J- rEDrOUD MATE TRTBTOTE, M"RDFOrtfl'. OT?EC.OT, "WEBXESDAY, MAY 2, 1023 PA'OE THREE " If- the ingredients printed on the label of your bak ing powder, tin include Cream of Tartar your cakes, biscuits and other foods willbemorehealth f ul and have a finer tex ture and taste. That is one of the rea sons why thoughtful women insist on ROYAL Baking Powder The ONLY nationally distrib uted Cream of Tartar Baking Powder Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste PAGE-Monday Night, May 7th MAIL ORDERS NOW SEAT SALB FRIDAY XOOX PRICES Lower Floor, $2.75; Balcony, 1st 4 rows, $2.20; Xcxt 4 rows, $1.03; Next 3 rows $1.10; Balance 55c. Includes War Tux - .a tsK 'J- I j IrJ W3 ' IN TY1C Ajfnt .M Wid Chicago sucar mum BY WITH ,-MISS SYDNEY SHIELDS AND NEW YORK COMPANY 5pooooooooooooooooooxxxxoocxx Fire Automobile Surety Bonds Accident Life INSURANCE I can furnish everj"- kind of insurance that you or your business may need and it will be as good ns the best and better than the rest..- When You Think of Insurance Think of TUMY EARL S. TUMY 209 Liberty Bldg General Insurance Broker Phone 402 CKXKXXXXX)OOOXOO0OOOOOO0 OOOOOCQOOOOQOCX0X)OOOQOQX)OCl 4 Again and Again Women Turn to Modart Again the charming Influence of Parisian designers of dress reveals Itself in the smart now modos for spring. And iiKnln, the well-dressed woman turns to the Modart Front Laced Corset to give propor and gracious expression to tlieso exquisite , new creations. A trial fitting and you, too, wll be under the spell of Its bewitch ing loveliness. CLEAN UP THE OLD BUSS SPONGES, ALL SIZES 10 to $1.50 CHAMOIS SKINS FROM 25 to $2.00 SOAPS Castile Just the soap for washing your car. Colgate's Mech anic's Soap takes off nil grease from the hands. Distilled Water for your Car. Cor. Main and Grape Phone 874 CUT RECEIVES 5. P. DECISION GRADE CROSSING Tho letter of E. L. King, superin tendent of tho Southern Pacific rail rouil, 'telling that tho j-ullroud la op posed to either the building of a Sixth street subway, or even a grade crossing ut Sixth street, but describ ing tho concessions the railroad will make in the way of -other improve ileitis agreed on during tlio visit und conference hero last week between the superintendent und Hen Day, Southern Pucific attorney, und the mayor and city council, was reud by Mayor Gnddis at the council meeting lust night. After quite a discussion, tho coun cil took no action, but practically do clded to await tho results of chunges and Improvements the Southern Pa eific will soon begin and complete at a cost of about $50,000, und which it is promised will reduce tho blockad ing of Main street Jby freight trains 10 a iiiiiiimum.y ueroro nodding whether to go ahead and petition tho state public service commission to grant either a subway or grade crossing. In tho meantime the council will take steps to ascertain tho approxi mate cost of building a subway which tho railroad claims would en- tall an expenditure of about $100,000 over halt of which expense would have to be borne by the city. Tho southern Pacific's nosition. as outlined in the superintendent's let ters is ns follows: Further replying to your letter April 5th and the resolution adopted by tho city council of Medford on April 3rd and particularly referring to our meet ing on this date at Medford with you and members of the city council": We are prepared to recommend to tho management of the Southern Pacific company changes in the yards and station grounds at Medford in line with the following: (1) Section I of the resolution adopted by the city council relates to the construction of a subway at Sixth street. This proposition is, In our judgment too far in advance of the necessities of tho situation to justify the expenditure by the city and by the company of approximately $100,000 which would be required to make the improvement. Nor can we recommend that a grade crossing be established across the station grounds at Sixth street. Such crossing would be hut 300 feet from the present crossing at Main street. It would be blocked by practically all passenger traius stop ping at the station. It would make two crossings very close togethor with result that as the c;iy grows toward the north demands would un doubtedly come for an additional crossing to be opened north of the station. With the rearrangement of freight track facilities, as hereinafter outlined the congestion that has occurred In the past at the Main street crossing will be almost entirely removed, there by permitting the Main street cross ing to carry all of the public travel. Considering the future, needs of the city, if any additional grade crossing Is required it should, in our judgment he at Fourth street, thereby giving free access across the station grounds at about tho same distance on bach sido of the station building. We think you will agrco with us that no grade crossing should bo established where it can possibly bo avoided and that grade crossings should be so spaced as to require as few as possible. Tho Southern Pacific company in the past few years has ex pended many thousands of dollars, In conjunction with the state highway commission, to eliminate grade cross ings, in conjunction with the state highway commission, to ellmlnato grade crossings between Ashland and Portland and In the face of such policy It would seem to be njost-un- widu to esiauiisu new ones, especially at intervals of 300 feet (2) The suggestion that all pass ing tracks between Eighth street and Jackson street, be removed is not feasible. The two tracks In front of the station used for passenger trains are essential and the other two tracks are Indispensable for use In the serv ing of existing industries. (3) Your suggestion that the tracks heretofore used by the Rogue River Valley Railroad Co. north of Main street be removed from the stn tlon reservation is, we believe, well taken. The Rogue River Valley com pany has lailed to maintain these track in projier manner resulting in the creation of an unsightly condition. We will recommend that tho tracks be removed. (4) The industry track mentioned In Section 4 of the council's resolution and which Is there referred to as a "house track" must remain in Its pres ent location in order to permit of con venient and economical operation of the yard. (5) No commitment can be made with reference to further extension of Industry tracks as the company must be free to Berve Industries located within Its yards. (6) The suggestion,, contained In section 6 of the cojn$llii resolution with respect to tfcnremoval of two old warehouses between Sixth and .Main streets will receive favorablo recommendation These warehouses are located on the railroad property under leases which require advance nntlco of cancellation and the removal of the warehouses can be accomplish ed only by following the procedure outlined In the leases. (7) With respect to Section 7 of the council's resolution, recommenda tion will bo made that new track of sufficient capacity to accommodate all i freight trains bo constructed to tho south of tho cold storngo plant and that the water tank now located near Main street be moved to tho lucaiiuu of the proposed now track. (S) In regard to Suction 8 of the council's resolution, recommendation will ulso be made that a similar track to accommodate freight trains bo con structed at Crater Lake Junction with water facilities at that location to ac commodate southbound locomotives. It's this now construction, both to the north and tho south, that will acorn modato freight trains so ns to ellmln ato tho annoyance that has heretofore been occasioned by tho blocking of crossings in the center of tho city. (9) In regard to Soctlon 9 of tho council's resolution, which relates to future improvements on tho station reservation west of its main track and between Main street and Third streot, this property was acquired for rail road development and must be retain ed for that purpose, it follows, how ever, that any structure built upon that property must necessarily con form to tho building codo und fire code of the city. (1) With respect to removal of the section houso now located immediate ly north of the express office on Front street recommendation will he made that the section houso be moved to other property now owned by the com pany at 8OD10 distance north of Jack son stroot and that the space now oc cupied by tho section house he Im proved so ns to permit access there over by vehicles meeting southbound trains. In making this change It will no doubt be feasible to preserve the major portion of the trocs now grow ing on or around the section house yard. In regard to the other suggestion In SectlonlO of the council's resolution with respect to lots owned by the city, it is our opinion that tho station grounds are now ample in size, an that the acquirement of additional pro perty by the company could not be justified. Consideration has been given to possible exchange of the city's property nlong Front street for other property owned by the company but the property now owned by the company Is considered more desirable Say."Bayer" and Insist! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you aro not get ting tho genuine Bayer product pre snribed by physicians ovor twenty-two years and proved safe by millions fur Colds IToadnche Toothache Lumbago Karache Rheumatism Neuralgia Tain, Pain Accent "Bavcr Tablets of Aspirin" only. Kach unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is tho trade mark of Bayer MHnufnc-turo of MonoocoUoacidoster ol Salicylicacid. ' ; GIRLS! MAKE UP A LEMON CREAM Lemons Whiten and Beautify Skin; also bleach Tan, Freckles Mix the juice of two lemons with three ounces of Orchard White, which any druggiBt will supply for a few conta, shake well in a bottle, and you have a whole quarter-pint of the most wonder ful skin Boftcner and complexion beau- tiiler. Massage this sweetly fragrant lemon cream into tno iocc, neck, arms and hands, then shortly note the vouthful beauty, softness and whiteness of your sxin. Famous stage beauties use this harm less lemon cream to bring that velvety, clear, rosy-white complexion, also as a freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach because it docsn t irritate. EVERY WOMAN Needs an Apron Aprons stamped on Unbleached Muslin ready to work. On sale 35c Each Handicraft Shop FRIDAY and SAT. MAY 4 and 5 for future use of tho company than that which tho city has to offer in ox change. (11) With respect to Section 11 of the council's resolution in regard to switching between Jackson and Kighth streets, it would not bo practicable to comply therewith. The Industries lo cated In that zone are entitled to ser vice und a duty 13 imposed upon tho company to furnish the service. The foregoing recommendations which we aro prepared to niiiko promptly will involve a total expendi ture of approximately fifty thousand dollars. In reaching the conclusion to make these recommendations we have attempted to cooperate as fully as pos sible in carrying out the desires of the city and wo feel that If tho recom mendations aro approved the city should bo quite willing to allow thoso suggestions not recommended to stand in abeyance. Very truly yours, (Signed) K. L. KINO,, Supt. Xo Change In Strike. SKATTI..K, .May 2. No change in tho I. W. W. strike situation in log ging centers of Washington was re ported today according to lumbermen and others in touch with conditions- invalids Children The Original Food-Drink for All Ages. QuickLunchot Home, Office&Foun tains. RichMilk, Malted Grain Extract UiPow der&Tabletforms. Nouriihlng-No cooking. teV Avoid Imitations and Substitute! YV.H pTfti j J Tires V'A-V' 1 ' Conserve YypJ ' fV"Vf j '4f V5" ' The Car feral 111' I'M f . mm i If : Satisfaction Is the Guaranty Five Years Aro C-T-C Cords Were Planned THE MEN who came out to the northwest to build C-T-C Cords looked forward five years to the production of a superior tire. The design, compounding and construction of C-T-C's arc the work of master-tire builders, who for upwards of a quarter-century had been building the nation's finest tires for other manufacturers. Is it surprising, then, that these men could produce -veil a better tire over their own names when placed in the most improved tire-building plant in America, and sur rounded with the latest developments in machinery and the best materials that could be assembled ? C-T-C Cords provide their own answer. Look them over, examine them carefully, measure them up against other cord tires. Then give them the grinding test of miles more miles and more miles under the extreme trial of carrying 30 less inflation than insisted upon for ordinary cords. Such a test will prove the unequalcd stamina of C-T-C Cords and yet give you greater riding comfort and educed upkeep expense on your car. C-T-C Cords 30x3Yi to 35x5; Fabrics 30x3 and 30x3Y2 only. C-T-C Inner Tubes arc the Acorcs, strongest standard tubes cn the market. COLUMBIA TIRE CORPORATION FACTORY DRANCH Atphomt W. Aya, Branch Manager, 8th and Rivonldo, Midford, Ore. Dealer. Throughout the Country. Columbia Tire Corporation PORTLAND, OREGON. General Sales Offices: Broadway and Burnside. Factory ; Columbia Blvd. and Mississippi Ave. , fS-v::-;.jj -r fr,i mm II lla& I t few ;wjfcmifa iiB Swind East , ) WTO mm Thou yon can tell your eastern friends about 'the great cities of San IVancisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Califoiy nia's world famous National parks, gol courses, and seashore resorts. You will also realize that cherished wish to sco tins wonder places of the Pacific Coast, and its heauty Kpots that cunnot be duplicated. Plan now to lake ndvnntngo of Back East Excursion Fares May 15 to. Sept. 15, and po both ways over tho "Shasta Koute." They afford a wide choico of routes, stopover privileges, and convenient train service. Ask your ticket agent for further particulars and descriptive folders, or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General PRBsenger Agent Portland, Oregon -.-Tr-iTT--t-r