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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1923)
frfEDFOKD MATfi TOTBUNE, frrEDFORD', '( OM". WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. '192.1 PAGE SEVEN A, 4 - ) 1 Quick Quaker Oats Cooks to perfection in 3 to 5 minutes No Other Oats Cook so quickly as these Now there's a Quick Quaker Oats the quickest-cooking oats in the world. Your grocer has it as well as the regular. Quick Quaker cooks in 3 to 5 minutes, and cooks to perfection. No other style of oat flakes cooks nearly so quickly as that. Now two things you want Now Quaker Oats offer you two things you want. They offer a flavor which has won the world. Quaker Oats dominate wherever oat lovers live. Never was an oat dish made so delicious. That's because wc use queen grains only just the rich, plump, fiavory oats. All puny grains are discarded. We get but ten pounds of these luscious flakes from a bushel. Now Quick Quaker offers that same super-qualily, almost ready to eat. It is flaked from the same grains, but the oats are cut before flaking. They are rolled very thin and are partly cooked. So the flakes are smaller and thinner that is all. And those small, thin flakes cook quickly. Now you have your choice. Regular Quaker the kind you ve always known. Quick Quaker the style that cooks so quickly. Get the style you prefer. But, for one or both of these reasons, insist on the Quaker brand. Regular Quaker Oats Come in package at left the style you have always known. Quick Quaker Oats Come in package at right, with the "Quick" label. Your grocer has both. Be sure to get the Btyle you want. - - Packed in sealed round packages with removable covers plltf sats HORSE SHOES! On the New Grounds Near the Postoffice Building CHARGES Be a Player, Ganio of 21 Points Singles Be a Player, Gnino of 31 Point Doubles MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP TO CLUB $1.50 PER MONTH house shoes foh sale J. H. HEESOX, Mgr. 301 S. Central AT ALL GROCERS Read This Before You Retire We bought the famous Ajax and Coast Tires and Tubes before the advance, and now pass a big saving on to you. We personally guarantee and adjust them right here, 'and can for a llmted time only Biipply all sizes at the following prices: 30x3 1-2 Ajux $9. 33x5 Cord $-10. 3(JxG Truck $50 ARMORY SERVICE STATION Pnc. HJgliwny at Jackson Armstrong & Wolff Medfortl, Oregon TO VISIT ASHLAND, VIA TROOP TRAIN ASHLAND, May 2. "I will como on tho troop tniln," is tho plnln state ment o C'.ov. pierce, without any .reservations, relative to his visit to this city June 13, In company with tho Coust Artillery boys, on their way to the annual encampment at Sun Krnneisco, and who will entertain and be entertained here for several hours on that date. The governor don't plead any previous engage ments whntever, simply stating that ho will bo on hand. Furthermore, he will uso his best enileavdrs to have tho governors of Washington and California here also, and If this de velops, we will have a triumvirate of Pacific coast executives as visitors, in addition to the military. As the time approaches, this event promises to assume bigger proportions than ever ns a rousing holiday occasion, and plans are being made accord ingly, both the military and civllluns uniting in the joint effort. Senator George W. Dunn is making a trip over to Klamath Falls this W(yk, and will meet with tho Shrine club of that city on Wednesday even ing, entering 'Into negotiations pre liminary to the ceremonial to bo held in Ashland on May 25. Ho staged It over on tho Green Springs cutoff, In stead of making tho trip in tho family car. Lorenzo Hacklor, of tho vicinity of Talent, and who came to that locality some timo ago from Mlllville, Calif has been experimenting this season with broccoli, and has met with suc cess to tho extent of raising some of tho finest garden product of this; kind, a variety which has justified Mr. Hackler In growing It on a com mercial scale. Many confuse broc coli with cauliflower, which it closely resembles, but the season . for each appears to be different. Up along the Umpqua in Douglus county, broc coli, turkeys and prunes aro the chief staples nnd this valley Is gradually competing with Its northern neigh-! bor In this respect. Presbyterians locally will now move wheel9, the pastor having secured a fine new car. A Ford was originally contemplated, but an over enthusiastic agent capped the climax to an "almost persuaded" condition of mind in favor of a higher-priced rival machine, with tho result that a Buick was substituted for the "bene fit of clergy," a number of friends, both inside and out of tho fold, wil lingly contributing a sum sufficient to make up the difference in cost, nn instanco of generosity for which the pastor, ono of the most popular of men, either as preacher or individual citizen, is duly grateful. Incidentally in this connection, It might be added that the main unit of the several Standard Oil service stations In this vicinity, Is located within a stone's throw of the Presbyterian garage, thus eliminating the necessity of any long hnul for supplies, and further rendering it' comparatively easy to note the coming and going of the speed cop. The prestige of state university students and instructors is rendered apparent and emphasized locally by the circumstance that no less than six teachers owing allcginnco to the Oregon Institution are now connect ed in various capacities with the Ashland schools, the list being head ed by G. A. Briscoe, superintendent; Geraldino Kuch, biology; Leota Rog ers, English ; Mario Hidings, mathe matics; Minnie Polcy, Latin and teachers training; Leona Masters, music and dramatics. And' there are others, in fact It is safe to state that If the alumni of the state university in this vicinity were mobilized, the number would be an Imposing one. There is a report current that ore long M. C. Llninger will become pro prietor and assume actual personal management of the Ashland green houses, an institution which has grown to large proportions under tho energetic and cnpable ownership and supervision of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sander. One only needs to Inspect these properties to note tho extent and diversity of this splendid adjunct to the Industrial utilities of tho town, the. output from which is shipped dally to other localities, both near and far. By all means pay tho green house surroundings a visit and note its progressive advancement within a few years from modest beginnings. Tho family of J. G. Kaegl. of tho Whltehouse groceteria, have been re ceiving a viBlt of late from near rel atives, Max Camps and wlfo of Yreka. At Masonic hnll, Thursday evening, May 3, the Llthlans will hold forth, a routine business session and mili tary exercises to be followed by a foed. It Is of comment that the Loth ian ritual incorporates some features on the hardbollcd order, even rival ling thoso of the noted "Societe des huit hommos et quarante chevaux" of American Legion notoriety. On May 1 tho Elks announced pny mont in full of bonds on their tem ple property In this city. The origi nal amount was 125,000 Issued ten years ago in small denominations of $25 each, at six per cent. The In vestment was a very popular one, recognized as gilt edge. Tho final payment was on a $12,000 basis, in full of the entire Issue Involved. Occasionally the county speed cop, accompanied by the local chief of po lice, takes a Joyrlde within duo hounds on a trip of Investigation to tho summit of the Bisktyous, view ing with aws tho benutlfiM scenery, also, inspiring awo among motorists who nre prone to exceed the gnlt pre scribed by miles governing schedules In that mountain district. Hillnh Temple meets on Friday evening this week In final session before the corqmonlal to bo held In Oaklnnd on May 25. A delegation in the meantime will visit Hoseburg to obtain a lineup on the' outlook as to securing candidates from Douglas county territory. The existing situa tion as to Shrine jurisdiction Is to tho effect that In Oregon Hlllah and Al Kncler's jurisdiction is coexistent throughout the state, and lloscburg COUNTY ATHLETIC MEET AT TALENT In splto of grey skies and cool winds, on last Saturday, two very successful preliminary meets wero held in tho county, ono at Prospect with all the upper river schools in attendance, and tho other at Lnlon town school in Applegato valley Large crowds gathered at both meets, and since both localities are known for their hearty support of such events, and for their delectable picnic dinners, tho guests who at tended these affairs aro strong in their praise of the events. Cash Wood presided as starter and umpire in chief at Prospect, while Mr. Peterson, a former supervisor of the county gavo nblo. assistance. Principal Cook of Jacksonville schools aided largey In affairs at Unlontown. At tho latter placo In tho morning, Superintendent Hriscoo of Ashland gavo a brief talk on con solidation of schools, slnco this sub ject is being considered in the Applo gate regions. Somo fine records wero mado In tho runs, jumps, and vaulting, and wo shall watch to sco theso records sur passed by tho same boys and girls at tho Talent meet on Friday, May ;4. And by tho way, why not attend this county meet at Talent? SUSANNK HOMES CAUTEK. ANOTHER SCHOOL BILL SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 2 A deadlock in tho state senate today frustrated passage or dercat of a bill by Senator Dennett of Modesto, to permit public school pupils to be excused from classes two hours a week so that they might obtain relig ious instruction elsewhere. Ladies Night Phoenix Church This Saturday The Phoenix Brotherhood is to have Its May meeting in the form of a "Ladles' Night," with refreshments and a brief program of music, etc., on Saturday night, Mny 6th, at Clyde hall, beginning at 7:30. All members of the Brotherhood and their ladles are invited, and a good time Is assilred. All interested will note that the meet ing this month Is on Saturday night Instead of Friday. The refreshments are to be served by the men, and the ladies will be the guosts of the even ing. It is desired that every member be present, both for the social occa sion and for a brief business meeting of the Brotherhood during the evening. Is located at the parting of the ways ns to choice of allegiance as between Joining either temple. Many will welcome the return of J. H. Doran from tho south, who will renew tho position he held last sum mer as director of arrangements at the auto camp grounds, extending :tho glad hand to visitors, and plan ning for their comfort during their stay in this locality. Mnnv local athletes, in addition to folks In general, aro planning to at tend tho annual field und track meet at Talent on Fridny of this week. S.S.S. routs Eczema Here's something about S.S.S. that you'll be glad to hear. We know thoro Is ono thing that stops eczema, and that Is more red-blood-cells! S. S. S. builds them by tho million! You can increase your red-blood-collB to the point where it la S. S. S. clem up tkln eruption! through lu power of cUaniios tho Blood. practically Impossible for eczema to exist. Wo know that as blood-cells Increase in number, blood Impurities vanish! We also know that night fol lows day. Both are facts! But havo you, eczema sufferers, ever actually taken advantage of this wonderful fact? Thousands Just like you havo never thought about It. Skin erup tions, eczema with all Its fiery, skln tllgglng torture and Its soul-toarlng, un reachable Itching, pimples, blackheads and bolls, they nil pack up and go, when tho tide of blood-colls begins to roll In! Blood-cells aro the fighting giants of nature! 8. S. 8. builds them by tho million! It has been doing It slnco 182C! S. S. S. Is one of the greatest blood-cell builders, blood cleansers and body builders known to us mortals! When you put thoso facta together, then to continue to havo eczema and skin eruptions looks mora like a sin than a disease. S. S. 8. contains only vegetable medicinal In gredients. Because 8. 8. 8. does build red blood-cells. It routs eczema, builds firm flosh, nils out hollow cheeks, beautifies the complexion, builds you up whon you are run-down. 8. S. S. Is sold at all good drug stores. Tho large slzo bottlo Is more economical. C C 6 j?al" yw FeeJ jiiie yourself again V U J and MM H t A fftffni Smtk JhtJL , J &tf.Jr fslmericars:ffomeShoePolish 1A IDA ME SETT All. Children Should Get a Shinola, . Home Set to Use With Shinola A genuine- bristle dauber and big jamb's wool polisher give quick, easy, and economical shines! .The polish to choose for family shoes Shinola improves the appearance and makes the shoes wear longer. Fifty shines in handy key-opening box! Black, Tan, White, Ox-blood, Brown "The Shine for Mine" Avoid Motor Oils 9 containing paraffin; asphalt or any other non-lubricating sub stance. Aristo Oil la refined by the most advanced processes, de signed to remove everything In the crude which has no lubricat ing value. Merely More Than Lubrication Seek This Also In Your Motor Oil Aristo is as near perfection purely as a lubricating Aim. as science can produce today. All the facilities, all the expert chemists, all the latest and acknowledged best equipment that the Union Oil Company can gather together are employed in the pro duction of Aristo. "4 1 Great research laboratories at our plants are constantly testing all methods and all oils to be sure that none is bet ter. Aristo forms a durable, fine film which penetrates to and lubricates all the motor's moving parts in any weather and at every motor heat. But you should look' for more than this in motor oils.1 , U Carbons" Are Important All oils deposit some carbonaceous residue in use, as all refiners know. But some deposit one kind, some another. One is flinty hard. It attaches to pistons, cylinders, spark plugs and valves. It ha3 a tendency to cling. And it acts as an abrasive, causing wear. It becomes incandescent and pre-ignites the gas. It coats spark plugs, short-circuiting the spark. Its frequent accumulation around valves impairs com pression. 1 Four motor troubles, familiar to all motorists at one time or another, follow. The Other Kind The little residue a half to a third at much that comes froitt . Aristo Motor Oil is of a different land. ' U It ia soft and fluffy. Its tendency is not to dine so most of it blows out with the exhaust. Being softer than the motor's metals it can't cause wear. Motors travel thousands of miles farther without cleaning. Spark plugs practically never "foul." Such oil used regularly means a more satisfactory, smootner runnlng, longer-lasting, less expensive car. This is most ap parent after several thousand miles. For sale at all first-class garages and service stations. Union Oil Crdmparry- af California r v Aristo Motor Oil