. ! : Since reading the editorial on "The Covered Wagon" in last night's Med ford Mail Tribune, it has occurred to me that some of Medford's citizens might be interested to know that Emerson Hough derived his chief in spiration for his work on "Tho cover ed Wagon" from ,n llttlo book written In Medford a few years ago. If Med ford people should be so fortunate as to see the wonderful film of this novel this fact may add to their in terest. I quote here an extract from one of Emerson Hough's letters: "Tho little hook is at hand and will be invnluablo in my work on the novel. Need I sny that of all the work I have done I approach this with about tho keenest zest. It Is the thing I most love. I should die happier If I could believe Unit in my few remaining yenrs I should have, left something to tell the mixed nnd motly .Amcrieuns of todny about the earlier nnd better times when we were a strong people and had a great country of our own. "Indeed, this Applogato Jdurnnl Is almost my novel done to hand, 'i-am going to uso tho facts historically, that and tho diary of Tamsen Bonner, I want to show the people of today what men and women used to be. I iiope I may be 'given strength 'to do this book- within the current year. My health has broken." And this from a later letter: "I wish more people cared for those enrly days. If you nnd I can mnko them, care, wo do not live In vain." To Emerson 'Hough, the pioneers were, the "truo; Americans." After tho publication of the novel ho wrote me as follows: "It will plenso you to know that this 'experiment of going back , to those pliinccr days ln lotion seems to bo working out very well. We are getting a great tunny letters, which lead us to believe that -the American spirit in America is not yet wholly dead." I feel that Oregon has first claim to i no covered wagon which was written with an object far above the pnltry dollars nnd cents that spur some writers on. It Is a comfort to Kmcrson Hough's friends to feci thnt his desire to leave behind him some thing to Inspire in tho minds nnd hearts of tho people of tho present day an appreciation nnd roveroncc for the pioneers "the truo Ameri cans" has been fulfilled. ALICE APl'LEOATR SARGENT. Jacksonville, May 3, 1923. IlrnJhnn Troops Defeated. nCB.NOS AIRES, May 4. Many Mrazllian state troops have been killed and wounded near Santa Anna do Ijlvrumento In an attack by the revolutionaries of the state of Itlo (lrande do Hul nays a dispatch to La N'fielnn. Tlih inl.lH wlfh , hMi-v ,n. ...... ....... rhino gun fire, forced tho govern-' mcnt troops to entrench. J It requires little skill to make Good Coffee when vnn iip GOLDEN xfa CI DP anee. $1.00 $1.00. M A! Genuine Auto Strop31 j V,. .RAZOR y ' ' '-rj Complete With Strop A and Blades For a Limited Time Only ' .-J . One Dollar MEDFORD PHARMACY ,; Main and Central , Phone 10 . ' $1.00 $1.0$ BaMttg Powder 2'R Ounces for 90W A Eg (nor tbca pound oad a bait Knwlsi) W Wdr tor quarter) VWWg Use less than of XsigBter priced brands MnjJONS OF POUNDS BOUCHT BY OUR GOVERNMENT. Standard Incubators Standard Incubators nnil Itrooders nro madn In nil sixes, Electric or Hot Water heat a patented feature, found only In tho Standard. Made In Ilia West for 'Western conditions. Practically every large poultry plant In Southern Oregon equip ped with Standard Machines. There's n lleiwon. Let us show you how to mnko 100 profit per year on tlio cost of an Incubator. What other business can show such returns? Standard Manufacturing Co. Vo. 1 Mitchell Way ' Tnl. BHH.Il-3 , Mclfor(l, Ore. m,,t.. ; 0 It costs iw miore i .'' 'iti ,:i to 1 a (.... '!i-,.''t. .il''" ' .' ''t ' ' if 9 .bV UNTIL he has learned from experience, it is hard for a man to realize that any tire can be so surefooted on all kinds of roads and in . all kinds of weather as the Kelly, Kant-Slip Cord is , or that any tire can give such consistently long , mileage . . under all conditions as the Kelly Cord does. For sale wherever you see this sign 'ft; A PI SPRIN6FIELD S3 TIKE'S! i. W. C. McCUISTON DEALER ' 127 NO. Riverside v: T ,' ; l . JPhbne S Vi