MEDFORD MAIL' TRIBUNE, MEDFORTJ, ORFiOtf, FRTDAY, MAY 4, '1023 PA"GE TIIRE1S LOUIE'S MONEY SAVERS Raisins, Sunmaid, Seeded and Seedless, 15 oz. pkg. each 15 " Layer Raisins, nice large fruit, 2 lbs. for 25 Full Cream Cheese, lb . .......... .'.!.... .25 Flour, Bluestem, Hard Wheat, 49 lb. sa'ck.;....$1.60 Flour, No. 10 sack, each.... .'..'.........'!45c . Fruit Salad, first quality, per can ...!..........!.25 Florida Crape Fruit, per can 40 Pineapple, No. 2 can, each ...23c White Beans, 3 lbs for 25 Bayo Beans, lb 10c. Lima Beans, 2 lbs........25c x , ' . Extra Special Walnuts Fine large Nuts, Quality Guaranteed, 2 lbs f oi...25c You can buy at Louie's for less, and don't have to carry it. LOUIE'S ; Free Delivery . Phone'271 SATURDAY ONLY All of Our Spring FELT HATS Regular $5.00 and $6.00 Your choice $4.00 " 1 All of our Hand Tailored CAPS and CLOTH HATS Values to $4.00 Your choice " $2.50 SPRINGER & LEE "Duds for Men' Opposite Rialto Theatre you're looking for a bread with the t desired combination of delicious taste, generous size loaf and wholesome, nutritious ingredients, ask your grocer for PEERLESS BAKERY BUTTER-NUT ... . BREAD You'll be delighted with the real quality of this , popular brand of bread; - SPRING TIME NECESSITIES WINDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS Flics are a menace to health and happiness. They are a nuisance and should be kept out of the home. Order your screens now. Our prices are right, quality the best. CEDAK CHKSTS Store away your winter furs, bedding, woolens, , etc., In one of our "Pacific" Cedar Chests and they will be free from Moths, Dust and Vermin. Many sizes In stock. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS 10th and Grape Phone 238 ENGINE EN ROUTE SAX DIECIO. Mny 4. The cross country avlntorp . wtye given such a eroding hero ypstoitlny on their nr rlvnl as comes , to few men. San DIcKnns, 'ono by nativity and the other by adoption, (ho city took; them to her heart with unanimous acclaim. Both tho aviators were in . goo'd physical condition when they landed. Except far a fcv spatterings of oil from tho Liberty engine they were seemingly as fresh on landing as if they had taken an hour's jaunt. iTlio story of tho flight was told by tho hien' who made it In a matter' of fact way with first ono and then the other putting in a sentence or a word. There was tho start when t)io hang ars at Hempstead woro missed only lij Inches. Thero was tho difficulty In getting tho motor's full power Into play for tho first few hundred miles. Thero was the danger of tho desert in Arizona whoro landing ln the day timo is dangerous and at night mostly fatal. And then San Diego and homo. Ono note of anxiety was In tho story, tho fear that whllo over Now Jersey tho voltago regulator of their Ignition systoin would force them to land. MacReady repaired It. , The airplane had about forty gal lons of gasoline left in its tanks when It landed, out of the 725 gallons it. took at tho start. Whllo tho plane was tho same tho filers used in ear lier attempts to fly across tho conti nent, tho motor wns different. The motor used Is a 400-horsepower standard compression Liberty. To this typo of motor aviation officers ascribe the success of the flight to gether with tho grit and flying abil ity of tho two lieutenants. Passenger Travel. Major Henry A. Arnold, com mander . of Rockwell field, declared the record set by Kelly and Mao Ready demonstrated tho feasibility of commercial air lines across the continent. Passengers, he said, could bo carried a distance in ono day which tho fastest passenger trains re quire five days to cover. Tho two' aviators, as a result of their new roeord aro richer $2500 each. A telegram from Major Gene ral Mason Patrick, chief of tho nir service, informed them that Colonel Franklin B. Kenny, a former air ser vice officer had won a wagor of $5,000. on their flight,. and offered it to the filers with his compliments. ,Tho lieutenants replied: "Accept with pleasure If it is not a dream.- You know us lieutonnnts." Both lieutenants were enthusiastic in their prols otho weather bureau for its accurato forecast of what con ditions might bo encountered on tho tJII- V. It. Speck has resigned his posi tion as special agent in Modt'ord for tho Standard Oil company, the resig nation to be effectlvo May 15th tit which time Mr. Rogors of HuutiiiKton Park, Calif., will arrive to take his place. Mr. Speck Is now taking a va cation and will nuiko a motor trip to California with his family water re turning and motoring through to Washington.' He intends to go Into businoss for himself some tlmo in tho near futuro and has not yet definitely decided in what location. W. V. Singleton will bo In chargo of the com pany business until tho arrival of Mr. Rogers. . There's a busy Businoss Collego In Medford. GWN. Mrs. Gaston of Grants Pass and Mrs. Gordon Hart, wife of tlio l'resby torlan pastor there have been guests oj: Mr. and Mrs. Dr. n. R. Elliott for the past two days during tho Woman's Presbyterlal. Mattresses, new and made over. Phone 104. 32 N. Grape. 6G Bert R. Greer of Ashland, publisher of, the Ashland Tidings was a visitor in the city Thursday. E. J. Adams, private secretary to Senator Robert Nr Stanfiold and speaker of tho evening at tho chamber of commerce membors mooting Wed nesday night, left this afternoon for Eugene. Mr. "Adams was to have spoken before tho Roseburg chatnbor of commerce last night but duo to an unfortunate Indisposition was forced to cancel his engagement H. D. Reed of Gold lllll was a busi ness visitor In the city Thursday after noon. Arthur P. Davis, director of the, U. S. reclamation service, D. W. Davis, assistant secretary of -the Interior, and Miles Cannon, U. S. field irriga tion commissioner, stopped in Med ford yesterday afternoon enroute from Klamath Falls to Portland and were met by a committee of representative citizens. Aside from an informal discussion- no -matters of local interest were considered. J. L. Stewart, factory representative of the Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Is a Medford visitor. Medford Boy Is Honored. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Sa lem, May 4. Gordon Kelso, business manager of the Collegian, Willam ette university associated student body publication, has resigned and withdrawn from college, duo to out side interests. Edwin Thomas suc ceeds him. Edwin Thomas Is -a former Mod ford high school student and well known In Medford.. Kenya A Marquesas for Males WASHINGTON, D, C, May 3. Kenya colony. In Africa, which is none other than erstwhile British East Africa, appears in London dis patches because immigrants from In dia who settled there wish to retain their full British citizenship rights in their new homeland. "Though soldom heard from, Ken- ya Is one of the most fascinating re gions of the globe, geographically speaking," says a bulletin from the Washington, D. C, headquartors of the National Geographic socioty. "At the southeast corner is Lake Victoria, second largest fresh water lake in the world. Along Its shores dwell a people whose nudity is a sym bol of their modesty, and who men are as beautifully formed specimens of their sex as aro tho Marquesas women of theirs. Africa's Highest Mountain "Just across Kenya's , southorn border Is Kilimanjaro, highest moun tain In Africa, and near Us confer Is Kenya peak, also volcanic, which overtops Mount . Whitney by some 3000 feet. "Cutting across the conoly Is the famous Rift valley, here from 20 to 40 miles wide, and gonorally several thousand foot bolow tho platoay'D general level. "However, It Is as a zoo and a lux uriant botanical garden that Kenya makes Its chief appeal to tho nature loving visitor. Perhaps Its most amazing single spectacle Is the flamingo colony on the northern shores of Lake Ilannlngton. The banks are dazzling white with the bird's guano, their nests are mounds of mud spread like mole hills on a flat plain. Flamingoes Color Landscape "The adult bird has .a rose-pink neck and body, the beak Is purple and scarlet, the wing feathers are crim son. For a mile or so before one reaches their haunt ho can hear these birds tho splash and tho swish of a million or so becomes tumultuous as he approaches. ; "Hippopotami swim ln the shal low waters of this bay, antelope and gnu. Infest Its shores. Its wort, KIs umu Is the terminus of the Uganda steamship line, which lands rubber, ivory and hldos- here for railway shipment to the coast. "From the time one sees a belle of Mombasa, fully clad, . with circles painted on her cheeks, and her hands dyed purple, until ho reaches the shores of Victoria, whore dwell the Apollo-like Kavlrondo men, hfe Is amazed by tho variety of human tribes. Travel there, says one en thusiast, Is 'like walking through miles of living shrubbery.' Wire Jewelry Popular "Though unclothed the" Kavlrondos are much bedecked, every circumfer ence the human form affords, from chest and stomach to ankle and wrist, other decoration, a tall-like tuft sus pended from thoir waistline In the rear. , "The fierce Masai tribesmen go in for wire jewelry,' too, but their spe cialty Is the earring. Soon after a child is born, its ear is pierced with a sliver and the aperature Is enlarg ed from year to year until a huge disc may be lnstorcd therein. "The MaBai tribesmen have less pleasant customB. They place thoir dead outsido thoir settlements for the hyenas to devour, lionco that anlmnl Is sacred. They bleed cattlo to drink hot blood; they kill game with pois oned arrows; they drug thoir dogs he fore the chase to make them moro fe rocious. Ccaso Hnlds to Farm "Sparse population of a region where the altitude offsets tho equa torial heat and the fertility invites farming Is duo largely to those war rior Masai whose former livelihood was gained principally by raids, on thoir neighbors. Many of them have settled down to tilling the soil. "Another native tribe, the Andora bos, formerly lively largely upon flesh of tho colobus monkey. The skin has a market value because of Its silky black and whltq hair and the tall with an immense bushy plume at the end. They, too, turned to the soil as the British Imposed restric tions on monkey killing to savo the animals from extinction. ' "Kenya has a native population of about 4,000,000 entirely negligible so far as the present political problem Is concerned. The Issue is betweon about D000 Europeans and six times that many Asiatics, ' Arabs and In dians. The claim of the latter to British citizenship necessarily raises a question about the Interests of the European colonists who have been pioneers in developing the country's resources." llf Z 'Gets-It" Friendly el Enemy of Corns They Die While They Sleep The only irood com It a dwid com. A frw drops of "GcU-lt" will quickly ttart any corn or callous on the way to "tho happy hunt ins ground." 'GeU-tl" brings inttant relief from 11 pnin and hurting. One bottle con taint enough GeU-It" to remove a down corns, hard or toft, old or new. Costs you nothing if It fails but It rloran't fail, lt your druRRitt tell you why million demand ft. K. Lawrence Co., Mfr., Chicago, bold in thai city by Strang 1mg 8 fore heon U, Ilnsklns ADVOCATING THE BEST IN FOOD PRODUCTS After tho many years' experience in the handling of food products, we are still adhering to the policy of recommending the better quality. In other lines of merchandise, it may possibly, in some cases be economy to buy an inferiour article, but we believe this never applies to food for the fam ily table. This does not mean extravagance, neither does it always mean the highest priced goods, but rather a quality product that is known to be pure and whole some. Medford has many good grocery store and whether you buy at our store or elsewhere, we advise quality first. - . Personal Attention Phone 252 H. E. Marsh GROCER Prompt Service Phone 252 WENATCHEEJ, Wnah., Mny 4. Whllo thunderous shouting and ap plause rose from tho thickly miiasod thousands of the subjects who crowd ed in at every point to view, the cere mony in Memorial park, Kinp Apple and Queen Imogene. lord and Itidv of tho fruit realm, woro vested with hA DumLnli nf ruin tha pmu n smd I scepter and the fourth annual blos som festival was officially opened here this morning at nine o'clock. Festoons of blossoms were broken nt tho gateways to the city by Queen Imogene, a ceremony borrowed from the celebrations of Venice and other cities of Europe. Shortly afterward, Mayor Chase abdicated nnd put the reins of power In tho capital city of tho fruit king dom in the hands of King Applo, who with his queen, will reign during tho twn rlnys of revelry. .ON QUALITY STREET WHITMAN'S CANDIES ARE MADE Our fresh stock, received every Saturday, enables us to give our patrons the best candy in the market. , Heath's Drug' Store 109 East Main Phone 884' We are as near to you as your phone 20th CENTURY GROCERY Price has not reduced tho courtesy, lessened the cleanliness, nor cheapened the quality of Food Stuffs, sold at the ' 20TH CENTURY STORES Such a combination is indeed hard to find so why look farther. SATURDAY AND MONDAY WE OFFER Ralston's Bran Crisco' ' M. J. B. Tree Tea 1 Package 14 3 lb can 72 lb. pkg 27c Preferred Stock Catsup Schilling's Baking Powder Large Bottles 25 1 lb. cans 45c' LUNCH WAX PAPERS Three 5 cent rolls ...:..clOtf ' Creme Oil Soap Shopping Bags Gold Dust Bar 7 1-2 each 3 ; j Large pkg 27$ Budded Franquettes 'r j 3 lb. Can Golden West Coffee Oregon Walnuts, pound 35V each ...,...................$1.15 DRIFTED SNOW or OLYMPIC FLOURr-49 lb. Hack:.......................:....$2.19 Seedless Raisins Gold West Pepper SeedPotatoes . Bulk, pound 14 , ... ..... : kj. Early Rose Variety 3 pounds ....40 - 0l-tan :' $1.85 per 100 lbs. Royal Baking Powder 2j 11) cans $1.19 Old Fashioned Clothes Pins ' 3 dozen ,4... ....9 OLIVE OIL IMPORTED SUPER-FINE Pints 50c: Quarts 95c; V. Gal. "V $1.75; (Jal. $3.35 Del Monte Tomatoes Solid Pack, large cans 17c 3 cans 50c ASHLAND 374 E. Main St. MEDFORD 31 North Central Ave. Medford Center Sanitary Market SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Pork Koast, per lb 19e Veal Roast, per lb 18 Boneless Beef Stew, per 1L...17 1-2 Hamburger Steak, per lb 17 l-2c Fat Hens, per lb 25 Pot Roast of Beef, per lb..... ...15 Veal Stew, per lb 12 l-2j Pure Lard, per lb 17 1-2 Pure Pork Sausage, 2 lbs 45 Boiling Meat, per lb ...121-2 Free Delivery SPRING LAMB Phone 255 Is wire wrapped. Tho men ad J one J