Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 03, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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CHICAGO, May 3. (Dy Associated
PreBs). It was record duy for both
major leagues yesterday and, oddly
enough, the man who set the new
marks played on losing teams. Dnzzy
Vance of Brooklyn struck out flfteon
New York Giants In the ten Innings
that he pitched. Fourteen of the
whiffB came in the first nine Innings.
Vance, however, allowed fourteen hits
and four passes. The present record
for strikeouts, .19 In nine Innings, is
held Jointly by C. Sweeney, made with
the Providence team in Juue, 1884, and
H. Daly of Chicago. lit the old Union
association, who performed the same
year. In spite of Vance's performance
the Giants won In the eleventh, 7 to 6.
Everett Scott, Yankee shortstop,
set ft startling record for consecutive
games played, when he participated in
his 1000th contest against the Sena
tors. ' Walter Johnson held the Yankoes
to throe, hits and Washington won, 3
to 0.
Dotrolt, by dofoating Cleveland 4 to
3, passed the Yankees and tied the
Indians for first place. Cobb used 17
Rommoll, Athletic star pitcher,
scored his first win this season, de
feating Boston 4 to 3. Elam Vanglld
er, Brown hurler allowed Chicago only
three hits, but lost to the Sox 4 to 2,
through wlldness, coupled with errors
by bis teammates. A wild throw by
Ilohne, Cincinnati Infloldor, gave the
Chicago Cubs a 2 to 1 victory over tlio
' The Boston Braves beat tho Phila
delphia Quakers 11 to 7 In a Blugging
contest and won their sixth straight
. - The St Louis Cardinals won from
Plttaburg 12 to 1, pounding throe of
the Pirate pitchers for 17 lilts.
, Harry Hollmann of Dotrolt has lilt
safely In every game this season bo
fnr. ' He polod a double against the In
dians yesterday making slxtoon con
secutive games In which ho has col
lected one or mora hits.
Thye Beats Karaslck,'
PORTLAND, Ore., May 3. Tod
Thye won over Al .Karaslck of Oak
land, Cel., In a two-hour wrestling
match here last night on a doclslon.
There was only one fall and that wont
to Thye with a wristlqck aftor they
had been wrestling one hour 32 min
utest . Woman Would Be Umpire
SEATTLE, May 3. Mrs. Mary
Smith, a fan of this city In a letter to
the Seattle soml-profosslonal basobnll
league, offered to umpire games to
effect an Improvement that seemed to
her greatly to be desired.
She wrote: -t
"I am a woman but Til umpire bnsos
any day, If they can't get good umpires.
NapSitlienic Crude
Best for Motor Oils
ZEROLENE. made from selected Western Naphthenlo
Base Crude, vacuum-distilled by our exclusive process, will
incrttao your car's power and gasoline mileage by
about 5 mora than you can get when you use tho
average higher-priced oil. ,
la addition, your car will run torn 25 to 50
' farther before carbon-removing operations become
necessary. Both these facts have been proved by re
peated demonstrations In the laboratories of this Com
pany and on the road. -
. Insist on Zerolene even If It doea cost half as much.
Consult our Correct Lubrication Chart to determine the
right body of Zerolene for your car.
We hare added a now electric welding mnrhlne to our equipment
and are now prepared to wold everything In steel, iron or casting.
W also have added a now Sl-lnrh, llcii.vy Turning Lathe and are
now prepared lo do nil kinds of lllackamllhlng, Wood Work and
Billing Carriage and Auto Works
who will give square decisions. The
umpiring last Sunday in tho South
Park vs. Georgetown game was
College Baseball
At Spokane: Whitman 4; Gonzaga
university 0.
Yesterday's Baseball Results
Boston 11; Philadelphia 7.
Chicago 2; Cincinnati 1.
St. Louis 12; Pittsburg 1.
New York 7; Brooklyn 6..
Washington 3; New York 0.
Philadelphia ,4; Boston 3.
Chicago 4; St. Louis 2.
Detroit 4; Clcvelnnd 3.
Sacramento 3; Salt Lake 6.
Oakland 5; Vernon 7.
Los Angolos 9; San Francisco 0.
Souttlo 13; Portland 19.
SANDWICH, May 3. (By Associat
ed Press). The St. George's challenge
cup, one of the most Important golf
trophies lb England, has been cap
tured by tho American lnvadors. Dr.
O. F. Willing of Portland, Ore., and
Francis Oulmot of Boston, former
American open champion, tied for
first place In the two days' Btroke
competition which ended today with
aggregate scores of 135 each. They
will play 18 holes tomorrow to decide
tho winner.
Robert A. Gardnor was third with a
score of 164. '
Tho Amorlcan victory will put the
St. George's cup Into alien hands for
the first time since Its establishment
35 years ago. Actually the original
cup of solid gold and one of Britain's
finest golf trophies, Is not handed
ovor, the winner getting a reproduc
tion of it.
It was over tho same links on which
tho Americans won their success to
du,y that Walter Hagen last year
wrested the British open champion
ship. Johb Sweetsor, tho Amorlcan nma
tour champion, gavo up at the seven
teenth hole today.- Sweetsor took 81
for tho first round yesterday and wns
never Ohio to got going- In his usual
style. Ho took 40 for tho first nlno
on tho second round.
Cyril Tolley, tho English stnr, who
had a 70 yesterday, gave up ut tho
twelfth holo today, aftor taking 41
ut the ninth.
Roger Wothor.od, tho British
Star, who was defeated by Jock
Hutchison In tho play,-off of a tie
for tho IlrillHh open championship in
1921, was definitely put out of tho
running fur tho cup when ho turned
In a scoro of 81 for today's 18 holes,
bringing his nggrcgato seoro to 167.
NEW YOIIK, May 3. Tex O'Rourke
trainer of boxers, will sail for England
Saturday to senrcli tor a British heavy
weight capablo of mooting Jack Domp
say, It was learned today.
Even If he does not find a man who
can best Dempsey, he is confident be
will develop a man who will win tho
European heavyweight championship.
A group of sportsmen Interested in do
veloping a genuine championship pro
spect is backing O Rourko.
Jack Dempsey to Train
In Dempsey City, Utah
SPOKANE, May 3. An invitation
extended yesterday by locul interests
to Jack Dempsey, world's heavyweight
champion, to train In Spokane for his
contemplated bout with Tommy Gib
bons, at Shelby, Mont., July 4, was de
clined by Dompsoy today.
"Apprecluto your lnvltutlon but have
arranged to train at Dempsey City,
Utah," Dempsey telegraphed from
Price, Utah.
NEW YORK Johnny, Dundee said
he would sue for a court injunction if
necessary in his fight to meet Johnny
Kilbane before Criqui, European cham
pion, docs.
. ST. LOUIS Franklo Conway, New
York bantamweight was awarded the
newspaper decision over Johnny Mc
Coy, Cleveland, In a ten round bout
Arizona, protege of Spider Kelly,
knocked out Mol Smith In the second
round of their bout hero last night
Thoy are heavyweights.
, OAKLAND nert Kollma of Whit
tier, Cal., gave Racehorse Robertson,
Oakland, a boxing lesson for four
rounds here last night and easily won
a decision.
CHICAGO Mickey Walker, world's
champion welterweight will box Mor.
rle Schlatter of Omaha, ten rounds
here tonight
PITTSBURG Pitcher Ray Stclnad-
er, recently re-Instated In organized
baseball by Commissioner Landis re
joined the Pittsburg nationals today.
Jookeon County Abstract Co.
Sixth Streot and Central Avenue.)
Marriage Licenses
Charles Elmer Dale and Ollla Eliza
beth Woods.
Morritt L. Kloavor, D.D.S. and
Lenora Toovln.
Daniel Hayes and Grace McFarland.
Orvlllo O. Wlngfiold and E. Marga
rita Provost.
Circuit Court
State vs. O. Greer. Transcript of
John Orestnd vs. William D. Hughes
Docree, cost bill.
H. L. Smith ot ol vs. H. C. Christof
forson et nl. Default decree, cost bill.
Clara May Griffin vs. Althea Davis
et al. Points and Issues, memoran
dum, brief.
K. B. Heeson vs. Lexington Realty
Co. Motion and ordor to dismiss.
Jackson County vs. Wm. Ulrlch.
Tom F. Senodenos vs. Daniel E.
Florey. Motion, ordor dismissing.
Bullock More. Agency vs. J. A. Arm
strong et al. Answering brief.
. Medford Nntlonnl Bank vs. Goo. A.
Munsflold et ux. Dismissed.
Contral Point Stato Hank vs. O. B.
Porter et al. Petition mid order dis
missing. Talent Mor. Co. vs. Agnes Splros
et nl. Summons.
Viola M. Hibbitt vs. Georgo Hlbbltt
Joss Winburn vb. Fred C. HomoB.
Harold L. Wolls vs. Mario L. Wolls.
Stipulation and order dismissing.
Emily Lnmmoy vs. Charles S. Lam
moy. Answer.
Crodlt 8orvlce Corp. vs. C. O. Peeb
lur. Satisfaction of judgment.
Frank Fender ot al vs. BenJ. F.
Fuller et nl. Satisfaction of Judgment
J. E. llusoltlno & Co. (Inc.) vs. It.
M. McClanahan. Certificate of Lovy.
J. F. Wormian vs. A. O. Bailey ot al.
Proof of publication, default, findings
and conclusions, docroo.
Probate Court
Est Hezckaih J. Gardner. Petition
and order.
Est Margarot' A. Woavor. Admit
ted to probnto.
Est. Daniel E. Noathamor. Order.
Est Eliza J. Mclntiro. Amended
roiKirt, docreo.
Est. J. M. Watson. Affidavit, peti
tion, order.
Est Ellzaboth M. Kotchum. Final
roiKirt, discharged.
F. C. Stevens assumes the business
name of "Ashland Realty Co."
Est. James C. Gibson. Receipts,
final discharge.
Est Robert R. Mlnter. Proof of
Est T. B. Dawson. Proof of publi
Est. Thos. F. McCabo, Proof of pub
lication. Est Virginia M. Root Fifth report.
Real Estate Transfer
J. J. Emmons to Knnnie E. Em
mons, On E. Main St, Med
ford I 1
A. S. Kloluhammer et ux to Guy
W. Bishop et nl. land In D. L.
C. 84, tp. 3S, S. It. 1 W 10
Lucia B. Gore to J. C. Davis, land
In D. L. C. 55, t. 38, S. R. 1 W. 10
Fannie (1. Ulrdseye Gregory et
Tir to J. II. Hutrhesou. land In
sec. 34. tp. 37, S. It. 3 W. and
I). L. C. 37, tp. 3ti. 8. R. 4 W 750
0. It. Illrdsoy to J. H. Ilutcheson.
land In sec. 34, tp. 37, 8. It. 4
W. And D. L C. 37, tp. 38 S. R.
4. W 730
OUT U. S. A.
3. Protesting tho execution of eight
lubor lenders In Chicago May 1, 1S80,
resulting, from the Haynmrkot riots.
E00 members of tho Stnto Federation
of Labor hero pnraded through tho
streets yesterday displaying tho red
and black flags of communism and
Halted In front of tho American con
suluto to deliver a memorial to Presi
dent Harding for tho release of 01
communist agitators held In Ameri
can federal penitentiaries. Other
labor day celebrations by the com
munists were numerous.
The American consulate was closed
on account of the legal holiday.
I.abor leaders -wero advised that n'ny
memorial for the president of the
United States should bo transmitted
through the Mexican embassy at
Communist spenkers then called
Americans "cownrds by inheritance'
and said "that nation which calls
itself civilized proves itself more un
civilized than wo are."
These statements wero delivered in
front of the American consulate,
where tho government of tho United
States and tho Itomnn Catliollc re
liglon also wero criticized.
Cut Trill Out It Is Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c
and mail It to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef
field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your
name and address clearly. You will
receive In return a trial package con
taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound for coughs, colds and croup;
Foley Kidney Pills for pains In sides
and back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder aldments; and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic for
constipation, biliousness, headaches.
and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere.
, i- - Adv.
Suys Mr.'' .Tames IT. Allen of
llooliesler, N. Y.
It does not matter to mo whether
you aro disabled with cursed rheu
matism or have only . occasional
twinges, I know that Allenrhu, my
own discovery. ' w-ll stop tho agony,
do away with tho gnawing pains and
reduce tho swollen Joints.
I know it will dissolve the urie ncid
deposits that have become deeply im
bedded In joints and muscles and
quickly drlvo every trace of rheuma
tism from your body. 1 know this be
cause I was crippled for years and
many times wns unable to work, and
Allenrhu made a well, rbbust,
healthy man ot me.
1 know becauso since I cured my
self, hundreds have taken Allenrhu
and speedily rid themselves of this
agonizing disease. .
No matter how sovere your caso, I
urge you to put your faith In tho lire
scrlptlon that It took mo years to per
iod a prescription that made a new
man of mo utter doctors tried and
Allenrhu is no laggard; It starts
rlgut In nt once; It gets Into the
blood, searches out tho poisonous
u'rle acid deposit nnd In two days
starts to drive tho rho "890 do
starts to drlvo tho concentrated Im
purities that causo rheumatism, out
of tho body through tho natural
Through tho columns of this news
paper, 1 authorize every druggist to
guarantcu one full pint bottlo in
every instance. Adv.
Notice of Sale of Suvernment Timber
General Land Office, Washington,
D. a, Mnrch 30. 1023.
Notice is horoby glve"n that subjoct
to the conditions and limitations of
the acts of Juno 9, 1918 (39 Stat, 21S),
February 2fi. 1919 (40 Stat. 11791. and
Juno 4. 1920 (41 Stat., 758), and De
partmental regulations of September
15, 1917 (46 L. D., 447), and June 22,
1920 (47 L. D 411), tho timber on the
following lands will be sold May 11,
1923, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at nubile
auction at the United States land
offlco at Roaoburg, Oregon, to the
nignest bidder at not loss than tho
appraised value as shown by this
notice, sale to be subjoct to the appro
val of the Secretary ot tho Interior.
The purchaso prlco. with an additional
sum of one-fifth of one per cent.
tncroor. being commissions allowed,
must bo deposited at time of sale,
money to bo returned If sale is not
approved, otherwise patent will Issue
tor t ne timber which must bo removed
within ten years. Bids will be re
ceived from citizens of the United
states, associations of such citizens
snd corporations organized under the
laws of the United States or any
State, Territory or District thereof
only. Upon application of a qualified
pnrcnasor, the tlmbor on any legal
subdivision will be offored separately
before being Included in any offer of a
larger unit
T. 15 S., R. 2 W., See. S5: NW4
XEi4, yellow fir, 600 M.. red fir, S00
M., cedar, 150 M., hemlock, 60 M..
none of the timber on this tract to be
sold for loss than 1.75 per M. for the
yellow and rod fir and 11.00 per M.
for tho cedar and hemlock. T. 19 8.,
(L 1 W.. Sec 33: SE4 SW VI. fir 1070
M.; SWU SWVi, fir 1000 M. not to
be sold for less than (1.75 per M. T.
It S., It 3 W., Sec. 27; Ixu . fir 700
M., red cedar, 250 M hemlock, 150
M.. none of the timber on this tract to
be sold for less than 1.60 per M. tor
the fir and $1.25 per M. for the cedar
and hemlock.
8WK. fir 375 M.. NEV1 SEU. fir 350
M NW SEV4, fir 050 M.. none of
the fir on these tracts to be sold for
less than $2.00 per M. T. 27 8., R. 12
W Sec. 17: NE14 NE!4. yellow fir,
50 M, red fir, 325 M.; NWtf NE'4,
yellow fir, 1800 M hemlock and white
lir. 125 M.; SEVi NE!4. yellow fir
1160 M.. red fir. 300 M . white fir, 100
M., hemlock, 50 Mr SWVi NE'4, yel
low fir. 1900 M- white fir and hem
lock. 250 M-: NEVi NWVi. yellow fir,
1700 M white fir and hemlock, 100
M.; NWVi NWS. yellow fir, 2700 M.;
SEVi NWVi, yellow fir. 3200 M.. white
nr. 60 si.; sv nwvi, yoiiow nr,
2500 M.; NE Vi SEVi, yellow fir, 2076
M., red fir, 300 M.. whlto fir, 25 SI.
NWVi SEVi , yellow fir, 1950 M, white
fir and hemlock. 150 M.; SEVi SEVi,
yellow fir, 1850 M.; SWVi SEVi. yel
low fir, 2300 M.p white fir, 75 'M.;
NEV4 SWVi, yellow fir, 3000 M.;
NVVVi SWVi, yellow fir, 3000 M.;
SEVi SWVi yellow fir, 1950 M., white
nr, loo m.; SWVi swvi, yellow fir,
2300 M white fir nnd hemlock, 100
M.; none of the timber on those tracts
'.0 be sold for less than $2.50 nor M.
for tho yellow and red fir and $.60 per
M. for the white fir and hemlock.
T. 29 8., .u 10 W., Sec. 35: Lot 4,
-d fir. 430 M., white cedar, 750 M.,
white fir, 40 At, none of the timber
on this tract to be sold for less than
$1.60 per M.. for the red fir, $5.00 per
M. for the white cedar and $.60 per
M. for the white fir. T. 32 S.. R. 5 W.,
Sec. 31: Lot 1, red fir, 400 M, Lot 2.
red fir, 600 M-. SEVi NWV4. red fir.
325 M., none of the timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.25
per M. T. 29 S., R. 11 W, Seo. 1: Lot
2, yellow and red fir, 980 M, cedar.
160 M., SEVi NEVi. yellow and red
fir, 280 M cedar 130 M., SWVi NEVi,
yellow and red fir, 460 M.. codar. 160
M., Lot 3, yellow and red fir, ISO M.,
;edar, 150 M., NWVi SEVi . yollow and
rou fir, 310 M., cedar. 40 M., SEVi
SEVi. yollow and red fir, 360 M.,
cedar, 30 M., SWVi SPV4, yellow and
red fir, 800 M., NEVi SWVi, yollow fir,
800 M., cedar, 300 M., NWVi SWVi,
yellow and red fir, 320 M., cedar, 3S0
M., SEV4 SWVi, yollow and red fir,
360 M., cedar, 500 M., hemlock, 40 M.,
SWVi SWVi. yellow fir, 400 M, cedar,
600 M, Sec. 11, Lot 2, rod fir, 2300 M.,
cedar, 300 M., SWVi NEVi, red fir,
1650 M., cedar 500 M., white fir, 50
M., Lot 3, red fir, 2200 M, cedar. 320
M., white fir, 40 M., Lot 4. red fir,
2000 M., cedar, 400 M-, SEVi NWVi.
red fir, 1250 M.. cedar, 150 M., SWVi
NWVi, red fir. 1700 M-. cedar, 500 M.,
white fir, 40 M., NEVi SWVi, red fir,
1550 M., cedor, 180 M.. white fir, 60
M., NWVi SWVi, red fir, 1700 M.,
cedar, 350 M., whlto fir, 20 M., SEVi
SWVi, red fir, 1100 M., cedar, 150 M,
SWVi SWVi. red fir. 1700 M., cedar,
20 M., none of the timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.50
per M. for the red and yellow fir.
$5.00 per M. for the cedar and $1.00
per M. for the white fir nnd hemlock.
T. 40 S., R. 4 E.. Sec. 6: NEV4 SWVi,
yellow pine, 600 M., red fir, 65 M.;
NWVi SWVi, yollow pine. 485 M.;
red fir, 46 M.; SEVi SWVi, yellow
pine, 510 M., red fir, 65 M.; NEV4
SEVi, yellow pine, 406 M red fir, 20
M. ; NWVi SEVi, yellow pine, 260 Hi
red fir, 75 M.; SWVi SEVi. yellow
pine, 425 M red fir, 125 M., sugar
pine, 20 M., white fir, 15 M.; SEVi
SEVi yellow pine, 440 M., red fir, 45
M., sugar pine, 10 M.; Sec. 7: NEVi
NEVi. yellow pine, 370 M., red fir. 25
M., sugar pine, 10 M.; NWVi NEVi,
yellow pine, 300 M., red fir, 60 M.,
sugar pine. 30 M.; SWVi NEVi. yel
low pine. 365 M. : SEVI NEVi, yellow
pine. 635 M.; NEVi NWVi , yellow
pine, 260 M., red fir 65 M., sugar plrie,
25 M.; NEVi SEVi. yellow pine, 325
M.J SWVI SEVi, yellow pine. 335 M.,
red fir, 90 M., sugar pine, 15 M.; SEVi
SEVi, yellow pine, 260 M., red fir, 30
M., sugar pine, 10 M.J none of Ibi
timber on these sections to bo c'ld
for less than $3.00 por M. for the
yellow pine nnd sugar pine, $1.00 per
M. for the red fir and $.60 per M. for
the white fir.
T. 29 S., R. 10 Vt., Sec. 35: Lot 1,
yellow fir, 1000 M., red Kr, 200 M.,
codar 1,435.750 ft, hemlock, ?0 M.,
white fir, 30 M.; Lot 2, yollow fir, 900
M., red fir, 300 M., cedar, 437 M., white
fir, 90 M.; Lot 5, yollow fir. 300 M.,
red fir, 240 M., cedar, 290 M.J bona
ot the timber on those lots to be Bold
for less than $1.50 per M. for tho
yellow fir, $1.00 per M. for the red fir,
$5.00 per M. for the cedar, $.50 per M.
tor tho hemlock and whlto fir.
T. 30 S R. 10 W., Sec. 3: Lot 1, red
fir, 290 M., cedar, 110 M.: Lot 2, red
fir, 2S5 M., codar, 1S5 M.J SEVi SWVi,
rod fir, 650 M cedar, 5S0 M.: NEV4
SEVi, rod Tir, 235 M., cedar 260 M.J
SWVi SEV4. red fir, 240 M cedar
794 M., while fir, 20 M.: SEVi SEVi.
red fir 6:10 M., redar, 535 M white
fir, 70 M.; none of tho timber on those
tracts to be sold for loss than $1.50
per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per I. for
tho cedar and $.60 per M. for the white
fir. T. 30 S., R. 11 W.. Soc. 13. SWVi
SEVi, fir. 144 M., whlto cedar, 225 M.;
SEVi SEVi. fir, 178 M., white cedar,
240 M., none of tho timber on these
tracts to be sold for less than $1.50
per M. for the tir and $5.00 per M.
for tho white cedar.
T. 29 S., R. 10 Vt., Sec. 29, SWVi
NWVi , red fir, 355 M., cedar 180 M.;
while fir, 30 M., NWVi SWW. rod fir,
216 M cedar; 210 M., white fir, 40 M.,
SWVi SEVi. red fir, 410 M., cedar,
90 M., SWVi SWVi. red fir, 515 M.,
cedar, 4S0 M.. SEVi SWVi. rod fir, 390
M , cedar. 220 M., whlto nr. 60 M.,
none of the timber on these tracts to
From the Offutt Garage Building to
Where we will carry a complete line of
"Service and Quality'
bo sold for less than $1.50 per M., for
the red fir, $5.00 per M. for tho cedar
and $.60 por M., for the white fir.
T. 39 8.. R. 5 W.. Sec. 15. NWVi SEVt.
yellow pine, 60 M., sugar pine, 30 M.,
fir 210 M., none of the timber on this
tract to bo sold for loss than $3.00
per M. for the pine and $1.25 per M.
for the fir. WILLIAM SPRY,
Commissioner. General Land Offlco.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
By virtue of an execution on Fore
closure duly issued out ot and under
tho seal of the Circuit .Court of the
State of Oregon, In and for the County
of Jackson, lo me directed snd dated
on the 12th day of April, 1923, In a
certuin action therein, wherein W. W.
Cameron, as Pla'ritlff, recovered judg
ment against Frank Schneider and
Elizabeth A. Schnoider, tho defen
dants, for the sum of Eight Thousand
Five Hundred ($8,500.00) Dullars,
with costs and disbursements taxed nt
and the further sum of
Dollars, as attorney's
fees, which judgment was enrolled
and dockotod In tho Clerk's office of
suid Court in said County on the 17th
day of April, 1923.
Notice Is hereby given that pursu
ant to the terms of the said execution,
I will on the 19th day of May, 1923, at
10:00 A. M-, at the front door of the
Courthouse In tho City of Jacksonville,
In Jackson County, Oregon, offer for
sale and will sell at public auction
for cash to tho highest bidder, to
satisfy said judgment, together with
the costs of this sale, subject to re
demption as provided by law. all of
the right, title and interest that tho
said defendants, Frank Schneider and
Elizabeth Schneider had on the 20th
day of March, 1323, or now have in
and to the following described pro
perty, situated in the County of Jack
son, Stato of Oregon, to wit:
The East half (EV4) ot the South
west quarter (Vi) and the Southwest
quarter ( Vi ) of the Southwest quarter
(V4) of Section Twenty-eight (28);
and the Northeast quarter ( Vi ) of tho
Northwest quarter ( Vi ) of Section
Thirty-three (33), Township Thirty
nine (39) South of Range Three (3)
West of the Willamette Meridian.
The Northwest quarter ( Vi ) of the
Northwest quarter! Vi ) and the South
east quarter (Vi) of the Northwest
quarter (Vi) of said Section Thirty
three (33) ; all of said property being
in township Thirty-nine (39); south
of Range three (3) West of the Wil
lamette Meridian;
Also an undivided one-third (1-3)
Interest In and to that certain water
ditch and water right taken out of the
West bank of Big Applcgate Creek, in
Jackson county. Oregon, in Township
Forty (40), South Range Three (31
West, and which ditch and water right
are appurtenant to the said described
lands and are known as the Cameron
Ditch nnd Water Right.
Dated this 17th day of April, 1923.
Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon.
By L. A. FOIINCROOK, Deputy.
'Friendly Service"
Phono OO!)
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co
Kodak Finishing
for thoso who demand the best.
Swem's Studio
21 7 E. Main Medford
Petty's Tire Shop
More Miles at Half the Cost
132 S. Riverside Phone 182-R
"The Track Man"'
to K. Hollv
) Phone SHU
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sive that it pays to vul
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Phone 237