MEDFOUD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. MAY 2. lfi:? PAGE FIVE E E FOIWVVORTH, Texas, May 2. Crude, oil JiJHoea in .'the Menjlu and Currie j)oia 'vore tut ton cents per parrel Ntrtdiiy at the Texas company making the new prices: Alexia $1.80; Currle, 41 per cent gravity and above $2.20. The Texas company also met the reduction in the north and west Texas fields. ' v NEW YRK, May 2. The Sinclair Crude OU Purchasing company and Texas company today announced a cut of ten cents a barrel for all grades of mldcontlnent crude oil. The cut followed today's reduction of ten cents by the prairie Oil and Gun com pany. '- INDEPENDENCE, Kas., May 2. The Prairie Oil and Oas company to day announced a cut of ten cents per barrel on all grades of crudo oil in the mid-continent field, effective at once. This is the second cut o ten cents since the recent advances, the other cut being made April 23. Tho new prices range from $1.30 to $1.40 per barrel. ' WASHINGTON. Mny 2. A gene ral investigation of the oil industry is being made by the department of justice, officials said today in con nection with the recent investigation by the senate committee headed by Senator La Follette, republican, Wis consin. ' It was enid to ho the aim of the government to determine whether ' tiny further action should ho taken bn the charges of the senate com mittee report that the supreme court dissolution of the Standard Oil in terests was ineffective. ' For about two months a number of department agents have been at work collecting information and ex amining the record of the senate in vestigation. None of the reports of the agents had been submitted and tho department inquiry was said to be still in its initial stages. No complaints have been received by the ' department regarding nn al leged conflict between the Standard and Independent companies, but of ficials said they would welcome in formation In connection with the general inquiry from any source. GOLF PROS LEAVE TO. ;f COMPETE !N ENGLAND NEW YOJtK, Mny 1. Four pro- '. foBBionnl golfers twilled to compete for the British open title at Troon, Scotland, June 12 Walter Hugen, who captured tho crown Inst year; Gene Sarazen, holder of tho Ameri can open and professional champion ships, Charles Hoffnor, Philadelphia and Joe Klrkwood, former Australian champion. Jim Barnes, holder of tho national open championship in 1921 will Join the Invaders later. LAND SPECULATION COLUMBIA BASIN S CONDEMNED POIITLAND,' Ore., May . 2. I-and speculation throughout the Columbia basin irrigation project was hit to day at a mooting held in this city of the board of directors of the Colum bia linsln Irrigation league. Resolutions were adopted to' tho effect that tho league do everything within lt power to discourage activ itiea of real estate operators in buy ing and selling land at inflated values and warning was given that no land should be bought or sold until such time as the land had been classified and the value fixed. To carry out tho intent of this res olution, a committee, consisting of James Kyle of Stanfield, Ore., A. D. Jone3 of Spokane and C. F. Stinson. of Pasco was appointed. This commit- tee will prepare a statement of thej policy of the league to be published and distributed. Among those-present at the meet ing were Second Oregon district: J, H. SturgtH, Pendleton, and James Kyle, Stanfield. Third Oregon district: - J. W. Orft nong, L. iioise and C. C. Colt of Portland. 'HELL MAR PARTY IS BOOMING CHICAGO, May 2. More than 3000 citizens signed pledge cards to become members of the Allnute Men of the Constitution, an organization fm-im'.I liv fhrtfM ft. Tin was former director of the national budget, and' personal friends, at tho association's j first public organisation meeting in! Kvanston, a suburb, last night. 1 At present the association, termed, an Americanization organization fun- ciiona oniy in -Illinois, ui ivir. jjuwl-h said applications for membership had been received from more than 60 cities outside tho state. t FRENCH ARREST : KRUPP PRESIDENT ESSEX, May 1. (Ily tho, Asso ciated Press) Dr. Gustnv Krupp von Uohlen und Hallmtjh, preiiident of tho Krupp works here, was arrested today hy the Freneh military au thorities In connection with the shooting at the Krupp plant on March 31, 1923, when 14 Germans were killed and 3D wounded In a clash with French troops. Tho head of Ilio Krupp works will he charged, with three others of the Krupp directors, with endangering the safety of tho troopB of occupation in violation of the decree of General Degoutle, the French .military chief in the Ruhr. This decree provides Imprisonment for fifteen years up to life at hard labor or execution by shooting. The French charge that tho Krupp directors were responsible for the blowing of the sirens at the plant which Incited the German workmen to attack the troops sent there as the French have explained to com mandeer automobiles. Krupp von Bohlen nil be tried with the other directors, Friday, May 4. livestock "POHTANr, Ore., May 2. tattle steady; recelptsliS. Hogs weak; undertone; .receipts 271. Sheep steady; receipts 133. liiitti'r PORTLAND, Ore., May 2. Butter firm; extra cubes 37c; undergrudeR 35H36c; prints, full boxes, 40c; half boxes 41e; cartons 41e; dairy, buying price nominal; butterfat f. o. li, Portlantl, 39c. CAL. ALIEN LAND LAW CONVICTION UPHELD SACRAMENTO, Cal.,' May 1. Tho third district court of appeals today handed down a decision affirming tho conviction in Sonoma county su perior court of W. A. Cockrlll, an at' torney of Sonoma county and Y. Aka- da, a Japanese, who had been charg ed with coHsplrncy to violate the antl-alien land law of California. It was alleged Cockrlll had conspired to sell land to the Japanese in viola tion of the land law. TOf BOOT LIKE no matte how much t0j have used, out ol the can TREE TEA-VGf-eo SEVERE FLOODS IN NEW BRUNSWICK FREDERICKTON, N. B., May 1. Spring floods, the worst experienced In the province since 1887, today had caused damages estimated at more than tl.000,000 with conditions stead ily becoming more serious. Hundreds xjf thousands of dollars worth of property has been destroyed along the St. John river and its tribu taries, while railroad traffic was at a standstill over practically the whole province. At noon three bridges were known to have gone out including one at Woodstock which carried with it a grist mill, a packing factory and 1,500, 000 feet of lumber. NEW ENGLAND RIVERS ARE ON A WAGE BOSTON, May 1. Several million dollars damage has been dono by freshets in New England in the last two days and the situation Is still serious. Rivers are swollen by con tinued rains .and fed by. melting Bnow in tho mountain districts. Thousands of persons have been thrown out of work by the flooding of mill property, tho interruptions to power supply that have como with the breaking of dams, and the en forced suspension 'of railroad ' arid street car service. Maine is the heaviest sufferer, millions of feet of lumber having been- swept away. PorttaiHl Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., May 2. Wheat. hard white, biuestem, baart $1.33; soft white, western white $1.26; western red $1.20; northern spring $1.19; hard winter J LIS. Today's car receipts Wheat 23; flour 6; corn 4; hay 1. San Fi-nnciKco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) Eggs, extra puileta 27te; under sized pullets 22c. SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. But terfat 47c f. o. b. San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. (State Division, of Markets.) Poultry un changed.. IN RELEASED FROM ASYLU MURDERS FAMILY CHEAT FALLS, Mont., May I. Hope wo hold today for the recovery of the six year old ilntishter-of James B. Hovey, suffering from an attack Sunday morning believed by officials to have boon made by her father with a club at tho farm home 35 miles southeast of Malta, after ha had killed nor mother with an axe and had clubbed to death her two sistors, aged three years ami fifteen months re-1 sportively. Hovey afterward commit ted suicide. Investigation has Indicated the truthfulness of the story t&t;i by Itovey'a two sons hat tlioy disarmed their father after he had killed th'i mother. When they returned from a neighbor's where they sought help, they found the two girls dead and the -other badly wounded, the hoys" said. They are Dine and eleven years of age. Hovey had been released from an Insane institution less than a year ago and wus said to have been suffering from a delusion that his family was in danger of starvation although he owned property in Montana and Min neapolis. No inquest is to be held. ATTEMPT TO ROB POSTOFFICE FAILS PORT TOWNSBXD, Wash., Slay 1. Four men, overhauled by the coast guard cutter Areata as they were attempting to escape in a speed boat through tho Oak Buy canal were held here today in connection with the attempted robbery of the Port Townsend postoffice early this morn ing. The postoffiee safe was blown, but the arrival of a clerk on early morning duty is believed to have frightened the' robbers away before they could obtain any loot. The clerk notiflod L.. A. Lonsdnle. master of the Areata, that he be lieved the men had attempted to escape in a speed boat. The Areata gave chase and the boat was over hauled JttRt ns it was about to enter the open waters of Paget Sound. BOSTON, May 1. The rivers of northern New England, swollen by the heavy rains of the last two days are on a rampage. Several dams have been swept away, bridges damaged and long stretches of railroad track washed out, and many highways are under water. Trains have been cancelled on sev eral divisions on the Maine Central railroad and on portions of the Boston and Maine. Great log drives have been swept away. FREDEHIKTON. N. 8.. May I. Floods which (already have caused damage estimated at from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 in this province con tinued today causing considerable ap prehension. The St. John, river, swollen by heavy rains rose steadily. The power station has been put out of commission and it is feared the city water system will be imperiled. Millions of feet of lumber flowed down stream toward tho Bay of Fundy. . Twcnty-ono bridges have been swept away. PREPARE TO RESCUE STEFANSSON PARTY TACOAMA. May 1. Rcscuo of members of .the last Stcfansson expe dition to the 'Arctic, 1915 to 1919, supposed to be marooned on Wran gell island, about 100 miles north of Siberia, Is an objective of Captain W. W. Putt,a skipper of the power schooner lskum, which Is being fit ted out horo for Its annual trading Journey to tho far north. Captain Puttn who has visited Wrangell Island In the past, says there are supposed to bo from four to six members of Stcfansson's expe dition on the Island, whore they were located when the last . word came from them In 1921, 1 Tho lskum will trnve for tho north within a Week and Captain Putla said a race may result with a ship fitting out at Vancouver, li. C, to see- which boat shall first carry' relief to the stranded explorers. Dry Fruit Ilrariog Called. BAI.EM, Ore., May 2. After Inves tigating on its own motion intra state transportation rates and charges made by Oregon railroads on fresh and dried fruits and vegetables, the Oregon public service commission yesterday ordered a hearing on the subject to be held In Portland June 14. Forty-two railroads are quested to have representatives at the conference. SCHENECTADY Radio energy which his father has helped to har ness, today was in soarch of Vomer AlcXRnderson, six year old son of E. F. W. Alexandcrson, chief ongineer of the Radio Corporation of America, who yesterday was kldnnped from his home by an unidentified man. CHICAGO Emerson Hough, the author wilt bo honored with military funeral services today. He was a captain in the officers reserve corps. INFLUENZA fAs a preventive, melt and in hale night and morning Views Tf VAfoRua, Ootr 17 Million Jan Used Keaf Nico-Diist Kills Garden Pfests use " : " NO, 5X-NICO-DUST for Aphis, Rose Thrip, Mildew. NO. 10X-NICO-DUST for Squash Bugs, Melon Aphis, Pea Aphis, Rose . . Snout Beetle. ;J , - DOSCH GENERAL DUST for all leaf eating insects. Use Dust Freely Enjoy Better Flowers and Vegetables Let us help your id your garden of trouble' some pests and make gardening a real , pleasure. ' ' ' ' 1 ."' ' : ( .' ' ; Monarch Seed Go, Phone 260-529 v 317 E, Main : MARYSVILLB, Ohio A man who had been thought to be "King" Benja min Puraell, missing leader of the House of David colony, was released front custody late last night by Sheriff Charles Collier of Union county. m r4 f, m CM mtca. t!Bte ranm 's4 Cured Without Operation or Confinement AY METHOD of uccesful Pile treatment does away with cutting, burning, clamps, stitches, ligatures and other disagreeable and violent feature of the old system. My non-surgical method is rapid, gentle and soothing, giving almost instant relief and is guar : anteed to permanently cure. No hospi tal bills, no anaesthetic, no shock, no danger, no confinement to bed or room. SEND TODAY FOR MY FREE IL- LUSTRATED BOOK. A '- Remember, a positive tfuarsn. 4&S3? ts U test o my shany to y'.iA ' completely and permftnenthr cure roif Piles. BRrcliAS. J. DEAN iHStMO MOftSiSON PORTUIW, OREGON Orogon Man Manager. SPOKANE, .May 2. Northwestern headquarters of the Associated Fruit company aro to be established here June 1, It was announced at tho local offices of the company today. Harold Lamb of Freewater, Ore., Is to be northwest sales manager. Tho con cern has office In Pacific coast and eastern cities. Scholz's Old-fashioned Home-made Graham Bread Is "Pure and Wholesome" Health is built right in every loaf. Ash your grocer for a loaf, next time you order, Pullman Bakery 1 TO r Sponge Cake : Five egg yolks; I cop sugar; I cop Olympic FJour; 5 tgg whites; teaspoon cream oi lariar; i icuupwu auMi and vanilla. Beat the yolks of eggs until thick; add sugar gradually, beating with the egg beatwr; add flavoring. Beat the whiles of the eggs until stiff and firm, using wbtj egg beater; fold carefully into the egg yolk mixture, then grsd a!!y fold in the flour. Pour into aa undressed tube cake pan and bake in slow oven about 6fty minutes. This formula will make two aozen sauu cue, . : ' She makes it better ivith . Olympic Flour The domestic science expert gets down to fundamentals in cooking. Sbe practices what she teaches by using ingredients that are uniformly good. Flour to her means Olympic Flour only that is where the. science comes in. And if you use Olympic . Flour you can count on being rewarded with fine cakes, tender biscuits and flaky pastry. Ask for Olympic Flour by name. It is made of the finest wheats; tested to meet the highest standards; sold by leading grocers every where. PORTLAND FLOUR MXXXS CO Portland Oregon Mill at Portland, Oregon and Tacoma, Washington . Manufacturer of Olympic Pancake Flour and Olympic Wheat Ileartt