PAGE EIGITT MEDFORD lVtAIE TlMBUm. MEDFORD. OT?EflONT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1D23 NOTICE IS ' HEREBY GIVEN that heretofore to-wit: on the 24th day of April, Ilea, there was filed with the Hoard of Directors of KAOI.E POINT , IRRIGATION DISTRICT in Jiirttsoii County, State of Oregon, a petition in writing, Bigned and acknowledged by the owners or holders of title or evi dence of title representing a majority of the acreage of a certain body of land hereinafter first bolow described, and which land is adjacent to the boundaries of the wild Kugle Point Irrigation District, praying that the said body of land be included in Uio said Eagle Point Irrigation District. That the said body of land so prayed and petitioned to be Included In said Eagle Point Irrigation District is de scribed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at tho Intersection of the Little Hutte Irrigation Company Ditch, as now surveyed and construct ed, with the east boundary of the southwest quarter of Section 31, town ship 3G, South Range 1 cast of the Willamette Meridian In Jackson Couii- Regardless of what It is a Jack, Tire, pair of Skid Chains, Oil, Greases, Spark Plugs, etc., 'be what it may if its anything for the Automobile you are sure of getting it from our Bplondid stocks. Top notch quality CIoso prices, prompt service. You are assured of real satisfaction when you trade here. The Auto Supply Co. 81 N. Bartlctt. Doc AVrlKUt wmmmi ( ( . .i -.( i 'i.-. . The heayy winter clothing should bo Dry Cleaned before putting away call us now. . REMEMBER : ' ' We are not satisfied unless you are." j City Cleaning ... and Dyeing Co. 624 N. Riverside Phone 474 i re? STl a m mm I IZJHf J..; Hm n t w In. your bathroom every accessory should, aid in keep ing it sanitary and at tractive looking. This typo of seat is mt ap proved model. Modern Plumbing & Sheet Metal Co. Tliono nao 10 N. Vic St. KXJ 0. Vj MYERS ; . "Tho Truck Man" t MACK TRUCKS REO SPEED WAGONS O N. Holly - Phone COfl GIM CHUJSG. China Herb Store this is t? em-Mr? ttuit mm Chun of Medford. Ore., has cured me of goitre end etomnrh trouble. 8. 11. Leonard 0 J Ht., Oranla Pane. Thle Is lo certify that Olm Chung ot Medford, Ore., hna mired me ot rupture ?f.f.".C yore funding. K. O. laliauv 411 8 Ht., Oranla I'aaa, Ore. ' Medfnrd, Oregon, Jan. 1J, 1V1T. Thla la lo eortlty that I. the under. Igned, hail very Revere atoiriach trouhls and had been bothered for eevernl year and hint Augunt a not expected to live, and hearing of dim Chung- (whoee Herb atore la at JH Honlh Front etreet Medford). I decided lo net herha for my tomach trouble, and I alerted to foellna bettor aa aoon I uaed them and today am a well man and cun heartily recom mend anyone afflicted an 1 wna to see UUn Chung and try hla llerha tHIgnert) W. U. JOHNSON. Wltnennei: Win. Lewla Ragia Point. W. L. Chlldreth, Fngle. Point. M. A. Amleraon, lledfnrd. , B. B. Itolmca, Kngle. point, O. K. Moore, Kail Point. J. V. Molntyr. Kgle Point. Oeo. Von di.r Helien. Ragle Point luua. tt. Mohola, Ikagii potnb ty, State of Oregon, thence south to the quarter section corner between sections 31, township 35 South Range 1 East ot Willamette Meridian, and Section li, township 30 South Rauge 1 Hunt of tho Willamette Meridian; thence south of a mile, thence West 1577.9 feet, thence south 2608.73 feet to southwest corner of the CleurHpring Orchard truct as described in Vol. 40 at page 284 of the Deed Records for Jackson County, Oregon; thence eust 20K.O foot, thenco south 2711.28 feet to the southwest corner of northeast quarter, til southwest quarter of section 7, township -30 . south Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian; thepce east of a mile, thence south 14 of a mile, thenco west 14 of a mile, thence south ' mllo to south east corner of southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section 18, town ship 3'i smith Range 1 East of Willam ette Meridian; thence west Vj mile, thenco north 14 mile, thence west A mile to Meridian line at the section cornor common to sections 7, 12, 13 and 18, township 36 South, Range 1 west and Range 1 Kast of Willamette Meridian; thence west 14 mile, thence south 14 mile, thenco west H mile, thence south 14 mile, thence west 14 mile to the quarter corner between sections 13 and 14; thence west 14 mile, thenco north, 14 mile, thence west ' mile; thence north 'A mile, thence east 14' mile, thence north 14 mile ; thence oast Vt mile to tho quar ter section corner between sections 11 and 12; thence south 14 mile; thence east 14 mile; thence south mile; thenco east 14 mile to the one-fourth section corner between unctions 12 and 13; thence north of a mile; thence oast 14 mile; thence north 14 mile to section corner common to sections 1, 6, 7 and 12; thence west of a mile; thonce north 14 of a mile; thence east 14 of a mile; thence north of a mile to the quarter section cornor between sections 1 and 3G, township 35 and 36 south rango 1 wost of tho Willamette Meridian; thence east on township line approximately of a mllo to northeast corner of Lot 1, Section 1, township 36 south Range 1 West ot Willamette Meridian; thence south to southwest corner of D. L. C. 43; thence east 19.38 chains; thonce north 41.67 chains to northwest corner of J. C. and J. A. Mayham's land as described in Vol. 4 at page C46 of the Deed Records . for Jackson County, Oregon; thence east 19 chains to northeast corner of Maybam tract aforesaid; thence north approximately Vt mile to intersection of the Little Butte Irrigation Company Ditch: thence easterly with meandering of the said Little Butte Irrigation Com pany Ditch to the point of beginning, all in Jackson County, State of Ore gon. , The names of tho petitioners who signed and acknowledged said peti tion, and a description of the respec tive body of land owned by each of said respective petitioners, nil ot which Is within tho boundaries of tho body of land above described, are as follows, to-wlt: . 'J. H. Carlton and Ttossle Carlton, his wifo, owners of 810 of SWVl of SU4 ; W'j of 8 10 of 810W. Sec. 7, mid W14 or N 10 i KVi of NW',, in Sec. 18, all in Twp. 36, S. R. 1 10. of W. M.; L. II. Carlton and Nell Carlton, his wire, owners of N10'4 of NW'A of see. 13, Twp. 36 S., R. 1 W. ot W. M.; 1 Thomas M. Riley, unmarried, owner of NWK of N10V1. Soc. 14, Twp. 36, S. R. 1 W. of W. M.; J. C. May hum and Helen Mayham, his wlfo, and J. A. Mayham, unmar ried, owners of: Ileglnning nt SIO corner of D. h. C. 42 In Twp. 36, S. H. 1 K of W. M. run west 19 chs., thence north to north lino of lands described In Vol. 4 at pg. 616 of Doed Records of Jackson County, Oregon, approxi mately 41.57 chs., thenco east 19 chs. to east line of IX L. C. 42, thence south approximately 41.67 chns. to place of beginning. C. Frank Rhodes, nnmnrrlod, owner of WV4 ot N10 and NWK of 810(4 and lots 1, 2 and 3 of Soc. 1, Twp. 36, S. R. 1 W. ot W. M.: O. W. Stovons and Ziidlo Stovons, his- wife, owners of WMi of SWV4: SVV14 of NWA, Soc. 7, twp. 30, S. U, I 10. of W. M. and 8V4 of 810 Soc. 12, Twp. 30. S R. 1 W. of W. M.; Hen h. Klngory nnd Mabol 10. Kin gory, his wife, ownerB of NIO, of S10V4 and 66.60 roils off of north sldo ot 810 of 810 'A Soc. 11, nnd 66.66. rods orr of tho north side or SWhi of SWM Soc. 12, all in twp. 36 S. R. 1 W. of V. M. Thomas Riley nnil Sarah O. Riley, his wife, owners of SW!4 of NWU of Soc. 13, nnd 810 of N10 Soo. 14, Twp. 36, 8. It. l.W. or W. M.; Mary M. Simmons nnd W. M. Simmons, nor husband, owners of NW14 of NK of Sec. 13, Twp. 30, S. R. 1 W. of W. M. You aro further NOTIFIED that the aforosald petition has been set tor hearing nnd conslilorntion nt n rogulur mooting of tho board of directors of said Kaglo Point Irrigation District to be held at tho office of snld board of directors, at Koglo Point, Jackson County, Stnto of Oregon, on tho 6th day of Juno, 1923, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., BJid all persons Inton ostcd aro hereby notified to appear nt snld time nnd place, and show cause, If any you have, why ths said petition should not hn granted. Dated at lOaglo Point, Oregon, April 21th, 1923. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF EAOLK POINT IRRIGATION DISTRICT, FRIOD PKTT10URKW, President.' W. K. HAMMKL, Secretary nnd Dlroctor. WILLIAM PERKY, Director. Notice of 8ale or Ouvarnment Timber General Land Office, Washington, D. C, March SO, 1923. Notice Is horehy given that suhjoct to tho conditions and limitations of the nets of June 9. 1910 (39 Stat., 218), February 20, 1919 (40 Stat., 11791, nnd June 4, 1920 (41 Stat, 768), and De partmental regulations of September 16. 1917 (46 L, 1)., 447), and Juno 22, 1920 (47 L. D.. 411). the timber on the followlni? lands will be sold Mny 11, 1923, at 10 o'cIocS in., nt public auction at the United States land offlco nt Rosoburg, Oregon, to tho highest bidder nt not less than the appraised viiluo as shown by this notice, salo to bo suhjoct to tho appro vnl of the Secretary of tho Interior. The puri'hnso price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent., thereof, being commissions allowed, must bo deposited at tlmo of snle, monoy to bo returned If sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for tho timber which must b removed within ten yenrs. Bids will be re ceived from citizens ot the I'ulU'U States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United Slates or any State, Territory or District thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will bo offered separately botore being Included in any offer ot a larger unit. T. 15 S., R. 2 W., 8ec. 35: NW SE'A, yellow fir, 600 M.. red fir, 800 M., cedar, 150 M., hemlock, 60 M., none of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $1.75 per M. fdr the yellow and red tir and 11.00 per M. for tho cedar and hemlock. T. 19 S., R. 1 W., Sec. 33: SE',4 SVV;, fir 1070 M.; SV!4 SW, fir 1000 il. not to be sold for loss than 11.76 nor M. T 21 S R. 2 W, Sec. 2"; Ixit 0, fir 700 M, red, cedar, 250 M., hemlock, 150 M., none of the timber on this tract to bo sold for less than $1.50 por M. for tile fir and $1.2u per M. for the cedar and hemlock. T. 21 S., R. 6 W.. Sec. 25: NE'i SW'i, fir 376 M NE BR 'A, fir 350 M., NV SH, fir 650 M., none of the fir on these tracts to be sold for less than $2.00 pet- M. T. 27 S.. R. 12 W., Soc. 17: NEfc NE'4. yellow fir, 50 M., red fir, 825 M.; NW NE, yollow fir. 1800 M., hemlock nnd white ir, 125 M.; SE NE, yellow fir 1150 M., red fir, 300 M white fir, 100 Jf., hemlock, 50 M.i SW NE, yel low fir, 1900 M., white fir and hem lock, 250 M. ; NE NW'A, yellow fir, lieu in., wniie nr and hemlock, 100 M.; NW NW14. yellow fir. 2700 M.: SI0 NW, yellow fir, 3200 M., white fir, 60 M.; SW'4 NW. yellow fir, 2500 M. ; NE BK'A. yollow fir, 2075 .vi red rir, 300 M., white fir, 25 M.; NW14 SE, yollow fir, 1950 M., white fir and hemlock. 150 M.: SEV4. SE, yellow fir. 1850 M.; SW SE, yel low fir, 2300 M., white fir, 75 M.; NEV4 SWA. yellow fir. 3000 M.: NW SW Vi, yellow fir, 3000 M.; SK'A SW yellow fir, 1950 M., white fir, 100 M. : SW SWA. yellow fir. 2300 M., white fir and hemlock, 100 M.j none of the timber on these tracts '0 be sold for less than $2.50 ner M. ior the yellow and red fir and $.50 per m. ror the white fir and hemlock. T. 29 8., R. 10 W., Sec. 35: Lot 4, ed fir, 430 M., white cedar, 750 M., white fir, 40 M., nono of the timber on this tract to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. for the red fir, $5.00 per M. for the white cedar and $.50 per M. for the white fir. T. 32 8.. R. 5 W.. Sec. 31: Lot 1, red fir, 400 M., Lot 2, red fir, COO M.. SIO14 NW, red fir. 325 M., none of the timber on these tracts to bo sold for less than $1.25 per M. T. 29 S., R. 11 W., Sec. 1: Lot yellow and red fir, 980 M.. cedar. 160 M., SE NE. yellow and red fir, 280 M., cedar 130 M SW NEVi , yollow and red fir. 400 M., cedar. 160 M., Lot 3, yellow and red fir, ISO M.. oedar, 150 M., NW SK'A. yellow and rod fir, 310 M., cedar, 40 M.. SE SB 14, yellow and red fir. 360 M cedar, 30 M., SVV14 SK'A, yellow and red fir, 800 M., NE SW14, yellow fir, 800. M., cedar, 300 M., NW14 SVVVi, yellow nnd red fir, 320 M., cedar, 380 M SI0 14 SW14, yellow and red fir. 360 M., cedar, 600 M., hemlock, 40 M.I SW14 SW14, yellow fir, 400 M., cedar 600 M Sec. 11, Lot 2, red fir, 2300 M., cedar, 300 M..-8W14 NI0. red fir. 1600 M cedar 500 M., white fir. 50 M., Lot 3. red fir. 2200 M.. cedar. 320 SI., white fir, 40 M., Lot 4, red fir, 2000 M cedar, 400 M.. BE 14 NW11. red fir, 1250 M., cedar, 150 M SW NW14, red fir, 1700 M.. cedar, 500 M., white fir, 40 M., NE SW , red fir, 1550 M., cedar, 180 M.. white fir. CO M., NW14 SW14, red fir, 1700 M., cedar, 350 M., white fir. 20 M.. SB 14 SW14, red fir, 1100 M., cedar, 150 M., SW'i SW14, rod fir, 1700 M., cedar, 20 M., none of the timber on theso tracts to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. for tho red and yellow fir. $5.00 per M. for the cedar and $1.00 per M. for tho wbito fir and hemlock. T. 40 8., R. 4 E.. Soc. 5: N1014 SWIi. yollow pino. 600 M., red fir, 65 M.; NW14 SW, yollow pine. 485 M.; red fir. 45 M.; SE14 SW, yellow pine, 510 M.p red fir. 65 M.; NE SE14, yollow plno, 405 M.. red fir, 20 M.; NW.14 SK14, yollow pine, 200 M.. fod fir, 75 M. ; SW14 810.-yellow pine, 425 M., red fir, 125 M., sugar no, 20 M., white fir. 15 M.: SEW SI0 14 yellow pine. 410 M., red fir, 45 M., Bugar pine, 10 M.: Sec. 7: NE14 NE14, yellow pine, 370 M., red fir. 25 M sijgar pine, 10 M.; NW NE14, yellow pine, 300 M red fir, CO M sugar pine, 30 M. ; SW14 NE14, yel low plno. 365 M.i SE14 NE14, yollow pins, 635 M.j NE14 NW, yollow plno. 260 M., red fir 65 M., sugnr pine. 25 M.; NE 14 SE, yollow pine. 825 M.j SW SE14, yollow pine, 335 M.. rod fir, 90 M., sugar plno, 15 M.j SE14 810, yellow pine, 260 M., red fir, 30 M., sugar pine, 10 M.: none of- the timber on those sections to be sold for less than $3.00 per M. for the yellow plno nnd sugnr pine, $1.00 per M. for the red fir and $.50 nor M. for the white fir. T. 29 8., It. 10 -W.. Soc. 35: Lot 1. yellow fir, 1000 M., red fir, 200 M., cedar 1.435,750 ft., hemlock, 30 M., wbito fir, 30 M.; Lot 2, yollow fir, 900 M., red fir, 300 M., codar, 437 M., white nr. mi M.; Iit 6. yollow f r. 300 M.. red fir, 240 M., cedar, 290 M.j nono of tho timber on those lots to bo sold for loss than $1.60 ner M. for tho yollow fir, $1.00 per M. for tho rod fir, $5.00 per M. for tho cedar, $.50 per M. for tho homlock and white fir. T. 30 8., It. 10 V.. Soc. 3: Lot 1. red fir, 290 M., cedar. 110 M.: Ixit 2, red fir. 285 M codar, 185 M.; 814 SV, red fir, 650 M cedar, 680 M.: NE SE, red fir, 235 M., cednr 260 M.J SV S10, red fir.. 210 M., cedar 794 M., whlto fir, 20 M.: SE',4 SEW. red fir two M.. cedar. 535 M.. whlto fir, 70 M.j nono of tho timber on these trarts to be Bold for less than $1.50 per fi. ror the rod rir, $f.00 per AI. for the cedar and $.50 per M. for tho whlto fir. T. 30 S R. 11 W.. Soc. 13, SW SEy, fir. HI M white cedar. 223 M.j SK SEIi. fir, 178 M., white cedar, 240 M., nono of the timber on these tracts to bo sold for Ions than $1.60 per -M. for tho fir nnd $5.00 por M. ior tuo wniio ceoar. T. 29 S., It. 10 W., Sec. 29, SW NW. red fir. 355 M., cedar ISO M.; white fir, 30 M., NW SV, red fir, 215 M., cedar, 210 M., whlto fir, 40 M.. SW 810, rod fir, 410 M., cedar, 90 M., SW-i SW, rod fir, 615 M.. cedar, 480 M., 8K 8V, red fir, 390 M. cednr, 220 M. white fir. 60 M none of tho timber on theso tracts to bo sold for loss than $1.60 per M for tho red fir, $5.00 per M. for tho cedar nnd $ 50 per M., for the while fir. T. 39 8.. It. 6 V Sec. 16, NV 810. yolliny plno, 60 M., sugar pino, 30 Si fir 210 M., none or tho timber on this tract to bo. s.ihl for less than $3.00 per M. for the plno and $1.25 per M. for the fir.' WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner, Geuural Land Ottlce. STANFIELD'S SECY. CHiEF SPEAKER AT M1GT01HT t More members of the Medford cham ber of commerce have cast their ballot in the final election for directors than In tho primary and up to noon today two hundred and twenty-five have voted. The polls closed at four this afternoon and tho result of the olec tion will be announced at the member ship meeting at 7:30 this evening. Every piece of literature that has ever be n issued by the old Commer cial club and by the chamber of com merce will be on exhibit In the base ment of the Hotel Medford for the meeting tonight. The display wUI also Include literature that other communi ties have been using and the exhibit as a whole will assist members to de termine the kind of publicity they wish to adopt for the future. E. J. Adams, private secretary of Senator Stanflel.d, will deliver an in teresting address and members are re quested to bring up nny subject that means for the betterment of Medl'ord and Jackson county. E All of the dairymen of the qounty Interested In the production and sale of whole milk held a conference with the chamber of commerce committee this afternoon. Tho committee con templates to muko a thorough Investi gation of production costs and meth ods used by the dairymen. This is being done at the request of the dairy men to ascertain the correctness of their claim that whole milk cannot be produced and sold at a profit at the present price being paid for same. Before a final decision will bo made, the chamber's committee will study the answers to a questionnaire which has been sent to some fifty com munities in Oregon and northern California, RIDES 2400 MILES IN TACO.MA, May 2. D. E. Corrigan, accused of slaying George Marsh, Seattle taxi driver near here on April 3, is in the county jail awaiting ar raignment. Deputy Sheriffs. Fred Ewen and Glen Burton reached here with Corrigan early yesterday morn ing. The trip from El Paso, where Corrigan was captured, was made in the taxlcab takon from the slain man. The car covered 2400 mile3 on the trip. KoporU wore made to the sheriff's offlco bore that an attempt might be made by friends of Marsh in Seattlo to take Corrigan from the officers and take his life. The taxlcab was driven into Tacoma off the main streets. 3000 BOATS OPEN UP ASTORIA, Ore., May 2. An Inter esting sight here yesterday was the movement ot fishing boats to stations on tho rivor for the opening of the 1923 salmon fishing on the Columbia. Flshormen estimated that moro than 3000 boats will bo omployed this year and that there will bo more gear in tho water than for several years, ow ing to good prices and a probable good run of fish, , MOSCOW, May 2. (ny Associated Press). Severe earthquake in tho Caucasus with somo loss ot life is re ported by the correspondent of the newspaper Economic Life, telegraph ing from Rostov-on-Don. The quake wus felt In tho vicinity of the Kavtsin ka mines near tho historic Caurnsion military road, which was torn up for a distance of olght miles. EB.C. VERN'ON", 11. C, Mny 2. A. M. Pratt, for the lust ten years connected with tho Mutual Orango Distributors! of Redlands, Calif., was today appoint ' ed general manager of tho Associated : llrowci s of British Columbia, a now j cooperative association which its man- j agers state will control ninety perj cent of tho tree fruit grown In the province Ills salurj- was fixed atj $15,000 a year. I jnMuSBVffSSSS'SW '. -fiiwe&,!t SWIFT as the sea bird's flight, Shell Gasoline speeds us on. Perhaps our road will find its way along a stretch of sandy beach .perhaps we'll tour some distant mountain ' route. What matters where we go? ' Our tank is full, the roads are good that's touring at its best SHELL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Mechanic! "How many mllei have you run on this oil!" -Cur Owner: ''About six hundred." ' ' Mc(.h,infrt "It's pretty thin. You're apt to damage your with oil like that. Wu'U nil -with Sunoco this time. It'll keep Its hody and you'll nu:ice the difference, in the power you set- m Don't make a mistake 1 For further pnrlkutnrs 1 and Auoney terms wi-itu: . You own a car. The most important thing for you to know about mat car is "what is my oil doing?" And if most car owners knew, they'd be amazed. The safest thing for you to do is to fill your crank-case now with THE DISTILLED OIL! For the.same reason that you use dis tilled Water when you want pure water-you should use distilled oil. Sunoco is the only oil which is made in six types and all wholly distilled; it's pure. It gives more perfect lubri cation. It prolongs the life of your motor. It gives greater power because it makes an almost perfect piston ring seal. ' ' . : ' ' Ask any Sunoco dealer for booklet, "What's Happening Inside Your Motor?" MAR'S HAIIfc'WELLS-COMPAN.Y DULUTH MINNEAPOLIS SPOKANB PORTLAND ;rHESE BEALESS BELL BOHOCO TALK LUBKICATIOH WITH THEM: Grants Pass Auto Co., Ornnts Puss, OrcKrrn Valley Hnrdwarr Co.. Onintn Pn.ts. "Or.-ron Anhlnnd Automotive Shop, Anlilnnd. Oregon KiikIo Point OarnRe. KnRle Point, OreKoii M. a. Johnmin. Cold I nil. Dreuon J. AI. Smock. Holland. Oivkou Kird J. l-'lck. Juckyom ill-, Oregon Puick Service Station, Mtriford, Oregon T. K. jmoif. Murphy, Orr-con ' It. I.. Hammer, Helma, Oregon W. C. I'lxley, Willlama. .Oregon J. s. MeCleii.m. Klamath PalU, Oregon . . Uoh.-rts & Harvey. Klamath Palls, Oregon Mountain Service Station. Weed, California minaianwa,