Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 26, 1923, Page 10, Image 10

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. . . iMrmniiiiinniir W3S8S&
LOS ANGELES, April 25. Photo
graphs and finger prints of Clara Phil
lips, escaped hammer murderess, to
day were on the way to Tegucigalpa,
Honduras, where she Is believed to be
under arrest, according to an an
nouncement from Dr. F. M. Rodriguez.
Honduran consul. Dr. Rodriguez said
he had forwarded the photographs
and finger prints on bis own Initiative,
together with a letter to the Honduran
secretary of state, asking his govern
ment to facilitate the early return to
Los Angeles of the prisoner if it
should be definitely established she is
Mrs. Phillips.
Plans to cause the dismissal of her
appeal from a life sentence for having
beaten Mrs. Alberta Tremaine .Mea
dows to death with a hammer, and to
take her direct from Tegucigalpa to
San Quentln prison are said to be
under consideration at the district at
torney's office. . : ' ; ' .
A group of officers to be sent 1 to
bring the woman back to the United
States will be headed by Eugene G.
Biscailuz, under-sheriff, who speaks
Spanish fluently and will contain two
other deputies, a jail matron and Mrs.
Biscailuz. They expect (o leave here
about May S and return about June 8.
"If the woman is Mrs. Phillips, you
may be assured Honduran authorities
will hold her," said Consul Rodriguez.
Extradition papers for Mrs. Phillips
are expected to lie completed in time
to start them to Governor Richardson
at Sacramento tonight.
The case of Jesse C. Carson, one of
her - alleged traveling companions,
wanted here lor arson, probably will
be .taken up by tha county grand jury
tomorrow. It was said by officials an
indictment might have more weight
in extradition than the ordinary com
plaint now on file against him.
TRALEE, Ireland. April 25. (By
the Associated Press) Itichard
Hutheway, James McEnry and John
Oreaney were executed here today by
the free state authorities.
' tHntheway. a doaerter from a Brit
inn regiment, was captured In the
siege of a cave In which a band of
irregulars was holding out on the
Kerry cliffs. I
LONDON, April 25. A Dublin dis
patch to the Times says the free state
government )ias decided to issue re
volvers and ammunition to well dfif
posed citizens for the protection of
their lives and property in view of
the prevalence of robbery, which. In
many instances has been accompa
nied by violence. .
. WASHINGTON, April 25. Orders
of the Inotr-slato commerce commis
sion requiring railroads to begin sola
of Interchangeable mileage books at
20 per cent reduction on regular pas
senger fure rates on May IB, wore re
voked today and the effective dato of
the mileage hooks sals postponed
until Juno 1, 1924.
The action of the commission
which follows tho granting of an In
junction In Boston against the com
mission's order resulted directly from
nn appeal for postponement by west
ern currier.
Lift Off with Fingers
Doesn't hurt a bltl Drop a little
"Freesone" on an aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then "J'ortly
you lift it right off with lingers. Truly I
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freesone" for a few cenU, sufficient to
remove every hard corn, soft corn, or
corn between ths toes, and the calluiei,
jritbaut orene or Irritation,'
CHICAGO, April 26. (By Associat
ed Press). Pittsburg punctured Chi
cago's winning streak of seven games
in the National league and the New
York Yankees by defeating Washing
ton while Detroit was downing Cleve
land for the second successive time,
went into a tie for first place in the
American league in yesterday's major
league program.
The Boston Red Sox took the rub
ber of the three game series with the
Philadelphia Athletics. 3 to 1.
The Pirates broke the Cubs' streak
as an incident to their home opening,
gathering five runs in the fifth inning,
more than enough to win, 7 to 3. .
Cincinnati helped SL Louis cele
brate its home game by scoring three
runs in the ninth inning, 3 to 1.
John Head, a recruit iwirler from
the Eastern league, let the Boston
Braves down with five blngles and
Philadelphia romped off with a 3 to 2
victory. No other games were sched
uled. Yesterday's Baseball
Philadelphia 3; Boston 2.
Pittsburg 7; Chicago 3.
Cincinnati 3; St Ixmls 1.
No others scheduled.
New York 7; Washington 1.
Boston 3; Philadelphia 1.
. Detroit 2; Cleveland 1.
No others scheduled.
Sacramento 4 ; Vernon 6.
Los Angeles 12; PortlandC.
Salt Lake 4; Oakland 2.
San Francisco 9; Seattle 0.
WASHINGTON, April 26. With
President Harding tossing out the
first ball and official Washington, In
eluding members of the cabinet and
the diplomatic corps generally putting
aside work for the occasion, the Na
tionals were here today' tc meet the
Athletics in their first home game of
the 1923 schedule. '
SEATTLE, April 26. Permission
for the University of Washington
crew, which Saturday won the cham
pionship of the Pacific coast by defeat
lug the University of California at
Oakland, to go to Poughkeepsle to
row In the national Intercollegiate re
gatta was voted yesterday by the fac
ulty, athletic committee. A proposal
that the freshmen crew, which was
victorious at Oakland over the Bear
first year men, accompany the varsity
was taken under consideration.
PORTLAND, Ore., April 26. Danny
Nunes of Sacramento, following pre
sentation to him of a belt by the Port
land boxing commission for the feath
erweight championship of the Pacific
coast, won an unpopular ten round de
cision last night over Sailor Kramer
of Los Angeles.
Frankle Grandetta of Spokane and
Joo Levy of Portland, flyweights,
fought a six round draw.
BELLINOHAM, Wash., April 26.
Mickey Hannon of Seattle gained a
six round decision here lust night over
Ben Tracey, Australian lightweight.
Pyno Duncan of Vahcouvor, B. C,
knocked Kid Curley of New Westmins
ter, B. C, out in the Bocond round.
los anueles, April 28. A new
inter-scholastlo record for the four-
man half mile relay was established
a't Occidental college here yesterday
when the Pasadena high school team
covered the distance in one minute, 32
seconds, the former record of one
minute, 32 2-5 seconds was made by
the Lewis institute quartet of Chicago
In 1903 at Northwestern university.
The record was mnde in a trial heat
of tho Southern California Intor-scho-lnstlo
track and field championship
meet. The finals will bo staged ut
Santa Ana Saturday.
BALTIMORE Bob Garcia, feather
weight champion of tho Unltod States
army decisively defeated Kid Williams
former world's bantnmwelght cham
pion, in a 12 round bout
NEW YORK Mike McTlgue Will
cngago In three no-dcclslon bouts in
tho United States before defending his
title against Georges Carpentier, July
H, Joe Jacobs, his manager, an
nounced. i
NEW YORK Each home run nabc
Ruth makes during the month of May
menns $1000 for tho Salvation Army
of Now York. A group of lawyors will
provide the money.
Cut This Out It Is worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with 6c
and mall It to Foley A Co., 2836 Shef
field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your
name and address clearly. You will
receive In return a trial package con
taining Foley's Honoy and Tar Com
pound for coughs, colds and croup;
Foley Kidney Pills for pains In sides
and back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and blnddor aldmonts; and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic for
constipation, biliousness, headaches,
and sluggish bowels. Bold everywhere.
With Medford trad Is Med ford made
Unsurpassed Cooking Speea
This latex New Perfection range is equipped culuAiAf
with SUPERPEX Burners. One burner on everystovebtbd
big Giant Super fex. The others are "Utile Giants"
standard size Surc&rex Burners.
; New Perfection
Oil Stoves
in Medford Call and look at this Oil Stove
Babbitting and Welding
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
Wti Quick Seme rhoae 11
A vi vi rvi vi no
Notv Used JS!ation-Wide V
1ITERALLY tens of tiiousandsof .women are now enthusiastic users of
the NEW PERFECTION Oil Range with SUPERFEX Burners, the rev
olutionizing invention: announced only a year ago. The secret of its
remarkable success is its powerful SUPERFEX Burners. The speed, intensity
" and wide range of their cooking heat is unsurpassed by that or airy other stove.
ThiTnew range, further improved" and equipped with removable porce
"lain enameled burner tray, now brings to country and suburban homes,
for the first time, all the cooking speed and satisfaction of gas. To city
homes, too, it offers pewsaving, its economical fuel costing less than
eighty-five-cent gas - -
See a demomttattonlatiheearest stove dealer's and you'll be convinced.
(Complete witli White Porcelain Enameled Warming Cabinets)
Two-Bumer, $52X0; Three-Burner, $64-00; Four-Burner, $82.00;
. Four-Burner Oven Range, $115.00; rive-Burner Oven Range, $130.00. '
New Tercctioa."iJi Heat'' Ovens from $20 to $7-80 additional.
In addition to the new SOPERFDC modeSeurTong established Blue Chimney models of the NEW
PERFECTION line, used in 4,00000 homes continue to be the world's most satisfactory oil stove
at their lower range of prices.
rv.n-n1 praofli? 45th and Hollis Streets
Sell the Famous
Visible Shell and Associated Gas
Drive on our prease racks ami let us do your dirty work.
A complete line of high grade Eastern nml Western Oils for your
selection. Ajax nml Coast Tires in njl sizes at a big saving to you.
Bring your tube troubles to us.
Armstrong & Wolff
Pacific Highway at Jackson Si root Medford, Oregon
A A Vorly
fcZl HEiUHSj El K TTTTTh ' .
A rrn .
ThevlSurRKEXiuaUthecootingipeedofthcordi- .
nary gas burner and is taster than any other oil burner, except
Its own big brother the GlAKT SUPERfEX. And the big
GtANT itself U unsurpassed even by the giant gas buxnexv
We are Local Dealers for
New Perfection Oil Stoves
and Perfection Ovens
. Phone 516 for Prices or Call for a Demonstration
Flies are a menace to health and happiness. They are nuisance
and should bo kept out of the home. Order your screens now. Our
prices are right, quality the best.
CKltAK CIIKSTS Store away your winter furs, bedding, woolens,
etc.. In one of our "Pacific" Cedar Chests and they will be free from
Moths, Dust and Vermin. Many sizes In stock.
10th and Grape Phone 238
I Stove, wirhont II
cabinet awl II
area ...... 6 OO II