page mo. MEDFORDTAJL TRIBUNE. -MEDFORD. ORECON. WEDNESDAY. 'APRIL 25. 1923 f ocal and, Personal The city Is making money at the city, auto camp these days, which will aid In getting back some of tbe (200(1 or more which Is being spent by tbe municipality in improving the grounds. Sixteen cars of tourists spent the night at the camp last night, lii teen cars were guests Monday night and fourteen cars on Sunday eight At fifty cents a car charged this make3 45 cars at the camp this week so far at fifty cents a car, bringing In a total of $22.60. And the auto tourist season is Just beginning, or rather it is not started yet. Hence it can be seen that by the time tho season closes late next fall the city will have taken in a substantial sum at the auto camp. Cortlcelli hose are perfectly fash ioned and will meet the most fastidi ous requirements of tbe best dressed women. . -, 31 How .Is this? Best quality . baby chick scratch (3.10 per hundred. But termilk egg mash $3.00 per hundred while they last. . Watklns Feed. Store. Phone 269. . , ' 41 .'Reports, that numerous local flshe mea have been successful in Bear .creek, lately , and that tbe fishing in that stream is better than It has been in years are prevalent about town, it Is reported that P. C. Blgham took 30 fish from Bear Creek last Sunday. "They do say that strong men stood up and .cheered at tbe .Gaiety theatre Wednesday night and ; gave 'Stop Thief fifteen., and . sixteen curtain calls after the second act." New York Globe., - - 29 . Have your ruga washed on your own floors most , convenient, . sanitary method, kills genua, no dust raised. Get your order In early. E. L. Davis, Phone 644. ... 211 Stark St 30 - With the .best wishes .of his many friends in tbe city. for good fortune in every way fred .T. Mears,.city attor ney of Medtord for the past six and one-half years and prominent in the City's other activities, left this after noon to Join lira. Mean and. their son James in the family's new borne at Los Angeles. Mr. Mears. recently re signed, his city position and was suc ceeded by John H. Carkin. Fred, the other son of Mr. and Mrs. Mears 1b attending Redlanda college in Califor nia. . - Reliners for fabric end cord tires. Medford Vulcanizing Works. tl' ' Quick Lunch seed potatoes at War ner, Wortman & Gore. 29 , Rufus Holman, .county commission e'r of Multnomah county, was a bus! ness visitor 'in Medford Wednesday Air.. Holman was responsible for the Interstate bridge between Portland and Vancouver, Wash. , - i The latest novelty dreBS ornaments in corsage flowers, and neck orna ments. Handicraft Shop. 31 ' Do not buy an electric washer until we have": demonstrated the new May tag to you. i Crater Lake Hardware Co. !-:,' i ' -.- , tf Medford was fortunate in securing a booking for Monday evening of "The Wheel of Life" starring Elsie Fergu son. A number of local people made the trip last night by motor, to wit ness the play, and report it to have been a splendid . production. Going from this city were Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilson, Mrs. Frank Loland, Mr. and MrSi: John Hampshire, Mrs. Jennie Moss, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Herman, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mashburn, Miss Alice LoVelace, Don Kearns, and Jo seph Harper. Grants Pass Courier. Our prices are right on fluff ruga Phone 610-M. " . 30 Auto Insurance. Brown & White.' '- Mrs. Law of Rogue River who spent the week end With her daughter, Mrs Barto, returned to her ranch on EvanB Creek yesterday. Tonight Is' pay night for Co. A National Guard. . 29 Closing out ,sle at Murphy's Junk House, lit So. Front street. Must go. The city water board waa to havo held a regular .meeting at the city hall last night, but (ailed to do so as a quorum was lacking.-. (Those members present held an Informal . discussion on various water situation features. The next regular meeting of the board will be held the second Tuesday In April.,; -..', . j Big. popcorn that will pop big,:threo pounds for 26c while it lasts, i .Warner, Wortman & Gore's. ' . 33 - Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf There was born on April 16th to Mr, and Mrs. C F. Buchanan in.. Seat tle, a daughter. . Airs. Buchanan was formerly Miss Boyer ot Medford. Children's -silk. half, socks In pink, blue. 'White and beige. , Handicraft 8hop. ....... , .. . , 31 , Opening , dance. Lake .Creek hall, Crescent orchestra, Friday, April 27th. ' ' I.'- ...I, ... , 30 ( The condition of Sam T. RlcbardBOn operated upon ten days ago In a Port land hospital for stomach trouble. shows a steady and favorable improve ment according to word received in this city Tuesdny. "The ViBit With the Absentees,", so much enjoyed In Medford on April 1llh will h nut nn In tho I. f). O K" hall at Central Point, ThurBday nighi, April 26. Prlco 15 and it cents. Don't miss this visit; it may be our last. 29 Hemstitching at Deuel's. 38 Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 BCLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief CLL-ANS lit tr.0 754 Pfcsj, Everywhere - At the annual meeting of the Crater Lake National Park company today in tbe Multnomah hotel all of the old officers were re-elected. Tbey Include: President, Eric V. Hauser; vice presi dent, R, W. Price;. secretary treasurer. A. E. Tweeddale. . They, with tbe fol lowing, comprise the board of direc tors: R. W. Chllds, George T. Collins and V. H. Vawter. Plans for opening ot Crater Lake lodge were discussed and prediction was made that more tourists will visit this scenic wonder in 1923 than during any former year. Improvements In accommodations at the lodge started last year will be rushed to completion. Portland Tele gram. . , .!.'', ' . Tonight Is pay night for "(Co. A. National Guard. :-r-":' 29 pance Gold Hill Pavilion Thursday. 29 Attorney Gordon J. Roach of Duna muir, Calif., spent Tuesday In the city attending to business matters in this city and Jacksonville. , Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co. - ; ' tf , It you don't need fluff ruga, others do. . Sell us your old carpets. . Phone 510-M. .... .., .. .'. . . , .. .30 . Another , game of the high .school inter-class baseball series will . be played this evening after school when the Freshmen meet the Juniors! Cortlcelli silks, .the, best tor wear. Handicraft Shop. , . , 31 Box social and program at Lone Pine school Friday, April 27, 8 p. to. , -2? Elmer 8pencer, representative of Blythe-Wltter company is a Medford business visitor from Portland. , . . . You can get it at DeVoe's. tf Corbin Edgell has returned home from a visit at Seattle. Mrs. Minnie Slead of Rock Point was among the out of town visitors in the city Tuesday afternoon. , i Axmlnster, Brussels and Velvet rugs cleaned like new. . Best of refer ences! Fluff Rug Works. Phone 610-M ; - . 33 Genuine Bosch, Magneto parts and repairs. Electric , Shop, , Eighth and Bartlett i , - : , , ' tf An urgent call is made tor a large attendance of the High School Parent Teachers association Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock, April 26. ' There is Important business to come before the meeting; election ot officers tor tbe coming year, formulation of plans for the annual convention in Medtord and concluding matters of the president's term being included. A. fine program will be presented followed by refresh ments. .This is to be one of tbe big meetings and much depends on the number In attendance. The . Medford Vulcanizing Works sells 30x3 V4 tires for $8.60. tf After the fire It Is too late to Insure. See Redden & Canaday pow. Miles Cantrall of Ruch spent Tues day in the city looking after business matters. - .' . Hemstitching makes the neatest and best finish for your spring sewing. Handicraft Shop. . , ..31 .! Opening dance, Lake Croeit hall, Crescent orchestra, Friday, April 27tli. . .. . . ... : 30 James Smith, a resident of Jackson ville, Jackson county, ; was. an over night visitor here last night register ing at the Vandran hotel. Albany Democrat. . . Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. . First class work and prompt service.. . tf . Expert car washing and polishing. Phone 73 and "Little Hip" will call tor your car and deliver It when the Job Is finished. 33 The midweek public market of to day, was featured by the continued de mand for .choice tomato plants being sold there, despite the continued chilly weather for, growing, .Fresh, grown vegetables are also coming. Into the market in larger supply. . . Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. .- - . There's a busy , . Business . College In Medford. , OWN. . Attorney James S T. ,Chlpnock-of Grants Past transacted legal business in he city and, county seat Tuesday. ; All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber, , Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main., . -,, , . .. . Opening . dance, Lake Creek hall. Crescent orchestra, Friday, April 27th. .-. ... ' v , - 30 .Mrs. Hen Sheldon arrived here yes terday from her; home nt Hollywood, Calif., for a visit with Mr., and Mrs. Jack. Wetlle. .She waa accompanied by .Mr. Sheldon by auto . as far, as Son Fronolsco, and then came on by train to Medford, . . - .. We can still furnish spray hose tor 20 cents per toot.. Crater Lake Hard ware Co. ....... ... tf i Car oak flooring at Medtord Lbr. Co. ' , ; tf . Miss Mary Brown of Medford is in Roseburg for a few days' Btsy with friends, and Is also visiting in Garden Valley with her sister, Mrs. Adriau Hulbert, Boseburg News-Hovlqw, Several loads ot ashes, good , for filler or walks, tor the hauling, In. rear of Mall Tribune office. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. . ... , J. C. Pendlotnn ot tho Table Rock district spent Tuesday afternoon in the city on business, , When better automobiles are built. Buick will build them. ' If Opening dance, Lake Creek hall Crescent orchestra, Friday, April 27th. 30 Airplane patrol of tho forests of Oregon will be maintained again this year on the same basis as last year, acoordlng to. Information received by F. A. Elliott, state forester, yesterday from Senator McN'ary, who explains that he has assurance o( tho service from the war department. Kugone will again be made the base of operations for the planes. , Deuel's Art Dept. D, Jt, C. crochet thread, white 15c, colored 18c. , J. M. Bnodlcor. . 31 Gladlola and Canna bulbs. ' Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J 2. tf Sergeant Grover'C. Owen from the main recruiting station in . Portland bas taken charge of tbe sub-recruitini; office here, relieving Sergeant Lucy who has been here tor some time past. Regular army men are now allowed to wear civilian clothes while off duty. Enlistments are now open In all branches of the United States army. Any Information regarding enlistment may be had from Sergeant Owen at room 253 Federal building, Medford. Colonial Garage for tire service. Before you have your rugs cleaned get our prices. Fluff Rug Works, Phoen 610-M. . -30 Dr. J. J.. Emmen8, was Uku' to Sacred Heart hospital yesten' ' 111 with .pneumonia. , Ho waa taken sick last week with the flu, which devel oped Into pneumonia after several days and which is reported to be quite serious. , No Improvement was noted In his condition today and neither was it regarded as any more serious than yesterday. R. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe's. Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Ralpl W. Hand of Cottage Grove won the wrestling match Friday night at Sutherlln, two fallfl out of three. Tbe first was won with a beadlock, the second a toe hold. Many tans from Cottage Grove were in atten dance. Hand weighs 160 pounds and his opponent, Norbeck, 190 pounds, but Hand won without any trouble. Eugene Guard. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Spray hose 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf Emll Brltt and Dr. J. C. Robinson of Jacksonville Bpent Tuesday after noon In the city. We have good values in used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. There was no frost in Medford last night, and for the first time in several days past no. frost is predicted from the San Francisco weather bureau for tbe next tew days in this locality. The lowest temperature . of this morning was 32.9,. and fair weather is the pre diction for Thursday. A cloudy condi tion arising during tbe night warded away ttbe predicted , frost . for' last night For sand, gravel, sediment and team work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street ; Phone 9 12-J. We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes tbe Insurance Man. Mrs. Frank Lewis of Eagle Point was among the out of town visitors In the city. Tuesday afternoon. Ponce Gold Hill Pavilion Thursday. ' 29 J. Court Hall is confined to his home on South Central avenue by a Blight Illness. Helman baths, Ashland, Ore., opens for the season Saturday, April 29tb. ... . 31 The first meeting of tbe men's club of St.. Mark's Parish will be held, at the Parish House tonight. The club was organized two weekB ago with a membership of forty. ' NO REST-NO PEACE . There's no peace and little rest for the one who suffers from a bad back, and ' distressing urinary ' disorders. Medford neoole recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Bo guided by their ex perience. Ask your; neighbor!' ;. Mrs. B. H, Morse, 243 H.'Holly St., Medford says: "My kidneys were in a bad condition and I had lumbago so badly I could hardly straighten my back. I suffered from dluy spells. My kidneys acted ' Irregularly, too they helped me from the first and until I used Doan's Kidney Pills, but four boxes entirely removed all Bigns of ,the complaint." Price COc at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney, Pills the same that Mrs. Moore had. Foster-MUburn Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. Adv. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 80 acres, partly improved .two milea from Crater Lake high- way. H mile from county road ; run ning stream through place; 40 acres timber; good range; 26 miles from Medford. Terms easy. Inquire 91! Beekman Ave., R. 1, Medford, Ore. 31 WANTED Situation on ranch, orch ard or general farm work; 20 years , experience. 227 E. Sixth St Phone . 671-R. 30 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay at O. E. Mar shall's, S. Oakdale, IS and 1 12 per ton. Tel. 115-J. 30 WANTED Can now do any delayed grafting; can furnish scions. C. V. Austin. Phono 638-L." 31 V Real .as, m French Pastries will be ..featured, at, the Rex Pastry Shop Watch thia . space for announcement A .Handicraft Shop. , Hemstitching. . Buttons covered. . Plcotlng. 3o per yard. The I. W.'.W. strike for Klamath Falls and vicinity has' been called for today. This was snnounccd in circu lars distributed. The -men are urged to go put for a few days and show the lumbermen what they can do,' accord ing to news telegrams from that city. McElroy's orchestra, Mr. Jazz him self. . Pavilion. Tuesday and Friday ot next week. 32 . Mrs. Wilbur Jones and son. Junior, returned .the .first ot the week from Medtord, where (hey had been visiting relatives and friends for a week. Klamath Falls Herald. Helman baths, Ashland, Ore., opens for the season Saturday, April 29tb. 31 Mrs. Helen E. Curtis of Los Angeles arrived tbe first of the week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Myrl Garnett and family. Cole McElroy's famous Jazz orches tra. Fair Grounds Pavilion. Tcssday, May 1st and Friday, May 4th. 32 Word has been received from E. L. King, superintendent of the Southern Pacific railroad, that he will arrivet here from the aorta tomorrow morn ing to spend the day with city officiab conferring about the proposed Sixth street subway and changes in tracks asked for recently by the city council. It is presumed that Ben Dev. the Southern Pacific attorney, will accora-' pany him. Helman baths, Ashlapd, Ore., opens . for the season Saturday, April 2Sth. , The Jackson and Josephine branch 1 ot the. Oregon Bankers, association! met last night at Grants Pass for their regular monthly meetipg.' ' Just back from the east. Cole Me-! Elroy and bis famous orchestra. , Fair j Grounds Pavilion next Tuesday.' . 32 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston arrived ' In the city this morning from their visit at San Francisco, enroute ' to their borne in the Applegate section.' After Effect of Flu Is Entirely Overcome See the Back Iage C He Gained -35 Pounds and Health Fully Restored by Tanlac, . Declares Jorgen son. Never Felt Better. "I never thought It possible for anything to give me such quick and lasting results as Tanlac has," re cently said John F. Jorgenson, 1109 E. 15th St. N., Portland, Ore. "Several years ago an attack of the flu left me all run-down and weak as a baby. Nothing tasted right, and it was almost impossible for me to eat anything. For days at a time a little milk and .crackers was all I could Stand, and even that' had to be forced. I had ' lost between thirty- five and forty pounds, and after I had been out of bed more than a mpnth and didn't feel any better, why I began to get uneasy. I was actually too weak to bring a scuttle of coal up from the basement, and it looked like I was never going to get any better. "It was a lucky day for me when I got Tanlac for that's when my im provement began. ' I was back ' at work after taking three bottles, but I took seven bottles all told, and by that time had gained thirty-five pounds and never felt better m my life. I have enjoyed splendid health ever, since, and .there's nothing too good I can say for Tanlac" Tanlac Is for nale by all good drug gists. Take no substitute. Oyer 35 million bottleB sold. Adv. PAGE Monday Night, May 7 Mail Orders Sow. Prices: Lower Floor, $2.73;: Balcony, 1st 4 rows, 82.20; next '.4 rows, $1.03; next 3 rows, $1.10; last 2 rows, 55c. Includes Tax. , . ' v . To Theatre Goers ofThis - City and Suburban Localities. ; Mt sis :a 'pleasure, to ,a' theatre manager, to announce an engagement of Mr. Walker.hitesjde, for it is an assurance to. patrons that they 'will, witness , the. highest form of artistic acting,, not only by the star but my Mr. Whiteside's associate players as well. - May, I add that it is doubly gratifying to announce tha Mr. Whiteside will bring to this theatre his new play, "THE HINDU," which he presented to splendid audiences in both New yprk and Chicago, and which has been sensa tionally successful during the star's trans-continental tour. Here w& have a triple combination that should at tract , .the most brilliant t audiences of ! the year:. " MR. WHITESIDE, A FINE NEW YORK COMPANY, and a THRILLING COLORFUL PLAY. ' ' ' City and Out of. Tov.-n-.MiiH Orders Received Xow ... BOX OFFICK.84US t-ttlUAVI.XOON' ; j i S Hi P A CF. MONDAY NIGHT 1 A MJ APRTT, 30 fft-nn pnrtain') Speediest. peppiest. - - breeziest. funniest, musical revue SAfl FRANCISCO HAS SEEN IN YEARS" . SOMETHINS NEW! SOMETHING DIFf ERENII V (ERDlCTi WORLD'S GREATEST DANCING SHOW EWEESITH I RUCKER uuZZHQlMS I andPERRIM WITH CREOLE BEAUTY. , ., ' CHOKUSmwCOMPANYor r" ', . ! asvsmY- five. SLCCK BERRY ' CORDIAL- IN TWO SWALLOWS' ' PRICES : ' (Including War-Tax) ' ' , ' " Lower Floor $2.20; Balcony, 1st 4 rows, $1.65; next i rows, $1.10; next 3 rows 85c. Last' 2 rows 55c. WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. LAYMEN,, CONNOISSEURS SEE THIS PLAY! BEGINNING TODAY Edwin Garewe presents PRICES Adults 35o Kiddies 10c with'aa exceptional cast lieaded-by DOROTHY MACKAILL (The Talented Follies Beauty) JAMES RENNTE and a Dog whose intellect rivals that of "Strong heart." There have been photoplays possessing larger set-" tings, larger casts, more famous stars and more sen sational developments, but the screen's most merci- less critics agree that no drama has ever been so VV -.J perfectly blended, the many elements of hilarious . .v comcay, patnos, love mystery and excitement. W- x deed, a rare gem among plays and more than that AN IDEAL ACCOMPLISHED. Baby Peggy Comedy "Tips" v' ;'.' Pathe News " Betty, Wonder Organist f rK A' & JMuSJnlii -Vf i -ilii 'i:' There Is Something 'iri' the Picture You yon't See on the -. I i Screen ,i Sunday only ' Dustin Farnum in ' in "IRON TO GOLD" IQ 4- i