MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, SfEDFORD. OREOOX, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 192:1 PAGE THREE The front of the olil Liberty theatre is being redecorated and Hen Dixon who operated the fresh fruit and veg etable stand there last year will re open. The stand is expected to be open for business by Saturday and Dixon states that anything in the line of fresh fruits and vegetables may be purchased from him as sooa as his business is in full swing. We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. A largo number ot young people from Ashland and Grants Pass are ex pected to attend the De Atolny dance at the Masonic hull tonight following the De Molay ceremony at which a number of Ashland Masons are ex pected to he present. Brown says he has dress and work shoes.- 3G An express car containing two horses, twenty-six dogs and their lieepors passed through Medford thU morning enroute to Hollywood, Calif., from Banff, Alta., In the Canadian Itockies where they have been in a northern picture under the direction of Trlmble-Murfin productions. Now England graniteware, 15c and 25c. See it in the Medford Exchange window. 37 Only one Inch of rain fell in Med ford and vicinity last Month, which is but 33 hundredths of an inch shy of the normal rainfall of that month since 18S5. . , .... Genuine Bosch Magneto parts anil repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Bartlett. . tf A roof fire at 801 East Main street in the Knight residence, starting evi dently from, a detective flue was the cause of the fire alarm at 7:15 last evening. The, fire was practically out when the department arrived, occu pants of the house having made use of a garden hose. Little damage re sulted. The second alarm at 7:30 p. m. was a false alarm from South Peach street Plans for one of the biggest school events of tho year have been com pleted and everything Is In readiness for the ninth annual field and track meet to be held under the auspices of the Jackson County Athletic associa tion In Talent Friday, May 4. Ail sec-j ond class and rural schools are plan ning on participating In the different events. The program will begin promptly at 9 o'clock In the morning and will be continued throughout the dny. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work. and prompt service. ' tf Kleven BHtos were encamped at the city auto camp last night as against IS cars camped there tiie previous night. The tourists were divided between those enroute north and those going south. Mattresses, new and made over. Phone 104. 32 N. Grape. - 56 Miss Marie Preston of tho Woman's Board of Home Missions, and Miss Roberta Jlarr, of the Freedman's board will speak at the Presbyterian church this evening at 7:30. There will be special mimic by the mixed quartet of the Phoenix church. ' There's a busy Business .College in Medford, GffS. Happily a cloudy condition arose last night which warded off the pre dicted light to heavy frost, and brought the minimum temperature down to 34 degrees. Fair weather is the prediction for Friday, All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 10S. 711 East Main. Miss Grace Welzmiller of New York daughter of Mrs. Louis Welzmilter, commissioner of markets in New York City, loader of the New York sugar boycott, was a visitor In the Rogue River valley last summer when she spent three, months as the guest of Miss Helen Norris of Phoenix. The Singer Shop has a Singer elec tric sewing machine for $50. tf The regular first of the month meet ing of the county court was held Wed nesday, and the day devoted to the auditing of the monthly bills and expenses. PAGE-Monday Night, May 7th SEAT SALK TOMOltKOW SOON PRICKS Lower Floor, $3.75; Iliiliony, 1st 4 rows, $2.20; Next 4 rows, $1.(13; Next 3 rows $1.10; llilmire 53c, , i : j Includes War Tux ' . ' . 1 f& A MERE! CSS if mm In THE tmw TOBJ4.' 'Am fSM Bt Aft cmcAco succtxr gj 1 1 f 19 outsort tifcArt WITH MISS SYIXEV SHIELDS AND NEW YORK COMPAXY Gospel teams of the Presbyterian church will hold services at 3 p. m. Sunday at the Sams Valley school and the upper school on Griffin creek. Brown says he has 50 pair of youths shoes left at $2.35. 36" Oaorge Older of Montague, Calif., spent tho first of tho week in the city on business. Dance, Fairgrounds Pavilion Satur day night. Admission $1,10. 38 Hoy Davis of Medford, recently appointed a member of tho state game commission by Governor Pierce and whose appointment caused the gover nor a life membership in the Jackson County Game Protective association. was a Salem visitor Monday enroute to Portland to study his new duties. 'I want to do what I can to protect fish and game-and am making a thor ough study of the situation. The trou ble has been too much iolitics and too few sportsmen," he declared. Mr, Davis was formerly a resident of Salem and is a brother ot Lester Davis. Salem Capital-Journal. Hear Alford sing latest foxtrots, Sat. nito Fairgrounds Pavilion. 3S The Cinnabar Springs in the Siski- yous, which is a favorite vacation spot for a number of Medford people each summer, wilt be' opened this year about July 1st. The picturesque foun der and owner of the springs. Jolt Garretson, died last winter at Stock ton, Calif. You can't help but like our week end parties. We make you feel right at home. The imisie will pep you up. and the congeniality of the crowd and the general surroundings impress yon, you will come again. Fairgrounds Pa vilion, Sat nite. 38' The Catholic people of Medford and vicinity are giving a farewell recep tion tonight at tho Parish hail to the Rev, John Powers, pastor for eight years past who has been assigned to Holy Cross parish at Portland, Ore. Father Powers leaves with the good will and best wishes of hundreds of Protestants as well as his Catholic people whom he has served so faith fully. They all join In wishing hint Godspeed and good luck in his new field. A special musical program has been arranged for Saturday night's dance at the Fairgrounds Pavilion. AH the latest dance hits by Alford's Imperial orchestra. ZW APRIL RAINFALL ABOUT AVERAGE, SIX CLEAR Offi One Inch of rain fell (Ittrtug April,' which is only 33 hundredths ot an inch loss than the average rainfall for that month since 1SS9. There was a fall of hail on April !ml, amounting to .19 of an Inch, which did relatively iiisle damage, ! On twelve days of April ,01, or; more of precipitation fell, sis daysi were clear, IS were cloudy and six' rartly cloudy. There were no killing frosts during the month, j Tho temperatures of April were as follows: mean maximum, j maximum, S3, on Ihu 15th; mean' minimum, 37.S1, minimum, 30.03,; on the 23rd; mean, 51.32; greatest; dailv range 19. . I Tho official report of Use weather' bureau for April H partly as follows: j Max. Mill. Pree, Weather 1 SS.7 38 S9.H 35 4.3.5 37 315 SB 0 30 47 47.7 47.8 31.1 33.7 il iHtts -V u llsrrvl, PITTSIsriStS. May S. A rut of Sac a l-arrel was announced in the prin cipal grad- of iVsnsyH'SnUi crudt oil at the opening ot the market today. tirade Ctiihbvu On May tlth t Mr OitenttM, at :I0 t. Hie grade children ef thtt Metlfrd puidie !-hois wtlf present the muH-at opt-rt-na Boy isM-V 0e Page thvatrr. The mijsie is wrHten in two parts. ,-tmt the dam-trig erthames the beauty, gfg inid attractive jmd in keeping with! riri-n. The t sale will open at the Page Weel&esstay soon, Ma? th Sallow the crowds to Ota Viz-, grounds Pavilion dance Sstartsy CINCINNATI Howard Saiby, , . the tone of tits story. widely kaowa humorist, writer sod Tl.-ket mny fwetcht tf the hit-i lecturer died last night. 1 .. ....61.12 55. 1 KS.7 50 58 56. ' r.9 fil.7 G2.S 61 f.9.3 66 73. S SO G S5 SI 67 64 B2.2 57 . 60.2 23 69 3 24 73 ' 23 76.6 28 79.6 7 69.2 25 55 29 59 80 62 . 44.6 44.4 33.5 39.S 37.5 32.1 3fti3 32.4 32.9 36 .6 36.1 4S.t 39.8 32.1 .IS .25 T .03 .08 Ai T .0 .0 .02 .03 .03 .0 .0 .0 .0 .08 .01 .0 .27 .02 A . .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 T Ctoudy Ctottdy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy IU. Cidy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Ft. Cidv Clear Clear Pi. Cidy Cloudy Clouly Cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt Cidy Cloudy Cloudy Pt Cidy Clear Clear Clear Cioiidy Pt-Cldv Cloudy Folks, It's a Winner! Ask Any One Who Has Visited This Big Selling Event LATEST SPRING STYLES SLIPPERS, OXFORDS, PUMPS SACRI FICED AT PRICES THAT WILL ASTOUND YOU People came, they saw the values, they bought supplies for mciitbs to come, they told their friends and the good news keeps going Crowds keep coming. Truly this is a trade opportunity, and no family can afford to miss this big event, , Stop! Think folks, be fair with yourselves, A new stock of merchandise, going at such as tounding low prices right at the season when you need it on the very articles yon aw going to buy now, Friday and Saturday will bo big days. You joia the crowds and meet xu face to face, let ns prove it, . ' . MANY OASES OP NEW STOCK PUT INTO THE SALE THIS WEEK TO KEEP THE ASSORTMENT COMPLETE Wl ARE BREAKING- ALL RECORD S FOR VALUES, Shop Now Shop Hers Shop Early EHifllSISlSSiiOIHaH Arrangements are about completed for publishing the season's schedule for the Y. M; O. A. Baseball league, Jt is expected that the five teams con cerned in the Indoor season of basket- i ball will also participate in the out door sport. It is probable that three games will be played each week for a period of thout iwo months, or until July 1st. All games will bo played at the "twilight" hour, beginning at ahottt 6:15. The genera! public wilt remember that the games lust year were usualiy fine exhibitions ot the national game and good crowds were uniformly In attendance. The rules ot eligibility with regard to chnreh affiliation and attendance will obtain as always in this league. There is some talk ot a commercial league of playground, or "kitten bail also this season. Shonid the idea take hold to any extent, steps will be taken to promote it. H A Kodak record of the family in n fiv years hcronics an Iii'lrloom. B Kodak ns You io, gj The ili-st of lli-vcloplns ami I'l-intlng. jj Kodak Agency , I MEDFORD BOOK STORE k . . . 3i Xoith Central Ave, EjgjgjgjSigigiBiSElEISI in the spirit of the community. TO THE STRANGER ABIDING WITH US WE WOULD LIKE TO BE TO YOU HERE JUST WHAT "YOUR BANK" WAS TO YOU back home. her mm nun & nvERsm The reins of r.. f M;ist of Omiits Inss ami How HiilinKS of Medford wen considerably dnmiige! this forenoon when they ro!Hf1I on ihv corner ft mid Kiverside, Mast was en route south over lh Pacific hitjhway ant! was crossing Main street and !se Billings rh driving east on Main street, iromr ins to turn south when the collision oreurred. The right Ride of Mast's Overland was badly Italtcred and the humper. left front fender and front part of the frame of f JIIIIngH J iudaoti suf fered dainace. No one was Injured in the accident. The Medford National -means helpfulness means co-operation means accommodation Shrine Stated Session tnii'.fi .,AS WM M Bt M""'"!!1; ha". Ash .'tfj! land. Fridn? evening. WtMXk order, preliminary to May 25. Also other routine business. Re freshments at close of session. T. if. SIMPSON', Potentate. 36 W. II. DAY, Iterordw, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Woman to help in general Housework. T. A. W aterntan, i'lson- 321-X, 106 S. Ivy. 88 FOR SALB FIto room honso anil hit $W. 417 Benson St. I'hono 6T2 II. 4i FOR HEXT-s-Nwly flnlsiiml house- i kpeiitn? annrtment. 315 N. Hotly, Phone 3C8-J. , if FOU SALK Sfl acre Improved ranch 10 miles NB. of Medford. Mortica- price for clear title Is only $.W0, and easy terms. Cheaper than a homestead. Also have 120 acres near Trail fr tiiM per arre. itoitiie river and the Crater Lake highway pass thru ware. A fine investment. Also 40 acres well Improved five miles from Central Pflnt, Pair! up water rtrht for 21 acres. Stock nd tt!ikment go with ptnen, lrle $ri00. Cinrenco Pierce. Phone lS VERY WOMAN s an Apron Aprons stamped on Unbleached Muslin ready to work. On sale 35c Each Handicraft Shop FRIDAY and SAT. MAY 4 and 5 MEALS Our meals are the talk of the town. Merchants' Lunch 50c Short Order 35c We Suggest That You Give Them a Trial Ofl Mt'KIO The Shasta j j IliMTPrtljr NdjaNtod !' l KlnsjM-K will relieve the if) j ii pe-muwlfi. Improve tho M ; -f S sicht and iienlih In gcn Ei prut. j BjuM'ial feature of Queen Quality Slippers awl Oxfords in 8 styles, all leathers, in the ljite.t spring styles, $5.09 val ues, cut to. . Sf3.9S Men's Outing Slioes with oak soles, a good shoe, going at the cut priee ,.$2.19 Women's Slippers and Shoes, in tM kid, made for comfort. Price eiit to .........,...,.,$2.69 IHg (lirls Slippers and Oxfords in patent, and hrown calfskin, $4.50 values, cut to $3,45 Women's White Canvas Strap Slippers, just ar rived, You will w ant a couple of pairs at this price 91.79 Men's Ifeavj Work Shoes, The greatest val ue in years. You must see them. $4.00 value, cut to ?2.95 One lot Women's Shoes, ninny styles, most all sizes in the lot. Values to $10,00, Cnt to..$1.98 Boys' Outing Shoes, with oak soles, right when yon need them $1.69 . Men's Bress Oxfords in hrown, with rubber heels, $5,00 values, in English lasts. Yerr special at ... .$3.95 Men's Dress Shoes, black and brown, rubber heels, English and round toe lasts, f8,00 values S3.95 One lot of Baby Siloes and fancy Slippers, Values to $1.00. Price cut to 39. Hiking Boots, Indian tan, 13 inch tops, mocca sin style, These $9.00 values, cut to........? 8.95 HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE SPREADING THE GOOD HEWS OF THIS SALE. YOU WILL Bl A BOOSTER, TOO, WHIM YOU SEE THE BAEOAINS. 3ig values in Women's Hose. Our entire stoek of Silk Hose eut to the limit; Speeial feature Saturday, Para Silk at 89 Infants and Children's fancy Half Sox, fine mercerized Silk Lisle, 50: quality, cut to 29b Men's Hats in all the most wanted colors and shapes, just arrived from the factories. Ev ery one reduced. Pick them out at $1,98 to 4.35 Mehs Work Sox an tm'o -big specials at ' Men's Fiber Silk Hose, 50c ParaSilk and others. Price cut to 39 Fine line Childreua Hose n cotton, and lirfc, eut to..10 and 29 THE SALE OP Bla VALUES AND NEW MERCHANDISE, MILLET & SON ASHLAND OREGON VALVE-1N-HEAP ") CA? MOTOR CABS SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to announce that on Saturday next we will have a special display at our salesroom, consist ing of a Bwick Six chassis and Buiek Four ehassiSf both stripped for inspection, and also will have a Biiick Sis Motor, eut&wayj showing all working iarts. Iloth chasiis and motor will he so mounted as to allow inspection by you of ea-h part, and we will he only too glad to explain to you the many superior mechanical points in the construction of .the Buiek, which are responsible for the long life and low upkeep costs of Bnlck automobiles. We Invite Your ImpectionCn Saturday; May 5th MEDFORD AUTO COMPANY Buiek Dealers Comer Main and HoIIey &4 ml 7