ETEDrOITO BUTE " TOIBtnTE, ' KIEDFORP,- 'OKmoy," WEDNESDAY,' flPHIE 25, T9?3 GEORGE MANSFIELD EXPLAINS THE - STATE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAW PAGE TEN ! To the Editor: I have received a great many In quiries as to whnt is being done ty the Vortlnnd Chamber of Commerce in firdt'T to raise the tund proponed by them and co-operate with the farmer organizations Jn solving the marketing problem and developing the reRources of the state. As Is generally understood, the xtnto chamber of commerce has been doing considerable work with the various chambers of commerce throughout the state In a preparatory way. But they, as well as the Oregon state farm bureau federation, have been waiting for the Portland cham ber of 'commerce to raise the fund proposed by them, and agree with the state chamber and farm bureau on a program of work. There has been some criticism from '.different quarters as to the delay In raising this fund, but I want , to say that tliOBO who trus crltlciso the Portland chamber of commerce do not realize the great difficulties In bringing largo number of men to full agree ment upon a plan of this magnitude, nor do they reullzo the great progress tnai nun been made within the Port land chamber of commerce within the last few months. I wish to sny as emphatically as possible thnt I have no doubt but that the fund will bo raised, that the plans will bo perfected and agreed Uon by the Portland chamber, the state chnmber and the farm bureau, and that as It progresses a i closer sympathy and understanding be tween the organized farmer mind and tho organized business mind will re sult In a closer and more sympathetic understanding of their mutunl prob lems between tho chnmbers of com merce that constitute tho state chamber nnd the Portland chamber of commerce. Few people rcnllze the magnitude of tho task Involved In formulating a plan for state develop ment and orderly marketing of agri cultural products and furm organi zation, nnd getting it under way In such a wiiy thut once started tho ma chinery will function smoothly. It Is much better to proceed slowly than to start with an ill considered and in complete plan of action. After consulting the secretary of tho stato chamber of commerce and of tho Portland chambor - of com merce, as ono of the first steps toward securing unity of action, I have de cided to osk the different chambers of commerce situated throughout th stato as well as the agricultural com mlttee of tho Portland chamber of commerce, to put themselves more closely in touch with the organized farmer mind, by taking out for som of their members lifo memberships in tho furm bureau: such, members to be. soloctod from persons qualified for membership fn tho farm bureau. I have accordingly prcparod and sub' jnltted to the Modford chambor of commerce . the following resolution . "Jtesolvod that- thoWedford chain bor of commorce select from Its mem bcrshlp t members who own and oporuts farms and aro specially quail fled by roason of both buslnoss an farming experience, and toko for them life memberships In tho farm bureau; such members to coiiBtltuto an agricultural committee of the chamber of commerce. Wo believe that this plan will result In groat good by promotion of a better understand ing of our mutual problems, securo 'uniform notion by tho farmer and business mind on each problem as It Is tukon up, and will constitute a por mancnt machlnory through which to secure results." During the past threo years I have given a groat deal of earnest study as to how we enn solve the problem of agricultural and state prosperity Oregon. I am fully convinced that wo can only Bolve 11 by nction as united people without regard to oc- cupntlon, creed, or political bins. Wo must create in Oregon nn Oregon spirit. That spirit is simply tho con sclousness of a united people, united in an endeavor to make their suite. great and their peoplo prosperous. united and happy. I. am convinced now, as I havo nlwaya been, that - radical and ill considered action by tho organize farmer ran never securo results for WUVKmowm MrBlDnmm n ' UCK1PT HOOK AVTMOAj (. JPILES! ftun It no nirrint like tht tw tor from piles. This contlnaal suffering react, upon the nervous ayetem and mar cvantun ...... I eomplele phvllcal breakdown. Is not nscsessrr to endure the Oftorofrompllea when quick, aurt relief la rlsht at hand. br. A. VV. Chsee's Ointment relleveepllee at two treatment le persisted In, It afford. .,ng benefit. Dr.Yw. Chases Ointment Is nationally famous as a remedy tor piles, so. terns, ring worm, eoro feet, hires. Insect bites, pimples, blackheads, cnsnns.ehsppedhends.ohllblslns. goat silt and all akin Irrltstlonl; Read what Arthur Fl.urr of u Ruth !, New Bedford, Mere. .'l,.n,!?ll?r' A-F- Chaso'sOlnt. from 'to 1 of fallal," l 2.5.,.B B'- Ctxt't Olnt. Blent si all drus stores. Tobesura Itetllns the .enulne, ... ,h.t eortralt and olf nature of A. W. Crises. M O. are on each boa your sWotscUoa against imitations. N.A.W. CHASE MEDICINI CO, W Waehlnstos t, Buffalo. N.. , him, but that he must propose a plan so sound and well considered that will receive the support of the ma Jorlty of all the people of the state, We are confronted not with th farmer problem alone, but we are confronted with an Oregon problem, ana a national promem. . "United we stand, Divided we fall.' The way has been clearly 'pointed out to us. Consider what California has done by united effort on the part of all its people, without rofer'enco to occupation. A contrast between the achievements of Oregon and of California cannot but Joe humiliating to Oregontans. The Californlons have co-opera Cud, In Oregon we havo not. In my opinion we have In Oregon a stato with much greater natural re- sources than California, In climate, in scenery. In sou fertility, In every nat ural resource, but in Oregon we are a divided people. The farmer and the business man do not meet as or ganlzod bodies on a common ground We aro torn by dissensions, and as long as this continues, California will go forward leaving us fnr behind. It is so npparcnt that co-operation tho answer to our problem that cannot conceive how any person who endeavors to inform himself can any longer doubt it. Tho Rogue Itlvcr valley Is an em plre within and of itself. I hope that tho Medford chamber of commerce will tako favorable action on this poposltlon. The state chamber of commerce, ' tho Portland chamber of commorce and the state farm burea federation aro acting in perfect har- mony. My association with Mr. Dodson, the manager of the Portlnnd chnm ber, has enabled mo to gain an ac qunintnnce with the intensity of pur pose with which he is going about this endeavor to build here a greater Oregon, 11 greate.r people, and greater agriculture. There can be no doubt about the sincerity and earnestness of purpose of all parties. Within a very short timo I nm confident that all our plans will bo perfected and. we will have entered upon the campaign which to decide whether Oregon shall oc cupy a subordinate position, whether Portland Is to remain simply an over grown town, or whether Portland shall become the New York of the Paciflo coast and Oregon the first state of the Pacific northwest. GEO. X. MANSFIELD. Pres. Ore. Farm Bureau Federation ISSUE LAST CALL FOR C. OF C. VOTES All votos in tho primary election of directors of the Medford chamber of commerce must be In the possession of the tollers before 7:30 tills evening, otherwise they will not be counted. Up to the noon hour today there were one hundred and fifty-six votes cast and unless there Is a rush of voting during the Inst minute, tho directors will be nominated by a small proportion of the membership Instead of the majority of the total member ship expressing their opinion as to whom they doslre to elect The eighteen members receiving the largost number of votes will be voted upon at the final election for which ballots will be mailed to every mem ber. ANOTHER DIVIDEND Dividend and Intorest checks total ling about 148,000 woro mailed to over 1300 stockholders of the Cali fornia Oregon Power company today. Tho dividend was for the quarter ending April 15 nud was tho seventh consecutive quarterly dividend that has been paid on Copco preferred stock since Its issuance less thun two yenrs ngo. Accompanying each check wns a letter personally signed by Paul B. McKco, first vice-president and gen eral munngor. Informing tho stock holder of thu accomplishment of tho company for the past quarter. The letter announced the opening of a I now transmission lino from Grants ass to tho pumping plants of tho Grants Pass Irrigation District. The new lino. It is slated, is iiIho being xtended to tho quarry of the Heaver nrtlnnd Cement company at Wilder- lllc thirteen miles southwest of Grnuls Puss. AT G, PASS FRIDAY The Cave Men's rnrnlvnl la tn be held at Grants Pass on Flidnv and Saturday cvennlg of this week and Uig Eruption Hub Hoyl of tho Craters requests that ns mnny of the Craters as nm possibly attend do so on Sat- rony evening. 801110 splendid entertainment Is to bo furnished nnd a verv Bond hnv Ins- card has been arrangeds All of this Is to take place at the Josephine county fair grounds. t. raters who contemplate attending ins carnival snould report to the nnniDcr of Commorce office In order get the rnrs filled instead of a lnt of cars going half cmntv. Tho Illg Kruutlon renlipsta llmr ), Prater wear their badge. The Electrical "How' for Householders THE Electrical "How" for Householders is a booklet- which explains in detail how to get the full benefits of electricity. It not only shows the latest electrical household devices and appliances but how to get more service from them and from the whole electrical installation. It explains why it is cheaper to use standard materials and employ qualified electrical contractors. And it shows the value of the "Check" Seal as a helpful guide in identifying them. This seal, established by the Pacific States Electric Company, the largest distributors of electrical merchan dise on the Pacific. Coast, 'appears upon a complete line of electrical merchandise,- each item of which has been inspected and certified as standard such for example as the Hotpoint appliances here displayed. The ."Check" Seal also helps to identify contractors and dealers who operate on the basis of good workman ship, standard materials and fair prices. These men can be relied upon to furnish a complete and satisfac tory installation and standard electrical merchandise. Ask any contractor-dealer who displays the "Check" Seal for the booklet "The Electrical How for House holders" -or write to the nearest office, of this company. It is free upon application. Ask for the "Check" Seal. " ' dealers and electrical contractors who display the "Check" Seal. BCIFIC STL7VTE! ELECTRIC. COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELt'S OAKLAND PORTLAND SEATTLE SPOKANE HOTPOINT VALVELESS PER COLATOR Made of nickeled copper in art artistic design. Equipped with the standard Hotpoint per colating apparatus and safety switch which cannot get out of order and prevents damage if the percolator is allowed to boil dry. Starts perco lating 30 seconds after the current is turned on. "S U PE R" A VT0MAT1C HOTPOINT HUGHES This range has an automatic time and temperature control, elimi--nating the housewife's close confinement to the kitchen. Equipped with replaceable heating units, either open coil or sheath wire. The oven has two units for broiling and roast ing. The Hotpoint-Hughes js ' electricity's answer to good and easy cooking. T. H. REO. 1S2I Ask for this Set IoaWwwiaobgon7 1 power. company IN PKOliKtS QUALITY The Pacific States Electric company, the Electrical Deal ers of Medford and the Califor nia Oregon Power company co-operate to give you the best STANDARDIZATION SERVICE and most complete electrical guaranteed appliances. Check Seal dealers are quality deal ers. We give both our unquali fied approval. . . service which can be had any where. Check Seal .appliances are THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY The Home of CHECK SEAL GOODS People's Electric Store Phone 12 Medford, Oregon 212 W. Main St. A. B. CUNNINGHAM 0. 0. ALENDERFER Hdtp Better Cooking with the oirit Hughes Electric Range Paul's Electric Store Main and Central Established 1914 ,, . It