SfEDFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, iMEDPORP, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, XPRITJ 33, "1923 MANN'S : '- THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE MANN'S IN SALE PROPERTY fc PAGE BTff .. -Eflfih yar that Medford has con ducted a city auto camp a number of ral estate . sales have been made in tie oily and county among the auto Jourlats stopping at the grounds, who fell In love with the city and vicinity as a home dwelling locality. -' ' The first sale reported this year Is the purchase by L. Costello of Welaer. Idaho, of a small ranch of two acres Just Inside the city limits of Central Point, and another larger sale of ranch property is expected to result from their first visit here. '., Mr. and Mrs. Costello and children are at the auto camp today, having Arrived yesterday, en route to their neW"home. They are accompanied by George Steele, who is a brother of Mrs. Costello, and also of Welser, who owns a large and valuable ranch In that locality and who. also tired of the cold Idaho climate, is thinking of purchasing a ranch In Jackson County on which to reside, after he is leased his Idaho ranch. .'. Mr. . and Mrs. Costello, who were first attracted to Medford by their 'earning here as auto tourists last summer, spent last Winter in Medford tin until March and then returned to Welser and now have purchased the Central Point property and come beck accompanied by Mr. Steele. M i, i . . i Woolworth Store Launches a Sale The "Assistant Manauer's; Sale" of the F. W. Woolworth Co., is under way this week and mnny loenl and valley people are being attracted by the exceptional bargains that are ttelng offered. Among the special numbers on sale are cretonnes, veil Itpg. : -china, rubberware, . hosiery, glassware and toilet articles. 4 The "Assistant Managers' Sale" "frill last until Saturday night, April 8th, ti .. -, WOMEN FIGHT OVER ELECTION (Continued from page one) Journod the. mezzanine, floor was crowded with clubwomen, arrayed In factions, Who hurled taunts and ridi cule back and forth. Check In Taken Finally .. Mrs. Frank 0. Northrup, who pre sided, as chairman of the -business session, strove throughout the meet ing to keep tbe factions In check and succeeded fairly well, but once out of. bounds they wasted no further time on courtesy. V Delegates chosen to attend tho con vention are Mrs. E. G. Tipton. Mrs. E. C. Clement, Mrs. D. Perry EvanB, Mrs. P. J. Kane, Mrs. Eldon J. Steele, Mrs. R. L. Trestrall, Mrs. J. 0. Oll llngham, Mrs. J. J. Oreenburg. Mrs. R.- W. Jamleson, Mrs. Cora McBride. Alternates will be Mrs. 0. L. Buland, Mr. E- M. Mulley, Mrs. O. E. Rich ards, Mrs. W. H. J. Clark. Mrs. D. M. Watson. Mrs. E. 0. Lelliy, Mrs. S. L. Lock wood, Mrs. W. H. DuBois, Mrs. C;, W. Dean and Mrs. Elliott Moon. '!" COAST HIT BY WALKOUT (Continued from page one) the United States Bhlpplng board, however, said that so far as the ship ping board is concerned, there Is no strike here. There are five ships In the harbor, he reported, but beyond (he usual shifting of crews there was no noticeable effect of the strike to day. He said crews are easily obtain able here and that he didn't antici pate any difficulty In obtaining mon for any places made vacant by the strike. . Tbe waterfront was reported quiet here this morning. NEW YORK, April 25. While po lice today picketed the waterfront preserving the comparative quiet which ushered In the strlko called by t,he marine transport workers' di vision of the I. W. W officials of the organisation, which claims 90,000 members, reported . receiving mes sages from other seaport locals say ing the strike was highly effective at Boston, San Pedro, Cul., Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, Ore., and Now Orleans, 1 . i Members of the I. W. W. union nl Baltimore were said at the national headquarters here to be ready for a general walkout tonight or tomorrow morning' In the first few hours to day there was little evidence of the strike and a check up by police, ship pers and rival union leaders, Indicat ed only 800 of the transport workers' union had stopped work. The I. W. W, officials assertod, however, that the strike would effectualy tie up Bhlpplng when It got under way. Gets Pleasant Surprise 'About 8 months ago my father was very sick Willi his stomach, Which had been troubling him for several years. Thvee doctors said he had cancer and nno snld It was gull Stones all agreed nn operation nec essary, hut on nccount of his age I was afraid to rink It. I told a friend about it who snld his wife had been through the same . trouble and had been cured by taking Mayr's Wonder ful Remedy. I nt once bought a bot tle for my father and he Is now as strong as a bear and can eat more ham and caggnbe than any t men It removes the catarrhal mucous from ho Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which cnuaes prnc tlrnlly all atrtvmu-h, liver ond Intesti nal ailments, Including nppenuicma. One dose will' convince or money re funded. . For sale by nil druggists. V : I APRIL 26, I ir J SsTV APRIL 26, 27, 28, 30 ; FOUR BIG MONEY-SAVING DOLLAR DAYS APRIL 26, 27, 28, 30 Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday Make Your Dollar Do Double Doty During' This Sale! 1564 CUSTOMERS SAVED MONEY AT OUR LAST DOLLAR DAY SALE-WE WANT TO MAKE IT 2000 DURING THIS SALE DOLLAR DAYS IN READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT BATTMB PVfTTrin ATSl In plain and fancy col- ors... $2.00 values CHILDREN'S HATS Made of Good Straw. All sizes. $2.00 values i GINGHAM DRESSES For children. Fast col ors. $1.25 values HOUSE DRESSES For women. Good quality. $1.50 values $ MIDDIES For women and child- Mn CO gn traljtoa Tllia sale I UMBRELLAS Rain proof. Good qua! ity. This sale I DOLLAR DAYS IN WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT Imported quality, 29c value. 4 yards for I DEVONSHIRE CLOTH 32 ..inches., wide. 39o yard, 3 yards for " 1 COTTON CHALLIE 36 inch, new patterns, www roiuvi v jaiua for I DRESS GINGHAM s 27 inches wide, new patterns, 5 1-2 yards for PERCALES 36 inches wide, new pat- tarnQ Qfln inalltv R I yards for CRETONNE 36 inches wide, new Jk . . on. ' ptttbuuis, ova qutuitv. 3 yards for I DOLLAR DAYS IN CORSET DEPARTMENT CORSETS Women's New Model Corsets, $2.00 values I A VI A A VVS WW J.W a Made of fine Crepe, J) $1.75 values. This sale I BLOOMERS Women's Crepe and Nainsook Bloomers. Values ' to $1.00, 2 for I Xi A HTTT A TTV DAHUAaUA jsv For women. Regular p price 09c. 2 for I BLOOMERS For children, in Dimity and Muslin, 69o value. 2 for- ..' i BRAISSLERES For' women, made of muslin T?iiilnr nrlro ' Q.w r. ... 69c, 2 for-i- BE ONE OF THEM DOLLAR DAYS IN MEN'S DEPARTMENT UNDERWEAR Athletic Union Suits, 75c value. 2 suits for -.: $ WORK SHIRTS Made ,of Blue Cham bry. Double Shoulders. $1.25 value. This sale $ NIGHT SHIRTS Men's Muslin Night Shirts, $1.25 yalues 1 MEN'S SHIRTS . 300 New Dress Shirts, some with collars at- tached. This sale SATINE SHIRTS Men's Black Satine Shirts. All sizes, $1.25 values " UNDERWEAR i Men's Athletic Union Suits. All sizes, $1.25 values DOLLAR DAYS , IN LACE DEPARTMENT VAL LACE " New patterns, 10c val- p ues. 25 yards for TORCHEON LACE Fine quality. Some thing new, 15c quality, 0 yards for $ VAWTTV In patent leather. Good $1.75 quality. Special CAMISOLE LACE " In white and cream, -39c p value. 4 yards for HANDKERCHIEFS . In "plain and fancy col- ors, 15o values. 10 ' for RATINE TRIMMING New colors, 48c value. 3 yards for , $ DOLLAR DAYS IN NOTION DEPARTMENT CROCHET COTTON Coats best quality, 15o ball, 8 balls for LEATHER BELTS In a great variety of styles. Regular 69c values. 2 for i NECKWEAR Lace Collar and Ves- tees to matcn. ueguiar 69c values. 2 for $ BEAD NECKLACES In a great variety of styles and colors, $1.25 values. Special ' $ KAYSER'S GLOVES Chamoisette, in all col ors. 69c values, 2 pair for . '' $ GLOVES Women's Kid Gloves, ; J Odd sizes and , colors. ' $3.00 values, now pair DOLLAR DAYS IN DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT SHEETS 72x90 Bleached Seemed Sheets. Cheap at $1.25. This sale I HUCK TOWELS Fancy Colored Huck Towels, 60c vjallies. 2i for $ WASH CLOTHS In plain ard fancy Etyles. 15c quality. 8 for MUSLIN C 36 inch Daisy Bleached J Muslin. Regular price 23c. 5 yards for SHEETING d 63 inch Bleached and A Unbleached Sheeting, j) 60c values; 2 yards for . TURKISH TOWELS ' . Large size in plain and X fancy colors, 35c values. 4 for DOLLAR DAYS IN HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. SILK HOSE ft Women's Pure Silk A Hose in black and col- tp ors. $1.75 values. Spe cial ' CHILDREN'S HOSE Made of fine cotton in black and white, 25c values. 5 pair for LISLE HOSE For women, in all col ors. 39c values. 3 pair for I SILK HOSE For women, in black and white, 85o values. ' 2 pair for WOMEN'S HOSE C In fine Lisle, in all col- ors. 69c values, 2 pair for HALF. SOCKS For children, in all col- $ . T ors, 29c values, for 4 pair DOLLAR DAYS IN UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT UNDERWEAR Women's Summer vests. All styles, reg ular 35o values. 4 for ATHENA UNION SUITS . All styles and sizes. Regular price $1.25. Special, suit $ KAYSER'S VESTS ! Bodice and Built Up Tops, Regular price, Y. 59c. "2 for UNION SUITS . For women, Bodice and Built Up Tops. Regu- lar 75c values. 2 for WOMEN'S VESTS Bodice and Built Up Tops, 19o value. 6 for $ CHILDREN'S VESTS In all sizes, fine quality, 39c values... 3 for DON'T DELAY FOR THESE ARE DOLLAR DAYS Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Medford, Oregon MAKE YOUR DOLLARS BUY MORE DURING THIS SALE MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED POSTAGE PREPAID . AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Adv. Wl.i.lili.illl.iLI,.lJ -.r:,iiK7r""