Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 02, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    PACT. fWO METYFOTID MAIL TRTBUXE. MEDTOTCD, OT?E(iONT. WEDXF "r AY 2, in2 '""nmmmm , ,, , i.. illwhwhi
Focal and
The flro, police and other city offic
ial' again are out with the warning to
ull drivers of autos or other vehicles
to at once drive to the curb when the
fire whistle blows nnd remain at the
side of the street until the fire depart
ment lias passed. Tills warning has
often beon Riven In the past, but lias
not been heeded by a number of driv
ers of cars. It is tho intention now of
the city administration to strictly en
force thlB ordinance, vlolution of
which carries a heavy line.
Senior class play tonight, Page the
atre, "Stop Thief." Curtain rises 8:30
promptly, 35
After the fire It s too late to insure.
Sea Redden & Canaday now.
Flower thloves during last night
raided the yards in the Crater Lake
avenue neighborhood on the east side
and took away all the fine tulips In
blossom in the yards of Dr. M. C.
Barber, Dr. I, D. Phipps and plain
Hill Gates, causing much indignation
and complaints to the police. In fact
Mr. Dates is so angry that he offers
a reward of $25 and a can of tomatoes
for any Information leading to the
arrest and conviction of the thieves.
R. I. Red sotting eggs at DeVoe's.
Urown says he has lots of men's
short and long dress shoes. 36
It Is anticipated that the Page (he
ater will be crowded tonight on the
occasion or the presentation of the
farce comedy, "Stop Thief" by the
senior class of the high school.
Hemstitching at Deuel's. 88
Dance! Saturday, May 6th, at Eagle
olnt. Special features. 38
" Hand-knitted garments have become
an essential part of every woman's
wardrobe. Yarns for . every style
swoator. Handicraft Shop. , 38
"In addition to the roll call, It is
nlso planned to dlscuBs the Fourth of
July question, as an attempt appears
to be on foot this year to obtain the
celebration In Medford," says the Ash
land Tidings. "In the past Ashland
lias always had the July celebration
and out of courtesy and an , under
standing between the two cities, has
made no attempt to hold any formal
observance of Armistice day, which
has been celebrated in Medford. It Is
believed that any attempt by Medford
to obtain a corner on both celobra
tions will bo blocked."
, Maxwells, Chevrolots, Chalmers,
liudsons, Uuick Speed truck. . Real
bargains In these used cars. Soe
Corwln, end of North Riverside Ave.
..... tf
Milk and cream at DeVoe's- ' t(
'' Mrs. Cordelia Ankenoy and daughter
MIsb Gladys Ankenoy, left for their
home at lOugene this morning after a
Ulslt hero with relatives for a week or
more; I, . v . i
A small deposit wlii reserve one of
the pearl bead nock chains at the re
duced prices offerod for this week
only at the Medford Center Jowolry
Shop. 37
Noel L. Erskiue gives piano lessons
at pupils' homos. Phone 729-VV. 39
The city council last night directed
the city treasurer to purchase $2000
worth of Medford refunding bonds due
In 1927, out of moneys on hand In the
general Binking fund.
Pearls are always In good taste.
They are priced this week at excep
tionally low . prices at the Medford
Center Jewelry Shop. 87
Lovely beads for crocheted and knit
ted bags. Handicraft Shop. 37
Rev. Wm. 1). Hamilton will conduct
the funeral services over Mrs. Russell
W. Clarke in Grants Pass on Thursday
at 10 a; m,. , . ' v
Cement and plaster. Modford Lbr. Co.
For Rent A good piano for four
months. H. Q. Launspach. Phone
046-R. ...... tf
The many friends In Modford of
Judge C. E, Wolverton of the -United
Slates court, who has been 111 lor
some time at his home in Portland are
pleased to know he la slowly regain
ing his strength and Is now able to
move about the house and remain up
all' day. It will bo several weeks, how.
ever, before he will be ablo to resume
his judicial duties. ,
' Spray hose 20 cents per toot Crater
Lako Hardware Co. tf
Oladlola and Conns bulbs. Eden
Valloy Nursery, 680-J-2. tf
O. A. MuBon, one of the proprietors
of the People's store of Wood, Calif.,
was In Medford today - transacting
business With the Mall Tribune Job de
partment. . They are putting on a big
anniversary sale for May 10 to vi in.
elusive Including everything In tholr
gonernl storo. Mr. Muson reports good
business In Weed and wonderful actlv
lty In tho lumber business.
Colonial Uarago for tire service. "
Wo have good values In used cars.
Pattnn & Robinson, Inc. tf
South bound passcngor train No. 13
duo to arrive here daily at 9:17 a. m
did hot roach hero until about 11 a, in
due to freight train derailment north
of ROBoburg.
Boo tho pearl bead dlsplny at special
prices In tho window of the Modford
Center Jowolry Shop for this woek
only, ' 37
Save 5.00 on tiros at Gordon
Stout's. Tiro cover free. 89
Sure Relief
irJ Ht water
trA Sure Relief
nd 75 Ptsa Cyerywhcr
romorrow evening the Modern
Woodmen will hold their first meeting
in tholr new location, the American
Legion hall, and a class of candidates
will be Initiated. The meetings have
previously been held each Wednesday
evening at .Althea hull, but the date
was changed for the convenience of a
maturity of the membership and a now
hall was necessary because Thursday
evenings were already taken by anoth
er order at Althea hall.
Seo Hrown for your shoes. 30
Don't forget the May Day dance to
be given by Pythian Sistors, Friday
eve., May 4th. 30
St. Mark's Men's club has changed
Its night of meeting to the first nnd
third Wednesdays of the month. In
accordance with this change tho club
will hold Its business meeting tonight.
nfter which will follow the usual
social features.
Cortlcolll silk hosiery, full fashioned
of real Cortlcolll silk. Handicraft Shop.
Furniture repaired and made to
order; work called for and delivered.
Wm. Bradley. Phone 973-L. ' 44
Trout fishing is still improving on
the Rogue with excellent catches be
ing reported dally. Scott Hamilton
made one of the best catches of Sun
day when he got 26. The trout range
from eight to 12 Inches and take small
flies, the best results being obtained
on a Royal Coachman or Bmall brown
files. Fishing along the upper river
1b also reported to be excellent, some
good catches being made there.
GrantB Pass Courier.
For Rent A good piano for four
months. H. Q. Launspach. Phone
646-R. .
All kinds of rough and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711
E. Main, i .... - t.
The grammar Bchool baseball league
will be formally opened thlB afternoon
after four o'clock when the Washing
ton and Lincoln school nines meet on
the Washington diamond. The league
is limited to students of the sixth
grade and lower as two of the schools
ot the city have no Beventh and eighth
grades., . , . . .
Auto Insurance. Brown & White.
Big dance! Jackson's Wed. nice. 35
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beebe departed
yesterday for Los Angeles, where Mr.
Ueobe will go Into business with a
friend and former Medford resident.
There is nothing nicer or more ser
viceable for under-clothes than Cortl
celll silk. Handicraft Shop. 38
Colonial Garage for tire service. 319
An important business meeting will
be held by Malta Commandery.
Knights Templar, at Ashland tonight,
Including petitions qualifying for
Shrine membership, this conclave be
ing the time limit In order to Join the
coremorflnl in Ashland, May 25.
Flno brown bear rug for sale,
mounting chnrgos only. Bnrtlotts
Fur Shop. 3G
How Is this? Bost quality baby
chick scratch $3.10 per hundred. But-
tormllk ogri mash $3.00 per hundred
while they last. Watklns Feed Store.
Phone 269. . 41
In response to the King Tuts' chal-
longo to all the horseshoe pitchers of
southern Orogon the Jacksonville
team has responded and hns asked for
a match nt the Boeson links next
Snturdny. Tho Jacksonville aggrega
tion claims to be the best In Jackson
county and an exciting tossing contest
Is oxpoctod, -
Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf
Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co.
. . , tf
Secretary of State, Highway
Engineer Roy Elgin, Carl Gabrlelson,
hond of the automobile registration
dopartmont, and T. A. Raffety, chief
of tho state traffic squad, have return
ed to Snlom from an automobile trip
to Sacramento, Col., where thoy con
ferred, with California trafflo officials
on the non-reBldent motor license law.
wheh becomes effective in this state
May 25. .
You can get it at DoVoe's. tf
Brown says shoe leather is coming
T. L. Lamb of the accounting depart
ment ot tho homo offloe division of
the California Oregon Powor company
returned yostordny from a three
months vacation spent enroute to and
from Urlstol, England and In that city
whore ho visited with his mother..
Brown says he Is still renewing lots
of shoes. 36
The Modford Vulcanizing Works
soils 30x3V4 tires for $8.60. , tf
Among the Medford business Vlsi
tors who spent Tuesday In Grants
Pass were " Robort Boyl, and Mr.
Nichols ot the General Electric com
pany. ... : : i
Brown hns 40 pair ot ladles' oxfords
nt $3.85 pair. 36'
Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co.
Will Nicholson arrived In Medford
Inst week for a stay on his ranch on
Rosa Ijino. He bad boen on his ranch
near Fort Klamnth for some time past
Sovernl loads of ashes, good tor
tiller or walks, for tho hauling. In rear
of Mull Tribune office. tf"
All kinds ot rough nnd dressed lum
bef. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
B. Main. i
. Everett Charlemagne Ferguson, the
Associated Press operator of tho Mull
Tribune has boon granted a pernit by
the city council to build a garngo at
623 North Rlversldo avonuo nt an
expense of $125, In which ho will kocp
his reminiscences and cigarettes.
Have your furs repaired now before
placing In storage. Bartlett Fur Shop.
Kayso, (A casein spreader), should
be used In your first spray. Guy W.
Connor. Phono 64. 35
Dr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Barber, Mrs. R.
W. Clancy nnd Mrs. Lynn W. Smith
departed yesterday by auto for Sont
tie and Tacoma whoro they will re
main for the next ten days. While
there tho three Indies will vls(t their
dnughters all ot whom are in cities
on Puget Sound.
We can still furnish spray hose for
20 cents per foot. Crater Lake Han),
ware Co. . W
Tomorrow evening the Modern Twenty years ago yesterday tne nri n I IHT nr III! Ill lillLLLUV II .. - I
Twenty years ago yesterday the
Siskiyou Light & Power company
bought out the Ashland Electric Light
& Power company nnd secured the
franchise for lighting the city of Ash
land, i
Wanted to buy A good used piano.
Will pay cash. H. G. Launspach.
Phone 64B-R. ;. . ?. tf
Pearl beads are being featured this
week at special low prices at the
Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 37
Dance Jackson Hot Spring, Wed. 35
Hurry Scougall continues to im
prove from his recent appendicitis op
eration and it is expected will bo able
to be removed from Sacred Heart hos
pital to his home the last of the week.
Moved; Insurance and Accounting
offices System Service Co. over Far
mers & Fruitgrowers Bank. 39
Rellners for fubrlc and cord tires.
Medford Vulcanizing Works. tf
Do not buy an electric washer until
wo have demonstrated the new May
tag to you. . Crater Lake Hardware
Co. tf
The Grants Pass and Medford high
school baseball nines will meet here
Friday afternoon at' 3:30 and in
Grants Pass Saturday afternoon.
Grants Pass has won one game from
Ashland and has been defeated twice
by that team. Medford has not yet
been defeated by the team from the
'climate" city and bids fair to take
tho southern Oregon championship in
basoball as , well as in football and
We can make immediate deliveries
on Mack trucks, AC, 314 and 6 ton
capacity and AB 1 and Wi capacity.
Why use an ordinary truck when a
Mack will do it better. O. V. Myers.'
30 N. Holly St. Phone 366. . 35
Kayso, (a casein spreader) should
be used in your first spray. Guy W.
Conner. Phone 64. 35
i For sand, gravel, Bedlment and team
work seo Samuel Batemon, 302 Maple
street. Phone 912-J.
A; woman driving a Chevrolet pilot
ed her car half a block from Main
street north on the sidewalk of Cen
tral avenue this morning nfter having
narrowly avoided a collision with Cole
Holmes In his Ford. The entire length
of the Jackson County Bank building
and Mann's department store was
travelod before the car was again driv
en Into the street. Luckily there were
few pedestrians on .the walk at the
Wanted to buy A good used piano.
Will pay cash. H. G. Launspach.
Phone 646-R. , tf,
Brown does first class shoe renew
ing. . . , . 36.
We will loan you money to build or
buy Holmes tho Insurance Man.
Big assortment of granltoware 15c
and 25c, In. the Medford Exchange
window. 37
A light to heavy frost Is the predic
tion for the weather of tonight. It
was rather frosty this morning with a
minimum temperature of 29.8 in Med-
mum temperature of 29.8 in Medford
and several degrees lower In the moro
oxjiosod places In the valley, nnd con
aequently there was smudging. . i
Brown says he has dress and work
shoes. 36
Usod cars at your own price. See
Corwln end of North Riverside avenue.
New England granltewnre, 15c and
26c. Soe It In the Medford Exchange
window. 37
The condition of Dr. J. J. Emmonj
was reported this noon as Improved
over his condition of yesterday. Dur
ing last night he was able to turn over
for the first time since he was strick
en with his serious illness.
Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and
ropuirs. Electric Shop, Eighth and
Uartlett. . tf
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. First class work and prompt
service. tf
Mattresses, new and made over.
Phone 104. 32 N. Grape. 66
A large crowd attended tho McElroy
dance at the Pavilion last night nnd
enjoyed tho music ot the well known
Portland orchestra. Another dance,
given by the same aggregation will be
held at the Pavilion next Friday night.
There's a busy Busfnoss College
In Modford. OWN. ,
All kinds ot rough and dressed lum
bor. Wallace Wood, phope 108. ,711
East Main. ., ... ,
Oraco McFnrlnnd nnd Daniel Hayes,
the former of Medford and t,he latter
from Klamnth Falls, -wore united In
marriage Monday afternoon In the
court house in Jacksonville by Circuit
Judge C. M. Thomas.. Bailiff Thomp
son and Jailer Collins acted as wit
nesses to the ceroinony, which was
tho first marrlngo which .has beon
performed by Judge Thomas In his
present office. ,-.
Brown Bays ho has 50 pair ot youths
shoes loft at $3.35. 36
Tho Singer Shop has a Singer elec
tric sewing machine for $50. tf
Attention, Neighbors of Woodcraft
Special meeting called for Thursday
aftornoon. May 3rd, 3 p. m., to ballot
on applications. .
35 . V1RQINA WILLIS. Clerk.
Notice Members De Molay
Do Molay Dogreo Thursday
' night nt 7 o'clock, to be fol
lowed by dance at Masonic
hall. 35
KOll SALE 1920 Chevrolet touring.
new top, now battery. $-00. . Phone
.311 Control Polut, Jack Lee's Gar
age. . . , 36
LOST 1923 license No. M033. Return
to this office. 36
FOR RENT Furnished bungalow. S14
S. Holly. ElUabeth Ferguson, tf
WANTEIV Men for steam logging.
Brownlee-Olds Lbr. Co. 38
FOR Ql'H'K SALE Modern six room
nouae, garage, new inwn. in s-x
1C0. A bargain It sold nt once. Part
cash, balance like ront Address
Bo 49, Mall Tribune. - - 40
in mi ii mil i 11 i ill. 11 t:i r. I r I ri h
CHICAGO. Mav 2. A complete
list of freshnien and sophomores who
were attending Northwestern univer
sity at tho time that Lelghtou Mount,
freshman, disappeared In September,
1921, will bo demanded at the In
quest toduy over tho skeleton found
Monday night and identified as that
of the missing youth, according to
Oscar Wolff, coroner. As fnauy of
them as can be found, will be ques
tioned, he Bald,
That Mount was drowned as the
result of a hazing episode and his
body covered with some strong
chemical and stuffed through a hole
In tho concrete pier where it was
found by a twelve year old lad, Is the
opinion of Coroner Wolff, Charles W.
Leggott, chief of police of Evanston,
the exclusive north Bhore suburb
which is the homo of Northwestern
University; Dr. George Tyson, the
Mount family physician, and Dr. Jo-
soph Springer, coroner's physician.
At her home at which she has for
20 monthB directed a nation-wide,
search for young Mount, Mrs. J. A.
Mount, his mother, mourns the loss
of her son, but Is happy in that her
faith In him has been vindicated.
Three days after Mount's disap
pearance university and police offi
cials called off the hunt. A week
later a story was circulated that "the
Mounts really know where he Is."
From time to time since rumors of
Letghton's appearance and as sudden
disappearance at widely separated
places have been broadcast, one story
being that he disappeared the night
of the freshman-sophomore class rush
because of trouble with a young wo
man with whom he had spent some
Mrs. Mount stoutly defended Leigh
ton's character and said that he had
kept company with the young woman
becnuse she was of a similar religious
faith. ,- , ..........
The final dress rehearsal of "Stop
Thief," the Comedy fnrco which is to
be presented this evening at tho Page
theatre by tho senior class of the high
sehool, wns held this forenoon and
persons who saw tho rehearsal pre
dict that the production tonight will
be a great success.
FundH derived from tho presenta
tion of senior plays are always used
)n the betterment ot conditions nt tho
hish school by way of purchase of
some equipment, which will be of use
to students in future years.
MIhs Baumgartner, the director of
last year's success, "Clarence" is
again In chargo-of dramatics and has
coached the cast ot "Stop Thief,"
which fact insure us success from
a dramatic point of view, while Tom
Swem is again In chargo ot tho stage
settings, assuring aitlstio arrange
ment and utmosphcre.
A De Molay dance will follow the
conferring of the De Molay degree-on
a nnmbor of candidates from Grants
Pnsss chapter tomorrow evening at
the Masonic hall.
The ceremonial will start shortly
nfter soven o'clock and will be wit
nessed by a large number of Knights
Templar from the Ashland command
ery. H is tho intention ot the Ash
land commandery to Bponsor a chap
ter of tho Order of De Molay.
.Tho dancing will begin at nine or
shortly before A large attendance
from Grants Pass and Ashland Ib ex
pocted. . Sluslc will be furnished by
Alford's .Imperial orchostra, which
has a number of new dance hits for
tho occasion. .
Notice to Milk Consumers .
, There will be no raise In the price
of milk tp our customers on May 1st.
. . 33
I Community Hospital j
I 843 East Main Street
. Medford Oregon
For care of medical, surgical and
obsterical cases. Complete surgi
cal equipment, combined with
homelike environment. "
CHICAGO, May 2. Little Alice
Nuttall, center of a legal battle
between her real and her foster
mother, Mrs. James Nuttall, was
awarded to the latter today by
Judge Joseph B. David. .
CHICAGO, May 2. Twelve year old
Alice Beatrice Nuttall on the witness
stand here today chose to remain with
her foster mother, Mrs. James Nuttall
of Waukegan, 111., the only mother sho
ever has known.
In her childish voice she rejected
her real mother, Mrs. James Morris,
whom she never had known until some
months ago, nnd declared she pre
ferred to live with Mrs. Nuttall,
Her testimony came shortly after
Smerior Judge Joseph B. David had
declared that humanity and not tho
law must dictate a decision in the
. "But couldn't you learn to love Mrs.
Morris? You know she is your real
mother, don't you?" she was asked.
v." tho child renlied. "1 think 1
ennld learn to love her, but not like I
love 'mother,' and 'daddy' ".
The Judge then remaruea uiai n me
child was awarded eventually to the
Nuttalls the real mother would be per
mitted to see her daughter at Inter
vals and perhaps take her out alone.
Alice Beatrice is the adopted child
of Mr. and Mrs. James Nuttall and her
real mother, Mrs. Morris, had brought
habeas corpus proceedings in an effort
to obtain possession or ner cnnu.
Mrs. Morris, the mother, took tho
witness stand and retold tho story of
her youthful romance with Clayton
Klinger, Beatrice's father, and of her
subsequent marriage to James Morris.
Beatrice was born in Sterling, 111.,
in 1911 and counsel for her mother
contended she was removed by her
mother's relatives 24 hours after birth
to the Illinois Children's home from
which she was adopted by the .mii
talls. DYER April 26, 1923, at 163 Grove
street, Sierra Madre, California, Mrs.
Geo. F. Dyer. The family were resi
dents of Medford for several years.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her
husband and three children,' Mrs.
Thelma Dyer Hamlin, Manilla Dyer
nnd Eustis Dyer, and ono grandson,
Norman Edwin Hamlin.
Liberty Bonds.
NEW YORK, May 2. Liberty
bonds closed: 3Mi's $101.70-, first
414 't $97.15; second 44's $97.14;
third 4's $93.30; fourth 4 Vt 'B
$87.18; Victory 4's uncalled $100;
U; S. -Treasury 4V4's $98.30.
Buy your granltoware, 15c and 25c,
at the Medford Exchange this week.
A product
to be proud of
bread can soon be
had at the
Cafe and
Pastry Shop
Handicraft Shop.
Buttons covered."
Sc a yard.
wa nrt wrpvHr ' i v .'-v '1.1 n
II v' '
When You Go Camping
You need not be afraid of getting wet if you buy your tent
at the Amy Store. And you will be sure of a comfortable
night's sleep if you buy one of our Folding Steel Beds.
v y, --:.i-t . .v, . ,. ...V.; i.' M -
. . . Conway Army Tent stands for quality and service ..
Ladies' Khaki Knickers and Breeches .! $2.35
Girls' Khaki Knickers . $1.98
Girls' Khaki Hlousc ........$1.89
Men's Khaki Breeches,. lace leg $2.95
Men's Khaki Breeches, button leg $3.50
Trade at the Army Store and save money.
United Army Stores
32 Central Ave., South
ummer Roood Trip Rates
Tickets oiSale daily from May 15 to September
, 90. Final return limit October 31.
From Medford
Low rates can be
Make the trip a pleasant vacation. Sed the
Canadian Pacific Mocklcs en route. Stop
off wherever you wish. Aro you In a
hurry? Go from Coast to Coast In 92
For-speoial rafes to many other points
Apply to W. H. Deacon, General Afpnt,
Canadian Pacific, " Third Street,
Multnomah Hotel llldg., Portland, Ore.
, i ... ...... ...... .... ,,, . . .... ..... .f. f-
ractors that will live for
ever in the heart of human
ity GIdry Quayle,. the girl
who becomes London's reign
ing Queen of beauty John
Storm whose passion tor
Glory overrides his devotion
to religion
Milliners: Adults .15c; Kiddies 10c.
Nighta: Adults 50c; Kiddies 25c.
given to many other points.