HEDFORB MAIL' TRIBTT&g, MEDFORIV i&BEflOy, THTOSBlY, tAPRTfi 56, 1923 PTfiffi THREE F. W. W00LW0RTH CO. .123 East Main St., Medford, Ore. Assistant Manager's Sale April 23rd to 28th Big Specials and Extra Values in Every Department in the Store SOME OF THE BIG SPECIALS ARE 34 inch Cretonne 15 a yard 24 inch Cretonne 10 a yard Miiline . 15 a yard Veiling 10 a yard Ladies sizes, Bloomers , 15 pair Heavy Iced Tea Tumblers .. 5 each Hand Painted China, Tea or Coffee Cups and Saneers, complete ., 15 each Waldorf Toilet Paper 2 roils 15 Rubber Gloves ." 15 each glove Candy Special Wrapped Kisses y2 lb.. 10c We also have some exceptional values in our Ribbon, Lace, Art, Knit Goods, Hosiery, Dish, Glassware, Hardware, No tion or Toilet Article Couptcrs. . You can save money and get satisfaction by supplying your needs here. . Remember these specials are on all this week, 23th to 28th. Only a Few at This Special Price "Wear-Ever" Self-Basting Aluminum Pot Ideal for pot-roaitmg on top of stove w foe oatimg in oven alto for cooking vege table, for steaming food and for prwerringi Limited $ Time Price 1 This offer expires May 5th See our windows for special prices on West Bend Aluminum Medford Hardware & Sporting Goods Co. i "Where a IMme Is a Baby Itollar" Phono 20fl M. M. Herman 32T East Slain 8. DECIDE 10 DELAY CANCELLATION OF J'VILLE FRANCHISE The city council last sight did not pass the ordinance to cancel the franchise or the Mediord-Jaekson-vllie railroad, having, decided after much discussion to move carefully and slowly, adhering closely to the legal aspects of the situation. This action was finally decided on oul of courtesy to w. S. Barnum, for mer owner of the railroad and holder of the mortgage on tt, who wrote two weeks ago that he would be home by May 1 and would then at once take up the matter of the lack of repairs complained of. The council was also influenced not to act at once because the railroad management has been busy ail, week repairing the holes be tween the tracks on Main street. The mayor and council, however, are determined to bring the road's management to time and make it walk chalk in the future. It is tho present plan of the city officials to i arrange a conference Between mem and Mr. Barnum, 4. 8. uagnon, prca- I ent owner, and J. W. Opp, present lessee from Uagnon, and reach an amicable agreement by which the city would declare the franchise for feited and issue a new franchise. which would require the railroad to file a $1000 or more bond with the citv to guarantee to keep the road in repair In the future. The road's franchise is in two sections, the older section having run 32 years, and the nihor nne. the Main street section, for several years. It was a busy night for the coun cil, mayor and city attorney, as In ad dition to passing the city planning commission zone ordinance a number nf nther ordinances relating to delln quent properties and .segregation ot j Portland liospi- properties were passed, and proposed ; ' near " , 1 . . n... , .. . Peter Clements who has been con fined to Us homo for the last five months by sickness was able to come downtown Tuesday, though still forced to use crutches. Hear Alford sing the latest dance hits. Fair Ground Pavilion dances are different. 32 CemenTand plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. , tt Mrs. Prank Radovan ot South Jvy ; street is convalescing from a severe attack of the flu, and Is once more : able to be up and around. The auto tourist grounds being built by Merrick Bros , in connection with the Natatorium will be known as the "Motor lim. 1 Colonial Garage for tire service. 819 ' Prospjcts of bumper crops is Ore gon and along the rest of the Pacific coast as well are bright and there is i'every indication that the western rail roads will be called upon to handle a record breaking amount of traffic this summer and fall, according to H. A. Hinshaw, assistant freight traffic manager of the Southern Pacific com pany, who Is in Portland today from San Francisco. Hinshaw was former ly general freight agent for the com pany with offices at Portland. Port land Journal. Milk and cream at BeVoe's. tt Mike Hanlev has returned from a trip to northern California where ho had been wintering stock, and reports that last Sunday he saw the largest crowd of Mb life at a little roundup held at a level place in the hills, SO miles from Chlco, Calif. There were between 13,000 and 14,000 people, all in autos. At the scene of the roundup there was nothing but a grandstand and bleachers and the spectators came from all over northern California. Further improvement in the condi tion of Sara T. Richardson operated future were discussed. A number of; Wednesday by friends is this city. appointments were ucted on, and much routine business was trans acted. PARENT-TEACHERS' PROGRAM TONIGHT Spray hose 20 cents per foot. Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf P; C. Cripps ot Salt I-ake City, man ager of the David Keith estate which holds property in the Rogue Uiver val ley arrived yesterday for a brief bust ness visit in Medford. We have good values In used cars. Patton & Eobinson, Inc. tf Charles-Hamilton of Ruch was among the out of town visitors In the etty Wednesday. H. D. Jackson of" Ashland was among the out of town visitors In the 4 -im, trait io n nrnnfii. for those city Wednesday, . who attend the H. S. P. A. meeting 1 A ks rough, mi resse4 lum tenight at the high school audito- ber. Wallace Woods, phone im. Ill vhim Tho nmomm ffillows: IE, Main, , Frank Van Dyke" Royal O. Drown of Eagle Point was Vocal Solo Rosa Gunzalus a business visitor In the city tor a few Piano Solo Alleen Crawford hours weanesuay buik. ,... ni ' Rsthnr Palmar u-iaoioia ana Minna Solo Dance ZZZcatherlne Fabric Valley Nursery, 0-J-a bulbs. Eden tf kvoeal Solo Aletha Hubbard 5 Local wresuing inns are Monologue Maebeth....Diek Stagier ""5" "7 TZ Z 'T Hamlet Geo. Stewart, Grove Thursday night, April JS be- Illustrated Lecture Prevention of ' A Gustavo and Ralph Hand, Forest FiresU. S. Forestry Bureau Election of Officers. S. P. OFFICIALS HERE TO DISCUSS GRADE CROSSINGS E. L. King, superintendent ot the! Southern Pacific railroad, and Benj Itey, attorney for the same, arrived! here from Portland this morning and i were met at the depot by Mayor Cad- dls and CouncUinen Butler, Paul. Alenderfer, Close, Jacobs and Butler and City Superintendent Davis and City Attorney John H. Carkin. The railroad officers and the city officials lost no time in delving into the improvements asked for by the city ot the railroad, including tho es tablishment of a subway at 6th street and certain track changes to the end that the crossing delay caus ed by freight trains would practically be done way with, and the city's ap pearance along the right of way would be much Improved. The dav was spent iu discussion and looking over the suggested r flanges and the local railroad situa tion generally. The outcome of this conference will probably not be known until tonight, when Messers. King and Dey will leave for Port land. First thing after his arrival .here this morning Superintendent King explained that important changes de cided on by the railroad management for Medford months ago would be nut intn effect anv dav now. as soon as the board of directors of the; Southern Pacific had approved the recommendation of the officials. These changes which It is claimed, would reduce the crossing delay in the city to a minimum, are independ ent of the track changes being made now In the depot and yard. They include the building ot a freight side track In the yards north of the passenger depot to Jackson street, which would accommodate 75 to 80 cars, and another simitar track ; south from the south end of the. fards to accommodate the same num ber of cars. The water tank will bo removed from Its present location toj s site in the neighborhood ot Jackson j street. These changes would leave only lite switch engine and one or two cars to pass through the yards at va rious times day and night, and the; freight trains arriving from north! and south would do all their stop ping and cutting oat of cars on the tracks at tho north and south ends of the yards. Hence the freight trains from both directions would pass through the heart of the city over the crossings at good speed, each passing In from one to one and a half minutes, it is said. Business. Refreshments. To know how good a cigarette really can oe maaev you must try a- 0 7 piicKr IIstrikeJ ' CI'GARETTEf and no doubt a number of Eugeans vsll motor south to attend. These two have met twice before. The last time Gustavo put Hand out of commission by cracking a couple of bte Mos. An was a little heavy then. He has pro mised he will try to get down to 165 pounds, and the two should Up the scales pretty even. Winner win take all of the. gate receipts. (Eugene Guard). Gustavo wrestled Hand at Gold HIM about a- year ago, and the match was won by Hand, After the fire it is too late to Insure. See Redden & Canaday now. Pat Swayne of the upper Applegate was a business visitor la the city on Wednesday. Showers is the prediction for m- day's weather. The temperature has moderated much during the past 24 hours, and the coldest weather of this moraine was 38.5 degrees, A. B. Kellogg of Gold HIII visited friends and attended to business In the city Wednesday. OH WHAT A KICK 500 Souls had with THE SERENADERS Last Night "Thrills Unbelievable "They carried us to dizziest emotional heights, "Worth $1000 to anyone." Just a few of the local comments. LAST TIME TONIGHT Oriental Gardens Do Your Feet Hurt? When shoes pinch or corns and bunions ache, get a package of Alien Foot-Ense. the antiseptic, healing powder to be shaken into the shoes. It takes the sting out of corns, bun- Ions and callouses, and gives instant retief to Smarting, Aching, Swollen feet. At night when your feet ache and barn from walking or dancing, sprinkle some Allen's Foot-Knee In the foot-bath and you will solve your foot troubles. Over 1,800.000 pounds of powder for the feet were used by our army and navy during the war. Sold everywhere. Adv. SERENADERS SCORE HIT AT NAT DANCE Five hundred persons danced to the unusual music and song of the Serenade at the Oriental Gardens last night. Each of tho nine mem bers of the aggregation proved Him self a thorough artist and It is the unquestioned belief of ail that better muRlc is impossible. ' ' All of the players are boys and it Is In youth that dam music finds Its best expression, Glenn Oswald, man ager of the orchestra, has surely solved the problem ot matnuuruns enthusiasm and not for . a moment did the evening "drag." The Serenade will appear again for the Inst time tonight and many novel and interesting musical feats will make this a never-to-be-forgotten night In dance annals of the val ley. WASHINGTON CHERRIES SOLD TO OREGON FIRM WALLA WALLA, Wash., April i. Two hundred tons or 80 per cent of the Royal Anno cherry crop of the Mllton-Freswater district of this val ley have been contracted at nine cents to the Oregon Packing company, ac cording to announcement today of growers In that field. The growers received only six cnt tor hee cher. rics. The crop Is the heaviest this year In history. Q With Medford trade ts Msdford mad MEALS Our meals are the talk of the town. Merchants Lunch 50c Short Orders 35c We Suggest That You Give Them a Trial GOOD MOSIO TheShasta 3 DAYS OF 98c Friday, Saturday and Monday 2 pairs of Horsehide Gloves 98c 2 Athletic Union Suits ............ - 98c id prs. Mens Work Sox ........ ...,,98e Mens Dress Shirts ................ .98c Boys' Felt Hats ....... . , ........ .98c Two 75c Neckties . .... . ......... . 98c Big Yank Work Shirts ........... .98c Uncle Sam Work Shirts ....... ,98c Old Hickory Work Shirts ......... .98c Large pieces of Aluminum ware . . . . .98c MEN'S SHOES If you are paying a big price for Shoes, it is your own fault. We have a big line of mens and boys fine dress Shoes, heavy work Shoes, tennis Shoes and Loggers, We will sell you a pair of all leather Shoes Friday, Saturday and Monday, all sizes, 2 bones. Can you beat it? MEN'S SUITS - Just received a large shipment of Mens', Suits, the famous Louis Straus Suits. Made from all wool cloth by up-to-the-minute tailors." We have all sizes, young mens' sport models, young mens 2 and 3 button coats, double and single breasted; also conservative suits for the business man and stout suits for the stout man, up to size 46. ' We have a good assortment and can fit anybody and believe me, the price is way down below zero. ! 32 N. Front Cheapest Store in tHe .West WILSON'S II AT ALL GROCERS Pipe Organ and Vocal Concert BRILLIANT HIGH GRADfi I You will enjoy the happy spirits with this Scotch wit and geniality, f Presbyterian Church ' , I TUESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 27, 8 P. M. jjj - Admission Adults 5Sc; Children 25c, including war tax,