LA.-' medtokti math trttsttn. rEDFonn otctccmw, Monday, 'api?tt. no, 192s THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS SUBSCRIBED AT CHURCH SERVICE YESTERDAY 10 HID NEW METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN CITY F"r;:': "'" " Drawing of Proposed now Methodist Church The campaign to complete the rais ing ot funds for the new Methodist church was definitely launched yester day with two great services. Dr. A. L. Howarth ot Portland was the principle speaker. . His sermons were inspira tional in character. His subject in the morning was, "The Beautiful Gate of the Temple." He outlined the place ot the church In serving the communi ty, and commended the local congre gation for their effort to give to Med ford a modern church, equipped to render large service to, the city. At tho close of Dr. Howarth's ser mon at the morning service, O. C. Hoggs, chairman of the official board, made a statement. He said that the trustees were unanimous in their con viction that now is the time to build the church. "Three, years ago we launched our forward movement pro gram, and have made steady progress" subscription, thus showing their co operation, to arise. A large majority of the peoplo stood up. Subscriptions Taken Dr. Howarth then said that it might be a good plnu to expedite matters by starting the subscription list thero and then. Therenimn M. f. Mlnear arose and said, "I for one foel that we should back our officials with the heartiest cooperation. I will give u thousand dollars." S. L. Leonard fol lowed with a pledge of five hundred dollars, and one after another until approximately three thousand flvo hundred dollar was pledged in a very short time. The matter of raising the balance of the fund is in the hands of a commit tee and several teams of workers. Headquarters for the campaign have been established in the office of the Building and Loan Association on Cen- he said. "We purchased a modern i tral avenue, and all the members of parsonage, and have it paid for and all I the church were asked not to wait for clear. We then purchased the lots for the teams to call on them, but go in to the new building, and they are paid ' the campaign headquarters and volun- fo-; we do not even owe any paving i assessments on them. And our fund for the new building has been grow ing. We now have twenty thousand dollars in cash and cashable assets. Now the time has come when the of ficials feel that the new . building Bhould be erected." Mr. Boggs con cluded by asking all who felt that this is tho time to build and would make a CHILDREN WHO ABE SICKLY 'jiXJN Mother who vain the health of tlictr children "eho'ii i'rf "never Tie" without ' BOTHER CRAY'S SWFEf POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, or use when needed. They tend to Break up . Colds, Relieve Pever1h- Worms, Constipa tion, Ucndache, Teething diiorderi and Stomach any Substitute. Troubles. Uaed b Mothtrt or over SO year. At Druggists bverrwnere. Ask todar. Trthl pfickao Fit KB. Address, THE MOTOCa liKAY CO- U ROY. N. Y. TRADK II A lilt Don't accept Always fresh MEDFORD HOOK STORE WOOD Wo savo you money on Manzanita, Onk, Fir and Pino. Call VAN FLEET, Phono 745-J MUSICAL VAUDEVILLE AM) DANCE McElroy's Orchestra of Portland Fair Grounds Hall Tuesday, May 1 Time 8:30 Tlmo Admission 25c to all; then 10c per dnncc. tarily make their subscription. Will Avoid Debt The trustees have announced their purpose not to let the contract until they feel that the building is financed. Rev. Sasnett said this morning: ' "There is a fixed determination on the part of our officials not to saddle a back-breaking debt onto our people. Wo have plans for a church that will be a credit to the community, both from the standpoint of architectural design and facilities for serving the social, recreationul and spiritual lifo of tho community, and we believe the entire community will-support a busi ness like policy In making this build ing possible. We desire to give this building, fully completed and equipped to Medford this fall; and we do not want dedication day to be a debt raising day, but a day of rejoicing over a worthy achievement. The plans have been passed upon by all the high officials connected with the work of the northwest, by our bureau of ex pert architects at Chicago, and duly adopted by our local officials. We now have bids on the building and are ready to let the contract the minute the cost of the building is underwrit ten." Need Twenty Thousand Dollars ' The balance needed is twenty-one thousand and fifty dollars. With the help ot the friends of the church In the community and the cooperation ot every member of the church, the offic ials believe tho balance needed can be rnised and the contract let in fifteen days. It is very unusual for the cost of a church to be fully raised before the building is erected, but the local congregation believes it can be done. Wireless Sermon Falls The evening congregation was dls annointed In not hearing the radio ad dress of tho bishop. Mr. Sasnett said that he took every precaution, even securing tho best receiving set In tho city, and the cooperation of Mr. Vir gin. Mr. Mlnkler, who Is said to be one of the best operators in tho city was employed, and said he could pick up every station except the Oregonian, from which the message was broad casted. However, Dr. Howarth deliv ered a masterful address on "Our World," the Crater Lake quartet fur nished good music, and the large audience took the disappointment goodnaturedly. After Dr. Howarth's address, Mr. Mlnkler tuned in and entertained the audience with music from Los Angeles stations. Many re mained until after ten o'clock, and heard some excellent numbers. Bishop' Messago Anticipating the possibility of not hearing the bishop by radio, Rev. Sasnett had secured a copy of his address, and read it to tho congre gation.. It was as follows: "The launching of the campaign to complcto the fund for tho new church at Medford is even of more than local and ordinary interest. Medford occupies a large place in the com mercial life of the state, and her stra tegic s'ituatlon is sure to influence a large territory. Many will noto that. the building of a great church in Medford is evidence that successful business is compatible with high ap preciation of moral and spiritual values, and bo led to follow the ex ample so conspicuously set. A church has no competitor. It only insists that a righteous Creator E Tho Presbyterian church was filled to t-apUL-ity Sunday evening when Mr. and .Mis. J. 11. Shearer of Montreal, Canada, who havo been in town since Tliui-Hilay, uavo a prum-am of sacred music, liruups of songs and orsan numbers representing French, Ger man, Hnglish and American Ideals ot rcllKiouH music were given in a most delightful and enjoyablu manner. "The Voice Crying in tho Wilder ness" by John I'rinBle Scott, "I Will Extol Thee" by Bosta, and "The Pro cession" by Cecil Kranck were bis numbers, making heavy demands on the musical and interpretative pow ers of the singer and wero pleasing to the audience at tho same timo. Mr. Shearer's organ playing is scholarly and Intelligent and while be is well schooled In tbo traditions of organ and piano playing he gives bis renditions tho human touch that makes theni a delight to his listeners. This concert tour began a year ago as a six months' vacation trip, but tho Bomi-improniptu concerts were so well received and Mr. nnd Mrs. Shearer liked doing it so well that tho six months became twelve antl Is now to be extended another year. Should they return here they have mado many friends who will give them a warm welcome. Fred A. Smith, payroll roud district No. 5 60.71 Roland A. Smith, payroll road district No. 5 91.07 Lester K. Smith, payroll road district No. 5 00.71 Tomltn liox Factory, sup plies road district No. 5.. 5 00 F. J. Watson, payroll rond dUtrlct Xo. 5 36.20 Total $334.40 ltoud District No, (1 John Wnlch, payroll road road district No. 0 206.97 ltond Distiirt No. 7 Wm. Von der llellen, Hutto Falls market road No. 7.. 6161.95 KKtimuto Xo. H Drownlee Olds Lumber Co., supplies market road No 7 62.00 Feonaughty Machinery Co., , supplies market road No. 7 9S0.72 H, L. Heryford, supplies market road No. 7 66.25 Total $7270.92 Road District Xo. 8 H. L. Gregory, payroll road district No. 8 $ 229.90 Itoud DisdKc Xo. I R. B. Vincent, payroll road district No. 9 1S3.66 Road District Xo. 10 A. L. Goodman, payroll road district No. 10 217.75 ltond District Xo. 11 Charles Magerlo. payroll district No. 11 669.75 Road District Xo. 12 W, L. Van llouten, nayroll road district No. 12 510. 4S Cienernl Roads Ashland Iron Works, sup plies general roads 15.45 W. J. Hurbridgo, payroll general roads 120.00 Billings Carriage und Auto Works, supplies genoral roads 4. 85 Chanslor & Lyon Co., sup plies genoral roads 21.62 Sherman Duvis. nayroll gen eral roads 120.00 Stanfield's Secretary To Aid Service Men - i 1H T A,l O I' Sfuirield: who will bo in 'M.d on Fi'd'Ck' payrU Knm WiMlnt'mlny to address tho moniJicrs tn'"'"Y'"""'"'" of the Medford Chamber of Com-1 C' I'" fi , ' P ' merco at theirt meeting that evening, . ?!UL", ""Vi"" wishes to l.o nf assistance to ex-sor- L .H"' t, m"' S0"' vice men who are having difficulty in getting their claims against the government adjusted. Appointments with Mr. Adams may bo arranged for In ndvance at tho Chamber of Com merce office. 15.30 2S.73 10.50 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS (Continued from last Friday) County Attorney Hawlcs Moore, district at torney stenographer $ Rawles Moore, expenses dis trict attorney Stock Inspection W. M. Barber, claims for slaughtered cattle M. M. Hrower, claim for C. T. Payne, claim for slaughtered cattle: R. E. Robison, claim for slaughtered cattle C. M. Walte, claim for slaughtered cattle slaughtered cattle requires an upright man to rightly in- E. L. Childers, claim for terpret and represent God, nnd that' slaughtered cattle only such can trulv understand nnd ; B- Dolsman, claim for communicate with Him. The chyrch T BnRut insists that God can have honor j J' .lT among men only as men are right-j Kftri jnes, claim for p:ous- v r slaughtered cattle The application' of this truth Leonard Oorthuys, claim for changes with every generation andi slaughtered cattle altering circumstances, but the truth remains the same. There is there fore no substitute for the institution which makes the truth its fundamen tal teaching. All good people will congratulate Medford upon building a great church in which children shall be taught the lessons of the Bible, young people surrounded with moral influences, the burdened assured that labors are not In vain, and the sorrowing con soled with the certainty that all questions will be fully answered when we have arrived at all the factors In volved in our problems and we know as we are known. It was reported this morning that some who were not at the service heard the address in their home on their private sets, Dr. I. D. Phlpps reporting that he heard every word distinctly. 75.00 21.76 12.50 8.94 50.00 10.10 9.39 9.02 10.64 8.84 9.31 12.21 CHEST COLDS Apply over throat and chest cover with hot flannel cloth. Vapo Rua Over 17 Million Jan Used Yearly mM ru PS DrAeH St. at O'Farrell, SAN FRANCISCO - Gos? ioTheafres ana Ohoppinqui irn.i. Anewljr beuli awaita lh vi ciacot Nw lumil chirm Kfii eomloil to provide the Ituurioui home interesting, in America il eontr to ror wrlfarcl with runnins Ice lUtual hotel funonrrAN t plan ai RATES . HSOlHOUPl HARVP.Y M. TOV Managing owner GIM CHUNG China Herb Store This ts t.- oerttr? that aim CJunn: of Medford. Ore., has eurej me at sollrt anil stomneh trouble. 8. hi. Ieonar 609 J St., Orants Paaa. . Thla Is to certify that Glm ChunK of Medford, Ore.. ha cured me ot rumure of four ypars" atanrtlng. F. O. laham. lit B St., Oranta Pans, Ore. M-dford. Oregon. Jan. IS, Thla la to .rrtlfy that I. the under alrrned, had very aevora stomach trouble and had been bothered for eral year, and last Aurruat was net elDecterl to nve. and hearing of Olm ChutiK (whoa Herb store la at 214 Houth Front steel, Medford), I decided to get herl.a for mj itoniHch trouble, and 1 Blurted to feeling better as aoon as I used them and today am a well man nnd can heartily recom mend anyon. 'ltd " "; t0 ,?nheUdng an1 W. kV JOHNSON. Witness!! Wm. Lewis. Eagle "olnt. W L. Cblldroth. Kasie Point M A. Andcraon, Meilford. s.' B. Hirlmea, Knttle Point. MOOT. dlKI. . . Mclntyra. F.agl Point C. B. J. V. O'efl. Von ilr llellen. Kal Point. VOhnla WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRKHT-O-UTR IIATTKK STATION .r,iomll- Service- Mimhi 003 6"' "e Prevlous on "STRUTTIN' ALONG" TONIGHT "Struttln' Along" comes to the Page theater tonight, with a company of seventy-five dancers, singers and co- medians. This ensemhle of talent headed hy Mamie Smith, the celebrat ed songstress, is said to be the l ist word in mammoth entertnlnments. The show combines musical comedy and burlesque. Total - $140.95 County Library Fund Carol Cox Book Co, books....$ 15 85 The J. K. 0111 Co., books 1.68 Mildred Bliton, salary 70.00 The 11. It. Huntington Co. books 4.50 Marjorie Myers, salary 30.00 Medford Book Store, books nnd supplies 355.88 Oregon City Enterprise, binding 80 volumes 52.00 E. Fay Woolsey, current ex pense 20.00 E. Fay Woolsey, salary 66.60 oral roads A. Htnkle, payroll general roads 7.00 Huhhnrd Bros., supplies gen- ernl roads .50 A. T. Lundgrcn, payroll gen eral rods 43.75 Elmer Morse, pyroll generl roads 120.00 Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co., supplies general roads 2.55 Oregon Stnte Highway Com mission, suplies general roads 764.23 Riverside Ojirage, supplies genernl roads 58.00 Roily Rinabarger, payroll general roads 108.00 Thos. Roseberry, payroll general roads 140.02 Union Oil Co., supplies gen eral roads zm.t'j Arthur Shnffer, payroll gon- eral roads 144.00 Jack Thrasher, nayroll Eon- eral roads 306.21 Union Oil Company, supplies general roads 17.66 Auto Sunnlv Co.. sunnlles . general roads 3.72 Busy Corner MBotor Com nnnv. Rtinnltes freneral roads 3.80 Chnnslor Lynn Co.. sunnlleB genoral roads 30.53 W C. Stnno & Co.. sunn tea general roads 535.44 Offutt Garage, sunnlles gen eral roads ' 51.96 Standard Oil Co.. supplies general roads ' 137.82 Rhnll f'ninnnnv. sunnlles general roads 20.87 Young's Machine & Auto Rnnnlr nhnn. Riinnlica eon- ernl roads 45.00 Cnlvenr Motor Sales Co.. sunnlles eeneral road 9.47 Wesley Hartman. labor gen oral roads 10.50 f -W Ku, "Struttln' Xlong" In presented on an elaborate scale, with colorful scenery, brilliant costumes and varied num bers. Fun Is furnished by a group of real comedians, and there is a chorus of thirty beautiful Creole girls. The show Is In ten "Struts" or scenes, two acts, nnd every scene goes at a faster Total $616.57 Prohibition Enforcement Fund J. II. Leggltt, prohibition enforcement $ 122 00 Bert Mosts, prohibition en forcement Standard Oil Co., supplies prohibition enforcemen..t S. B. Sandefcr, prohibition enforcement .Hlttson Motors, prohibition enforcement j. S. B. Sandefdr, salary and expense prohibition en forcement Bert Moses, prohibition enforcement eBjaajMBMegiaajoHe.U ! MVBUKKttBtMBBK&BKRHnKKBItBKBB&Bk . I VI 7 ANT speed that must not i . W falter? Want power that must not fail? Want dependa- i bility that you can count upon 1 month in and month out? Use Ik quick starting Shell Gasoline. . ' j' It is the preferred motor fuel wherever quality is a factor. ".' ' '' I SHELL COMPANY ... 7-r.itr How to tlwm off mat fired, listless feelina GENERA tions ago, our foremothers made a "tea" every Spring from cer tain herbs and barks to purify the blood. Like wise, since 1S26. such herbs and barks havo bcon earefullv select. ed. proportioned scientifically and nre- pared for that great blood purifier es. a. a. To serve beneficially from one generation to another successfully is a guarantee of its effectiveness. The way we live and eat, we cnu't step from winter Into Spring with out purifying the Blood; unless we chooso to suiter depression, foel tired out, and havo pimples and boils. It is so easy to give nature a little help, and the best ears way is to start with S. S. S. Stronger and more useful nerves depend on blood-power. S. S. S. will give you that greater endurance, energy, strength, and a more youthful appearance. Mr. J. M. Mar. Lot Ancclei, Calif., writes: "Overwork occasioned a com pUiat which consisted of a tired feeling and pains in the back, that finally ex hausted all my strength. A friend advised we to take S.S.S. and alter taking only several bottles I was entirely relieved. Try it yourself. S. S. S. is sold at all good drug stores. The large Blze is more economical. Get a bottle today! Sc S. S. makes you feel like yourself again 4.00 I 61.74 457.42 68.60 : 25.00 Total $75 General Fund E. A. Flemmlne. grand jury witness fees Itontl Fund Hood District Xo. 1 The Billings Agency, pre mium on bond road dis trict No. 1 Itoad, District No. 2 Wm. Bruin, payroll road road district No. 2 173.00 ltoad District No. .1 Wm. Perry, payroll road district No. 3 Itoad District No. 4 Medford Concrete Cons. Co., supplies road dist. No. 4 W. M. Tetherow, payroll road district No 4 Jim Watklns, labor, road dlBtrlct No. 4 Total $147.62 ltond District No, 5 Paul B. Rynnlng, payroll rond district No. 5 . 100.71 Total $3152.77 Crater Lake HlBliwny E. II. Hurd. right of way Crater Lake Highway $ 150.00 llmintv Itcnort Webb Neathamer $ 4.00 P. J. Amer 3 M. W. Denkens 2.00 J. Tl. Short " F E. Edlnr 7.'J Claude Miles Mnrroll f)e Ford 4.00 I Ike Coffmnn 3-00 1 A. E. Collings 2.00 1 M. M. Mow 7.00 R. M. Conlov 21 "6 I Mrs. E. T. Hall 9 00 .loo Culbertson 4.00 it u if. . 3.00 T?. M. C.non 4.00- 30.00 c. L. McKlnnoy 2.00 . W. A. Cox 6.00 O. E. Austin 4 00 Marlon Lance 4 00 Chester Kubli 2 W. II. Pomeroy 8.00 Oeorge Walter 7.00 Webb Neathamer 8 n" Hugh Combcst 17.00 Frank Ortman R- L. C. Taylor ' 3.00 A. L. Kromllng H-nft Mark Winningham H-n" E. II. Flnley 2.00 John Nolmnn 3.00 Zcra Dahack 6 00 ,T. P. Denkens 2.00 M. II. Wamplor 13 00 M. H. Wampler "8 00 Frnnlc Kcndnll 8-0 Chas. J. Humphrey 6.00 Anton Ring 4.00 H. 11. Fox 3 00 John Nleman 3.00 II. W. Barron, -00 1.66 2.00 3.00 376.50 4. .32 111.80 31.50 Total $253.00 CIIAUNCEY FLOREY, County Clerk Another event in ' the history of big ''IIAaI motion pictures I tmrT Aa . When You Go Camping You need not be afraid of getting wet if you buy your tent at the Army Store. And you will be sure of a comfortable night's sleep if you buy one of our Folding Steel Beds. Conway Army Tent stands for quality and service Ladies' Khaki Knickers nnd Breeches $2.35 Girls' Khaki Knickers $1.98 Girls' Khaki Blouse $1.89 Men's Khitlti Breeches, laeo leu '. .....$2.95 Men's Klinki Breeches, button leg $3.50 ' Trade at the Army Store and save money. United Army Stores 32 Central Ave., South ' For Ilis Birthday Oversize Duofold. $7 orDuoCotd Jr. $5 For Hers Lady Duofold $5 Qold Tockct CUp or Hing End Free! The classic new gift that is coveted by all let . Us lacquer-red color flash your"Birthday Greet- : , Ing" to delighted loved ones. Its super-smooth i. point suits every hand no trtyle of writing can ' . distort it. Also seo Duofold De Luxe in satin "" lined gift case at $10 and $13. WITH MEDFORD TRADE 13 MEDFORD MADE. n, , ii tin;, Tt-n 1 ,7" Cliot