PXGE FOUR MEDFORD' MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD,. OREO ON", MONDAY, APRTTJ 30. '3923 Bedford Mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT' NEWSPAPER tUBLISHKD KVKKT AKTEKNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY TUB MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Th Medford Bunday Morning Sun li furnished aubaorlbera desiring Sevan day daily newspaper. Offloe Mall Tribune Building. 16-I7-n norm rir aireeu rnone t. A consolidation at the Democratic Times, toe Medford Mall, the Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonian, The Asniana xriDune. ROBERT W. ROHL, Editor. & 8UMPTER SMITH, Manager. RT Xf A IT. In ArivnnGft: Dally, with Sunday Sun. year7.S0 Dally, with Sunday Sun. month. .76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year- .60 lally, wiinout unaay oiui, mania . Weekly Mall Tribune, one year 1.00 Sunday Sun.one year .40 BY CARRIER In Medford, Ashland. Jacksonville. Central Point. Phoenix, Talent ana on munways: Daily, with 8unduy Sun, month .75 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .06 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year- 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60 All terms Dy carrier, casn in auvmiw Sworn dally average circulation for six months ending April I, 1922, 6?8, nore than double the circulation of any other paper published or circulated In Jackson County. Entered as second ciass matter at Medford. Oregon, under act March 8, 187. MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of ell news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In tills paper, and also to the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special llspatches herein ore also reserved. ;Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. A. Conan Doyle, the spiritualistic authority assures all sinners that they will eventually land in Heaven, after waiting for a spell in the Other Place. Sinners were formerly quite plentiful, but of late years they have become extinct, like the buffalo. During the preliminary stages of the IWW rumpus, the governor is acting as the governor. Instead of running for the United States senate next spring. TOO MUCH FUSEL OIL . (Goshen, Ore., News) There have been a number sick with the grip the past few weeks. The horticulturists had the Gee Wllllkens scared out of them in the evening hours of last night, by one Jackson FroBt. Messrs. ' Erne Mohr, Jr. and Dock Portor, Jr. lunched together Sun. An impromptu wrestling match was nar rowly averted. A better theory than the Einstein theory has been discovered by a Frenchman. Like the Einstein theory, it is as clear as mud, if not clearer, . MARJORY KNOW8I (Eugene' Register) Miss Marjory Smith, the nutri tion specialist from O. A. C will , give her fourth lecture on "Feed ing the Family" before the. wom an's club at Pleasant Hill Tuesday afternoon, May 1 at 1:30. Her subject will be "Child Nutrition." 'While excavating a worm back of the azalea bush in Dock Picket's yard on the 29th Inst, John J. Robin slip ped on the third heave, and tore loose a tail feather. It is a painful but not serious Injury, and will not affect the steering gear. ' Oregon has not been invadod for three months by an . organization whose ritual provides for the levying of assessments whon not collecting dues. , L. Tesla Marshall has left for the open ' ' placeB, Filled with forests and hairy faces. ONE OF THESE DAY8 ; It was sweet of you to ask mo to spend Potato Week with you. I have a dressmaker for Cereal Week, but she ought' to be through by Puffed Rice Night Mind if I do not give my answer until, say, Rolled Oats Day? Just think, 1 haven't laid eyes on you since the Brown dance last Patronizo Your Local Poultrynmn Month. As ever, ' Maud. (Exchange) It Is the concensus of opinion that If the worat comee to worst, tho munici pality could, by a considerable sacri fice, get along without the stroot car tracks on the Main Stem. NOW, A MAN WOULD SAY: WHERE'S THE MEAT-AX? ; (Siskiyou Sentinel) C, E. Hurrls road a poem on titled, "Ambition," which would have 'stirred a sleepy mule to such an extent that he would kick his beat friend. I ' More reports come in of Oaddlsts getting tick at the Gas silos. The bono flclarles must drive up and say: "WellJ .Well! if here hain't one of John P'f young ment Where do you get your white pants washed?" Mrs. Ditto of Springfield, spent tho week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beth Handle. (Cottage Grove News). Just for a abort period. VICISSITUDES OF JOURNALISM .. (Wheeler, Ore., Reporter) . , Why is it that so many things ,. happen on Thursday when the Ro . porter force Is rushed to get out . the weekly edition. If you must marry, buy a now home, go or ' eomn, die or commit a crime, please give us a chance and let It v come on any day but Thursday. KNUT NELSON AND EMERSON HOUGH. SENATOR KNUT NELSON and Emerson NoiikIi who died within 48 hours of eneh other were alike in this they were both high types, not of "100 per cent," but of genuine, dyed-in-thc-wool Americans. The venerable Minnesota senator happened to be born in Nor way, but he was born with the American spirit. Coming to this country at an early age, he settled in what was then almost a wilder ness, and at the age of 18 enlisted in the 4th 'Wisconsin Infantry, was wounded and captured at Port Hudson, and upon his release, by hard work, honest dealing and thrift, proceeded to acquire a, competence, and establish a new American record for continuous service in the United States senate, closing out a quarter of a century. . Emerson Hough was born at Newton, Iowa, and graduated from the state university, but ho had the same spirit of adventure, the same honesty and simplicity of faith, the same unswerving devotion to fundamental American institutions and ideals, which characterized his alien contemporary. Simple, downright honesty, honesty in dealing and honesty in thinking and an utter freedom from petensiousness and cant, made these two men so unlike in environment and training, so unlike in at tainments and interests, so typical of different generations, closely akin in character and spirit. It is impossible to regard the careers of the senator or the author without having one's faith in tho fundamental wholesomchess and promise of America strengthened, and confdonce in her destiny as the Saviour of true Democracy the "Haven of Plain Folks" re newed. . SPECULATING ON of Minnesota. Tho governor has de I iikd that he would Beck the scnator i ship. A 10 SENATOR NEL 8T. PAUL, April 30. "While fur ther nrrunsuments wore being mudo i today fur the funeru, of Unltod StuU-a i Benator Knuto Kelun of MhinoBcyu. '. Hptieulution ciftitinui'd In political cir (clcH oh to who would bo Ma Huct-'tnui. Senator .Nelson ' died suddenly Satur day nlKht on u train near York, Pa. ; I Although it wa uunounceU here last ni.; ht that tho funeral would be held Wednesday afternoon at Alex andria, home of "Minneaota's grand old man," It was indicated today tho services might not be held until Fri day. Selection of a successor to Minne sota's senior senator will await tho return of Governor J. A. O. I'reua who will accompany tho body from Chicago. it is not expected, how ever, that any announcement will bo made for some tinu. Prominently mentioned as candi dates for the office are Governor Preurf; Fred W. Putnam, who re signed last week as state railroad: warehouso commissioner; Frank U. Kellogg, former United States sena tor; Oscar llallam, justice of the state supreme court, and Lotus D. Oof f man, president of the University CMIIC'AfJO, Anril 30. Tho body of United States Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota who died suddenly Sat urday on a Pennsylvania railroad train near Baltimore, was to arrive in Chicago today. Accompanying the body are Mrs. Kdith Truseott of Jen nings Lodge, Ore., Senator Nelson's niece; George A. Wells, Jr., and Walker W. Bedford, Minnesota state Insurance department official, and Simon Michelet, tho senator's secretary. Quill Points Those who live by the sword shall bo bored to death by the memoirs. . A pipe seems cheaper than cigarettes, but think of the extra years you will live to smoke. Wealth may be a disease, as Mr. Bryan says. We know a man who took it and was confined for three years. It frequently happens that those who know the most about manners" know the least about kindness. 'good Correct this sentence : "He held office for eight years and retired to private life without a sigh of regret." Love is the quality that persuades the stenographer to marry the boss and work for him thereafter without a salary. A writer speaks of a threatened "commercial war." Has there been any other kind in the last two hundred years? It is possible, however, that the long-distance dancer who went crazy, didn't have such a long distance to go. A professor says tho Sphinx is masculine, but his testimony is hardly necessary in view of its long-continued silence. If there is a gland serum that will bring the dead to life, it might do something for the world's interest in Armenia. Government wiir discontinue the two-dollar bill. It can discon tinue everything above tho one without cramping our style. Most of the stock promising 40 per cent dividends is sold to people who take along a bottlo of patent medicine when traveling. E'en though the streets are of gold and tho walls of jasper, lots of people will be disappointed by the absence of platinum. We hAvc no objections to an artistic temperament if it will refrain from patting its foot while the orchestra is playing. There are 3,867 cuss words in our language, all of which are in adequate when you get tho wrong number. The only time the average wife can rest without her conscience hurting is while her hair is drying. Lots of men think they are contending for a principlo when their sole actuating motive is common mulishucss. Don't plumo yourself in time of good fortune. A chicken's feathers come out easily when it gets in hot water. There is better control in the-drug business than in the hootch business. Tho drug peddler gives you a shot in tho arm, and the dry agent doesn't caro where he shoots you. RipplingRhiiraos Z THE EASY WAY. WHEN I was young and not so fat I argued that the earth was flat, and talked long hours away; this caused me many kinds of grief, for in support of my belief I'd scrap with any jay. Hen Hutt, who kept the village pound, insisted that tho earth was round, and so we wildly jawed; we'd argue till wo both were siek, and ho called mo a lunatic, and I culled him a fraud. And now and then wo eame to blows, and he would. souk me in the nose, and I would spoil his ear; and still, as by its maker planned, in business at the same old stand, rolled on this gorgeous sphere. Ben Batt and I ore old and bent and now wo do not care a cent for things that made us fuss; and if tho earth be round or flat, or hollow as an empty vat, it cuts no iec with us. It is a bully good old earth and wo ngreo it's surely worth whatever it has cost; and it is vain to waste an hour in musty arguments and sour that fret us and exhaust. When our brief day is waxing late wo soo tho folly of debate, of fuss and fret and fight, of argument that's stalo and bare, that never gets us anywhere, or proves that we nro right. SMUDGE POTS FIRED YAKIMA, Wash., April 30. Smudge pots were lighted all over the Yuklma vulley last night when the tempera ture dropped to 28 degrees in the Yakima district and, tor a short time, to 2U in some of tho exposed draws. So far no material damage to the fruit has been reported, says E. S. Ellison, government frost expert stationed here. BOSTON The steamer Seaconnel sank at Hie entrance to Vineyard Sound, last night, carrying down at least seven men, according to wire less messages intercepted here. y Seep fit and fine with 9 after every meal. E Eat wisely, chew your food well then tiive your digestion a "kick" with WRIGLEY'S. Sound teeth a dood appetite and proper digestion mean MUCH to your health. WRIGLEY'S Is a helper In all this work a pleasant, beneficial plck-me-np. Save thm m , 7"Ae Flavor ra , Pure materials, scientific manufacture, absolute cleanliness then sealed against all Impurity. That is WRIGLEY'S as you rfet It fresh and full-flavored. Try the . new P. K. with its peppermint You Will Save Money and you will be better satisfied with your shave if you will let us re-sharpen your used Safety Razor Blades. We make them as good as new and often times better. Heath's Drug' Store 109 East Main Phone 884 We are as near to you as your phone Visible Shell and Associated Gas r Drive on our prcase racks and let us do your dirty work. A complete line of high grade Eastern and Western Oils for your selection. Ajnx and Coast Tires in all sizes at a big saving to you. Kring your tube troubles to us. ARMORY SERVICE STATION Armstrong S Wolff Tnolflc IllRtwnx .nt Jackson Street Medford, Oregon For the long tour or the short one for power and speed and maximum mileage, this dependable motor fuel gives you everything. SHELL COMPANY Of CALIFORNIA The 'Place to Live The only- "place" to live happily is inside your income. Not until you have lived for a time out side your income do you fully 'realize this truth. v . Make it a practice to save ten per cent of your income. You will then "live with in your income "and live happily. Start today. Jackson County Bank Member Federal Reserve Established 1883 . Hittson Says to Sell 'Em AND THAT MEANS WE ARE GOING TO CLEAN UP OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF USED CARS. We need the money. Dollars have won derful conversational powers. Prices have been revised and slashed to unheard of low prices. . Think of it several cars at $100.00 and $150.00; others up to $1000.00. We think our prices unbeatable on the cheap stuff. Cars include Ford Bug, Reo, Baby Over land, Overland 90, Buick Roadster, seve ral Studebakers. Ask for a demonstration in that $265.00 car. ,' "Hit the Trail for Hittsons" 36-40 So. Fir Phone 57 III SPRING TIME NECESSITIES WINDOW SCREENS DOOR SCREENS Files ore a menare to health and happiness. They are a nulBance and should ha kept out or the homo. Order your screens now. Our prices are rlpht, quality tho best. t'KDAK OIKSTS store away your winter furs, bedding, woolens, etc.,. In one of our "Pacific" Cedar Chests and they will be free from Moths, Dust and Vermin. Many sizes in stock. TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS 10th and Grape pnone 238 i 'X