4V- PAGE fWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREfiOX, SATURDAY, APRTL 2S. 1923 J ocal and Personal There Is much public interest in the fact that Miss Bruce Putnam of Salem Slid former resident of Medford will plsv the Wurlitzer organ at the first - stow at the Page theater tonight be ginning at 7 o'clock. The first num uer to be played by MIbs Putnam will be one of her own compositions. The talented young lady has been a pupil of Cecil Teague In Portland. ' After the fire It ts too late to insure. See Redden & Canada now. ' R. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe's, For Sale 10,000 acres of land con sistlng of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, .; orchards and tlmberland some Irrigated; also mining property. All property must and will be sold at some price. Some as low as $1.00 per acre, 5 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co., owners, 15 No. Grape; next Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bonk. Phone 465-J.i 32 There wsb born last night at the Sacred Heart hospital a five pound baby girl to Mr. and' Mrs. Neil Frank lin. Mother and daughter are doing nicely. ' Mrs. Franklin was' formerly Miss Juanlta T"urry," for several years stenographer ; In , the county agent's office." ' " Brown says he has lots of men's short and long dress shoes. ' " 36 Cole McElroy's famous Jazz orchea tra,-' Fair Grounds' Pavilion, Tuesday, May 1st and-Friday, May 4th. ,' 32 Moved Insurance- and Accounting offices System Service Co., over Far mers ft Fruitgrowers Bank. System Service Co. ; ' '' "- ' 37 Quite a number of Crater club mem bers and others will attend the cele bration of the Cavemen at Grants Pass tonight, which began yesterday. The celebration, is expected to close -with a boxing card. " Joe. Gorman?' and Sammy Gordon will mix, followed by l a 176-pound light heavyweight ' wres tling bout '- -' ' r Hemstitching at Deuel's. - . 38 Helman baths; Asulaud,' Ore., opens for- the season Saturday, April 29th. . 81? For, "Sale New Columbia, phono graph records at half price. ' Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Paths & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers ft Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465J. ';' "' :'' - 32 "Youll "have to come early to get a good seat," said Rev. Sasnett today' In speaking of the services at the First Methodist church for tomorrow,' "it will be a lay big with interest.'' We have planned a program calculated to bring out our entire resident member ship and "most of our constituency. Dr. Howarth will deliver the sermons of the day, and his reputation' as , , pulpit man guarantees two great mos sages. , The moving ' pictures at ''6:30 win interest old and young. The novel feature of the day will be the radio address of Bishop Wm. O. Shepard at 7:45., The evening service has been set for 7:30 and will begin promptly in order that some radio music may be picked up, and that all may be In read, iness for the bishop's r.ddress," con eluded the pastor. . Just back from, the east, Cole Mc- Elroy and his famous orchestra, Fair Grounds Pavilion next Tuesday. 3 Maxwells, Chevrolets, - Chalmers, Hudsons, Buick Speed truck. Roal bargains in these used cars: See Corwln; end of North Riverside Ave. tf C. L. Brown,' manager of the WU- lard Service Station left by auto for Portland this morning to attend the Wtllard dealers convention. Supplies were disposed of early this morning at the 'public market, and there was not enough fresh produce to meet the demand: The market was very busy place at 7 a. m. ' J ' ' Party going to Los Angeles will take one or two persons. Will start Sunday morning. Phone 401-J. '32 Milk and oream at DeVoe's. . tf A small deposit will reserve one of the pearl nead -fleck chains at the 're duced prices" offered for this ' week only; at the Medford' Center Jewelry Shop. '' -'- . ' " 87 Thos. Magulre, chief assistant Unit ed States district attornoy, ' left last evening ror roniana from wmcn city be .departs fpr Klamath Falls to ap pear in a case there next week."-. : i McElroy's orchestra, Mr. Jozt him self. " Pavilion, Tuesday and Friday Of next week.'- ;" ". v Z2 Baseball; Eagle Point vs.. Applegate at Eagle Point' Bunday, April 29th( 2:30 p. rd. ' " " Senior class play. ."Stop Thlof,!' Wednesday, May 2nd, Page theatre. I . , ,. S3 Llthla park throughout Is fast com' ing into Its summer garb and is beau tiful. In particular the flowering cher ries, wnica ai present are in ma height of blossom are well worth a trip to see. A miniature island has been built in the upper lake fur tho benefit of the swans, while the drive way to the picnic grounds is now ready for use. Roses have started to climb over the arbor noar the l.lthln fountain and the bandstand. Ashland Tiding ' ' ' ' Pearls are always In Rood taste. They are priced this weok at excep tionally low prices at tho Medford Center Jewelry 8hop. . 37 Hoar Alford elng the latost dance bits. Fair Ground Pavilion dances are different. S2 Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. tf Rollle Matthews of the Eagle Point district spent Friday in tho, city at tending to business matters. For Rent A good piano for four months!,,' H. O. Launapach.. Phone 646-H. tf. Spray hose 20 cents por foot Crator Lake' Hardware Co. tf Gladlola and Canna bulbs. Eden yajler Nursery 680J;1 . ' tf, The local chapter of the Order De Molay will present the second de gree Thursday night, May 3, and number of candidates from Gran PaBS will be Initiated. A large num ber Of the Ashland Knight Templars will be In attendance to witness the ceremony which will be followed by dance at the small ball in the Nat. . Colonial Garage for tire service. We have good values in used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. ; Stop Thief" created an ebullient furor last night at Powers Theatre." Chicago Dally. News. See this play Page theatre, Wednesday, May 2nd, 8:30. ' ' 32 Many members of the Elks lodge will visit the lodge's picnic, grounds north of the city a large part of to morrow, to participate in the annual cleanup of the grounds. ' For Rent A good piano for four months. , H. ,G, . Launapach. ... Phone 646-R..: ... . . .. j s , . .tf All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E, Main. - . See the pearl bead display at special prlcea in the window of the Medford Centor Jewelry ' Shop- for. this week only. 5 37 Two stories instead of one will be added to the Grand hotel in Kosebarg. The hotel Is under process of recon struction, the interior is being refln- lshed and stucco is being put on the exterior. ; An. annex fivei stories height is being constructed the walls are to be reinforced with steel girders to accommodate the two extra stories. When completed the hotel will have 135 rooms. .- - ; - - -. - .. Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Supply your baby's wants. .- Entire stock of infants' wear on . sale 'at Medford Center Store. ' ' - 32 Stop Thief." It was a performance that won the audience from the outset and kept it buBy with smlleB, laughter a.nd applause." Washington, D. C. Evening Star. . See the play. Page Theatre, May 2nd.: '.;';. ; i 81 A large number ot . Ashland and other people from but of town are ex pected to attend the dance at the Pa vilion tonight at which it is stated that an innovation In dance music will be Introduced when an unusual. Instru ment for a dance orchestra will aug ment Alford's Imperial orchestra. Fine brown - bear rug - for sale, mounting charges only.-f Bartlett's Fur Shop.1 3C i How Is this? Best quality baby chick scratch $3.10 per hundred.' But termilk egg mash 83.00 per hundred while they last Watklns Feed Store. Phone 289.-' s--,- : - 4i Pearl -beads are being featured this week ' at special low : prices ' at the Medford Center Jewelry Shop. ; 37' 7 James Koehlor of the Klamath Falls district is spending a few days In the city on business.' Rellners for fabric and cord tires. Medford Vulcanizing Works.. tf 't Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat 92 t Music at the Shasta Sunday 6:30 to 9;:30'p. m., featuring Premier orches tra. ' 1 1 ' 32 - Ronton Poole of the upper Apple- gate was a business visitor in the city Friday afternoon. ' See Brown for your Bhoes. 36' ' Do not buy an electric wasber until we havo demonstrated the now May tag tp you.' Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf Kayso, (d casein spreader) should be used In your first spray, Guy W Conner. Phone 04. - 35 ' A man who says he is about 43 years old, drifted into town Friday, pennl less and scarcely able to walk. He was lodged in the city jail until he Is In shape to continue IiIb travels. He states that he came from Iowa origin' ally and that he has daughters living In Ashland, Oregon and Battle Ground Wash., but cannot remember all of their names. It is a moBt plUCu) case. uugene uuaru. Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat 32 For sand, gravel, sediment and team work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple Btreot Phone 912-J., , Premier - orchestra plays . at , the Shasta Sunday 6:80 to 9:30 p, m. . 32' r There wore 12 cars of tourists cn camped at the auto camp grounds last night the most of whom ; -departed early today' for. their destinations north and south. - ' ' ' ' Auto Insurance. Brown ft White. . Brown does first class' shoo renew ing. '.,'. f v . i ' ' ( ? i''S6 i Eat your chicken dinner nt tho Shasta Sunday and hoar tho Premier orchestra 6:30 to 9:30 p. m. . 32 The cast of the senior play, "Stop Thlof," which is to be presonted at the Page theatre next Wednesday evening paraded the' streets late, yesterday nfternoon led by the high school band which turned out In full forco. Eat' your dinner at Hotel .Medford Sunday, ono dollar. ... 32 i We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insuranco Man. ' Big popcorn that wm pop big. throe poundB for 25c whllo It lasts. Warner, Wortman ft Gore's, v ' 33 Sunday nlehL nt the Pmslivlerlnn church there will be a Sacred concert by Mr. and Mrs. James II. Shearer, who havo agreed to remain after thotr Frldny night engagement and favor us with a- second' concert. 1 Evory one who hoard thom Friday night will want to hear them again. Their own deep dovotlonal nnd reverential spirit together with tholr talents and nbll lties in music makes a choice Insplra' ttonol scrvlco. Every one is urged to bo lu tholr seats promptly nt 8 p. ni. as no ono will be seated during the rendering of a number. Mrs. 8hearer will also sing a solo at the morning service ontltled "I Will Extol Thee, Oh King." "Tho Mystery of the Ages" will be the subject for tho aormon at the morning service. Tho nialo quar tet will sing also a number ontltled The Riches of Ixivo In Christ Jesus." Hotel Medford will son's a Dollar Dlnnor again on Bunday. 82 Tea dansnnt at the Shasta from 3 to 5 Saturday with refinement and good music. 31 Danco Jackson Hot Springs Sat 32 Mrs. L. B. Jones returned Thursday from Oakland, Calif., where she had been visiting tiiends for the. past week or two. - Brown says be has dress and work shoes. - ! 36' Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf' Mattresses, new and made over. Tom Word, the department of Jus tice agent and Joe Keller, investigator of the Pacific Coast. Automobile asso ciation, left yesterday afternoon by auto Immediately the Jury In JiiBtlce court returned the verdict of not guilty on the pharge against Word. Phone 104. ; 32 N. Grape. 66' All the popular copyright books by the best authors 80c ' Medford Book Store... 32 ' Field seed corn at WatklnB Feed Store. .. j "i - Reports that fishing Is good in Rogue river above Dodge bridge and at Gold Ray dam are prevalent among Die . sportsmen- of , the community. Steel heud and .cut-throat were plenti ful above Dodge bridge yesterday and were biting readily on spinner and fly according to several fishermen, while It Is stated by others that a big run of salmon reached Gold Ray dam yes terday. . . i - i - Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. 32 Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co. : .... ,.- . ... : . tf. A Tegular dance at Fair Grounds Pavilion- Saturday nite. Follow the qrowds, you can't go wrong, . . 32' , The Grants Posb Woman's club at its regular meeting held, today in Grants Pass Is entertaining Jackson and Josephine county . pioneers : as guests of the club, Judge Riddle, com mander of the Oregon state soldiers' home at Roseburg, was' scheduled to give the address, knowing every foot OT the trails and all the old familiar landmarks his address was . expected to be full of local interest-.-..., : You can get it at DeVoe's. tf Brown says shoe leather iB coming up. ... : . . . 36 Alford and. bis Imperial, orchestra. in latest dance hits. Sat, nite, Fair Grounds Pavilion., Admission. $1,10. . ! ' 32. I. Bm Walther and S. M. Bullis of. the California-Oregon Power company de parted this forenoon for-Xlrants Pass and Wlldorville for the purpose of Inspecting a new power line erected by the company in that section. Axmlnster, Brussels and Velvet rugs cleaned like new. Best of refer ences. Fluff Rug Works. Phone 610-M ". 33 Genuine Bosch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric. Shop, Eighth and Bartlett.' . m . ,. tf ) Something new every Saturday night, at the Fair Grounds Pavilion dances. - We have a real surprise for you this .week. . Como out and see for yoursolf. , - - - . . 32 : Al Karaslck and Ted Tbye will meet In a return wrestling match In Port. land May 2. .. Thye wrestled Karaslck a draw, in San Francisco last month, : Brown says he is still renewing lots of shoes. . : - 86 i Mother's Day is Sunday, May 13th We . havo a beautiful assortment of cards for the day.. Medford Book Store. ; 32' The Medford Vulcanizing Works sells 3 0x3 V4 tires for $8.50. , tf Sidney 8. Smith, local, sportsman states that he hooked a whale of salmon, yesterday at Gold Ray and fought the fish for about an hour with out bringing him to the top of the water, once. The fish finally made its oscape aftor having tired htm to the limit of his endurance. The . local hunters and trappers' guides who have hoard the story stato that they believe Smith to have hooked one ot the ele phantine enrp that inhabit the waters noar the dam. The theory advanced by his .fellow Sportsmen that the fish was not a Balnion is an aspersion on Mr. Smith's , fishing ability and is given little credulity, , When better automobiles are built, quick will build them. . tf Brown has 40 pair of ladles' oxfords at $3.86 pair. '36 Kntlro stock of Roxy Ann garments on Bale at Medford Centor Store. 32 Harold woods, local boy and a Junior in electrical engineering at O, C has recently, received the honor ot being pledged to Scabard and Blndo, the national honorary military fraternity. Woods Is lieutenant this year In tho motor transport 'depart ment of the R. O. T. C. Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr, Co. Boveral loads of ashes,, good - for filler or walks, for the hauling. In rear of Mall Tribune office. tf " All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber.' Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 ;Maln. No rain had fnllon in tha city up friend. untlr this afternoon in accordance with the1 prediction of TOBtordny for tpuay. " Howover, rain clouds throat- lied most of the day; Fnlr wenthor is predicted for- Sunday and a light to heavy frost for tonight Have your furs repaired now before placing in storage. Bartlett Fur Shop. '' ' - ' '' '36 Kayso, (A casein sproador). should he used In your first spray. - Guy W. ixmnor. rhono 64. 35 We can still furnish spray hose for o cents per foot Crater Lake Hard- are Co.' '-.- tf Tha drill at the Trlgnnla oil well had reached a dopth of 1975 feet last Iglit, and It was confidently expected that a depth of 2000 feet would be reached by tonlsht Thore's a busy Business Collego in Medford. OWN. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber, i Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 Kaat Main. - Drown says he has 50 pair of youths shoes loft ot $3.35. 36 Improvement was noted todav In the condition of Dr. J. J. Emnicns. who Berlously 111 at tho Sacred Heart hospital with pneumonia. It Is report- that hn spent a comfortable night last night considering the circum stances, and has a fighting chanco for recovery. The last of the bonds of the Grants Pass Irrigation district were certified Frlda by tho state securities commis sion. "Some doubt was felt as to the disposition of the new commission toward the local district but apparent ly they were well satisfied as interest has been guaranteed on the last $75, 000,00 says the Grants Pass Courier. "This will be the last of the bonds to be issued by the district." j The Singer Shop has a Singer elec tric sewing machine for $50. tf Knights of Pythias attention! Don't forget stag party at K. P. hall Monday night 31 ' Tako your kodak films to Palmer's studio. . First class work and. prompt service. .,.'.'' ' ' tf Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kubli departed today for Klamath Falls accompanied by their two children.. They will re main there during the coming sum mer.. Mr. Kubli had been In Klamath Falls tor a month past and returned recently to. make the trip back with his family..; i, :, , ., . Expert car washing and polishing. Phone 73 apd "Little Rip" wiU call for your car and deliver it when the Job is finished. 33 Delightful . trip from Medford .to Glendale. ? Chicken dinner 75c. Served 11 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays at Eldon Hotel, Glendale. 32 Used cars at your own price. See Corwln end of North Riverside avenue. ' .. -.it PROS. ATTY JAY MOVE DISMISSAL OF WORD CHARGE ' On Tuesday1, May 1, the price Of the preferred 'atock of the California Oregon Power company will be ad vanced. Considerably over half the issue has been sold to date at tho prcucnt price of $95; .' "',' . , Officials of tho ,'Copco 'organiza tion ' state' thht the raise ' ih, price Is riecessnry to 'maintain the stock ' at the price lovel 'of comparative hydro electric securities elsewhere. ' The income from the sale of pre ferred Btock will be ued to financo the additions and betterments to tho company's properties In the territory served by Its transmission lines. Among tho construction undertak ings of the company, &b announced in letter to the stockholders this week, are: - I The constrnctlon of n. 66.000-volt transmission line in Klamath county, running from Algoma north to Chllo- quln; the construction of a suction dredge to operate on Upper Klam ath lake In connection with tho lake regulation project of tho company; tho reconstruction of the transmis sion' lino from the Fall Creek Power House to Yreka, a distance of thrity six miles; and the completion of a now line from Grants Pass to the qunrry of the . Beaver Portland ment company nt Wlldorville, tnnce of thirteen ..miles. Shortly, after the, Jury . in Justice court here - yesterday ,1 afternoon brought in the verdict of not guilty against Tom Word,-. the department of Justice agent.' assistant United Stutes Attorney Thos. Magulre, who defended ' Word at the hearing, ac companied ' by District Attorney Itliwlcs Moore, left for , Jacksonville with the Intention of making a mo tion in circuit court before Judge Thomas to have the grand jury 'In dictment, which-was returned against Word by the grand Jury for the same alleged offense,, dismissed.- ::'. ''.:!. Attorney Magulre was unable to see the Judge at once and after wait ing for some time had to give up the errand, as he was compelled to de part fpr Portland on the early even ing train to look' after some matters there In United States court, prior to leaving for Klamath Falls where he will bo engaged in a court case next week.- -. However,, prior to departing, Mr. Mauuire said that District Attorney Moore, after further carefully looking over all angles of the case would himself make the motion for dismis sal in a day or so. . . 'I regret that I was unable to ap pear Tjefore Judge Thomas to make this motion myself," said the federal official. "The testimony given at the hearing - against Word was weak and unconvincing, based ' on conjecture, and hearsay that any fair- mipaea person, as I view it. could see that there is no case as charged. This, together With' other peculiai- angles and the lapse " of several months' time between the alleged of- xense ana Deioro the complaint was sworn out and served, and' the' fact that tho prosecution, brought out all its testimony at the Justlqo court hearing, makes it seem absurd and useless to subject the taxpayers of Jackson county to, further expense in bringing the same case to trial ih the circuit court. ' ' ; BOOTLEGGERS FORM A PUIMEAGUE SPOKANE, April 28. With the reported purpose of increasing the quality and maintaining the price of bootleg liquor, Illicit dealers of northwestern Btates are organizing "ethical" bootleggers Into a protec tive association, police here said to day they had been Informed. Dealers from the Canadian line to Denver, east of the Cascade moun tains, were said to be entering the organization, which planned to en force its standards by "tipping" of ficials to activities . of "unethical" bootleggers. ' F. & E. Theatr1 CENTRAL rOIXT -Matinee Evory, Saturday ,2 . P. . M. Kery Monday "COUNTRY;., STORE" Saturday Matinee and Evening Paramount Picture ALMA RUBENS , ..... -. r. lu ..-' "Find the Woman" ' Sunday and Monday -Gladys Wulton in , "A Second Hand Hose"., Admission 10c-30c; Matinees 10c OBITUARY Co- dls CHAUTAUQUA MEETING 1 . '' AY,. EVENING j A meeting , of all those interested In this' year's chautduaua' Is to be Held at" tho public library Monday evening, April 30, ,7.30 o'clock. Mr, Frank N. Mitchell, tho advance man, representing the Elllson-Whlto poo pip, will bo present. All guarantors. ns well as those Interested generally in the success of Chautauqua, are ex pected to bo present. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money ' Cut out this slip, enclose with 6c and mall it to Foley & Co., 2835 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly, ' You will receive In return a trial package con taining Foloy's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder atdments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation,, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. ! - " ' v ." ' "Adv. r. Benefit Social by Rebekahs Ollva Robakah Lodge is givm benefit social for the building fund of the Children's Annex to the I. O. O. F. Home, t Portland, , Monday evening, April .30,. at the, Odd Follows hall. There will bo dancing, social program in; banquet room. Also booths with various goodies to eati All Odd Fel lows, Rebekahs are invited; bring: a - - - 31 REWARD , The School Board will pay a reward of 125.00 for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who rifled " the desks of the Medford High School on or about Tuesday night, April 24th. All information treated as confidential. Phono, wrlto or see, Ruth Manning, Socrotary, at High School. Phone 811, ! ' 32 ' ' County Treasurer's Seventh Call for ' Current Expense Warrant Stato of Oregon. County of Jackson. Treasury Department Jacksonville. Oregon, April 28, 1923. Notice is hereby given that there are funds ou hand for the redemption of all Current Kxpenso Fund Warrants registered from April nth, 1923 to April asth, 1923, both dates Inclusive. Interest on tho above called War rants rvasos on this the 2Sth doy of April, 1923. A. C. WALKER. Treasurer of Jnckson 32 Countv. Orecon. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR S.Vl.K Real estate Investment that 12500 will hsnillei earns I40S net per year, or 3307 more than the same amount will learn at 4 percent C. S. liuttorfield. . 81 WRIGHT Ida Wright died at her home north of Medtprd on tfie Pacific highway today from a com plication of diseases, aged 62, yea,rs, 8 months, 2 days, she was a native of Pennsylvania and had been a resi dent of Medford for the pnst 12 years. Sho leaves her husband, Legrand Wright; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Grif fiths, Hlbblng, Minn., Mrs. Myra Pike, Owatotia, Mlnrt., and her niece, Mrs. W.. K. Johnson, Forest Grove. Ore., who was at her bedside through her last illness. Mrs. Wright was a mem ber of the Baptist church. The fu nsral Borvlees will bo hold at the Perl Funeral Homo, Mondny at 2:30 p. m. Rev. F. R. Leach officiating. Intor ment in Jacksonville 'cemetery. " Tomorrow SUNDAY'S DINNER at. Hotel Medford $1,00 : i a. , i ' K: : Indian Relish $1.00 Crab Cocktail SOUPS Chicken Gumbo Creole Consomme, Royal ; ... CHOICE OP, Sirloin Stenk, Mushroom Sauce Chicken Fricassee, jardiniere Ronst Prime Ribs of Beef an jus Mashed or French Fried Potatoes I Green Peas . , , SALAD. , v Fresh' Asparagus, ..Mayonaise. ; DESSERT, CHOICE OF ; Rhubarb or Apple Pie Chocolato. Eclair Chocolate - or Vanilla Ice Cream arid Cake , ' , , Coffee, Tea or Milk . We Servo the Best $1.00 $1.00 Handicraft Shop. , Hemstitching. Buttons covered. ' Ptcotlng. " 3o por yard. ' Klghwt Qtiolltv Jwlry Repairing uiunona Betting, wston Xep&lrlntf Satisfaction' Assured' In i i quality and price. Mall' us your wants. MARTIN J. REDDY NOT A SNAP : BUT A GOOD BUY AT A FAIR PRICE . . 35 acre bearing orchsrd, mostly pears under Irrigation, Modern eight room! bungalow and good out buildings. A I tine homo and a paying business at! 120.000. Kasy torms. - I ...... - - I Owner, Vox 33, Mail Tribune, 1 .. ;'. 1 ::';'...' BRUCE PUTNAM GUEST ORGANIST TONIGHT 7 O'CLOCK SHOW Going Tonight MIGHTY LAK' A ROSE ' ' and' i Baby Peggy' in ; '. "Tips" 7. Continuous Shows Today and Tomorrow 12::to to 11:00 p. m. 7 Tomorrow Only DUSTIN FARNUM in "Iron to Gold' 2 - Adults 35c Kiddies lOq i .. . SEATS NOW SELLING PAGE MONDAY NIGHT APRIL 30th (8:30 curtain) 3 r-3? c F7 pa : -a a '-n (St mm a i mm. . 3 M . R . M an .. MUM. . m I .. 1 M Si'. 1 vj -irm T"t Li rui fx. a r.M an - i 1 ' naMSw I; .JSJ fORiD'S FASTEST DANCING SHOW! WITH MAgSTH l RUCKER I FRISCO Mm'JAZZ KOUSlAHpPEaaiN I NICH . CREOLE BEAUTY CHORUS , D10Tln V CAST OF.'SEVENTV-.FIVEY ' JSSSSttM, i .( , '.. ' . V , . ..- . . .- . i ' THICKS: IncludinR Tax. Lower Floor $2.20; Ilalcony, 1st 4 roway 1.05; next 4 rows $1.10; next 3 rows H5c; lust 2 rows 55c. t HORSE SHOES! On the New Grounds Near' ' the Postoffice Building ' " atARGhs Rc n Plnyr-r, Cinmo of 21 Points Slnftles 5c n l'layrr, (iamo of 31 Points Doubles MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP TO CLUB ' $1-60 PER MONTH , HOKSK SHOES V()n SAMS v , J. I. ItKIHOX, Mkt. Ol 8. Central '' i