MEDFOTID MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREflOT. FRTDAY. MAY 4.' 1023 Tocal and Personal Medford and Jackson county will be Tom Kay of Sulem, former state well represented amoiiK tlie 6000 i treasurer. passed throueh the cliv At 1:30 o'clock this afternoon the patient 'having been deemed strong enough to withstand the operation tuo Portland and local physicians in charge of the case entored the operat ing room at Sacred Heart hospital, with Dr. Hockey wielding the knife, to operate on Dr. J. J. Emmens, who has been critically 111 with pneumonia. Ills condition was reported as bettor this morning and forenoon, t The op- . oration was delayed last night and this forenoon to enable the sick man to gather strength. Dr. Davis of Port land last night relieved the patient of an abscess in one of his ears. After the fire it s too late to InBure See Redden & Canaday now. , K. I. Rod setting eggs at DeVoe's. ' Delightful trip from Medford to Glendale, Chicken dinner 75c. Served from 11 a. m. to 7 p. in. Sundays at fcodon Hotel, Glendale. 3 The Southern Pacific railroad will soon have its local depot all Bplck and Bpon for the summer tourist season This morning a crew of 10 painters and decorators began the work of kalsomining the walls and ceiling, re--varnishing the benches and all the wood work, and repainting the con crete floor. This work Is expected to be completed within a week. The work In the track yard In the vicinity of the depot will also soon be finished. Ashland so far has the largest dele gation to the conference at the Pres byterian church although Grants Pass will have several car loads In atten dance this evening. . , , Alford has some real selections for Sat. night at the pavilion. , , .38 . Dance, Tulrgrounds Pavilion Satur day night. Admission $1.10. , 38 . Hear Alford sing latest foxtrots, Sat. hlte Fairgrounds Pavilion. . 38 P. Hoy Davis returnod home this morning from Portland where he has Bpent a day or so familiarizing himself as a member of the state game com mission with fishing conditions In thai vicinity. . He bad intended to spend a week on this errand, but wag sum moned back to Medford to take the testimony In a legal case. . , .New Swiss arid voile dressds at The Colonial. ... 37 The barber shop of Drown and Brown is receiving the scores dally of ine racmo coast loague baseball games. There is much Interest In this league race among local buBoball fans. The Dixie Study club will meet at the library at 7:30 this evening. Petite prunos 15 )bs. $1.00. Hutchl boh & Lumsden. 42 .You can't help but like our week end parties. We make you fool right nt home, The musio will pep you up, and the congeniality of the crowd and the gonoral surroundings Impress you, yon will come again. FalrgroundB Pa Villon, Sat. nlte. ll 88 A special mualcM program has been arranged for Saturday night'B dance at the Fairgrounds Pavilion. All the latest dance hits by Alford's Imperial orchostra. 38 'Pat Swnyne and Henton Poole of the Applegato were among the out of town vUltors In the city Thursday. We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf I Shrlners of Oregon and their ladiea expected to attend the annual Willam ette valley Shrine ceremonial to be held at Sniem tomorrow. A call has been iBBUed for 200.' automobiles for the entertainment of the women who will accompany the ShrlnerB to Sulem and a program of entertainment hus been mapped out which will keep the visitors busy from the time the first caravan urrives until the departure of the last late at night. Potlto prunes 15 lbs. $1.00. Hutchi son & LumBden. 42 Newcomb has 10-Inch slabwood at $1.75 per tier, at much ag you want, throe tier or over. Also plenty of dry mill blocks. Order early. Phone G31. Hemstitching at Deuel's. , 38 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brommer enter tained during the woman's conference Mrs. Walter L. Gray, wife of the Pres byterian minister at Rogue River. McQuay-NorrlB piston rings, from 2 (o 6 Inches dlumeter inclusive, at Riverside Oarage. '" 43 Trlday, April 6th was Lucky Day nt the'Crator Lake Hwde. Co. d8 Dunce! Saturday, May 5lh, 'at feagle wolnt. Special features. . - 38 Mrs. J. S. Vilas has returned 'from an auto trip to Portland and Sutherlln, Oregon. Of course you will go to the pavilion bat. night. They'll all be there. 38 Hand-knitted garments have become an essential part of every woman's wardrobe. Yarns for every style sweater. Handicraft Shop. 38 Frolic cloth, Just the cloth for child's rompers, etc., 32 In. wide. Rogular Z9o;grado .on sale Saturday and Mon day for 23c lb. . Hutchison Lumsden. Work has been started on the foun dation of the Tythlan building, a .con crete structure that will be the first to rise complete In the burned area of ABtorla where the streets were 'de stroyed. ' ' New hiking suits and hats at The Colonial. 37 MaxwollB, Cbovrolots, Chalmers. Hudsons, Uulck Speed truck. Real bargains In these used cars. See Corwin, end of North Riverside Avo. tf Milk and cream at DeVoe's. ' tf Mrs. Smlck of Roseburg, 'in atten dance on the Woihnn's meeting nt the Presbyterian church has been a guest of her former ' friend, Mrs. Volney Dixon. ' Petite prunes 15 lbs. $1.00. Hutclil- Bon & Lumsden. ' 42 Colonial Garage for tire service. Save big money liy making your children's rompers, etc'., from 32-lnch Frollo cloth.- Rogular 29c value, Sat urday and Monday sale price, 23c yard. Hutchison & LuinBdon. 1 .' ' 38' Sum T. Rlcbnrdson who was recent ly dporntod upon at Portland for stiim ach trouble has been dUchnrgod from the hospital, and has moved to a down town hotel. He Is able to walk and oat. and It Is fctpooted'thnt ne will re-' turn homo somotlmo ndxt wook. Home made pies, cakes, saluds and cottage cheese at Marsh Grocery. 37 A smnll doposit will reserve one of tho pearl head neck chains nt the re duced prices offered tor this week only at tho Medford Center Jewelry Shop. ''37 Friday, April 6th was Lucky Day at the Cnitor Lake Hwde. Co. 38 ' -Jfi- At Inwt Hi" nuxt famous luvo story of uiio, comes io uio Hereon in, , blHzo of power ami glory. John Worm's devotion to , religion and Ms Hncririco for tlio luvo of nn nctivwi piTNi'iit n di-iuiiatin situation throbbing with human iipimil. A BRAND NEW PRODUCTION SEE HALL CAINE'S Famous Play and Novel ' ' " ?---'-"'Wi'ih!,-T'. -'" .:a; ,,:i 1.',i.-f. .'. ... f i "UAliKTII IIIUIIKS siAiiu lmrirrox I'll V 1.1,1.4 IIAVKU Continuous Shows Tomorrow and 8undny 1:1:30 to 11:00 P. M. Mjmm Bl'XDAY Elinor Olyn's Version of a m-rron star's llfo In Holly. vodl "Tho AVorld's a . Kiatfu" Wednesday enroute to. California. Home made pies, cakes, salads and cottage cheese at Marsh Grocery. 37 Noel L. Ersklne gives piano les'sons lit pupils' homes. Phone 729-W. 39 - Pearls are always in good taste. They are priced this week at excel) tloriully low prices at the Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 87- Deuel's Lucky Day, April 20th. 45 Edward Forrest of Yreka, Calif., re turned to hlB home Thursday after two days stay In the city. Cake and .cookies sale at Public Market Sat. morning. - 1 87 lively beads for crocheted and knit- tod bags. Handicraft Shop. 37 Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. tf : George Watt' has completed the pur chase, of 2100 sheep from Dennehy Hrothers, who are ranchers between Merrill and Malln in Klamath county J he price paid was $10,50 per head A beautiful line of Biwrt skirts n't The Colonial. ' - 371 Spray hoBe 20 cents Dor foot Crater Lake Hardware Co. v, tf Gladlola and Canna ' bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery, OSO-j-2. tf special services will be' held at lintte Falls both Monday and Tuesday nights of next week.iway 7th and 8th The visiting team of workers will be Rev. Joseph Angel of Phoenix, Frank Smith with Tils Bllhorn organ, and Rev. E. P. Lawrence of- Medford Every one in that surrounding country is invited to these services. Plans are under woy for continuing the services st regular Intervals by ;Rev.' Joseph Angel of Thoenlx,' this work being turned to the care of the Phoenix church by the home mission commit tee of southern Oregon. Tonight, Fair Grounds, McElroy1 orchestra. - ' ' 37 See the pearl bead display at special prlceB In the window of the Medford Conter Jewelry Shop for this wee! only. 37 Save $5.00 on tires at Gordon btout s. Tire cover free. 39 Clay lit; Allen of Portland Is among the businesB visitors from the city in Medford. Home made pics, cakes, salads and cottage cheese at Marsh Grocery. 37 The 'American legion -will exhibit the famous .war film,. "Flashes of Action," Rialto theater. May 7 and 8. ' " . : -38 Cortlcelli Bilk hosiery, full fashioned of real Corticdlll Bilk. Handicraft Shop. 38 Miss Martha Spenker Is spending several days in Grants Pass attending to businesB matters. A few capes and coats nt greatly reduced prices at The Colonial. 37 Deuel's Lucky Day, April 26th. 45 Furniture repnired and mode to order; work called for and delivered Wm. Rradloy, Phone 973-L. " 44 Tlio lioraeshoe' pitchers of Ruch have IsBiied a (Shalleiige to the "Tut' Dads of this city, and the, Applognte exports resont tho inference of the local throwers that they can beat nny outfit In Bouthorn Oregon. A Ruch representative came in the first of the week and purchased a regulation pair of horse shoes, and training for the contOBt has started. It 1b also expect ed that the Ashland pitchers will take up the dcfl. Tonight, Fair Grounds, McElroy's orchestra. 3 All klndB of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. The U. S. Signal Corps moving pic- turoB of tlio world war, "Flashes of Action," Rialto theater, May 7 and 8, Auspices American Legion. 38 A. H.. Miller and John W. Johnson loft Thursday for Roseburg by auto. They will return with two representa tives of the Yeoman's lodge, who are inspecting sites for the proposed Chil dren's National home to be built by the ordor soma place on the Pacific coast. Home made pies, cakos, salads and cottage cheese at Marsh Grocery. 87 Auto Insurance. Brown & White. ' There Is nothing nicer or more ser viceable for nnder-clothes than Cortl- colli silk. Handicraft Shop. 38 John Tomlln left yesterday on brief business trin to San Francisco. 'Drown sboe renewing In dopartmont 2. 103 North Central. 43 Dollar dinner again Sunday, Hotel Medford. 38 Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 The Mariposa Circle of the Pre by terinn church are making extensive plans for a White Elephant salo to be hold at the home of Mrs. J,. A. Perry, 604 West Main street, Tuesday after noon, May Sth. TCveryono Is cordially invited to attend. Tonight, Fair Grounds, McElroy's orchoatrn. 37 Speclnl sale on Frolic cloth Satur day and Monday, 32 In. wldo. Rogular 2o value, at 23o yd. Fine Jar chil dren's rohipors, etc. Hutchison & Luhisdoh. 38 How Is this? Best ounlltv babv chte'k scratch $3.10 per 'hundred. ' But termilk egg mash $3.00 per hundred while- they fast. Watklns Feed Store. Phone !i!9. 41 Miss Arlcno Northlla left this mor ning for a visit at Corvnllls over the week 'end with O. 'A. C, friends until Tuesday. Homo made pies, rakes, salads nnd cottage cheese; at -Marsh Grocery. 37 Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf lllacksmlth coal at Modford Lbr. Co. tf Dr. Davis, tho eyo, onr nnd throat siieciallst of Portland, one of tho trio of medical men of that city culled horo n a hiirry yesterday on the Dr. J. 3. Kmmena case, loft for Portland on tho morning train. Brown has lots of boys' shoes. 43 ladles' Auxiliary of American Le gion card party. Legion hall, Friday, May 4th at 7:30. Everybody Invited. 37 Do not buy nn electric washer until we hvo demonstrated tho now May tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Nine cars of automobile tourists were encamped at the city park lust night and continued ou their journeys this morning.' Home made pies, cakes, salads and cottage cheese at Marsh Grocery. 37 You can get it at DeVoe's. tf Sure, another big dinner for a dollar. Hotel Medford on Sunday. 3S The class of '23 will be the biggest graduating class In the history of Medford high School , according to school -authorities. Tile largest class prlor to'this year wag that of '20 when nearly 60 graduated. This year's grad uating class will number approximate ly 80 Btudents. See 'Brown for shoes In department one. . 43 The Medford Vulcanizing Works sella 80x3 tires for $8.60. tf Chr oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. tf D. O'Ttoole of Ashland underwent a serious operating Tuesday morning at the Ashland Community hospital for appendicitis nnd hernia. It is report ed that be Is doing Well. '"'' Tonight, -Fair Qrounds, McElroy's orchestra. " 1 " - 37 Rugs -woBhod, 'Hamilton Beach sys torn. Work called for and delivered. Phone ,644, E. 'L. Davis. ' - 41 ' Beveral loads of ashes, good for filler or walks, for the hauling, in rear of Mall Tribune -bf flee. " ' 1 tf Mrs. Mollle Wltcher took Dr. Jane Lewis, Indian 'missionary, to Fern val ley this morning for a Visit "with the letter's friend, " Mrs. L. 'H. Hughes. Dr. Lewis has been In India for tHe past' six years and is home on a vaca tion. ' She lectured last night at the Presbyterian church and ngaln this afternoon. ''''- -' Home mado pies, cakes, salads and cottage cheese at Marsh Grocery. 37 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. 'We can still furnish spray hose for 20 'cents' per foot." Crater Lake Hard ware Co. - ' : ; ' tf Scores of school children from the northern part of 'the county passed through Medford this ' morning in trucks and touring cars accompanied by their teachers enroute to the ninth track meet at Talent for second class and Tural schools. Tonight, Fair : Grounds, McElroy's orchostra. ' ' 37 Pearl bealiB are being featured this week' -at special low prices at tho Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 37 Moved; Insurance and Accounting offices System Service Co. over Far mers & Fruitgrowers Bank. 39 Mrs. W. 'S. Slough, delegate to the Woman's Presbyterlal from Klamath Falls, has been a recent guest in tho home of Rev. E. P. Lawrence, her for mer pastor. ' Home made pies, cakes, salads and cottage cheese nt Marsh Grocery. 37 Reliners for fabric and cord tires, Medford Vulcanizing Works. tf For sand, gravel, sediment and team work see Samuel Batemnn, 302 Maple street. . Phone 912-J. Mr. and Mrs. At. C. Page returned Inst night to their home in this city, from Grants Pass where they attend ed the funeral pf tho hitter's mother, Mrs. R. W. Clarke. Bees for sale at a bargain. Phone 627-L. 41 Dig assortment of granlteware 15c and 25c, in the- Medford Exchange window. 37 Used cars nt your own price. See Corwin end of North Riverside avenue, .' tf The Grants Pass-Modford baseball game which has been advertised for today will not bo played until next Frldny at 3:30 due to some misunder standing in the schedule. It will like ly be the last game of the season on tho home grounds. The locals will go to Grants Pass a week from Saturday for a return game. Buy your granlteware, 15c and 25c, at tho Medford -Exchange this week. . 37. Wo will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. New England granlteware, 15e and 5c. See it In the Medford Exchange window. ', 37 Mrs. Fred R. Norton and daughter Virginia arrived in Ashlnnd Tuesday morning from their homo in 'Junction City, Ore. Mrs. Norton was called to Ashland by the Illness of her father. Paxson's Superb Dahlias Plant nny time now, get your orders in quick. Liberal discount this year. 'hone Or call Pa'xson, Central Point, ' ' 3S All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Mnlh. ' The Singer Shop has a Singer elec tric sowing machine for $50. ' tf HOOPING COUGH No "cure but helps to re. ouce paroxysm of coughing. V!cc?s V Vapo Rub Over 17 AMtoqara IW Ywb 00 LATE TO CLASSIFY FOK SALE Samson tractor. 3-bnttom plow. j.'ord truck, Mltcholl. wagon. Page fonce. K. Dahack, Euglo Point. . . 43 FOR SALE Two fox terrier due pups, six months old, $10 each, $lj tho pnlr. Dunnlngton, Jacksonville 39 IST 32x4 Ajax casing on rim for Uulck Six. Reward. F. C. Kenlev. Phono 611-J-3. 8S ANTED t or 5 young men or wom en to sell cars. Address Box C C, Mail Tribune. 4" FOR SALE Three good milk cows. Inquire F & K theatre. Central '"oint. , 3s Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching. Buttons covered. Plcotlng. "The Home of Bread Like Mother Made Somethjiig, for nothing i impossible, so you may be sure you pay dearly for clerks, credits? deliveries and any other i non-essen- tias that Jiave crept into business.. If time is mpney. there is a double, saving in self ervice, because you ,,don't , have to -stand , around until a clerk can serve you. r ' , . " ; 1 CRACKERS Slightly salted soda wafers in family size caddies, weighing from 41 to 5 lbs.," per caddy . 63c FLOUR Cherro, an all hard wheat flour. A special buy enables us to make this price, per 49 lb. sack $1.73 VILMO Our home flour, now ground from blue stem wheat, 49 lb. sack . : : . . . . . ". $l;54 OTHER SATURDAY SPECIALS XTl Ehman Olives, per can . . . . . . .'.CrTi . . ... ... . . . .... 10c Standard Pack Peas, No. 2 cans, 3 for-v . . . . . ... . . ..... . . 33c ,Lily White Bath Soap, large bars, 3 for . . '. . 25c Chinese Noodles, genuine, 3 pkgs. . . . ; 25c v Chinese Noodle Sauce 24c Extra fancy Cluster Raisins, ' per lb ... . . . . '. ... -10c Catsup, pint bottles 19c Oysters, per can ... "r . . ,. . 15c Fancy Pack Shrimp ; . . . ; 15c Lucky Strike, Camel or Chesterfield Cigarettes, per carton, 10 packages $1."29 Rogue River Catsup in gallon bottles . . ,,s , . . . .., . $1.29 Edwards Dependable Coffee, 5 lb. can ... $1.69 G. & L. Special Blend Coffee, 3 lbs. . . .... ... 89c Van Camp Pork and Beans, family size, 3 cans .' 35c Delmcnte Pork and Beans, picnic size, 6 cans . . . . . ., . ... 29c Van Camp's Salad Dressing. . . ... . 25c, 37c BAKERY SPECIAL CAKES Our regular 35c Mocha or Devil's Food Cakes. sPecial .v 23c Gates & Lydiard Buy Here and Bank the Difference "Flushes of Action" Itlalto Theater May 7 to 8 Mrs. H. T. Flndlay entertained the Thursday Bridge club yesterday ofter noon in honor of her house guest, Mrs. James McKim of Los Angeles. . Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric, Shop, Eighth and Bartlett ... tf Grammar school league ball games will be played next week on Wednes day nnd Saturday afternoons at tho high school ball park on North Holly stroot. ' Take your kodah films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. " tt Read This Before You Retire : We bought the famous Ajax and Coast Tires and Tubes before the advance, and now pass a big saving on to you. - ; We -personally guarantee and adjust them right here, and can for a limted time only supply all sizes at the following prices:' - 30x3 1-2 Ajax $9. 33x5 Cord .$40. 36x6 Truck $50 ARMORY SERVICE STATION Pnc. Highway nt Jackson Armstrong Wolff Mcdfonl, Oregon m Demonstration of Snowdrift i at Jones' Sat. arid Mon. During these 2 days we will give you these special prices:" , Shortening 23c 44c 87c 1 lb. Snowdrift - 9 Ik " 41b. " ... . We find we have too many pieces of Pink Tissue Gingham In order to reduce these we give you this EXTRA 1 SPECIAL PRICE of , per yard . . . Never before have you had. these goods offered to you at price Come Early and Get Your Choice J ONES' -(of course). The Store That Give's Real Bargains 58c this Co. ' U 8c a yard. ',