pa on rwo MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE. MEDFORD. : OREOOK TITCTRSDAY. APRTL '2(1 1923 4? Tocal and Personal The Home Telephone company has Just completed a big Improvement by removing all the telephone poles on the east side of north Front street between Main and Jackson streets, .and putting the wires on polos In the ' alley between Front street and North Central avenue. This has made a noteworthy ' change for the better in the appearance of Front street, if How Is this? Bent quality baby chick scratch $3.10 per hundred. But termilk egg mash $3.00 per hundred while they last Watkins Feed Store. .Phone 269. 41 " 'The audience liked 'Stop Thief. Other 'audiences will like It." New York Evening Telegram. See the play, Page theatre, Wednesday, May 2nd. ': ' - 'v.. 30 - The condition of Dr. J. J. Emmens. who Is seriously 111 with pneumonia, was reported this noon as about the same as on Wednesday and he passed the same kind of night as on Tuesday night The crisis is not expected to ' be reached until the last of the week. , The city auto camp bad 16 cars of guests last night, the same number as stayed at the camp the previous night The tourists were about equal ly divided between those returning home from having spent the winter in California and those who are either enroute to California points or have started out on their summer touring. Dance, I. O. O. F. hall, Rogue River, Friday, April 27th, music by Grants Pass orchestra. Supper at 12 o'clpck, by Rebekah lodge. Tickets $1.10. Prizes awarded - 1 26 Have your rugs washed on your own floors most ' convenient, sanitary method, kills germs, no dust raised. Get your order In early. E. L. Davis, Phone 644. 211 Stark St. ' .30 ' Mrs. Henry Hart returned this mor nlng from a several weeks visit In Bremerton with her son Dr. John Hart and family and In Eugene with friends. Cortlcelll hose are perfectly fash ioned and will meet the most fastid ious requirements of the best dressed women. Handicraft Shop. 31 ' Reliners for fabric- and cord tires. Medford Vulcanizing Works. tf Joseph TUley, 86 years of age and father of Herbert Tllley was taken to the Medford hospital yesterday. . He has been seriously 111 for some time past with pneumonia, Dance Jackson Hot Springs. Sat. . 32 The latest novelty dress ornaments In. corsage flowers, and neck . orna ments. Handicraft Shop. 31 George Henselman, former Medford man, now with the Honeyman Hard ware company of Portland has recent ly accepted the position of coach of the golf team and Henson Polytechnic school. His picture appears on a re cent Issue of the school publication, "The Tech Pep," accompanied by an article in which it Is stated that Mr. Honsolman Is one of the foremost golfers In Portland, a member of the Kastmorelund club, the course of which he has secured permission for the Denson students to practice over. The article states that the Behoof has been very fortunate In obtaining him as coach. He Is the youngest bod of John Henselman ot this city. Do not buy an electric washer until we have demonstrated the new May tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Co. - . tf 10 per cent off sale. Everything In the Art Dept. at Deuel's at 10 per cent off. Frt. and Sat. of this week. .31 'A Bacred concert Is under prepara tion for Sunday 7:30' p. in, by the choir of the First Baptist church to be given at the High school auditorium. 'ilils concert will be of the usual high character Mr. Scott, the choir director assures the public. Our prices are right on fluff rugs. Phone 610-M. 30 Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat 32 Crop prospects In the Rogue River valley were never better than this season. The fruit Is promising an un usually heavy yield, especially where It was watered last year. No frosts have occurred for several months to Injure the fruit and It now appears that much thinning will be required In all orchards. Root and hay cropB are also In excellent condition, due to the heavy rains of the past few weeks. Portland Journal. - , For Band, gravel, Bedlment and team work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple Btreet Phone 912-J. Auto Insurance. Brown & White. ' ' Eat your dinner at Hotel Medford Sunday, one dollar. ' . 32 Claude Miles arrived this mornin? from his homestead la the Butte Falls district for a visit In this city. Closing out sale at Murphy's Junk House, 117 So. Front street Must go. We wll) loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. There will be another big sale at the Thrift Shop, Sparta bldg., next Saturday, . April , 28. Salo begins promptly at t a. in. Wonderful bar gains at the 5-cent, 10-cent and 15-cent counters. H re Is where you can save money, W'mg Is believing. Big popcorn that will pop big, three pounds for 25o while It lasts. Warner, Wortman & Gore's. . . 33 Hotel ..Mod fprd will serve a Dollar Dinner again on Sunday. - 32 Sale of 2nd Hand Furniture ..' i ,'. ; ( J '; i " . .. I III We are jammed,packed,crammed We just have to move some of our Furniture We have Dining Chairs, Kitchen Chairs, Rockers, Tables, Stoves and Ranges, Bed Springs and Mattresses, 2 Baby Beds, Li . brary Tables, . 1 Combination Writing Desk and Book Case, 4 Rugs, 1 Phono graph, Cabinet and Records, $15; 1 good White Sewing Machine, 1 Hall Tree, Floor Lamps, Spades and Shovels, 2 Lawn Mow ers, Log Chains, 60 ft. of Steel Cable, 1 Sideboard and Chiffonier, , 2 large Mir rors, 1 adjustable ; Dress Form, Baby Walker, and Jumper, Window Shades, some Paint and Varnish, Steel Traps, , Porch Rockers and Oil Stoves all must go. 3 Cupboards, $10.00 Steam Cooker going at $2.50 and just hundreds and hundreds of other bargains. - Now we are going to do our darndest to sell this bunch, so if you can use anything, come in and get it. Don't monkey around until it is gone. 2 furnished houses and apartment to rent. That's all today. ' .;, 32 N. Front WILSON'S Miss Nell Holslngor, field represen tative of the Pacirto division of the American Red Cross Is spending a few days In Medford In the interests of that organization. Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf Children's silk half socks In pink. blue, white and beige. Handicraft Shop. ' , - 31 Muttresses, new and made over. Phono 104. . 32 N. Grape. ... E6' The men of the Episcopal church have formed a men's club to be known as the St Mark's club. There were about 35 members In attendance last evening and the meeting was opened by P. B. Harrison, temporary chair man and the by-laws of the club were adopted. After the meeting the men played cards and smoked and enjoyed a lunch served by the ladles of the Guild. The meeting was held in the new Parish house and everyone In at tendance bad a very enjoyable time. Opening dance, Lake Creek hall, Crescent orchestra, Friday, April 27th. 30 Field seed corn at Watkins Feed Store. The Seven Serenaders playing at the Nat. last night delighted a large crowd of dancers from all over the valley with their exceptionally fine dance muBic. The Serenaders' nine- piece orchestra is recognized as one of the finest in the United States. Joe Pardee, Grants Pass musical wiz ard. Is one of the prominent members of the O. A. C. aggregation. Hemstitching at Deuel's. 38 Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. 32 President Harding will be asked to Include Klamath Falls on his itinerary during his western trip In June or July. An Invitation will be. extended to him by the chamber of commerce through Senator McNary and Senator Stanfleld. It is proposed to have the president visit Crater Lake, going on from there to Medford where his train would await him. This would give Klamath Falls people an opportunity to see the chief executive, and the lat ter an opportunity to view Klamath's scenic attractions, Including Klamath lake. Klamath Falls Herald. Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co. tf Glenn Fabrlck returned this morn ing from Portland where he has been for several days on business and plea sure. Last Friday night he conducted the ceremony in the conferring of the Master Mason's degree at Friendship lodge, Portland. While In the state metropolis he attended a meeting of the executive committee ot the state laundrymen's association of which he is vice president. A regular dance at Fair Grounds Pavilion Saturday nlte. Follow the crowds, you can't go wrong. 32 If you don't need fluff rugs, others do. Sell us your old carpets. Phone 610-M. SO F. M. Calkins loaves this evening for Portland where he will take dellv. cry of a now Wlllys-Knlght coupe sedan which he will drive back to Oils city. Cortlcelll silks, the boat for wear. Handicraft Shop.' - 31 You can get It at DeVoe's. tl Tom Word of Portland, the depart ment of Justice agent arrived In the city on this morning's train from the north for his hearing on a charge in Justice Taylor's court Thomas It, Mugulro, assistant United States dis trict attorney, who Is defending Word at this hearing for the government, arrived in the city yesterday. Next week Magulre will go to Klamath Falls to defend Leonard Long, special Indian agent, on an Indictment charg ing assault with a dangerous weapon. Alford and his Imperial orchestra, In latost dance hits, Sat. nlte, Fair Grounds Pavilion. Admission $1.10. 32 Axmlnster, Brussels and Velvet rugs denned like new. Best of refer ences. Fluff Rug Works. Phone 510-M 33 City Attorney John H. Carkln leaves this evening on a visit to Salem where ho will look aftor some city business. Genuine Bosch- Magneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Bartlott tf Something new evory Saturday night at tho Fair Grounds Pavilion dances. We have a real surprise for you tills weok. Come out and see for yourself. 32 The Medford Vulcanizing Work sells 3 0x3 V4 tires for 3.B0. , tt The regular homecoming of the Ladles' Aid of the First Mothodist church will be hold Friday afternoon at 2:30. The Prlscllla circle will have charge ot the social hour. All mom- bora, frlendB and strangers are re quested to be present Helman baths, Ashland, Ore., opens fur lha season Saturday, April 29th. 31 All grocers In Med torn and southern Oregon who have Quaker Oats cou pons', clipped from this paper, should send them to tho Quaker Oats Co., Room 1700, 80 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 31 Mrs. Rena Jordan who has boen visiting Mrs. Arthur Brown In this city for the part few days, has- re turned to her homo In Eugene. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST One rod wheol and tire from Automobile. Reward. Joni Jensen. 81 FOR BALK A Rood serviceable gnr- ngo 12x18 ft Price reasonable BIS W. Fourth St. tf FOR BALK Threo humor oil stove and oven. Phone 59S-W. 32' FOR SALE Irrigating pump and engine. Une shape. Tel. 437-si. J.' LOST Fox torrler, ulack spot on hack, brown ears. Name mine. Reward. Phono K00-X. 31 Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching. Buttons covered. Plcotlng. 3c per yard. R. A. Hyatt left this morning for Hilt. , Calif., .with a . new Oldsmoblle truck purchased from the Busy Corner Motor company for the Mountcrest ranch, owned by Reginald Parsons. Mr. Hyatt arrived yesterday from Hilt to take the truck back on its arrival here from Portland. Dance Jackson Hot Springs Sat. 32 Special, reduction on spring jnllllL ery. Regan's Millinery, 2nd floor Medford Center Store. . 31 James ' M. Cronemiller, former county treasurer, Is seriously ill hav ing recently undergone an operation for carbuncle. Following the lancing of the first carbuncle a second one of serious proportions formed on his head. He Is at Sacred Heart hospital. Hemstitching makes the j.neatest and best finish for your spring sewing. Handicraft Shop. ' ' 31 . Opening dance, Lake Creex hall, Crescent orchestra, Friday, April 27th. 30 All the latest features In summer millinery, 2nd floor Medford Center. i 31 A. R. and Ralph W. Owen of Eau Claire, Wis., arrlvod this morning from San Francisco accompanied by James H. Owen who has been here foi several months and who recently went to San Francisco to meet them. They will probably remain here for some time Inspecting their timber interests in this vicinity. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf Expert car washing and ' polishing. Phone 73' and "Little Rip" will call for your car and deliver It when the Job is finished., "' 33 Used cars at your own price. See Corwin end of North Riverside avenue. .. -.- ' tf Arthur Brown, district 1 circulation manager of one. of the Portland papers returned yesterday from Roseburg and other points in the northern part of his territory. There's a busy Business College in Medford. GWN. All kinds Of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. ' Opening dance. Lake Creek hall, Crescent orchestra, Friday, April 27th. 30 At the annual membership meeting of the members of the Medford cham ber of commerce, next Wednesday night, May 2nd In the basement of the Hotel Medford, E. J. Adams, pri' vate secretary to United States Sena tor Robert N. Stanfleld will deliver tho main address. Maxwells,' Chevrolets, Chalmers, Hudsons, Buick Speed truck. Real Kayso, (A casein spreader), should be used In your first spray. Guy W. Conner. Phone 64. 35 We can still furnish spray hose tor 20 cents per took: Crater Lake Hard ware Co. ' tf R. E. Parker, sales manager ot the i northwest territory consisting of Ore gon, Washington) Idaho' and Montana for the General Tire company 1b In Modfo'rd for several days on business. Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. ; tf Several loads of ashes, good tor filler or walks, tor the hauling, in rear of Mall Tribune office. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. tt (' . v : '-" According to a recent announcement to hardware dealers the Falling Mc Caiman company of Portland, hard ware, sporting goods and auto acces sory Jobbers are retiring from busi ness. The former business will be handled by the Honeyman Hardware company of the same city. bargains in these used cars. See Corwin, end of North Riverside Ave. " When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them. , tf Opening dance, Lake Creek hat' Crescent orchestra, Friday, April 27th. 30 The young people of the First Bap tist church will have a social Friday evening at the home ot F. J. Jones, 435 North Central avenue. A good time Is in Btore with a program and good eats for all who attend. Refresh ments will be served on the cafeteria plan. A large attendance Is urged. Deuel's Art Dept. D. M. C. crochet thread, white 16c, colored 18c. J, M. Snedlcor. 31 McElroy's orchestra, tet. Jazz him self. Pavilion, Tuesday and Friday of next week. - - 32 Colonial Garage for tire service. . A special forum of the chamber of commerce will be held Saturday noon at the Hotel Medford and speakers of the meeting will include W. E. Herren, field secretary of the National Associ ation of Real Estate Boards, A. R. Ritter, president of the Northwest Real Estate association, C. A. Mc Kenna, vice president of the National Association and C. V. Johnson, deputy state real estate commissioner. Before you have your rugs cleaned get our prices. Fluff Rug Works, Phoen 610-M. .30 R. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe's. Helman baths, Ashland, Ore., opens for the season Saturday, April 29th. 31 The Serenaders from O. A. C. will play at the Nat again tonight and it is expected that a large crowd of dance enthusiasts will be present to enjoy the fine dance music Incomparable to anything which has been heard in Medford tor some time. Cole McElroy's famous Jazz orches tra, Fair Grounds Pavilion, Tuesday, May lBt and Friday, May 4th. 32 Helman baths, Ashland, Ore., opens for the season Saturday, April 29th. 31 Just back from the east, Cole Mc Klroy and his famous orchestra. Fair Grounds Pavilion next Tuesday. 32 , A. F. 4 A. M. A Special Communication of jr Medford Lodge No. 103 on Sf's Friday evening, April 27th, at 8:00. Work in F. C. Degree. Visi tors welcome.' By order of the W. M. U. U. f Kft.r.c, Que. - 1 II P Real French Pastries will be featured at the it-Rex-- Pastry Shop .Watch this space for announcement F.&E. Theatre CENTRA! POINT Matinee Evory Suturday 2 P. M. Every Monday "COUNTRY STORE" Today and Friday RUTH ROLAND in ' "The Timber Queen" and "Home Keeping Hearts" "Peacock Alley" Coming Soon Admission. 10c-30c; Matinees 10c-20c A LITTLE CHAT on tho desirability, yes, the ne cessity,' of your having a policy pf Burglary Insurance. Come in and consult us It will cost you nothing and not obligate you. And you may profit by the opportunity. McCURDY ; Insurance Agency Tol. 123 Medford National Bank Bldg. Medford, Oregon 3D. City unci Out of Town Mall Orders Received Now BOX OFFICE SALE FRIDAY NOON . PAGE H0ND4YJIGHT APRIL 30 (8:30 curiam) Speediest. PEPPIEST. BREEZIEST. FUNNIEST. MUSICAL REVUE SAM FRANCISCO HAS SEENlN YEARS" S0METHINS NEW! SOMETHING DIFFERENT! .VERDlCTi I. -favWa,t$&J WORLDS GREATEST DANCINGS WOW MAMIE SMITH I RUCKEB wo JAZZ HOUR'S I andPERRIN WITH CREOLE BEAUTY CHOHUSahoCOMPANY or SgVEHTY-FlUe "BLOCK BERRY CORDIAL IN TWO 5WALL0W5 PRICES: (Including War Tax) Lower Floor $2.20; Balcony, 1st 4 rows, $1.G5 j"1 next -i Vows, $1.10; next 3 rows 85e. Last 2 rows 55c, c 3 We promised w ifr A V Whole lot Last week ' t f ! I When We pfr 3fr 3fr Announced i i t 2fc The Coming of . ift ffc "Mighty J 3fc ifr Lak'a 3fi 3fr 3fr Rose" To the Page 3fi 3fc V V Theater, But Sfc 3 S Medford Now Knows We told ' 9fr 9fc The Untarnished v fr Truth.; ; Not only A Sfi ft fc Great picture f But 9fr 9fr Sp Wonderful Program This week. . "I thank you" NOT A SNAP BUT A GOOD BUY AT A FAIRPBICE 33 acre bearing orchard, mostly pears under Irrigation. Modern eight room bungalow and good out buildings. A fine home and a paying business at tf 0,000. Easy terms. Owner, Box 33, Mall Tribune. You Have Never Felt It l:; ' ..! ; , That quick response, that rush of power, that sensation of gliding forth , as if on wings, that untold strength behind it all, unless you have guided that superlative mechanism that is a JEWETT! Give yourself that treat. It's a real sensation! Try to pass it on a hill! Try to beat it for the money! ' Grater Lake Automotive C o. 123 South Front St. Pags and Jewett Dealers Phone 202 iisaasHMaaaasBt