Bringing 10 r FIND NO GOLF COURSE IN VALLEY l Again was the conspicuous lack of golf links In Medford brought to at tention when Captain T. C, Davis, English veteran of the word war and sterling actor with "The Wheel of Llfe" company, in which Elsio Fer guson starred here at the Page, last jnight, called up H. Chandler Egan by .telephone on Sunday morning, the .company having arrived in the city from San Francisco on Saturday 'sight, and inquired if Medford bad a .'golf course. , . I He was much disappointed to learn , tuat the city was sadly lacking in golf 'facilities. However Mr. Egan and several others at onco took charge of Cnptaln Davis1, and' some of the other jFnglish actors of the company, and the party spent a large part of the day (looking over available golf links in the vicinity of Medford. . Last evening at the Hotel Medford jtl-.e captain' expressed the wfsh before ;the company's departure this morn- .MllC for Elieenp flint, whpn hp npyt visited Medford he hoped this city jwould have a golf course where he . The Y. V. C. A. drive started, this morning, the captains reporting ; as follows at noon: Mrs..Loraine Cornish $ 52.00 Miss Fern Daily 32.50 Mrs. F. C. Edmeades 96.00 Mrs. J. W. Klrkpatrick 43.85 Mrs. E. V. Maddox ..... 7.00 Mrs. Alex Sparrow ... 95.00 Mrs. R. W. Stearns 76.00 Mrs. C. T. Sweeney . 85.30 Mrs. Abble Thomas 11.00 Mrs.- E. E. Wilson .... 26.50 Mrs. H. G. Wortman ....... ' 59.59 Total ........... $587.65 'Livestock PORTLAND, pre., April 24. Cat tip nominally steady; no 'receipts. Prlmtf yearlings, steers $S.758.85. Hogs 25c lower; receipts 15t4 (550 and 775 contract'). Prime light $9.009.25. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., April 24. But tcr easier; extra cubes 3637c; un der grades 3435c; prints, full boxes 40c; half boxes 40V4c; cartons 41c; dairy buying price nominal. Butter fat f. o. b. Portland 39c. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., April 24. .Wheat, bard white, bluestem, baart $1.36; soft white, western white $1.28; northern spring, western red $1.21; hard winter $1.20. . Today's car receipts Wheat 40; barley 1; flour 1; corn 3; hay 13. San Francisco Market SAN FRANCISCO, April 24. (U. . S. Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics ) Eggs, extra pullets 29c; un dersized pullets 21c. i SAN FRANCISCO, April 24. But terfat pound 46c t. o. b. San Fran cltco. 8 AN FRANCISCO, April 24. i (State Division of Markets.) Broil ers 304fte. PERL FUNERAL HOM1 At Your Servloe Ij or Night Information Cordially Gives Cor. 8 th and Oakdale j could play. -lilffiCIED INY1C1DRIVE up father oh: I 0Ot)T THINK .THl-b RADIO l& WONDERFUL' JlllnT. LlfiTFW - i - 2n THAvT1 ALU I DO 1 6 LISTEN! r R. R. EXPRESSMEN ASK CHICAGO, April Z4. Formal re quest for pay Increase, the, first of many such requests expected within the next few months, has been filed with the. United States railroad labor board by the Order of Railroad ex pressmen, it was announced today.' This request asks tor a ton cent per hour boost for each of the seventy thousand expressmen of the organiza tion, making a total annual increase of Blightly more, than $17,000,000 and It affects every carrier of the country. This, as well as other pay increase lequests will not be taken up by the labor board until the three vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms of three board members on April 15, are filled by- appointments which President Harding is expected to make soon. Stops Cough and Wheezy Breathing "Had a cough and wheezing in my throat," writes Caroline Dillard, Petersburg, Va. "Foley's Honey and Tar gave me quick relief and stopped my cough." Coughs resulting from Flu, Grippe, Whooping Cough, ABthma and Bronchitis, quickly relieved with Foley's Honey and Tar. Three gener ations of satisfied users have made Foley's' Honey and Tar the largest selling cough medicine in the world. Refuse substitutes. Insist upon Foley's. Sold everywhere. Adv. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Tractor work of any kind. Tel. 365-R-2 evenings. Ellis Beeson. , S3 WANTED Dressmaking. Mrs. Ben nett, 504 N. Fir St. 33 WANTED Team work. Mr. Stuart. Phone 925-X. ' 31 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED In family of two, woman for general housework. Must be good cook. Apply Mrs. Geo. H. Par sons, Hillcrest Road, Siskiyou Heights. Tel. 494. tf WANTED Girl to care for child after two In afternoon, or eight in even ing. 312 S. Grape St. ' 29 WANTEU MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Will buy one pony, 10 to 1200 lbs. Also one Becond-hand surrey. - Tom Murphy, 117 S. Front. 29 WANTED Bronze turlcoy eggs or young turkeys. Write Lota Davis, Jacksonville. . . 33 WANTED A few boxes cooking ap ples. Phone 200. 28 WANTED Washing. Work guaran teed. Mrs. Offord. Phone 951-L. 28 WANTED Having Just completed a buying arrangement with one of the largest wool and Mohair buyers in the state we expect to pay more than anyone in Medford for these commodities. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. . . . , WANTED 250 lawn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED Rotbe Tnovmg and repair ing. Phone 4P.8-M or 488-X. 1921 7 passenger A good car in excel lent, sfiape with 6 cord tires, "motor meter. - Special $890. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. HUDSON rEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, THE. WNOtEUM WILL. BE OPEN to the: public AND A. CONCERT WILL. B.E CIVEN TONIGHT BV THE LAOIEtJ bEWINi riDrl t" AT vJAkl 1 1 1 i A ' t- U&l I - v FOR REXI HOUSES FOR RENT Modern furnished house, garage. Jos. Campbell. Phono 17-F-21. 30 FOR RENT Modern six room bunga . low. Phone 115-J. 29 FOR RENT Modern five room fur nished bungalow. Inquire 511 S. . Grape. . . . . . 29 FOR RENT Modern furnished bungalow.- South Central. W. H. Ever hard, 6 S. Fir. tf FOR RENT Modern house. Phone R-13-R. . .. 32 FOR RENT Modern four room bun galow or will sel) on easy payments. Room 4, College Bldg. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would sell on payments like rent. Gold Ray Realty 8o., No. i6 N. Grape St., Phone 465J. tf FOR RENT Housog r-rown ft Wblte.' FOB RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Two furnished apart ments. Phone 963. Call 113 E. Eleventh St. 31 FOR RENT Furnished four rooms and bath, screen porch, on ground floor. 219 8. Central.- . 29 FOR RENT Two furnished apart ments. Call 113 E. Eleventh. Phone 963. . .!-.-. 40 FOR RENT Small , modern apart ment,' combination living and bed room, kitchenette and bath. See G. A. Abbott, Liberty Building, tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Nine acres Newtowns. . best condition, large crop. Good proposition to party. Phone Central Point 133. ' , .30 FOR RENT 160 acres near Browns boro, 6 acres bearing apples and pears, 36 acres under cultivation, good house, barn, chicken house, well. See Geo. B. Brown, Browns boro, Ore. - 32 FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth Phone 82. tf FOR RENT One-half store room on Main St. .Inqulro 115 W. Main, tf FOR RKNT 80 acres or land under water, 2 miles of Medford, good house. Address Bert Anderson, room 802 Liberty building. tf 1 Roll on General Cords PRACTICALLY ALL THE FlltST CLASS STAGE LINfcS OF THE PACIFIC COAST ROLL ON GENERAL CORDS. ' , ; , Just as certain motor cars arc pro-cminently desirable, standing out from the crowd of competition with a character strikingly their own so the'Geiieral Cord has earned its way into the class of possessions that are greatly cherished. ' "They go a long way to make friends." Jones & Kirkpatrick Official Alemite Greasing Station. A BEAUTIFUL HOME 20 ACRES PEARS AND APPLKS 15 YEARS OLD Ono Mile South of Medford This Is pne of the most desirable blocks of fruit In the Rogue River Valley. Newtown Apples, Boso, Bartlett and Winter NelllB Pears.; With proper care will pay big Interest on price asked. PRICE $30,00. i - This place Is being put in first class condition. Houbb alone would cost $20,000 to replace. Nothing better In Southern Oregon. Consider income property, land or timber, or discount for cash. J. C. BARNES REAL ESTATE 1 Phono 784-L . . . 41 1 Modford Center Bldg.' 20 ACRES i . GOOD LOCATION, NEAR TOWN FURNITURE INCLUDED Easy to grow monoy-maklng crops on this well located "20" and lay the foundation for that big farm you expect to own some day; on Improved highway, only 2 V4 miles to town, city water, lights, etc., good neighbors, land nearly all level, deep free black loam, well fenced,: good fruit, comfortable 6-room bungalow In pleasant location, good chicken houses, barn, garage, Ideal location for chickens and small farming; ten acres Irrigated, . ; WILL SELL OX GtOI TERMS or CONSIDER TOWN 'PROPERTY, FOUR-HITE ItKAI-TY AOENOY Rooms 400-IIO MMlfoiil (Vntor Itldg. Real Katata Iliulnrna Onpnrtnnltlea torrhanffMi rEDFOllD, OREfiOXV TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 192.1 X tomorrow -j HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Married man for orchard work. Meridian Orchard. Phone 64. 30 WANTED Men for box factory and logging camp. Fruit Growers Sup ply Co., Hilt, Calif. 30 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Large, light, clean sleep ing rooms. 222 S. Holly. 31 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms; men. 245 N. Grape St. tf FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room, with bath privileges; also garage for rent 325 S. Riverside. Phone 70 1-J. tf MONEY TO LOAN LOANS Farm loans; city residences, business property; beBt rate in Mod ford; day or evening. W. G. Wright. Room 5, Stewart Bldg., Medford. tf MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board. Jackson County. LOST LOST Pair leather, gloves, name In gauntlets. Finder please leave at Tribune office. Gladys Hollopeter. 29 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Dairy and stock ranch. 1647 acreB; 400 acres irrigated land; 400 inches riparian water right; 4 miles from railroad; 340 head stock cattle, 60 head dairy cows, 25 horses and all farming equipment For particulars address Box 66, Edge Wood, Siskiyou Co., Calif, i 30 FOR SALE Small well furnlBhed apartment house, close in, a money maker. Terms if desired. If Inter ested address : 417 C St., Grants Pass, Oregon. '1 .. . ... 31 GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N. Grape St, Phone 466-J. tf FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE 1917 Maxwell for mo torcycle. 119 E. Sixth St. Phone 689-R. 30 FOR EXCHANGE Have 40 acre ranch in Orlffin Creek district to trado for unencumbered Medford property. About half the ranch in cultivation. Eight acres bearing orchard. Good buildings. R. H. McCurdy. tf AT EIHT OCLOCK THE. RADIO TR0 WILL PLAY - THE VOUN, MEH'b VOCAL SOCIETY NIUUHAVE THEIR DINNER TONIC.HT ALbO CLANC.V& CHOVDE.R PART- VALL. BE CWELtS TOINK.HT AOT HOCAM't) 1923 or INT'L Fcaturk Service. Inc. FOR SALJl UOMZS FOR SALE .Modern 7 room house in Grants Pass. Ten acres of lnnd near the town of Rogue River; will take in good auto. Henry Trumbly, 401 E, Giants Puss, Ore. . . 32 FOR QUICK SALE Completely fur nished five room moilorn house, large sleeping porch, woodshed, gar. age, large lawn few small berries, .two blocks from Main street. Small payment down, reinulniler like rent. Buy direct from owner. Phone 760-W. 28 FOR SALE $1750, 4-room houso, lot 50x200, chicken house, garage, work shop, 18 bearing fruit trees, easy terms. Phone 973-L. 28 B'OR SALE OR TRADE Good cheap homes, small down payment, good terms. See mo at 518 Ueatty St. 41 FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreuge. Insurance. C. S. But terrleld, Medford National Bank. Phono 389. FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT Small ne house. TeL 951-L. 29 FOR SALE Fine bunch ot wood. 20 acres fine wood Jackson county near Medford; good road Griffin creek. Snap, $600 cash. Legal de scription and abstract this office. Mr. Black well,, agent, 187 12tb St., Portland, Oregon. ,28 r-OR BALE, RENT OR TRADE Alf alfa, grain, Btock rancheB, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty Co., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 466-J. tf FOR SALE POULTRY AND EOOB i FOR 8ALE Baby chicks now. Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 951-L. . 29 j FOR SALE White Leghorn baby cniuKB irum avv-vkb nuns, fi.uv pur hundred for May 1st- MrB. W. D. Booth, Ashland, Ore. - , : 31 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 20 1-J. 327 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Dodge touring car. Phone 501-J. 611 W. Eighth.. -. : 81 FOR SALE A bargain in a Maxwell for a few' days only. 1918 model, newly painted, new battery, ' two new tires and tubes. Price $160. 325 S. Riverside. If FOR SALE Hup. touring, A-l condi tion, $300. Chevrolet, panel del., $2.60. Box 301, Talent, Oregon. 30 FOR SALE Ford touring cheap; also Ford body and parts. 45 S. Central, evenings. , 20 FOR SALE OR TRADE For property fine touring car, perfect condition. 127 N. Riverside. 28 FOR SALE Oakland Six, newly over hauled, good rubber, at a bargain. ' Dan's Lunch Room. tf FOR SALri 1921 Ford bug, 16 vnlvos, starter, all extra equipment, under slung -and 6 disc wheelB, at a bar gain. . Dan's Lunch Room. tf FOR SALE litVESTOCK FOR SALE One tbreo year old regis tered Chester White boar. Phone: Jacksonville 31-F-ll. 33 FOR SALE Team work mares, 2800, heavy harness, cream separator, good stock saddle. C. L. Farrar, 604 Plum St. 28 FOR SALE Grade, pure bred and registered Duroo Jersey sows, to farrow In March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroc boar Coll Beit Anderson, Medford, or MlrarlBta Orchard. tf Used Cars . From -. $100 to $300 Used Tractors Overhauled and ; " ' ' guaranteed' r $250 Terms if desired Ford and Fordson ' C. E. Gates Auto Co. By George McMarius ( WHAT. DO VOL) ) III I ' ! KNOW ABOU T ' THAT-HE'S) . 1 f j cone; I THE RADIO V J 1 TRIO WILL J NOW tINV i MOT sZhUJ J for- mi i FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Pigs. Phono R-13-R. 2S FOR SALE Two burros und saddles, 1218 W. Tenth. 30 FOR SALE Fresh cows, big milkers, high testers, officially tested. Walsh's place, one mile NE of Med ford on Crutor Lake road. . 28 FOR SALE Work horses, small and large, single and double. Phone 591-R-l. 326 FOR BALIS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Dry fir wood, $3.50 a tier. 235 N. Ivy. 32 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay fifteen dol lars ton. Jus. Campbell. Phono 17-F-21. 29 FOR SALE Cheap, used bicycle ut 626 N. . Front St. , , 32 FOR SALE $00 reed baby carriage, good as new, $35. Phone 919-L. 29 FOR SALE Practically new Toledo range. Call mornings 1127 W. Main Phone 652-J. . 30 FOR SALE A good garage, 12xlS ft. A well built chicken house 8x12 ft. (would make a good woodhoiiBel. 618 W. Fourth St. tf FOR SALE Gormozone cures black head In turkeys. Buy It of Monarch Seed Co. t : t FOR SALE High grade, wicker baby. buggy. Phone 808. . , 28 FOR SALE Smnll irrigating outfit for garden patch and home. 843 E. Ninth St. - 2(t FOR SALE Brooder, wotor tank and separator. Phone 437-R.. 28 FOR SALE-Alfalfa hay, extra good quality. Phone 691-R-l. tt FOR . SALE Alfalfa bay, $14 ton. Miles Cantrall, Ruch. - 30 FOR 'SALE Ore-more makes new lawns out of old ones. Sold by : Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Two wheel auto trailer. Call E. W. Welter, Medford Hotel. 40 FOR SALE Chick food, ' guaranteed good, $3.00 per 100 lbs. Monarch Seed Co. . ,. . tf FOR SALE Note for $576. Will take $650. Well secured, bears Interest at 8 per cont. P. O. Box 1037. 40 FOR SALE One Victor phonograph, cabinet style, and records. Phono 1B0. . tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' ' ' Abstractors ' MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms ! and 5 No. 32 North Central Are., uy stairs. JarkKbn County ABSTRACT OO. ' The only complete Tl- i tie system In ackao I County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insnrance. KELLOGG, LINDAS & DI3 SOUZA Reliable Jackson county abstractors of titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Attorneys O. C. BOGOS Lawyer. Specialize In Real Estate and Probata Law. 80 North Central Ave. A..E. REAME8 Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. , - - Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all klndB of cement building products Cor. FIT and Tenth Street. Only one used car on the floor. It's a , , ) 1 ' ... ' 1921 Ford at $250 Medford Auto Co. Bulck Dealers Cor. Main and Holly PAGE REVETf BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Physicians DR. HARVE1 P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Uldg. Phone 965. tt DR. A. 'R. HEDGES Neo-Eclecttc Physician. " DR. LOUI8E E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chlro practlce. Office: Stewart Bldg., 2 35 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Rob. 170-J-2. DRi E. W. HOFFMAN Chlrbprao tic Physician. Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-06-06, Lib erty Bldg. Office Phone 680, Res. 1027. Chiropody ! CHIROPODY At office of Dr. Hal Btcad, Electro and Mechano Therapy and tho Burdlck Deep Therapy Light treatment for acute and chronic diseases. Phipps block, 225 E. Main. Phone 663-J. . Dentist DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist, 228 H. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford. Oregon. Phone 689; Res. 1023-11. Office hours 9 a. m.. 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by appointment. Expert Accountant wilson auditing co. e. m. wu son, C P. A. Attention given to anything In accounting and la come Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., . Medford. Phone 157-R ' Money to Loaa i. 11. ANDREWS Buys and sella , . mortgages and loans money Oal - - good (security, 31 N. Grape St Phone 58-M. I46 Konnmente THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, enerit ' manager. P. M. Kershaw, salef manager, 108 B, Sixth St.. Me ford. ; it Osteopath DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINf CARLOW Osteopathic Physiciaal 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phot 904-J-S. '. Residence it Soat 'Laurel St ' - t Physlclana and Stmteona. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 11 - Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 38 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone it. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher Ol Piano and Harmony. Composing, -Arranging. Studio 818 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Public Speaking MAY LOUISE WILSON Instructor the art of public speaking, elocution, dramatic art, gesture and poise. Faulty enunciation corrected. Studio 214 North Holly. 81 Printers and Publisher! MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office la . Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices, 87 N. Fir St. Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG ' WORKS makes fluff rug from old and . worn earpeta and rnga. , Phone 510-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANRFER & STORAGE CO. ., Office 42 North Front St. Phone '816.- Prices right. Bervice guar anteed. - . DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE! CO. Anything moved, day or 'night Service guaranteed. 29 S. . Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dence 1060 or 206. tt Upholstering J. 'WE1S Upholstery, Manufacturer Of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to - order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will oall 'and show samples. Phone 808. g Inaurajvcc J lrvstmAajf tad irioor - ModfoM fclda).