PAOTC TTVF! BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManusi medfokd mail trtbunk medford, otcfciox, Tuesday, may i, 102:1 I f .WELL - 1 MUbT BE- ( . LOOK OUT OF THE. ( MV.MV. I I T T1 LLU"" I IK PHONE NRJW, j UUoT rVb . f I 'STWTINCHOME- VIISDOW-DEA.R AHD AKD.TELLHER IT . XOO&W- 7' mu ju w wr . fc2?si!tf ofxf.. . usee - wwj . . mx w hi it I l' .. '.,,'. " """ 1923 by int-l Feature Service. Inc. " " j S I Vti in i n m iimin iMKuUlilUi, 'H STRIKE GROWING ; . v 1 ' WASHINGTON Way 1. President Hurtling feels that It Is wholly consis tent for people who havo a complaint about prices of a commodity to re strict their consumption of that com modity, it was said at the White House today, in connection, with the movement started In various parts of tho country to boycott consumption of sugar. TACOMA, May 1. Supplement ing Mayor Hylan's action in tele graphing1 President Harding a re quest that he advocate restriction on the use of sugar, women leaders of tho buyers' strike movement to force a drop In the price of the commo dity today discussed a proposal that they request the' government to name a sugar administrator and that the product be rationed. . The women also outlined plans for a' scries of meetings. Live Stock , PORTLAND, Ore., May 1. Cattle Bteady; receipts 104. Hogs, receipts 953; Bteady. Sheep nominally steady; no receipts. , Butter 1 PORTLAND, Ore , May 1. Butter firm. Extra cubes 37 V&c; under- grades 36 ',4 37c; prints, full boxes 40c; half boses 41c; dairy, buying price nominal; butterfat f. o. b. Port land 39c. Portland Wheat. PORTLAND, Oro., May 1. Wheat, hard white, bluestem, baart. $1.33; soft white, western white $1.20: western red $1.20; northern spring $1.19; hard winter $1.18. Today's car receipts Wheat 66; flour 8; corn ; oats 1; hay 5. ' San Francisco .Markets SAN FRANCISCO, May 1. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) Eggs extras 30 He. SAN FRANCISCO, May. 1. But tcrfat pound 45 Mtc f. o. b. San Fran- ClBCO. SAN FRANCISCO, May 1. (State Division of Markets.) Fryers 38 Annt i njft,n.. ....... 4050c; ducks 1824c. "Broken Chains," Rialto Tomorrow "Broken ChainB," . tho story for which won the $10,0000 prize in the Chicago Dally. News' contest in which 32,000 stories were entered, will be seen at the Rialto theater this week, beginning tomorrow. Marjorie Daw, Malcolm MacGregor, Colleen Moore, Claire Windsor and Ernest Torronce are prominent In the cast. Goldwyn made the picture. ;"Sure Fire Flint" closes tonight at the Rialto. This photoplay featuring Johnny Hlnes Is reputed to be one ol the fastest moving comedy dramas ever presented on the screen. Full of action, with heaps of clean and clover comedy situations and Interspersed profusely with many colorful dramatic situations. The Christian Coming Sir Hall Calne has boon one of Eng land's most popular novelists for more than a quartor of a century. Ilia first novels were "The Deemster" and "Tho Manxman," but "The Christian" out sold them all. It was made Into a PERL FUNERAL BOM At Four Borneo lwy or Night Information Cordially Gives Cor. Cth and Oak dale wmm stage play in the early years of tho contury and was a big success. It is now a feature photoplay, under the as sistance of the author and the direc tion of Maurice Tourneur and opons nt the Page Thursday, May 3. The caot is headed by Richard Dlx, Mae Busch, Phyllis Haver, Cyril Chadwick, Mah lon Hamilton, Gareth Hughes, Beryl .Mercer and Clniule Gilllngwater. No one enjoyed "Strultin' Along" at tho Page lust night more than the company. These dusky exponents of super-jazz lind a fine time and if they put as much ginger and steam they put as much exubaranco in all their performances as m the lledford exhibition, scientific statistics on tho endurance of tho black race should be revised. Aside from the noise and pep and display of octoroon anatomy there were three or four sketches in the performance which were of genuine excellence. First and foremost was the rag doll dance by Frisco Nick, second an Afro Chinese Fracas by John Rut-ker and Sid Perrln. third Frisco Nick's Shiek, which presented a great opportunity not sufficiently realized and fourth a dance called "Tho Lark" by Augusta Petit, which was most artistically done by a young woman whoso figure should entitle her to Ziegfeld recognition. The" fun niest black man was a 'whito man, John Rucker, the best characteriza tion was Sid Perrin's Chink.- and the most gifted all around artist .was un doubtedly Frisco Nick, who lias a great future if he would somo day delve deeper into real negro -eharac tcrization. Stops Cough and Wheezy Breathing "Had a cough and wheezing In my throat," writes Caroline Dillard, Petersburg, Va. "Foley's Honey and Tar gave me quick relief and stopped my cough." Coughs resulting from Flu, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Bronchitis, quickly relieved with Foley's Honey and Tar. Three gener ations of satisfied users have made Foley's Honey and Tar the largest selling cough medicine in the world. Rofuse substitutes. Insist upon Foley's. Sold everywhere. Adv. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Furnished room for three in home where three year old child will receive care during working hours. Call Miss Allen 182. 30 WANT TO TRADE a 1920 Nash Sport in first class condition for real estate. Address Box 101, care Tri bune. 38 WANTED Gentleman to room and board in private home. Phone 935-R. tf WANTED Having just completed a buying arrangement with one of the largest wool and Mohair buyers in the state we expect to pay more than anyone in Medford for these commodities. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. tt WANTED 250 lewn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Houee noviug and repair ing. Phone 4!!8-M or 488-X. OLDS 8 Chummy body, good tires, new paint, rebuilt throughout, licensed $490. BUSY CORNER - MOTOR CO. - WASTED SITUATIONS WANTED might work. T. Hams, K. F. D. 4, Hertford V. Wil- . 33 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Woman for general housa- worK. Phone 127 Central Point, Mrs. C. E. Holds. 30 WANTED Woman to help. 330 S. nr. 6i' WANTED Experienced stenographer. Write P. O. Box 1142 stating experi ence and qualifications in full, tl WANTED Young lady stenographer, address B, In your own handwriting, caro Mail Tribune, stating experi ence, salary, telephone, and when available. 34 WANTED Woman or girl as assis tant in bunkhouse on ranch. Phone 618-R. tf HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Single man for orchard work. C. A. Kuight, 801 E. Main, tt WANTED An experienced gardener. Telephone Hillcrest Orchard, or 618-R evenings. tf WANTED Gardening by the day. Phone 93. 36 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping rooms; men. 245 N. Grape St. tf FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep- . ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tt FOIt REN'S HOUSES FOR RENT Three room house Phone 833-W. 31 FOR RENT Sevon room house. See E. H. Jannoy, Jackson Co. Abstract Co. tf FOR RENT Six room modern house, east front, large lot, plenty of shade, fruit. Twelfth and S. Newtown. Phone 898-Y, P. E. Wynkoop. tf FOR RENT Modern six room bunga low, built-in features, sleeping porch, garage, $25. Phone 82-Y. 35 FOR RENT Modern four room bun galow or will sell on easy payments. Room 4, College Bldg. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N. Grapo St, Phone 465-J. tf FOlOtENT Houses 'ruwn n Wbtte. The GENERAL "Goes a Long Way to Make Friends," ; 30x3 CORD The Tire you can run with 30 pounds air pressure. Think of It! ; ' A Tire able to run unhurt and last its' full life when used with about half the inflation required by ord inary tires. FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE ' JONES & KIRKPATRICK Official Alemite Service Station TOURIST CAMP GROUND FOR SALE 20 ucrcs on Highway nt Snvngo RnpldS''' Price $1500 Look for the Big Oaks on highway at Little Savago Creek, one mile this side Savage RspidsDam. Abundance shade, a never falling spring ot cold water, good boating, fine fishing, Irrigation system already in, no limit to water, 75 ft. pressure nt house from ditch. Vory best free loam garden land, one acre of strawberries already In. Small house and barn. Nothing, better on Pacifio Highway. A chalice to develop a bin proposition. . J. C. HARNHS r Phono 7S1-L New Locution, 411 Medford Center BldR. . 70 ACRES " RARE OFFER OF PRODUCTIVE FARM Close to city Erjulppeil Wo enn placo you today on one ol tho bent fnrm tracts you can possibly find for the money in the Rogue River Valley. Thoro is abso lutely nothing to equal this as a famr buy. Look It over and tell us If we aro wrong. 35 arreB Is Pine Bear Creek Bottom land, the whole farm Is In crop; Improvements are good, Farm is equipped and stock ed, ready to go. prut; sh.ioo see us today four-site realty aoency Rooms 400-410 Motironl Center Hide;. Rel TXatf) Rnsinem Opportunities RirfuutRM FOR, RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Two room furnished apartment; men only. 445 S. Front 44 FOR RENT Wheeler Apartments, summer rates. May the first: With bath. $28; without bath, $20 and $25. 249 S. Riverside. Phone 292-H. 30 FOR RENT Three room apartment. 1005 W. Main. . . 34 FOR RENT Furnished two room apnrtment with garage. No. 124 King St. tf FOR RENT Two nirnlshcd apart ments. Call 113 E. Eleventh. Phone 903. 40 FOR RENT Small modorn apart ment,' combination living and bed room, kitchenette and bath. See Q. A. Abbott, Liberty Building, tf FOR RENT HoCSICKEEPINQ ROOMS FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. 30 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 140 S. Holly. . 30 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartments. Riverside Apartments, Phone 457-J. 45 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 315 N; Holly. Phone 368-J. tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Store room on Main St. Inquire 115 W. Main. 36 FOR RENT Garage, $3.00 per month. 325 S. Riverside. tt FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth Phono 82. tf FOR RKNT 80 acres or land under water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 302 Liberty building. tf STOLEN STOLEN Blue and bicycle. Reward. Crelghton 906-W. white Savage Phone Geo. 35 MISCELLANEOUS MOVED Insurance and "Accounting offices of System Service Co., to over Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. 37 FOUND FOUND Brown does first class shoe renewing. 36 LOST LOST On Pacific highway between Medford and Grants Pass, side cur tains to Willys-Knight. Finder please notify Hownrd H. Carroll. Gen. Del.. Portland, Ore. 30 BUSINESS OPPOItTUNITIES GOOD Hl'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 405-J. tf MONEY TO LOAN LOANS Farm loans; city residences, business property; best rate in Med ford; day or evening. W. G. Wright, Room 5, Stewart Bldg., Medford. tf MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 8 per cent interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County, FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE For farm tools, pigs or Irrigation pipo. Also Jersoy heifer frosh ju August. Phono 14-F-22. ' 34 FOR SALE REAL E8TATE POR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 10 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR SA&E POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 201-J. 09 FOR SALE MYESTOCK FOR SALE One 5 months old bull calf, purebred Holstoln; one Iowa cream separator. C. Voelkner, two miles north from Medford, R. 3. 34 FOR SALE Kirtland Farm pure bred Duroo Jersoy boars two months old, sired by Gold Nugget, SenBatlon, Pathfinder. Central Point Tel. 19x3. FOR SALE Grade, pure nrod and registered Duroc Jersey sows, to farrow in March and April ; also one prize winning registered Duroo boar Call Bert Anderson, Medford, or Mlravlsta Orchard. tf FOR SALE Work horses, small and largo, single and double. Phone 691.R-1. 325 FOH SALE AUTOMOHILES FOR SALE 1 ton truck, used loss than one year. Soe ownor and truoK at 7"6 S. Newtown. Bomo terms. 43 FOR SALT!, tlOMKS FOR SALE Two high grade homes In Medford. R. H. McCurdy. tl' FOR SALE Two red sows, one to far row soon, the other In June. Phone F. E. Barnoburg, 666-W. . . 35 FOR SALE Modern 7 room house, lot 50x314. Fruit and berries. 1024 E. Eleventh St,. Owner. . 34 FOR SALE OR TRADE Good cheap homes, small down payment, good terms. Soe me at 018 Beatty St. 41 FOR SALE Houses and Bungalows, ' furnished or unfurnished; also acroage. Insurance.. C. S. But terfleld, Medford National Bank. Phone 389. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE One second hand one horse corn planter. Hubbard Bros. . 34 FOR SALE Baled hay, alfalfa. Joase L. Neil, Phono 15-F-3, Ashland, Ore, ' ?5 FOR SALE Brown snys he has lots of men's short and long dross shoes. 36 Used Cars r 'From .' 7 $100 to $300 Used Tractors , Overhauled and .... '. .' guaranteed '( V , $250 Terms if desired Ford and Fordson C. E. Gates Auto Co. FOR HALF 5J1SCULLANEOUS FOR SALE 4,Vj ft. mower, small aelf dump rake, beam . scales, . bucket spray pump. Chus. E. Gray, 2nd place on highway west of Rock Point bridge, Gold Hill. 30 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, extra s'd quality. 591-R-I. -tl FOR SALE Brown says he 1b still renewing lots ot Bhoos. 36 FOR SALE 60 pair of youths' shoot) left at Brown's for $3.36 pair. 36 FOR SALt: Soe Brown for your shoes. 30 FOR SALE Pansy plant, 25c per do. 838 W. Second. 35 FOR SALE Cabbage plants. 27 Trinp St. C. P. Buck. 34 FOR SALE Reed baby buggy. Phone 808. . . 38 FOR SALE One speed wagon truck. Inquire Palmer Piano House. 36' FOR SALE Wilton rug. slightly used 9x12. Wilton rug, slightly used 6x9. Palmer Piano House. 86' FOR SALE 10 rolls of roofing paper at wholesale. Palmer Piano House. 36' FOR SALE Brown says he has dress and work shoes. . 36 FOR SALE OR TRADE Complete steam pumping plant with direct connected 5-inch centrifugal pump, Also mountod- 16 h. p. engine and boiler, good portable rig. 40 acres fine land partly improved on Wil liams creek. Want 6-Inch centrifu gal pnmn: FordBon tractor, farm implements and sheep: Address Ownor, P. O. Box 18?, Grants Pass, Ore. . 34' FOR SALE Gormozone cures black head in turkeys. Buy It ot Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE 40 pair of ladies' oxfords at $3.85, Brown's. - ' 3U FOR SALH; Gro-more makes new lawns out of old ones. Sold by Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR. SALE Two wheel nuto trailer. Call E. W. Weller, Medford Hotel. 40 FOR SALE Chick food, guaranteed good, 13.00 per 100 lbs. Monarch Soed Co. tf FOR SALE Note for $575. Will take 55Q, Well secured, bears interest at 8 per cent. P. O. Box 1037. 40 FOR SALE Brown Bays shoo leather is coming up. . 36 FOR SALE One Victor phonograph, cnblnot style, and records. Phone : 160. - tf BU8IJJESR rIREOXOKY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts ot Title. Rooms 3 and 6 No. 32 North Central Ave., u Btnlrs. ' Jtackson County 1 ABSTRACT CO. , Tho only complete Ti tle System In JhcIcsob County. Abstracts of Title, and Title Insurance. KEI,LOGG, LINDAS & DE SOUZA Reliable Jackson county abstractors of titles. Gold Hill, Oregon; Attornnya O, C. BOGGS .Lawyer,. . Specialties In Real Estate And Probate Law. ' 30 Nortli Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, oftloa Id ' Liberty Building Used Cars Velie "6" Club ' Roadster $225.00 Buick Six Chassis, Complete Overhaul $325.00 i 1921 F6rd Touring $225.00 Medford Auto Co. Buick Dealen i Cor. Main and Holly ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY Building Muverlnh) MEDFORD CEMENT, BRICK A BLOCK WORKS Speclaliie In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Physicians DR. HARVEY P: COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 2 8 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Noo-Ecleotlo Physician.. DR.. LOUISE - ' B. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Cblro practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 236 E. Main St. 'Phones: Offloe, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFPMAN-ChlropractlO Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9-12, 2-5. 203-206 Liberty Bldg. Office Phone 680; Res. 1027. Chiropody CHIROPODY At office of .Dr. Hal stead, Electro and Mechano Therapy t and the Burdick Deep Therapy Light treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Phipps block, 225 E. Main, Phone E63-J. DenttsU DR. O. J JOHNSON Dentist, 228 E, Main St.,. over M. M, Dept. Store, Medford. Oregon. Phone 669; Res. 1023-H. Office hours 9 a. m.. 6 p.. m. Evenings and Sunday bj appointment. Export Accountant wilson auditing co. e. m. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention siren to anything In accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look. IntQ our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phon 157-R .-. . Money to Lou J. It. ANDREWS Buys and ieU mortgages and loans money op good security, 81. N. Grape St. Phone 63-M. 14 Monuments THE . OREGON GRANITE CO.- Monumonts. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, salef manager, 103 E. Sixth St, Med- - ford. tf? Osteopaths ' Sr"f. G. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAInJ CARLOW Osteopathic Physician! 4 16-41 8 Liberty Bldg. Pboot 904-J-3. Residence 2 Bout ' Laurel St Physicians and Surgeons. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and . Surgeon. Offices' Medford Bldg. Phone 16 5. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-3. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 313 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N, Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 9, Piano lnstrnctlon FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ol Piano and Harmony. - Composing, Arranging. Studio 818 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices, 37 N. Fir St, Rug Wearing MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from . old and worn carpets and ruga. Phone K10-M. 706 Pine St. : ' Transfer 1 EAD8 TRANSFER ft STORAGE) CO. Office 43 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved, day or night. Service guaranteed. 39 '8. Grape.1 Phone Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. . tf Upholstering J, WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer ot overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call ; and show samples. Phone 101. tnrlrnnlll Or Audltiiva ty Aeeouini & i TOERVICEIO; Flrv9urarvcey lrvestnvsAta ; M. P. sciisirpi' i 1 Over Farm em & Froltgroironi BesJt I